How to build a radar chart in Excel

Charts are used in the Microsoft Office Excel spreadsheet editor to provide a more visual representation of data from spreadsheets. A radar chart is one of the variations of a pie chart, but here it is highlighted as a separate type. This form of data presentation is convenient to use, say, to display several groups of data distributed by month of the year.


1. Launch the spreadsheet editor and load into it the document whose data you want to present in radar chart format.

2. Select the range of cells that you want to include in diagram. If this range has column and column headings, then you can also select them - Excel will be able to distinguish labels from cells with data and include them in diagram as a “legend” and sector captions. It is desirable that the number of data columns does not exceed seven - this is the recommendation of Microsoft Corporation.

3. Go to the “Insert” tab in the table editor menu and in the “Diagram” command group, click on the “Other charts” button. The bottom line of the drop-down list contains three options for radar charts - select the one you need. Excel will perform the necessary actions and place the finished diagram to the same page of the document. In this case, three additional tabs will be added to the editor menu, prepared for editing the diagram - “Layout”, “Format” and “Designer”. By default, the “Design” tab will be activated.

4. Expand one of the drop-down lists in the Chart Layouts or Chart Genres command groups if you want to change the appearance the editor used when creating the chart. These lists contain ready-made design options, and on the “Layout” and “Format” tabs you can independently customize virtually every aspect of the radar chart’s appearance - choose colors, embossing, material, shadows, color fill options, move labels or turn them off, etc. .d.

5. Use the buttons in the Data command group on the Design tab if you need to change the range of cells that are used to form the chart, or the row and column that contain the legend headings. In the “Type” command group on this tab there is a button for saving the created design option as a sample and a button for replacing the radar chart with diagram some other type. The button in the “Location” command group is designed to move the diagram both within the current sheet and to other sheets of the book.

Illustration of performed calculations in the form of charts and graphs is a good chance to make the prepared reports more visual. Information presented in the form of visual images is remembered much better. One of the methods to improve the perception of the results of the research is to translate dry statistical figures into visual images of Excel diagrams.


1. To create a chart in Excel, enter the required data into a tabular form. Select their full range and click on the “Chart Wizard” button on the toolbar. A similar action will occur if you select the “Diagram...” command in the “Insert” menu.

2. In the window that appears, select the appropriate chart type. Which type of chart you prefer depends on the information that the numbers you enter illustrate, as well as your personal taste. Complex statistical series look great in the form of a traditional histogram, which can then be given a three-dimensional appearance. At the same time, primitive percentage ratios, as well as tables consisting of 2 columns, are adequately understood in the form of a pie chart, or, as an option, a chart with highlighted sectors.

3. In the next settings window, specify the ranges of data used. To create a chart in Excel, also enter the labels for the X and Y axes if necessary. Additionally, indicate the need to add a legend to the chart and label the values. Later, choose the location of the chart: on the same sheet where the table with the data itself is located, or on a separate Excel sheet. In the latter case, the table will take up the entire space of the new sheet, and when printed, it is scaled to the full size of the printing paper.

4. Later, you can change the appearance and settings of the chart by right-clicking on its area and choosing one of the commands from the drop-down list: type, initial data, parameters and placement.

A curve or Pareto diagram is a graphical representation of the Pareto law, which determines the connectedness of the separation of sources from the community of many causes. This diagram is used to determine the priority tasks that need to be solved to resolve everyday problems that arise (say, the presence of unsold products, equipment malfunctions, etc.).


1. There are two types of Pareto charts - by results of activities and by reasons. The first is used to determine the main problem; this diagram shows the undesirable results of activities related, say, to safety or quality. The second is used to detect all the reasons for the origin of the task and determine the main one ( say, an ineffective way of working, a crappy performer - contractor, foreman, etc.).

2. The construction of a Pareto chart begins with the formulation of the problem. It is necessary to determine the problem that will be investigated (say, a defect in a product), decide on the data and their systematization (say, by type of defect, by reasons of origin, by place of occurrence, etc.), and determine the timing and methods of research.

3. A sheet is compiled containing a list of information collected. A table is compiled and filled out containing a list of detected snags (let's say, shortcomings) in order of their importance. The table consists of the following columns: Types of snags (disadvantages, unfortunate cases, etc.), Number of snags, Collected sum of the number of tasks, Percentage of the number of tasks over the entire sign to the total sum, Collected percentage.

4. The coordinate axis is constructed. The vertical axis is percentages, the horizontal axis is the gap corresponding to the number of characters (tasks). In accordance with the compiled table, a cumulative curve is constructed on the coordinate plane, while each available information related to the diagram and the survey data is plotted on the graph. After constructing the diagram, it is possible to identify the main causes of the origin of the problem under study; for this, various types of review are used, for example ABC review.

