How to make an iPhone from Android? Sergey Lens: Installing Android on iPhone and iPad: what should we do Droid

Installing Apple iOS on an Android device
So, this article will discuss the possibility and technical implementation of installing the iOS operating system from Apple on an Android device. As you know, nothing is impossible, and in principle the iOS architecture has the ability to work on any device - how successful it is is a completely different question.

The operating system with which the device is released for sale is optimized, works without serious glitches, does not threaten the safety of the device, and is also software focused on maximizing the hardware potential of the device.
By installing another iOS operating system on your device that is not designed for its operation, you are taking a significant risk. The results of this action, at best, will be unstable operation and frequent crashes of the android.

In the worst case scenario, you will end up with a dead Android device that is absolutely beyond repair. If you still haven’t given up on the idea of ​​installing iOS on your Android and the possible death of the Android doesn’t scare you either, then you need to take the following steps.

If the loading of the device was successful, the Android device is turned on and working, then we can congratulate you. If the download does not occur and the device hangs or shows no signs of life at all, then you are on your way to a service center.

There, be prepared to describe all the actions you performed and listen to an angry tirade from the service center programmers. After listening to you and diagnosing the device, the specialists will give you a verdict on the possibility of resuscitating your smartphone and how much it will cost you. It is worth noting that the price tag for such work is not at all small.

Making an iPhone out of a simple Android phone is quite possible. There are many applications that imitate typical design iPhone. So, with the help of installed utilities, you can change the lock screen, notification panel, settings, icons and message design, in general, you can practically make an iPhone on Android.

Using launchers

Launcher programs are great for visually changing Android and turning it into an iPhone. There are a sufficient number of them in the Google Play store. But not many of them are updated as frequently as CleanUI. This launcher is constantly updated with iOS updates. To use the launcher functionality you need to do the following:

After this, the program icons will be changed, as well as the curtain on top.

In addition, the launcher changes call list view and search for them.

You can make changes to your preferences in the launcher settings. To go to settings, you need to do the following:

In the settings you can change the following parameters:

These are all the launcher's capabilities. It's perfect for turning Android into an iPhone.

Replacing the lock screen

The lock screen will change the Lock Screen Iphone style app. You can make a lock screen like an iPhone using these instructions:

Afterwards, all you have to do is lock and unlock your phone. The lock screen will match the iPhone. There will also be a curtain at the bottom with quick access.

Changing the notification panel

To change the appearance of the Android notification panel and make it look like iOS, just install iNoty - iNotify OS 10. After launch, you will be taken to a menu where you need to enable dedicated function.

After this, the status bar will completely imitate the iPhone version. There are some differences from apple products, but they are almost invisible.

Changing the keyboard and camera

To make the phone look even more like an iPhone, you can change the camera and keyboard. For camera:

To change the keyboard, you need to download and install the Apple Keyboard utility. After this, the keyboard will change its appearance. The main drawback is that it is only in English.

Changing icons

To change only the icons and partial design of the main table, you need to download the iLauncher utility - OS 9. After this, the icons of other programs will be rounded and will imitate the design of iOS.

Rounding corners

Despite all the above changes, desktops and phone screens will still be different from the iPhone. The reason for this is straight corners instead of rounded ones. You can further turn Android into iPhone:

There are applications that completely change the settings window for the iPhone version. But to install such an innovation, you must allow the phone to download and install programs from third-party sources. This can be done as follows:

The application is not perfect and may periodically interrupt its operation. But there are no analogues yet.

SMS message design

To change the type of SMS, you need to install the iPhonemessages application. It is recommended to follow the instructions below:

Immediately after this, messages will look exactly like they do on iPhone.


Of course, in order to completely turn your phone into a full-fledged iPhone, you can completely reflash it for Apple products. This procedure is no different from regular firmware. But doing it is enough risky. After all, iOS will be installed on the smartphone. And it was created taking into account the capabilities of iPhones. Android-based equipment itself may not work correctly with iPhone firmware.

