How to change the start page in Google Chrome? Setting up the start page in the Google Chrome browser

Changing your home page in the Google Chrome browser is quite easy. First, to do this, click on the image of a wrench or gear located in the right corner of the Google browser. After clicking, a drop-down menu will open, where you should click on “Settings”. This is where you need to find the “Initial group” field and select “Open one or more pages” for it. In the window that appears, you should specify the URL for the start page from which you will begin working in the browser, and then delete the unnecessary start page.

It is worth noting that here the user enters several addresses at once, which will automatically open after launching the Google Chrome browser. The search engine also changes in “Settings”. The only difference is that you need to find the Search field and select Manage Search Engines. A complete list of possible search engines should be displayed here. To select a specific system, you need to hover your mouse over the resource and click on the “Use as default” button. This completes the standard procedure for changing the home page, but there are times when everything cannot be done so easily and simply.

Solving possible problems

Today on the Internet you can often find a variety of files that, when downloaded, require the installation of some additional software. For example, they may ask the user to change the home page in the browser or replace the search engine with their own. If the user sees such a request, then he can at least make some decision (to install this software or not), but even more often it happens that when downloading a file, such requests do not appear, but the home page or search engine changes automatically.

The most famous search engine that runs as a home page and is installed without the user's knowledge is Webalta. The peculiarity of this search engine is that it cannot simply be removed from the browser by replacing it with any other. In order to remove it, you need to go to the Start menu and select Run. Next, enter the regedit command in the search window and launch the “Registry Editor”. Using the search form, which is called up with the Ctrl+F key combination, a search is performed “By value” of Webalta (or any other similar search engine). All found fragments must be deleted, and then the home page and search engine must be replaced again.

As a result of all the above steps, you can easily and simply replace one home page with another and just as easily replace one search engine with another.

The idea of ​​a home page in modern browsers is no longer in demand, due to the presence of automatic recovery and synchronization tabs between devices.

Difference between Home Page and New Tab

For some reason, Chrome makes a distinction between the new tab page (the address that opens when you launch Chrome, open a new window, or open a new tab) and the home page (the address that opens when you press the Home button in Chrome or on your keyboard). Both of them have excellent default behavior. If you haven't changed any settings, the default start page for a new window or tab probably looks like this:

If you press the "Home" button next to the address bar or on your computer's keyboard, a website may open.

And if you're wondering why I decided to use Mail as my home page in Chrome, I didn't. Some program I installed changed this setting without my permission. This happens very often because search engines like to pay developers to hide things like this during the installation process.

How to Manually Change Home Page and New Tab Page

You can manually change the New Tab Page and Home Page from the Settings menu in Chrome. Click the three dots button in the top right corner and then click Settings.

In the “Appearance” section, you can see several options in the “Show Home Page Button” item. Disabling "Show Home Button" removes the Home button from the address bar (though the Home button on your keyboard will still work).

Under this switch (while it's on), you can choose whether the Quick Access page will open or another home page that you enter manually will open. I have changed the home page on for this article.

Now scroll down a little to the "Start Chrome" section. Here you can choose what happens when Chrome starts. You can open a New Tab page, a specific page or set of pages (which is nice if you open certain sites all the time), or simply open the same tabs you had active the last time you launched Chrome. For this article, I'm going to set it to open one tab on .

We now have a manually customized home page, a new tab page, and a start page. I'm going to close Chrome and demonstrate how these settings affect how you use it. Opening Chrome again, we get the designated launch page.

If we click the Home button in the address bar, we will get the web page.

And if we click the New Tab button, we get a page for the default new tab, with a search bar and the most frequently visited websites.

Please note: You can manually set all three options on either the designated web page or the New Tab page. If you see that any of the settings have changed (as often happens when downloading free programs), simply return to the Settings menu and switch them back. Also keep in mind that some extensions may modify the New Tab page. In this case, Chrome will display the extension's page.

We visit some sites much more often than others, and it would be very convenient to make them open automatically or faster. To do this, you can change the start or home page to your favorite ones. On browsers such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Yandex Browser and Microsoft Edge (new Internet Explorer), changing these pages is quite simple and even inexperienced users will not have any problems.

The difference between the start page and the home page

First, let’s clarify the concepts of what start and home pages are:

  • the start page opens automatically when you start the browser;
  • home - only when you click on the corresponding icon in the toolbar.

There is nothing stopping you from making your start and home pages point to the same address.

Initially, the start page was conceived as an opportunity for accelerated access to your favorite site. But usually this only causes a novice user unnecessary hassle when using the Internet. By default, the official website of the developer or the address of a search engine is indicated as the start page. It also happens that when you launch the browser, a “wrong” site opens, which is completely uninteresting to the user. This can all be solved by changing the settings so that the address you need or an empty tab opens.

Some browsers use "start" and "home" instead of "start" and "home".

How to customize the start or home page: install, change or remove

For almost all browsers, these steps are approximately the same, but we will look at everything in order.

