How to attract referrals. Tips, instructions, videos. Proper link placement to recruit a bunch of referrals

Many sites have affiliate programs for mutually beneficial cooperation. Anyone can become a partner; they are paid a reward for inviting new users. The administration of the service receives a loyal client, everyone remains in the black.

Where and how to find referrals quickly and for free? A pressing question, because you can make a lot of money from this.

Having gathered a huge team of active referrals behind you, you don’t have to do anything at all. They spend money, earn it, use services and profit is dripping for all this.

Affiliate programs and earnings from referrals

This is not the first year that I myself have been attracting referrals for various projects. Based on my own experience, I will say that it is a profitable business, but not so simple. Finding the target audience for each system is not easy.

Most often, income depends not on the number of registrations, but on user activity. To avoid beating around the bush, I’ll show you my statistics:

This is data from the click sponsor Wmmail, where you can invite newcomers who want to earn money.

There are 5 affiliate levels on this site, i.e. a percentage of the income comes not only from those you invited to the project, but also from the workers they invite (up to 5 levels deep):

Multi-level referral networks are more profitable, but they are less common. The article presents 38 sites where it is profitable to invite referrals.

At first, the income will be small, because the network needs to be developed. Over time, profits increase; the main thing is to work with several services at once.

The best way to find active referrals

Having tried many different methods, I came to the conclusion that the best way to find referrals to a project for free is to create your own website.

I’ve been blogging for several years, so I have millions of referrals in various services. Their number continues to grow because the texts remain online and help people find a part-time job or useful service.

It is not necessary to understand programming and website building. will help you launch a simple website in just a couple of hours absolutely free. After which you can add your articles to it and start attracting people to different services.

By choosing this method, you are moving along a promising path. The road to making a profit will become even longer, but in the future it will be possible to put the business on stream.

The site needs to be promoted, and it’s easier to do this if high-quality and interesting content is often published, so be prepared to write a lot.

If you don’t want to do this or speed up development, buy texts on exchanges - or. Just keep in mind that in order for them to take high positions in search engines, you need to understand SEO optimization of articles.

Nowadays, games with money withdrawal are popular; I am often asked how to find referrals in . Make a free website with a narrow theme, add at least a dozen interesting articles to it, how to earn more, where to get money to buy birds, build a referral network, and so on.

Even if you don’t manage to rank high in search results, the resource will help convert traffic when using other methods of attracting referrals.

5 working ways to find referrals for free

To find many referrals without investment, you will have to work hard. The Internet is full of platforms that are open for free communication. Each of them can be used to find your target audience. Here are some great options that I myself have used or continue to use:

  1. Social media.

They help you quickly find referrals because they have huge traffic. Millions of people log into social media. networks and spend a lot of time there. You can attract their attention with an interesting page, comments, bright posts, personal messages.

Large projects like VKontakte are already inundated with advertising, so ref. links there are blocked. This is exactly what your simple website will come in handy for. You will distribute a link to it, and from there people will follow the ref. links.

To avoid wasting time when sending messages, look for the target audience in thematic groups. For example, inviting referrals to bookmakers from among the subscribers of the “Sports Forecasts” communities.

You can also start your own group, but this will require more time and effort. But in the future, such a platform, like a website, will help you find many referrals.

  1. Forums.

A huge number of forums are open to every user, where you can publish as many topics as you like and leave comments with links. Plus, links are installed in the signature, which also works with a large number of messages.

The main thing is to look for thematic forums so that their audience is interested in the sites that you advertise.

If you create topics, remember that they must have some kind of idea. This could be a review, personal experience, or a question. You can’t just leave the ref. link, it will either be banned, or no one will enter the topic.

  1. Video hosting.

I started running my channel on YouTube several years ago and now it has become an additional source of traffic, which also helps to find many referrals. It is not at all necessary to record videos about making money on the Internet.

For example, many video bloggers are engaged in unpacking packages from China, collecting referrals to or cashback services like. Come up with an interesting idea for a channel, then find a suitable affiliate program.

  1. Personal recommendations.

It is also possible to find referrals among your friends, but in this case you will have to carefully select services. So that you don’t feel embarrassed later because the pyramid collapsed and your real friend lost money.

This is a great way to find active referrals, because during personal communication you can sort everything out and explain to the person what exactly needs to be done. In particular, the option for inviting referrals to .

