How to make an ordinary mobile phone original? How phones are made


Find all the cell phone parts you need. You can use spare parts from old mobile phones or buy new ones at the store. Working boards, displays, cases, speakers, etc. are currently available for sale. Please note that you must purchase all spare parts before assembly. Otherwise, at some critical stage the scarce part will not be available. Make sure that all parts match the size of the phone case and fit together.

Tackle the software of your “new” phone. Go to At the end of the page you will be offered codes and firmware for some cell phone models phones and programs that allow you to do this. For example, the Phoenix program is designed for flashing phones Nokia. Other programs can generate code and perform a factory reset without additional hardware. You can download these programs directly from the site, which come with detailed instructions.

Take an empty phone case. Depending on the model, the motherboard is attached to the middle or lower part of the case (frame) using a special flexible cable. If you were unable to resolder the board by installing all parts of the phone on it (display, microphone, lamps, etc.), you can install several single-sided boards located in parallel. Install a cable for the functional keyboard and buttons on it. Also attach an overlay with hearing speakers to the board. Gently place the display on the middle part and snap it into place along with the coaxial cables. The frame must be fixed around the entire perimeter. Then install all the connectors, side, bottom, top panels according to the assembly instructions for the specific brand of cell phone. Secure them with screws. You will receive a mobile phone made exclusively for you.


  • how to make a phone with your own hands

Owners of Nokia smartphones know that after installing some applications, the phone begins to work slowly and periodically freeze. The problem is not solved even after removing the unfortunate programs. In such cases, you should return the phone to its factory state.


To ensure that the information stored in the memory is not damaged during the process, you should remove it. But first, save all your contacts, messages and other important information on it, with the exception of applications and settings settings. You can do this in the “Application Manager” in the phone menu. Select the "Backup" command and save your data.

After this, enter the service code *#7370# on the keyboard. You will be asked for confirmation to execute the command, after which a restart will be performed. During the restart process, all personal data will be completely deleted, including messages, calendar events, contacts, installed programs, etc. Once turned on, your Nokia will be restored to its factory state.

Helpful advice

To reset your Nokia phone (without deleting data), use the code *#7780#.

Plume– a detail of the cut of a woman’s dress, the essence of which is to lengthen the back of the skirt or dress. Plume decorated the wedding dresses of the queens and stretched for many meters from the dress, not allowing its owner to dance, take a step back, or even sit down. Modern cables solve many of these problems by reducing their length and using special tricks.


Video on the topic

Stores provide a large selection of cell phones. All of them differ not only in appearance, but also in their internal content. You need to approach the choice of a mobile device correctly: the device must satisfy your needs.

Technologies are constantly evolving, so choosing technology becomes more and more difficult every year. Many people wonder about the right choice. Is the approach that was relevant a few years ago still valid?

Setting goals

Before buying a cell phone, you need to accurately determine for yourself the exact purposes of its use. The choice of models from which you will have to weed out the only one will depend on this. A cell phone can be used not only for voice communication and sending SMS messages. More and more people want to see in their pocket not only a means of telephone communication, but a device with access to . The most modern models have an expanded set of functions - an FM receiver and other interesting additions.

Usually the store offers the most expensive models, which are fully equipped. But, if you know the ultimate purpose of using a new phone, it will be much easier not to fall for the seller’s bait.

What else to pay attention to

Display. The cheapest model will be a device with a black and white screen; it has lower power consumption and does not reflect sunlight. But modern manufacturers practically do not produce such a screen, because it is already considered a relic of the past. For the middle class, UFB and OLED color displays are used; more expensive models are equipped with a TFT screen.

Battery. Its capacity is important. A battery made using the most modern technologies will hold a charge for a long time, even with constant active use of the device.

Monoblock, or slider. Monoblocks are becoming increasingly popular today, while other housing options are gradually becoming a thing of the past. But it all depends on personal preferences. Monoblocks are compact and easy-to-use devices. But for people who are obsessed with original design, it will be difficult to choose something extraordinary.

Built-in photo and camera. If the camera has at least two megapixels, then it will be possible to take high-quality pictures. But for those who are used to taking photographs constantly, a 5-6 megapixel camera is better.

