How to install T9 mode on Samsung. Turning on T9 on Meizu - two main ways

The T9 text input mode has been familiar to many since the days of simple push-button phones. Remember those fun days when you spent days on end using ICQ from your mobile phone? It was at a time when mobile instant messengers began to slowly enter our lives that T9 became especially popular.

From this article you will learn by what principle this typing mode works, and we will also tell you how to disable and how to enable T9 on Android.

Compared to simple “letter-by-letter typing,” this method can significantly increase the speed of typing. This is achieved through the use of an algorithm that, by intelligently accessing the built-in dictionary, is able to predict which word the user is currently typing.

The principle of operation is simple - we quickly type a word, and the system detects it right as we type and displays it next to the keyboard.

It is noteworthy that errors are also allowed during input, since in most cases the system is able to correctly identify a word based on only 50-70% of the characters entered correctly by the user. Comfortable? Not that word!

Of course, the possibilities of intelligent word selection are limited by the content of the dictionary. As a rule, most modern keyboards for Android are capable of independently remembering new words entered by the user that were not previously in the dictionary. Also, in some cases, you can download additional dictionaries created by developers or other users.

Initially, T9 mode is already enabled on most devices. However, in some cases, for example, if “naked” Android is preinstalled on a new device, the dictionary for T9 may not be installed.

How to turn t9 on and off on Android?

It would seem, who and why might need to disable T9 mode? Almost always it works correctly and does not make significant errors when identifying words. However, as practice shows, in some cases T9 can interfere with comfortable work. For example, if the user is typing text on a tablet computer screen with a large diagonal or requires entering certain words (for example, when typing texts with technical content). In such cases, T9 can be removed.

How to disable T9 on Android? It's simple:

  1. First of all, open your phone settings.
  2. Go to the “Language and Input” submenu and find among the options the settings for the keyboard you are using. For example – “Xperia Keyboard” or “HTC Keyboard”.
  3. Having selected the desired keyboard in the list, go to the “Smart Typing” tab.
  4. In the dial settings, find “T9 Mode” and deactivate it.

That's all. If you need to re-enable the mode, you can do this using the same method.

Important! If there is no option to disable T9 in the keyboard settings, you can get rid of it only by installing a new keyboard and customizing it according to your requirements.

Unfortunately, not all device manufacturers allow the user to independently disable predictive input on Android. Most often, such “surprises” are characteristic of some devices from Chinese developers.

In the video you can see how this is done on Samsung and Meizu devices.


If you often have to type texts on your Android device, it is better not to disable T9. However, if you are used to touch typing or use a device with a large screen diagonal, you can try entering text without T9.

Remember that in addition to predictive input, the keyboard settings allow you to customize some other input options. By customizing the keyboard to suit you, the typing process can be made easier and faster.

T9 is a typing system for mobile devices. This technology is built on predicting the word that the user enters. In theory, this technology should speed up typing text messages on mobile devices with limited keyboards. But, in practice, this technology makes mistakes too often, which greatly annoys many users. If you are also tired of fixing the error after T9 and want to disable it, then this material should help you. Now you will learn how to disable T9 on Android.

How to disable T9 on an Android smartphone or tablet

In order to disable T9, you need to open Android settings and go to the settings section called “Language and input”.

After this, a screen with language and input settings will open in front of you. A list of installed keyboards will be displayed here. In order to disable T9 you need to click on the gear icon opposite the keyboard you are using.

Please note that Google Voice Typing is not a keyboard. The name of the keyboard can be “Google Keyboard”, “Samsung Keyboard”, “LG ​​Keyboard” or something similar. If your smartphone has several keyboards installed, then you need to disable T9 in the one that is currently active.

After this, the settings of the keyboard you have chosen will open in front of you. Here you need to find the T9 function and disable it.

If you want to disable not only T9, but also all other autocorrects that the smartphone performs automatically, then you need to familiarize yourself with the remaining functions that can be found on this screen and disable them. For example, in the Samsung keyboard settings, you can click on the “Advanced” button and open a list of functions for automatic text editing.

By disabling these functions, you can completely disable automatic replacement when typing on your Android smartphone.

How to disable or enable T9 on Droid.

Modern phones are equipped with such a useful function as predicting text when entering characters in various programs - instant messengers, social networks, Internet browsers, notepads, etc.. Working in everyone applications where you need to type text are controlled by one system, in which the unfortunate T9 can be activated or deactivated.

Deactivate autocorrect mode.

