How to connect a computer to a home TV? Methods that work. Methods for connecting a TV to a computer

Sometimes you need to play data from your computer on a large TV screen - perhaps you downloaded a good movie or, for example, decided to look through vacation photos with the whole family. In this article we propose two options for resolving this problem.

Modern TVs can now be connected to desktop computers or laptops. Thus, your computer becomes the playback device, and the TV is used as a monitor. Using HDMI (High Definition Multimedia Interface) is the easiest way to do this.

Note! These cables are significantly more expensive. Nevertheless, experts agree that it is not worth buying a more expensive “designer” cable, but a relatively cheap one is quite capable of doing the job.


You will need:

  • a computer with an HDMI ‘out’ connector, a sound card and a video card;
  • TV with HDMI input jack;
  • HDMI cable for connecting a PC to a TV.

Step 1. Place your laptop next to your TV or make sure your desktop computer is close enough to run the HDMI cable through. Both devices must be turned off.

Step 2. There is an HDMI connector on the back of the computer (see below). It looks a bit like a USB connector, but it's not rectangular, and it will have the "HDMI" label next to it. Connect the cable to your computer.

Note! The HDMI cable is the same on each end (see below). It doesn't matter which side you connect it to the computer.

Step 3. There is a panel on the front or side of the TV or behind it near the network cable. There you will find all kinds of buttons and input jacks (see photo below). Connect the remaining free end of the HDMI cable to your TV via the HDMI connector, which you will find under the flap.

Step 4. Turn on the TV. Use the "Source" button on the remote control to select from the menu provided the input through which you connected the cable - this is usually HDMI 1 or HDMI 2.

Step 5. Turn on your computer. It will now broadcast a “connection handshaking protocol” (mutual identification) with your TV. You should see information from your computer appear on your TV screen. You may have to negotiate a couple of changes on your computer. Use your mouse or touchpad to click the buttons as usual.

Step 6. The TV is now a monitor for your computer. Make sure you select the Full Screen option on your computer.

Step 7. Start the movie you want to watch. Move your mouse cursor away from the screen so that the Play and Pause buttons are not obstructed. Don't worry - if you move your mouse again, they will appear again.

Step 8. When the session is finished, close the file containing the movie or video and turn off the computer. Disconnect the HDMI cable and select a different input by pressing the "Source" button on your TV.

Connecting a laptop to a TV via a wireless network (Wi-Fi)

You will need:

  • laptop with Wi-Fi connection;
  • TV with Wi-Fi support.

Step 1. Turn on the TV and computer.

Step 2.

Step 3. Select the Wi-Fi input on your TV, options vary depending on the TV model, standard inputs are Video 1 and DVR.

Step 4. On your PC, you will be asked to select a Wi-Fi connection to your TV. Some PC manufacturers (notably Sony) have a special button on their laptops to activate this connection.

Step 5. Follow your TV manufacturer's instructions on how to connect your TV to your Wi-Fi network. You may need to enter a security key or password before your network can recognize the TV as an access point (your network router may need to be rebooted).

Step 6. The TV may display a four-digit passcode to log into the PC.

Step 7

Step 8 Even with the correct input selected on the TV, there is a chance that the image will not appear. If this is the case, then you need to go to your PC's control panel and select "Adjust screen resolution."

Step 9 You will see images for two different displays. Click on display number 2.

Step 10 Now select “Extend the desktop on this monitor” and click “Apply”.

Step 11 The HDTV screen should now display the Windows desktop picture. When prompted, click Save Display Settings.

Step 12 You may need to adjust the resolution to get a larger picture on your TV.

Step 13 Open windows on your PC screen may need to be dragged to your TV.

Step 14 Everything must be set! But be careful and keep in mind that Wi-Fi networks can be quite finicky when it comes to adding devices or making changes.

Voila! You have connected your computer to your TV wirelessly!

Note! Mac users will need to go through a similar process for setting up multiple screens via System Preferences/Displays/Arrangement/Display to either extend the desktop across two screens or create a mirror image of the computer monitor.

We hope that the article was useful! If you have any questions, we suggest watching the video.

Video - How to connect a TV to a computer

Modern plasma TVs have little in common with the rectangular units with convex screens that used to be in every home. They boast outstanding technical characteristics, high image clarity and a number of additional functions. Nowadays, connecting a TV to a computer no longer seems surprising or fantastic.

Many PC and laptop owners are trying to expand the scope of their devices. And so they have a completely logical question: “How to connect a TV to a computer?” Let's talk about this.

Why is this necessary?

Each user determines for himself whether he needs equipment connected to the TV or not. In fact, there are many reasons that push us to take such a step, and in each individual case the question arises of how to connect a TV to a computer and how difficult it is.

Before answering it, let’s consider the main advantages of such a “tandem”:

  • Computer games on the big screen.
  • Watching movies and videos.
  • Communication via Skype.
  • Launch various slide shows, etc.

On the hard drive of a modern computer, thanks to unlimited Internet tariffs, a huge amount of various content accumulates - games, films, music videos, videos, photographs, etc. And sometimes you really want to try it all in a “new format” - display it on the big screen . And to do this, you need to understand how to connect a computer to a TV.

Features of connecting various equipment

In general, the possibility of “combining” different technologies has appeared a long time ago. Even old TV models and not very modern PCs can be connected to each other. However, this will require a special video card and cables. It should be noted that the quality of the resulting picture will not be very high, so not many people previously tried to connect a TV to a computer via VGA.

Modern audio and video equipment is much more technologically advanced and sophisticated, which is why the need to set up a connection arises much more often.

At the moment, three main ports are used to carry out this procedure:

  • HDMI.