Memory. It can be built-in or come separately. Usually a memory card is quite expensive, so experts recommend choosing one with a sufficient amount of built-in memory.


  • How to choose a cell phone

A cell phone is an integral attribute of the life of a modern person. But technology becomes outdated, and over time the phone may require replacement. Therefore, it can be handed over to places where there is interest in it.


Option 1: The phone is in working order.
If the phone is working, then you can hand it over, and at a profit. Resellers and repair shops are interested in used mobile devices. You can also return your phone directly to where it was purchased. This is only possible when it is under warranty. In this case, the seller is obliged to return 100% of the price of the phone. If the phone is sold to a third party, the price may be much lower.

Option 2. The phone is broken and requires repair.
In this case, there are also options for where to take it. The first option is a service center of the phone manufacturer's brand. If your phone breaks during the warranty period, you can return it for repairs. If, after the examination, the cause of the breakdown is attributed to the warranty period, then the repair will be done free of charge. Otherwise, you will have to part with a certain amount of money. Repairs can be made after the warranty period has expired, but then we cannot talk about free repairs.

Option 3: A broken phone cannot be repaired.
In the worst case, when the phone cannot be repaired, it can only be returned for spare parts. Then the owner of a broken phone needs to go to private workshops for repairing mobile equipment. A meager price will be offered for the phone, but it cannot be otherwise. The phone is broken forever. A broken phone will be welcomed by various radio engineering circles, since an object falls into their hands for disassembly and study.

Option 4: Give the phone to good hands.
You can do a good deed by giving your phone to someone who needs it more. Even if he is old. Pensioners will be happy to have a cell phone, especially when the phone is a push-button one. Also, children whose parents want to know where their children are now and whether everything is fine with them will also be happy to receive the phone.

In modern times, information is what we need everywhere and always: in the supermarket, on the bus, at work, on vacation. But where can I get it? Of course, on the Internet. But it happens that accessing the Internet on a computer is not always possible or convenient. Today you can access the Internet from your mobile phone. phone, anytime and anywhere.


To connect to Internet, if you are a Beeline cellular subscriber:

-select "GPRS";
-you can change an existing profile or create a new one. Profile parameters: name: Beeline Inet, APN:, : beeline, password: beeline;
-go to the browser: “menu” – “services” – “Internet” – “settings” – “edit profile”. Profile parameters: name: at your discretion, :, profile: Beeline Inet, connection type: HTTP:, port: 9210 (or 8080), username: beeline, password: beeline.
If you fail, then most likely your mobile model

Internet, if you are a subscriber of MTS cellular communications:
- make sure that your mobile operator provides GPRS service and you have it connected;
-go to “menu” - “services” - “professional”;
-select "GPRS";
-you can change an existing profile or create a new one. Profile options:
name: MTS-Inet, APN:, login: mts, password: mts;
-go to the browser settings: “menu” – “services” – “Internet” – “settings” – “edit profile”. Profile parameters: profile name: at your discretion, page:, profile: MTS Inet, connection type: HTTP:, port: 9201 (or 8080), username: mts, password: mts.
If you were unable to connect, then most likely your mobile phone model phone does not support the HTTP protocol. Try doing this via WAP.

To connect your cell phone to Internet, if you are a Megafon cellular subscriber:
- make sure that your mobile operator provides GPRS service and you have it connected;
-go to “menu” - “services” - “professional”;
-select "GPRS";
-you can change an existing profile or create a new one. Profile parameters: profile name: Megafon Inet, APN: internet, login: gdata, password: gdata;
-go to the browser settings: “menu” – “services” – “Internet” – “settings” – “edit profile”. Profile options: profile name: at your discretion, home page:, profile: Megafon Inet, connection type: HTTP (leave the address the same, i.e., port: 8080 (or 9201)), username: no, password: no.
If you were unable to connect to the Internet, then most likely your mobile phone model phone does not support the HTTP protocol. Try doing this via WAP.

Now download a suitable internet browser to your phone. Opera Mini is currently considered the most relevant.


When using Internet services via a mobile phone, remember that you will pay according to the tariffs of your mobile operator, which can be found out either from the operator or from the cellular center of your service provider.

