How to find out the history of search queries in Yandex. How to open history in Yandex browser


The icon only appears on tabs in which you have viewed multiple pages. If the icon is not available, go to the full story.

Limitation. The tab history contains the last 12 opened pages. If you don't see what you're looking for in this list, go to the full story. Your entire history stores the pages you've visited in the last 90 days. To always have access to the site, save it to bookmarks.

View full history

Removing pages from history

","hasTopCallout":false,"hasBottomCallout":false,"areas":[("shape":"rect","alt":"","coords":,"isNumeric":false)]))\ ">

Clearing all history

","hasTopCallout":false,"hasBottomCallout":false,"areas":[("shape":"rect","alt":"","coords":,"isNumeric":false)]))\ ">

History synchronization

History is partially synchronized:

  • The history of pages you visit on your computer is synchronized. If you reinstall your browser and then turn on syncing, your history will appear at browser://history/ .
  • The history of pages visited on other devices is not displayed in the browser interface. But if, after synchronization, you start typing the address of a site that you visited on the other on one of your devices, this address will appear in the tooltips. The exception is sites pinned to Tableau.

To disable history synchronization:

Restoring history after deletion

To restore history that you recently cleared, check the modification date of the History.bak file in the directory C:\\Users\\Your account name\\AppData\\Local\\Yandex\\YandexBrowser\\User Data\\Default(to see the AppData folder, turn on show hidden folders).

If the modification date is not current:

    Move the History file to another directory, such as your Desktop.

History in the browser takes the form of a log, which records web surfing events: which web page the user opened, what files he downloaded, etc. This option is indispensable when you need to quickly find the URL of interest that the user requested in the current Internet session. Or, for example, monitor the child’s actions on the Internet (what he requested in the search engine, where he went).

From this article you will learn how to view history in the Yandex browser in various ways, how to remove all data in it and a separate entry, as well as how to activate a mode that allows you not to save links to visited pages.

Managing history on your computer


You can open a history in Yandex in the following ways:

Method number 1: quick access to the latest posts on the current tab

To open the story in an open tab, hover over the left arrow button (located on the left side of the address bar). Then click and hold the left mouse button until the list appears.

It displays a maximum of 12 recent entries. To view all URLs, click "Show all history" at the bottom of the drop-down panel.

Method number 2: in the menu

  1. Click the "three stripes" button at the top right.
  2. In the Yandex browser menu, hover over the “History” section.
  3. In the panel that appears, click “History” again (links to the last visited pages are also stored and displayed here).

Method number 3: on the settings tab

If you don't know where the log is stored, on the options page, do the following:

1. Open the menu. Click the “Settings” item.

2. In the top horizontal menu, click the corresponding item, and the page where the history is located (websites that you opened) will open.

Method number 4: using hot keys

To quickly access the magazine, hold down the “CTRL” and “H” keys together. If you suddenly forget this combination, you can look it up in the “History” submenu.



1. To erase an entry, hover the cursor over it in the list. In the window that appears, check the box.

2. You need to do the same with other URLs that you want to get rid of.

3. To clear the history selectively, above the list, click the “Delete selected items” command.

4. Confirm the action in the request message: click “Delete”.

Delete all data

1. On the tab with the log, on the right side, click “Clear history”.

Or press the keys - “Ctrl + Shift + Del”.

2. Specify for what time period you want to remove links. If you need to remove all records, set the value to “all time”.

3. Click “Clear...”.

Attention! Once you delete URLs, they cannot be restored.


If you want to view all previously opened pages from a specific site:

1. Point to one of the log entries with the URL of the domain of interest.

2. Click the triangle icon that appears.

3. In the mini-panel, click “More from the same site.”

To quickly find entries in the entire list for a specific request, use the search bar at the top right in the “History” section.

Is it possible to deactivate the journal?

There is no option in the Yandex browser to explicitly disable history saving. But you can use the special “Incognito” mode for private web surfing, which leaves no traces of visiting web resources and, accordingly, links in the magazine.

Let's look at how to disable history in the Yandex browser using this option.

“Incognito” is activated in two ways:

1. Click: Menu → Incognito mode.

2. Press the keys “Ctrl + Shift + N”.

When the mode is turned on, a “glasses” icon will appear next to the menu button.

Yandex browser remembers all the pages you visit on the Internet. This is quite a useful feature in some cases. For example, you visited a website, liked it, but forgot to add it to your bookmarks. You can always go back to history and look at this site.

