How to increase font size in html table

The dimensions of the table, its height and width, are determined automatically depending on what the cells contain inside them. The more filling in the cells, the larger sizes tables and vice versa.

However CSS features allow you to resize a table in HTML, specifying exactly the width and height that you need. To be fair, it should be noted that table attributes also allow you to set required sizes. However, in currently we'll only talk about CSS.

It must be emphasized that each table has its own minimum width and minimum height, which are affected by its content. And even if you set the width and height values ​​even smaller, nothing will happen. The sides of the table will not exceed their minimum.

To specify the width of the table you need to use a CSS property width, and to set the height you need to use the property height.

In an example it looks like this.

Table ( width: 500px; height: 100px; )

Result in browser:

Full code:

Table with given sizes

Table with given sizes
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5

Table width and height values ​​can be specified as absolute value(in pixels) and relative – in percentage. For example, 20px and 20% respectively.

If you use percentages to set table dimensions, they will be calculated based on the dimensions parent element. If we talk about our example, then we're talking about about the browser window.

There is another meaning - auto. And it is special because with its help, the table width and height are calculated automatically, by default. In practice, specifying this value looks like this.

Width: auto;

Height: auto;

We would like to draw your attention to one more thing: important point. It is better not to indicate the height as a percentage, since, as a rule, in this case they will not work.

Specifying the sizes of individual cells and columns

If you think that the browser did not correctly set the width of the columns based on the contents of the cells, then you have the right to specify the sizes of the cells and columns yourself. And now we will talk about how to change the cell size in an HTML table.

Resizing cells is done using the same CSS properties as table sizes, namely: width And height.

To add styles to cells, you can use one of two options:

  1. Give cells individual class names. It will look like this: class="cell-50px"

    And after that you should apply styles for these classes.

  2. Enable attribute style, inside which write the necessary CSS code.

In practice, the second option will look like this:


However, we would like to note that it is not necessary to change the cell sizes individually very often. As a rule, this is done in situations where it is necessary to set a certain width for table columns. In this case, the problem is solved easier. You just need to specify the width of the cells in the first row.

Table with given sizes
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5

Result in browser:

How to change the font size in a table

Often there is a need to change the size of text in a table. For example, in header cells. This can be done using a CSS property font-size. Let's set the font size for the elements :

Th (font-size: 30px; )

On this this lesson ends. I suggest you think carefully about your homework. Just study it carefully and think about it. All the best to everyone!

As we already know, tables are written from left to right and from top to bottom. We move along the page of our website in exactly the same way.
Next in the course of our progress is the central cell of the second table. This is where we will insert the text. It is not necessary to fill out the table in this order, but in this case I keep this order for clarity.
In order for the text to look the way we need, we need to format it, set the indentation, font, font size and other parameters we need if necessary.

1. You don’t have to set any alignment, just write the text and it will be aligned to the left by default. You can also specifically align the text to the center, left, right, or to the width of the text. Accordingly, the attributes that are needed for this are:
align = "left" - to the left;
align = "center" - in the center;
align ="right" - to the right;
align = "justify" - to fit the text width.

Note: If you want to put text on a page without a table (I gave an example of a page made without a table: like in this Novelization) - you simply put the alignment attribute in the paragraph tag:

You can also align text using a container tag

The text will look like this:

Center aligned text

If we insert the text we need into a table cell, the alignment attribute must be written in the tag of the corresponding cell, in this case in the central cell of our second table.
Justified text looks best. This is how text is aligned in books, magazines and other printed materials. Therefore, we will set the alignment in the cell to the width of the text. The cell tag will look like this:

2. Now let's set the attributes of the text itself: font, font color and font size. For this you need the following attributes:
2.1. font - means font;
face - face, that is, the name of the font in HTML. Similarly, the word “family” is used to set the style; we’ll talk about it later;
Arial font

2.2. color - color;
Font color (in this case, lilac)

2.3. The size attribute specifies the font size;
You can specify the font size in points:

Large font

Small font

But I don't recommend using this method because the font size will depend on the user's browser. A user coming from the Opera browser, where the default scale is 100%, will see your font size="+4" moderately large and easy to read. A user visiting from Internet Explorer, which has “Largest icons” by default, will see your text simply gigantic and will begin to wonder if your site is designed for the visually impaired.
It's better to set more precise parameters

You can specify the font size using a style, like this: STYLE="font-size:24pt". If we set the font size to 20pt this way, the entire line will look like this:
Font size 20pt.
And set the color - lilac and font size - 24pt at the same time:
Font size 24pt.

Please note that if you specify a style, then a hyphen is placed between font and size: font-size.
The word STILE can refer to many other meanings other than font. Therefore, if you are specifying a style - an attribute indicating that you are specifying a style specifically for the font size ("font-size: 24pt"), the entire attribute is quoted: STILE="font-size: 24pt"

Explanation: You can take the name of the font either from the corresponding sections of any HTML lessons, or from Microsoft Word. But remember that not all fonts are reflected in different browsers, so you shouldn’t get carried away with exotic fonts.

Explanation 2: the font color can also be specified in words (red, blue, green, etc.), but then it is better to write like this:


The span attribute means that we are dealing with an inline paragraph element. It is used to change the appearance of text or highlight it logically. For example, color.

There are not many color names that the browser can read, so I recommend using their numeric values. In order to find out these numerical values, you can refer to numerous color tables, or to the Photoshop program.
You can use these color tables:

And any other color charts you can find. “Dangerous” or “safe” colors don’t matter. They are all read equally. The only difference is the capabilities of each user's monitor.

3. Let's write a tag inside the cell with the attributes necessary to set the parameters of our text. The order in which the attributes are written inside the tag is not important. In this case, I set the font color - #000000 - black:

Justified text. Justified text. Justified text. Justified text. Justified text. Justified text.

Note: do not forget that each tag must be closed. In this case, you first close the inner tag (

4. Now you need to set the paragraph and the red line.
Tag If this suits you, you can safely use the tag Than tag Tag Tag However, let's return to the problem of the Red Line, which is neither There is such a way: you can put several spaces before each indent of the Red Line. They are indicated by this cadabra:
In HTML, this construct is used to enter special characters. If the browser encounters a sign like this (&) in the text (it’s called an ampersand), it begins to interpret the letters that follow it as a code for a special character. This continues until a semicolon is encountered. In this case we use to add a space. By adding a few spaces we get an indentation.
If we add eight such constructions, we will have an indent of eight characters.

But, unfortunately, this text will look smooth only in FireFox and Internet Explorer browsers. In the Opera browser, it will look... mmm... Like a young bull peeing... In general, very uneven.
If you want your text to always look professional in all browsers, you need to resort to a more complex method.

In order to set a paragraph indent, you need to write a style for it and name it, for example, “p1”. I've already explained that style starts with the "style" attribute. Only now this attribute will not be responsible for the color or font size, but for the paragraph and text indentation. This style should be written like this: