How to open nrg file with ultraiso. How to open nrg file on computer

Hello friends! Today we will talk about another “difficult” extension to open called nrg. Site visitors often ask me: how to open the nrg file. We will try to find an answer to this question in our article today. First, you need to understand that this file belongs to the image of one of the popular applications for creating virtual disks. The application is called Nero, and the virtual disks that are created in it are in nrg format.

Everything would be simple if Nero were a free program. To open our file you would only need to use this program. But, unfortunately, this software is paid and costs a lot. Therefore, I recommend continuing to read the article further. Below I will give several free programs that will help you open the NRG format. Of course, this program will not answer the question of how to open a pdf file; there are utilities for this.

How to open nrg file - several free programs.

We have already decided above that in order to use the nrg format we need a free program. In this part of the article I will present some of them that are perfectly compatible with this file type.

The first and, in my opinion, most relevant program is called DAEMON Tools Lite - an excellent application that has already been described more than once on the pages of the site and has earned well-deserved popularity. It won't tell you how to open an iso file. Using this small free program, you can open any popular disk image format. It is almost universal, so I recommend it.

The second utility that supports the NRG extension is the free version of the well-known Alcohol 52 application. It is also a good solution for opening disk images.

As always, I leave the choice up to you. I think that soon the reader should not have a question about how to open the nrg file.

Files with the nrg extension are a data format that stores exact copies of CDs created using an imaging program. It began to be used by Nero developers.

How to open the nrg extension?

Nero is a paid program, and you can work with it only after purchasing a license. But to be able to open an image file in the nrg format, a free program is quite suitable. Nowadays, popular freely distributed utilities for working with images are UltraISO and Daemon Tools in the Lite edition.

UltraISO can be downloaded from the official website.

Daemon Tools Lite can be downloaded here.

Let's look at how to open the nrg file to gain access to its contents using Daemon Tools Lite as an example, since it is installed on the computers of most gamers.

    Launch Daemon Tools and add the image file we need to the program window by dragging it or clicking “Image” -> “Add images...”

    Select the required file and click on “Open” for the second case.

    Now we repeat the procedure, but instead of mounting, select “Open” or go to Explorer and open the image mounted in one of the virtual drives.

Knowing how to open an nrg file, you can quickly start working with your image collections.

If you have any questions, leave them in the comments!

Solvusoft: Microsoft Gold Certified

Someone sent you an NRG file by email and you don't know how to open it? Maybe you found an NRG file on your computer and were wondering what it was? Windows may tell you that you cannot open it, or in the worst case, you may encounter a corresponding error message associated with the NRG file.

Before you can open an NRG file, you need to find out what type of file the NRG file extension is.

Tip: Incorrect NRG file associations could be a sign of other underlying problems with your Windows operating system. These incorrect entries can also cause other related problems such as slow Windows startup, computer freezing, and other PC performance issues. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you scan your Windows registry for incorrect file associations and other problems related to registry fragmentation.


NRG files are Disk Image Files that are primarily associated with Norton Registration Entries (Symantec Corporation).

NRG files are also associated with Nero CD-Image File (Nero AG) and FileViewPro.

Additional types of files may also be using the NRG file extension. If you are aware of any other file formats that use the NRG file extension, please contact us so we can update our information accordingly.

How to open your NRG file:

Download »

The fastest and easiest way to open your NRG file is to double-click on it. In this case, the Windows system itself will select the necessary program to open your NRG file.

In case your NRG file does not open, it is very likely that the required application program is not installed on your PC to view or edit files with NRG extensions.

If your PC opens the NRG file, but it's the wrong application, you'll need to change your Windows registry file association settings. In other words, Windows associates NRG file extensions with the wrong program.

Software downloads associated with the NRG file extension:

*Some NRG file extension formats can only be opened in binary format.

Download FileViewPro to open your NRG files now

NRG File Analysis Tool™

Not sure what type of NRG file is? Do you want to get precise information about a file, its creator and how it can be opened?

Now you can instantly get all the necessary information about the NRG file!

The revolutionary NRG File Analysis Tool™ scans, analyzes and reports detailed information about the NRG file. Our patent-pending algorithm will quickly analyze the file and provide detailed information within seconds in a clear, easy-to-read format.†

In just a few seconds, you'll know exactly what type of NRG file you have, the application associated with the file, the name of the user who created the file, the file's protection status, and other useful information.

To begin your free file analysis, simply drag and drop your NRG file inside the dotted line below, or click "Browse My Computer" and select your file. The NRG file analysis report will be shown below, right in the browser window.

