How to set up a new mouse on your computer. Keyboards and mice for a desktop computer. Connection via external adapter

A wireless mouse is purchased for a laptop, but many desktop PC users also prefer the “wireless” option. For example, if the PC is connected to a TV, it can be used as a kind of remote control. Next, we’ll look at how it connects, what errors may occur, and how to deal with them.

Instructions for connecting via adapter

A wireless mouse adapter usually looks like a small piece of free-form plastic, most often rectangular, with a metal USB connector protruding from it. This standard is usually called just that – “for a USB mouse”. Modern adapters are very small in size and practically do not protrude beyond the laptop body. But small sizes can also become a problem - if the adapter is lost, it is difficult to find it.

Wireless USB mice are very popular due to their low price. Also, they usually do not need to configure anything for different operating systems - the adapter is simply inserted into a free port, and after a few seconds the mouse is ready for use.

In some mouse models, the adapter is not located separately in the package and is not inserted into the mouse from the outside, but is hidden in the battery compartment (bottom). The adapter can only be removed by opening the compartment.

Detailed connection instructions are as follows:

In the following video you can clearly see the unpacking of a new wireless mouse and its connection to a laptop via an adapter:

After connecting the mouse, you need to take into account the signal reception range. Most likely, you will not be able to control the cursor on the screen if the distance from the mouse to the adapter/laptop is more than 20 meters.

Is it possible to connect a wireless mouse without an adapter?

Yes, if the mouse was originally designed to work without an adapter. If your mouse must If there is an adapter (USB mouse), but for one reason or another it is not there, then, most likely, the problem will not be easily solved. There are several ways out:
  • Find out via the Internet or at the nearest computer service center whether this model has the ability to connect to a laptop with another adapter from the same manufacturer. Many branded products allow you to connect multiple peripherals through a single adapter.
  • If a suitable adapter cannot be found, there is another option. Find the same used mouse on the Internet or in your hands, buy it at a low price along with an adapter and replace the hardware of your mouse with a similar one.
  • Sometimes there is a situation when you have a Bluetooth mouse, but the laptop does not support this communication standard. Then you can simply buy any Bluetooth receiver and insert it into your computer. Better yet, bring the mouse with you to the store and make sure on the spot that everything will work fine.
  • Many service centers may simply try to find you a suitable adapter. Although the likelihood of finding it is low, why not try?
If none of the proposed options are suitable, the conclusion is sad - you will have to buy a new “mouse + adapter” kit.

How to connect a wireless mouse without an adapter?

Wireless mice without an adapter rely on your laptop having a Bluetooth or Wi-Fi receiver. What type of transmitter is built into your mouse should be indicated in the description and also written on the packaging. Instead of Bluetooth, an abbreviation may be written, for example, BT 5.0. Your laptop must have the appropriate type of receiving device. The advantage of such mice is that the adapter will not be lost, because it simply does not exist.

To perform the operations listed below and before putting the wireless mouse into working condition, you will need either a wired mouse or an active laptop touchpad!

Bluetooth mouse

To connect a Bluetooth mouse, the Bluetooth signal reception mode must be turned on on the laptop. You can first check whether the Bluetooth module is present and whether it works normally (if you are sure that yes, then you can skip the continuation of the paragraph). Check its status in Device Manager. For example, for Windows 7 this is done in one of the following ways:

The video below will help you turn on Bluetooth if you encounter any difficulties:

Wi-Fi mouse

The instructions are similar to the previous one:
  • If you are not sure whether Wi-Fi is working on your computer, check whether your PC has an appropriate Wi-Fi receiver in Device Manager (in the same way as described above for Bluetooth).
  • Similarly, activate the Wi-Fi module at the bottom right of the desktop, only not through the Bluetooth icon, but through the corresponding Wi-Fi icon.
  • Find the mouse in the proposed list of detected devices and point to it.

Why won't my wireless mouse connect and what should I do?

After completing the operations, most mice will immediately begin to work, but it happens that simply connecting is not enough. In this case, it is worth considering the possible reasons why the mouse may not work, as well as troubleshooting methods.

Do not try to immediately look for complex causes of the malfunction. Restart your PC, and only if this does not help, proceed to the search for the real root of evil.

  • The most common reason is that the batteries are simply dead, so even if the connection is successful, the mouse does not work. This can be a problem if it's late at night and the mouse isn't working and you don't have spare batteries.

    What to do? Take care of this problem in advance. Buy a pack of batteries and don’t forget to renew your stock. In addition, some mice do not have ordinary batteries inside, but rechargeable batteries, and they come with a “USB - mini-USB” cord. Such mice can be recharged by plugging the cord into the USB connector (the mouse works normally), and after recharging, remove the cord and use such a wireless mouse for a long time. Perhaps this is the best solution.

