How to unlink an old iPhone from an operator without a SIM card from the ATT operator. Unlocking an iPhone: description of the process and detailed instructions

It has been successfully existing for a long time and, as practice has shown, our clients need to be disconnected not only from American cellular operators, but also from other communication providers around the world.

Unlock iPhone It's not always as simple as it seems. Most operators have serious requirements, after which you can unlock your iPhone.

We have quite a lot of experience in the field of iPhone unlocking and are ready to offer you a service that allows you to unlock your iPhone from almost any operator in the world. Naturally, we will not deviate from the established scheme and our client will receive a full-fledged, self-sufficient service with accompanying consultation.

Quality service is the key to our success. Nowhere on the Internet will you get such fast and complete results. This is a distinctive feature of our service.

Service - Unlock iPhone from all operators in the world provides full unlocking, no problems with the network or updating to official firmware from Apple (this is very often the case with other services that supposedly “unlock” the iPhone).

What do you get by contacting us for an unlock?

- impeccable service. Instant answers to all your questions. High-quality and specialized support;

— 100% guarantee. Our service is focused on results; if for some reason the operator refuses to unlock, we guarantee the return of your money; no fees are charged for the work;

— multi-level preparation of your phone for unlocking. We cover all costs for checking the database. We check the imei of your iPhone according to the operator’s database to see if it is on the black list, and if necessary, exclude it from this list. We check the imei activation status on the Apple server. All these operations are provided to our clients absolutely FREE OF CHARGE;

— a full-fledged official iPhone unlock. There are no pitfalls, everything will work perfectly. This is what distinguishes our service from others; we give guarantees for our service.

And remember, now you are on the most reliable resource on the RuNet that provides iPhone unlocking services.

List of operators that can be unlocked through our service.

Unlock iPhone Verizon all models


(all models) no contract

(all models) no contract


Many people, before buying a gadget from America, wonder whether it will work with domestic cellular operators? Probably everyone knows that the modern Russian smartphone market is at a primitive level of development, and therefore the American company Apple does not risk investing its funds and keeps companies that have received permission to sell their equipment within the framework of strict trade. Because of this, the cost of equipment from this manufacturer is at a very high level.

“Gray” iPhones are an affordable option for everyone

It is for this reason that the market for “gray” iPhones - unofficial iPhones that are locked to their native (American) cellular dealer - began to develop so actively. Such phones have a lot of undeniable advantages, the main one of which is their low cost. For example, an iPhone 4, which was purchased from Russian suppliers, costs about 20,000 rubles, but a similar product brought from the states costs about 12,000 rubles, which, as you yourself understand, is a significant difference for the average Russian.

One big “But!” American devices are that they are locked to a specific operator and will not work with Russian ones without a special unlock.

What needs to be done for the device to work with domestic networks?

First of all, you need to unlock the iPhone, that is, untie it from the American representative. In 90% of cases, phones are linked to the largest American cellular operator AT&T. The only reasonable and reliable way to unlock such a gadget is the official AT&T unlock.

Is it worth buying iPhones from America?

The answer is clear – of course it’s worth it! When purchasing such a device, you save a significant amount, because... do not overpay Russian customs. In addition, do not forget that the quality of products abroad is an order of magnitude higher than phones assembled for the Russian market. All you have to do after purchasing is simply unlock it and enjoy how it works.

How does the procedure for unbinding a smartphone take place and who is the best person to contact?

So, how to unlock an iPhone brought from America? The unlocking process itself is simple: a service center specialist submits a request to AT&T, after which employees of the American company check by IMEI whether the mobile phone is stolen or is not on the wanted list, after which, if the result is positive, the phone is unlocked and you can use the services of a Russian operator. Do not forget that it is better to contact a trusted service center in St. Petersburg, which will provide 100% results and technical support for the entire unlocking process. According to statistics, in 97% of cases, users receive a positive result from their contact, but only on the condition that you contact genuine professionals - us.

If before you have not encountered SIM-Lock blocking on iPhone, imei-server will explain to you what it is and how to make your iPhone accept SIM cards from any operators in the world. If the iPhone is locked (hereinafter we will use the word “locked”), then a notification will be displayed on the screen - “ SIM- card is invalid ».

Lock iPhone may appear suddenly (after updating via iTunes), even if the phone previously worked successfully with other SIM cards. This means that the phone you were using was initially locked, then it was unlocked, but the unlock failed and iPhone re-locked to the same operator. In any case, whatever the reason for the blocking, the sequence of your actions to unlock will not change. Here's what to do:

1. Determining the type of blocking .

Simply put, we need to find out which operator/country or region your iPhone is locked to. The only way to get an accurate answer to this question (if the iPhone was purchased second-hand) is to order a GSX report on IMEI:

    Slow check -

    Quick check -

Any of these checks will clearly show who locked your phone. The necessary information will be displayed in the line “Next Tether Policy Details”. If the result you received seems unclear to you, consult us via Online chat or email support@site and we will quickly answer all your questions and select the right service.


