How to set Google Chrome as default. Making Google Chrome the main browser. Changing settings via the system

Each user has his own favorite program, through which he surfs the Internet 90 percent of the time. You understood correctly, now we will talk about browsers, or rather about one of them. We will address a pressing question among novice users: how to make Google Chrome the default browser.

This article is one of a series on how to configure the browser to become the default. About other browsers, you can see information in other articles:

Some more experienced users may find this information simple, but beginners will find this information helpful. This is confirmed by letters sent to me by email and to the support service.

To make Google Chrome the main browser on your computer, do the following: find the icon with three horizontal stripes in the upper right corner, click on it and select “Settings” in the drop-down menu.

In the “Default Browser” section, click on the “Set Google Chrome as your default browser” button. By the way, this button may not be there, then you don’t need to do anything, it’s already there by default.

In a situation where you want to make a different browser the default, the question arises - how can this be done, since there is no button? You just need to go to another browser and set it as default. About how this can be done, read the links that I gave above at the very beginning of the article.

Above, I showed and told how to make Google Chrome the default browser through the built-in tools of this browser. But you can also configure it in a slightly different way (read below).

You can also configure default programs using built-in Windows tools, namely: go to the “Control Panel”, select “Default Programs” - “Set default programs”. Now select the browser you want on the left, and click “Set this program as default” at the bottom right. This is what it looks like:

I think I answered the question posed - how to make Google Chrome the default browser, and you just have to remember how this is done. Let me remind you that if you are interested in how to make the default browser of other developers, then follow the links above.

If several users use a computer, it is convenient for each to have their own browser. In this case, you can customize everything for yourself and not interfere with the work of others. If you want hyperlinked sites to open in a specific web browser, you may find it helpful to learn how to set Google Chrome to be your default browser.

This manual is intended for inexperienced users and is described in as much detail as possible.

Basic Google Tools

In order to set Chrome as the default browser, you need to go to the Google settings menu:

other methods

Often, when starting, the browser itself offers to make itself the main one. Below the address bar you can see a yellow bar in which the “Make default” action will be available. Just click on it and restart Chrome.
Another method is available during installation. When you have downloaded the installation file and started the installation process, the wizard will ask you if you want to assign this particular program as your main web browser.

Using the operating system, you can also configure the software as the main one.

5. In the list on the left side of the window, find Google Chrome and click on the “Use this program” button.

Thus, you will designate this browser as the main browser in the system, and all hyperlinks will be opened using it.

In order for the link to open in the Google Chrome Internet browser, you will need to designate it as the default browser. In this case, all new pages will open in it. You can make such settings both in the browser itself and through the system settings. Both of these methods do not present any difficulty. Let's take a closer look at each of them below. You will learn how to set other Internet browsers as the default browser from this page.

Browser settings

First, let's see how to make Google Chrome the default browser through the settings of the application itself. It is very common to find that users try to perform similar actions from a user account. If you are not logged in as an administrator, then you will not be able to make any changes to the application. In order to change the situation, right-click on the browser shortcut. From the context menu that appears, select Run as administrator.

After opening the browser, a message should appear asking you to make the application your default browser. If you previously rejected it, it will not appear in the future. In this case, in order to set Chrome as the default browser, you will need to do more steps. If a window with a message opens, then we simply agree with the proposal, and the operation can be considered completed.

Otherwise, click on the Browser Settings and Controls button. Next, go to Settings. After this, a window will open in front of the user, at the bottom of which there will be a button that will allow you to make Chrome the default Internet browser. After completing the settings changes, a message will appear on the screen stating that Google Chrome has changed its status. This means that it has become the default browser. By the way, if you are tired of all the pop-up notifications in Chrome, then know what is possible.

Changing settings via the system

As you can see, the first method is very simple. Another method in which the settings are changed through the operating system does not cause any difficulties. We will consider the option when the user has Windows installed. Moreover, which OS version does not play a special role.

First, go to the Control Panel. Here we find the Default Programs section. After that, click on the Set default programs button. In the list that opens, select Google Chrome and click on the inscription that suggests making this application the default browser. After these steps, you can see how the status of the Internet browser has changed. In order to change the settings, you simply need to designate another application as the default browser.

