How to restore access if you forgot your email password? I forgot my email password. How to recover your login and password

Many users strive to protect their email with a strong password and come up with one so intricate and complex that they can’t remember it later.

Have you encountered this?

It often happened that I forgot my password and could not log into the registered site. Well, that's just me. So, all your personal data is well protected with a strong password. I'll talk about several ways to find out your passphrase.

Try to recover the password name, for example, on Rambler. This email resource helps you remember or change it. To restore important information you need to take a few simple steps. On the main web page of this mailer there is a button called “forgot your password?”. Click on the button. This service will offer you to write a nickname on Rambler.

Write your login. And below there will be a picture with symbols that are used against various portal hacks. You enter the characters from the picture into the proposed line. If it doesn’t work, then you will be shown a different set of letters and numbers. Then click "continue". Next, you need to answer the security question you selected during registration. Again you will see an image with numbers and letters. Type them carefully. After that, click on continue again. Then a window with words will open in which you will be asked to enter a new password. Make it more complex for the security of personal information. When the password is changed, the page will be updated. Rambler will offer to log in with new data.

If you cannot remember the password for your email, for example, Yandex, then you can also remember it or change it. If your phone number was indicated on this service during registration, then it will be very easy to find out the information.

Click the "Login" button. In the window that appears, click “Remember password”. You need to indicate your login and enter the characters from the image. You will be offered several options for password recovery, as it depends on the personal data you provided earlier. If there is a mobile phone number on the site, you will be sent an SMS message with a password. Instructions for access to another mailbox may be sent. There is an option that you will need to answer the “secret question”. Do everything according to the server's recommendations.

You can find out your password on using the following methods:

1) answer to the secret question;

2) use of an additional address;

3) entering a cell phone number;

4) indication of the forwarding email;

5) filling out the form to contact the site administration.

Recover your passphrase by following these steps:

1. You need to open the password recovery page.

2. Enter your username.

3. Click the “Submit” button.

If your login is accepted, then enter the characters from the image with distorted text.

If you have problems recovering your password on or, then the process for recovering it is the same as

I hope you find this article helpful.


The traditional way to recover a forgotten mailbox password is to answer the question correctly. The security question is determined during mail registration. This question can be a standard one, which you can select from a drop-down list, such as “Maiden's mother”, “Make of first car” or “Passport number”, or your own, which you will need to write during registration. The password recovery system is activated if the question is answered correctly (the answer is also indicated during registration). Try to choose a secret question in such a way that only you know the answer to avoid hacking your mailbox.

Restore the forgotten password You can also specify an additional e-mail. An additional e-, like a secret question, is indicated during mailbox registration, and immediately after registration, a letter is sent to it confirming that the address of this mailbox is indicated as an additional one, used to restore another one. If you do not know the answer to your secret question, the system will prompt you to indicate an additional address to which a letter will be sent with instructions on how to recover your forgotten password.

Some mail services use mailbox validation using an SMS message. If password will be lost from such a mailbox, the system will prompt the user to enter their mobile phone (or its last 4 digits), to which a message will be sent with a special code giving access to the password recovery system. Please note that this must be specified in advance in the email. Otherwise, this method will not work.

Often people forget their password to the mail system and cannot find a way out of this situation. However, there are plenty of ways to enter.


Additional email address. Each mail system asks this question, and if you indicated the address of another mailbox (or even several), then it is possible to recover a forgotten password. Afterwards, they will immediately send you the old password or ask you to set a new one. The box will be restored.

Secret Question. The most common, and in most cases even mandatory, mailbox registration item. After answering it, you will be asked to set a new password, and the mailbox is yours again.

If you do not remember the password, and did not even indicate a different email address or mobile phone, it is possible to recover the password using special utilities. Yours is encrypted and stored in special directories. Everything is encrypted to protect against hacker attacks, but in extreme cases, of course, it is possible to use a decryptor for such . When accounting, there is no doubt that you are in the system with “administrator” rights.
If you really have no options, download the free Multi Password Recovery utility, it has a website in Russian

Everyone has email. Moreover, users often have several mailboxes on different web services at the same time. At the same time, many of them often forget the password they created during registration, and then there is a need to restore it.

In general, the process of restoring a code combination on different services is not much different. But, since there are still certain nuances, let’s consider this procedure using the example of the most common mailers.

Important: Despite the fact that the procedure discussed in this article is called “Password Recovery,” none of the web services (and this applies not only to email providers) allows you to recover your old password. Any of the available methods involves resetting the old code combination and replacing it with a new one.