Helpful advice

There are few inconveniences of using the Internet from a mobile phone: a small screen and difficulties in entering text from the phone keyboard. But, nevertheless, all this is compensated by the fact that the Internet is always near you and provides you with the necessary information at the right time for you.

You can significantly increase the range of your cell phone phone using an external directional GSM antenna. It can be successfully used in a remote country house, in the country, as well as in the field.

You will need

  • - conductors;
  • - fiberglass;
  • - dielectric;
  • - coaxial cable;
  • - adapter.


Gather a zigzag antenna for the GSM standard, using eight 80-millimeter-long conductors that form two diamond-shaped cells. To make an antenna, use the provided diagram. The conductors that are excited at points A and B constitute in-phase antenna th grid consisting of four vibrators. The current maximums are located in the corners (P), as well as at the power points. The antenna is characterized by linear (vertical) polarization.

Increase the directivity of the antenna using a reflector, which reflects the incident energy towards the antenna surface. It should be located at a distance of forty-five millimeters from the canvas. To make the canvas and reflector, use one-sided foil fiberglass, preferably SF-1 grade, its thickness should be from one to one and a half millimeters. Cut the fabric along the contour of the cells.

Drill holes at the points located at the tops of the fabric cells, as well as in the reflector. Screw them to the posts marked 3 in the diagram using screws. When constructing an antenna, make stands from any dielectric, for example, plexiglass.

Drill holes with a diameter of 2.4 to 3.2 mm and a depth of 1 cm inside the racks on each side. Solder the central conductor of the coaxial cable to point b to power the antenna; its characteristic impedance should be 50 Ohms. A braid must be soldered to point A.

Lay the cable along the vibrators, lead them through the zero potential of the canvas. Solder it with tinned wire to the vibrator and secure it to the stand. Then bring it out through the screen hole. Solder the FME 740 connector to the end of the feeder, screw an adapter to it, it can be purchased at a cellular phone store.

Cell phone speakers phones designed primarily for use during a conversation. Of course there are special models phones designed for listening to music - in this case they have an amplified speaker or an additional speaker. In all other cases, the volume of music sometimes leaves much to be desired.

The telephone is a modern means of communication, which no one can do without today. Since this is the age of high technology, mobile phones have become accessible to almost every person.

However, many craftsmen will want to give their relatives or friends a gift - a phone they assembled with their own hands. This does not mean that you have to study circuit diagrams, buy parts and housing, solder boards, and so on.

You can make a souvenir for someone as a gift or a toy for a child.

Now we will tell you how to make a phone with your own hands.

Real working phone without electronic parts

To do this, you will need a thread and a couple of empty tin cans (ideally tall, for example, from olives).

If you don't have them available, then use plastic cups. By the way, they are easier to process than metal cans.

It is better not to use polystyrene cups for our purpose because they are soft and porous. As a result, they absorb more sound than transmit it.
In extreme cases, paper glasses are also suitable.

In the middle of the bottom of each cup you need to make a small hole of such a size that the prepared thread can fit into it. Make a hole using an awl, thin drill, drill, nail or awl.

The main condition is that the thread barely fits through this hole. The tighter it goes, the better the sound will be.

Then thread the thread through the holes you made. If you have any difficulties, help the end of the thread fit into the hole using a needle, awl or thin nail.

Tie knots at both ends of the threads in the inner sides of the cups. Next, pull the thread, then the knot will rest against the bottom of the glass. If the knot falls out of the hole, tie a thread around a piece of the match.

Do the same procedure with the second glass.

Now you will need a partner to check the product.

You lean the glass with the open end to your ear, and your partner should talk into the other glass from the open end. Before doing this, you need to tighten the thread as much as possible. If you did everything correctly, then despite the distance, you will be able to hear what your partner is saying.

And when you say something into a cup, your partner will hear you too.

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This craft is very easy to do, but with due care and effort it will bring your child a lot of joy. After all, he copies the actions of his parents, trying to imitate them in everything. And such a thing as a mobile phone is constantly in the baby’s field of vision. Are they calling you? Of course, you pick up the phone and talk. It will be interesting for the child to do the same, using not even a real phone.

Making this phone with your own hands is not at all difficult. To do this, you just need to cut out a rectangle from thick cardboard and trim its corners. Then make markings as shown in the figure below, cut along the contours, fold and glue.

