How to install a plugin in Yandex browser. How to enable plugins in Yandex Browser? Main problems associated with using plugins

Found a video on the Internet, but the video is not produced in your Yandex browser? The first probable reason is that the flash player is not turned on or is incorrectly configured. Flash player is a special software add-on for your computer that opens up broad prospects when working with Internet resources. Watching colorful animations, video clips, online movies, games - you can watch all this on websites thanks to the flash player. Launching a module is easy and simple, but many people don’t know how to do it. How to turn on the flash player in a couple of minutes, read on.

Features of setting up Adobe Flash Player in the Yandex browser

Every modern person has a computer, laptop, modern phone or tablet from which they access the Internet. For example, young people often watch videos on Yandex, listen to songs, and play online games. All this cannot be reproduced without certain modules such as Adobe Flash Player. This player has its advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages include:

  • The add-on is free, no activation required.
  • Ability to play audio, media, flash files in Yandex.
  • Installation of the product does not require special skills from a person; it is fast, understandable, and easy.
  • Flash is used to play more than 50 percent of all modern Internet resources.

The disadvantages include:

  • Excessive load on the processor of a portable device or computer.
  • Frequent failures in flash content.
  • The need to constantly update the player.

To properly configure the player in Yandex, consider some features:

  • Always check that the Yandex version is up to date before updating or installing a new module.
  • Do not use two players turned on at the same time.
  • After enabling the module, configure its automatic update.
  • Download the program only from the official website.

Step-by-step instructions for setting up Flash player in Yandex browser

The player is configured differently for each browser. It only takes a minute or two to turn it on, but many people waste a lot of time not knowing how to do it. Before you start setting up the player step by step, you need to know that this module is built into the browser engine by default and is installed automatically with the first Yandex update. But if you can't view the video on the site, there's a good chance that Adobe Flash Player is disabled. To set it up, follow the instructions below:

  1. Open Yandex, in the address bar write the line without quotes “browser://plugins” (plug-ins).
  2. You will see a page with a list of all downloaded and installed additional browser modules. On the same page on the right there is a “More details” button, when you click on it, complete information on all installed applications will be displayed.
  3. Carefully look through the list, find the line with the name Adobe Flash Player.
  4. Having found the required application, first of all look at how many modules are loaded. If there is one, press the “connect” key and restart the browser.
  5. If you have two players installed (old and new versions) and both are enabled, the video may not work, so you should disable the outdated version, leave the new one running and restart the browser.

How to install the latest free plugin

Another reason why the video does not work in your browser may be an outdated version of the player. Yandex has a setting for automatically updating the flash player, but if it has been disabled, you need to update it manually. For correct installation, use the following method and instructions:

  1. First of all, you need to check the version of the player and the need to update it. Open Yandex, click on the icon in the upper right corner - “Yandex Browser Settings”.
  2. Go to the “Advanced” menu, select the line “about Yandex browser”.
  3. A page will open in a new window and begin checking the relevance of Yandex and its modules.
  4. If updates are detected, they will be installed automatically.
  5. When there are no updates, and the browser says that the player is outdated, we install the latest version ourselves. Before this, you need to get rid of all the “tails” of the old player so that there is no unnecessary load on the system and everything works perfectly.
  6. Close Yandex, go to the Start menu and select Control Panel. We need the “Programs and Features” item, open it.
  7. You will see a list with all programs and add-ons installed on the operating system. We look for Adobe Flash Player, click on the “Delete” button.
  8. After uninstallation, restart the operating system to avoid possible software conflicts.
  9. Open our browser and go to the official Adobe Flash Player resource. It is recommended to download the product only from the developer’s website in order to be sure that the flash player will work properly and that no viruses will be downloaded to the computer with it.
  10. Once the Player download is complete, close Yandex again and open the downloaded installation file.
  11. Install the program, following the instructions in the window that appears, check the checkbox to read the license agreement.
  12. Once the installation is complete, click “Finish” and restart your laptop or computer.
  13. Then, go to the Yandex browser and turn on the flash player using the already known method.

What to do if you can’t enable Flash Player

Sometimes, for a number of different reasons, the flash player may malfunction: the version is new, and only one module is loaded for operation, but it cannot be activated. Let's look at common reasons why Flash Player fails and how to solve them:

  1. Other browser modules are enabled (ad blockers, firewall) that interfere with the operation of the flash player. Try disabling some applications from the list of plugins.
  2. Incorrect installation of the player. Often, due to inattention, users forget to close the browser during player installation or reboot the operating system afterwards, resulting in an incorrectly installed module. The solution to the problem is to reinstall the plugin, strictly following the step-by-step instructions.
  3. Outdated browser. If your Yandex has not been updated for a long time, it may not support the new version of the player. First, remove the plugin, update the browser, then reinstall and configure Flash Player.
  4. Outdated version of the Java platform. Java powers many online applications; if its version is not up to date, update it.
  5. The module is blocked by the antivirus program. Often, to ensure system security, the antivirus blocks flash. To solve the problem, add the Flash Player program to the antivirus exceptions.

