How to organize a local network between two computers. Setting up shared folder access over a network in Windows

If you have several desktop computers installed at home, creating a local network will be a more than practical solution. After all, you no longer have to use flash drives, links or cloud storage to transfer funny pictures to each other. Interested? Then let's find out how to create a network at home, spending a minimum of money and time on it.

What is a local network and why is it needed?

A local network is several independent PCs united for fast data exchange. Using this technology, you can build some kind of personal server for home use or a small work office. This can be observed in computer clubs, offices, and small enterprises.

You can organize something similar at home. Creating a network between computers, oddly enough, is not an impossible task; it is only important to carefully understand everything and try not to miss key steps.


A local network can be connected to the Internet or not, and this does not in any way affect the operation of the network itself. And it can also contain a different number of computers connected in different ways, for example, a laptop is connected wirelessly, and a desktop PC is connected via a wired method. In general, a network can contain any number of machines connected in different ways.

In general, configuration methods do not differ much between different types of networks and are unlikely to cause you any difficulties, except in cases where IP addresses cannot be allocated automatically and user intervention is required.


To organize a network you will need:

  • One or more crimped pieces of UTP cable of the required length. Since the creation of a network will take place between computers, it is necessary to crimp/purchase a cable specifically for the local network.
  • If you plan to build a network of two or three computers, then you can use a router as a network switch, but such a network will be slightly different.
  • To create a network with one main computer and the Internet distribution from it, you will need an additional network card, since one adapter cannot simultaneously work both in receiving and distributing. There are special dual adapters for these purposes.
  • Well, and, of course, two or more computers.

In addition, some components may be needed in specific cases and may not be listed. Well, let's get started creating your home web.

Setting up a homegroup

First, you need to give all computers on the network different names, but the same workgroup - usually WORKGROUP. You can change the settings at: My computer/Properties/Advanced system settings/Computer name. By clicking on the “Change” button, enter the required values.

Starting with Windows 7, such an activity as creating a network looks outrageously simple - using a homegroup. It happens like this:

  1. On your host computer, open Network and Sharing Center. To do this, simply right-click on the Internet connection icon in the tray and select the appropriate item.
  2. Select the HomeGroup link at the bottom left of the window.
  3. Select “Create a home group” and follow the wizard’s instructions. In the last window, an automatic password will be generated that you need to remember.

If there are no errors, then the home group has been successfully created. Now let's connect to it from the second computer:

  1. We go to the same network center.
  2. Click on the join item (near the active network).
  3. Follow the wizard's prompts and enter the previously recorded password.

A full-fledged network has been created and is ready for work. It is worth saying that you can connect a group to the Internet in several ways: through a router (with one network card), through a regular wire (with two network cards).

Creating a connection between two PCs

To create a network between two computers, as in the previous method, you only need one UTP cable to connect the network card connectors. For the host computer it looks like this:

  1. Open the Network Control Center again.
  2. On the network connection that is listed as inactive, right-click and go to properties.

Then in the properties of the TCP protocol. If you are using a direct computer-to-computer connection, you should switch to manual control and enter the following data:

  1. IP address:
  2. Subnet mask (set automatically):
  3. Default gateway:
  4. In the DNS server parameters, you can specify Google servers: or the default gateway. This item can be skipped, since the created local network does not use DNS.
  5. In the “access” tab, you need to check the box next to both items.

Save the settings and exit the control panel. Let's move on to the second computer. Here you need to enter all the same data, with the exception of the IP address. It must be made unique, for example,

Ready! We have set up a stable connection between two PCs. To share information, you simply need to enable file sharing for all group members.

What if there are several computers?

To connect three or more computers, you will need a network switch - Switch. It processes network traffic and distributes it across channels. Roughly speaking, this is a rather complex cable splitter. Some switches have a dedicated port for connecting a host computer. The switch diagram looks like this: router-switch-computers.

