How to choose an inexpensive gaming mouse. Good computer mouse: types, description, rating. How to choose a computer mouse

Today I want to tell you, my dear readers, how I chose a computer mouse for my beloved wife. I hope my train of thought will be interesting to you, and everything that I learned about these “rodents” during my research is useful.

So, computer mouse- what they are, how they differ and which one is better to choose. As always - in detail and in human language...

I'll start with the interface, or more simply put, the way to connect the mouse to the computer...

Wired or wireless mouse?

Here it is very important to decide for what purpose the mouse is chosen and how it will be used. If you like to play computer games (drive cars, shoot, run in the jungle...) and will do this every day, buy a wired mouse.

During dynamic scenes in a wireless controller, the cursor may slow down (radio signal reflections, various interferences...), which will make you very nervous. And in games you need to work the mouse very intensively, which will greatly affect the energy consumption of batteries or accumulators - you will get tired of changing (buying) or charging them.

If you are not interested in games and prefer quiet surfing on the Internet or just working in office applications, then your choice is definitely a wireless computer mouse! This interface is much more convenient, mobile and comfortable than a wired one. The very feeling of “non-attachment” is worth it. You can also use it as a remote control when watching a movie or photos (lying on the sofa). Say no to unnecessary wires in the workplace.

Let's summarize the first result. A wired mouse is faster and more trouble-free in games, and also does not require maintenance (replacing batteries or charging batteries) and further investments (buying batteries or accumulators). A wireless mouse is convenient for its portability and practicality.

In terms of price, these two interfaces are practically the same today - you can find a wireless or wired mouse for $10, or even for $200.

In turn, wireless mice are divided by connection type - radio frequency, infrared, induction, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. The most optimal in terms of price, practicality and quality is radio frequency.

My wife doesn’t play Crisis or Stalker; we have an excellent charger and two sets of batteries at home, so I chose a wireless interface for her future mouse.

Optical or laser?

These two technologies are very often confused or even combined, but in vain. An optical mouse is a manipulator equipped with a very small video camera that takes approximately a thousand photographs per second, they are processed by the processor and sent to the computer. This mouse uses a light diode that produces a beam of light in the visible range. These mice are also called LED mice.

Optical mice work worse on glossy or mirrored surfaces, and they are also less sensitive to movement, but more on that below. The optical sensor technology is older and less expensive.

A laser mouse is designed similarly, the only difference being the use of a semiconductor laser instead of a diode. When working with a laser mouse, there is no visible glow from the sensor, it has no visible backlight...

Laser mice have a higher sensor resolution and, accordingly, more accurate cursor movement (players, this is your choice). In the case of using a wireless mouse, laser mice are more energy efficient (they work noticeably longer without replacing batteries).

Computer mouse resolution

The higher the resolution, the more sensitive the mouse is to movement. Less movement on the table means more movement on the screen. The maximum resolution of an optical mouse today is 1800 dpi, and for a laser mouse the maximum resolution is 5700 dpi.

Why do you need high mouse resolution? For computer games. High DPI makes it possible to aim with high accuracy, turn faster and make precise jumps. Draw your conclusions, gamers.

At the same time, to ensure that a computer mouse does not cause delays and difficulties in control, 800 dpi is enough (this is exactly the indicator for ball mice). In most modern mice this parameter can be switched.

Mouse resolution is often confused with the mouse sensitivity setting in the operating system toolbar. In the mouse settings through the control panel, you artificially change the scale of the surface under the sensor, and the mouse resolution is a real, physical value.

Mouse shape and design

Once upon a time I read about the special shape and coating of the handles of weapons, which are given upon request to bandits who have taken hostages. So, they are made uncomfortable, causing inconvenience, due to which the reaction of criminals slows down to two seconds!

What I mean is that you should not neglect the design of the mouse, the build quality and the materials used to cover it. It is very advisable to touch the mouse before purchasing - you will immediately feel your mouse, I assure you.

Additional criteria for choosing a computer mouse

Often, high-quality, branded mice can be adjusted in weight by selecting weights inside the case - some people like light mice, while others like heavy ones. I personally like the latter.

More recently, a new type of computer mouse has appeared - touch...

Their working surface is touch-sensitive and completely smooth (no wheel or buttons). Such mice understand certain gestures with which you can scroll through photos in the graphics viewer or surf in the browser (back and forth across pages). You can also assign an action in the system or program to a specific gesture.