You paint, draw buttons, screen and other elements to give the phone authenticity. Just keep in mind that the paint should not spread when touched, otherwise it is dangerous for the child.

You will need

  • One of the screen templates to your liking (you can download it here
  • Corrugated cardboard.
  • White electrical tape.
  • Black electrical tape.
  • Transparent wide tape.
  • Glue.
  • Scissors.

What should be done?

From corrugated cardboard, cut out three rectangular shapes measuring 7.5x13.8 centimeters. Using these dimensions, you will end up with the exact size of the iPhone 4. Now round the corners of the blanks.

Glue all three blanks together, so you get the body of the gadget.

Cover both flat sides of the resulting workpiece with white electrical tape.

Carefully cut off the remaining tape that protrudes beyond the edges of the craft.

Now seal the ends of the workpiece with black electrical tape.

Print the downloaded screen (any screen you like) on a color printer. Then you cut it along the contour.

Glue the cut out screen onto the body and draw a button underneath it.

Finally, apply transparent tape to the entire front panel so that the design does not blur during use.

Remember what the first mobile phones were? Very bulky and uncomfortable.

By the way, they already existed during the Soviet Union, but few people know about it. They were used by the big bosses of the party apparatus. Moreover, the battery was so large that it was placed in the trunk of a company car.

But let’s return to the first telephones, which became available, if not to ordinary people, then at least to the rich in the eighties.

To make this rarity you will need the following items:

  • Corrugated cardboard.
  • Hot melt adhesive.
  • Pencil.
  • Scissors.
  • Toothpick.

Cut out phone elements from cardboard. These will be two elements for the sides, one for the keyboard and one for the back of the case.

For the back of the body, cut out an even strip that will be slightly larger than the width and height of the side blanks.

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What is the best position to sleep in?

Now hold one of the side blanks in your hand and apply glue to its edge and glue the cardboard strip along the entire edge. Then glue the other side of the tube at a distance that is equal to the width of your workpiece.

Wait for the glue to dry. Then you cut off the excess cardboard pieces from the sides of the phone and make a hole at the end so that you can place a toothpick there. It will serve as your antenna.

Now wrap the toothpick halfway, using tape, and glue a bead at the end, after which you insert it into the opposite end into the hole made in the phone. Fix the stability with glue from the inside.

Insert cardboard rectangles into the resulting base to make the product stronger. Now secure the edges of the workpiece from the front (speaker and microphone).

Now cut out a cardboard strip that will serve as a keyboard. Draw buttons on it and paste it onto the front of the mobile phone.

This is what ended up happening.

To do this, take a piece of corrugated cardboard and draw something like a figure, as shown in the example below. In these examples, dimensions are measured in inches, so keep in mind that one inch is the same as two and a half centimeters.

To make your own dial, you must use a round piece with sides. To avoid cutting it out, you can use any plastic lid from any type of product packaged in round plastic.

They can serve as plastic lids for processed cheese, sweets, fish, and so on.

Cover the lid using paper of the desired color. In this case, the product will look neat and beautiful.

Using a large drill, cut ten holes on the sides so that they resemble a dial for dialing numbers with your finger.

Using corrugated cardboard, cut out a circle with a diameter half the size of the dial and poke a hole in it right in the center.

Place a smaller circle on the workpiece so that the holes match. Using a long, thin screw, secure the workpiece to the base of the housing. Tip: insert a nut between the case and the dial so that the disc rotates effortlessly.

Enter the numbers into the holes.

At the top of the craft, insert two levers that will hold the tube, separate the ends of the wire from the inside and secure them with tape.

Now glue all the parts of the craft into one whole.

Place the base of the product on its side on a piece of corrugated cardboard and draw lines along the contour with a pencil to make two blanks. Now cut them out and glue them on both sides of the craft.

If you want to attach a cord, insert it into the base of the workpiece and secure it with tape.

For the tube, cut out two identical blanks in the form of a handle, as shown in the figure below. And also cut out two strips of cardboard so that you can glue the tube together.

Glue another part of the cord to its end.

This is what will happen in the end.

As you can see, making a phone with your own hands is not at all difficult!