Your file is being analyzed... please wait.

File name:

File size:


†NRG File Analysis Tool uses third-party software components. Click here to read disclaimer.

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Komp.Guru > Files and folders > Programs and tools that can open the nrg file

Often, when working at a computer, you can come across unknown file formats that cannot be opened using standard tools. One of the extensions of such files is .nrg. This article will look at what this image format is, what it is used for, and what programs and tools are needed to open it.

  • How to convert nrg to iso

What is a .nrg file?

Such files are a type of disk image. The full name of the extension is Nero CD / DVD Image File. Most often, files with this extension are created on a computer using the Nero Burning Rom application. This program archives discs, creates virtual models of discs and burns them to DVD and CD media. It also has other functions available for processing archived data.

The file, which has the .nrg extension, is an imitation of a physical disk and contains a copy of all the data that may have been written to it. Such a file is completely ready for burning a DVD or CD. You can view virtual disk data on Windows and other platforms only using specialized programs.

The .nrg format can have two bit depths of integers:

  • 32 bits;
  • 64 bits (supported by Nero Burning ROM from version 5.5).

Programs for opening files with the .nrg format

There are a large number of programs that can open the .nrg image. The most popular of them will be discussed here. The following programs are suitable for opening a .nrg file in Windows.

Nero. This is a high-quality and multifunctional program for working with multimedia files, images and the discs themselves. The package includes a variety of utilities that are responsible for individual tasks of the program, making it work most efficiently.

Using Nero tools, you can burn a disc with various data, edit it, create a backup copy, and also run the disc data through a virtual model without using physical media.

To run the .nrg file, you must complete the following steps:

  • open the Nero StartSmart utility;
  • in the “Add-ons” tab, select “Open projects”;
  • designate the path to the desired image.nrg.

Alcohol 120%. This program allows you not only to mount virtual disk images, but also to burn them to Blu-ray and HD DVD media. Program projects are stored in the hard disk memory, so they can be recalled and used at any time.

Opening the .nrg file is done using the following steps:

  • Creating a virtual drive. In the utility settings, select the “Virtual disk” item, in which you need to note the number of drives to be created.
  • Selecting the required file image. In the “file” tab, select “Open” and find the desired image.
  • Mounting the .nrg image to a virtual drive. To complete this step, you need to right-click the file’s context menu and select “Mount to device.”

Daemon Tools. The utility has a maximum set of tools for performing any operations with virtual disk models. It has a compact size and high operating efficiency.

The program has the ability to bypass many well-known disk protection systems, can burn disks for loading, create images, edit them, and convert data into various formats.

Launching an image in .nrg format goes through the following steps:

  • Creating a virtual drive model. To do this, use the “Add DT drive” button.
  • Adding an image. You need to click on the CD icon with a plus sign and select the required file to download.
  • Launching the image. To do this, select the drive with the image and press the “Mount” button.

BurnAware. This is a powerful utility with simple controls. With its help you can copy and record any type of disc. The application tools allow you to: burn video and audio discs, copy and duplicate media, and burn them. The utility supports multisession mode. The program interface supports a large number of languages, including Russian. Any optical and recording media are suitable for use.

WinCDEmu. The application's capabilities include creating virtual drive models for CD and DVD discs. It can be integrated into the OS explorer and quickly launch existing images. You can interact with the program using the context menu. The utility is easy to use to open various disk images, including the .nrg format.

ISO Workshop. A convenient program for processing optical media, which has a convenient and intuitive interface. A special feature of the application is the ability to work with .cue extensions, thanks to which you can record entire albums without compression. This function is convenient for creating your own list of songs and using flac albums in music players. The utility supports a large number of different image formats.

You can open disk images in .nrg format on Mac OS using the following utilities:

  • MagicISO MagicDisc;
  • Daemon Tools Pro Standard;
  • Nrg2Iso;
  • Zona;
  • jetAudio.
  • and some others

To open such files in Linux OS, you will need the following applications:

  • KMPlayer;
  • PhotoStage;
  • EZB Systems UltraISO;
  • Nero 2014.

Ability to convert .nrg files to another format

If it is not possible to open the file with a special program, then you can convert it to another format for disk images. The formats can be the following: iso; b6i; img; uif; ashdisc; bwi; mdf; dmg.

The most common and frequently used is the .iso format.

How to convert nrg to iso

The following programs are suitable for conversion on a Windows platform: Nero Burning ROM, MagicISO, ISOBuster and UltraISO. These utilities allow you to open .nrg images and save them in another format, including .iso.