In some cases, difficulties arise with the VGA port, because it is often completely absent on modern video cards. Many laptop models, as well as plasma TVs, are produced without it. Therefore, it is better to use the other two options or purchase the appropriate VGA-DVI adapter.

Connection via VGA interface

Despite the fact that these types of connectors are losing their position, many users continue to use them for work. Most still have old equipment in good condition. And quite a few people are now digitizing videotapes, viewing recordings from old hard drives, etc.

The VGA interface is considered obsolete. It provides image transmission using analog signals at low speed (by today's standards).

If you have the appropriate equipment that supports these ports and special cables, you can both connect the TV to your computer and perform further setup.

The procedure is carried out in several stages:

  • The power to both devices (TV and computer) is turned off.
  • The cable is connected to the appropriate connectors.
  • Devices turn on.
  • Settings are being made in Windows.

It’s easy to guess that connecting a TV to a computer itself does not cause any particular difficulties. Much more questions arise when it comes to setting up Windows directly. Without this, it is impossible to achieve a high-quality connection.

If the image is not transmitted to the TV or any problems or interference are observed, then, most likely, errors were made in the settings. Particular attention should be paid to the display modes - “only on TV” or “display and TV at the same time”.

If you need to connect the TV to a VGA computer, you should make the following settings in the operating system:

  • On the desktop, in the context menu (right mouse button), select "Screen resolution".
  • Open the Screen panel.
  • Select the required display mode.
  • Apply and save.

In some cases, you will additionally need to do a little adjustment of the TV - select the VGA signal source in the appropriate menu.

Advantage of DVI and HDMI ports

Nowadays, when the question arises of how to connect a computer to a TV, many experts advise using HDMI and DVI ports. They look different, so it is almost impossible to confuse them. Also, if necessary, you should use various adapters. You can find the necessary interfaces on the back panel of the system unit, as well as on the back and sides of the TV and laptop.

Why is it better to connect your TV to your computer via HDMI?

The advanced technology has gained enormous popularity among both specialists and ordinary users. Currently, modern LED TV models have up to 2-3 HDMI connectors, so there are no connection problems. You just need to purchase the appropriate cable.

The DVI port is in many ways similar to HDMI - it also allows you to transmit signals in digital quality. Corresponding adapters are commercially available, so these ports are almost identical in their ability to perform the task.

What should you pay attention to when connecting your computer to an HDMI TV?

  • Display and TV resolution.
  • Correct connection.
  • Settings in the operating system.

Usually, no special problems arise during the connection process, but you still need to pay attention to every detail. This is especially true for matching screen resolutions.

If you use HDMI from a computer to a TV, the latter will take over the functions of the primary display. If at this moment both the main monitor and the LCD TV are connected, then it is necessary to configure the display modes.

Some modern TVs have an actual resolution of 1400 x 1900 pixels, while the video cards of personal computers and laptops are set to the “standard” 1280 x 720 or 1920 x 1080 pixels. With such a discrepancy, the TV often produces just a black screen. To correct the situation, it is necessary to set the exact parameters in accordance with the characteristics of the equipment.

If you are trying to figure out how to connect a TV to a computer for the first time, experts recommend also connecting the main monitor (for example, via DVI or VGA) or using a laptop. Then it becomes possible to change the settings of the operating system or video card drivers.

HDMI connection process

To complete this task, you must purchase an HDMI cable. In specialized stores you can find products of any length (from 1 to 20 meters). Next, you should find the corresponding ports on the TV and PC.

Thus, the main connection steps are:

  • Direct connection of devices (when switched off).
  • Turning on the computer and TV (waiting for full loading).
  • Switch on the TV to the corresponding HDMI port (source - port).
  • Setting up a connection in Windows OS.

As a rule, the default is to display only on the second display, i.e. the TV becomes the main one. Due to a resolution mismatch, the image may not be transmitted. To understand how to connect a computer to a TV, you need to dig into the settings.

It is best to select “Multiple monitors” in the “Screen” menu, and also select the “Duplicate screens” option. After this, everything should work, and the Windows desktop will be displayed on the TV.

To obtain the highest quality image, it is necessary to accurately determine its resolution. Usually in this question the main attention is paid to it (otherwise why did the TV need to be connected at all?). By properly connecting your TV to your computer via HDMI, you can freely work with your new screen.

Problems with sound transmission

Displaying a picture on the TV screen is only half the battle. Sound settings raise a lot of questions. As a rule, with such an approach, you want to use all the available capabilities, including the correct output of an audio signal. Modern plasma TVs are often equipped with good, powerful speakers, and third-party audio systems are also connected to them, so using them is much more reasonable than standard laptop speakers. In the case of a desktop computer, difficulties often arise due to the lack of any systems for sound output.

In some cases, getting the right sound through your TV speakers can be quite difficult. Common problems when connecting the mentioned device are:

  • Complete absence of sound.
  • Various interferences.
  • Sound delay.
  • Low volume.

As you can see, there are several options, so first of all you need to deal with the root cause of the problem.

Features of sound settings

When the TV is connected to a computer, sound is also transmitted through the HDMI cable used. As with image adjustments, in some cases you will have to try different options.

The HDMI interface is a universal high-definition multimedia cable, and this is its main advantage. That is, having only a standard adapter for this connector, you can solve the problem of making a full connection. And for this you will not need to purchase additional cords, etc. Since HDMI, along with USB, is considered a widespread global standard, this leads to the fact that many types of equipment support it.

Thus, when making a connection, the HDMI cable performs two main tasks:

  • High definition image transmission.
  • Transmission of surround stereo sound.

