How to reset a Samsung netbook to factory settings. How to return a laptop to factory settings? Instructions for restoring factory settings

Hello admin, I want to restore the factory settings on my HP laptop, I launched the HP Recovery Manager program and it offers 8 recovery options! How do I choose the right one? There are two partitions on my hard drive: (C:) and (D:).

Us:) Windows 8.1 installed.

On (D:) There is a collection of films and music.

Tell me, when restoring from a laptop, will all files be deleted or only information from the disk (C:)?There is no way I can lose the files that are on the drive (D:), and there is simply nowhere to copy them; I don’t have a portable USB hard drive. If you have a detailed article for me, I would be grateful.

Friends, if the operating system installed on your laptop has become hooligan, then you don’t have to bother searching for various viruses, crooked programs, incorrect drivers and other reasons that led to unstable Windows operation; just restore the factory settings on your laptop! You can do this on an HP (Hewlett-Packard) computer in 20 minutes. The operating system will be in perfect condition at the time of purchase, all that remains is to install the software and that’s it. A rollback to the original state will only affect the drive (C:), information on other drives will remain untouched.

The program is responsible for recovery on HP laptops HP Recovery Manager, which can be launched even if the computer device does not boot. In my article I want to show you all the ways to restore an HP laptop to “store settings”.

First way. Go to the Metro Windows 8.1 interface, find among the applications " HP Recovery Manager" and launch it.

Click on the button “Windows Recovery Environment. Restart your computer and enter the Windows Recovery Environment to update the image or restore the system to the original factory settings.”

Click OK. Laptop reboots

and enters the recovery environment" Action selection".

Click Diagnostics.

Recovery Manager

Click on the button Restoring the system to its original condition when shipped from the manufacturer.

Mark the item. Further.

The process of returning the laptop to its original settings begins.

Click Finish.

All we have to do is configure our personal settings and get started.

Regional settings are usually configured correctly. Further

I accept


Skip this step

Use standard settings

Enter your username and click Finish.

Loading clean Windows 8.1. The recovery affected only the drive (C:), all files on other drives remained intact.

How to restore to factory settings HP laptop if it won't boot

This can happen due to various system errors or destructive actions of malware, in which case you will not be able to get to the Metro interface and launch HP Recovery Manager, but you can still start the rollback process.

Press the button when booting the laptop Esc and enter the settings menu. To enter recovery mode, press the key F11.

The already familiar “Select Action” menu.

Select the Diagnostics option.

Recovery Manager

Click on Restore the system to its original condition as shipped from the manufacturer. Then you already know how to act.

How to restore to factory settingsHP laptop if it won't boot and hidden partitions with factory settings are deleted

If you reinstalled Windows 8.1 on Windows 7 on your laptop, then you probably deleted everything before installing the seven partitions on the hard drive, including a hidden partition with the factory image. In this case, you need to use . These discs need to be made in advance.

Insert the recovery disk into the laptop drive.

Press the button when booting the laptop Esc and enter the settings menu. To boot the laptop from the recovery disk, press the key F9.

Select the drive in the boot menu and press Enter.

Mark the item Run the program from the media

Factory reset

Mark the item Recover without backing up files. Further.

The process of returning the laptop to its original state begins, which is sure to end successfully.

Articles on this topic:

Today we’ll look at how to reset Windows 10 to factory settings and roll back the system to the state of just the installed operating system. The topic requires detailed consideration due to the virtual absence of these functions in previous editions of Windows and the concept of storing an image to roll back the state of the operating system.

The beauty of the “ten” here is that to implement the procedure described above you do not need an installation disk, a bootable flash drive with software like True Image, or an image of a working system.

Attention, you should proceed to follow the instructions only as a last resort, when the only solution to the problem is to re-install Windows 10. When the instructions fail, simply install the operating system, making sure that no data is damaged in the process.

All emerging and possible problems accompanying the process of rolling back the “tens” are discussed in the last section. If you encounter one of them, move to the bottom of the page.

Before you learn how to reset Windows 10, you should know why you should reset it in the first place. Returning the operating system to its original state is necessary in cases where it is not functioning properly and a return to normal operation is not possible.

The function is also a complete replacement for reinstalling Windows 10, but with some advantage: saving personal files (documents, application settings).

Performing a reset from a running system

This method of resetting the “tens” is only possible when it starts. Everything is done quite simply.

1. Call up the new “Options” menu (this is most quickly done using the “Win ​​+ I” combination).

2. Click on the “Update and Security” element.

3. Go to the “Recovery” subsection.

4. In the first section of the window that appears, click on the “Start” button.

It happens that the operating system reports that it is unable to find the files required to perform an operation. In this case, go to the next section of the article.