    Another simple option is to have a spare regular wired mouse, it will help you out in case the wireless one fails.

  • Your mouse may require driver installation to function. If there is a small disk in the package with the mouse, insert it into the disk drive and follow the instructions. Sometimes there is no disk, but the mouse manufacturer prints a link to a website with drivers on the packaging in large font. Enter the link into the address bar of your browser and search for your model. If you are unable to install the driver yourself, contact a specialist or service center.
  • There are also models where the mouse and adapter need to be synchronized. Until this operation is done, the mouse will not work. This is done so that the signals of several mice in the same room do not overlap, interfering with each other.

    What to do? The adapter usually has a clearly visible synchronization button, and sometimes also has a tiny indicator light. And there is a small hole made in the mouse, inside of which there is a small button. The button can be pressed with a match or paper clip. So, first press and do not release the button on the adapter (if there is an indicator, it will light up). Now click the sync button on your mouse. Both described buttons must be pressed simultaneously; keep them pressed for several seconds.

  • Check that your USB mouse adapter is in place. It may seem strange, but sometimes you can forget about the existence of the adapter. And it is necessary. And your child or pet can pull out the adapter while playing.
  • The USB port may have failed. You can try moving the adapter to another, known working (tested) port. Another option is to find out whether the USB ports on the PC work at all; maybe they are disabled through the BIOS or uninstalled. Check the status of the USB ports in Device Manager.
  • Not all laptop models support Bluetooth, so connecting a BT mouse will not be possible. What to do? Have an external Bluetooth adapter if you have such a mouse. An adapter is unlikely to be needed for a Wi-Fi mouse - almost every laptop is equipped with a Wi-Fi receiver and can work with such a mouse.

If you ordered a mouse from AliExpress and at a very low price, then the quality may be appropriate, but the adapter or mouse may not work at all. This happens, so it’s better to buy a mouse with an adapter in places where they will connect it, check it and allow you to try it on your hand.

Connecting a wireless mouse to a laptop is not difficult, as you can see from the simple instructions. In order not to encounter difficulties when connecting, it is worth testing the device at the time of purchase.

As a rule, after purchasing a new mouse, you need to make settings for yourself: adjust the buttons and wheel, adjust sensitivity and speed, as well as color and various visual effects. Today we'll figure it out how to configure the mouse inWindows on a computer or laptop.

Instructions for setting up a mouse in Windows 7

First of all, you need to go to the mouse settings:

Alternative options to go to mouse settings:

  1. Open “Start”, go to “Control Panel”, find the “Mouse” section there;
  2. Or “Start” - “Devices and Printers”, find your mouse there and use the edit mouse button to bring up properties.

What settings should be made on the mouse?

Once you get to the settings section, a window will appear:

A little more detail on the tabs:

Mouse buttons

  1. Change button assignments - this function is useful for those who work with their left hand. The left and right buttons will switch places;
  2. Double-click speed – determines the time at which the second click will be counted as a double. If the reaction is fast, then you need to set it higher. If you don’t have time to click again in time, you should do it below.
  3. Sticky – Allows you to drag without having to hold down the mouse button.

Pointer Options

It is in this section that you can use it when working on a computer or laptop. More details:

  1. Move – the speed at which the mouse moves across the desktop;
  2. Initial position in the dialog box - by activating this function, the mouse pointer will by default immediately be located on the button that you press most often. For example, in the dialog box there are options for “Accept” and “Cancel”. If you click “Accept” more often, Windows will recognize it as the preferred option and will automatically place the cursor there when a new window appears.
  3. Visibility – here you can:
    — Enable or disable mouse trail (personally annoying me);
    — Hide the pointer when typing on the keyboard;
    — Indicate the location of the pointer when pressing Ctrl (a useful feature for those who often lose the mouse cursor on the monitor screen).


In this section, you can configure the number of lines that will be skipped on the screen when scrolling the wheel one click vertically. And also the number of characters when scrolling horizontally.


This section of the mouse settings is intended for the design of the cursor. There is no need to describe it, here you can select a theme, enable a shadow for the mouse, and select a cursor image.


In this section you can view the technical specifications of the mouse, driver, etc. Nothing useful for the average user.

These are the usual settings for a standard mouse. For gaming mice, it is often necessary to make additional configurations, for example, setting up macros for buttons.

Video on setting up a computer mouse on Windows

I hope the article " How to set up a mouse in Windows on a computer or laptop"was useful to you.

Modern technologies offer two types of mice for computers, including laptops. These are wired and wireless, which have the same operating principle. The only difference between them is that wireless is more mobile than wired.

A wired mouse connects to a laptop via any USB socket. To do this, you need to connect the mouse wire to any convenient USB port. After which the mouse driver will automatically install and you can use it. If, after installing the driver, the laser diode inside the mouse lights up, but it does not work, then it is recommended to restart the laptop.