Nowadays it is difficult to find a user who does not have a Google mailbox. Almost everyone uses the company's services, both on mobile devices with OS and on a computer, on the web - in a browser or on a website. Only if you have an email address with the address can you take advantage of all the functions and capabilities offered by the Good Corporation.

Speaking about recovering your Gmail password, it is worth noting a certain complexity and some duration of this seemingly mundane procedure. Google, compared to its competitors, requires too much information in order to restore access to the mailbox if the password is lost. But, using the detailed instructions on our website, you can easily restore your mail.

Yandex Mail

Google’s domestic competitor has distinguished itself by having a more delicate, loyal attitude towards its users. You can recover your password for this company’s email service in four different ways:

  • Receive SMS to the mobile phone number specified during registration;
  • The answer to the security question also asked during registration;
  • Specifying another (backup) mailbox;
  • Direct contact to Yandex.Mail support service.

As you can see, there is plenty to choose from, so even a beginner should not have problems solving this simple task. And yet, in order to avoid difficulties, we recommend that you read our material on this topic.

Microsoft Outlook

Outlook is not only an email service from Microsoft, but also a program of the same name that provides the ability to organize convenient and effective work with electronic correspondence. You can recover your password both in the client application and on the mailer’s website, which we will discuss below.

  1. Following the above link, click the button "To come in"(if required). Enter your email address, then click "Further".
  2. In the next window, click on the link "Forgot your password?" located slightly below the input field.
  3. Choose one of the three suggested options that suits your situation:
    • I don't remember my password;
    • I remember the password, but I can't log in;
    • I think someone else is using my Microsoft account.
  4. Enter the email address from which you are trying to recover the code combination. Then enter the captcha and click "Further".
  5. To verify your identity, you will be asked to send an SMS with a code or receive a call to the phone number specified when registering with the service. If you do not have access to the specified number, select the last item - “I don’t have this data”(we will consider further). Having selected the appropriate option, click "Further".
  6. Now you need to enter the last four digits of the number associated with your Microsoft account. Once done, press "Send code".
  7. In the next window, enter the digital code that will be sent to your phone in the form of SMS or will be dictated in a phone call, depending on which option you chose in step 5. Having specified the code, press "Further".
  8. Your Outlook email password will be reset. Come up with a new one and enter it twice in the fields shown in the screenshot. Having done this, click "Further".
  9. The code combination will be changed, and at the same time access to the mailbox will be restored. By pressing the button "Further", you will be able to log in to the web service by providing updated information.

Now let's consider the option of changing the Outlook email password in the case when you do not have access to the phone number that was linked to your Microsoft account directly during its registration.

  1. So, let's continue from point 5 of the above guide. Select an item “I don’t have this data”. If you have not linked a mobile number to your mailbox, instead of this window you will see what will be shown in the next paragraph.
  2. According to a logic understandable only to Microsoft representatives, a confirmation code will be sent to the mailbox for which you do not remember the password. Naturally, it is not possible to find out in our case. Let's act more logically than the savvy representatives of this company suggest - click on the link "This verification option is not available to me" located below the code entry field.
  3. Now you will need to specify any other email address available to you, at which Microsoft support representatives will contact you. Having specified it, click the button "Further".
  4. Check the mailbox entered in the previous step - the letter from Microsoft should contain a code that you will need to enter in the field indicated in the image below. Once done, press "Confirm".
  5. Unfortunately, this is not all. On the next page, to restore access to your account, you will need to enter the information specified during registration:
    • Last name and first name;
    • Date of birth;
    • The country and region where the account was created.
  6. Once at the next stage of recovery, enter the last Outlook email passwords that you remember (1). It is also highly advisable to note other Microsoft products that you may use (2). For example, by providing information from your Skype account, you will increase your chances of recovering your email password. Indicate in the last field (3) whether you have purchased any of the company's products, and if so, indicate what exactly. After that, click on the button "Further".
  7. All information you provide will be sent to Microsoft Support for review. Now all you have to do is wait for a letter to the mailbox specified in point 3, in which you will learn about the result of the recovery procedure.

It is worth noting that in the absence of access to the telephone number that was associated with the mailbox, as well as in cases where neither a number nor a backup email address was associated with the account, there are no guarantees for password recovery. So, in our case, it was not possible to restore access to mail without a mobile phone.