  1. Spam and comments.

Despite the fact that attracting referrals through spam is prohibited in many affiliate programs, the method works. They even use bots for this; many programs have been developed that can automatically publish comments with links.

Some launch email campaigns, others spam in social networking groups. There are plenty of options, but the quality of traffic is not high. It is better to use this method to search for referrals to all sorts of pyramids or. Where a percentage of the money invested by users is immediately paid.

Whenever you have the opportunity to publish a link, you should take advantage of it. Remember that one user can become your referral in several projects at once. And if the system is multi-level, then it makes sense to look for active partners. They will develop the ref. network without your participation.

How to quickly gain referrals?

Have you heard anything about motivated traffic? This is when people perform actions for reward. For example, they can become your referrals on different sites for a small bonus. The method works, but many affiliate programs prohibit its use.

It’s not difficult to create a task through mailers asking you to register and be active. People will have to pay for this, but the money is small and you can earn it on the same axle boxes, carrying out other people’s orders. So, what you need to do for this:

  1. Register (preferably via Wmmail), top up your balance, and then go to the advertiser panel to add a new task:

  1. A form will open where you can specify any requirements for the contractor. Be sure to indicate what you need to send for verification:

  1. The reward is set in the task settings. If this is a regular registration, set the fee to 1-5 cents. If you need to be active, then 10-15 cents is better, although it all depends on the actions, in some cases they pay $5 for one registration:

After starting the task, the performers will send you data for verification. In this case, the logins under which they registered. All that remains is to find the time to check them.
Most earning sites have no restrictions on incentivized traffic.

It doesn't matter where the user comes from, because the reward depends on his income. For example, you can find referrals through mailers. They pay for viewing ads, and the affiliate program is 7 levels.

Paid ways to find many referrals

Having start-up capital, it is much easier to find referrals. Money can be invested in different directions, from regular advertising to a personal agreement with the owner of a website. From the many options available, Let's highlight the most interesting:

  1. Order site surfing.

The cheapest way to get people to click on links is to order surfing. The effectiveness of this method is not the highest, but if you direct people to sites for easy money online, they may be interested in it. Where to order transitions using ref. link?

On the same Vmmail you can get 1000 clicks from real people via a link for just $1.5. Don't expect many people to sign up, most will switch just for the small reward.

  1. Posting links.

It is much more effective to buy links on sites, but you will have to pay a decent amount for this.

The cost directly depends on how popular the site is. To save money, do not pay attention to belly fat, choose sites based on traffic. It is important for you that your link is seen by as many visitors as possible.

  1. Paid advertising.

This is one of the most effective and convenient methods. You will definitely be able to find referrals through advertising, the main thing is to choose a quality service, make attractive promos and select thematic platforms.

Come up with catchy headlines and use catchy images. It is important that your ad is seen and clicked on.

You can really take advantage of this with any budget. Payment is different everywhere, somewhere for transitions, somewhere for clicks, and sometimes advertising space on the site is purchased for a certain period of time.

  1. Advertising on social networks.

If you search hard, you can find many great deals. Select sites with your target audience through these services:

  • (VK groups);

Remember that a lot depends on how attractive the advertising post looks. To reach a larger audience, look at other people's advertising posts.

Well, don’t forget to choose groups in which subscribers may be interested in the project where you are recruiting referrals.

  1. Buying or renting referrals.

Some sites offer functions for purchasing and receiving referrals for rent. These are mostly click sponsors. One of the most popular questions is how to get referrals for Seosprint?

A well-known click sponsor offers a fair where you can buy referrals. It is necessary to carefully evaluate each offer; often an unreasonably high price is set:

It’s realistic to buy newbie referrals at a low price (5-15 rubles) and hope that they will invite participants to follow them or begin to actively complete tasks.

As for renting referrals, it is usually available on foreign axle boxes. Everything is more complicated there and sometimes you can’t even check referral statistics, so this is not the best method.

Tips for finding and attracting referrals to any projects

You need to take earning money from referrals seriously. This direction requires a competent approach. Beginners often quit without making a profit.

