How to buy additional gigabytes on Beeline. How to activate additional traffic on a Beeline number

Using the Internet not only in everyday life, but also for work matters, it is difficult to imagine yourself for at least one day without it. Subscribers of the mobile operator "Beeline" do not have to worry about this because they cannot be completely without the Internet, but getting a lower connection speed after the traffic is exhausted is quite common for them. For viewing news, email correspondence, visiting social networks, a low speed may be enough, but for more serious activities (watching videos, listening to music, communicating, downloading files, etc.) this is not enough. We will tell you in this article how to connect additional traffic to a Beeline number and avoid a decrease in speed.

Speed ​​Extension Options

The mobile operator Beeline offers its subscribers several options for extending speed. Let us remind you that according to the terms of tariff plans that imply a certain amount of traffic, after exceeding the limit, a speed limit is activated (64 Kb/s). To continue using the Internet at normal speed, you can activate additional traffic on your Beeline number by connecting specialized options.

  1. “Extend speed” 1000 MB.
  2. “Extend speed” 3000 MB.
  3. The automatic speed renewal service provides an additional 200 MB.

Conditions for providing options

The above packages, used to add traffic, are available on any tariff plan of the “Highway” and “All” series. Since these TPs provide a certain amount of megabytes included in the subscription fee, it is necessary to activate speed extension options only after the available limit on the Beeline number has been exhausted. Additional Internet traffic is activated under the following conditions:

  • the megabyte package “Extend the speed of 1 GB” is provided for a fee of 100 rubles (one-time debited from the number’s balance when the option is activated);
  • The megabyte package “Extend the speed of 1 GB” is connected for a fee of 200 rubles (debited at the time the option is activated).

An important point is that these packages cease to be valid when the limit set for them is exhausted and the billing period in which they were connected ends. If with the first situation everything is extremely simple - the megabytes have run out - the option is disabled, then in the second situation it is necessary to explain: for example, on the “Highway 18 GB” tariff plan, on which the connected volumes of services are valid until December 21, the permissible traffic was exceeded - on the 17th. The subscriber has activated a speed extension (1000 MB package), which he needs to use within four days. If he does not have time to do this and the volume is not exhausted on December 21, then the remaining megabytes are burned (that is, the transition to a new period is not carried out). At the same time, if the activated package is used up before the start of the new period, the subscriber will most likely have to connect additional Beeline traffic in order to continue using the Internet at the maximum permissible speed. The number of connections of such options is unlimited.

Auto speed renewal

This service will be especially relevant for those Beeline customers who do not use a large amount of traffic and do not want to constantly think about how many megabytes are left. The option to automatically extend the speed is activated on the number once, and subsequently, after the main limit has been exhausted (according to the tariff), additional traffic in the amount of 200 MB is connected to the Beeline number. The cost of this option is 20 rubles (for each volume provided). Activation of traffic and debiting of funds from the account occurs automatically (if the required amount is available) each time the main limit is exhausted.

How to connect additional traffic on Beeline?

Activation of speed extension packages, as well as any other services on the number, can be done through the user’s personal account (on the company’s official website). How to get additional traffic on Beeline if you can’t use the Internet?

Use the following USSD requests and numbers:

  • speed extension by 1000 MB - *115*121# (or call 067-409-32-21);
  • speed extension by 3000 MB - *115*122# (or call 067-409-32-22);
  • auto renewal of speed - *115*23# (or call 067-471-778); You can cancel the service by requesting *115*230#, or by calling 067-471-77-80.

What should you pay attention to?

Before you take additional traffic on Beeline, you need to make sure that the amount in your account is sufficient to activate the service.

  • You can use the above options only in your home region. Of course, no one will forbid you to connect them while outside, but they will not work.
  • The cost of services is indicated for the Moscow region. You need to check on the company’s official website or through the contact center how much it will cost to activate additional traffic on a Beeline number for your region.