It would seem, why would it be useful to disable such a smart mechanism, which not only corrects incorrectly written words, but also predicts them, which allows you to write text many times faster? But everything is not as rosy as it seems: the fact is that the dictionary that T9 uses contains only commonly used words, without argotic or dialectical deviations, not to mention professional definitions and abbreviations. And if your speech does not resemble literary language, most likely you have more than once encountered a situation where auto-correction turns your sentence into an incomprehensible set of words.

T9 mode on the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 smartphone, model SM-N9005

In this case, there are two options - either constantly add unknown T9 tokens to the dictionary, or simply disable it. In most cases, option 2 is chosen. You can do it like this:

Go to the mobile device options on the Droid; Click in the middle everyone the proposed PT subsystem “Language and input” (“Language, time, input” and other options); Select “Google Keyboard” or “Android Keyboard”; We enter the submenu “Text Correction”, then “Auto Correction” and click “Disable” on everyone pt (or uncheck) – autocorrection, forecasting, automatic capital letter.

This is perhaps the most common method for those who are interested in how to disable T9. Naturally, you can use other methods, for example, download and install a “non-native” keyboard without T9, but this is more expensive for yourself: as the developers point out, all foreign keyboards can be used by criminals to read logins and passwords from your individual accounts.

Activation of word prediction mode.

Usually T9 is enabled on the Droid by default, but if this is not the case, or, for example, the phone was already in use, and the old owner disabled this mechanism, the question of disabling appears. This is quite easy to do; we don’t need any special programs or utilities for this. So, we activate T9 by performing the following method of action.

Go to the options of the mobile device on Android OS; Click in the middle everyone the proposed PT subsystem “Language and input” (“Language, time, input” and other options); Select “Google Keyboard” or “Android Keyboard”; We enter the submenu “Text Correction”, then “Auto Correction” and click “Enable” on everyone pt (or check the boxes) – auto-correction, forecasting, automatic capital letter.

If the T9 on your mobile device was disabled by installing a third-party keyboard on the phone, you can simply select the keyboard from the developer in the “keyboard” menu - it will be called “Google Keyboard” or “Android Keyboard”; it will most likely have the auto-correction and prediction functions activated, if not, make a method for turning on these devices, as mentioned above.

We hope that our article will help you figure out how to enable or disable T9 on an Android OS device. Remember that you don't always have to download third-party apps - many features that you don't realize are integrated into the device, you just need to find them.

Short description

Turn off and on T9 in Android LifeDroid. T9 mode in Android. What's it like? Modern Android smartphones and tablets have this function. HOW ON THIS MODEL I didn’t know how to enable the T9 function on the S7 edge tune. How to turn on T9? Does this function exist at all? How to turn on T9, on a Samsung Galaxy Note 2 “I can’t” tune Email to phone. How tune synchronization with accounts. How tune synchronization with accounts on Samsung Galaxy Last. Smartphone Samsung Galaxy A5. As already mentioned, the back wall and sides are made of metal and are removable. How to set a photo and ringtone for a contact. How to set a photo and ringtone to a contact in Samsung Android devices. If you copy. How to turn off text autocorrect on most. How to turn off text autocorrect on most Android smartphones? Entering the Android engineering menu. How tune Skype on How to disable T9 input mode on Android? How to switch language on the Android keyboard. The first thing you need to do is tune the languages ​​themselves. How to disable T9 on Android? How to disable S Voice on Samsung Galaxy S5, Note 3. How to remove the inscription on the window “open the lid to use voice”???

At one time, we couldn’t imagine working on a phone without T9. Writing text without this technology turned into real torture. T9 in those days was absent only on ultra-low-cost devices. Now the situation has changed. The real T9 finds its place on smart gadgets less and less often. The large screen allows you to use a full QWERTY keyboard instead. How to enable it will be discussed in today's material. We will also mention how to remove auto-correction.

Disabling T9

Some modern smartphones still offer to use T9 for text input. In this case, the keyboard takes the form of the one that is familiar to us from push-button mobile phones. But often such a virtual keyboard does not have a rich vocabulary, which is why it selects words incorrectly. As a result, the user gets upset and starts thinking about how to disable T9 on Android. And this is done very simply.

Attention: On some branded shells, the process of disabling T9 may differ. Our example is given for TouchWiz - that is, for Samsung smartphones.

Step 1. Go to " Settings».

Step 2. Go to the " Language and input" This contains all the settings regarding virtual keyboards and even voice input.