5. Select the most suitable option from those proposed (the first is recommended, but it all depends on the situation).

Next comes the branching: if you chose the second method, you will be prompted to format the disk or simply clean it. Here too, everything depends on the situation. For example, when you are going to sell a computer, the option of completely wiping the disk is better, but the process can take a long time if the hard drive is large or there are many bad sectors on the surface of the magnetic plate.

6. In the last window, click “Reset” if you haven’t changed your mind.

The button will start the process of automatic installation of the operating system, during which the PC will restart 2-3 times. As a result, the computer will start with the new operating system.

When you select the option to save personal data, the Windows.old directory will appear on the system partition, where a copy of all files from the previous Windows 10 is stored (for example, the contents of the desktop, the “Downloads”, “My Documents” directories).

Clean installation of "tens" using the Refresh Windows Tool

One of the first Windows 10 August updates for 2016 introduced the Refresh Windows Tool, which allows you to roll back the operating system or reinstall it while saving user documents.

The utility copes with system rollback in situations where the first method did not work for some reason.

1. As before, go to the recovery options.

2. In the last section, click on the icon “Find out how to start over with...”.

3. After this, the Microsoft website will open in the browser, where at the bottom you need to click: “Download the tool now.”

4. After downloading, launch the application, agreeing to the terms of its use.

5. Select the option to save personal information or set the method for deleting it, which we reviewed in the previous section.

All other actions are carried out automatically.

The completion of the process may be delayed due to many factors (computer performance, no fragmentation of files on the system volume, damage to some sectors of the system disk, a significant amount of information has been selected).

After booting your computer with clean Windows 10, it is a good idea to perform the following procedure:

  1. call the command interpreter Win+R;
  2. enter “cleanmgr”;
  3. execute the command;
  4. Click on the “Clean up system files” icon.

As a result, you can free up to 23 GB or more of disk space.

Resetting the system when it won't start

In this section we will look at how to reset Windows 10 if it refuses to boot. This is where motherboard or laptop manufacturers' tools, or a bootable flash drive or system recovery disk, come in handy.

For devices whose users acquired licensed Windows 10 when purchasing a computer, there is a basic method for resetting it. This is the use of a certain key combination to roll back the device.

In most cases, when a system rollback is required, the computers were not purchased with a licensed “top ten”, so you will need a recovery disk/flash drive. You need to boot from it into recovery mode.

1. Having started in the recovery environment, click on the troubleshooting item.

4. In the operating system selection menu, select Windows 10.

5. If you are confident in your actions, click on the “Return the computer to its original state” icon.

6 Afterwards, we get acquainted with the list of actions that will be performed automatically.

This means deleting applications, resetting system settings to factory settings, and then installing Windows 10.

7. Click “Return to original state” if you are sure of the need to perform the operation.

This will start the system recovery process, which is accompanied by a reboot of the computer.

Tip: if you changed the BIOS settings (changed the priority of boot devices) to boot from bootable media, change their order back.

Possible problems with resetting Windows 10

It happens that when you try to roll back the “ten” to its original state and restart the computer, a window appears with the text “Problem when returning the computer to its original state. No changes were made." The error indicates problems with the resume files located in the WinSxS directory (they are damaged, missing, or have been modified by the author of the assembly). If, after an unsuccessful attempt, the “ten” starts up properly, be sure to check the system files for integrity and the hard drive for damaged sectors.

If all else fails, perform a clean installation of the operating system, remembering to take care of important information on the system disk.

The second common mistake is asking to insert a CD (flash drive) with operating system installation files. For these cases, the Refresh Windows Tool was developed, which was discussed in the second section of this article. Another solution may be to use a flash drive/disk with Windows 10 installation files of the same bit depth and edition as the operating system installed on the computer.

The second option for the action algorithm, if it was not possible to return the operating system to its previous state due to the lack of media with recovery files, is to register your own image with a snapshot of the system to restore it. But at the same time, the “ten” must work properly, because operations are carried out in its environment.

  1. Download the Windows 10 disk image file.
  2. We mount it through the virtual drive emulation tool and copy the “install.wim” file located in the “sources” directory to the “ResetRecoveryImage” folder created on any partition other than the system one.
  3. Instead of a physical drive emulator, you can use any archiver.
  4. We launch the command line with administrative privileges and enter a command like “reagentc /setosimage /path “D:\ResetRecoveryImage” /index 1”, where the path to the directory created in the third step is “D:\”.