This is exactly what I gave to my wife, by the way. The Logitech Touch Mouse M600 model (there is also a Logitech Touch Mouse T620), for those interested, all its characteristics can be easily found on the Internet. It works both on two batteries and on one - this changes the weight of the mouse. It also has a Unifying receiver, which allows you to simultaneously connect up to six devices to your computer (the future new keyboard will not take up an extra USB port).

A short guide to choosing a computer mouse.
It would seem, what’s wrong with that? Usually the answer to these questions is “If only it worked”, “I came, saw what I liked, compared prices and bought”, “Does it have any characteristics?” and so on.
But if you choose a computer mouse poorly, you may experience inconvenience in your work, which can subsequently lead to a disease such as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

Of course, not everything is so bad, and store managers can help you. But now let’s understand this issue a little. I myself have 4 mice of different types.

What types of computer mice are there?

The main difference is wireless and wired.

Wireless ones will be a good solution for laptops, as well as for those who do not like wires (not in a maniacal sense, but so as not to get in the way).
The disadvantages, of course, include the need to change batteries. The service life depends both on the batteries themselves and on the frequency of use. Of course, cheap batteries and everyday work will quickly drain them. From my own experience, I can report that when using expensive batteries and everyday work, the service life was about six months.
Manufacturers understand why they buy most of these types of mice, so they often try to make them smaller or foldable.

but there are also gaming options

Progress does not stand still and now they have begun to produce some kind of wireless mice and hand controllers.

True, I haven’t seen these in stores yet, although they began to be produced a year ago. Maybe they will appear over time.

From recommendations for choosing wireless mice I advise you to focus primarily on how it will be in your hand. Her comfort at work. Those. Even if you have a large hand, it is better to choose a larger option than a miniature one.

What types of wired mice are there?

The main difference is optical and laser.

The principle of optical mice is based on the use of an optoelectronic sensor, consisting of an LED that emits a light signal on the surface on which the mouse is located, and a reflected signal receiver that calculates the position and movement of the mouse, and then transmits this data to the cursor to move it on the monitor screen. Optical mice work on almost any surface, with the exception of glass and mirrors.

The main parameters of optical mice are sensitivity and resolution.
It is measured in dots per inch and the higher the value, the more accurate the mouse. For example, the sensitivity of modern optical mice ranges from 400 to 4000 dots per inch (dpi).
Today, almost any optical mouse can satisfy any ordinary user in terms of accuracy.

Among the recommendations for choosing, in addition to those described above, I will also note that you need to pay attention to comfort in the hand.

The principle of laser mice practically no different from optical, only instead of an optical sensor, a laser is used, which significantly increases its accuracy. These mice also work on any surface, including mirrors and glass.
Gamers love these mice. Since, in addition to accuracy, it also provides all sorts of gadgets, in the form of additional keys (which can also be programmed) and a special button that allows you to adjust the sensitivity in one click.

Laser mice are usually made to be heavy. This was done specifically for gamers so that the mouse does not simply rise from the mouse pad during the game. They usually contain special weights for this.

You can also buy a finger mouse. Works on all surfaces. But I think it will be unusual.

Now the choice of mice is very diverse. They differ not only in the characteristics that I described above (comfort in the hand, accuracy, resolution), but also in the form factor and, of course, brands.

A little about the form factor.
You can find mice in the form of cars or a female body (as well as others). Yes, they look beautiful, but with direct use this perversion will be difficult. It’s better to give it as a gift and not use it yourself. How a gift will look cool

Also a good option as an alternative to a wireless mouse for a laptop (and this is what such mice are most often bought for) would be a mouse with a “snail” for twisting the wire. The convenience, as they say, is obvious: it’s small, it doesn’t take up much space, and the wire doesn’t get in the way (when adjusting).

Now about brands, marks and manufacturers.

Manufacturers of office and home mice: Genius, Logitech, Defender, Microsoft, Samsung, Sven.

Manufacturers of gaming mice: A4Tech (inexpensive budget models), SteelSeries, Razer.

You can often find manufacturers such as Chicony, Kreolz, Oklick and others on the shelves. From my own experience, I can report that these are usually cheap Russian manufacturers. Who, nevertheless, want to become leaders. But I wouldn’t take these because their defect rate is too high for now.
Of course, no one is immune from defects, but large companies have less of them.

