How to change VKontakte data. How to change the name in a contact

There are situations when you need to change your name in a contact, but the service stubbornly refuses to agree to your demands. Let’s find out in more detail how to change your name on VK.

The global social network “VKontakte” allows its users to change their first and last names, but only if the name is not fictitious, but real. If you registered out of habit and indicated, for example, your shortened name, and now want to indicate the name as written in your passport, then this is possible, you just have to wait a little.

How to change your name on VK

Do you have a non-standard name? Let's say your passport name is Nikanor. Only mom and dad and grandparents call you that. Everyone else: friends and neighbors are used to calling you Kolya. It's fast and convenient. But at some point you realize that there are a lot of guys with such a name, and with a name as rare as yours, there are literally only a few. And you decide to change your personal information in the contact.

To do this, you need:

  • Log in to your account (enter your password and login).
  • In the upper right corner next to the photo and your name, click on the triangle.
  • A pop-up window with information will appear, you need to select “Edit” and click on this tab.
  • An editing field will immediately appear in front of you, where you can change your first name, last name, date of birth, gender, marital status, city of residence and indicate the country.
  • We change the data. Click the “Save” button.
  • If the name is rare and non-standard, then verification will take some time. On your part, we recommend that you carefully check the spelling of your name again. Perhaps there was a typo and therefore the VK site does not want to immediately change the name.
  • If the name is very rare, then your application will be transferred to the administrator of the social network “VK” for detailed study.
  • Once the changes are accepted, the name will automatically change to the one you specified.

How to change a name in VK - why does authentication take a long time?

The fact is that the administration of the VK site strongly recommends that people indicate their real names and do not make abbreviations. Another reason is that people can provide false information, create pages on VK to promote their products, do advertising, or indicate the name of the company instead of their personal information.

The social project “In Contact” was created in order to give people the opportunity to communicate more, find their friends, classmates and fellow students. Therefore, it is so important for VK management that the service is accessible and of high quality.

How to change personal data without checking the administration in VK

If you need to change your last name, this can be done without verification from the administration and without waiting. That is, without wasting time.

The reasons why you want to change your last name can be different. In most cases this is marriage. Or if things haven’t come to the point of officially registering the relationship yet, but you really want to quickly announce your plans for the future to the whole world.

How to do it:

  • go to your page;
  • select “Edit”;
  • and for now we are in no hurry to change our last name right away, because we need to change our status. Instead of “Single” or “Actively searching”, you need to indicate the status “In love” and DO NOT save this information for now;
  • then we go in search of our soulmate, in a new tab we open the page of our loved one, copy his “id*******” to paste into the appropriate column;
  • Now you can save this data. It turns out that so far we have indicated a new status and confirmed it with weighty arguments;
  • then you can immediately save the entered information and then continue editing;
  • after saving, the status will change to “In love” and you will be able to change your last name (don’t forget to indicate the last name of your lover in the feminine gender);
  • Save again and check the changes on your page.

How to change your first or last name in VK. Method 2

There is another method that also allows you to change your last name without verification. It can be used not only by girls, but also by boys if they want to change their data.

How to change your first or last name:

  • go to “subscribers” (there are usually a lot of subscribers there);
  • choose a subscriber with a beautiful last name (gender does not matter);
  • in this person’s “SP” it is necessary to indicate that he is “married” or “Married”;
  • Now you can change your last name, just indicate it in the required gender (change the ending);
  • if you only needed this person to change your last name, you can remove him from the “SP”.

Initially, when the social network VKontakte appeared, a person could enter absolutely any first or last name. Often these were fictitious words, but recently the administration began to moderate this item. Before you rename yourself to VK, you should know that fake data will not be approved by the system.

Is it possible to change the name in VK

For various reasons, people could register contact pages under fictitious nicknames, for example, so that they would not be found by a friend with whom they did not want to communicate. Some just wanted to stand out, and they took nicknames of famous people. Currently, the service company's policy prohibits the use of fake data. For the same reason, changes in first and last names are moderated.

To prevent a person from having their account blocked, you should find out how to change your VKontakte name. This procedure is possible if you enter the correct data correctly. Before this procedure, you should consider some nuances:

  1. You won't be able to change your data without a linked phone. Every time you submit an application, a window will pop up asking you to link your number to the page.
  2. You will be denied editing your profile if you write in Latin, but there is a method to bypass this problem.
  3. If you submit applications and they are regularly rejected, after a certain number of attempts this opportunity will be blocked for a certain period. The date when you can try to change again will be written to you separately.

How to change first and last name in VK - step by step guide

If you don’t know how to rename yourself on VK, then the instructions below will help you do it quickly, easily, and without extra effort. Guidelines for changing personal data:

  1. Go to your profile.
  2. Under your avatar, find the inscription “Edit page”, click on it.
  3. The personal data settings page will open, allowing you to change the entry in the first cell. Before changing your VK last name and first name, make sure that they do not contain Latin characters.
  4. After filling out the information, click the “Save” button below.
  5. At the top there will be an inscription about creating an application to change the data, which will be reviewed by the moderators.