Why? Because it’s hard to assemble a large team, and without it the profit is meager. To effectively collect referrals, listen to the recommendations:

  1. Don’t deceive people, if some service doesn’t bring in $1000 a month, it’s better not to talk about it. You still won’t get any activity from users.
  2. When placing your referral link on different platforms or ordering advertising, choose only projects that are relevant to the topic.
  3. Be open to people, leave not only a link, but also contact information. The potential referral may have questions or need assistance.
  4. Having collected referrals on one site, try to attract them to the network on another resource. Even if the services are completely different, they can interest the audience.
  5. Help referrals not only understand the work, but also build their own network. Even if the affiliate program is not multi-level, they will remain active.
  6. Before posting a ref. links make a short version of it. Then people will not be able to take the site address from it as a basis (some do not want to become referrals).
  7. Use several methods of searching for referrals at the same time; together they give greater results.
  8. If you decide to invest, don't spend all your money at once. Divide the budget and analyze the results, you need to figure out what works more efficiently.
  9. Be patient, it is very difficult to quickly gain a lot of referrals, so a solid profit in this matter can only be in the future.
  10. Choose sites wisely to attract referrals. There are all sorts of pyramids and other scams with favorable conditions, but in the long term they are not interesting.

I repeatedly stepped on the rake myself, made mistakes and faced situations where services were closed. And on some, the administration comes up with various reasons for blocking and freezes the account.

Be careful, do not deceive people and use effective advertising.


Is it even worth engaging in attracting referrals and spending time and effort on it? Undoubtedly! Even after several months of active work, you will realize that it was not in vain that you sat in front of the monitor.

And if you choose multi-level referral systems, they will be able to develop even without your participation. I can give many examples of how I managed to get a decent income through referral programs:

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One of the most interesting types of earnings on the World Wide Web is earnings from referrals.

Thousands of different projects offer their users to build referral networks and thereby organize a passive source of profit.

In this article we will try to consider the main questions of people who are just starting to organize their referral network and want to achieve success. The most common question is “Who are referrals and how to recruit them?”, so we decided to start with this.

Watch the video lesson.

Referrals are users whom you invite to various projects, and in the future you receive profit from their actions. For example, by inviting people to email services, you can receive a percentage of their earnings or from depositing funds.

In addition to email services, you can attract referrals to freelance and copywriting exchanges, affiliate programs, online casinos, bookmakers, etc.

How to get referrals for free?

To attract new users, the system provides its users with special links, after clicking on which, people register and become referrals of other participants.

In this case, everyone benefits, the services receive a constant “tide” of new users, referrers (people who invite new participants) receive profit from the users’ activity, and referrals learn about the possibility of using a useful service and can contact those who contact them with any questions. invited.

There are many different ways to recruit referrals:

1 . The simplest one is to invite all your friends to the service you are using. For example, you can tell your friends and acquaintances about the success you achieved by selling articles on one of the exchanges. This type of attraction is the most effective, because you can explain everything to new users, and your offer will be accompanied by trust.

Unfortunately, your circle of acquaintances is limited, and this method will not bring you a huge audience of users, which makes it not the most practical.

2. If you have the money or time, you can start advertising referral links. For example, you can post entries on forums, thanks to which you will receive new users. In addition, you can invest in an advertising company that will present your banners and links for a fee.

This method can be quite productive, but at the same time it is accompanied by some expenses, both time and money, which limits the circle of people using this method.

Creating a website for the purpose of recruiting referrals

3. The last option we will present is creating your own website. Thanks to your project, you will be able to constantly receive new referrals and distribute advertising.

Separately, I would like to say that thanks to the articles, you will be able to influence the level of interest of users, which will allow you to receive a huge number of potential referrals.

According to many people, this method of attracting participants to the service is the most acceptable and productive.

If you also want to build a large referral network, then start implementing your website, perhaps this will allow you to succeed.

If you begin to actively use all opportunities to attract users, then it is quite possible that you will achieve a successful result.

Many people choose this method of earning money, and they are easy to understand, because thanks to referrals you can earn money without doing anything, but only receiving small percentages for their activity.

How to get referrals automatically?

To avoid having to send out invitations yourself, communicate with people and post links somewhere, use click sponsors.

On the best mailers, you can create tasks and ask people to register, or place a referral link on some site.

This is not difficult to do, for example, if you use the Wmmail project, then the instructions for action will be as follows:

It's simple, people will start registering using your link, and all you have to do is check their reports so as not to pay scammers.

Don't have money for this? This is also not a problem, because you can use the axle boxes to complete other people’s tasks and thereby replenish your balance. Choose the most expensive orders; after completing a task with a payment of $1, you can order 100 completions of your task for 1 cent.

Where can I get referrals for free?