Helpful advice
If the data is presented in monetary terms, then it will be more clear to swap the vertical and horizontal axes. To more accurately determine the reasons for the appearance of certain problems, it is advisable to construct several Pareto diagrams, using various input data.

Diagram Gantt (Gantt, Gantt chart or “strip chart”) is a method of visual representation of simultaneous and/or step-by-step events. Often used in planning joint actions of several people or groups.


1. Start by constructing what is called a “chart box.” It is a two-dimensional grid, horizontally at the top (indented) time intervals are laid out in accordance with the predicted duration of actions, vertically on the left is a list of planned events or tasks, in steps, in lines from top to bottom, one line per task. It should be remembered that a task list is a sequence of necessary actions that must be performed in order for the task to be completed.

2. Leave some space to the right of the task list to indicate assignees for the entire task.

3. At each height of the diagram, from top to bottom, delimit with dotted lines the start time of tasks and the time of their overall completion. Let's say a family is going to the theater. Preface of fees 17:00, end point (moment of exit) 18:00.

4. After this, dots indicate the beginning and conclusion of the entire task. To go to the theater, say, the first task is to order a taxi (17:00-17:10). The second task is for the mother to get ready and get dressed (17:00-17:40), the third task is for the father to get ready and get dressed (17:10-17 :30), fourth – children get dressed (17:30 – 17:50). The last task before leaving: checking “if you took everything and didn’t forget anything” (17:50 – 17:57). Write in the space left opposite the entire task of its performers.

5. The intervals between the start point and the end point are shaded along the length for clarity. Allowed in various colors. In huge diagrams, the same colors mark either similar actions or actions within the boundaries of one stage. The main thing to understand is this: the shaded intervals on the diagram indicate the time of execution of the planned essential actions. So, let's say, dad, having finished getting dressed at 17:30, can continue to sit reading the newspaper until 17:50 (the task of getting dressed is completed), or he can help the children get dressed and get ready. However, if the task of “helping the children get ready” is essential, it is entered as a separate line in the diagram and, say, assigned to the father, from 17:30 to 17:50.

Now all reports are executed primarily on a computer supported by various graphics and text programs. Most often everyone uses the Word text editor from the MS Office package. It allows you to build charts and graphs using your own tools, as well as import them from the Excel spreadsheet editor.

You will need

  • - computer;
  • – MS Word.


1. In order to build diagram in MS Word 2007, in the main menu, go to the “Insert” tab, then select the “Diagram” command. A window appears, on the left side of which is a list of sample diagrams, and on the right - their type. Select diagram, which you judge is appropriate for your report, and confirm your selection by clicking OK. Next, a MS Excel table editor window opens with a table corresponding to the selected diagram. Thus, there are two windows on the screen: Word and Excel. Double-click a table cell and change its value. The chart's appearance will change after you press Enter.

2. Allowed to create diagram in Word from a table. In the “Insert” tab, click the “Table” button. You will be offered several methods to create it: 1. Determine the size of the table in the sample;2. After selecting the “Insert Table” command in the “Insert Table” window, determine its parameters: the number of rows and columns and automatic selection of column widths;3. Select the “Draw Table” command if you need a table with predefined parameters. The Pencil tool appears. Draw rows and columns of the required sizes;4. Using the “Excel Table” command, a window of this spreadsheet editor will open at the bottom of the screen. Enter the cell values, click OK to complete the entry;5. The “Express Tables” command will present you with several sample tables.

3. Fill in the table with data. In the main menu, select the “Menu” item. In the new menu bar that appears, expand the “Table” list, then click “Select” and “Select table”. In the same line, select the “Insert” and “Object” items. In the Object Type list, find Microsoft Graph Chart. The program will suggest the type of chart that is especially suitable for your table. If you want to change it, double-click on the image and select “Chart” and “Chart Type” from the menu. To return to the Word document, click anywhere outside the picture.

4. To import a table from Excel, select the required cells or each sheet and copy the selected fragment to the clipboard using the Ctrl+C combination. Open a Word document, mark the place where the table will be inserted, and press Ctrl+V. An Insert Options button will appear next to the new data. If you want the table to reflect all the changes that will be made to the initial document, select one of the options “Keep initial formatting and link to Excel” or “Apply the final table genre and link to Excel.”

A bar chart, as usual, is used for a visual graphical comparison of data in one column or row of a spreadsheet. A particularly common tool for working with tables today is Microsoft Office Excel. This spreadsheet editor has the necessary tools to create this type of chart.

You will need

  • Spreadsheet editor Microsoft Office Excel 2007.


1. Select the range of row or column cells that you want to display in the chart. If columns and rows have headings, then they can also be selected - the texts from them will be placed on the diagram as captions for data columns and in the heading.

2. Go to the “Insert” tab of the Microsoft Excel editor menu and click the largest button in the “Histogram” group of commands. In the list that will eventually open, there will be about two dozen options for designing a bar chart - choose the one that suits you best.