Google Chrome ("Google Chrome")

  1. Launch the browser and go to settings by selecting the appropriate item in the main menu.
  2. To assign a home page, in the Appearance category, check the box next to Show Home Button. In the submenu that appears, click "Edit".
  3. After these steps, an icon with a house will appear to the left of the browser’s address bar. Through it you can quickly get to the home page.
  4. Assign the desired home page by selecting Next Page. Enter the desired address and click OK.
  5. To change the start page, go to the “Open at startup” category in your browser settings. Select "Specified Pages" and click "Add".
  6. Enter the address of the desired start page in the window that appears.

You can use open pages as start pages by selecting the appropriate item in the window for adding start pages.

Video: how to change the start page in Google Chrome

Mozilla Firefox (“Mozilla” or “Firefox”)


The “Home Page” function is not provided in the Opera browser. The developers thought that the express panel would be sufficient.

Yandex browser

  1. Open the main menu by clicking on the icon in the upper right corner of the browser window, then select “Settings”.
  2. To change the start page, select “Tableboard with favorite sites” in the “Open on startup” category.
  3. Now, when you start the browser, the so-called “Zen” window will be displayed with your set of sites.

In Yandex Browser, there is no selection of the start page in the usual sense. The home page invariably remains the address of the Yandex search engine. You can go to it by clicking on the icon with the letter “I” to the left of the address bar.

Microsoft Edge ("New Explorer")

  1. Open your browser's main menu and go to settings.
  2. After scrolling to the bottom of the list of options, click on the “View advanced options” button.
  3. In the Show Home Button category, move the slider to the right until it changes to On. Then select a specific page and enter the desired address. Don't forget to save by clicking on the floppy disk icon.
  4. To change your start page, go back to Settings and in the Open Microsoft Edge With category, select Specific Page or Pages. Then enter the desired address and click on the floppy disk icon to save the changes.

If the page does not want to change and nothing helps

If you still get the same unwanted page, even after changing the settings, the problem is a virus.

If you have an antivirus installed, use it to scan your computer and remove all suspicious programs, after updating the virus signature database.

If you do not have an antivirus or it did not detect malicious code, you can use a program from Malwarebytes. It is designed to remove unwanted software.

Users are not always satisfied with the standard options for the browser's home and start pages. This often happens when the browser comes with the or Yandex home page preinstalled. In addition, the start page may change after installing various programs or browser add-ons. Once you understand how to configure these functions, you can easily change them at any time.

In this lesson I will show you where the Google Chrome start page changes.

In the last lesson on working with the Google Chrome browser, we looked at the express panel. You can read this lesson at this link. In this simple tutorial, I will tell you how you can change the start page, which will load immediately after opening the browser.

First of all, open Google Chrome and go to its settings. To do this, click on the button in the upper right corner in the form of three bars, and then select “Settings” from the drop-down menu.

A new tab with settings will open in front of you. We are interested in the "Initial group" settings block. This is where the page is configured, which will open immediately after launching Google Chrome.

The first item is the “Quick Access Page” - this is a page with standard Google Chrome bookmarks.

The “Continue from the same place” option means that all those pages that were open when the program was closed will be loaded. The "Next Pages" item allows you to add one or more sites to the initial loading of Google Chrome. This can be done through the “add” link.

A new window will open in front of you in which you can add one or more addresses that will be opened when you launch Google Chrome. You can add the site address through a special field. Also, addresses can be entered through the "Use current pages" button. In this way, addresses that are currently open in your browser are added. In order to delete a page, simply hover your mouse over it and click on the cross icon to the right of the address. At the end, when you have specified all the addresses you need, you need to click on the “Ok” button.

Now, as soon as you launch your Google Chrome, exactly the pages that you installed will open in front of you.

In this tutorial we will look at how to enable and disable javascript in all major browsers. Let's look at everything using the example of Opera, Mozilla Firefox, Yandex Browser and Google Chrome browsers.

We continue to work with the browser from Google and our next question is how to add a bookmark to Google Chrome.

When opening the Google Chrome browser (Google Chrome), the first thing the user sees is the start page. Unfortunately, not everyone knows that this very start page can be customized as necessary. Setting up a start page is especially convenient for those users who always start working with the browser by visiting the same resource - for example, viewing a mailbox or studying a specific news portal.

In this article we will tell you how to change the start page in Google Chrome, and also explain what actions should be taken if another page suddenly appears in place of the installed page.

How to set the start page in Google Chrome?

Favorite Tab

So, if you are one of those users that we talked about at the beginning of the article, namely, you always start working with the browser by visiting the same portal, you will definitely be glad if this same portal loads automatically when you launch browser, without requiring any unnecessary movements from you.

But how can you set your favorite portal as your start page in Google Chrome?

Follow these instructions:

2. In the settings window that appears, find the “Open at startup” section, place a “dot” next to the “Specified pages” parameter and click the “Add” button.