Versatility is also evident in the settings. With some models of computers and televisions there is no such need at all. In other situations, you will need to change something in the operating system settings. There is almost never any need to install additional software, except perhaps to simplify management.

Primary connection of two devices

When we work with this or that technology, we try to take advantage of all the inherent possibilities. When connecting a TV to a computer via HDMI, we encounter various difficulties. First we set up the image, and then everything else. But sometimes we find that with a full connection, the sound is still transmitted through the small laptop speakers or PC speakers. What to do in such situations?

It is necessary to configure the sound signal transmission. Let's start with the "Taskbar":

  • The "Hardware and Sound" menu in the "Control Panel".
  • Opening tab "Manage audio resources".
  • AMD HDMI Output item.

Finding all this will not be difficult, because all the settings are literally on the surface, so the whole procedure will only take a couple of minutes.

There are several aspects that you should pay special attention to. If the video card of your computer or laptop supports audio transmission, then you can set the “Digital Audio S/PDIF” item in the AMD HDMI Output parameters. Otherwise, the audio signal will be transmitted through the motherboard, which must also be connected to the video card with an S/PDIF cable.

Additional Settings Options

It is necessary to understand that specific equipment, despite uniform standards, still has its own characteristics. That is why sometimes difficulties arise even if all the rules and recommendations are followed. What should you do if you still experience connection problems?

  • Check the serviceability of the equipment.
  • Update drivers (primarily sound drivers).
  • Try other settings options.

Not all users know about all the basic parameters of a PC or laptop and the TV itself. And in order, for example, to connect an LG TV to a computer, you have to study the technical specifications.

What problems are most common?

To transmit audio via HDMI, you must have the appropriate driver. We are talking about support for High Definition Audio - a high-definition audio signal.

To check the presence of this driver, you should go to the "Device Manager" menu, which is located in the taskbar of the operating system. And already there you need to select the “Sound, video and gaming devices” tab. Next, you should carefully study the proposed list and find there “Device supporting High Definition Audio,” which was already mentioned above. If such an item is present, then the computer is capable of transmitting an audio signal via an HDMI cable.

What should you do if the appropriate driver is missing?

In this case, you will need to download and install it. There should be distribution kits for installation on the laptop or specific sound card manufacturer's website. In addition, in some cases, the OS is independently capable of identifying the missing drivers for correct operation.

Another option for configuring the system is to check the available playback devices. Finding them is not difficult - in the system tray (lower right corner of the computer screen) you need to find the sound playback icon. If you right-click on it, a context menu will open, one of the items labeled “Playback devices”.

This is where the connected TV should appear, along with other options (speakers and headphones). All you have to do is select it and click “OK”.

Setting up a wireless connection via Wi-Fi

Today, modern models of laptops and TV devices allow you to use a variety of options, including connecting a TV to a computer via wireless networks.

What will it take to create such a connection? First of all, of course, you need to pay attention to the characteristics of the TV. Unfortunately, at the moment only advanced models support data transfer technology via Wi-Fi. In addition, if you wish, you can try a special adapter for TV, connected via a USB port.

The advantages of such a connection are obvious:

  • Simple connection without using wires.
  • Free arrangement of devices (no need to move the computer).
  • Ability to view files directly from your hard drive.
  • Internet access.

In this case, however, you will need additional software - a special utility that comes with the TV. It would be a good idea to look at the official website of the device manufacturer.

As a rule, the main task of the mentioned utility is to quickly connect a computer via WiFi to a TV, so the interface is quite simple and understandable. Most often, a special folder is created on the PC hard drive into which files for TV are sent.

Many users use a router (router) to solve such problems. A single Wi-Fi network covers various devices, including a plasma TV. As a result, you can freely view various files.

General conclusion

If there is a need to combine two devices, you need to choose the appropriate solution to the problem. The most popular is to connect the TV to a computer via HDMI or via Wi-Fi wireless networks.

When connecting, first of all, you should set up the correct image transmission, and then check the quality of the supplied sound (in this case, you need to make sure that the drivers are available and select items related to the signal source in the menu).

To set up a Wi-Fi connection, most often it is enough to use special software that will solve the problem on its own.

Synchronization with a PC will significantly expand the functionality of the TV. Therefore, it is not surprising that all users want to know how to connect a computer to a TV? Note that there are a huge number of different methods, each of which we will carefully analyze. Much will depend on the TV model. Old equipment is equipped with connectors that are not found on computers. Because of this, certain difficulties may arise.

A PC is connected to an LG TV or equipment from any other manufacturer using special cables. There are also wireless synchronization methods. However, not all TVs are equipped with a built-in Wi-Fi module, which is necessary for a wireless Internet connection.

Why is this necessary?

Each user must independently determine whether it makes sense to connect the TV to the computer? For example, if you only watch preset channels, then connecting your PC to your TV is unlikely to be of much use to you. To a greater extent, such synchronization will be of interest to users who want to watch new movies, TV series and other content.

Outputting images from a computer to a TV will definitely expand the functionality of the equipment. After setting up this connection, you will be able to:

  • play video games on the big screen TV;
  • watch films, TV series, videos;
  • communicate with friends and acquaintances via Skype;
  • make presentations.

The resolution and color saturation of modern TVs from Samsung, Sony, and LG are much higher than those of an inexpensive computer monitor. Therefore, synchronizing your equipment will allow you to watch new films in excellent quality. This is especially true if you purchased a device without a built-in Wi-Fi module and Smart TV support.

Setting up is much easier than it might seem at first glance. Every user can cope with this task. It is enough to decide on the synchronization method and also acquire the necessary cord. It is possible that you already have the necessary cables at home.