3. Edit the appearance of the chart, which will be made mechanically by the table editor based on the selections you make. To make changes, use the tools from the 3 additional tabs (Format, Design, and Layout) that appear in the menu along with the new diagram.

4. On the “Design” tab in the “Chart Layouts” command group, you can, by choosing one of the options in the drop-down list, replace the layout of the chart elements that the spreadsheet editor used by default. In the “Diagram Genres” command group there are additional genres for the graphic design of columns. If you need to change the group of cells on which the chart is based, use the buttons from the “Data” command group, and the exclusive button in the “Location” group is designed to move the bar chart within the current page or to other sheets of the Excel workbook.

5. The “Layout” and “Format” tabs contain a lot of tools for more fine-tuning the appearance of each individual element of the created bar chart. If you want to use the resulting design option in the future, then save it as a sample - there is a button prepared for this in the “Type” command group on the “Design” tab.

Pie charts are one of the most convenient methods for people to perceive numerical information. It is not surprising that the use of pie charts in your work leads to increased audience interest and an improved understanding of your activities. Pie charts are appropriate in scientific papers, presentations, periodicals, and public surveys.

You will need

  • MS Excel spreadsheet editor


1. Despite all the convenience of pie charts, one must evaluate whether their use is appropriate in a given setting. Pie charts can be used only in cases where we want to clearly show the distribution of something whole into several different shares. If splitting a circle into parts is comfortable, then this is our case. The circle in this case is 100 percent.

2. The first step is to create an Excel spreadsheet. We will use two table columns. In the 1st we write down the categories into which the diagrams will then be divided. That is, we use this column to sign the numeric parameters. Next to the signature in the adjacent column of the table, enter the numerical data. You can enter them both in percentage format, calculated earlier, and in the format of ordinary numbers - then Excel will do everything for you.

3. After the table is ready, launch the Chart Wizard (from the toolbar). Its interface is shown in the figure. Select “Pie Charts” and click on the “Finish” button. This is how we get a standard circular diagram. Using the context menu (it opens when you right-click on the diagram), we can supplement it with additional data, change the format of the legend, and add a caption.

4. Then we can export the finished diagram into a text document or presentation, if insertion into MS Office documents is necessary. We simply drag it, holding the left mouse button, into the desired document. If we need to insert a diagram into another program, we can do diagram graphic file by dragging it into the photo viewer or Paint in advance.

Microsoft Word is the most widely known text editor and is probably one of the best software in the industry. Consequently, having such cool software in your hands, you need to be able to use its enormous potential in solving various problems. One of its best features is the construction of diagrams, which are essential for the work of virtually any person using a personal computer.

You will need

  • Personal computer, Microsoft Word 2007 software


1. In order to build the one you need diagram in Microsoft Word 2007, you need to run the program, if you certainly have it. If it is not there, then be sure to download it from the Internet or purchase a disc in a specialized store. You can download this program from the official website of Microsoft Corporation

2. After you have launched the text editor, you need to go to the “Insert” tab, which is located on the top line in the left corner of the screen.

3. Next, in the window that opens, go to the “Illustrations” section. Here you will be offered a huge list of different additional modules, namely: drawing, clip, shapes, Smart Art, diagram. You click on the "Chart" tab.

4. Now a window will open in front of you, which displays a large list of different types of charts: histogram, graph, pie, bar, area, dot, stock, surface, donut, bubble, radar. All these diagrams can be created in the Microsoft Word 2007 software environment. You choose the type of diagram that is especially suitable for solving a specific problem.

5. After you have chosen the one you need for work diagram, click on it with the mouse. A small Microsoft Excel 2007 window will open in front of you, where you are required to indicate certain values ​​on which each created diagram will be based. Before everyone else, write all the names in diagram in order to make it more comfortable for you to work with values ​​in the future. The diagram object appears on the current sheet of the document. You can edit this object at any time. As you can see, insert the necessary diagram not so difficult.

Video on the topic

In order to construct a diagram, you really need to have some basic knowledge so that you can do it in several ways at once. Excel tables are a powerful tool that allows you to process a huge amount of data, perform various computational operations, display them in the form of tables, and the process of visualizing them becomes simple and comfortable.