Now you know how to connect additional traffic to Beeline. These options can be useful when the main limit has been exhausted, and it is necessary to use the Internet at normal speed. Activate them through your mobile device or through your personal account. If this is not possible, then contact the customer support specialists - they will help you connect various packages, completely free of charge.

It is always useful to find out in advance how to extend the Internet speed on Beeline. This option will help you not to be left without the ability to visit the network when the number limit provided by one of the provider’s tariff plans has been exhausted. Using high-speed Internet outside of a tariff plan is only possible when you have foreseen that the main set of gigabytes and megabytes may run out and have ordered an additional tool from the list of offers of the cellular operator. Beeline has several of them. You can activate the service by selecting it from the list. The main thing is to study it first and compare it with other proposals.

Today there are two current solutions from the provider that allow you to extend Beeline speed. They are provided as additional functions, which, when subscribers use the Internet included in the tariff plan, remain inactive and are automatically launched only after the megabytes/gigabytes included in the package have been exhausted.

You can choose:

  • "Auto speed renewal";
  • “Extend the speed.”

Taking into account different user preferences, developers offer several activation options in the functionality of each service.

Both options are possible for use on packages of the “Everything” line or as part of the use of “Huawei”. In both the first and second cases, there are traffic limits, which can be canceled if you extend the Beeline Internet speed using additional tools.

What is Auto Renewal?

One of the answers to the question of how to extend the speed on Beeline on a phone or modem is to connect to this option. The provider provides two options for packages depending on the volume of traffic, with the help of which we get Internet to:

  • 100 MB;
  • 5 GB.

The first one costs 50 rubles. That is, if you need to consume 500 MB more monthly than what is provided for by your TP, you should purchase 5 packages. This type is not relevant when you need, for example, 3 GB.

If larger volumes of around 10 GB are needed, you should consider the second option, which offers packages of 5 GB, each of which costs 150 rubles. Available for use in the “Everything” line, starting with “Three,” as well as in the “ ” option.

As for small packages that provide additional MB for those who need an additional 100, 150 MB, 175, etc., they are automatically launched when they connect to the “Everything” tariff plan - “1” and “2”, “ ”, “Welcome” And " ".

Attention: If your tariff plan does not provide options for increasing the Internet, you can activate them yourself.

If you are interested in the offer and you decide to connect the tariff, any of the options corresponds to the command *115*23#. You can also use the number 067471778. To disable the service, dial the number 0674717780 or the combination *115*230#.

Beeline service “Extend speed”

Another option increases traffic capabilities: the “Extend Speed” option of Beeline. If you do not have enough 5 GB or 3 GB for comfort, you can replenish the missing amount using the GB provided as part of the option. It is possible to purchase kits:

  • 4 GB;
  • 1 GB;

Like the previous service, this version is included in some TPs. For others, you need to connect it yourself. If you want to top up your traffic by 1 GB, dial the number 0674093221 or the combination *115*121#.

For those who want the traffic to be increased by 4 GB, the relevant number is 0674093222 or the command *115*122#.

If you want to use the free Beeline service, all the answers to questions about how to disable or activate the service, increase traffic, for example, by 3 GB, are provided by your Personal Account, where you can manage all services.

Most provider tariff plans provide consumers with Internet packages of a certain size and coverage area. You should choose them based on your personal preferences and needs. But sometimes situations arise when the standard kit is not enough. How can you survive until the new month without access to the network? We'll show you how you can extend traffic on Beeline in many ways.

Beeline traffic packages

If the main traffic provided as part of the tariff plan unexpectedly ends, then don’t worry, activate additional packages. The operator has the following offers to choose from, of varying volumes and price categories:

  1. Extend speed by 1 GB. Based on the name, it is clear that after activation you will receive 1 Gigabyte of Internet for any resources. The cost is 250 rubles. To connect, enter the USSD code in the call menu - *115*121# or call the special number “0674093221”.
  2. Extend 4GB speed. For 500 rubles you will receive an additional set of 4 gigabytes of traffic. To install the service, dial the combination *115*122# or contact number “0674093222”.