As a rule, it takes half an hour to consider a request, but there are times when a response does not come within 24 hours. Then you should contact technical support and describe the problem that has arisen. Sometimes you receive a refusal to change without explanation, although you filled out everything correctly, according to the rules. You can do this:

  1. When you enter correct data, click on the “Help” section (next to “Exit”). In the search bar, enter the word “How can I change my VKontakte name” and select the item at the bottom “None of these options are suitable.” Describe the problem and send it to service. They will ask you to provide a digital copy of your passport, which shows your last name and first name, to confirm your details.
  2. The second method is a little strange, but it works. Find a person of the opposite sex with the desired last name and ask to set the status to married. Make the request again and the data will be changed. This only applies to last names.

How to change your VK name to English

It was described above how to change the VKontakte name, for some reason people want to enter it in Latin, which is prohibited by the rules of the service. Previously, this approach complicated the online search procedure, because the system did not compare requests in translit and Cyrillic. Now the service accepts English characters even if they are written in Russian. The benefits of such a change are not clear, but if necessary, it will be possible to carry out it, but not in a completely standard way. Instructions on how to change your VKontakte name in English.

Almost every user of the World Wide Web has pages on social networks, and everyone has ever thought about whether it is possible to change your name on them? You can, and today I will show you how to change your name in VKontakte. The reasons for changing your name can be completely different, from changing it in your passport, ending with marriage or simple desire. And in fact, this is not the point.

Why did I decide to talk about how to change your name in Contact? This resource was chosen simply as an example; in other similar projects this procedure is performed a little differently, but the principle is the same. So, let's go!

We go to the official website “VKontakte”, enter personal data and end up on our page. On the left side of the window there is a function menu. Click on the item called “My Page”.

To the right of it there is a small inscription in dark color: “edit,” short for “edit.” Click on it and a section for changing personal data will open in front of us.

Among the fields to choose from, there are “First Name” and “Last Name”.

We fill out their contents properly, and then be sure to click the “Save” button, which is located at the very bottom.

That's all! Now you are called differently, at least only among visitors to this site. You can also change your gender, date of birth, hometown, and so on.

I sincerely hope that from now on the question of how to change your name in Contact will no longer worry you. If something happens, you now know what needs to be done. Thank you for your attention! Bye everyone!

Video on how to change your name on VKontakte:

Good afternoon friends. We registered an account and partially configured VKontakte. Before making further settings for our account, we need to talk a little more about the “my settings” section:

1. In order to maintain a lively conversation with your audience, you need to leave the checkboxes blank in the wall settings.

2. It is important to understand that if your account is hacked, to restore it you will be asked by the support service to enter a code that is sent to your mobile phone. Therefore, if you change your mobile device, do not forget to enter its number in the appropriate column. To protect yourself from hacking, choose a more complex password and change it more often.

So, our settings are done, now we can turn to editing the page. Let's press one of the buttons (1) with a proposal to edit.

After clicking on any of them, the page settings panel opens. In these settings you can edit the following parameters:

1. “Basic” - personal data, date of birth, marital status, relatives, etc.

2. “Contacts” - data for possible contact with the account owner.

3. “Interests” - everything that interests us and what we are passionate about is described here.

4. “Education” - schools and universities where you studied.

5. “Career” - where, when and by whom they worked.

6. “Service” - military service, if this happened in your life. In what place and what military unit did it take place?

7. “Life position” - we carefully select from the lists provided what is closest to us in essence.

Now let's add a status (short information) under the name of the account owner (2). This place is excellent for displaying a mood or a view of something. If the account owner is going to promote his brand or online business, then this place will help him place a link to a third-party resource - a website, and thereby attract potential clients or partners.

Our VKontakte settings are done. It's time to make the first entry - a publication on the VKontakte wall. To do this, click on the text box that says “What’s new with you?” You can place a text message here. By hovering over the word “Attach,” a submenu opens where you can add files such as photos, videos, audio, and more. In order to publish the text and the attached file, click on the “Submit” button.

And the first publication appears on our wall.

If for some reason you are not satisfied with this publication, you can delete it. To delete an entry, you need to move the cursor to the upper right corner of the publication, at this moment a pop-up window appears with the inscription “delete” and a cross, which you need to click on.

We have made all the settings on VKontakte and edited our personal page. Now you can start looking for friends, adding photos, videos, audio, joining communities that interest us and leading an active life in the largest RuNet network.

So, our page is registered, configured and edited. In the following articles we will move on to working with public pages.

How to change a VKontakte page?

People, mainly the younger generation, spend most of their free time on social networks. One of the most popular social networks is VKontakte. The site's developers periodically update it and add various functions for ease of use. And since many are interested in how to change the VKontakte page, we will describe the possibilities of changing the interface to make it easier for you to change your page to your taste.