A diagram is one of the methods of presenting data. Let's look at two versions - 2003 and 2010, and in the 2007 version, the construction of diagrams is similar to the 2010 version, therefore we will not consider this version of the program. It turns out, how to make a diagram in the 2003 version of the program? 1. Launch the program. In the new book, enter a table with data. 2. Select the prepared table.3. Go to the “Insert” menu, select the “Diagram” item.4. In the window, select the type of graph that you like best, say, an ordinary histogram.5. Click the “Next” button.6. A window will appear in front of you in which you need to select a source for construction. Initially, the initial table of data is selected, and therefore they will be written mechanically in the “Range” field. 7. Click “Next” again.8. Now the chart settings. Here its name and the names of the axes are set, the legend is configured, and data labels are set. Nothing difficult, it’s quite simple to understand the window.9. In the last window, select the place where the diagram will be inserted. 10. Done! How to make a chart in 2010:1. We launch the program, fill the table with the necessary data.2. Select it.3. Again the Insert group “Insert”, then its Charts panel.4. Select the chart type.5. Once you have selected the chart type, the chart is mechanically inserted onto the sheet where the data table is located.6. All settings for the chart can be made by right-clicking on the chart and going to Format Chart Area. You can also construct a diagram correctly in another program of the standard Microsoft Office package, without leaving the word text program. If you have created a table there, go to the “Insert” menu on the top panel and select the chart view icon. By clicking on it, you will open a window where you again need to select the type of diagram that is especially suitable for your case and click the “Ok” button. After this, a window will pop up in front of you where you need to create a table with data, and the diagram drawing will be inserted into the Word document. As you enter data into the table, the indicators of the chart inserted into the document will change. Labels for the graph can also be signed in the table, and the necessary settings are made by right-clicking on the picture. Many interesting settings will appear in the menu that appears, including metamorphosis of the diagram type, metamorphosis of inscriptions, and the like. This is how a diagram is built in a text document. As you can see, there are no difficulties, but the result is obvious, you can easily cope with this task independently.

Annotation: Table in a presentation: adding, changing style. Create charts, insert them into a presentation, and change chart options.

Add a table to a slide

In the 2010 Microsoft Office suite, after you create a table in Office Word 2010 or Office Excel 2010, you can insert it into an Office PowerPoint 2010 presentation, and then use PowerPoint's capabilities to change the table's style or add a visual effect. However, you can directly (immediately) create tables right in PowerPoint. Specify the slide where you want to add the table. Then on the tab Insert in Group Tables click on the button Table. Next, the table can be created in two ways.

In the first method, select several rows and columns, and then left-click (Fig. 6.1).

Rice. 6.1.

In the second method, run the command Insert table and then enter the numbers into the lists Number of columns And Number of lines(Fig. 6.2) and press the button OK.

Rice. 6.2.


To add text to table cells, click the cell, and then type the text. Then click in an area outside the table.

Copy a table from other Office 2010 applications

To copy a table from Excel or Word to PowerPoint, select the original table. Run the command in your source application Copy, then in the Power Point application the command Insert. The table will be moved.

So, for example, in Word 2010, click on the table you want to copy, and then in the group Working with tables on the tab Layout in Group Table click the arrow next to the button Select, and then select Select table(Fig. 6.3).

Rice. 6.3.

Next on the tab home in Group Clipboard click on the button Copy, and in a PowerPoint 2010 presentation, select the slide you want to copy the table to and on the tab home click on the button Insert. Most often, in this case Paste options option should be selected Keep original formatting(Fig. 6.4).

Rice. 6.4.

Drawing a table

You can draw a table. To do this, on the tab Insert in Group Tables click on the button Table, and then select Draw a table- the cursor will turn into a pencil. To mark the outer boundaries of the table, drag the cursor diagonally to the desired size of the table, and then (with the tool active Draw a table) drag the cursor to create columns and rows - fig.


Rice. 6.5. The drawn table can be edited. To erase a line on a tab in Group Constructor Draw borders select instrument Eraser

- the cursor will turn into an eraser. Click the line you want to erase - it will be destroyed.

Changing the table style Working with tables on the tab The drawn table can be edited. To erase a line on a tab Select the desired style in the field. Table style thumbnails are displayed in the Quick Styles gallery in the group - Fig.

6.6. When you hover your mouse over the Quick Style, you can see the style of the table you're editing change. In other words, in Power Point there is a preview (preview) of the table style.

Rice. 6.6. While editing a table, you can change its outline, background color, and/or apply effects to table cells. Any existing table style can be assigned as the style for all newly created tables. To do this, right-click on the table style, and then run the command in the context menu.



The author does not have the opportunity to cover such sections as: adding a row (column), merging (splitting) table cells, deleting a column and row, deleting the contents of a table cell, adding (changing, deleting) a table cell fill, adding and changing the table background color, changing table size, changing the size of a column or row, and a number of other topics. We encourage the reader to use the Help and explore these topics on their own.

Create charts in PowerPoint and Excel

With Microsoft Office Excel 2010, you can easily create professional-looking charts and then transfer them to PowerPoint. Unlike MS PowerPoint, MS Excel is specially designed for working with charts and allows you to present data using charts of various types. When you create a new chart or edit an existing chart, you can choose from a variety of chart types (such as bar chart or pie chart) and chart variations (such as stacked bar chart or 3-D pie chart). By combining different types of charts on one chart, you can create a combination chart. Insert To create a basic chart in Excel that you can later edit and format, first enter the data for the chart in a worksheet. Then simply highlight that data and select the desired chart type from the Ribbon (tab , group Diagrams

) - rice. 6.7.