Video: how to update plugins flash player for yandex browser

An unforgettable positive impression from watching a movie or video clip in Yandex will be ensured by a correctly installed current version of the flash player. If you don't know or aren't sure you remember how to update the plugin yourself, study the following video instructions. Here we describe step by step the actions that need to be performed for the stable operation of all flash applications in Yandex.

Yandex Browser allows each user to connect and disable modules. These are software blocks that are installed in the browser, thereby increasing its functionality.

Modules can be used for different purposes. Thus, they are installed to play audio and video content in the browser, view PDF files, as well as for tasks such as improving the performance of web services, etc.

As a rule, modules need to be installed in cases where the site has specific content. It could be a video or something else. In order for it to display correctly, you may need to install a specific module.

Yandex.Browser itself notifies you that the module needs to be installed and prompts the user to do this through a notification at the top of the page. Modules are downloaded from developer sites and installed in the browser in a simple way.

How to open the modules menu in Yandex Browser?

If you need to disable/enable the plugin in the Yandex browser, you can do it like this:

1. follow the path Menu > Settings > Show advanced settings;
2. in the section " Personal data» select « Content Settings»;

3. in the window that opens, look for the section “ Plugins" and click on the small link " Managing individual plugins»

Just write in the address bar browser://plugins and we get to the menu with modules.

How to work with modules?

On this page you can manage connected modules as you wish: enable or disable them, and view detailed information. The latter can be done by clicking on the " More details" on the right side of the window. But, unfortunately, it is impossible to install them separately manually. All new modules appear along with the browser update, and if necessary, install the latest version.

Users often turn to modules when they have problems playing Flash videos. This is discussed in more detail in the article, the link to which you will find below.

By default, all plugins in the browser are enabled, and you should only disable them if there are any specific problems. In particular, this applies to Adobe Flash Player, with which users often encounter problems.

How to remove a module?

You cannot remove modules installed in the browser. They can only be turned off. This is easy to do - open the window with modules, select the desired module and disable it. However, we do not recommend doing this if the browser is stable.

Updating legacy modules

Sometimes new versions of modules are released, and they are not updated independently. At the same time, they offer the user to update when the module version becomes outdated. The browser detects the need for an update and displays a corresponding message to the right of the address bar. You can update the module by clicking on the " Update module».

So, modules in Yandex Browser are one of the most important tools that are necessary for the normal display of content on various sites. You should not disable them during stable operation, otherwise most of the information will not be displayed.

There are usually a lot of questions about where the plugins are located in Yandex Browser, how to activate or disable them, especially for those who are just starting to work with this application. It should be noted right away that this Internet browser is in many ways similar to Google Chrome, which the developers do not hide. And it’s no secret that plugins for the Yandex browser will help expand the functionality of the program.

What are plugins and what are they for?

Plugins will help ensure that animation and video work on the Internet. Their work is invisible to the user, but at the same time allows you to enjoy watching videos or playing games online. Among the most popular and well-known are Java, Adobe Flash Player, etc.

All plugins for Yandex browser must be installed yourself. They are not built into the Internet browser, however, downloading and integrating them into the program is very simple. can be found in the browser's online store, where most of them are offered for free.

Auto-update is not possible for all plugins. Therefore, you will need to periodically check whether your browser has the latest version. Using outdated plugins only slows down your work and also increases the risk of viruses and malware. In addition, updated extensions provide a secure and high-quality network experience.

How to check installed plugins?

In order to check the relevance of plugins, there are special resources. Therefore, it is often enough just to launch a browser and use a search to find such a site. Usually here you can see not only installed extensions, but also their version.

If the plugin is updated, there will be a green rectangle next to it. There is a yellow or red button next to the outdated add-on. Moreover, most often, with the help of such resources it will be possible to update the Internet browser add-on. In addition, it is often suggested to download plugins for the Yandex browser, which will significantly increase the functionality of the program.

Updating plugins in Yandex Browser

Managing extensions in this Internet browser is easy. First you need to launch your browser. Remember that plugins do not have their own interface, they are built into the browser. After they are integrated, buttons will appear in Internet browsers with which you can use them. How to install plugins for Yandex Browser has already been said. You need to go to and select the extension you like, then click on the + Free button.

These steps will help you update the plugins for the Yandex browser. In some cases, web pages may prompt you to download a newer version of add-ons, since the previous one you installed does not display a particular site element correctly or causes other inconveniences. You can disable plugins at any time by going to your browser settings and selecting Advanced. Next to a particular extension you will find a button that will indicate whether it is enabled or disabled.

By deactivating some plugins, you will not be able to perform various online actions. For example, after disabling Flash, video on some sites will not be available to you. So before you do this, consider whether you really need to disable the extension. Using plugins helps increase the functionality of the browser. After all, they are designed to perform a variety of tasks, from working with media files to displaying current information and parameters of the web page you are on.

Including Adobe Flash Player in Yandex Plugins and more is not difficult. This is a fairly simple procedure that even a schoolchild can cope with. In any case, for now we are talking about working with Windows. Only modern users often master other operating systems. For example, Linux. And then the problem of initializing Flash Player arises. Next, we will try to understand how to enable, disable, install or remove this module in one case or another. Let's look at the operations using the most popular browsers as an example.