Video lessons

Every person who cares about their appearance, be it a man or a woman, pays close attention to the choice of clothes, shoes, and accessories. After all, a person’s external appearance should express his inner world and reflect individual character traits. But sometimes, thinking through the details of his outfit, a person completely forgets about his mobile phone. And, meanwhile, the phone is no less significant component of the image than, for example, a briefcase or handbag.

Today, the main goal of mobile phone manufacturers is their technical equipment. Webcam, Wi-Fi, biorhythm calculator - what functions do modern cell phones lack? However, in pursuit of technical characteristics, many manufacturers neglect to develop an original design. As a result, the mobile phones of very different people are absolutely the same, and sometimes the appearance can introduce dissonance into a person’s well-thought-out image. Anyone who strives to be truly stylish should not forget about the design of their mobile phone. Today, there are several basic options for adding personality to a regular cell phone. The use of special paints for plastic allows you to decorate the case with a stylish ornament, glued rhinestones will make the phone sparkle, an original keychain will make it attractive, and Flash Lite screen savers will be able to “revive”. When trying to decorate a mobile phone, it is important to use moderation. Using all possible decoration techniques can turn your phone into some kind of “monster”. For example, a phone decorated with a solid pink ornament, a scattering of rhinestones, and an attention-grabbing keychain will help create the image of a blonde from jokes, which is acceptable to few people. When decorating your phone in order to make it individual, it is recommended to choose one (maximum two) decoration methods. It can be an exquisite ornament or a string of rhinestones, a cute pattern or a stylish pendant. The final choice always remains with the owner. But in vain, many people consider only the body of a mobile phone worthy of decoration. Almost all modern models boast a large screen, sometimes occupying more than half of the body. The original design of the screen can be its best decoration. The choice of themes offered by phone manufacturers is quite limited. Therefore, those who want to stand out would prefer to make a theme for their phone themselves. You can create a custom theme using the online theme builder. Anyone can create a theme that suits themselves, because the style of its design depends entirely on the tastes of the creator. Photos of family and loved ones, funny pictures, posters of singers and actors, picturesque landscapes, reproductions of famous paintings and much, much more can be selected as screensavers. Themes for phones can be static or animated, and can include original indicators and clocks with unusual dials. When creating a theme, you can provide for changing screensavers depending on the time of day or time of year; you can please yourself with a greeting card on your birthday or other holiday. In an effort to look stylish, no detail should be overlooked, including your mobile phone. Like other accessories, a properly designed cell phone can highlight the style of its owner and become one of the ways to express his individuality. And what part of the phone needs to be decorated - whether it will be the body or the screen - is up to its owner to decide.

The joy of buying a new mobile phone model usually wears off after a few months, when you begin to notice that most of your friends have one. This can be unpleasant. For those who claim originality in everything, there are only 2 options: either purchase another new product (which will suffer the same fate in a month or two), or think about how to make your phone truly unique, namely, about tuning it.

How to make your phone unique

Industrial tuning Mobile tattoo

Manufacturers became interested in the problem of individualization of mobile phones back in the late 90s of the last century. The first signs that brought at least some variety to the world of “gray bricks” were logos and melodies. True, if in most cases only the owner of the device could see the picture on the display, then the original melody already caused the surprise of others. Then it was time for accessories: a huge number of cases, handbags, laces, etc. attributes filled the store shelves.

Of course, it can be argued that the most important thing about a phone is its functionality - and we agree with this one hundred percent. But stubborn statistics show that about 20% of men and more than half of women first of all pay attention to the appearance of the device. Nonsense? Not at all, rather, this is an attempt by every mobile user to stand out from the huge number of their own kind. For this reason, we decided today to touch upon the problem of mobile tuning, which allows you to achieve the almost impossible - to make your phone unique and inimitable.

Industrial tuning or Limited Edition

The pioneers of mobile tuning were fashion phones, which, due to their appearance and corresponding price, could not be accessible to everyone. So the owner of such a device automatically stood out from the crowd. However, over time, this approach has exhausted itself - for example, the clamshell form factor, which was once the latest in mobile fashion, has now become a mass phenomenon and is not surprising, and the price level of fashion devices has dropped significantly (although there are exceptions, to for example, the Vertu line). Therefore, the main method of industrial tuning has become the release of serial phones with a unique appearance, or Limited Edition.