You can copy a chart from Excel into PowerPoint 2010. When copied, the chart can be embedded as static data or linked to a workbook. If your chart is linked to a workbook that you have access to, you can set it to automatically update with the data in the linked workbook every time you open the chart. Thus, charts created in Excel are fully compatible with other Office 2010 applications, such as Office PowerPoint 2010 and Office Word 2010, and both of these applications contain the same charting tools as Excel.

New term

All chart types except pie charts can contain multiple data series. Data series- a set of interconnected data elements displayed on a diagram. Each data series in a chart has a different color or designation, indicated in the chart legend.

Types of charts

Office PowerPoint 2010 provides many different types of charts and graphs that you can use to provide your audience with information about inventory, organizational changes, sales data, and more. When you create or edit an existing chart, you can choose from many available subtypes of each chart type.


Data that is arranged in columns or rows can be depicted as a histogram. Histograms are used to show changes in data over a period of time or to illustrate comparisons between objects. Histograms typically display categories along the horizontal axis and values ​​along the vertical axis. To present data in volumetric form using three axes (horizontal, vertical, and depth) that can be changed, use a volumetric histogram.


Data that is arranged in columns or rows can be plotted as a graph. Graphs allow you to depict continuous change in data over time on a single scale; thus, they are ideal for depicting data trends at regular intervals. In graphs, data categories are evenly distributed along the horizontal axis, and values ​​are evenly distributed along the vertical axis. You may want to use graphs when you have text category labels to display evenly spaced values, such as months, quarters, or fiscal years. This is especially important if you have multiple rows - for one row you can use the category axis. Graphs can also be used when there are multiple evenly spaced numeric labels, especially years. If there are more than ten number labels, it is better to use a scatter plot instead of a graph.

Pie charts

Data that is arranged in one column or row can be depicted as a pie chart. A pie chart shows the size of the elements of one data series. Pie charts are recommended if:

  • Only one row of data needs to be displayed.
  • All values ​​that you want to display are non-negative.
  • Almost all values ​​you want to display are greater than zero.
  • Values ​​belong to no more than seven categories.
  • The categories correspond to parts of a general circle.

Bar charts

Data that is arranged in columns or rows can be depicted as a bar chart. Bar charts illustrate comparisons between individual elements. A bar chart is essentially a bar chart rotated 90 degrees clockwise. The advantage of using bar charts is that category labels are easier to read.

  • The axis labels are long.
  • The output values ​​are durations.

Area Charts

Data that is arranged in columns or rows can be depicted as an area chart. Area charts illustrate the magnitude of change over time and can be used to draw attention to a cumulative value along a trend. For example, data showing profits over time can be displayed in an area chart to bring attention to overall profits.

Scatter plots

Data that is arranged in columns and rows can be depicted as a scatter plot. A scatter plot has two value axes, with one set of values ​​plotted along the horizontal axis (X-axis) and the other along the vertical axis (Y-axis). Scatter plots are typically used to present and compare numerical values, such as scientific, statistical, or engineering data. Scatter plots are recommended if:

  • It is required to change the scale of the horizontal axis.
  • You must use a logarithmic scale for the horizontal axis.
  • The values ​​are not evenly spaced on the horizontal axis.
  • There are many data points on the horizontal axis.
  • You want to efficiently display spreadsheet data that contains pairs of grouped value fields, and you want to introduce independent scatterplot scales to show additional information about the grouped values.
  • What you want to demonstrate is not the differences between data points, but the analogies across large data sets.
  • You need to compare many data points without taking into account time - the more data that is used to create a scatter plot, the more accurate the comparison will be.

To display table data as a scatter plot, place the X-axis data in one row or column and the corresponding Y-axis data in adjacent rows or columns. That is, for example, to construct a scatter plot of a weather forecast, you should collect data on the season in column 1 (X-axis), and on temperature in column 2 (Y-axis). Then in column 3 a temperature forecast will be built depending on the time of year.

Stock charts

Stock charts are very useful for displaying information about prices on an exchange. They require three to five data sets, depending on the subtype. As the name suggests, a stock chart is most often used to illustrate changes in stock prices. To create a stock chart, you need to correctly organize the output data. So, to create a simple high-low-close (ceiling-floor-close) stock chart, you would put the data in columns with headings Maximum, Minimum And Closing in the appropriate order. Let's assume that you have some stocks and recorded their quotes for ten days and this data is stored line by line in four variables tag(day), hoch(maximum), tief(minimum) and ende(final quote). Based on such data, you can also construct a stock chart.