A wireless mouse consists of two elements - a mouse and a USB transmitter similar to a flash drive, with which the mouse communicates with the laptop. Drivers are often already found inside the transmitter itself, but installation disks are often found. The disc must be inserted into the drive and the driver installation should begin. A significant disadvantage of this type of mouse is that it runs on batteries that need to be charged or purchased new ones.

If you have problems with any type of mouse, you can manually install drivers or troubleshoot problems in the “Control Panel” / “Mouse”. The mouse in a laptop is an addition to the existing touchpad and can work simultaneously with it.

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How to set up a mouse

Typically, the mouse is ready to use as soon as your computer boots, but you can always make some changes to how it works, as well as change the appearance and behavior of the pointer. For example, you can change the button assignment of a computer mouse (using the right mouse button as the main one) or the double-click speed. You can change the appearance of the mouse pointer, make it more visible, or enable it to hide when typing.

To change mouse settings, you must:

Go to the “Start” menu → “Control Panel” → click on the “Mouse” icon (if the menu is in classic view) or select the “Printers and other equipment” category (if the menu is displayed by category) and then click “Mouse” → the window “ Mouse properties".

The Mouse Properties window has several tabs:

  • Mouse Buttons tab -
    . in the “Button Configuration” column, you can, if necessary (if you are left-handed), configure the mouse to be controlled by your left hand in order to make the main right button. To do this, enable the “Change button assignments” option. If you want the left mouse button to be the primary button, clear this check box.
    . In the “Double-click speed” column, use the regulator to set the click speed on the mouse’s working key. It is recommended to use the lowest one.
    . in the “Sticky” column you can set the ability to drag folders and files without holding down the mouse button. To enable this action, you must hold down the mouse button, and to disable it, click again.
  • "Pointers" tab -
    . in the “Scheme” column you can select cursor display styles.
  • Index Options tab -
    . in the “Movement” column, use the slider to set the speed at which the cursor moves across the screen. It is recommended to select the maximum speed. It is also recommended to enable the “Enable increased pointer accuracy” option.
    . In the “Initial position in the dialog box” column, to automatically position the cursor on the active button (for example, “OK” or “Apply”), you must enable the “On the button selected by default” option.
    .In the “Visibility” column, to display the pointer trail on the screen (if your eyesight is poor), you can enable the “Display mouse pointer trail” item.
    It is recommended to enable the option “Hide the pointer while typing”;
  • You can enable the item “Indicate the position of the pointer when pressing CTRL” if you need to quickly find the cursor on the screen;
    "Wheel" tab in the "Scrolling" column (if your mouse has a wheel) -

Here you need to set the ratio of the rotation of the mouse wheel and the number of lines on the document sheet. The default value is "3".

All. Your mouse is configured. Close the window with the "OK" button.

We can only add that if your mouse makes incredible jumps across the screen, then it just needs to be cleaned.:

Mouse buttons Primary mouse button used to select and click objects, to select the cursor position in the document, and when dragging objects. Usually the main mouse button is left button

. On trackballs, the primary button is usually the bottom button. Secondary mouse button used to open a menu of tasks or options that changes depending on the context. This menu is convenient for quickly completing tasks. Pressing the secondary mouse button is called.

right click

The laptop has a built-in mouse - a touchpad, which usually does not require additional configuration. However, some tasks using the touchpad are inconvenient: for example, working in a graphics editor. In this case, instead of a touchpad, you can use a wired or wireless mouse that connects via Bluetooth. The topic of our article is how to properly connect this useful device.

Rules for connecting a wireless mouse to a laptop

  • Sequencing
  • The mouse comes with an RF or infrared receiver with a USB connector; connect it to one of the laptop ports. If there is no free input, it is best to purchase an adapter with two or three inputs. There are mice on sale with a Bluetooth receiver, but before purchasing, you need to make sure that your laptop has Bluetooth.
  • To activate the device, you need to find and press the small button on the back of the mouse. As soon as the indicator lights up, the signal is detected and the laptop detects the mouse.
  • It should be remembered that the mouse does not perceive glossy surfaces: the table on which you move the mouse must be matte.

If after performing all the above operations nothing happened and the mouse does not function for some reason, first restart the computer. After trying again and making sure that nothing happens, try switching the mouse to another port and repeat the steps with a ten-second pause after switching. You can also check the contact with the batteries and their expiration date if you did not do this when purchasing.

If you are still unable to connect, you should check whether you need to install a special driver or whether the mouse is working properly? If this is not a budget mouse, you may have to contact a service center.

Don't forget to purchase and always have spare batteries on hand. And keep in mind that a wireless laser mouse has a number of advantages over an optical one.