The simplest way is a drawing on the body

Initially, manufacturers went straight, starting to decorate their phones with precious stones or offer non-standard colors (for example, hand-painted Palekh). The first-born here was the Diamond Motorola, worth 45 thousand dollars, which can hardly be called a telephone - it is, rather, a piece of jewelry. As for Siemens, it managed to release “limited editions” of its serial phones for almost all projects in which it sponsored (football - Real Madrid, Formula 1 - McLarren Mercedes, cars - Porsche, etc.). However, then manufacturers became convinced that it was best to entrust the development of design to those who know a lot about it, that is, famous couturiers, fashion houses, etc. The consequence of this was the appearance of small batches of phones in which the tuning was done initially.

Sometimes manufacturers cooperate with jewelers - like Siemens with Escada

Examples include the Samsung Anna Sui or the Siemens SL65 Escada Limited Edition. The first device is built on the basis of the production model e315, but differs in appearance, special delivery set (cosmetic bag, hair clip, lipstick, etc.) and thematic content. As for the fruit of cooperation between Siemens and the Escada house, this time the production model is “ennobled” with Swarovski rhinestones and three strands of pearls. Circulation - 5000 pieces, cost in Russia - about 30 thousand rubles. Nothing to say, professional tuning, but very expensive.

Let's change clothes...

Probably the most affordable way of mobile tuning is to change the appearance of the phone using replaceable panels. It is curious that the presence of this feature in almost 90 percent of modern devices has sharply reduced the demand for all kinds of cases and bags. No, they haven’t stopped buying these accessories, they just now began to play their main role (protecting the phone and making it comfortable to wear). The emphasis has shifted from the case to the phone itself.

Nokia releases phones in the premium segment that are easy to change

Nokia was the first to introduce such models to the Russian market (and the term Xpress-on also appeared at its instigation), and today phones that support panel replacement are in the arsenal of any manufacturer. By the way, we hasten to dissuade you that the first “clamshell” with replaceable panels appeared in Korea. This is not so, the leadership here belongs to the American company Motorola, but LG, Samsung, etc. released similar devices a little later. We think it makes no sense to describe the process of replacing panels. In most cases, the kit consists of a front and back panel. But even this is enough to change the appearance of the phone beyond recognition.

Chinese manufacturers produce many simple but colorful cases for all mobile phone models

When choosing panels, many users are often faced with the problem of which one to buy - original or non-original. It is difficult to give definite advice here. Of course, the original panel from the phone manufacturer will be of higher quality - but also more expensive. You shouldn’t even pay attention to “counterfeits” from unknown (or little-known) manufacturers of clearly Chinese origin; the appearance of cracks and stains after some time is common. However, recently in Russia sockets from third-party manufacturers with excellent quality are beginning to appear, and many serious stores selling accessories are refusing obvious “cheapness”. In addition, the variety of colors is also a clear plus for third-party manufacturers.

However, you should not assume that the socket is just a piece of plastic. Even at the dawn of this trend, Nokia offered iridescent or fluorescent panels. The spectacle is unforgettable, especially at night. We can also mention a phenomenon that recently came to us from Europe - self-adhesive luminous stickers (or holograms). And here unlimited possibilities open up for the user, who, with the help of his imagination and ordinary scissors, can turn a standard, nondescript case into a work of art in a single copy. The main thing is not to overdo it.

Imitation leather or fabric - the main means of individualization

The next stage of evolution in the business of “dressing up” mobile phones is replaceable shells, which differ from replaceable panels in that they change not only the color, but also the shape of the phone. True, this direction is just in its infancy, and we managed to find one single phone for which 12 such shells have already been prepared. This is a Toshiba V501T device, which recently appeared in the model range of the Vodafone Japan operator (PDC standard). It is too early to say whether this innovation will reach Russia, but judging by the photographs, it is worthwhile - teenagers will be delighted.

Mobile tattoo

However, all of the above is, although released in a limited edition, still consumer goods. The likelihood of coming face to face with a device that is as similar as two peas is low, but still exists. If you need one hundred percent exclusive, then you will have to turn to manual work, that is, airbrushing. In general, airbrushing refers to the technique of applying a design using an airbrush to any surface. An airbrush is a special pen with replaceable cartridges into which paint of the appropriate color is refilled. In some ways, this design looks like a spray gun, only more sophisticated.