Surface Charts

Data that is arranged in columns or rows can be depicted as a surface chart. A surface plot is used when you want to find optimal combinations in two sets of data. Surface charts can be used to illustrate categories and sets of data that represent numeric values).

Donut charts

Donut charts resemble pie charts with the middle cut out. However, the difference is that donut charts can represent multiple series of data.

Bubble charts

Bubble charts are similar to scatter charts that can display additional series of data. This additional data series is displayed as bubble size. In other words, a bubble chart can display column data in a spreadsheet, with the X-axis values ​​selected from the first column, and the corresponding Y-axis values ​​and values ​​that determine the size of the bubbles selected from adjacent columns.

Radar charts

A radar chart has a separate axis for each category, with all axes originating from the center. The value of the data points is marked on the corresponding axis. If all the points in a data series have the same values, then the radar chart takes the form of a circle. Radar charts allow you to compare the cumulative values ​​of several data series and plot the distribution of data according to their value.

When creating a chart in an Excel worksheet, Word document, or PowerPoint presentation, you have many options to choose from. Whether you use the chart recommended for your data or choose one from the list of all charts, this article will help you learn a little more about each chart type.

To view a description of a chart type, select it from the drop-down list.

Data in the columns or rows of a worksheet can be represented as a histogram. A histogram typically displays categories on a horizontal axis (categories) and values ​​on a vertical axis (values), as shown in this chart:

Types of histograms

Data arranged in columns or rows of a worksheet can be presented as a graph. In graphs, category data is evenly distributed along the horizontal axis, and all values ​​are evenly distributed along the vertical axis. Graphs allow you to display continuous change in data over time on an evenly distributed axis, so they are ideal for presenting trends in data at regular intervals such as months, quarters, or fiscal years.

Types of charts

Pie and donut charts

Data in one column or row of a worksheet can be represented as a pie chart. A pie chart displays the size of the elements of one data series relative to the sum of the elements. Data points in a pie chart are plotted as percentages of the entire pie.

    Only one row of data needs to be displayed;

    all your data values ​​are non-negative;

    almost all data values ​​are greater than zero;

    There are no more than seven categories, each of which corresponds to parts of the general circle.

Types of Pie Charts

Donut charts

Data that is located only in columns or rows of a worksheet can be represented as a donut chart. Like a pie chart, a donut chart displays the relationship of parts to the whole, but can contain multiple series of data.

Types of Donut Charts

You can display data in the columns or rows of a worksheet as a bar chart. Bar charts are used to compare individual elements. In this type of chart, categories are usually placed on the vertical axis and values ​​are placed on the horizontal axis.

    axis labels are long;

    the output values ​​are durations.

Types of Bar Charts

Data in the columns or rows of a worksheet can be represented as an area chart. Area charts can be used to show changes in values ​​over time and draw attention to the total value according to the trend. By displaying the sum of the values ​​of the series, such a diagram also clearly shows the contribution of each series.

Types of Area Charts

Scatter plot with scatter and bubble plot

You can display the data in the columns and rows of a worksheet as a scatter plot. Place the X-axis data in one row or column and the corresponding Y-axis data in adjacent rows or columns.

A scatter plot has two value axes: horizontal (X) and vertical (Y). A scatter plot combines "x" and "y" values ​​into a single data point and displays them at unequal intervals or clusters. Scatter plots are typically used to display and compare numerical values, such as scientific, statistical, or technical data.

    it is necessary to change the scale of the horizontal axis;

    it is required to use a logarithmic scale for the horizontal axis;

    the values ​​are located unevenly on the horizontal axis;

    there are many data points on the horizontal axis;

    You need to configure independent scatter plot scales to display additional information about data that contains pairs of grouped value fields;

    What you want to show is not the differences between data points, but the analogies in large data sets;

    requires comparing multiple data points without regard to time; The more data used to create a scatter plot, the more accurate the comparison will be.

Types of Scatter Plots

Like a scatter chart, a bubble chart adds a third column to indicate the size of the bubbles used to represent data points in the data series.

Bubble Chart Type

Data arranged in columns or rows of a worksheet in a specific order can be represented as a stock chart. As the name suggests, stock charts can show changes in stock prices. But they can also be used to illustrate changes in other data, such as daily precipitation or annual temperature fluctuations. To create a stock chart, you need to organize your data correctly.

For example, to create a simple stock chart (Highest Rate, Lowest Rate, Closing Rate), place the data in columns labeled "Highest Rate", "Lowest Rate" and "Closing Rate" in that order.

Types of Stock Charts

Data in the columns or rows of a worksheet can be represented as a surface chart. This chart is useful if you want to find optimal combinations of data from two sets. As on a topographic map, areas belonging to the same ranges are highlighted with colors and shading. You can create surface charts to illustrate categories and sets of data that represent numerical values.

Types of Surface Charts

Radar charts

Data in the columns or rows of a worksheet can be represented as a radar chart. A radar chart allows you to compare the aggregated values ​​of multiple data series.