If you have free time, try to attract referrals for free through social networks. You can post any posts in them, as well as generate reposts using special services.

It’s good if there is a promoted page, but the most effective option is on similar sites.

Posts need to be designed beautifully so that they attract attention. The image must be:

It is these types of systems that are best to look for, because just one person you invite can attract a whole network of participants.

You don’t need to pay any money on social networks, but there are now so many advertisements being distributed there that your posts may simply be deleted or not viewed. Plus, it’s worth taking into account their rules; the page can be frozen for spam.

How to quickly get referrals?

Do you want to attract a huge audience in the shortest possible time? Then you will have to invest money. You can negotiate with site owners about advertising placement.

If you don’t want to contact directly, try using the system, many different sites have been added there that rent out different areas of the site:

This is part of the available resources; the table shows impressions and prices per month. An unusual form of payment is used here. Money is paid not for clicks or impressions (as everywhere else), but for 30 days of advertising.

The prices are relatively low, so this service can be considered one of the best for attracting referrals.

In addition to the above service, there are many alternative resources where you can also order advertising or place an affiliate link:

  1. – through this site you can order placement on video advertising sites.
  2. – suitable for advertising in VKontakte and Odnoklassniki groups.
  3. – here is the largest database of advertising platforms from social networks.
  4. – buy links from blogs, YouTube channels and social networks. networks.
  5. – payment for impressions in the advertising line (you can order from me, line at the top).
  6. – order placement of banners on partner sites.

If you plan to invite people to some services for beginners to make money, you will find it useful. You will pay only 20 kopecks for clicks on your promotional materials.

Be sure to keep in mind that this system is mainly used by beginners, so there is no point in advertising something serious, such as Forex brokers.

Even professionals make great efforts to attract new users to various systems. My main income is referral networks, so I know firsthand how difficult it is to find an active user who can bring a good profit.

  • You need to use as many methods of recruiting referrals as possible;
  • shows good results;
  • the most effective way to attract referrals is your own website;
  • to come up with tempting texts, you need to learn this;
  • use short sentences, do not send people text of 5000 characters;
  • create original banners and teasers, do not use hackneyed promos;
  • never deceive people, because after registration they will not be active;
  • offer your help to referrals so that they do not leave the project;
  • motivate people to become a referral, offer bonuses or refback;
  • make short links so that no one goes to the site directly ();
  • Animated banners provide the highest conversion;
  • Using different methods and services, follow the statistics and draw conclusions;
  • invite only interested people; in this matter, quality is important, not quantity.

As you work, you will gain experience and you will have your own secrets for recruiting referrals. The most important thing is not to stop and work actively, because here everything goes into perspective, at first there will be no income.

It’s difficult to say how many referrals you can attract in one way or another, because a lot depends on how much money is spent, how filtered the target audience is and whether good promotional materials are used.

In any case, this is a decent option for earning money that is worth using.

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Hello friends! You, as a person who visited this site, probably make money on the Internet. Therefore, it seems to me that this topic, which I will discuss in this article, will be very useful to you.

Now a lot of people are switching to working from home, on the Internet, where they can plan their own schedule. Some write articles for money, others prefer to engage in writing, others use their accounts to make money on social networks, and much more. But these people are impoverished by one thing - making money on the Internet. Each way to make money online is unique in its own way. Yes, of course, there are some types where you won’t earn much money, but there are others where you can earn large amounts in the future.

Today, earnings from referrals are growing at a tremendous pace, where earnings through simple labor can be increased several times.

Who is a referral?

Referral (or referral, from the English referral - “direction”) is a participant in the affiliate program who registered on the recommendation of another participant. This marketing scheme is widespread on the Internet and involves registration on sites that provide certain services. In this case, the recommendation is accompanied by a “referral link” containing information about the account of the participant who will receive a reward for attracting newcomers. By analogy, the recruiting participant is called a “referrer”.

In simple words...

Referral- this is a person who was invited by you via a link to some project, site or service and is listed as assigned to you as the person who invited him. The bottom line is that the person who invited the referral receives a percentage of his earnings. Thus, by having more referrals, your percentage profit from them increases. Typically, the percentage of profit from referrals is higher on those sites that offer earnings on clicks.

As for the referral system itself, it varies on different resources. For example, if you invite a referral, you get a percentage of his profit. And if your referral invites several more people, then he is considered a second-level referral. Some resources pay a percentage of referrals of second levels and higher.