An artist's main weapon on a mobile phone is an airbrush.

You understand, decorating a mobile phone is not like painting a wall, and therefore the airbrush has a very narrow nozzle and allows you to adjust the spray spectrum over a very wide range. So applying a thin stroke (less than a millimeter thick) to them is not difficult. Let’s immediately make a reservation that an airbrush (as well as a brush) is an artist’s working tool, and therefore you should not try to apply a drawing to your phone without appropriate practice. The creations we saw amaze with their realism and colorfulness, and the quality significantly depends on the talent of the artist.

And this is what comes of it

What can you “paint” on a mobile phone? First of all, these are the same panels, only this time it doesn't matter whether they are removable or not. You can also safely place side and end panels, display bezel, etc. under the airbrush nozzle. The display matrix and camera optics always remain untouched (well, it’s clear why), and the keyboard keys and additional buttons are very rarely affected. Airbrushing a keyboard is a high-tech project, as it requires special paints that provide transparency (for backlighting) and durability.

The process itself consists of several stages. First of all, of course, the style and theme of the image are developed. In our opinion, the final result will significantly depend on the correct choice. What happens next is a matter of technique (and talent, of course). First, the working surfaces are prepared: they are made matte using abrasive materials, all kinds of defects are smoothed out using putty, primer, etc. Next, the design is applied directly, which is necessarily varnished and polished.

Sometimes the picture may not be anything unusual

If you really want to try it yourself, then please, here is a recipe for beginners. You buy a cheap set of replacement panels (if it doesn’t work, don’t mind throwing it away) and a set for a European manicure (you shouldn’t buy the French one - the designs are uninteresting). We prepare the surface of the panels in accordance with the recommendations described above, then “do a manicure”; the technology is usually described on the packaging. First the base, then the drawing (that is, the stickers included in the kit) and varnish on top of it. Let it dry and you're done. True, after a few days of active use of the phone, all this so-called “beauty” will fade away, but the first experience may encourage you to do more.

Hardware tuning

Another type of tuning that we would like to talk about is hardware. However, we immediately note that such a “modernization” of the phone (you can call it an upgrade) deprives the owner of the device of any guarantees. As they say, at your own peril and risk. The range of possibilities offered here is very wide, so we will try to draw the line between reality and deception (and there is plenty of that).

A simple and quite effective way to change the appearance of your phone is to change the backlight. In most devices, several LEDs are responsible for illuminating the display or keys, and an advanced radio amateur can replace a couple of light-emitting elements of a boring color with something fresh. The main thing is to choose the elements themselves correctly and desolder/solder them very carefully.

But here too you shouldn’t go overboard. One day we came across a phone that had multi-color LEDs. The effect is, of course, stunning, but practicality, as one might expect, has suffered seriously. If you really need your phone to shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow, it’s better to immediately purchase such a device (Samsung and LG have been using seven-color indicators for a long time); in extreme cases, you can buy a special keychain that will demonstrate the same capabilities for an incoming or outgoing call.

The simplest option is to build in multi-colored lighting

As for a more serious phone upgrade, in our opinion, most of the offers posted on the Internet should be treated with at least suspicion. We will not say that it is impossible to expand the memory capacity of the Motorola C650 (costs about 2,000 rubles) to 32 MB or, even better, install a memory card slot in the Sony Ericsson K700 (costs about $100). Theoretically, it’s possible, but wouldn’t it be easier to just buy a “normal” phone and not deal with nonsense? Moreover, it’s not that profitable, and there’s no need to talk about any stability of operation (in such cases, the phone’s proprietary software is changed to home-made software).

The only successful “material” for such experiments can be considered the 55th series of Siemens phones. Well, let’s say, everyone has probably heard about the fact that the A55 can be easily converted into a C55. It turns out that the Germans were too lazy to develop separate hardware platforms, and the only difference lies in the firmware. More cleverly, the memory capacity of the S55 is doubled. First, you need to make sure that your copy has the appropriate chip installed (its markings and the batch numbers in which it is used can be easily found on the Internet), then all that remains is to re-solder the necessary contacts and update the software. The whole question is, is the game worth the candle?