Types of Radar Charts

Tree diagram (Office 2016 and later only)


Sunburst chart (Office 2016 and later only)


Histograms (Office 2016 and later only)

Types of histograms

Area and whisker plots (Office 2016 and later only)

Note: There are no subtypes for box-and-whisker plots.

Waterfall charts (Office 2016 and later only)


Funnel charts (Office 2016 and later only)

As a rule, the values ​​gradually decrease, so the chart bars look like a funnel. More information about funnel charts

Combo charts (Office 2013 and later only)

Data in columns and rows can be presented as a combination chart. Combination charts combine two or more types of charts to improve the readability of data, especially when they differ significantly from each other. Displaying a secondary axis on such a diagram further improves the visual experience. In this example, a bar graph was used to display the number of homes sold from January to June, and then an easy-to-read graph was used to quickly determine the average sales price for the month.

Types of Combo Charts

Chart with map (Excel only)

Using a map chart, you can compare values ​​and display categories by geographic region. Use it if your data has geographic regions such as countries/regions, states, areas, or zip codes.

For example, a map showing countries by population uses values. The values ​​express the total population of each country and are displayed using a spectrum of two-color gradients. The color for each region is determined depending on which part of the spectrum its value falls in relative to other values.

The example map of countries by population below uses a legend to show categories to show groups or relationships. All data points are represented in completely different colors.

If you already have a chart and you just want to change its type, follow these steps:

There are many types of charts available that help you display data in the most appropriate way for your audience. Below are some examples of the most common chart types and how to use them.

Funnel diagram

Funnel charts display values ​​related to different stages of the process.

Typically, the values ​​decrease gradually, allowing the bars to resemble a funnel. For more information, see Create a Funnel Chart.

Tree diagram

A tree diagram provides a hierarchical view of data and an easy way to compare different levels of classification. Tree charts display categories by color and close together, and can easily display large amounts of data that are difficult to use with other chart types. A tree diagram can be constructed when empty (blank) cells exist in a hierarchical structure and tree diagrams are well suited for comparing proportions in a hierarchy.

There are no subtypes for a tree diagram.

For more information, see Create a tree diagram.

Sunburst diagram

A sunburst chart is ideal for displaying hierarchical data and can be drawn if there are empty (blank) cells in the hierarchical structure. Each level of the hierarchy is represented by a single ring or circle with the innermost circle at the top of the hierarchy. A sunburst chart without hierarchical data (one level of categories) is similar to a donut chart. However, a sunburst diagram with multiple levels of categories shows how the outer rings relate to the inner rings. A sunburst diagram most effectively shows how a single call is broken down into its components.

There are no subtypes for the sunburst chart.

For more information, see Create a sunburst chart.

Waterfall chart

A waterfall chart shows the cumulative total of financial data as values ​​are added or subtracted. This is useful for understanding how a series of positive and negative values ​​affect the initial value. The columns are highlighted in color so you can quickly recognize the negative number.

There are no subtypes for waterfall charts.

For more information, see Create a waterfall chart.

Histograms and Pareto charts

The data displayed in the histogram shows the frequencies of the distribution. Each column of the chart can be modified to further analyze the data.

Types of histograms

More information can be found in and Pareto charts.

Whisker and box diagram

A box and whisker plot shows the distribution of data by quartile, highlighting the mean and outliers. Fields may contain lines called whiskers vertically. These lines indicate variability outside the upper and lower quartiles, and any point outside these lines or whiskers is considered an outlier. Use this type of chart if you have multiple sets of data that can be related to each other in some way.

For more information, see Create a Box and Whisker Plot.

Data organized in an Excel worksheet as columns or rows can be visually represented as a surface chart. Like a topographic map, colors and patterns indicate areas that fall within the same range of values.

A surface plot is useful when you need to find the optimal combination of two sets of data.

Surface charts include the following chart subtypes.

    Shows trends for values ​​across two dimensions as a continuous curve. The colored bars in a surface chart do not represent data series, but rather the difference between values. This chart displays a three-dimensional representation of data that can be represented as a rubber band stretched over a three-dimensional histogram. Typically this chart is used to show relationships between large amounts of data that would otherwise be difficult to see.

    Wire volume surface diagram. This chart shows only lines. Wire 3D surface plots can be difficult to read, but are recommended for quickly displaying large data sets.

    Contour diagram. When viewed from above, a surface diagram resembles a two-dimensional topographic map. In a contour chart, the colored bars represent specific ranges of values. Lines on a contour diagram connect interpolated points with the same values.

    Wire outline diagram. Surface diagram viewed from above. Without color bars, only lines appear on the surface of a contour chart. Colorless contour diagrams are difficult to read. Surface charts can be used instead.