Connection options

How to connect a computer to a TV? Conventionally, all existing methods can be divided into two large groups - wireless and using cable. When choosing one method or another, take into account the technique used. See which computer and TV inputs can be used for synchronization.

First, we will briefly list the methods that ensure broadcasting of TV images on a large screen without loss of quality. If none of these options work for you, then you can use less popular connectors.

As mentioned earlier, it is likely that you will have to purchase a specific cable additionally. The cost of such wires is minimal. If you plan to use adapters, then you should go to an electronics store. This scenario is relevant in cases where an old PC or TV is used.

All kinds of additional coverings for cords are advertising tinsel. This aspect does not in any way affect the quality of the transmitted image. Think carefully about how long the cable should be for your convenience. It is important not only to set up the connection, but also to maintain the aesthetic appearance of the room.

The easiest way to connect an LCD TV to a computer is. Firstly, absolutely all modern technology is equipped with this interface. Secondly, it transmits audio and video simultaneously. Alternatively, you can use one of the following options:

  • S-Video;

All these connectors are obsolete. Therefore, they should only be used if you are using old equipment. HDMI remains the priority.

Let's say a few words about wireless synchronization. This option assumes that your TV will have a built-in Wi-Fi module. Mostly they are equipped with models that support Smart TV. Today you can buy a wireless adapter and insert it into a regular TV.


Not included in the basic package of a computer or TV. Therefore, this cable will have to be purchased separately. In electronics supermarkets they are presented in a wide range. Wire length from 1 to 20 meters. There will be no problems with the choice. Once the cord is purchased, find the corresponding ports on the TV and PC.

How to connect a TV through a computer via HDMI? Follow the step by step instructions:

Old computers do not have an HDMI connector. The problem is solved by purchasing an adapter. For example, a USB to HDMI adapter will work for you.

Mostly, the default settings are set to display the image only on the second display, which is the TV screen. Due to the difference in resolution between TV and PC, the image may not be displayed correctly. Therefore, you need to open the Windows operating system settings and make changes to some parameters.

Open menu "Screen", and select the item "Multiple monitors". You should definitely activate the display duplication function. After this, the problem should disappear. The computer desktop will appear on the TV screen.

How to improve picture quality? Go to personalization and then change the resolution. However, it is possible that the resolution will be selected automatically. If not, then set your TV resolution. The image quality will increase noticeably.


Wireless networks can also be thought of as a way to connect your TV to your computer. What is needed for such synchronization? First, you need to study the specifications of your LCD or plasma TV. Unfortunately, only modern models support data transfer by setting up a Wi-Fi connection. If your model does not support a wireless Internet connection, then buy a special adapter. It is connected via a USB connector.

Connecting your PC to your TV wirelessly has obvious advantages:

  • Internet access;
  • viewing content saved on the PC hard drive;
  • simple connection process;
  • free arrangement of devices;
  • no wires.

To configure such synchronization, you need to use a special utility. The software comes with the TV. If the disk with the software was not included in the basic package, then download the program from the official website of the equipment manufacturer.

The main function of the software is to quickly connect a PC to a TV via a home Wi-Fi network. The utility's interface is extremely simple and clear. You will need to create a special directory on your computer’s hard drive through which content for TV will be sent.

Many users solve such problems using another router. A single wireless network will cover absolutely all devices, including the TV. Therefore, you can play all kinds of files on the big screen.


Another way to synchronize TV and PC is to use the S-Video interface. This option is good because absolutely all equipment is equipped with such a connector. An exception may be computers with extremely old GPU modules. Another strength of this synchronization is its simplicity. The user just needs to connect the S-Video connectors on the PC and TV using a cable

Before connecting the TV to the computer via the S-Video interface, you need to turn off the equipment. One end of the cable is inserted into the connector on the PC video card - a round black socket. The other plug is connected to the corresponding TV input; it is located mainly on the rear panel of the device.

Turn on the TV first, and then the PC. As the operating system loads, the TV screen will begin to flash - this is a sign that a new signal source has been identified. Now the user's task is to configure the GPU module. Right-click on the desktop and select from the context menu "Properties", go to section "Options".

Open item "Additionally". In the dialog box that appears, opposite the name of the GPU, check the box "Clone". When the parameter is applied, click on the “Display” section. From the list that opens, you need to select the name of the TV. Take the TV remote control and set the appropriate signal source. In our case, this is the S-Video connector. When the image appears on the big screen, you can proceed to adjust it. Now you know how to connect a computer or laptop to an old TV.


Many users confuse this technology with DLNA. In fact, it differs in that it significantly simplifies the playback of not only files stored on the PC hard drive, but also allows you to play content online. For example, you can turn on your favorite movie or a new episode of a popular show using a regular browser.

To use Miracast technology, you need to have a powerful computer. This is because it is a resource-intensive application. Therefore, synchronization via Miracast is relevant among owners of PCs, laptops and tablets with powerful hardware.

How to set up a TV if it supports the technology in question optionally? You need to purchase a special adapter. It connects to the device via HDMI. The wireless monitor technology is characterized by maximum ease of use. The image displayed on the large screen will be broadcast using a special algorithm. The image is mirrored via Wi-Fi to a large TV screen.

The user does not need to connect the TV to one of the local networks using a router. With the help of routers, a mini-network is created, which greatly simplifies synchronization with a PC. You will need a program to connect a wireless monitor - the Wireless Display utility. When the add-on is installed, you can start broadcasting.

Make sure that the Miracast option is enabled in the TV menu. You can activate this feature in the settings. Open the “Networks” tab, and then go to the “Intel WiDi” subsection.