If you want, you can go to the right page. You can read more about this by following the link.

Or, on the contrary, this function does not seem very useful, and you do not want anyone to see which sites were viewed. In this case, you need to completely delete your browser history or some of its elements.

Deleting history in the Yandex browser on Windows

Launch the browser and click on the menu button in the upper right corner. From the drop-down list, select the item with the appropriate name twice:

We show all pages visited for a certain time. In order to delete one of them, click on the arrow next to the site and select “Delete...” from the drop-down list:

To completely delete this list, click on the “Clear...” button, which is located on the same page, in the upper right corner:

In the window that opens, select the period of time for which you want to erase everything, and check the boxes next to the “browsing history” items, and you can also check the “... downloads” item:

Clearing history on your phone

Launch the browser and click on the menu button in the form of three dots in the upper right corner. From the drop-down list, select “Settings”:

Go to the “Confidentiality” section in the next step, and click on the “Clear data” button:

In the next window, leave a checkmark next to the appropriate item and that’s it, you don’t need to mark anything else, click on the “Clear data” button.

How to view history on Android on your phone

Launch the browser, click on the cross to create a new tab. Here it comes off, and on the left side of the tab you will see three icons. Click on the clock icon in the middle:

We display a list of visited sites. To remove any of them, just press on it and hold your finger a little. After this, a drop-down list will open in which we select the “Delete” item:

That's all, we have learned how to view and delete history in the Yandex browser.

The history of visits to web pages is very useful because at any time you can view the list of viewed pages and find the one you need. It is also very useful for tracking download history through the Yandex browser. Over time, the browsing history grows, and the browser also collects information to quickly load pages, and therefore its size also increases, and accordingly, disk space decreases. The downside to browsing history is that anyone who has access to your account can come in and view it. Therefore, it is worth periodically or permanently deleting your Yandex browser browsing history.

Options for viewing and deleting Yandex browser browsing history.

  • View and delete browser history on your computer.
  • Working in the Yandex browser without saving the history of downloads and site visits (Incognito mode).
  • View and delete browsing history on Android, set up automatic history deletion.
  • View and delete browsing history on iOS, configure automatic history deletion.

View and delete browser history on your computer

In order to view your Yandex browser visit history, you need to launch the browser.

After launching the browser, open “Yandex Browser Settings” (three bars in the upper right corner of the window).

After this, a menu will open in which we hover the cursor over the “History” item and select the “History” item in the submenu that appears, or you can use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+H.

After selecting this item, a browser window will open with a list of all visited pages, here you can view the download history and the history of visits to all web pages using the menu.

In order to delete your attendance history, you need to click on the “Clear history” button on the same page.

After you click the button, a window will open in which you can select options for deleting History.

History deletion options:

  • You can select the time period for which you want to delete entries.
  • Check the box to delete download history.
  • Delete cache files, cookies and other site data.
  • Saved passwords.
  • Application data

I recommend deleting your entire history, as well as your download history and cache files. If you save passwords when logging in to sites and at the same time use this browser more than once, then check “Saved passwords”. This way you will delete all data about visits, downloads and authorizations on sites.

To work in the Yandex browser without saving the history of site visits and downloads (Incognito Mode), you need to open the browser and press the key combination Ctrl+Shift+N, the browser window will open in a mode in which no history is saved.

Another way to open Incognito mode is to open “Yandex Browser Settings” and select “Incognito Mode” from the drop-down menu.

View and delete browsing history on Android

It often happens that the phone falls into the hands of other people, and in order to avoid disclosure of important or personal information, I advise you to periodically clear the history and saved Yandex browser passwords.

In order to view the history of visits to the Yandex browser on devices running on the Android operating system, click on the “Tabs” button next to the address bar.

When we open tabs, a bottom menu becomes available to us, in which there is an icon to go to view “Browsing History” and “Download History”. Click on it.

The history of the Yandex browser will open before us.

To clear the history, you need to open the browser and go to the menu by clicking on the 3 dots in the lower right corner.

In the menu that opens, select “Settings”.

In the settings menu that opens, go to the “Privacy” section and select “Clear data”. Next, check the boxes:

  • Story
  • Saved Passwords
  • Open Tabs

And click “Clear history”.

You can configure automatic deletion of Yandex browser history. If you activate this function, then every time you close the browser, the history of visits, downloads and saved passwords will be automatically deleted.

To set up automatic deletion, open “Yandex Browser Settings” (3 dots in the lower right corner of the screen) and in the menu that opens, scroll to the “Privacy” item, uncheck the “Save history” item.