PC mouse- this is the first device through which we control our computer or laptop. It seems that this is a very banal thing, which you shouldn’t bother choosing. Is it so?

Imagine that when operating your mouse your hand begins to hurt, this is possible if you choose a heavy mouse. Or if every now and then the contact connecting the mouse to your computer or laptop comes off. It becomes impossible to work due to an interruption in contact; you start adjusting, bending the plug, swearing, etc. This is also possible if you buy a simple, cheap mouse. To prevent all this from happening to you, read the following article and you will know how to choose a computer mouse.

How to choose a mouse for a computer?
It is necessary to build on the parameters - manufacturer, price, connection, purpose, type and extension. Next we will describe all this in more detail.


Microsoft- mice from this manufacturer will be of interest to fans of this company. Nothing can be said about superiority with others from the same price category. As with any name-brand device, you'll pay a premium for the brand name, but not for the quality or performance. In the price category of Microsoft mice, you can buy a much better and cooler mouse.
Apple- suitable only for devices with special permission for Apple devices. Without the extension, this mouse will not work on Windows. Such a mouse will only work fully with an Apple device.
A4Tech- I can recommend these mice, as they are practical and adjustable. It is worth noting their good design, the materials from which they are made, additional buttons for simplified control. These are the favorite mice among ordinary users and are suitable for games.
Logitech- another manufacturer of practical computer mice. Their price can be high depending on the functionality, but there are a number of models from the simplest. If you want a good mouse, then look at something from this brand.
Razer- This is the ideal mouse for gaming. But you shouldn’t overdo it with purchasing the most multifunctional one, as it may be unnecessary for you, but you will have to pay a lot. It is believed that such mice have no disadvantages, except for the high price.
Genius- minimum investment, but a fairly good tool. There are also expensive models from this manufacturer. You will love its design and the service life will not disappoint you.

Selecting a mouse by connection method
Connectivity can play a major role in usability. Familiarize yourself with the types of mouse connections.
- Bluetooth - everything is simple, connects wirelessly to any device that has Bluetooth. The absence of wires may be an important criterion for some.
- USB - connection using a wire to the USB output. Such a device can be connected to all computers and laptops that have USB. The disadvantage of USB output is wear and loosening of the plug in the connector. The mouse loses contact and you have to reconnect or unbend the plug.
- WiFi - connecting new generation devices. It is still rare to find this type of connection among users.
You can find mice on sale that can be connected in several ways, which we listed above.

According to their intended purpose, mice can be specifically designed for computers, laptops and netbooks.

According to their type of work, computer mice are divided into classes:
- Laser optical: control comes from a laser. As an advantage of this type, laser mice are precise in control and do not depend on the evenness and surface coverage. The downside may be their price.
- LED optical: control occurs due to a diode and a lens system. The most common type of mouse. Has good characteristics.

Sensor optical resolution (PDI)
An important parameter especially for gaming mice. Resolution determines the speed at which the cursor moves across the screen. The higher the resolution, the less movements you will have to make.
You need to choose a resolution based on your needs. If you are a gamer, you need high resolution. For simple work, you can do less.
There are models with resolution control. This is done easily using the buttons on the mouse.

I will try to explain in accessible language, without any abstruse terms, with which descriptions of modern gaming mice are so rich, the main consumer characteristics, which, in my opinion, are the most important for us – consumers (in particular gamers). The article will mainly describe the selection of a device for shooters, namely the world’s favorite online shooter Counter-Strike and, accordingly, those characteristics of the mouse that are most important in these games. Let fans of other genres of games forgive me :), but in my opinion, the form itself, the presence of additional buttons and ease of use with the mouse are more important, which I will also describe below, but the speed and flawless operation of the sensor is not as critical as in shooters.

To begin with, let’s define the very concept of “gaming mouse” or “professional gaming mouse”, how it differs from the usual “peaceful” office rodents that we are used to seeing at work or as part of a standard PC when purchasing.

Gaming mice include that vast mass of models that have more expensive hardware, 2+ times superior in price and characteristics to their cheap office counterparts (I’m not talking about office mice in the middle and high price range, they practically use the same sensors) and before In total, they are intended for use in games by professional and avid gamers in order to achieve maximum accuracy of cursor/aim control, etc.