How to connect an old TV to a computer? DVI and VGA connectors are ideal for this task. Let's look at each of them to determine the features and rules of such synchronization. Let's start with VGA. Almost all equipment is equipped with this interface. The exception is inexpensive laptops and netbooks. The VGA connector is standard and also the oldest method of analog connection of TV to system units.

Why is VGA considered obsolete, and in what ways is it inferior to HDMI? Firstly, image transmission is carried out through analog signals. Secondly, by today's standards, the speed of information transfer is extremely low.

If the equipment you use is equipped with this interface, and you also have a VGA cable, then there should be no problems with connection and subsequent setup. Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Insert the wire plugs into the corresponding connectors.
  2. Turn on the equipment.
  3. Select VGA interface as the main signal source.
  4. Make the appropriate settings in the Windows operating system.

The connection process itself should not cause any difficulties. Mostly users have questions regarding the setup. If you ignore this stage, then the user will absolutely not be able to achieve the transmission of a high-quality image.

If the picture is not transmitted to the TV screen, and certain problems, interference, and defects are visible, it means that the user has specified incorrect settings. Particular attention should be paid to the picture broadcast mode. There are two modes - "Only on TV", "Display and TV at the same time".

Before connecting your TV to your PC using the VGA interface, you need to configure the operating system accordingly:

  1. Right-click on the free space on your desktop.
  2. Select a section from the context menu "Screen resolution".
  3. Open menu "Screen".
  4. Select one of the available image broadcast modes.
  5. Save your changes.

As you can see, connecting a PC and TV via VGA is as simple as possible. The main thing is to set the necessary parameters.

The DVI interface is considered more modern and advanced when compared to VGA. Firstly, both analog and digital signals are transmitted. Secondly, there is a gradation of the interface into groups with a specific, narrow focus:

  • DVI-D – designed for digital connection;
  • DVI-A – suitable for analog signals;
  • DVI-I is a universal option.

As for the connection process itself, it is carried out in the same way as in the case of other interfaces. First, the user connects the cable plugs to the connectors of the TV and computer, and then selects the appropriate signal source.

Common problems

If you decide to connect a laptop or PC via HDMI, you first need to check for an audio driver. Without High Definition Audio support there will be no sound signal. To check if this driver is installed, open "Device Manager". Select a tab "Sound Devices". In the list that appears, find a device that supports “High Definition Audio”. If there is no such line, then it will absolutely not be possible to adjust the sound at .

What to do if the required driver is not available? The answer is very simple - you need to download it to your computer or laptop and then install it. Downloading is carried out from the official website of the manufacturer. Enter the name of your sound card in the search field, after which you will be offered a distribution kit for installation. In some situations, the operating system is able to independently detect missing drivers, and then download and install them.

Some users configure the operating system in a different way. To find available playback devices, open the system tray - lower right corner. Right-click on the audio playback icon. In the context menu that opens, select "Playback Devices". This is where the connected TV should be displayed along with other devices: speakers, headsets, headphones. The user needs to select the audio source, and then click on the button "OK".

Displaying an image on a large screen is half the success. Mostly users encounter problems related to sound. It's clear that no one wants to watch a new movie with sound playing through the speakers of a PC or laptop. Modern TV models are equipped with powerful speakers with the clearest and most natural sound possible. Some even buy additional audio systems to increase the level of immersion in viewing.

In many situations, achieve high-quality sound, i.e. Playing sound through TV speakers can be extremely difficult. Common problems that almost all users encounter after synchronizing their TV and computer:

  • there is no sound at all;
  • excessive noise or other disturbances are heard;
  • audio signal delay;
  • volume problems.

Please note that there are several problems. Therefore, the initial task of the user is to determine what exactly the problem is.

In the process of using a certain technique, you try to use all its additional capabilities. It is reasonable. For example, when connecting a computer to a TV via an HDMI cable, we expect comfortable viewing, but problems cannot always be avoided. Difficulties rarely arise with image adjustment. Since modern devices automatically select resolution and other parameters.

Sound is the most common problem. What should the user do so that the TV starts playing sound correctly? You need to start by setting up audio signal transmission in the “Taskbar”:

  1. Open "Control Panel".
  2. Go to menu "Equipment and Sound".
  3. Go to the tab "Sound Resource Management".
  4. Select an item "AMD HDMI Output".

The last point may be called a little differently. It all depends on which company produced the hardware. Finding the necessary parameters to fine-tune is not difficult. The whole process takes only 2-3 minutes. Just follow the instructions.

Please note that if the PC video card supports audio transmission, the user can select the option in the settings "Digital Audio S/PDIF". If this is not done, the audio signal will be transmitted through the motherboard, which is connected to the GPU module.

The digital age has already overwhelmed us all. Today, no sphere of human activity is conceivable without computers, and the entertainment industry is thriving together with computer technology. We remember how the first 21-inch monitors seemed simply huge to us, but today they won’t surprise anyone, and many still prefer a large-diagonal TV connected to the system as an alternative.

Today we will choose the best cable for connecting a computer and a TV, learn how to make the connection correctly, and also a lot of interesting things on the topic.

Connecting a TV to your personal computer, laptop or compact tablet can be done in different ways, the choice of which depends on the capabilities of the equipment.

  • There are usually no problems with modern devices, but with older devices there may be some technical problems.
  • We will build the connection rating in order of rationality and optimality, starting with the most common options and ending with the more rare ones.
  • In the second part of the article, we will look at alternative methods that will allow you to make a connection when it is difficult to use classic cables.

So here are all the cables we can install:

  • HDMI– a cable that transmits picture and sound in digital quality. It is not only the highest priority in terms of image, but also the most convenient, since only one connector is required to connect.