Refresh the page

Not long ago it became possible to change the address of your account. It's very easy to do. On your page you need to go to “My Settings”, then select “General”, there is a column “Address of your page”. Click the “Change Address” button and enter any name you like. If it is not occupied by another user, you confirm with the “Occupy Address” button. If you are doing this procedure for the first time, a code will be sent to your number, which you will need to enter in the box.

For ease of use, you can change the language of your page. To do this, you need to go to “My Settings”, then open “General” and change the language in the “Language” column.

When you often “sit” on VKontakte, the pale background gets boring and you want to embellish it. In this case, ready-made backgrounds for VKontakte will come to your aid. Download the program and follow further instructions to install it.

People who registered a long time ago and have not updated their data since registration can go to “Edit Page” (under the avatar) and there they will find many updates or change outdated data. This way you will put “order” on your page and indicate a lot of new information about yourself, for example, such as: how you feel about smoking, alcohol, your values ​​in life, etc.

With the approval of the administration, you can also change your first and last name, all in the same “General” section. This requires specific justification. Without any problems, you can add a nickname to your name also in the “General” column.

If you have poor eyesight, then you can find the column “Use larger fonts” in the “General” section at the end of the list. Just check the box next to it and the font will noticeably increase in size.

Mini photoshop VK

While scrolling through your photos in the album, you can now make changes such as removing or adding blur to the photo, adding text, cropping the photo, and changing its color scheme. Under the photo on the right, when the options are listed, it will say “Edit”. This is where all these changes are possible.

You can get additional information on how to change the VKontakte page on our website here: “Social network VKontakte”.

How to change personal data on social networks

The most popular social networks in Russia are the sites VKontakte, Odnoklassniki and Facebook. Some time after creating your page there, the user may need to change his personal data.


If you want to change your personal information on the VKontakte social network, first of all, log in and enter your page. At the top left of the page, next to the “My Page” menu item, click on the “edit” function. The “Basic” tab will open in front of you with your personal data. Change the required fields by deleting outdated information and typing new information. At the bottom of the page, click the “Save” button. If necessary, also open the “Contacts”, “Interests”, “Education”, etc. tabs. and replace the information there. Remember to save the changes every time you correct the data before moving to the next tab. After this, information about you on your VKontakte page will be changed.

You can also change your personal data on the Odnoklassniki social network. Log in to the site and open your page. You will see your name in the middle of the window. Click on it with the left mouse button. On the right side of the page, next to the “About” menu, select the “edit” function. In the “Change personal data” window, you can amend your first and last name, correct an error in your date of birth, indicate your gender, place of birth and residence. After making all changes, click the “Save” button. Using your personal information, friends and acquaintances can find you and see your page on Odnoklassniki. To change information about your place of work and study, as well as edit the list of your interests and hobbies, under the “About Me” link, click the “Next” command, enter new information in the appropriate fields and click on “Join” or “Add”.

Only an authorized user can also change personal data on Facebook. On the website, enter your username and password and log in to your page on the social network. At the top left of the page, click on the “Edit Profile” link. In the window that opens, you can change information about education, work, marital status, date of birth, etc. To correct information, move the cursor to the desired field and click on the “Edit” function. Enter new information and click the “Save Changes” button. To change your last name and first name, click the arrow icon at the end of the top line on your page. In the list that opens, select the “Settings” menu item and left-click on it. Click on the “Edit” command, which is located to the right of the “Name” column. Write the desired name and click the “Save Changes” button.

Video on the topic


) we have created an account on the social network VKontakte. Over time, we fill it out, make new friends, acquaintances, relatives, and join various communities of interests. More and more visitors are coming to your page. Everything seems to be fine. But you don’t want to show your personal information to everyone who visits your page. How to hide personal data from strangers? This is exactly what we will look at in today's article.

I’ll say right away: it won’t be possible to completely close your page from everyone, but you can hide some of your personal data.

To do this, go to “ My settings" to the tab " Privacy»

And in the settings group " My page"And for a separate setting we set our parameters. Let's say you don't want everyone to see your basic information. Click opposite this setting “All users” and select from the list, for example, “ Only friends» « Just me" Changes to settings are automatically saved. Now strangers who visit your page will not be able to see your information. It will only be available to your friends. When setting the last parameter ( Just me), your page will not be available even to your friends.

If you want not to be found using search engines (Google or Yandex), then in the settings group " Other" set the appropriate setting for " Who will have access to your Internet page?»

After all the parameters have been changed, you can look at your page from the outside. What will it look like if a stranger came into it? How to do it? Very simple.

Viewing your VKontakte page from the outside.

In order to view from the side your page at the bottom under the settings block " Other» click on the given link

Your page will open for viewing according to the set values. If something needs to be corrected, you can always go to the settings and change one or another privacy parameter.

That's all for today. We learned how you can hide some data from your VKontakte page. Good luck to everyone and see you again.

If you quit without achieving your goal, then most likely you are just lazy. A lazy person will never win, and a winner cannot be lazy.