Everyone - an original phone number!

To summarize, we would like to note that mobile tuning is not as useless as it seems. Of course, for many, a telephone is, first and foremost, a means of communication, and they will not agree to change the original appearance of the telephone (especially if it is an image model that emphasizes the status of the owner). We wholeheartedly agree with this approach, although the growing popularity of various ways to personalize phones suggests the opposite. Thus, at the Expo Comm Wireless Korea exhibition held in May of this year, one of the main topics was mobile tuning. Due to the absence (we hope for now) of such events in our country, let us draw your attention to two ideas that have aroused the greatest interest. The first of them is airbrushing, and we talked about it in detail. The second very interesting idea came from the pen of Cozip. We are talking about decorative panels, which, moreover, protect the phone from mechanical damage.

The trend is clear, and we have no doubt that the time for unlimited individualization will come. When we decide to buy a new phone, we will not choose one of many, we will create our own. The time is approaching when everyone will be able to choose “their own face” in the mobile world.

April 1, 2013 at 04:36

DIY mobile phone. Part 1

  • DIY or Do It Yourself

The scheme is not without its drawbacks, and basically uses what I had “at hand”. This solution, of course, is not very suitable for serial production, but for experiments it is quite suitable. We will not dwell here in detail on the operation of this circuit and on the calculations of denominations, since they are elementary and described in detail in the documentation for the corresponding microcircuits.
So, we assemble the circuit on a breadboard (Fig. 3) and test it under load, while monitoring the temperature of the fuel elements. The tests were completed successfully.
If you are going to use only the GSM module, without other nodes, then the +5V and 3.3V sources are not needed.

Fig.3. Power supply board

Keyboard board
The layout of the keyboard board is taken almost unchanged from the documentation for the module. However, after it was assembled, it turned out that a number of buttons are not supported by this version of the module. In principle, you don’t have to connect the keyboard to the module at all; all actions with the module can be performed using AT commands via UART.
The keyboard diagram is shown in Fig. 4. Diodes are used to protect the module from static voltage.

Fig.5. Keyboard board

GSM module board
Let's move on to the main board.
Since the device is assembled on a breadboard, I decided to use not the Quectel M10 module, which is soldered on the board, but its “derivative”, a module with an M10-TE-A module, which has an IDC connector with a pin pitch of 1.27 mm (double-row socket). The antenna is connected to a special small connector (GSC) via a GSC-SMA adapter. In a serial device, on a normal board, of course, it makes sense to use a regular M10 module. It should be kept in mind that M10 and M10-TE-A have different pin numbers, so the circuit will also have to be adjusted.

So, the board diagram:

And the board itself:

Fig.7. GSM card

The circuit contains a module, a SIM card holder, a headset connector, a keyboard connector and a pair of microcircuits: an RS-232 interface and an auxiliary microcircuit for connecting a piezo emitter and LED to the module. There are no special circuitry delights here; almost everything is taken from the documentation for the module.
A few more words about connecting the keyboard. Since rows ROW3, ​​ROW4 and column COL4 are not used by the module, I decided to use them for the buttons to turn the module on and off.
The phone also does not have a display. Although the module has pins for direct connection of a display, it still cannot be connected, since this function (like many others) is disabled on modules that go on open sale.
To power the real-time clock, an ionistor is used (a 1F capacitor, a large round thing on the board). If you don't need a clock, you don't have to install it.

So, it's time to assemble our constructor:

Rice. 8. Everything is ready for assembly

Rice. 9. Phone assembly

Now you can insert the SIM card, connect the power, connect the phone to the computer via the COM port and start exploring AT commands.

A few words about the budget.

Quectel M10-TE-A module RUR 665.64
Antenna 120 rub.
SIM card holder SCV-W2523X-06-LF RUR 21.80
Adapter cable GSC-SMA - 161.86 rub.

The remaining components were found within a radius of three meters.

At the end of the first part
The next part will look at the AT commands supported by the module.
Unfortunately, the manufacturer’s website does not provide complete information about the module. Most of the pdf files are not publicly available, however, some of them can be found on the Internet. I took the trouble to collect these files and