So, you spend a lot of time in computer online shooters, hone your skills, perhaps participate in some championships on the network/Internet, but you begin to feel that your mouse does not allow you to fully realize your full potential in the game: the button is stuck , then the cursor (sight) was broken, there wasn’t enough precision in moving the sight 🙂 - that means you’ve grown to a more serious gaming mouse device.


You can say the heart of our mouse, the quality and accuracy of its work determines the overall impression of the product. One of the main characteristics of the sensor is considered to be its resolution - dpi (dots per inch), modern lasers have already reached simply unimaginable figures of 5600 dpi, but in practice in the game the resolution around 2000 is enough, playing with higher values ​​you may even You won’t notice much of a difference, and such super high resolutions will be more useful to people working with various “artistic” as I call them =) applications (design, etc.)

Next comes a characteristic such as maximum acceleration; in the specification it can be 10-50G. G – acceleration of free fall / or g-force in pilots, racers, astronauts, so that it comes to mind what we were taught at school, here is a brief explanation from Wikipedia =)

In our case, these same numbers indicate at what maximum mouse acceleration the cursor will break.

Cursor break: Probably every CS player =) has encountered such a problem when, when playing on a low sense and sharply moving the mouse on the carpet, the aim was disrupted, you turned to the sky and made several turns around your axis - this is called cursor/sight disruption. This happens due to the low quality of the sensor and the mat, which does not have time to read the surface with the acceleration with which you move the mouse across the mat.

For practical experience, after the purchase, you can twitch your mouse from one edge of the mat to the other (naturally, do all this on a normal gaming mat, otherwise, excuse me, G., they shove it at us in any computer store), it is unlikely that you will be able to create that same acceleration G to break the cursor.

Of course, one day I came across an article where cursor stalling in different mouse models was checked by installing this poor experimental rodent =) on a gramophone with a professional rug cut out to fit the shape of a record, the whole miracle was turned on, and then when it stalled, using simple mathematical calculations, knowing the rotation speed plates, the stall acceleration G was calculated.

Gaming mice currently being produced can be equipped with optical/laser sensor, I’ll immediately focus on this point: progress does not stand still and more and more manufacturers are consciously switching to laser, because it is more accurate, faster, and in general superior to optics in almost all respects, but the price of mice equipped with such a sensor immediately increases by 30-50%, depending on the popularity of the brand and the technical features of this very sensor.

For clarity, I will give the cost, taken from the price list of one online store, of almost identical mice of the same brand, but equipped with optical and, accordingly, laser sensors - SteelSeries Ikari Optical / SteelSeries Ikari Laser: 1990 rubles / 2555 rubles. The downside, again, if we consider the financial side of buying such mice, is some capriciousness of the laser operation on different surfaces, despite the fact that manufacturers unanimously declare the stable operation of the sensor on various surfaces, even on a bare table :), so this rodent is included in the kit You will need to purchase a high-quality rug, but we’ll talk about this in more detail below.

Therefore, if you have some financial restrictions on purchasing a professional mouse, you can safely buy optics and there is nothing fatal about it :), fortunately, the sensors that such mice are equipped with are superior to office rodents, and they have the same selectivity to surfaces as lasers There aren’t any, it’s enough to buy a regular rag mat if you don’t currently have the money to purchase a gaming surface.

USB port polling frequency, connection method, availability of internal memory.

Availability of internal memory The mouse has a very big plus because it allows you to save several different profiles configured for different tasks/games/people, and it simply saves all your individual settings, and when you connect this mouse to another PC, for example, at some championship, you don’t need install drivers and reconfigure everything.

Connection method– well, I won’t go into too much detail here. Currently wireless, mobile, etc. (sometimes even primarily intended for use with computers such as Samsung laptops) there are no gaming mice with stable operation and without all sorts of glitches, yes they are convenient and practical, but you shouldn’t trust them with your victory in any even the smallest clan war, so the wire is definitely and desirable so that it is long (1.5 m or more), lightweight, elastic and durable at the same time.

USB port polling rate and response speed: this seemingly ordinary and not very clear polling frequency (standardly starts from 125 Hz) has a significant impact on the smoothness of the cursor/sight - i.e. the higher the polling frequency, the smoother the cursor movements; now in modern mice it reaches 1000 Hz, but with the help of the supplied drivers it can be reduced according to your preferences.