When using Linux OS, conversion to .iso format can be done using the nrg2iso application. This utility can also be used on the Mac OS platform, but only with the Linux shell installed.

Possible difficulties opening the .nrg file

The .nrg image may not open even after installing and running specialized programs, for two reasons:

  • There is no connection between the program and the file type. The solution to the problem is to manually create such a connection. You need to right-click on the .nrg image and select “Open with”. In the list that opens, you must select the installed program.
  • The image structure.nrg is damaged. To resolve the error, you must re-download the file from the source or find another location from which the image can be downloaded.

How to open NRG file

Each type of file has its own programs that can be used to open files and work fully. So, if you encounter a file in the NRG format, in this article you will find the answer to the question of which programs can open a file with this extension.

Before moving on to the review of programs, a few words about what an NRG file is. NRG is nothing more than an image file that was created in the popular NERO program. Thus, programs that can open files of this format can usually either burn the image to disk or create a virtual drive to run the image without CD media.

Programs that support the NRG format

1. Nero

Let's start with the native program for the NRG format, from which, as a rule, files of this format come out.

This program will provide full-fledged work with NRG files, allowing you to change the contents of the image, mount, burn to CD, and so on. The program is paid, but if you need a powerful and functional tool for working not only with NRG images, but also other formats, you should definitely pay attention to this program.

Download Nero for free

2. Daemon Tools Lite

A free version of the popular combine for working with different image formats. Allows you to easily mount the NRG image, allowing you to run it on your computer.

Download Daemon Tools Lite for free


Almost every user has worked or at least heard about such a popular program as UltraISO. This program is a powerful tool for working with different types of information, allowing you to perform any manipulations of interest related to disk images. With its help, you can easily launch an NRG file on your computer and, if necessary, you can edit it or burn it to disk.

The program has a paid version, however, as many users note, after the trial period ends, the program does not display the requirement to purchase a license, and the functionality of the program is not limited in any way.

Download UltraISO for free

4. Alcohol 120%

Another almost legendary program that allows you to work with images of various formats. It has a convenient interface that every user can understand, but at the same time it has quite serious functionality. This version of the program is distributed on a paid basis, however, if necessary, you can use the free version - Alcohol 54%, which already has a rather meager set of capabilities, but it will be quite enough to run the NRG file.

Download the Alcohol 120% program for free


A useful tool for working with images, allowing you to run them or extract content from them. The program has a paid version, however, the free version will be quite sufficient to complete our task.

Download IsoBuster program for free

The list of programs that support the NRG file format goes on. In this article, we looked at five of the most effective and functional tools that can easily launch an NRG image on a computer.

How and with what to open iso nrg mdf and mds formats

How to launch downloaded games, how to open mdf and mds files, images in iso, nrg format..

One of the most important questions for a novice user who has downloaded an archive with a game, video, etc. from the Internet for the first time.

Having spent more than one hour downloading, toiling around waiting for the download to finish, I finally got it - I downloaded it!! I opened the archive and..?????

And there, instead of the usual installer, there are strange files - iso, nrg, mdf, mds. What is this? How to open them, how to save your wasted time?

How to open mdf and mds, iso, nrg formats.

Actually, there are quite a few programs for opening and changing files of this format, one of my favorites is UltraISO; WinIso, IsoBuster, ISO Commander and a dozen more programs also do a very good job of this task.

ISO files can generally be opened with Winrar. We are not interested in changing the content, but in ways to launch these files to watch a video or install a game.

Opening and launching image files in mdf, mds, iso, nrg formats.

As you can see from the title, all these file formats are just different extensions of captured CD/DVD images:

  • Mdf and mds formats - favorite extensions of the Alcohol 120% program
  • The nrg extension is a native format for the Nero program
  • Disk images in iso format are generally a universal extension, created and understood by absolutely all emulation and imaging programs.

So, in order to launch an image downloaded in any of these formats, the first thing you need to do is mount it into a virtual CD/DVD drive.

Where can I get this virtual CD/DVD drive?

Virtual drives can be automatically created using Nero, Alcohol, DAEMON Tools - these are the most popular and widespread programs for emulating and creating virtual drives.