Both of these options have a number of similar features and limitations:

  1. Payment for the use of additional kits is charged immediately when the function is activated. If the consumer does not have enough funds on their balance, the service becomes unavailable for activation and the account must be topped up.
  2. The coverage area of ​​the offer directly depends on the established tariff plan. In international roaming conditions, the option is not valid.
  3. When the offer is valid, data transfer occurs at maximum speed. For mobile phones with 2G support - up to 236 kilobits per second, for 3G - up to 21.6 Mbits per second.
  4. As soon as the established quota comes to an end, access to the network space is provided at a minimum speed of 64 kilobits per second.
  5. The duration of the additional package depends on the tariff plan. It will cease to function when the new billing period of the current contract begins. This period cannot be more than 30 days.
  6. It should be remembered that unused traffic cannot be transferred to the next month and is not combined with the main Internet package; it automatically expires.
  7. Options are available for connection on all contracts from the “Everything”, “Welcome”, “Zero Doubts” line, as well as on offers for a computer or tablet.
  8. If a subscriber sequentially activates several similar services, then the total traffic is summed up at maximum speed.

Attention! Many applications on a smartphone can run in the background and consume traffic secretly.

Auto speed extension option

Suddenly your mobile internet runs out and all your plans are ruined? Enable auto-renewal of traffic in Beeline, as soon as the standard package ends, the service will automatically come into effect and you will not need to do anything. There are two variations of the offer with different volumes and prices:

  1. Automatic speed renewal by 100 MB. When the main quota is completed, an additional 100 megabytes are credited to the user's account by default. At this moment, 50 rubles are debited. The option is available to all owners of the contract “All in one 1”, “All in one 2”, “All in one”, “Zero doubts”, “All 1, 2” and “Welcome”.
  2. Automatic speed renewal by 5 GB. The user receives 5 gigabytes of traffic to any resources for 150 rubles. Open for connection to holders of “All in one 3”, “All in one 4, 5”, “All 3, 4, 5” tariffs, as well as for tariff plans for tablets and computers.

The described services have many of the same characteristics and conditions of provision:

  1. The cost of connecting to the service is 0 rubles.
  2. Funds for the additional package are debited automatically when the main set of traffic comes to an end. If there are insufficient funds in the account, the data transfer speed will not be extended.
  3. The coverage area of ​​the option is limited by the established tariff plan. If the standard gigabyte set works only in the home region, then after the increase the previous service mode will remain. The function does not work in international roaming conditions, or when located in the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, Sevastopol or Crimea. In this case, charging will occur for each downloaded megabyte.
  4. Internet access is provided at maximum transmission speed, 4G – up to 73 Mbit per second. After the main quota is exhausted, the mode changes to the minimum - 64 kbits per second.
  5. To connect options, you must enter the USSD command *115*23# or call “067471778”. After activation, you will receive a confirmation notification from the provider.
  6. To disable the function, use the code *115*230# or contact “0674717780”.

How to find out how much traffic is left?

If you want to find out the exact number of gigabytes at the moment, use one of the methods:

Attention! Prices and characteristics of services in the article are described for consumers from the Moscow region. Ask local managers for restrictions and costs in your region.

If the Internet suddenly ends, it’s not a problem. Now you know how you can increase Beeline traffic using special services. Stay always connected, even after consuming your quota!

Every mobile Internet user has probably encountered a situation where the provided amount of traffic has been used up, and low speed limits the ability to use the Internet. To gain access to high-speed Internet, you should activate the “Extend speed” option.

Description of the service "Extend speed"

When you connect to this service, after renewal, the Internet will be provided at the highest possible speed available for each type of network and its coverage area. If for a 2G network the upper speed limit does not exceed 236 Kbps, then in the case of a 4G network the nominal speed reaches 73 Mbps.

The speed extension service is available for almost all tariffs, except for the “All 1”, “All 2”, “All 3” tariff line, "All 4", "All 5", tariff "Zero doubts" and "Welcome".