Since this method is slightly different, let's look at how to create a network via Switch:

  1. First, install the network card drivers if the system for some reason did not do it itself.
  2. The local network connection settings will not differ from the previous option. On the host computer we indicate IP - It is important to note that on the host computer you must specify this exact IP, with a unit at the end. On all subsequent computers it will be different: for the second, for the third, etc.

Now let's adjust the Internet connection. In most cases, the connection occurs automatically, using automatically generated IP addresses. In other situations, you may need to enter data manually, after consulting with your provider.

Opening access

You can open access to any files by right-clicking on them and hovering the cursor over the “Sharing” line and selecting the desired item. You can also open access in the folder properties in the taskbar. You can allow other users to use not only individual folders, but also the entire local disk.

How to create a Wi-Fi connection?

Creating a Wi-Fi network is a fairly practical solution if you only have a router and a bunch of laptops that need to be connected. This will help save not only on tons of cable, but also on the speed of the organization. In some aspects, creating a network via Wi-Fi is very similar to assembling a regular LAN, but has a number of differences:

  • The only equipment required is a router and computers.
  • No wire tangles.
  • Can be organized even in isolated rooms.

In principle, all computers connected to the same network are already connected to each other, and only a little configuration is required:

  1. In the Network Control Center, create a new wireless connection, following the wizard’s prompts.
  2. A new connection will appear, which you can join using the password specified when registering the network.
  3. You can share files in the same window.

This completes the modeling of the home network.

Now you know how to create a WiFi network between several machines using only a router and a couple of laptops or computers with Wi-Fi adapters.

Modern technologies do not stand still. If a dozen years ago a personal computer in your home was considered a luxury item, today, one device is not enough to meet the needs of the whole family. A teenager needs a computer for learning and preferably for gaming content. Many parents spend their free time on social networks and viewing information of interest; for some, their work is directly related to the Internet.

If there are several personal computers in the apartment, there is a need to create a local network between two computers.

Network convenience

The need for a local network is due to the transmission of an Internet signal to a number of personal PCs. You can, of course, install two Internet provider cables with different IP addresses into your house, but this will not be economically feasible. Establishing a network connection between computers, laptops or other equipment (tablets, smartphones, TVs with Smart TV function) provides a number of advantages for their users:

  • Quickly transfer files (photos, music, movies, text) over a local network between devices without using a USB flash drive.
  • Use one printer when working on any computer.
  • Combining computers into one gaming space if the family plays online games.

Which connection should I choose?

Currently, there are several ways to establish communication between home devices. They have their advantages and disadvantages. Usually a small number of computers (2 or 3) are connected to a home network, so we will consider two main types of connection.

Establishing a connection directly

This is the simplest and least expensive method of organizing a local network. You can connect several devices using a cable using twisted pair. It is very important that the crimp (color scheme of the distribution of twisted pair wires in the connector) of the cable using the RJ45 connector matches the connection (computer to computer) - cross crimp.

It is better to buy a twisted pair cable with a ready-made connector in a store, but you can also do the crimping yourself (it is advisable to have a crimper at home). Modern equipment uses network cards with an automatic Ethernet Auto-MDIX interface. If it is present in both devices, you can use twisted pair cable with both straight and cross crimps, the ports will be identified automatically.

Video tutorial on how to properly crimp twisted pair cables:

To connect your equipment directly, you need to take into account that the cable length should not exceed 100 m, otherwise the signal quality will be poor due to the problem of its attenuation (high cable resistance). If two PCs are connected correctly, the green Ethernet LEDs near the RJ45 connectors blink. If there is no indicator signal on one of your devices, you need to check that the cable is crimped correctly.

If your equipment has IEEE 1394 ports installed, you can create a local network between two computers using FireWire cables. Such cords have 4, 6 and 9 pin pinouts (usually the first two are used) and can connect devices in 3 ways:

4 pins on both connectors.

6 pins on both connectors.