An example of opening/launching iso, nrg, mdf and mds images with Alcohol 120%

1. Download the Alcohol 120% program for free or its official free version Alcohol 52%

2. Start the installation and agree to create a virtual drive.

After rebooting the computer, going to “My Computer”, we see that we have another CD/DVD drive. That's what we need.

virtual drive Alcohol 120%

3. Now, to mount the downloaded image into the created virtual drive, just right-click on it and select "Mount image"

mount the image to open iso nrg mdf and mds

4. In the window that opens, specify the image file we need by double-clicking on it with the cursor. The image is automatically mounted into a virtual drive and will autorun if this function is not prohibited in your settings.

Method 2 for opening mdf, mds, iso, nrg using Alcohol 120%

It's also very simple:

1. Right-click on the downloaded file (in the example, the mds extension)

open iso nrg mdf and mds files

2. In the menu that opens, select “Mount Image” and indicate our created virtual drive.

Method 3. If the drop-down menu does not include the ability to select a drive

On some computers, with strict security settings, with prohibitions on changing registry entries, with prohibitions on making changes to the context menu, with poor antivirus settings, the “Mount Image” entry may not appear.

1. In this case, just double-click on the image or select “open with”

choosing a program for opening iso nrg mdf and mds images

2. In the “Select a program” window, specify Alcohol 120%, you can also check the “Use this for all files of this type” checkbox.

In this case, all files with the extension mdf, mds, iso or nrg, depending on the extension of the file being opened, will be associated with the Alcohol 120% program and will be immediately opened by the program.

3. The program will start, select the desired image in the window that opens, the program itself will mount it into the drive and launch it.

It's simple! Good luck!

Download Alcohol 120%

Tags: programs for emulating and burning CD DVDs | + mini games for the computer | step by step instructions |

- Extension (format) is the characters at the end of the file after the last dot.
- The computer determines the file type by its extension.
- By default, Windows does not show file name extensions.
- Some characters cannot be used in the file name and extension.
- Not all formats are related to the same program.
- Below are all the programs that can be used to open the NRG file.

BurnAware is a simple and at the same time very powerful program for burning and copying any discs - CD, DVD, Blu-Ray and HD-DVD, as well as copying CDs and DVDs. BurnAware allows you to perform all basic recording tasks: working with media: recording Audio CD and DVD-Video, copying and burning images, disk cloning, multisession support. It also has additional tools for creating copies of CDs and DVDs with photos, documents, movies, games and music and much more. There is a multilingual interface, including Russian and support for Windows 8. BurnAware supports all types of optical media and a wide range of recordable discs...

WinCDEmu is a simple program that helps users create virtual CD and DVD drives. Allows you to quickly launch disk images existing on your computer. WinCDEmu integrates perfectly into the operating system explorer. Manipulations with the launch of the virtual drive can be carried out through the context menu. Just right-click on the desired image and mount or unmount it. Thus, the user will be able to quickly mount the image, avoiding unnecessary manipulations. WinCDEmu, like its analogues, supports the main formats for virtual images.

ISO Workshop is another program for working with optical disc images. The program has a convenient and simple interface, and also has some features that are quite rare in other similar products. For example, this program can work with cue format images, which makes it easy to burn an uncompressed image of an album to disk. This can be useful for creating your own music library, as well as in cases where you need to play a full flac album on a music center or player. In addition, the ISO Workshop program works with other images. The most...

Universal Extractor is a convenient utility for unpacking various archives, as well as some additional file types. This program is primarily suitable for those users who create archives on a computer, but only download various archives from the Internet and then unpack them. The Universal Extractor utility copes with this task quite well. It allows you to unpack all known archives, as well as dll, exe, mdi and other types of files. In fact, the program can serve, to some extent, as a kind of program installer, because it allows you to unpack some of the installers and then run...

Free Any Burn is a program for burning optical discs that allows you to burn almost all image formats to media, as well as create them yourself. It is small in size, but the range of functions of this program is quite extensive. Free Any Burn, as mentioned above, can read images of any format and then write them to any optical media. The main thing is to have recording equipment. At the same time, the program recognizes not only well-known formats, for example, NRG, but also some others, for example, cue. In the latter case, when recording this image, you get a full-fledged audio CD, unless, of course, fla...

DAEMON Tools Lite is, in its functionality, a very reliable software for emulating virtual CD, DVD, Blu-ray drives and for creating various disk images with support for different protection systems. Can create mds, iso, mdx and mdf images of CD, DVD, Blu-ray with the function of protecting and compressing images using a password. This unique program can mount all known images. Can create up to 4 virtual drives in total. This will be an indispensable thing, for example, for netbooks, because they do not have optical drives in their kit. Despite its relatively small size, the program has all...