  • VGA– this wire transmits an analog image. Modern video cards often no longer have this connector, but a couple of years ago all devices were equipped with it. This video output can be found on most laptop models. The downside of the connection is that it cannot transmit sound, so a separate 3.5 mm mini-Jack cable is used with it. The picture quality remains at the same level.

  • DVI– this connector is considered completely computer, so it is not installed on TVs. However, you can use it by using adapters for the options indicated above. The signal produced by the cable is digital, sometimes analog.

Interesting to know! This connector cannot transmit sound, so when using an HDMI adapter, do not expect it to appear.

  • S-video– the presented cable has long been outdated and is not used even for transmitting a TV signal, but sometimes its installation is what is required, because old video cards had them, but the TV may not have other connectors.

Now let's find out in more detail how the listed connections are made.

How to connect a TV to a computer via HDMI

HDMI (High Definition Multimedia Interface) is a single modern multimedia standard capable of transmitting high-resolution images and equally high-quality sound. It allows you to connect not only TV, but also speaker systems that need to transmit sound separately through channels.

Any modern TV, even the most inexpensive one, has at least one or two such inputs - this is what they look like in the photo.

The shape of the plug is made in such a way that it cannot be inserted incorrectly - there is a narrowing with bends in the lower part. However, not all connectors look exactly like this, because there is an option for compact devices (tablets, ultrabooks, smartphones).

In general, cables are usually divided into classes, among which there are the following options:

  • Type "A"- a standard digital cable capable of transmitting a signal in resolutions up to 1920*1080. This is what is used for connections, more often than other options. Its price is the lowest.
  • Type "B"- a more advanced cable that can transmit a picture in 4K resolution and a high-quality signal in 3D without loss of quality.

  • Types "C", "D"- these are the mentioned connectors for small devices. They are connected to standard cables through adapters, or the wire on the second edge has a plug of a standard shape and size.

The rest of the information on cables can be easily found on our website or third-party specialized resources. We are of little interest to it now, so let’s go straight to the connection.

So, all video outputs on the computer are located on the back of the system unit, on the video card or motherboard. Here's what it usually looks like in practice.

  • In the photos shown you saw output options on PCs and laptops. From the external differences, you can notice that the VGA on the laptop does not have a thread for mounting screws - the cable is simply inserted.
  • The first thing you should do is take a close look at all the exits. If among them there is the HDMI we need, then we simply plug one end of the cable into it and install the block in place.
  • We look for a similar connector on the back or side panel of the TV, remember its number and make the connection. Manipulations with the cable end here, then we move on to setting up the equipment.

  • Depending on the TV brand, their menus will differ, but the general layout (with the possible exception of Phillips) will be very similar.
  • Press the output selection button on the remote control. It can be called and designated differently: In, TV In, Source, TV AV, a circle with an arrow pointing inward, etc. It is usually located in the top row, but this is not a fact.

Advice! If you haven’t found the button you need, the instructions for the TV will help.

  • After pressing the button, you will see a drop-down list with available inputs on the screen. Select HDMI with the desired number from them and click “OK”.
  • The TV will begin to accept video and audio from the specified input, ignoring the rest.
  • Next, the computer is configured, but we will talk about this at the end of the article, in the corresponding chapter.

VGA connector is still popular

Technically, connecting a VGA connector is almost no different from the procedure already described, except that the shape of the connector is different and, as we have already said, a separate cable is required for audio transmission.

  • Look carefully at the photo. The VGA input is called PC IN (the name RGB may also be present) - this is important, as it will help us find the desired input for sound.
  • Usually it is located nearby, but exceptions are possible. In this particular case, we see an input on the right labeled as PC/DVI Audio IN. You need to plug a 3.5 mm mini-Jack cable into it, like on headphones.
  • If the audio jack is not visible, it means that the TV does not support simultaneous broadcasting of audio from this input. You can get out of this situation by connecting an external speaker system to your computer, the power of which will be enough for comfortable viewing of movies and other things.

Advice! At the back of the TV, in addition to the audio input, there may also be an output that will look exactly the same. They can be distinguished by the “poke” method, or by markings. The output can be labeled as AUDIO OUT, there can be headphones drawn there, or a circle with an arrow coming out of it.

S-video connector

This type of cable is also analog and is not intended for transmitting an audio signal. On sale you can find adapters from this connector to other television connectors, so you can connect any TV to a PC through this output.

On the TV, next to the cable, you can also see separate sockets for sound, but more often it is combined with the same tulips (AV). That is, they will have common sound inputs, and the image will be transmitted from the connected cable.

Connector options and combinations

It often happens that just the right connector may not be on your TV or computer. In this case, all kinds of adapters will help out.

Let's look at the most common of them:

  • The most common adapter is designed to move from a DVI connector to a VGA connector. It usually comes bundled with many video cards that do not have a separate VGA output. If such a device is not included in the kit, then do not rush to run to the store to get it. This connector may not support analog signal transmission.
  • To avoid confusion, you need to accurately determine the type of DVI connector, of which there are 4. Open the specification of your video card, which can be found on the Internet and look at the exact markings.

  • DVI-I Single link - this type supports simultaneous transmission of digital and analog signals, which means it is suitable for connecting the adapter we reviewed. The annotation “Single link” means that the digital signal is transmitted in single-channel mode.
  • DVI-I Dual link is almost the same connector, but has a double digital channel.

Interesting to know! Both options transmit the image in a resolution of 1920x1080.