6 and 4 contacts on different sides.

Among the advantages of direct connection between computers are:

  • Economy.
  • Easy setup.
  • Performance.
  • Reliability.

But there are also disadvantages:

  • Lack of WI-FI signal for using tablets and smartphones.
  • To communicate with other users on the Internet, the main PC must be turned on.
  • Placing a large number of twisted pair wiring throughout the house.

Connection using a router

A WI-FI router creates a common network space for home computers and also assigns IP addresses to them. By setting up a tablet, phone or laptop (it must have a built-in WI-FI module) to communicate with the router via a WI-FI signal, you can establish a connection to the Internet for them.

When buying a router, you should ask the seller about its maximum throughput (it needs to be slightly higher than the speed according to the tariff plan from the provider). Also, the transmission speed will depend on the WI-FI signal, the range of the router, the number of built-in antenna transmitters and their power on the equipment. If a single antenna is built-in, it will function to receive and transmit signals. When planning to connect many users, it is better to purchase a router with two or three antennas.

The location where the router will be located plays an important role. To do this, you need to take into account the following factors:

  1. To ensure a high-quality WI-FI signal throughout the entire room, it is advisable to install the router somewhere in the middle of the living space.
  2. Devices that will be connected via cable should be located not too far from the router, so as not to pull the twisted pair cable through the entire house.
  3. It is advisable to directly connect the provider cable to the router without connecting adapters.

A cord for creating a connection between a computer and a router is usually sold as a kit; if it is missing, the equipment is combined with a twisted pair cable with direct crimp.

Setting up PC cable connection directly

Usually, after connecting a PC with a cable connection, with the Windows 7 operating system installed, all devices associated with it become visible. The host computer's visibility of other devices will largely depend on the parameters of this connection. If devices are not visible to each other, you need to configure some home network settings (in Windows 7):

To receive an Internet signal from other people, use the main PC section “Local Area Connection”, “Properties” click “Access”, use the section “Allow other users to connect to the Internet of this computer”.

Availability of data to network users

To gain access for network devices to information located on the hard drive of the main PC, you need to group them into one category with a common name. To do this, in the menu “Control Panel”, “System and Security”, “System”, click the last item in the list on the left side “Advanced system settings”. Here you can enter the name of the grouped PCs for authentication, and come up with a name for the group.

For the network connection to function successfully, the main PC will need to be able to read information and access the printing device. We perform the task as follows - click on “Control Panel”, then “Network and Internet”, “Network and Sharing Center”, “Change access settings”, then click on enable detection, enable access and disable passwords. The changes you made are saved.

Setting up the router

A home router has 4–6 ports for connecting computers and accessing the Internet. First you need to connect the provider's cable to the router. This socket is usually circled and labeled "INTERNET". Next, connect the cord coming from the computer to one of the sockets labeled “LAN” and turn on the device.

On the PC, enter the Explorer browser, or Opera, enter the line and click “Enter”. Depending on the type of router, something like this will appear:

If the device is new, then write admin and click OK. After this, a dialog box should pop up to enter the router settings. The user needs to know what settings the provider uses to provide access to the Internet:

  • Using the PPPoE protocol when entering your login and password.
  • Static IP – the person must enter the settings themselves (masks, IP addresses).
  • Dynamic IP – settings are set automatically.

To organize a connection, enter in the same way as when establishing a direct connection - click “Internet Protocol version 4 (TCP/IPv4)” in the “properties” sub-item and determine how to obtain an IP address (automatic configuration or entering an IP address for static data).

Simple organization of a local network using a router - video instructions:

Often, users have problems connecting two or more computers. Such a network may be needed for various reasons. Let's look at creating a local network in more detail.

Connecting computers to a local network can be useful for organizing a workspace at home or for playing games together over the network. For example, a designer may need two monitors (a desktop PC and a laptop), and dividing one monitor into two parts is not very convenient. A local network may also be needed to quickly transfer all data from one computer to another. One way or another, there are a huge number of situations when you need to connect two computers. The connection can be made using a wireless network or using a cable. Let's look at both methods.

