How to open hidden VK tracks for a user. How to hide audio recordings on VKontakte. Searching and viewing hidden music in VK

Since all songs and melodies sooner or later get boring, at times there is a desire to listen to audio recordings of VKontakte friends. By looking at other people's playlists, which contain the best songs that your friends like, you can almost certainly find something new and interesting.

Audio recordings of VKontakte friends open very simply and do not contain anything secret. Moreover, the social network VK even allows you to follow updates in the audio recordings of your comrades, promptly finding out what new music your comrades are listening to, what songs they are adding to their pages. All these options are easily accessible, but only if the VK audio recording block is not blocked by the profile privacy settings.

To get to the “Privacy” item of the main submenu, you need to click on “Settings” (main page menu):

This is what a closed account looks like:

This leads to the next idea - you can hide your audio by limiting the circle of people who can see it, or even make it visible only to yourself. But first things first, let’s start our step-by-step instructions by searching for audio recordings of VKontakte friends.

Audio recordings of VKontakte friends: how to find, how to listen

Step #1

To take any actions within the Contact, you must log in to the site using your Login and Password.

Step #2

After logging into your profile, go to the “Friends” tab to select the person whose VK songs we would like to listen to.

Step #3

Let us repeat, to view a friend’s songs and music, we first need to select from the general list the person whose compositions we will listen to! Having selected the desired person, go to his page by clicking on his avatar or friend’s name.

Step #4

Once on your friend’s page, scroll down the page until you reach the “Audio Recordings” block (located at the very bottom under the avatar - the friend’s profile photo).

Step #5

Having found a block with musical compositions, you need to open the full list by clicking on the name of the block. We find ourselves in a window with a friend’s music. Now you can listen and add new audio.

Step #6

We launch any song and start listening to a playlist of selected compositions from our friend on the social network VK. If you wish, from here you can even find, add individual songs to your page, mix and sort your friend’s list of audio recordings the way you want.

Actually, this is how you can easily find audio recordings of VKontakte friends. Additionally, it is worth noting that you can also track new audio products from your friends. To do this you need to do the following:

Go to the “Music” menu and go to the “Friends Updates” tab:

There's nowhere without music. Here on VKontakte you can create your own playlist. Just add the composition you like to your audio recordings (see).

By the way, you can hide them. This is exactly what we will talk about. I will show you, how to hide your VKontakte audio recordings from friends and ordinary users. We’ll also try to figure out whether it’s possible to somehow view hidden audio recordings.

How to hide music on VKontakte

But I hasten to warn you right away. Most likely this method will not work for you. And no other one either. At the moment, I have not been able to find a secret trick that would allow me to see hidden music on VKontakte.


In any case, don't be upset. We have already learned how to hide our music on VK. Well, the fact that we won’t be able to find out what songs the secretive user is listening to won’t make us feel too bad, right? After all, you can just take and read our other instructions.

Questions? Write in the comments.


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Today we will talk about how to view hidden music in VK for any person, be it a friend or just a user. There is often a situation when friends hide music and do not want to open access. There is a fairly simple solution, although it is not the most convenient for mass use. I would like to say right away that the VK administration does not consider this a bug. In their opinion, this is a “feature” that should not be eliminated. There are a lot of such functions and none of them are going to be eliminated. A small list of hidden functions in VK:
  • Bug with VKontakte document search
  • Unnoticed deletion of friends
  • Quick name change
  • Recovering a Deleted Message
  • View hidden friends
  • Hide more than 30 friends
  • Delete all “deleted” ones with one click
  • View hidden music
  • Blocking VK page
  • Repost from a deleted page
But today we won’t talk about everyone, let’s find out how to view hidden music in VK, and if you want to read about other VKontakte features, write in the comments.

How to view hidden music in VK

To view hidden music in VK we need three things:
  • ID of the person we want to scan
  • Page number (music)
  • Special message
If a person has hidden the id, that is, replaced it with a phrase and you cannot see it, just open the first photo. The search bar will contain the address, which will contain its id. In the photo below you can see what it looks like. The message looks like this: After you have found the desired id and found out the number of the music you want to know, go to DM and enter this message, but do not send. JavaScript will do everything for you and give you the hidden music of the person whose id is indicated in the message. Now you know how to view hidden music in VK. As I said at the beginning, this method is not very convenient for mass use, but it performs its function. Subscribe to site updates, as well as

Since all songs and melodies sooner or later get boring, at times there is a desire to listen to audio recordings of VKontakte friends. By looking at other people's playlists, which contain the best songs that your friends like, you can almost certainly find something new and interesting.