  • DVI-D Single link - this output does not transmit an analog signal, and there is no point in buying an adapter for it - nothing will work. This standard is used, for example, on all nVidia 10-series video cards - we remind you that VGA is beginning to be abandoned.
  • DVI-D Dual link – this connector, due to its higher bandwidth, can transmit an image with a resolution of 2560x1600 pixels. Just like the previous option, it is not used for transmitting an analog signal.
  • DVI-A is a rather rare option, which is designed to transmit only an analog signal. Wait, we wrote that there are 4 connectors, and this is the 5th in a row! That's right - this is how the plug in the adapter for connecting analog devices is designated.

In general, pay attention to the letter assigned to the name of the connector - I allows you to use an adapter, D does not.

  • The following adapter can be used if the TV does not have a VGA input, but has a component RCA input.

  • This option is similar in purpose to the previous one, but you can connect a “tulip” or s-video to it. You may ask why there is only one pin on the tulip. We will answer, because the other two transmit sound and are not needed here.
  • We have already mentioned the next adapter in the text. It is intended for digital data transmission, so the type of connector does not matter.

Advice! With this connection, no sound signal will be sent to the TV, and it will not be possible to connect it to the TV separately, since HDMI does not have additional audio inputs. For this reason, the sound will have to be supplied to separate playback devices.

  • You can also find adapters on sale from VGA to almost any analog inputs, be it RCA, tulips or even SCART.

  • We wrote that HDMI transmits only a digital signal, but this does not mean that the same VGA cannot be connected to it. To implement this scheme, not just adapters are used, but entire converters.

  • Converters can have separate power, or they can receive it from the computer. There is no big difference in functionality, so you can give preference to more compact devices.
  • HDMI can also switch to DVI if the circuit requires it, but this case clearly does not apply to TVs.

Connecting a TV wirelessly

If for some reason you can’t use a cable to connect your laptop and TV (the points are far apart from each other, you don’t want to leave the wires in sight), then you can try making a wireless connection.


Implementing such a connection is only possible if your TV supports this technology.

  • Its essence is quite simple - the transmitting device, through the Wi-Fi module, sends a signal encoded according to a certain algorithm.
  • The receiving device sees it, decodes it and outputs it as a video signal.

Advice! Some TV models support this technology, but lack hardware, that is, they require the purchase and installation of separate equipment. Be sure to ask the seller about this feature if you plan to implement such a connection.

  • This means that even a smartphone can be connected to the TV in this way, provided that its power is sufficient, because the technology requires quite a lot of resources.
  • If you can't connect, make sure Miracast is enabled in your TV settings.
  • A TV that does not support this function can be connected via an external device with a separate power supply. It connects to the HDMI video input.

Smart TV

The development of digital electronics is moving toward the point where all gadgets are becoming multifunctional and capable of replacing other devices. The most striking example of such a transformation is smartphones, which from ordinary “dialers” have turned into portable laptop computers, not much inferior in functionality to full-fledged devices (the same PCs, cameras, voice recorders, etc.).

  • The development of television technology followed a similar path. A modern TV is not only a means for watching TV programs, but also partly a computer that can be connected to the Internet.
  • What does connecting to a computer have to do with it, you ask? It's simple - a PC configured in a certain way can distribute the Internet even via Wi-Fi.
  • As for the TV itself with the Smart function, it is not a full-fledged analogue of a computer. Basically we are talking about the use of certain resources - branded and publicly available, for example, YouTube.
  • Yes, some models have a built-in browser, but it is almost impossible to use it, due to the fact that the devices do not know how to clear the cache.

  • You can connect the TV in this way using a LAN wire or wirelessly. Not all models have a built-in signal receiver, so you may need to buy an adapter like the one in the photo above. The price for such a device is quite high.

Computer settings

So, we have completed the connection, all that remains is to configure the computer a little, because there may be no image, or it will be broadcast on two monitors at once.

  • Right-click on an empty space on the desktop. A context menu will pop up in front of you, in which you need to select the “Screen resolution” item.
  • A window will open, as in the picture above, from where we can manage the broadcast parameters.
  • There are three main points here: screen, resolution, orientation.
  • By clicking on the triangle next to “Screen”, you will see a menu where you can select which monitor you currently want to display the image on. Find your TV there, click on it, click “Apply” and “OK”. That's it, the image will appear on the TV screen.
  • It happens that the computer incorrectly sets the screen resolution - here you can set the value manually, according to the matrix resolution of your TV - usually it is either 1920x1080 or 1366x768. Modern TVs have a high resolution of 3840x2160.

Advice! To switch between monitors on laptops there is usually a separate function button, read the instructions and you will be able to control the system with greater convenience.

Let's summarize. Now you know how to properly connect a television cable to a computer. We talked about many variations, so you will probably find a method that suits you and do it all yourself.

Modern TVs can easily replace a computer display. But how does a computer connect to a TV?

We have collected various ways to solve this common problem.

Connection selection

First, attention will be paid to the optimal options regarding image quality, with which you can easily make a connection. After this, several additional methods will be given.

There is a possibility that the user will need to buy a cable from the store. Usually it is not very expensive, and you can purchase various devices at a specialized radio store or a retail chain that sells consumer electronics.

Please note that the presence of gold plating on expensive cables does not in any way affect the quality of the displayed image.

So, here are a few options for how to connect your computer to your TV:

  • HDMI- an ideal option, because to work with it you just need to connect the connectors. As a result, not only sound, but also image will be transmitted well. The only possible problem is that the sound from the laptop may sometimes not work.
  • VGA- one of the easiest ways to connect television. To do this, you only need a cable, which is sold complete with monitors. There is a possibility that the user has an unused device at home. If necessary, you can buy it at a specialty store.
  • With cable from DVI the situation is the same - to work with it you only need to buy an adapter and cable.
  • Alternatively, you can use a composite cable S-Video. You can work with it either through a cable or through an adapter. But it is not considered the best connection method, because the image may not be very clear. So such a connection is not used if modern technology is available. The connection occurs in the same way as when working with household players.