Wireless connection

Creating a local network via wi-fi requires the presence of a router. Let's look at setting up such a connection using Windows 7 and a TP-Link router as an example. In the indicated diagram, it is assumed that PC No. 1 is connected to the router by cable, and PC No. 2 is connected to the router via a wireless channel.

First, let's configure the router. For this:

1. Go to the router interface at

2. Go to the DHCP tab and find the IP address assigned to the second PC.

3. Ping this IP address.

To do this, go to the command prompt and type the command ping “IP” and press Enter.

If the packet exchange was successful, we proceed to setting up the local network.

Change the Computer name and group name on both PCs. The group name must be the same. Reboot both computers.

Now go to the “Network and Sharing Center” through the control panel. Here we transfer the existing connection to the Home network (if this has not been done before).

After that, change the sharing settings and restart both computers.

If you need to open access to drive D, go to the section and click advanced settings. Next, check the boxes indicated in the figure.

Cable connection

This is a traditional and stable way to connect 2 or more computers to each other.

To connect computers we need a cable. You can buy it in a store or make it yourself. To do this we purchase:

1. Cable (RJ45 2 or 4 pairs)

2. A couple of connectors

3. Crimping (special tool for crimping the finished cable)

We crimp the cable according to the following diagram.

After crimping, we connect the ends of the cable to both PCs.

If the cable begins to be detected, then everything is done correctly. Now let’s look at setting up the connection using the same Windows 7 as an example.

All actions are performed on both computers.

1. Open the control panel and go to connection management.

2. Select version 4 of the protocol and click the properties button

3. On the first PC we indicate, and on the second, respectively.

4. Save everything and go to the network control center. The network must be private. If this is not specified, then go to the “Settings” section.

Select "Private" and close the window.

Let's share files.

  • It would be best to purchase a ready-made (crimped) cable for the local network, since if you do not plan to do such things in the future, the crimping tool will simply gather dust on the shelf.
  • The router setup discussed using TP Link as an example is also suitable for other models. All parameters are the same.
  • In the case of a wireless network, do not forget to restrict access to it with a password after setup. Otherwise, a third party may gain access to both computers.

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The need to create a local network arises when you want to connect more than two computers. A local network is needed to collaborate with shared files, with one printer, scanner, etc. In this article we will take a detailed look at creating a local network.

How to create a local network?

Materials and tools:

  • Tester
  • Roulette

Technology for creating a local network

Prepare a diagram that will show where all the computers, switch and server for your future local network are located.

Measure the distance between the computer and the power outlet or switch.

Prepare patch cords of the appropriate length for each computer.

Connect the computer and the power outlet using the prepared patch cord. Each computer has a connector specifically designed for a patch cord.

Turn on your computer.

Once the computer turns on, you will see the LED next to the connector turn either green or orange. This means the patch cord is connected correctly.

Repeat similar connection steps for the remaining computers on the future local network.

So, you have completed connecting the computers. But the creation of a local network is just beginning. In order for computers to “see” each other, each computer must be configured programmatically. For example, we will use a peer-to-peer network, i.e. "working group".

Proceed to setting up your network card. Start - Settings - Control Panel - Network Connections - Local Area Connections.

Click on the “Local Area Connection” icon with the right mouse button. A menu will appear.

Select "properties". A settings window will appear.

Select the “Internet Protocol TCP\IP” component and click on the “properties” button.

Check the “Use the following address” checkbox.

Dial the IP address ( The subnet mask will be set automatically and will look like this: (

Click on the "OK" button.

Click "OK" again.

All you have to do is enter your computer into the peer-to-peer network. Go to settings. Start - Settings - Control Panel - System - “Computer name” tab - “change” button.