In cases where there is a need to restore authorization data from a mailbox linked to the Microsoft Outlook email client for PC, the algorithm of actions will be different. This can be done using a special application that works regardless of which service’s mail is linked to the program. You can familiarize yourself with this method in the following article: mail

Another domestic mailer also offers a fairly simple password recovery procedure. True, unlike Yandex mail, there are only two options for restoring the code combination. But in most cases, even this will be enough for every user.

Sometimes a user needs to know his email password. This can only be done if it has been saved in the browser or the autofill function has been activated. The methods presented in the article are universal and are suitable for owners of a mailbox in any, even the most unpopular service. Let's look at them in more detail.

There are two methods by which you can find out your email password. In addition, we will tell you about a third, alternative option, which is suitable if your browser is not configured to save login information.

Method 1: View Saved Passwords in the Browser

Nowadays, most popular web browsers offer the user to save their logins and codes so that they do not have to re-enter them each time they log in. In the settings, absolutely all information ever specified is available for viewing, including email data. Let's look at the process of searching for passwords using an example:

Now you know your code from the required account. You can copy it or remember it for future use. Read more about how to find saved data in other popular browsers in the articles below.

Read also: View saved passwords in,

Method 2: View the element code

Typically, if the information is saved in a web browser, when the login form is shown, an autofill feature will be triggered, with the password displayed as dots or asterisks. Thanks to some changes in the element code, you can display this string in text form. You will need to do the following:

Now you have received the necessary data from the email. Let us repeat that this method is universal for all services and browsers, so the algorithm of actions will be almost identical everywhere.

Method 3: Password recovery

Unfortunately, not all users have the password saving and autofill function configured. In addition, there are situations when you need to find out your login information while working on someone else's computer. If this happens, you can only rely on your memory, trying to remember what combination of symbols you used. However, you can simply go to recovery and set a new password.

Each service has several recovery methods, for example, confirmation by phone, sending a code to a spare box, or answering a security question. Select the option that suits you best and follow the instructions provided. Read more about password recovery in the most popular email services in our other material at the link below.

Above, we looked at two main methods of how you can find out your email password, and also talked about an alternative option that will be useful in certain cases. We hope that our article helped you resolve the issue and now you know your login information.

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For some users, the situation seems hopeless when they discover that they do not remember either the username or password for their email account. And if an important letter or confirmation code is about to arrive, the situation seems completely deplorable.

How to return or find your login

Let's start with something more important and simpler:

  1. Remember to whom you sent letters or documents from a forgotten mailbox, ask these people to rummage through their archives - perhaps someone will find your address.
  1. Many resources ask you to provide an email address to log in or to link to it. Therefore, you can find out your login by looking at the parameters of your other accounts.
  1. If you still use the same browser on your PC or laptop that you used to register in the forgotten mail, or the accounts on the browsers of your devices are synchronized with each other, this can significantly help you. Go to the main page of the desired email client - perhaps the device itself will “write” the forgotten one into the window.

If the previous methods did not help, you can contact technical specialists. support. Describe your problem as accurately as possible. In this case, the wait for a decision may take a long time - it all depends on the workload of the service.

There is also a possibility that specialists will not be able to find your address in the system or will not find the proper grounds for this.

After the login has been received, it is advisable to start “reviving” the password code:

Most email clients ask you to link a current mobile number to your mailbox, just to facilitate the “password resurrection” procedure.

Enter the correct mailbox address, and then click on “Forgot your password?”. The system will offer to restore using a mobile phone. You will receive a digital code on your phone, which you need to duplicate on the recovery page. Then set a new password - and the problem is solved.

Another common way is to answer a security question. When registering a mailbox, this item always appears, which also helps in the future to recover the password code.

The questions are simple, with logical answers that only you know: “What is your pet’s name?”, “Your mother’s maiden name?” etc. It is likely that you will remember the answer to it and, thus, will be able to use the box again.

You can try to reset your password by linking it to a different email address. As in the case of a telephone number, a digital code will be sent to it to restore access. Unfortunately, this method is not always effective, since many users ignore the possibility of establishing such a link.

As with the address, the last option is to contact technical support. You will be asked to fill out an access restoration form, to which you will need to attach a legible photo of yourself with your passport open on the main page.

In this case of recovery, try to log in from the device and browser from which you used the lost mail - the new IP address may be the reason for the rejection of your profile.

To prevent this situation from happening in the future, try to write down your important data, or better yet, clues to it in a safe place. If your device is protected from unauthorized access, enable auto-fill for email login in your browser. We hope that the article helped in solving your problem.

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