How to delete a page on VK. How to delete a VKontakte page, as well as get rid of deleted friend pages

If you decide that you no longer want to use the VK social network, you can delete your page.

But I want to immediately note some nuances. If you want to hide all your data, then you won't succeed. I have already shown. Users will be able to see a saved copy of it.

Anyway, now I'll show you how can you permanently delete your contact page.

What is it for?

Lately, VKontakte has been posting all sorts of garbage. Personally, I am no longer interested in visiting a social network. If you share my opinion, this article is just for you.

But seriously, all users may have their own reason for deleting. The most common is loss of interest in using the page.

How to delete a VK page forever

First we change the password to one that you cannot remember and reproduce (see).

Go to your page, then to the “My Settings” section.

We go down to the very bottom of the page. Here we should find the link "Delete your page". We need to cross it.

You will be taken to a form where you will be asked to provide a reason for deletion. This is not important - you can choose any item. If desired, mark the function "Tell friends". After this, press the button "Delete page".

After this, we will see a message stating that our page has now been deleted (see).

How to delete a VKontakte page from your phone

Here the process is almost the same. The only difference is that the section we need is called “Settings”. This is if you access VK through a browser. Well, then everything is the same - we find the deletion link and follow it.

Support Request

You can try sending a request to delete the page to support (see). To do this, ask a question in the “Help” section.


Do not rush to completely delete your VKontakte page. Who knows, maybe after a while you will want to return to the social network again.


In contact with

VKontakte, with a monthly audience of 80 million users, confidently occupies the first position in the TOP 10 most popular social networks on the Runet. Comfort of chatting, a lot of interesting games, online services, music and video, a convenient internal search system - it would seem, what else does an Internet consumer need? Here's what! Get rid of it all!

Yes, yes, that’s right: delete the page in contact - and that’s the end of it. And there is nothing surprising in this desire. There are plenty of justified motives for committing this act: a session on the nose, attacks of gambling addiction, manifestation of jealousy of the other half, the desire to hide from an ex-girlfriend, etc. Alas, everyday lyrics sometimes oblige.

So, how to delete a page in a contact?

Method number 1: activating the “delete” option

1. Go to your VK page.

2. Click in the user menu located above the “In Contact” icon, the “My Settings” section.

3. Scroll the mouse wheel down when the settings open. Find the “delete your page” link in the “footer” of the site (its lower part) and follow it.

Choose your option from those offered. If there is none, indicate “Other reason” and in the form below leave a short comment explaining why you no longer want to see your own VKontakte page. Here you can do without any special details: the standard phrase “due to the current situation” will suffice.

If you need to tell all your VKontakte friends that you are going to say goodbye to its endless virtual spaces forever, check the “Tell Friends” option.

5. Think carefully about your decision again. There is no doubt - feel free to press the treasured “Delete page” button.

6. A message will appear indicating that the account has been deleted. And also the period (see the date in the second line above the avatar) during which it can be restored.

Attention! If you use this deletion method, the account will remain on the Vkontakte social network server for 7 months until it finally disappears.

Getting your favorite VK page back is as easy as deleting it. If you realize, after some time, that you got carried away, open the social network, enter your username and password, and then click on the “Recover” option in the column on the left. A large “Restore Page” button will appear - click it and enjoy getting your account back to normal.

Method number 2: changing user settings

This deletion option requires a little more effort from the user, but the procedure for permanently deleting a page is much faster. After the steps described below, the account will disappear irrevocably after about 2.5 months, and not after 7 - if you use the first method.

So, if you need to remove the page as quickly as possible, use method No. 2.

1. Open your personal page and go to “My Settings”.

2. Select the "Privacy" tab.

3. Set all settings (who sees..., who can...) in the “My Page” and “Contact Me” sections to “Only Me” and “Nobody”.

4. After changing the settings, do not go to your personal page.

The VKontakte administration system evaluates this privacy configuration as the owner’s reluctance to use the benefits of the social network and, accordingly, automatically deletes the page.

Method number 3: “freezing” the account

When using this method, the page still remains at the user’s disposal, that is, it does not disappear forever. Only her appearance changes in order to hide from all her friends and comrades or from someone specifically for a certain time.

The algorithm of actions is very simple: the account owner deletes all content on the page - photos, audio, video; deletes friends; in the “Contact me” section in the “who can write/invite” settings, set it to “Nobody”. If desired, for greater secrecy, he also changes the first and last name to a pseudonym and page address so that it is impossible to find the account in a search using personal data and visually determine its affiliation with the user.

The main advantage of this method is that the “disguise” can be removed at any time, since the login, password and phone number attached to the account remain unchanged.

The choice of a specific method depends on your goals, dear reader. It depends on what you want to say to your personal VK page - “Goodbye!” or "Goodbye!"