One of the significant advantages of Google's mobile operating system is the ability to completely transform its interface. Enthusiasts of all stripes are releasing various custom shells that allow them to make Android smartphones different from each other.

This post will be of interest to those users who are fans of the strict style of the iOS interface, but for some reason continue to use Android. If you want your pet's look to resemble iOS with rounded corners, folders and shaky icons, then you need to download a few apps from Google Play.

None of the developers has yet succeeded in combining all the best features of iOS in one package - you will need as many as six programs.

Lock screen

The application is among the top most popular Android programs in the Utilities category. It has over 1,000,000 to 5,000,000 installations, with over 47,000 users rating it 4.4 stars. The program turns the standard Android lock screen into an iOS lockscreen. The developer took into account all aspects of the original version: fonts, password entry page and even notifications.


– a simple and fast launcher that copies the iOS interface. Just like the iPhone, there is a 6 x 4 grid layout of icons and a frosted glass dock panel. Icon editing mode opens with a double tap: move, hide, and delete any applications. Opening and closing tasks is accompanied by a characteristic animation.

Status bar

To make Android look like iOS, you will also have to change the status bar. works fully with the launcher from the same developer iLauncher.

Command centre

Almost completely copies the iOS Control Center, which slides out from the bottom edge of the screen and is created in the image and likeness of the quick settings panel from Android, which in turn slides out from the top (are you confused yet?). The panel contains on/off buttons for Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, screen rotation lock, airplane mode, data transfer mode, as well as screen brightness sliders and shortcuts for launching some standard applications.

Apple style keyboard

is an Android keyboard designed to emulate the iPhone keypad. After installing the utility, the keyboard can be used in any application on the device.


– a camera in the style of a standard application in iOS. This is not only an excellent utility for photo processing, but also a complete replacement for the standard Camera application. According to the developer, its capabilities exceed the standard program and provide control comparable to that found on cameras. After taking a photo, you can start processing - adjust brightness, contrast, color correction and much more.

One of the significant advantages of Google's mobile operating system is the ability to completely transform its interface. Enthusiasts of all stripes are releasing various custom shells that allow them to make Android smartphones different from each other.

This post will be of interest to those users who are fans of the strict style of the iOS interface, but for some reason continue to use Android. If you want your pet's look to resemble iOS with rounded corners, folders and shaky icons, then you need to download a few apps from Google Play.

None of the developers has yet succeeded in combining all the best features of iOS in one package - you will need as many as six programs.

Lock screen

The application is among the top most popular Android programs in the Utilities category. It has over 1,000,000 to 5,000,000 installations, with over 47,000 users rating it 4.4 stars. The program turns the standard Android lock screen into an iOS lockscreen. The developer took into account all aspects of the original version: fonts, password entry page and even notifications.


– a simple and fast launcher that copies the iOS interface. Just like the iPhone, there is a 6 x 4 grid layout of icons and a frosted glass dock panel. Icon editing mode opens with a double tap: move, hide, and delete any applications. Opening and closing tasks is accompanied by a characteristic animation.

Status bar

To make Android look like iOS, you will also have to change the status bar. works fully with the launcher from the same developer iLauncher.

Command centre

Almost completely copies the iOS Control Center, which slides out from the bottom edge of the screen and is created in the image and likeness of the quick settings panel from Android, which in turn slides out from the top (are you confused yet?). The panel contains on/off buttons for Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, screen rotation lock, airplane mode, data transfer mode, as well as screen brightness sliders and shortcuts for launching some standard applications.

Apple style keyboard

is an Android keyboard designed to emulate the iPhone keypad. After installing the utility, the keyboard can be used in any application on the device.


– a camera in the style of a standard application in iOS. This is not only an excellent utility for photo processing, but also a complete replacement for the standard Camera application. According to the developer, its capabilities exceed the standard program and provide control comparable to that found on cameras. After taking a photo, you can start processing - adjust brightness, contrast, color correction and much more.