Now we should say a few words about why use Google Chrome to view web pages. This browser compares favorably with others mainly in its page loading speed. In addition, Google Chrome almost always works correctly, rarely producing any errors, which is typical for similar programs. A user-friendly interface and versatility are also advantages of the Internet browser, which is why many users choose it. The address bar in the browser is combined with the search bar, which is done for the comfort of those who use browsers. If you most often use a search engine such as Yandex, then .

Making Google Chrome the default browser is quite simple, as we have already been able to verify. Which of the two presented methods to choose is a personal matter for everyone. They both present no difficulty for either novice or experienced users. If everything is done correctly, new windows and links will automatically open in Google Chrome. The program status will change to indicate that all defaults apply for that program.

Each Internet user, having chosen the most convenient tool for surfing the Internet, installs it on his computer as the main web browser, which by default opens web pages when following links.

How to make Chrome Assigning Google Chrome as your main web browser is very simple, and there are three ways to do this.

If you open Google Chrome, a message immediately appears in its window that Chrome is not the default browser, followed by a proposal to make it so. How to make Chrome the default browser in this case? To do this, you just need to click on the “Yes” button in the message that appears every time you start it.

If the answer “No” was previously selected, then you can make the necessary installation settings in the browser itself. How to make Chrome the default browser through the web browser settings function? To do this, find the tools button with three horizontal stripes in the upper right corner and click on it. In the window that pops up, select “Settings” and click. At the very bottom of the page that opens you can see the “Default Browser” item, and below it a button labeled “Assign”, which you should click on. After this, Google Chrome becomes the main browser.

How to make Chrome the default browser through the operating system? If we are talking about a Windows system, then it is suggested to open “Start” and select “Control Panel”. In the window that opens at the top, click the “All items” button and select the “Default programs” function in the drop-down list. A window will open in which you need to click “Set default applications”, after which a list of programs will appear in the left column. Select Google Chrome in the list, click “Set as default” in the right field, then click “OK”.

By choosing a default browser, each user sets the start page from which to begin their work on the Internet. Most often, this is the main page of a search engine, for example, such a popular one as Google.

To make Google Chrome start, in the browser you need to click on the “Tools” (“Settings and Management”) icon in its upper right corner. A window will appear in which you should find the settings item and click. In the window that opens, go to the “Appearance” section and check the box next to “Show the Home Page button.” After checking the box, click on the “Change” function that appears and in the tab that opens, check the box next to the “Next page” line, after which you will be able to change the address in the line. Enter or Now you need to synchronize applications, settings, tabs, extensions on other devices. To do this, at the top of the “Settings” page, click “Login to Chrome”, log into your Google account, and in the “Synchronize” section, check the boxes for the necessary objects or synchronize everything.

The Google home page (Chrome is no exception) can be installed in any browser. To set Google as the main page in FireFox, you need to open a browser window and go to the “Tools” menu section, then to the “Settings” item. In the window that appears, select the “Basic” tab and enter the desired address in the “Home Page” line - or In the “When FireFox starts” drop-down list above, the default option should be “Show home page”. If there is another item, then you need to change it and click “OK”.

To set Google as the start page in Opera, you need to launch the browser and select the “Tools” menu, then the “Basic” section. Next to the “At startup” line, select “Start from home page” from the drop-down menu. Below, in the “Home” line, enter the address of the selected start page. In this case it is or Then click "OK".

Path: Google Chrome - How to make Chrome your main browser

In this article, I will tell you how to make Chrome your default browser. This is done very quickly and very simply. You just need to complete a few steps.

Why is this necessary?

This operation should only be done if you want all web documents or links to open in this browser. This is very convenient, especially if you are used to using one program.


To make Chrome the starting page from which all work on the Internet will begin, do the following.

Very often, when installing any programs or add-ons, they impose their own conditions. The majority of users usually agree to all terms. Therefore, it may happen that sooner or later some other browser can suddenly become the starting browser. Nothing wrong with that. Just repeat the settings procedure described above and everything will return to its previous state.