Connecting using HDMI

Surely many users have heard about this connector. It is on all modern TVs.

The HDMI cable has the same connectors on both ends.

You can buy a cheap cable. But if the user plans to work in 3D mode, it is better to use the latest version of the HDMI cable.

A similar socket is located on the video card near the monitor connection.

If there is no discrete video card, the socket will be located on the motherboard, that is, near the USB port. However, it will look similar.

With a laptop everything is much simpler - it has the same HDMI socket. But it’s located on different sides depending on the model the user is working with.

Sometimes the TV is hanging on the wall and it can be very difficult to insert the cables from behind. It is for this situation that a cable with plugs at right angles is sold.

Alternatively, buy a special HDMI corner.

VIDEO: How to connect a computer to a TV via HDMI

How to connect a computer to a TV via HDMI

How to connect a computer to a TV? Wired and wireless methods

Connecting a TV to a computer via a VGA connector

Video Graphics Array is an interface designed to receive and transmit analog video signals. There is no sound transmission in this option for connecting the TV to the computer.

Before connecting, make sure that both devices - the computer and the TV - are equipped with VGA connectors and have a special cable.

To make such a connection, your computer must be equipped with an operating system of at least Windows 7.

Connect the PC and TV with a VGA cable when turned off, then press the SOURCE button on the TV remote control (in some models this may be INPUT) and in the menu that appears on the screen, specify as an external signal VGA(in some models - PC or RGB).

After this, confirm the selected changes by clicking OK.

Right-click on an empty space on the desktop and in the drop-down list go to the screen resolution menu.

In this menu, you are given the choice of using both a TV and a computer monitor, as well as setting the required resolution.

Additionally, you can choose to use multiple screens, which gives you the following options:

  • Duplicate screens- a function that allows you to get the same image both on the monitor and on the TV screen;
  • Expand screens- will allow you to simultaneously watch a video on the TV screen and, for example, type text on a computer;
  • Show desktop 1 or 2- this function operates only one of the available screens - either a monitor or a TV.

In general, the process of such connection is not difficult, however, it creates some inconveniences associated with the transmission of sound in this embodiment.

It will have to be connected with a separate cable or use an external speaker system for these purposes.


Another option for connecting a TV to a computer is to connect using S-Video connectors.

This option is convenient because all TVs and computer video cards (except very old ones) are equipped with an S-Video connector.

All you need to do is connect these devices with an “S-Video to S-Video” cable.

Before connecting, both the TV and the computer must be de-energized, after which you insert one end of the cable into the connector on the computer’s video card, which is a round black socket, and the other into the S-Video socket on the TV.

As the operating system loads on the computer, the TV screen will blink, indicating that an external signal source has been detected.

The next step is to configure the video card. To do this, click on an empty space on the desktop and in the menu “ Properties» go to the tab « Options» .

Then select the item « Additionally» and in the window that opens, opposite the name of the video card, activate the item « Clone» .

After applying this parameter, click on the item « Display" and select the name of the TV from the available list.

Then, on the TV, search for the signal source and adjust the image.


Miracast technology differs from DLNA in that this option for outputting multimedia information from a TV to a PC simplifies the task of viewing not only recorded files stored on the gadget’s hard drive, but also played online on one of the built-in web browsers.

But Miracast technology has the only drawback - it is very demanding on computer resources.

So it is supported only by certain computers, as well as tablets and laptops that have powerful hardware.

It is important to implement such modern technologies in the TV itself.

If the TV only optionally supports Miracast, then you will have to spend extra money on an adapter that easily connects to the HDMI port.

The technology of a wireless monitor is very simple - the displayed image is compressed using a special algorithm.

After this, it is mirrored via Wi-Fi to a large TV display.

In this case, there is no need to connect the TV to one of the local networks using a router.

Thanks to the receivers, a separate mini-network is organized, simplifying communication with a PC.

To successfully transfer the image, install the Wireless Display add-on on your computer and start broadcasting.

A PC and Smart TV can be connected without a special router.

As many probably know, a home network can be created without using a router. In this case, the laptop will play the role of the access point.

This is done in several ways:

  1. You can create a connection in one of the special management consoles;
  2. Alternatively, use ;
  3. Use third-party programs, for example, Virtual Router Plus.

Please note that a distinctive feature of most built-in Windows tools is greater reliability and stability.

In addition, users will no longer have to waste time searching for programs and installing them on their personal computer. So the registry won't be too clogged.

This method is considered one of the simplest.

Once logged in as an administrator, proceed to launch the command line. To cope with this Windows 8 task, use the key combination Win+X.

When the menu appears, you must select “Command Prompt”. In the seventh version of the operating system, you need to press the Windows + R key combination in the window that opens, and also write CMD and press Enter.

Be sure to write the following command netsh wlan set

and after that press Enter.

The creation of a new network will then be completed and you can begin to launch it. For this purpose, write on the command line


It is important to say that you can create a virtual network only once.

However, after the module is rebooted, the user must enter a command to successfully launch the Internet.

As a result, the user will only have to connect the TV to the computer by performing the necessary steps that have already been done when working with the router.

You can control TV from a PC via a wireless Wi-Fi network using the same programs.

There are various add-ons that make it much easier to control your TV using a smartphone.

In this case, the phone is used as a control panel.

So, this article provides the basic ways to connect a computer to a TV.

It is very easy to cope with this task if you choose the appropriate option and follow the instructions given. Then the user will not have any difficulties connecting.