IsoBuster is a program from Smart Projects that is designed for data recovery. It is useful in that it can be used to open files on CD/DVD discs if Windows cannot open them. Even when they cannot be read using your operating system, IsoBuster will recover the files. The peculiarity of the program is that it works directly with tracks, disk sessions and sectors. The free version of the program supports almost all CD and DVD formats, but unfortunately does not support Blu-ray disk and HD DVD. The program also works with virtual drives, images and can convert files. Multilinguals are also available...

TUGZip is a convenient archiver that has a clear user interface and also has a number of additional features. The TUGZip program allows you to work with almost all popular archives. However, the capabilities of the TUGZip program are not limited to this. The TUGZip utility allows you to work with optical disk images, for example, img, nrg, iso, etc. Also, the TUGZip program can be integrated into the context menu. But if most archivers only add submenus to it, then the TUGZip program boasts the ability to use various scripts to automate the process of creating archives, or decomposing them...

DVDFab Virtual Drive is a free program for creating DVD, CD and BD drives. DVDFab Virtual Drive was written by one of the Chinese companies. When writing it, the emphasis was on speed, simplicity of the interface and support for popular image formats. DVDFab Virtual Drive is integrated into the system tray, from where it is very easy to launch it later. Additionally, an additional panel and icons are built into Windows Explorer. This program is compatible with all operating systems starting from Windows XP. The program allows you to create up to 18 virtual drives, each of which...

ZipGenius is a program for working with archives. In other words, an archiver. The ZipGenius program already has all the usual features of an archiver. Thus, it can open archives of almost all formats (21 pcs.), supports full work with several of them, and also allows you to view the contents of the archive. Another feature is the creation of password-protected archives, which ensures reliable safety of your data, because in most cases, it is almost impossible to open an archive without knowing the password to it. You can, of course, use password guessing programs, but their speed is quite slow.

Users who download games and movies from the Internet often encounter problems launching the received files. In particular, for those new to this business, the format is often unusual. After all, a downloaded game, as a rule, is not packed into a folder with several files and archives, but this would be much more common. But no, on the Internet (especially on torrents) programs of this type are distributed in image format.

Having received such a file, people do not know what to do with it. Conventional methods do not work here, since there is simply no “setup” icon. You have to ask knowledgeable friends or search on the Internet how to open a file nrg, iso, isz, mdf - the most common extensions. The information received boils down to the fact that to install the game you need a special emulator program. It itself is a full-fledged virtual copy of it.

nrg file: how to open

There are many types of emulators. Among them, it is worth paying special attention to Ahead Nero. This is a paid utility, but it is for this that the nrg extension is native. However, the latter does not mean that you will definitely have to buy this program now. In addition to it, there are many more emulators that can run a downloaded movie or game with the same success. Let us especially highlight Alcohol and UltraISO, which will be discussed below.

For those who do not know how to open an nrg file and intend to do it for the first time, the easy-to-use Daemon Tools Lite utility is also suitable. Unfortunately, it is not always able to work with all extensions, so it is important to know backup options. So, how to open with Alcohol?


When you are ready to download this program, you will find out that there are two varieties of it - Alcohol 52% and Alcohol 120%. The main difference between one and the other is the expanded capabilities for creating and emulating disk images. Therefore, the second option is distributed as a paid program. But for your task, most likely, it will be enough to use Alcohol 52%. General advantages include the ability to work with almost all common image formats available at the moment.

After downloading, launch the installation icon. We wait for the corresponding window to appear and click “next”, agreeing with the settings. No pitfalls were noticed during the installation process of this program, so there is no need to delve deeply into this. At a certain point, the utility will prompt you to create an Agree. If by chance you were not allowed to do this, it’s okay - you can create this drive a little later, manually.

Upon completion of the installation process, the system will automatically reboot. It’s better to play it safe in advance by saving all important changes and closing other programs. Next, after the reboot, click on the program shortcut. In addition, when you go to “My Computer”, you will see a new drive appear there. This is what Alcohol created. If it is not there, you will have, as mentioned above, to create the drive yourself through the program interface.

Now all that remains is to find out how to actually open the nrg file using the created virtual drive. To do this, click on the icon with the right mouse button. A menu will open in which you need to select the “Mount Image” line. Next, we look for our folder with the downloaded game, select the disk image icon and open it. All. We can assume that the game disc is in the drive. Next, we work in the same way as with physical media.