Enter the computer name (required in Latin letters, only letters and numbers can be used).

Check the “is a member of the work group” checkbox.

Come up with a name for the working group and enter it in Latin in the working group name field.

Click on the "OK" button.

Click "OK" again. The system will prompt you to reboot for the changes to take effect.

Agree and reboot.

Congratulations, you have added your first computer to your workgroup. To create a local network, carry out similar operations for the remaining computers, but select for each of them a unique name, a different IP address from the others (i.e. - 192.168.0...).

Important: In the settings of each computer on the local network, you must specify the same workgroup name.

The creation of the local network is completed.

A local network makes it possible to move files between computers, launch and use games and programs together, and share the Internet. Connecting computers into a common network helps protect owners from viruses entering their systems. There are several ways to connect PCs with different operating systems into a single local network.

Hardware interconnection of computers

Hardware aggregation uses technical devices with which several PCs gain access to a common network.

Via cable

The simplest connection option. To combine, you will need a special cable, a cross-over. Both ends of the cable are plugged into computers. One of the devices transmits the Internet connection to another, which unites them into a network.

The main disadvantages of the method:

  • Only 2 devices can be combined;
  • There is a limitation on cable length;
  • The additional cable gets in the way and can get tangled.

Via router

Using a router, you can connect any number of computers and laptops with a local network. A router is connected to one of the devices; it will distribute the network to the rest of the PCs. It is important that these devices support Wi-Fi connection mode. In this case, the IP address and access between PCs are set automatically.

The only thing that is required from the user is to enter the same computer names in the Connection Center.

If the device’s memory stores important files that other network users should not have access to, just right-click on the folder and go to access settings.

Setting up a local network

Turning on devices and connecting a cable or router to them are not the only steps required to create a local network. When merging, it is important to configure the computers correctly.

When connected via cable

The following tuning algorithm must be carried out on both computers to which the cable is connected.

Setting up a workgroup and PC name

This action will allow you to set the same name for devices connected by cable. To do this you need:

  1. Press the key combination Win+R;
  2. 2. Enter the universal command in the input field sysdm.cpl (suitable for any versionWindows);
  3. Click the “Change” button;
  4. Enter a name for the workgroup computers (required in Latin);
  5. Save.

The same name is entered on the second device.

Configuring IP, gateways and masks, DNS

On modern operating systems Windows 8-10, this procedure consists of simply checking the boxes in the Network Control Center.

Owners of PCs with older system versions need to go through the following algorithm:

After this, the computers will be united into a single network.

Opening access to files, folders, printer

As mentioned above, on Windows 8-10, the procedure for sharing access and setting up a network comes down to selecting parameters in the Connection Center. Additionally, you can set general passwords for your PC.

On other versions of Windows:

  1. Start button;
  2. Control Panel;
  3. Folders settings;
  4. Click on the item to use the sharing wizard;
  5. Save and close;
  6. Go to the “My Computer” window;
  7. Find the PC name, right-click and click “Change”;
  8. In the settings, click the checkbox next to the relationship between the device and the workgroup;
  9. Go to the access tab, confirm permission for devices.

Internet access on a second PC

If the donor computer is connected to the Internet, the second device can also be connected to the network. To do this, you need to set the same connection settings as on the donor.

When connecting via a router

In this case, fewer steps are required from the user to configure connections on computers. Wi-Fi connection requires less settings and is installed automatically.

Checking connections with computers

You need to reboot the router using the button on the back panel. Thus, the configuration of the router itself will be correct, as specified by the manufacturers. The router automatically assigns addresses to computers that are within its network area.

You can check whether all computers are connected to the router via Wi-Fi in the following way:

  1. Open a browser, enter in the address bar;
  2. Enter the DHCP tab;
  3. Find the IP address of the PC that will be connected to the local network;
  4. Launch the command line, enter “ping IP of another PC”;
  5. Wait until the check is completed.