These actions create and register a recovery image in the system.

After successful completion of the operations, we again launch the automatic reinstallation of Windows 10, having previously called it a backup copy. This will speed up the process of reverting to the current OS state if problems arise.

If you have any questions, other problems or new solutions, do not hesitate to write about it in the comments.

You can restore the Windows 7 (vista, XP, Windows 8) operating system on an Acer Aspire One laptop to its previous working state or completely to factory settings.

Only the last option is not suitable for everyone, but only for owners of Acer laptops who bought it with pre-installed Windows 7 or another.

Then the recovery image is specially written to a separate partition on the hard drive - it is hidden by default.

If you accidentally (unknowingly) messed something up, then using the first option is much better (the second deletes all your personal files: games, programs, settings).

The first option is to restore the Windows operating system on an Acer laptop

To restore Windows on an Acer laptop, be sure to connect the charger. Then turn it off and on.

When you see the laptop logo, press two keys (simultaneously) Alt + F10 (you can do it several times).

The Windows Acer eRecovery Management recovery utility will launch (the Disk-to-Disk (D2D) option must be enabled in the BIOS).

When prompted for a password, here are the standard ones: “000000”, “AIM1R8”, “00000000”. Next, click on the line “full restore system factory settings.”

Yes, I almost forgot, there is also the possibility of recovery while saving user data.

On an Acer netbook this takes about 15 minutes. Confirm by clicking “OK”. The computer will restart, and

The second system recovery option on an acer aspire one windows laptop

This recovery option can only be used if your laptop is still able to boot.

Then you can start restoring Acer eRecovery Management to factory settings directly from a running Windows operating system.

To do this, then click at the bottom “all programs” and click on the line “Acer eRecovery Management”.

After that, on the left side, click “restore”. Next, you can choose “restore the operating system and save user data” or without them. All further actions are similar to the first option.

If “the work does not work”, as already written above, enter the “BIOS” and in the “Main” tab, enable the “D2D Recovery” option - set the position to “Enabled”.

Immediately after this you can press F10 and after rebooting Alt + F10. Then the process described in the first option will follow. Good luck.

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The operating system from Microsoft, Windows 7, replaced the failed Vista. And almost all users and IT specialists unanimously claim that this is the best operating system since the unforgettable XP. However, there is an opinion that it is already hopelessly outdated, and the “ten” is more in line with modern realities. This is true, but the lion's share of users is still on the "seven". And they are happy with everything.

Any OS tends to become unstable over time. And Windows 7 is no exception. Sometimes viruses play pranks. And it happens that incompetent users kill the system with their actions. Be that as it may, the “seven” has one extremely useful option that will help you reset the system to factory settings. Popularly it is called a system rollback.

More about the option

So, rolling back Windows 7 to factory settings is possible only on those devices that support this function. These include the vast majority of modern laptops and all-in-one computers. Classic PCs, unfortunately, lack this useful option. It is worth noting that the rollback process directly depends on the device manufacturer, because the buttons can be completely different. But the result is always the same - a pristine operating system. It's like the car just came from the store. It is worth considering that all user data will disappear. Therefore, if you value your files, it will be easier to reinstall the system. So at least the files will remain intact. If this doesn’t scare you, then we’ll move on.

Rollback conditions

It is worth mentioning that this procedure is only available for those laptops and all-in-one computers that still have the system installed by the device manufacturer. The fact is that during installation, the company’s specialists created a hidden partition on the hard drive with a backup copy of the operating system. If problems arise, you can restore the stock OS from this very copy. But if you reinstalled the system yourself, then it is likely that you demolished this partition, partitioning the hard drive for a new installation. Then this method is definitely not for you. In your case, only installing a new OS. If you still have the factory system installed, then everything is fine. So, how to return Windows 7 to factory settings? This can be done in several ways.

Using a special key on the device body

This reset method will be useful for those whose Windows does not boot at all. Many manufacturers of laptops and all-in-one computers equip their devices with special keys that can initiate system recovery from a backup copy. This can be either a specific button on the device’s keyboard or a separate dedicated component. It all depends on the laptop manufacturer. How to return Windows 7 to factory settings using a specific button? If you have a ThinkPad from Lenovo, then somewhere on the side of the device there is a magic OneKey Rescue button. After clicking on it, system recovery will begin. The picture is exactly the same in B-series laptops and other devices from Lenovo. The same button (but with a different name) is also found in Sony Vaio series laptops.