Good luck and good luck to you! Let account deletion be quick and painless.

Welcome to the pages of my blog. “As long as you are not on the Internet, you do not exist,” this phrase was once applied only to business, now it is also relevant for ordinary people. Almost each of us has an account on Instagram, Vkontakte, FaceBook and Odnoklassniki. But what to do if you're tired of everything?

Let's find out today how to delete a page on VK? It will work from two devices, we will find out whether it can be done forever without the possibility of recovery and we will analyze the most common problems encountered on the way to the cherished goal - to say goodbye to Vkontakte.

Removing VKontakte via PC

Deleting your VK page from your computer is very simple. In fact, in the new version of the site there are as many as three ways to go to editing a page, but to get closer to the delete function, you need to go to the settings through the upper right corner.

In the window that appears at the very bottom you will find the coveted link, following which you can completely delete your page. No one else will be able to access it.

Within 6 months you will have the opportunity to do so if you enter your old username and password.


It was not entirely easy to delete Vkontakte via phone before, but with the new design and after the update it became impossible to do so. To get rid of your account, you will have to go to the computer version from your smartphone (via a browser) or to the official website from a desktop PC or laptop.

I tested several applications, but unfortunately, none of them had a function for deleting a page.


Let's look at some common questions related to VK and deleting your page from it.

What should I do if I forgot my login and password and need to delete my VK page?

Well, for starters, I would advise you to try to remember if you have any devices on which you quickly accessed VK and saved data. For example, it could be an old phone, a parent's laptop, or a friend's tablet. This will make deleting a page several times easier and faster. You just need to turn on the device.

For some people, social networks become a real “web” that does not allow them to solve real problems, work or communicate live with friends. At some point, life “in full view” of other users may get boring and then you should know how to delete a page on Vkontakte. There are several ways to do this.

How to remove yourself from VK

At the moment, the service offers several options for quickdeleting a VK page. We can conditionally divide them into degrees of “non-return”, for example, it is allowed that other network participants cannot access it, but you can access your profile if you wish. If you need to get rid of it completely, then you need to know the rules of the service on how to delete a page on VK.

How to delete a VK page from your phone

Many modern users have long been using smartphones (Android or iPhone) to access the network. The gadget is convenient for surfing the Internet; in addition, developers create special mobile applications that simplify working with a website on the Internet. There is a possibilitydelete VKontakte page from phoneforever at any convenient time, be it iPhone or Android. You will not be able to do this through the mobile utility; deletion can only be done through the website. To finally get rid of your profile forever, you must do the following:

  1. Go to the VKontakte address. You will be automatically redirected to the mobile version of the resource.
  2. Sign in.
  3. Find the item called “Settings” in the left menu.
  4. At the very bottom of the new window you should see the message “You can delete your page.” Click on the active link.
  5. Next, you will see a list of options why you want to part with the social network. This does not affect the deactivation process in any way; this step is needed only for developers to collect information. You can write your comment about why you decided to destroy the page. Specify any one and click on the “Delete page” button.
  6. After this, your profile will be unavailable, but data about you will be stored in the site’s database for another year. If you wish, you can restore it.
  7. Remember that your phone number will still be linked to this account; you will not be able to register a new account for the same mobile phone until the old one is completely deleted.

How to remove yourself from Contact completely

The above method of how to delete a page in VK is completely identical to the option for desktop PCs and laptops. The path to destroy a profile forever is exactly the same, perform the actions in the same order. Please note that all the data you previously entered into the questionnaire will be stored for many months. If for some reason you re-enter your VK login or password, the date for complete data erasure will be postponed to a later time. For this reason, if you want to completelyremove yourself from VK, then after closing, do not come to your place.

To hide any data from other users, it is recommended to prevent anyone from viewing your personal information in your privacy settings. Instructions for blocking access to a profile:

  1. Click on the “Settings” button again.
  2. Select "Privacy".
  3. Opposite all items, set the value to “Only me”.

How to block your VKontakte page

The service developers have provided only one functionality, if you want to temporarily close or carry out a completedeleting a page in VK. A method was described above on how to block your profile, but the profile is not deleted instantly. A notification will appear at the top of the screen stating that you can restore the information if you complete the necessary actions before the specified deadline. As a rule, a person is given about six months to make a decision (trial period). The word “Restore” will appear next to the place for the avatar; clicking on it will resume the work of the profile.

Lately, a lot of people want to know how to delete a page in a contact. Social networks, which have firmly entered our lives, take away our real life. This has been said more than once, and in order not to repeat ourselves, we will not raise this topic again. But we will talk in detail about “showing strength of character,” as the current younger generation jokes. After all, in fact, delete your VKontakte page comparable only to the exploits of epic heroes or knights. After all, we spend 2/3 of our free time in front of the monitor, neglecting communication with family, playing sports, dancing, eating and even sleeping!