    If you know that this phone used to work in the USA, for example, and the former owner used it with SIM cards from Verizon (or any other operator - AT&T, T-mobile, Sprint, Cricket...), then this is completely does not mean (!) that your phone is locked to this particular operator. There is the concept of REGIONAL blocking, in which the phone can accept a SIM card from any operator in a certain region (country or number of countries). Just because the former owner used AT&T exclusively doesn't mean he couldn't use Sprint. As a result, your false confidence that you “know” the operator even without verification may result in you making the wrong choice of service.

    For unlocking from an operator, checking by IMEI is recommended, not mandatory. You can order a check anywhere, the main thing is that you must be confident in the information received. When ordering an unlock without prior consultation and without preliminary checks (or if the checks were ordered on another site), the user assumes full responsibility for the accuracy of this data.

2. Select the desired service .

At this stage, you have already determined the type of blocking and know your operator and country. All you have to do is choose the service you need . In our list of services, unlocks are divided into categories - countries. When choosing a service, you may find that there is a concept of unlocking iPhone Clean And iPhone Blacklist. How are these services different?

  • iPhone Clean - in most services it involves unlocking devices without an active contract or debts.
  • iPhone Blacklist- are designed to unlock any phone, including debts, an active contract, and in some cases, lost phones. You can read more about the concept of a “blacklist” in the article - It describes in more detail what types of blacklists there are and how serious it is.

To check your phone for presence on the blacklist, you can order a preliminary check in the section - . The result of such a check will show whether there will be any difficulties with unlocking the device and will help you clearly choose the right service.


  • If you order a clean phone through the blacklist, it will be unlocked. But if you register your phone as clean on the blacklist, then (depending on the service) you will either receive a cancellation or lose money for an incorrect order.

3. Place an order .

Having the results of two checks in hand (GSX by IMEI and check on Blacklist), you can place your order. Before placing an order, carefully read the description of the service:

By ordering the service, you can track the status of your order via Online. After completing your order, you will receive a notification by email that youriPhoneunlocked As long as the order is "in process", it does not matter whether the phone is turned on or not. You will not be required to take any action other than wait for an email notification about successful unlocking.

4. What happens after ordering a service?

While you are waiting for the result, the order is “in process”. What is hidden behind this term?

Let us remind you that iPhone unlocking is carried out remotely using IMEI through Apple servers or an operator. There is no need to enter any “codes” into your phone. The iPhone does not request codes, because all the data about its “binding” to a specific network is registered not in the device itself, but on the company’s servers.

In simple words, the unlocking process can be explained as follows.

    At the moment of turning on, the iPhone “knocks” on the server and sends a packet of data “about itself” - this is simple information about “who it is” - what time zone it is in, what network it can connect to, and so on. When iPhone“knocks”, the server recognizes it, compares the available data and responds - “ oh, sorry friend, you can’t work on this network. You're locked». iPhone answers - “ Understood. I will answer that the SIM card is invalid».

    At the time of unlocking, the information on the server for a specific IMEI is updated. New data about the blocking status is registered. Now the same phone is knocking on the server. The data is compared and the server responds - “ everything is in order, here is your access to the network.» Thus, turning on the phone again after unlocking, the server already sees the new status and your iPhone will work correctly with any SIM cards. In rare cases, you may need to update via iTunes.

So, simply and without extra effort, you can unlockiPhone. Be careful, read the descriptions, consult with us on any questions and the results obtained will always please you.

I can say with confidence that iPhone 6, iPhone 5, iPhone 5s, iPhone 7, iPhone 4, iPhone 4s, iPhone 6s, iPhone 7 plus…. can be found, not just stolen. Why?

Because one day, in a hurry, I simply forgot mine in a cafe and realized it at home, 3 hours later.

My friend also lost his and undoubtedly someone found him. Where am I going with this? I just read “flattering comments” on articles on how to unlock a found iPhone.

What fell was lost. It’s a pity, of course - such devices are expensive, but as one writer said, if you knock out an eye, don’t cry, but be happy that you didn’t knock out two.

What I mean is that if you lost your phone, it wasn’t taken away from you, so it’s not the fault of the finder that someone lost it.

Keeping the phone you find (if you can) or returning it to the owner is a matter of conscience and decency.

If you found it, you can leave it – there will be no sin, but be sure to imagine a picture of how you would feel if you had to give up many benefits for a year and lose your “treasure” in a week.

Is it possible to unlock a found iPhone at home with the Find My Phone function enabled?