Using the device keyboard

This method is suitable for all other laptops (not Lenovo or Sony). combination. So, for Dell products, the key combination for restoring the OS is Ctrl and F11. But how to return Windows 7 to factory settings in laptops from Rover? These devices are quite rare and capricious. But they also have their own rescue button. You just need to press and hold the Alt key until the recovery process begins. In principle, system recovery buttons are indicated in the instructions for laptops. You just need to read them carefully. Even devices released 5-7 years ago have this wonderful feature. And you can use it. But only if the original operating system is installed. There is no way without this.

Using the Windows system utility

How to reset Windows 7 to factory settings using OS capabilities? The system also has such an option. The utility is called "System Restore". But it is worth considering that it only works if this service has not been disabled (which is very popular in assemblies from “schoolchildren”). Go to the "Control Panel" and select the "Backup and Restore" item. Here you need to click on settings or computer." Then you need to view all the capabilities of the utility and click on "Advanced recovery methods." Here you will see the item "Return the computer to the state specified by the manufacturer." This is what we need.

After clicking on this item, the operating system will offer to create a backup copy of user data. You have to agree. After this, the system will reboot and the reset process will begin. It will take quite a long time, but at the end the user will receive a pristine OS. So, the program for factory settings (rolling back to them) is called “System Restore”. You need to remember this.

Restoring factory settings before entering the OS

There is another option to roll back the system. It can be launched while the OS is loading. How to reset Windows 7 to factory settings without going into it? As easy as pie. It is enough to press the F8 key when loading the operating system. A familiar menu will appear with the ability to select a boot mode. There is also the notorious “Safe Mode”. But we don't need him. We need the "Troubleshoot your computer" item. Once the recovery shell is fully loaded, you will be prompted to select your language, account, and recovery options. In the last paragraph, you must select Recovery Management and select Reboot. After this, the system will not boot, but the process of resetting to stock settings will begin. This is another answer to the question of how to update Windows 7 to factory settings.

It is worth noting that this forced reset method should only be used as a last resort. And there’s no need to talk about the safety of user data. This method is designed for those cases when the OS does not boot and nothing helps. So be careful with this option. Do not abuse it, as it is fraught with serious consequences.


So, we have looked at possible answers to the question of how to restore factory settings on Windows 7. As you can see, there are many ways. All of them help to achieve the desired result. But only some of them are able to save user data. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to use “System Restore” from a running OS. However, if for some reason this is not possible, then when choosing recovery tools it is better to choose the option provided by the device manufacturer. It will be more reliable this way. Just remember to back up your data. Now you know how to return Windows 7 to factory settings without losing data.

Good day.

Many owners of mobile computers, after using them for a long time, encounter a situation where some operational problems begin to appear in the operating system. There are many solutions - it all depends on the severity of the disease and the capabilities of the user. For example, on an Asus laptop, restoring factory settings is considered one of the most effective. In addition, you can simply place the system manually, clean it from “garbage” or even remove dirt inside the device itself. Today I will touch upon the topic of returning the device to the state when it was first purchased.

It’s worth saying right away that the procedure with an EeePC laptop, as well as ZenBook from Asus, will not always work. So, for example, if you purchased a device with an already installed OS, and then decided to change it, say, to Windows 7 Ultimate, most likely you will not be able to do what you planned.

The fact is that there is a special partition on the hard drive in which all the necessary files are stored, which are precisely responsible for the function of returning to the standard view. And if the hard drive is formatted, the above data disappears.

It is also worth noting that if a “third-party specialist” is involved in reinstalling Windows 8 or other versions, the situation ends the same - the system partition is deleted. This is usually due to lack of professionalism. But sometimes the technician is simply convinced that this element is simply clogging the hard drive.

What to do? If suddenly the situation described above happened on your X550C, there are fewer options to return the operating system to functionality. But they still exist: a recovery disk, a clean installation. Sometimes you can find the appropriate tools directly on the device manufacturers' websites.

What happens when returning to factory settings?( )

Before you begin the procedure on your K53S or other Asus model, it is important to understand what will happen:

    All user data is lost. In some cases, this may only happen to the system area. And here is the disk D:\ will remain the same. But again, I repeat, this does not always happen.

    The main partition is formatted.

    Windows 10 or another version is being reinstalled. In this case, you will not need to enter the key.

    After the first start of the N76V and similar models, the automatic installation of system programs and drivers begins.

It turns out that if the entire process is successful, users will become owners of the equipment in the condition in which it was purchased.

It’s worth noting right away that such a procedure most likely will not be able to solve the problem of device overheating.