Step 3. In the “ Keyboard and input settings"You must select the virtual keyboard you are using. You can find out which one you are using by looking at the item “ Default keyboard».

Step 4. You are now in the settings of the selected keyboard. Here look for the item " T9 mode" Deactivate the switch next to it.

Note: many virtual keyboards do not support T9. For example, Google Keyboard offers a QWERTY layout by default, so after installing this utility you will not need to visit the settings. And on modern Samsung smartphones, the need to turn off T9 is extremely rare.

Disabling autocorrection

Sometimes by the words “disable T9 on Android” the user understands not the notorious technology originally from the 90s, but autocorrect. The Android operating system in general and virtual keyboards in particular can automatically capitalize letters, place periods and correct words. Sometimes the user doesn't need all this. You can disable auto-correction without much difficulty.

Note: this time we will show the actions using the example of “naked” Android - this is how you see the operating system on devices of the Nexus family.

Step 1: Go to device settings.

Step 2. Go to the “ Language and input».

Step 3. Now turn your attention to the subsection “ Keyboard and input methods" Here, select the virtual keyboard you use to write text.

Step 4. On the page that appears, click on the item “ Text correction».

Step 5. Now you can disable auto-correction items you don’t need. This way you can force your smartphone not to capitalize the first letters of sentences. You can also turn off automatic word correction.

This is how you can easily remove T9 mode from the keyboard developed by Google. Other similar applications use a similar method to disable auto-correction. And some virtual keyboards do not support this function at all.

Mobile phones are not the most convenient devices for typing, so manufacturers have invented a special feature that simplifies this process. It is called “T9 language” and is very helpful for many users when entering SMS and addresses. Sometimes the program makes mistakes, so the question may arise how to turn off T9 on Android.

What is T9 in a phone?

T9 is an auto-correction or auto-replacement function that works if you suddenly make a mistake while typing. It was introduced for phones with a keypad and selected probable words based on the first key presses. You only had to enter “at” and the language would add “hello” in its entirety. If you suddenly missed the right button, an automatic auto-correction occurred and your “hello” turned into a normal “hello.”

After the advent of modern smartphones with a qwerty layout of letters, this function has not lost its relevance and still significantly speeds up the typing function. In 90% of cases, the program correctly selects the necessary words, but does not cope well with slang or with the names of companies, programs, etc. The T9 keyboard for Android can be disabled if the user wishes, and then it can be turned on again when needed.

How to remove T9 on Android

Considering all the positive aspects of this phone feature, situations arise when it is more of a hindrance than a help. Most of this involves jargon, acronyms, intentional mistakes, or specialized terms from games, movies, or professions. Manufacturers have foreseen this situation and implemented several ways to disable T9 on Android:

  • through the smartphone system settings;
  • using the keyboard.

Through system settings

The principle of how to disable auto-correction on Android is the same for all mobile devices, but, for example, Samsung, Lenovo and Nokia menu sections may differ slightly in name. By analogy, this procedure can be carried out with other brands of smartphones. Below are instructions on how to disable T9 on Android using the example of a Samsung phone - TouchWiz:

  1. Find the section called "Settings".
  2. Go to “Language and Input”.
  3. Find the keyboard you are using, click on the settings icon.
  4. Check the box next to “Keyboard options” at number 9.

In other phones, the algorithm may be slightly different. For example, in the Explay Flesh model the section is called “Auto Correction”, in which you need to deactivate the “Auto Correct” line or move the slider to the “Off” position. On some Android models, in the “Language and Input” section, when you select the required keyboard, the “Show correction options” option will appear. Click on it, select the “always hide” mode - then you can disable T9.

Via keyboard

If configuration through system options failed for some reason, you can use another option to disable autocorrections. To do this, you will need to make changes to the functionality of the keyboard itself as follows:

  1. Open any utility that is designed and supports text input. This could be a notepad, SMS, notes or messages on a social network.
  2. Press and hold the spacebar on your keyboard for 2 seconds. On some phone models you need to click on the input field itself.
  3. A new “Select an input method” menu will appear. Click on the keyboard option you are currently using.
  4. Select the “Auto Corrections” tab from the list and carry out the same manipulations as described in the previous method.

This option to disable T9 works not only on phones, but also on tablets that use the operating system from Google. This does not apply to cases when a third-party layout is installed for input; in such cases, corrections to the settings should be made directly in the utility itself. As a rule, the section names are very similar to those described above.