How to attract referrals?

Now let's move directly to the question - how to attract referrals? This is a very important question, since many people do not even know about the referral system and affiliate programs. Therefore, carefully study the methods below and choose the most suitable for you.

Method of attracting referrals 1

This tell your buddies and friends about your resource where you earn money. Absolutely all services and sites that offer affiliate programs provide some kind of link through which you can attract other users. This link should be copied and sent to friends. But, be careful, since it is not recommended to send the link to everyone, with or without reason. Decide who can really be interested in your offers and use your link.

Method of attracting referrals 2

Attracting referrals through social networks. Nowadays, most Internet users are registered in various social networks. Therefore, we advise you to place the affiliate link on your page. Alternatively, you can agree with your friend that you will leave an invitation link on his page so that he is ready and does not mind. Also try to create a community where people will come and be able to see your affiliate program link and click on it.

Way to attract referrals 3

Attracting referrals on forums and blogs. What is meant? It's simple: when you communicate on forms, leave comments on blogs, leave a referral link after your words, indicating that by clicking on it you can earn good money or purchase some product. Please note that it is advisable to choose forums and blogs where there is communication, that is, question and answer. It is advisable that these blogs and forums be similar to the topic of your project.

Way to attract referrals 4

The fourth way we will advise you to attract referrals is advertise on various bulletin boards. They can be either paid or free. The ad must include an affiliate link. To make the ad more attractive, indicate in it all the advantages that a person will receive by clicking on the link. For example, if this is a type of work on the Internet, then indicate the amount that can be received for completing this work.

5 ways to attract referrals

This method is suitable for those people who make money online from clicks. On services that offer this type of earnings, there is a kind of referral exchange. On the referral exchange you can buy workers and make a profit from them. But please note that employees must be active. Otherwise, you will be wasting your money.

Method 6 to attract referrals

Newsletter- This is the sixth method we are considering to attract referrals. As a rule, mailing is not a very legal method if you are the one doing it. But to make the task easier, fortunately there are many services that offer this service. For example, wmmail and Cashtaller services will help you in this matter.

Way to attract referrals 7

The the method is to issue paid tasks for clicking on links on so-called “paid sites”. But, as a rule, such advertising is not very attractive, but it’s worth a try.

And the last 8 way to attract referrals

The last way to attract referrals is quite interesting and surprising - this is attracting referrals through advertisements in newspapers and magazines. This method is not effective enough, but it can be used in combination with the above methods.


I hope that you did not read this article in vain, and that it was useful to you. You learned what ways you can attract referrals and what you need to use for this. Register on affiliate programs and earn several times more. You can use one or several methods to attract referrals, and also have the opportunity to create a set of options and earn even more. Earn and develop. Good luck!

Hello, dear friends! I am sure that many of you who decided to take my advice and plunged headlong into building referral networks were faced with the problem of finding new users for their projects. Therefore, I decided to tell you about making money from referral links, which will be truly effective. We will also learn how to involve only active followers in your programs.

Ways to attract referrals

I’ll say right away that there are a great many methods that allow you to attract new referrals. I'll tell you about the most effective and I’ll start with those that are completely free and will not require any investment from you, except temporary ones:

  1. Reach out to your friends and family. As I already said, in your environment there will certainly be a couple of people who will be interested in the possibility of additional income.
  2. Don't neglect the power of social media. If you know and can boast of a large number of virtual friends and subscribers, God himself told you to tell them about an amazing project with a very profitable affiliate program.
  3. Comb through thematic forums.
  4. Place your affiliate link on social bookmarking services.
  5. Try it in action active advertising systems. Personally, I know that ATS provide a very decent and tangible return in terms of increasing the number of referrals.
  6. If you can boast of eloquence, then your solution is conducting webinars. This activity is simple, but very effective. Once you explain to people how to become your regular partners, you will forever receive active and profitable referrals.

How to attract your first referrals

If you are already thinking about how to properly start attracting referrals, then you need to consider a few important things:

Regarding the last point, I advise you to spend a little time on creating an advertising message to your future referrals and repeat the following algorithm:

  1. Find suitable videos on the Internet about registering in the service to which you want to attract new users. To do this, simply enter the corresponding phrase into the search bar of your favorite search engine and select the video you like.
  2. Download video. You can do this using free services like Ummy Video Downloader, or anyone else.
  3. Upload your advertising message to your Youtube channel.
  4. Copy and paste into line descriptions video shortened referral link.
  5. Copy the link on the downloaded video, add a small but very attractive ad, and go surf the Internet, simultaneously advertising your service.