To enable Adobe Flash Player in Yandex Plugins you will need a minimum of time, effort and knowledge. However, it is important to understand what we are talking about. Not every user knows what Flash Player is.

Adobe Flash Player is a graphics module required for working with video, audio and photos in the browser. Without this utility, you won't be able to watch a movie or listen to a song.

Yandex and Adobe Flash Player

Enable Adobe Flash Player in Yandex Plugins, as already mentioned, is quite easy. The main thing is that the corresponding module is initially installed in the browser. Otherwise, the operation makes no sense.

Yandex.Browser was developed using the Chronium engine. It is used in Chrome. That is why Yandex is somewhat reminiscent of the Google Chrome browser. It is noteworthy that Flash Player is already installed in this browser. And all that remains for the user to do is activate it. This will be discussed below.

Easy to turn on

Let's start with the fastest, most correct and simplest solution. in Yandex Plugins? To do this, you can use a little secret.

Its execution looks like this:

  1. Launch the browser. Not necessarily "Yandex". Any desired browser will do.
  2. Open any page that has a player.
  3. Click on the "Enable FlashPlayer" button.

Ready! Afterwards the module will be activated. But only on the condition that it was originally installed on the PC. Sometimes you need to additionally click on the "Allow" button.

Standard activation

And there is a longer, but more familiar way. It will be slightly different in different browsers. However, with its help you can not only turn it on, but also turn it off, and also remove the previously mentioned module.

The following instructions will help you enable Adobe Flash Player in Yandex Plugins:

  1. Launch an Internet browser with Flash Player installed in advance.
  2. In the browser line write browser://plugins or yandex://plugins.
  3. Enable Adobe Flash Player by clicking on the appropriate button in the window that appears. You need to find a block called "Flash Player".
  4. To disable the module, just click on “Disable”. This control appears when the utility is activated. To delete, you will have to click on the image of the trash can, and then confirm the actions.

In reality, everything is much simpler than it seems. But Yandex://plugins will not help to enable Adobe Flash Player in Opera or any other browser. To go to the corresponding browser menu item, you will have to change the first part of the address to opera and chrome, respectively. Otherwise, the module management will be similar.


Now let's get acquainted with the procedure for installing and, accordingly, updating the application. Flash Player initialization is free. It is available for activation at any time.

The procedure can be carried out approximately like this:

  1. Open the Adobe Flash Player page in your browser.
  2. Click on the "Install" button.
  3. Select additional utilities that will be installed in the OS. You can skip this point if necessary and get by with just “Flash Player”.
  4. Wait while the installation file downloads.
  5. Launch the downloaded "Installation Wizard".
  6. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the procedure.

This technique usually takes a few minutes. The update is performed in the same way. But sometimes the module offers automatic installation of a new version of the plugin. Just click on the “Update” button and wait a little. A similar algorithm of actions is relevant for all Windows and browsers.


Now let's look at the procedure for working with Linux. More precisely, with Ubuntu. This is a fairly simple and common operating system, but it is more difficult to work with than Windows. In particular, due to the fact that it is not always possible to install the software the user needs.

If you want to enable Adobe Flash Player in Ubuntu, Yandex://plugins will help with this. But only if the user has Yandex.Browser installed. Flash Player will work easily in Chrome.

However, it is often necessary to additionally install the corresponding module. In such circumstances, the following actions must be taken:

  1. Download the program we need from the Adobe website.
  2. Open Canonical Partner Repository.
  3. Check the boxes next to all the items in the "Other Software" section.
  4. Click on the "Close" button.
  5. Agree to update the documents.
  6. Press Ctrl + Alt + T.
  7. In the line that appears, type sudo apt install adobe-flashplugin.
  8. Restart all existing browsers after the operation is completed.

Further, the process of enabling, disabling, and deleting the module will be exactly the same as in regular browsers on Windows. In Ubuntu, a separate application called "Flash Player Settings" is installed. With its help you can work with the mentioned module in a simplified mode. All basic software settings will be at hand.

Now it’s clear how you can enable Adobe Flash Player in Yandex Plugins and more. This process does not cause much trouble. "Flash Player" works on all operating systems; it requires timely updating.

Adobe Flash Player is a plugin used in all browsers to display Flash content on websites, including Yandex.Browser. If flash content is not displayed in your Yandex browser, then the plugin may be disabled. In this article you will learn about how activation is carried out in the Yandex browser.

The browser from Yandex is developed based on Chromium - this engine is also used in . That is why Yandex.Browser repeats the entire set of functions that are also available in Chrome. Because Since Chrome Flash Player is built in by default, it is also available in Yandex Browser, and it is impossible to remove it from there.

If your browser stops playing videos, music and flash games, this does not mean that this plugin is missing in the browser, but perhaps it is simply deactivated.

How to activate Flash Player in the Yandex browser?

  1. Open your browser and type the following link into the address bar, then press Enter:


2. A list of connected plugins will open, in which find the name Adobe Flash Player. If there is an “Enable” button next to it, then the plugin is disabled. Click this button to activate it, and then restart your browser.