Like a pie chart, a donut chart shows the relationship of parts to the whole. However, it may contain more than one data series. Each ring in a donut chart represents one series of data.

Donut charts include the following chart subtypes.

    Displays data in rings, each representing one row of data. If the data labels display percentages, the data for each ring will add up to 100%.

    Cut donut chart. Reflects the contribution of each value to the total, highlighting individual values. These charts can contain more than one data series.

Radar charts are used to compare the cumulative values ​​of multiple data series.

Radar charts include the following chart subtypes.

    Displays changes in values ​​relative to the origin.

    Filled radar chart. Displays changes in values ​​relative to the origin, filling the area covered by each data series with color.

A radar chart resembles a spider's web or a star in appearance. A fairly specific image that allows you to display data for each category along a separate axis. Each axis begins in the center of the drawing and ends on the outer circle.

What does a radar chart show?

A radar chart is a type of pie chart that is great for presenting data grouped by a specific characteristic (by year, month, product category, etc.).

In what situations is a radar chart useful:

  • maximum visibility is needed;
  • it is necessary to illustrate the variability of indicators in several directions at once;
  • It is important to show on one graph the dependence of variables on a set of stable values.

A web-type graph resembles a wheel in shape. Each set of variables is displayed along a separate spoke axis. Constructing a polar curve using radar charts is very simple. The entire graphic area of ​​this type of chart has a polar coordinate system.

How to build a radar chart in Excel

* When selecting cells with data for inclusion in a graph, the names can also be selected. Excel recognizes them and includes them in the sector labels.

In the example, the result is a drawing like this, because The table has only one column with variable values. Let's take data from another range to build a radar chart:

Columns with variables have been added. They need to be included in the diagram. To do this, right-click on the plotting area and click “Select data.” In the dialog box that opens, add legend elements.

We get this picture:

* In order not to overload the figure, the number of columns with data should not be more than seven.

Plotting a graph in the polar coordinate system using Excel

In various fields of science and technology, there are Cartesian coordinates and a polar coordinate system. Examples of famous curves in polar coordinates are the cardioid equation, the Archimedean spiral, the rose equation, etc.

The Radar Chart tool allows you to quickly and easily create graphs in the polar coordinate system:

  1. a separate axis is provided for each category, and all axes originate from one point - the center;
  2. the value of the data series – the distance from the center to the marker – the radius value;
  3. category – angular coordinate of a point – radius slope.

The following point values ​​are known:

π /8π /6π /4π /33π/85π/12π/27π/12
5 π/84 π/63π/45 π/67π*811π/12π

Function equation:

r = 3 * sin (6 * φ)/

Let's fill out the data table in Excel. The program understands the number π and automatically calculates sines.

We take the formulas for filling out the first column from the table of point values:

In the adjacent column we write the formula by which Excel will calculate the value of the function r:

Let us select the found values ​​of the function. Let's go to the "Insert" tab. Radar chart subtype – “Radar with markers”. As a result, we get the following graph in the polar coordinate system:

You can create two or more graphs on one graphical area in polar coordinates using a radar chart.

Sometimes it is very useful to see the dependence of several variables on a set of other independent variables on one graph. The easiest way to do this is to use a radar chart in Excel, which is also called a spider chart or a star chart.

Radar chart in Excel looks like a wheel in which each variable has a corresponding spoke. Concentric lines connect the spokes and define the coordinate system.

Each point for each variable is plotted on corresponding spokes, and these points are connected by lines. The process of creating such a chart in Excel can be very simple by following these steps.

Step 1: Prepare your data

The data must be prepared in the correct Excel tabular format, otherwise you will have to make major changes to get a well-configured chart. All independent variables (causes) should be placed in rows, and dependent variables (impacts) should be placed in columns. Be sure to label the variables.

In the picture above, OutputSupport are product characteristics (independent variables), and Product A, B And C– test data (dependent variables).

Step 2: Create a Chart

The next step is to select the entire prepared data. After that, open the tab Insert(Insert), call the dialog box Inserting a chart(Insert chart) and select Radar chart(Radar chart). The radar chart icon looks like a pentagon with dark spokes and lines connecting all the spokes together in a circle.

Step 3: Make it Unique

The last thing you need to do when creating a chart like this is to make it unique. Excel charts are rarely good enough right out of the box. You can change multiple attributes by right-clicking on the chart. Or click on the diagram and go to the tab Working with charts | Format(Chart Tools | Format), where you can change colors, font, shadow effects, axis labels and dimensions. Be sure to label the axes and always give the chart a title.

Radar charts in Excel are sometimes difficult to understand, but they are useful when you need to show the variability of variables in several directions at once. This means that one of the variables will be amplified in the radar chart view because it will have a peak value significantly higher than the other variables. All this makes the radar chart one of the most visual, although rarely used.

Try it yourself and get another great tool for showcasing your company's complex data!