Dear readers, today we will try to find out how to make iOS from Android. As noted above, you will need to install some applications on your device in order to change the design of some elements. In this regard, we will consider separate categories of utilities that can help you fulfill your desire. We'll look at launchers, lock screens, new keyboards, as well as add-ons that allow us to delve even deeper into the design changes. Let’s say right away that all programs can be downloaded from the official GooglePlay application store completely free of charge. Some utilities have built-in advertising, so be prepared for this. We also note that Espier programs, which you will learn about below, can only be downloaded from third-party resources. An Internet connection is required to install them. Please note that you perform all actions at your own risk: when installing some products, there is a risk of disrupting the system.

Turning Android into iPhone is not as difficult as it seems


Many users of smartphones running the Android operating system are familiar with this word. But if you are encountering this concept for the first time, then we will clarify this issue a little. Launchers are special applications that allow you to completely or partially change the appearance of the desktop and menu page of your device. That is, we can say that here the launcher will be practically the key program in our operation.

Let's look at the list of the most popular shells:

  • OS9 Launcher HD. It has changed the icons of absolutely all standard applications, as well as a large number of third-party ones. There is also some semblance of the 3DTouch function, which is familiar to iPhone 6S users. Here you will activate it by double clicking on the program icon. The only downside that can be noted is, perhaps, the presence of an advertising banner on the search page of the Spotlight analogue. The search bar uses Google.

  • CleanUI. It's a pretty good launcher, but its application icons differ from those in the iOS operating system. However, here is a notification panel made in some iPhone design. Of course, it’s far from ideal, but a good start has already been made. Perhaps the developers will update this in their future versions. Among other things, it also presents, as in the previous program, an analogue of the Spotlight page.

  • Espier Launcher. There are almost all the application icons like on the iPhone: even a compass, shares, FaceTime. Please note that if your device has root superuser rights, it is recommended to install the application in the system/app folder.

Lock screen

Lock Screen is the second most important thing in the operation of changing the design of your smartphone. After all, if you want to make an iPhone out of Android, then what can convey the atmosphere of an Apple product immediately after turning on the display? Of course, this will be the lock screen. Let’s say right away that all the programs presented make it look like an iPhone. If there are any unique additions, this will be mentioned separately.

  • OS8 Lock Screen. After launching the utility, you are asked to set some parameters (wallpaper, password, text, and others) for the lockscreen.

  • EspierLocker 7 Pro. The only difference from the previous utility is that here the drawing is more similar to the iPhone lock screen: notifications, buttons for unlocking the device, SOS keys and the camera.


The keyboard of Apple's iOS operating system is indeed very convenient, although it does not have the function of typing without lifting your finger from the screen. But many people don’t use this type of typing at all. It is also worth noting that in terms of speed they are much inferior to the standard keyboard of your device. Therefore, if this point does not bother you, and you want to make Android even more like an iPhone, then consider keyboard programs:

  • Apple Keyboard. A huge disadvantage of the utility is the lack of Russian language. We can only hope that the developers will one day release a corresponding update.

  • iPhone Keyboard. A pretty good analogue of the native keyboard of an Apple device, which can also be downloaded for free.

Other changes

Here, dear friends, we will look at other unique applications that will further integrate the design of Apple smartphones into your Google Phone. What else can you do with your device?

  1. GEAK Camera. From the name it is clear that the program allows you to take pictures using the iOS interface.
  2. Espier Control Center. Truly the best application that allows you to open the bottom toolbar, like on the iPhone. There will be buttons for adjusting wireless functions, a flashlight, and a calculator. Overall, this Control Center is worthy of your attention. A control center and a widget for music are also additionally loaded.
  3. EspierNotification. After downloading, it works together with the launcher of the same name, since it is a plugin. It needs to be activated in accessibility, after which it will become available on your device.


Dear readers, today we tried to find out how to make an iPhone from Android. We hope everything worked out for you and you are satisfied with your result. Among all the programs, we can separately note the Espier applications, which are most similar to the iOS operating system. We remind you once again that you perform all actions at your own peril and risk. No one is responsible for the operations performed. Share your impressions and work done in the comments.