Extend speed 1 GB

Extend 4GB speed

Terms of service

GPRS/EDGE data transfer speedup to 236 Kb/sec
3G data speedup to 21.6 Mb/s

The "Extend speed" option is valid until the beginning of the next billing period, that is, until a new traffic package is provided for the next month in accordance with the terms of the tariff plan used. But if the additional amount of traffic is used up, the speed will be reduced to 64 Kbps.

How to activate the "Extend speed" service?

To activate the speed extension service, you must.

The Internet is an integral part of the life of a modern person. It is used on a variety of devices - computers, tablets, phones. Even some models of TV, cameras and cameras have the ability to access the World Wide Web. Today, Internet access services from mobile operators are widespread in Russia. Often, such options have limitations on the amount of data loaded. Next we will talk about how to replenish traffic on Beeline. What should every subscriber know about this process? Do you always have to think about solving a given problem?


Not at all. The thing is that Beeline has a lot of different tariff plans for mobile and home Internet. Depending on this, the need for traffic replenishment arises or disappears. Accordingly, you don’t always need to think about solving the problem at hand.

To avoid having to figure out how to top up traffic on Beeline, just choose a tariff from this company with unlimited Internet and constant speed. It allows you to access the network without restrictions.

BeeLine currently has unlimited internet for both mobile devices and home use. You just need to choose the offer that seems most attractive.

Ways to extend speed

It is important to understand that modern mobile operators offer their subscribers to solve emerging problems in several ways. If a person is wondering how to replenish traffic on Beeline, you can independently decide which course of action is suitable.

Today, all subscribers, regardless of the type of Internet used (mobile or home), are offered the following methods of replenishing traffic:

  • "Auto speed renewal" service;
  • package "Extend speed by 1 GB";
  • "Extend 4GB speed" option.

"Auto-renewal" option

Understanding all these issues is actually easier than it might seem at first glance. You should pay attention to the "Auto speed renewal" option. It is recommended for use on mobile devices. Works on tariff plans that support Highway service or All-inclusive offers.

When using this option, the subscriber is automatically connected to additional traffic packages of 70 Megabytes for 20 rubles (relevant for Moscow). The cost of the service varies depending on the region of residence of the person.

How to top up traffic on Beeline on a phone or other device using “Auto-speed renewal”? Can:

  • dial USSD command *115*23#;
  • call 067471778.

If necessary, you can opt out of this option in similar ways. Only the combinations used for this will change. They will look like this:

  • request *115*230#;
  • call by phone to number 0674717780.

Small extension

The next method is to use the "Extend speed" option. Let's start with a small traffic of 1 GB. It allows you to add an additional 1024 Megabytes to download information at high speed.

How to top up Internet traffic on Beeline? To do this, it is proposed to act in exactly the same way as in the previously proposed option. The only difference is that the commands and phone numbers will be different. The rest of the algorithm will be similar.

So, you can enable the “Extend speed by 1GB” service in the following ways:

  • via command *115*121#;
  • by calling the number 0674093221.

A distinctive feature of this package is that it turns itself off. Therefore, there are no commands to refuse to use the service.

Service "Extend 4GB traffic"

How else is it proposed to replenish traffic on Beeline? The modem from the mentioned company is used very often. If the user has an Internet connection that requires speed extension, you can use the “Extend 4GB traffic” service. It is suitable for active users. This option also works on mobile devices, but it is often simply not necessary.

How to top up traffic on Beeline? If you want to use the “Extend Speed” package, designed for 4 Gigabytes of additional information, it is recommended:

  • dial USSD combination *115*22#;
  • call 0674093222.

Like the previously offered service, the option is disabled automatically. It is very comfortable. The cost of the offered traffic packages varies depending on the subscriber’s place of residence. So, for example, “Extend your traffic by 1 GB” will cost Moscow residents 250, but if you want to get 4 GB of traffic, you need to pay 500 rubles.