Mouse response time- for ordinary office ones this value is 8-16 MS, for professional ones 1 MS - i.e. in a time of 1 ms, the command from the mouse will be transmitted to the PC (the response time can be compared with the ping when playing on the Internet - the lower the better). This characteristic also applies to other devices connected via a USB port, for example, headphones, keyboards.

Mouse shape and ergonomics

First of all, you need to decide on your specific type of mouse grip; they are divided into 3 types:

Palm grip– “...the entire palm covers the mouse, resting on its back. A mouse designed for such a grip should have an ergonomic shape, following all the contours of a cupped palm. The forearm and wrist take part in moving the mouse; this grip is the most natural, allowing you to achieve max. movement speed with a slight loss of accuracy...”

"Claw grip"– “...transitional grip, the back of the mouse is controlled by the palm, the front is held by the thumb and little finger, the index and middle fingers are bent like claws, thus clicking on the main buttons. Large, flat-shaped mice with large buttons are more suitable for this grip. The advantages of this type of grip are high control of movement and the number of clicks per second...”

“Finger grip”– “...the rodent holds itself using only the tips of 4 fingers. Small mice with little height and weight are suitable for this type of grip. Only the hand is involved in the movement, which ensures excellent accuracy...”

The huge mass of gaming mice on the market from many manufacturers can be divided into 2 types depending on the shape: ergonomic/symmetrical. To make my words clearer, when you go to the Razer company’s product section, their mice in the menu are divided into these 2 classes.

Ergonomic(anatomical) shape – close to the natural curve of the palm, i.e. It has all sorts of side cavities for fingers, smooth transitional lines of the body, but to the great disappointment of left-handers, almost all models popular among the PROgaming world are designed for the right hand. It is not clear why manufacturers show such disrespect for left-handed gamers, and very rarely and reluctantly, under public pressure, they can release a rodent specifically designed for left-handers.

Symmetrical– mice respectively have symmetrical shapes, suitable for use with both hands.

I will separately dwell on the topic of the material from which the mice are made, or rather the coating, namely its very important property for us gamers - preventing fingers from slipping.

Here we can also conditionally divide mice into 3 types:

- an ordinary surface that does not have any anti-slip properties, most often it is glossy shiny plastic, on which the fingers or palm begins to fidget as soon as it sweats from excitement or hot weather;

- matte, rough, pimply, etc. plastic/steel, which almost completely eliminates slipping of fingers and palms during long virtual battles;

- special films, rubber coating completely prevent even wet fingers from slipping over the buttons (this is exactly the rubber coating that Razer uses in its mice, but it has a big drawback: it simply has a magnetic ability to collect dirt from your hand, and cleaning it can damage it delicate coating. Therefore, if you are the owner of just such a mouse, then you should clean the buttons/surfaces that are covered with this rubber material with a soft cloth or cotton wool and warm water; you should not use any detergents or alcohol-containing products, and certainly not scrape off this dirt with your nails! =)

But of course, the main indicator is exactly how you feel when holding the mouse; first of all, ask the store clerk to give you at least 3-5 minutes. touch/click the model you like, and then make a decision.

Basic and additional buttons

I think a gamer with any experience and knowledge in the field of mice understands that not only the convenience and comfort during the game, but also the speed and clarity of clicking depends on the quality of the main mouse buttons.

When choosing and inspecting a mouse before purchasing, I advise you to carefully consider the quality of the buttons themselves, this also applies to additional ones. Are they securely fastened, are they smooth and distinct when pressed, are there any extraneous sounds other than the characteristic click, the coating of the buttons about which I wrote above. The presence of side buttons is a controversial thing, many consider a gaming mouse to be incomplete without them, others on the contrary, but what is especially worth paying attention to is their location, sometimes you are simply surprised at how poorly they are located and with their location they kill the initially wonderful ergonomics of the mouse.

I also think it’s not worth chasing the number of additional buttons, because this is a mouse primarily for shooters, and not a multifunctional one for RPGs/MMOGs like the Razer Naga, which is jokingly called a calculator by gamers because of the huge number of side buttons.

Adjustable weight and shape

The presence of a set of weights on the mouse to adjust the weight is undoubtedly a plus; it allows you to adjust the weight of the rodent to the individual preferences of the player - although the weight is large, over 100 grams. not everyone will like it, or, on the contrary, a mouse that is too light will interfere with accurate aiming of the sight due to a lack of inertia. In principle, the average gaming mouse should weigh around -90+ grams. But at the same time, it is a kind of distracting factor, because when playing, thoughts about experimenting with weight will pop up, although in fact the weight of the mouse is quite suitable for you...