When the Find My Phone mode is turned on, it is impossible to reflash, restore or update it through iTunes.

When the “Find Phone” mode is enabled, after flashing the firmware, an activation lock is activated, which cannot be bypassed without knowing the data.

To disable it, you will need an Apple ID and password from the account in which this mode was disabled.

If you don’t have such data, and after flashing the firmware you will be asked for it when you first log in, then you can give this iPhone to a small child to be torn to pieces.

On the one hand, this is good, but on the other hand, the real owner can get into such a situation.

The bottom line is that the device is blocked on the Apple server and no manipulation of the phone will help you.

You need to contact Apple technical support and convince them that the device belongs to you.

Then they will unlock it. How you will prove this is up to you, but if you have documents, then there will be no problems.

If the phone is marked as stolen or lost by the real owner, then your best bet is to think about how to get it back (possibly for a reward).

If you can’t find the owner, then try selling it for parts. If the device is undamaged, and for the latest model, you can get pretty good money at repair shops.

You can also find “help” on the Internet, but there are quite a few scammers there (some forge a check and contact Apple to remove the block.

A pirated option to unlock a found or second-hand iPhone with a blocked apple id function

“I forgot my iPhone lock code” is a statement that often appears among the problems of Apple phone users.

What to do when the lock code slipped out of our heads or you found it or bought it second-hand?

When you buy an iPhone, iPad or iPod touch, you get a tool to track and control the device remotely.

This is the Find My iPhone feature. With this function, you can be sure that your lost smartphone can be found on the map or, in case of theft, blocked.

Here we come to the most important question. Often on Olx and other sites you can buy cheap iPhones that have a lock.

They are described as "not turning on" etc. The phones are cheap, and sellers often don't explain the point and lie, claiming that they can be easily unlocked. Of course, you cannot return the product after purchasing it.

If you have already become a buyer of a locked iPhone and are wondering how to remove the lock, I have bad news. Officially it cannot be unlocked.

A phone with an iCloud Apple ID lock is 99% stolen. Stories that sellers say that “The previous owner forgot to give me the iCloud password” are most often made out of thin air.

Often, in addition to iCloud blocking, the phone is also blocked using the IMEI code and also a police report after the theft.

Remember that by purchasing stolen goods, under the law, you are an accomplice to the crime.

Of course, the Internet does not know the concept of a vacuum, and hackers have long decided to answer the question “Locked phone - how to deal with it?”

They developed the "DoulCi" tool shortly after the release of iOS version 7. How does doulCi work? You need to download the appropriate software package and then run DoulCi HostSetup, which will create a virtual server on your computer.

During this time, disconnect from the Internet and disable all antivirus programs.

The next step is to launch the doulCi iCloud Unlocker program and connect your iPhone using a USB cable to your computer.

This way, you can unlock iCloud and sign in to the new account you created.

Of course, such decisions are risky. There is no guarantee that doulCi will work with the latest versions of iOS, in addition, Apple, along with subsequent versions of iOS, removes vulnerabilities in the system.

Moreover, as I wrote earlier, it is immoral and illegal to use someone else's phone that has been stolen.

If, in addition to iCloud blocking, there is also an IMEI blocking, you will not be able to use the iPhone even after successfully connecting to doulCi. Therefore, it is worth checking the IMEI before purchasing.

When Apple released iOS 8 (specifically iOS 8.3), there was another way to remove iCloud lock for free. Of course, also without a guarantee that it will work.

One Internet user discovered that iCloud can be bypassed using DNS. The user needed to change the DNS addresses to

Sometimes this process even had to be done several times. Of course, the phone must be restored to factory settings.

Only this is not a complete bypass of the blocking. When connected to an external server, you can watch YouTube, videos, play games, listen to music or change settings. Only you couldn't use phone and text messages.

Summarizing a record: how to unlock a found iPhone

I have described known ways to bypass the blocking, but you will probably find many more on the Internet.

In the end, I warn you to contact various companies that charge money for unlocking a found iPhone.

Most often, these are ordinary scammers who just want to scam gullible people. Don't get caught. Good luck.

Unlock iPhone - Bought an iPhone abroad

If iPhone does not work with your SIM card, does not activate or reports an error when activating the network - in 99% of cases you are the owner of an iPhone that is blocked or locked to the cellular operator.

When you try to activate or use such a device via iTunes or Wi-Fi, the following messages may appear:
1. “The SIM card installed in the Internet phone apparently does not have support. To activate an Internet phone, only compatible SIM cards can be used..."
2. “The SIM card inserted into this iPhone belongs to a cellular service provider that is not supported according to the current policy on the activation server. The problem you are experiencing is not related to your iPhone hardware. Insert another SIM card from a supported carrier or request that your carrier unlock this iPhone..."