So there are several ways delete page in contact. Some are quite easy, while others will require a few minutes of your time and a megabyte of Internet. The fact is that after creating the social network, Pavel Durov did not provide for the possibility of deleting a user’s page. Citizens who came to their senses went to great lengths to remove their page from the Internet. VKontakte is currently the largest network in the CIS, and they lag very far behind in terms of attendance. Which is not surprising, since VKontakte was created as a youth network, so the target audience is from six to 35 years old. Of course, there are also older people, but they make up no more than 9% of the total number of registered ones.

You should be careful that your page can be restored within 7 months, and to do this, just go to it again. Such a long period is given to users so that they can test their endurance. And also, as Pavel Durov explained, this is done so that if your account is hacked by attackers, it cannot be deleted permanently. Now it is very easy to restore your account after deletion, just go to the website page, enter your former username and password and click on the “Restore” button.

Previously, the user had to send a letter, which indicated the data and mobile number attached to the account, to the address of the site administration. And only then, technical support, had the opportunity to restore the user’s page.

I'll show you some ways showing how to delete a page in contact:

  1. Wrong ways. These are the ways quick removal. Those. your account will be deleted almost immediately, but it is better not to use these methods; below I will explain why.
  2. The right way. There is only one, but it will allow you to delete a page in a contact immediately and forever, it won’t work.

Read everything first, and then decide which of the proposed methods suits you best.

So, let's look at the first method of deleting a VKontakte page, which rarely anyone uses anymore. There are rumors that the VKontakte support has made it so that now it is impossible to delete your account using this method and all data is saved forever in their database, but we will not believe idle gossip and horror stories and will boldly follow the beaten path. The method is somewhat long, but if you nevertheless decide to get rid of such an addiction as an account on a social network, this should not stop you. Open your contact page and go to “Settings”.

Select “General” in the dialog box that opens.

And check the box to disable commenting on the wall.

Then, go to the “Privacy” tab. Here we select the “Only me” mode in absolutely all points and click the “Save” button.

Next, returning to your page, you should completely delete all information about yourself loved ones, that is, video and audio files, your photos, information about your city, date of birth, habits and marital status. Do not forget! You must remove absolutely everything! The next step is to turn off all notifications (phone or email). That's all, now you can safely leave the site. The main thing is to show willpower and not appear there for a month. After this, the page will be deleted.

If the previous method did not work to delete a page in a contact, then I can suggest another.

Before you leave the page, you should once again visit the “General” account settings, and, selecting the “Change password” column, enter absolutely arbitrary numbers there, either a phone number from a directory, or numbers from any receipt. That's all, you won't remember such a password even under torture, and you won't be tempted to visit your page again. Although for your own safety you need to eat the receipt and throw away the directory with telephone numbers, or better yet, burn it. JOKE!

Another method is original and simply incredibly easy! In order to delete a page in a contact, you just need to add Pavel Durov to the “Black List” and voila - your account is deleted within 24 hours and without any proceedings.

The third method is somewhat immoral - start sending spam from your account, quite actively, as well as uncivil communication and negative reviews on Pavel Durov’s page. But since we are all adults, we will follow a path, albeit a long one, but one that does not run counter to our moral principles and foundations.

How to remove yourself from a contact forever? The right way.

And finally, the latest innovation of Pavel Durov and Co. is the ability to delete your page in three clicks. After logging in to the contact, go to the “Settings” menu

and by default the dialog box opens on the General tab. Moving to the very end of the page, we see an inscription informing us about the opportunity to delete our page.

By clicking on the highlighted line, we will go to the new “Delete Page” dialog box. Here we should go into more detail. At this point, you can choose for what reason do you want to delete the page?. It doesn’t matter that you were prompted to do this by lack of time or fear of using your personal data. You can even tell your friends about deleting your account. But if you want to keep everything a secret (although this is unlikely to happen; friends who visit your page will see that it has been deleted), then you don’t have to tell anyone anything.

So let's continue. If you do not want to inform your friends, then you need to uncheck the “Tell friends” checkbox.

For the reason for deletion, select any one you like or the “Other” tab (the field is not required to be filled in). And click “Delete page”.

And then a miracle happened! Your page has been deleted

But don’t rush to rejoice, because you can restore your account within 7 months, as the line at the top of the page kindly reminds you of. If you decide to restore the page, you should select one of the highlighted lines “Restore”.

By clicking on it, you will instantly restore your account and go to the news section.

That's all, we examined the possibilities in detail deleting your page on a social network. If you decide to spend more time away from the alluring world of virtual communication, go for it! And remember, don’t throw your accounts into the wild; it’s better to delete any information about yourself than to later erase hundreds of spam messages from your phone or mailbox.

P.S. By the way, if you have pages on other popular social networks that you want to delete, then read the corresponding instructions - and