About affiliate links and their correct use

Since today affiliate programs are not a rarity or some kind of amazing curiosity, it is very important not to get lost in this diversity and choose the one that is suitable specifically for your resource. It is very important to take into account when choosing a program site specifics, the theme of the affiliate program itself, number of target visitors, which are an integral part of any site made for people.
Everything that I write down below will not allow you to build a huge referral network if you cannot choose the right affiliate program.

But let’s not pull the cat by the tail, but let’s get to the heart of the matter. I think it would be unnecessary to make theoretical digressions, since in previous articles I have already made a detailed excursion into the terminological world of referrals. If this article is now being read by beginners who are completely at a loss, I advise you all to go back a few lessons. There you will understand why it is needed, what it is in principle, how it works and what to do with it.

In the meantime, I want to tell you that many companies offering earnings from affiliate programs, quite often, in addition to referral links, offer webmasters to place various types of links on their resources banners and informers.

I want to warn you right away: if you are worried about how to get a lot of referrals, but you completely ignore simple links, relying on the effectiveness of ad units, your efforts are doomed to failure. If you are really thinking about how to attract as many referrals as possible for free, make using banners a taboo for yourself. Most likely, many of you are a little confused right now and don't understand why I'm talking about categorical prohibition.

Everything is very simple. The fact is that readers extremely negatively perceive any information that, even from afar, looks like advertising. Even if your banner is professionally and stylishly designed, the text for its information block will be composed competently and enticingly - this still will not force random users to use your link and go to the project page. Most likely, upon seeing an advertising picture, readers will automatically scroll through your ad without even bothering to read it.

Ad blockers

Another reason why I cannot advise you to use advertising informers is the presence of banner cutters. For example, banner advertising of referral links on VKonakte, Odnoklassniki or any other social networks will be taken by surprise by the presence of AdBlock or FlashBlock.

That is, your attractive banner will most likely simply be cut out of the overall design of the page, which will make your offer to join the project simply invisible for interested users.

Thus, you and I can come to a completely logical conclusion that you can only direct users to an affiliate project if you know where to place the link to attract new referrals. It is very important that she has exclusively text view. In order for your work to bear fruit and the link to be effective, you should pay attention to the following points:

  1. Never put a referral link before an ad that is inherently related to the affiliate program.
  2. Do not insert a link in blocks dedicated to introducing the user to the content.
  3. End your ads with referral links, draw a concise and organic conclusion from everything you say.

Since you already know the negative impact that overt advertising can have on attracting referrals, it is extremely important to ensure that your referral link does not reveal your true intentions. Alternatively, you can describe to the reader the importance and usefulness of your proposal, tell him that following the link will not affect his earnings in any way, but in reality it will not bring any effect.

Therefore, do not forget about such an important event as hiding referral tails. This is done extremely simply, but the effectiveness of an affiliate link without a tail increases several times. To shorten links, you can use, for example, the service from Google

Paid methods for placing links and attracting referrals

Since I already talked above about free ways to attract users to projects, it would be quite appropriate to tell you about those methods that involve investing a certain amount of money in promoting a referral network. So, the most effective options for finding active referrals for money you can consider:

  • Advertising in specialized services.
  • Advertising in teaser networks;
  • Promoting your site on social networks

  1. – similar to the above, Smmka is designed for promoting pages on social networks, the only difference can be considered a wider range of platforms
  2. – an excellent service where you simply cannot help but be pleased with the presence of a three-level referral system
  3. – this is your service if you are promoting a channel on YouTube or are interested in expanding the audience on your social network page
  4. – encourages the activity of its users with worthwhile bonuses, strictly monitors bots, and punishes violators

Registration in the excellent service vktarget

Teaser networks

Well, in conclusion, I present to you a list of the best teaser networks, which will help you in placing your advertising message to all potential referrals:


Register in

The main advantage of these sites can be considered the penny sums for placing advertisements, which, however, in no way affect the effectiveness of the services as a whole. Simply put, for little money you can attract a whole armada of people here who will really work for you.

High-quality software for getting subscribers

  • Brobot
  • Botsapp
  • VKAccountsManager

Promote your VKontakte page with Brobot