Some manufacturers offer spare cases of different shapes and weights complete with the mouse.

In my opinion, this is an unjustified and unnecessary fashion feature, and it also significantly increases the overall cost of a generally competitive mouse with excellent technical performance.


As promised, I’ll focus a little on rugs. A very good comparison was made by one person regarding gaming mouse pads: “Using a gaming mouse on a regular mouse pad is like driving a Ferrari over country bumps =)” Excellent words and strong advice this time.

If you have already bought an expensive gaming mouse, then don’t be greedy and buy a good gaming mat for it, and not the pitiful semblance of mats that are available in every PC store. Then you will fully experience the full potential of your new purchase - the clarity of the sensor, the speed and smoothness of movement. Well, the choice of mat material will be determined only by you: it will be rag plastic or a combination.

Let me just say that rag carpets have a very pleasant tactile sensation and are not as fast as plastic, although there are models with a very fine fabric pattern, but they are still inferior in speed and minimal sliding resistance to plastic carpets (if you are a fan of speed and ease of mouse movement, your choice of plastic).

This article does not pretend to be the only correct one, or a call to action, but is only intended to help young gamers decide on the specific tasks and requirements that they place on their future professional gaming mouse; the final decision on purchasing a particular model is up to you.

I don’t think sophisticated and experienced gamers will learn anything new here, because... Everyone has already formed personal preferences and tastes for each individual model and specific brand. But in any case, if at least one of the people is thinking about buying a device of this kind, this small purchase guide will help already success =)

Gaming devices are devices with special characteristics. A gaming mouse should be comfortable when playing, with support for the hand, symmetrical (for right-handed and left-handed people), inexpensive, preferably not wireless, but connected directly to the computer. The sensitivity of the laser or optical sensor is the main characteristic; the smoothness of movement and response speed depend on it.

What is a gaming mouse

With the development of technology, the sale of manipulators for gamers began. Gaming mice for PCs are highly ergonomic. They have hot buttons programmed for given commands. For shooters, gaming mice are equipped with soft scrolling and excellent sensor accuracy to quickly switch between types of weapons, shoot clearly, without jerks or accidental misses.


Manufacturers regularly develop new products, improving technical characteristics and improving the interface. The best gaming mice are produced by the following brands:

  • Razer – specializes in gaming peripherals;
  • Logitech – offers models in different price segments;
  • A4-Tech is a Chinese manufacturer whose main products are gaming mice for computers;
  • SteelSeries is a Danish company that develops gaming controllers;
  • Mad Catz is a company that offers universal devices with complex designs.

The best gaming mice

The presence of a manipulator that is ergonomic and functional is mandatory when using not only a desktop computer, but also a laptop. Gamers use the mouse to control their characters in shooters, RPGs, and strategies. In sports simulators, it is more convenient to work with it in the menu, although it is not used in cyberspace.

Professional gaming mice

Premium gaming computer devices are expensive. Choose them correctly based on reviews with photos, promotions, sales and discounts, with free delivery by mail, which will slightly reduce costs:

  • name: Razer DeathAdder Chroma;
  • price: 6,500 rubles;
  • characteristics: warranty - 2 years, declared service life - 4 years, resolution - 10,000 dpi, frequency - 1,000 Hz, response - 1 ms;
  • pros: cord length – 2.1 m;
  • Cons: high cost, few keys.

Those who want to have a beautiful, functional and durable manipulator should pay attention to this model:

  • name: Thermaltake Tt eSPORTS;
  • price: 4,000 rubles;
  • characteristics: relatively large dimensions - 121x69x41 mm, AVAGO 9500 laser sensor;
  • pros: up to 5,700 dpi – resolution, frequency – up to 1,000 Hz, each button is designed for 5 million clicks;
  • cons: simple external design.


Due to the higher sensitivity of the sensor, mice in this category are considered better than optical models:

  • name: Mad Catz M.M.O.TE Gaming Mouse;
  • price: 7,000 rubles;
  • characteristics: LED indicators of mode and resolution, protection against wire kinks, laser sensor with a resolution of up to 8,200 dpi, 20 buttons;
  • pros: customized to the individual characteristics of the user;
  • cons: not found.