How to open nrg file using UltraISO

Working with this emulator is a little more complicated than in the previous case. Open the program, go to the main menu and select “Open”. Here you need to find the folder with downloaded images and, if there are several of them, select the one you need. Below are the file types that will be shown. You can change them to Nero - Burning ROM (*.nrg) so that only the required format is displayed. After this, the contents of the disk will become available for further work. Now you know how to open the nrg file, and you can choose any of the methods to do this.

Have you downloaded it from the Internet or found a disk image.nrg on your computer and don’t know how to open it? Read about the easiest ways to record or view an NRG file.

NRG file - disk image

The NRG format is used in Nero for creating images and as a working project file before recording. There are a number of commercial and free applications that record or mount files in this format. Let's look at the most popular of them.

Method 1: Nero Burning Rom

The NRG format is “native” for Nero, but if you are a supporter of using licensed and free software, then Nero is not the best choice for viewing or recording one or two CDs. The program has a two-week trial period, but the data recording capacity is limited to only 100 MB, and it will not be possible to burn a larger file.

    1. After downloading and installing Nero, select "Nero Burning ROM" and go to the project window;

    1. Close it (menu item "Cancel").

    1. Select a menu item "Recorder" -> "Burn image".

    1. In a standard dialog window "Open" find the file you need, select it and click "Open".

    1. In the window that opens "Record a project" press "Burn" and after some time (depending on the amount of data) we get a recorded compact.

The screenshot shows the default burning settings, but we recommend checking the boxes "Determine maximum speed" And “Check app. data".

The program only writes the file to a blank; it cannot be edited or extracted/modified.

Download Nero Burning Rom from the official website

Method 2: PowerISO

Another paid application with great capabilities for editing and recording discs. The trial version is limited to working with files up to 300 MB. Its advantages include an impressive list of supported image types and the ability to edit their contents, extract them to a hard drive, or write an image (including a bootable one) to a flash drive.

    1. After downloading and launching PowerISO, you need to select the file.

    1. This is done using the standard dialog "Open".

    1. After opening the image, we have several options for working, including the ability to add files and folders to it (menu item "Add") (1), extract the contents to a folder on your hard drive (menu item "Extract") (1), and also write it to a blank (menu item "Burn") (2).

On the left side of the window that opens you see the folder structure of the disk (3), and on the right - files (4). You can add, delete or copy files and folders to your computer in the same way as in the Explorer window - with the mouse. You can also mount a virtual disk (menu item "Mount"). All actions are as similar as possible to working with standard Windows tools and do not cause any difficulties.

Download PowerISO from the official website

Method 3: DAEMON Tools lite

The lightweight free version of DAEMON Tools allows you to quickly and conveniently mount images of many types. Burning discs, working with flash drives and many other functions are available in the paid version, so we will only consider mounting.

    1. After starting the program, the user is taken to the tab "Images", where he has two options - mount the file on an existing drive (1) or create a new one ( "Quick Mount") (2). To mount, you need to click on one of these menu items.

    1. The choice is made through a standard dialog "Open".

    1. To unmount a virtual disk, you need to right-click on it and select the menu item "Unmount".

“Empty” virtual disks can be easily destroyed using the previous menu item "Delete" or by hovering the mouse pointer over the disk and clicking on the cross that appears in the upper right corner of the icon.

Download DAEMON Tools lite from the official website

Method 4: ImgBurn

A free program for creating images from files and folders on your computer and burning discs. It has a simple interface without unnecessary functions and high speed. The only difficulty may arise with the Russification of ImgBurn, since the application is in English, but the language files can be found on the download page (ImgBurn Translation Language Files). The downloaded archive with the language file must be unpacked into a directory "Languages" in the folder with ImgBurn (for example, "C:\Program Files\ImgBurn\Languages"). It is better to remember the path to it during installation.

    1. When you launch the application, two windows will open - one of them is shown in the screenshot below, and the second displays service information. In principle, the second window can be closed, but it is better not to do this, because only in it the user can see a description of the progress of the work, and if something goes wrong, he will not know the cause of the error.
    2. There is a menu item for burning discs "Burn image to disk". By clicking on it, the user will see the following window "Burn".

    1. In it you should select the NRG file (1) in the standard dialog box "Open" and the drive on which the recording will be made (2), if you have several of them.

    1. Next, click on the recording icon (3) and monitor the process in a new window.

Download ImgBurn from the official website


You can open the NRG file with several programs. Some of them will be able to burn it to disk, others will be able to mount it as a virtual disk. Our recommendation: use ImgBurn for recording, and DAEMON Tools Lite for editing, as they are free and fully cope with the task.