Audio recordings of VKontakte friends open very simply and do not contain anything secret. Moreover, the social network VK even allows you to follow updates in the audio recordings of your comrades, promptly finding out what new music your comrades are listening to, what songs they are adding to their pages. All these options are easily accessible, but only if the VK audio recording block is not blocked by the profile privacy settings.

To get to the “Privacy” item of the main submenu, you need to click on “Settings” (main page menu):

This is what a closed account looks like:

This leads to the next idea - you can hide your audio by limiting the circle of people who can see it, or even make it visible only to yourself. But first things first, let’s start our step-by-step instructions by searching for audio recordings of VKontakte friends.

Audio recordings of VKontakte friends: how to find, how to listen

Step #1

To take any actions within the Contact, you must log in to the site using your Login and Password.

Step #2

After logging into your profile, go to the “Friends” tab to select the person whose VK songs we would like to listen to.

Step #3

Let us repeat, to view a friend’s songs and music, we first need to select from the general list the person whose compositions we will listen to! Having selected the desired person, go to his page by clicking on his avatar or friend’s name.

Step #4

Once on your friend’s page, scroll down the page until you reach the “Audio Recordings” block (located at the very bottom under the avatar - the friend’s profile photo).

Step #5

Having found a block with musical compositions, you need to open the full list by clicking on the name of the block. We find ourselves in a window with a friend’s music. Now you can listen and add new audio.

Step #6

We launch any song and start listening to a playlist of selected compositions from our friend on the social network VK. If you wish, from here you can even find, add individual songs to your page, mix and sort your friend’s list of audio recordings the way you want.

Actually, this is how you can easily find audio recordings of VKontakte friends. Additionally, it is worth noting that you can also track new audio products from your friends. To do this you need to do the following:

Go to the “Music” menu and go to the “Friends Updates” tab:

Can't find where your friend is hiding the added tracks? Let's see if it's even possible watch hidden audio recordings from a friend on VK? All tracks that the user has added to his page are located in a special section under the video.

If you have visited the page or and did not find the audio tab, which means that the person has set the settings in such a way that only he can see his tracks. You won’t be able to see what songs are hidden in his profile.

There is no special service that could show your friend's hidden tracks. If for certain reasons the user did not want to expose the songs to public attention, then this is his right. VK carefully monitors this. All you can do is carefully examine your friend’s wall. You may find some attached recordings with music there.

How to watch a friend’s VKontakte audio recordings

If you like popular tracks and follow the latest from various radio stations, but at the same time you are too lazy to go to search sites and resources where you can download music, you can find interesting tracks from your friends. Watch VKontakte audio recordings from a friend, provided that they are not hidden, there are 2 ways.

  1. Go to the page whose audio you want to watch. Pay attention to the left side of the screen and scroll down. Under video albums, you will see a music category. VK will show you the three most recently added tracks, as well as the total number of songs. By touching the total number, you will see all the user's music.
  2. You can see what songs your friends have added from the section of your audio recordings. Once you open this category, move your attention to the right corner. You'll see a subcategory called "Friend Updates." Here you can see what's new with your friends while you haven't logged into VK. Below is a partial list of friends. To find a particular person, enter his name in the line above the list. If a person's records are not hidden, the search will find his albums. To listen to them, just touch the person’s name. The songs will appear on your screen.

Thus, you can view tracks in . Plus, access to this section in the new version is located in the VK header. Sometimes, instead of adding tracks to themselves, people post them on the wall. in search of fresh compositions, you can also look for them on the wall.

How to hide audio recordings on VKontakte from friends

If you dance, work as a DJ in a club, or simply don’t want anyone to see your tracks, it’s best to hide audio recordings on VKontakte from friends. To carry out this step you will need a category of settings for your page. In the corner on the left under the words “Bookmarks” there are settings. Go to this area. Select the "Privacy" tab. In the first block, called “My Page,” you will notice a question about audio recordings.

Expand the menu opposite. Here you can decide who can view your tracks. This can only be you, your friends, everyone who has switched to your profile, friends you know, lists you select, as well as “some of...” and “all except...”.