3. A new window will appear in front of you and in it, opposite the inscription “Add page”, you need to indicate the address of the desired start page.

4. Please note that you can specify more than one start page - for example, we indicated the address of the Google search engine and Youtube video hosting.

5. Now click “OK” and see how what we have configured will look like; to do this, close the browser and launch it again.

6. We see that both pages have loaded - Google and Youtube, however, the search engine is in first place, because we indicated it first.

As you probably already guessed, you can set more start pages, and they will be launched in the order you set.

The option to open the installed start page can be useful not only for users who are used to starting to work with the browser from the same portal.

Thus, you can set previously opened tabs to the start page in Google Chrome, that is, those tabs on which work ended when the browser was closed for the last time.

How to do it? We follow these instructions:

1. Launch the browser, find the icon of three horizontal stripes, click on it once with the left mouse button, then click on “Settings”.

2. In the settings window that appears, find the “Open at startup” section, place a “dot” next to the “Previously opened tabs” parameter.

3. That's it! It is done!

Setting the “Previously opened tabs” option will be very useful for those whose browser often crashes. In general, Chrome today is considered one of the most stable browsers, but if you overload it or if you have a very weak PC, crashes are inevitable (also don’t forget). By setting the “Previously opened tabs” option, you will not need to worry about the fact that you will have to search for sites you were working on when you crashed – the browser will automatically load them.

New inset

So, as we have already figured out, you can set your favorite sites and tabs that were open when you last closed your browser as start pages. However, there is another configuration option, it is suitable for users who like, as they say, to start with a clean slate.

You can configure the browser so that when it opens, it loads a blank page on which the user can enter any address depending on his mood.

To set a blank page as the start page, follow the instructions:

1. Launch the browser, find the icon of three horizontal stripes, click on it once with the left mouse button, then click on “Settings”.

2. In the settings window that appears, find the “Open at startup” section, place a “dot” next to the “New tab” parameter.

3. Done!

Well, we have figured out how to change the start page in Google Chrome, however, as mentioned at the beginning of the article, sometimes the start page can change without our knowledge. Let's figure out why this happens and what to do?

How to remove the start page in Google Chrome?

Before answering the question of what to do, it’s worth understanding why the start page suddenly changed.

As a rule, there are only two options, you:

- they “caught” a virus, and it takes over your computer;

- during the installation of some program, they did not notice that, for example, the site of its developers “wants” to become the start page of your browser and accidentally agreed to this.

Now, actually, what to do. There are 4 ways to get rid of this problem, let's consider them all.

Cleaning through settings

1. Launch the browser, find the icon of three horizontal stripes, click on it once with the left mouse button, then click on “Settings”.

2. In the settings window that appears, click the “Add” button next to the “Specified pages” parameter.

Cleaning via reset

1. Launch the browser, find the icon of three horizontal stripes in the corner, click on it once with the left mouse button, then click on “Settings”.

3. Scroll to the Reset settings section and click the Reset settings button.

4. A window will appear in which Google Chrome will explain that when you confirm the operation, it will clear all settings previously installed in the browser; in this window, click the “Reset” button.

Cleaning via browser shortcut

1. Right-click on the Google Chrome shortcut and select “Properties”.

2. In the window that appears, examine the contents of the “Object” parameter.

3. After specifying the extension “.exe” there should not be any inscriptions.

4. If there is such an inscription, delete it and save the settings.

Important! If the Google Chrome shortcut is duplicated - in the taskbar or Start menu, you need to do the above steps with all shortcuts.

Cleaning using the system

1. Go to “My Computer” - write “etc” in the search bar, press “Enter”.

2. Open the found folder, it contains the “hosts” file.

3. The “hosts” file should have the following contents; if any other links appear below, delete them and save the changes.

What to do if the deleted page appears again?

One of the above methods should definitely help you remove the intrusive start page in Google Chrome, but what if it reappears after a while?

In fact, there is nothing unusual in this, especially if we are talking about a virus - after all, you removed the consequences of the problem, and not the problem itself. The virus will constantly change your start page until you delete it. Yes, you can, of course, permanently delete the page itself using one of the listed methods, but it’s better to get rid of the problem once and for all - so download an antivirus with the latest databases and clean your PC.

A free trial version of the antivirus can be downloaded today from the website of any self-respecting company specializing in the production of such programs.

Google itself, if Chrome suddenly begins to behave suspiciously, recommends installing the “Chrome Cleanup Tool”. This program scans the system and removes malware that can control the browser without the user's knowledge, while Google promises that the tool will not touch useful programs.

This tool is loaded with a single .exe extension file; by double-clicking on it, you will run a system scan, based on the results of which the program will notify you of the scan results and recommend further steps.


So, now you know how to change the start page in Google Chrome, as well as what to do if it suddenly changes without your knowledge. We hope you found our article useful and the instructions in it clear!