The best gaming mice for personal computers in this segment include:

  • name: G. Skill Ripjaws MX780;
  • price: up to 6,000 rubles;
  • characteristics: on-board memory, 8 buttons;
  • pros: adjustable in weight and height;
  • Cons: thumb keys can quickly fail.


When choosing between a laser and LED gaming mouse, you should understand that the first one is more expensive, but is highly sensitive:

  • name: DEFENDER Safari MM-675;
  • price: 500 rubles;
  • characteristics: wireless, 6 keys, sensor resolution 1600 dpi;
  • pros: affordable price with good functionality;
  • Cons: Suitable for right-handed people only.

The quality of the sensor determines the smoothness of the cursor movement. For large monitors, models with a sensitivity of 1000 dpi are recommended:

  • name: RAZER Naga 2014;
  • price: 3200 rubles;
  • characteristics: wired, 19 keys, stylish case;
  • pros: high sensor resolution – 8200 dpi, ideal for games;
  • cons: not the lowest cost.


These USB manipulators are easy to move around the work surface:

  • name: A4Tech Bloody Warrior RT7;
  • price: 2,200 rubles;
  • characteristics: 20 million clicks, sensitivity up to 4,000 dpi;
  • pros: microUSB charging;
  • cons: for some, the small number of customizable buttons and small battery capacity will be unacceptable.

Such devices exhibit a slight slowdown in response compared to the wired model. This wireless gaming mouse is comfortable and functional:

  • name: Logitech G900 Chaos Spectrum;
  • price: 10,000 rubles;
  • characteristics: sensor sensitivity – 12,000 dpi, symmetry – suitable for left-handers;
  • pros: charging via a cable with a rigid fixation, high-quality material;
  • cons: high price.


The gaming mouse differs from the office version in its bright design:

  • name: Zelotes 5500 DPI;
  • price: up to 30 dollars;
  • characteristics: protrusions on the sides for fixing the brush, illuminated scroll wheel, side panels of different colors;
  • pros: additional buttons minimize the use of the keyboard, the manipulator supports Microsoft and Mac OS;
  • cons: none.

In addition to the unusual shape and patterns, the appearance is complemented by lighting. Another notable model in this category:

  • name: Qcyber Tur 2 GM-104:
  • price: you can buy a gaming mouse for 2,600 rubles;
  • characteristics: 10 buttons;
  • pluses: selection and adjustment of the reference pad, laser sensor with a sensitivity of 5,600 dpi;
  • Cons: Doesn't glide smoothly on all surfaces.


Such mice are no less popular among users; even their not the cheapest price does not reduce the demand for the device. For example, this model:

  • name: SteelSeris Rival 500;
  • price: 6,000 rubles;
  • characteristics: sensitivity – up to 16,000 dpi, 14 programmable keys, proprietary software;
  • pros: comfortable ergonomics;
  • cons: no on-board memory.
  • name: Razer Naga Hex V2;
  • price: 6,000 rubles;
  • characteristics: 7-button thumb panel, 16,000 dpi laser sensor;
  • pros: customizable backlight;
  • Cons: You need to get used to using the button wheel.

Cheap gaming mouse

Budget versions of gaming devices are models for everyday use of office programs, but with increased sensitivity of the motion sensor.

  • name: Corsair Harpoo;
  • price: up to 3,000 rubles;
  • characteristics: 6 programmable keys;
  • pros: medium size, optimal for most gamers, customizable backlight;
  • cons: none.

Among the TOP manipulators that the online store in St. Petersburg and Moscow offers to order cheaply is this model:

  • name: Logitech G102 Prodigy Gaming Mouse;
  • price: up to 3,000 rubles;
  • characteristics: sensor sensitivity – up to 6,000 dpi, medium size, weight;
  • pros: the settings are programmed in the mouse itself, when connected to another PC they do not disappear;
  • cons: loud buttons.

How to choose a gaming mouse

An important selection criterion is ergonomics. There are models of different sizes and shapes on the market. This is explained by the fact that the age of the average gamer changes every year. Half of the users completely grasp the manipulator. The second one uses a “claw” grip. Try holding the mouse in different ways, it is important that your hand does not start to hurt after a while. Pay attention to the symmetry of the model and the presence of removable side panels.