View and delete browsing history on iOS

To view the history on devices running iOS, you need to follow similar steps as for devices running Android, open the Yandex browser and click on browser settings.

In the menu that opens, click “History”

The history of the Yandex browser opens before us.

In order to delete the history of downloads and site visits, you need to go to the menu, but this time select the “Settings” item. In the settings, scroll to the “Privacy” item and select the “Clear history” item; here we can enable automatic deletion of history by unchecking the “Save history” item.

In the Clear History menu that opens, just like in Android, check the boxes:

  • Story
  • Passwords


In this article, you can find ways to save your personal information by deleting the history of downloads and visiting sites and saved passwords in the Yandex browser on different devices running Windows 7/8/10, Android, IOS. This article describes in detail how to view and delete Yandex browser history.

As you know, people are very curious creatures. Many people have a desire to look at the sites on a stranger’s computer that he visited. Some are stopped by their own decency, while others still look at the history of visited sites. Active Internet users understand this and delete data about the sites they visited.

There are other situations. For example, you found interesting and necessary material for you, and then accidentally cleared the history. But don't worry. Nowadays it’s quite easy to recover deleted browsing history.

Deleting browsing history

In all browsers you can see the sites you visit. To view it, you need to go to the context menu of the browser settings and controls, and then select the “History” item. Depending on the browser, your browsing history will be displayed either in a new window or in a new tab.

The most used programs for displaying websites:

  1. Opera.
  2. Mozilla Firefox.
  3. Internet Explorer.
  4. Google Chrome.
  5. Yandex browser.

As a rule, they show sites visited recently. To view pages viewed a long time ago, you must click the corresponding buttons. To delete views, use the “Clear history” button. The user sets the removal parameters manually. After all, it is not always necessary to remove everything completely. As a rule, visits not to entertainment sites are deleted, but to those related to something personal that no one should know about.

How to delete Yandex browser browsing history

Recently, this browser has become quite often used. After all, it has a special security system that scans all downloaded files from the network onto the computer’s hard drive. It also prohibits users from accessing suspicious sites and warns about possible threats.

To clear data about recently visited sites in the Yandex browser, you need to click on the icon that looks like a wrench. It is located to the right of the search bar. Next, you need to select the “History” item. To delete visited pages you need to tick them and click on the “Delete” button. If necessary, you can also delete data about all downloaded files and programs.

How to recover deleted Yandex browser browsing history

How to view history in Yandex browser if it has been deleted? Now this is not a problem. There are several ways to restore it in the Yandex browser. Let's consider all possible ways:

  1. Recovery by creating a backup.
  2. Using special programs to return deleted history.
  3. Reverting the computer's operating system to a previous state.

Surely not everyone now understands what the essence of the first stage is. Its essence is to back up files. The necessary information is contained in the AppData folder. You won’t be able to see it without first setting up the explorer. To do this, in the control panel located in “My Computer”, go to the “Explorer Options” item. A window will appear in which you need to open all folders. Next, you need to go to the user folder in the system partition. This the folder must match the login. After this, you should find a file named History and copy it.

Most likely, readers of this article do not know that information about the deleted history will be stored in the computer’s memory. In the previous step we found this information. Now for direct recovery, copy these files to a folder called History.

Users who created a backup in advance will not have to do anything else. However, not everyone did this. Many users don't even know that this is possible. Therefore, they will have to resort to the help of a special program called “Hc. Historian." She helps restore browsing history. Designed for the browsers listed above. Its main advantage is that it is free.

Before downloading this program to your computer, you need to check it with an antivirus. A zipped folder with this program will be downloaded to your computer's hard drive. You need to unpack it, and then run the installation file. After going to the settings section, you should enter all the operating parameters exactly as in this image:

The information will be saved. After saving it, you can immediately open and restore your browsing history. Working with this program is quite simple. For some users it may open up new opportunities.

There is another way - this is to roll back the operating system. It can only be used in extreme cases, and provided that the browsing history has been cleared recently. To do this you need to do the following:

  1. Enter the command line.
  2. Enter the command rstrui in the console.
  3. In the window that appears, check the “Show other restore points” box.
  4. Click the “Next” button.

As it turned out, restoring your browser history is quite simple. Each user will be able to choose the most suitable method from those offered. A It's best to be more careful, do not inadvertently delete the pages you need to visit and do not view sites that may somehow compromise you.