How to add a story to VK. “Stories” on VKontakte - self-destructing messages

Today you will learn about a new feature in the VK mobile application - stories. We will talk in detail about how to make a story on VKontakte. So let's get started. The ability to view friends’ stories on VKontakte appeared not so long ago, just a couple of months ago. They were conceived by the developers of the social network as a new function with which you can congratulate your friends or VKontakte subscribers on the holidays. Or tell people what interesting things happened to you during the day. Why only for the day, or rather, for the last 24 hours? Because, according to the creators of the new feature, viewing the history will only be available for 24 hours. After this period, all stories are deleted. Similar to the stories on Instagram that we talked about earlier on the website Many VK users have already managed to “convict” the social network of stealing Instagram’s ideas. But it is worth noting that Instagram itself “borrowed” this function from Snapchat.

Go to the address you see in the screenshot above. A new feature is described there. It is worth saying that stories on VKontakte are not only a set of photographs taken. In addition to pictures, you can add short videos to your story. The length of the video should not exceed 12 seconds. It is also possible to sign your photos, add graffiti and emoticons. This will all help you more fully reveal the essence of what is happening. VK users love such “tricks”, so your story will get more views and, accordingly, you will get more likes. To order an even larger number of Vkontakte likes, we recommend contacting our agency.

How to make a story on VKontakte 2017

Now let's begin to consider the algorithm for adding VK history. For this:

  • Update the VK mobile application to the latest version.
  • After the update, go to your page (see screenshot 1 below).
  • Go to the news section. To do this, tap the three horizontal bars to select the desired item, as shown in Figure 2 below.
  • Take a photo or record an interesting 12-second video by holding down the capture button (1 – in the picture below).
  • Sign the photo, add the desired emoticon or text (screen 2 below).
  • Tap the arrow button as shown in Figure 1 below.
  • Check the “Add to history” option and tap the “Send” button (2 – in the picture below).

How to make a story on VKontakte from a computer

How to add a story to VK

What is history? History in VK is a function that allows you to track your life and the lives of your friends, thereby finding out what happened to them. In addition, you can upload various photographs and videos lasting twelve seconds.

How to add a story to VK from your phone

  • Open the VKontakte application;
  • Go to your page;
  • Open news feed;
  • In the upper corner of the screen, find the “History” item;
  • A page will open in front of you where you must select which photo you want to select;
  • If you want, you can add any sticker or picture;
  • Then you can send your story to your friends.

The photos, videos, and drawings you create can be found in your news feed.

How to post a story on VK from a computer

Unfortunately, this function is not available for computers, and most users naturally did not like this. But there is still a solution that will help you make a story on VK. To do this you need to do:

Now questions such as: - “how to make a story on VK?”, “how to publish a story on VK?”, “how to make a story on VK from a computer?”, “how to add a story to VK from a phone?” and other issues have been resolved.

Having tried it personally, we found out that the VK developers have closed access to the stories api from the PC for an indefinite moment, but I think this function will be returned soon

How to delete friends history on VK

Thanks to this feature, with which you can view your friends' news feed, as well as yours.

Many users were happy and took it calmly, but some considered it an unnecessary function. If you belong to the second type and want to get rid of this, then you need to do the following:

  • Log in to your page via your computer;
  • Download the Adblock app;
  • After installation, restart your computer;
  • Go to your page again;
  • Click on the “News” tab;
  • Click on the right mouse button on the page;
  • After which a window will appear where at the very end you will need to select “Adblock”;
  • Click on "Looks good";
  • And then to “Block”.

So, you will get rid of the history of your friends and acquaintances in your news feed.

How to delete your history on VK

Usually, when you post your story on VK, it should disappear within twenty-four hours. But sometimes situations happen when you urgently need to delete your history. Unfortunately, to delete history on VK, you can only use the official VKontakte mobile application; it is not yet possible to delete history from a computer. In order to delete history, you need to:

  • Open the application and go to your page;
  • Go to the “News Feed”;
  • In the upper corner of the screen, click on your “History”;
  • You will see an icon with three dots, click on it;
  • A window will open in front of you where it will be written: - “Settings”, “Save” and “Delete history”;
  • Click on "Delete History".

That's it, your history will be deleted forever. Well, now you have figured out how to delete and create stories.

How to make a story on VKontakte

Many network users are interested in learning how to make a story on VKontakte. This function appeared on the VKontakte social network quite recently. However, Instagram users are already familiar with this function. Although there are differences.

VKontakte Stories are a new way to share moments from your life with friends and subscribers. However, photos and videos from stories do not appear on the page. They are displayed in a special block in the news feed. Stories are only viewable for 24 hours. After that they disappear.

How to make a VKontakte history online.

At the moment, creating VKontakte stories is only available through a mobile application on Android and iOS. It is impossible to make a story from a computer on an official website or application. To publish a story, you must do the following.

If necessary, you can hide your VKontakte history from certain users. The network also provides the opportunity to save VKontakte history. And if, after creating it, you decide to delete the history before it disappears, you can delete the VKontakte history. Thus, such a function as making a VKontakte story is an addition to communicating with your friends and subscribers.

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Hello, friends! Social networks do not stand still, but are constantly improving, offering their users more and more new and interesting functions. And VKontakte is no exception. In December 2016, the developers added the ability to create a History to VKontakte.

This function could previously be appreciated by those who are registered on Facebook or Instagram. Now contact users also have this opportunity. In this article, let’s touch on this topic in more detail.

What means

A story is a photo or video that users add to their VKontakte profile. It will be displayed to all your friends in the News for 24 hours. After this time, it will be automatically deleted.

You can add photos and videos to it (there is a limit of 15 seconds) from the “Gallery” of the device. Or you can go to the Story creation window and take a snapshot. It will not be saved automatically on your device, but this setting can be easily changed in Settings.

You can view your friends’ Stories on your page by going to the “News” section. They are displayed at the very top.

They are also shown in the user profile. If a person created a similar thing, then by going to his page, in the “Photos” block, at the very beginning, you can see a square image on which “History” will be written.

How to create a Story

Now let's learn how to make our own. For these purposes, you can use a phone or tablet with the VKontakte application installed.

  1. Open the application and go to the “News” section on your page. At the top left you will see a button in the form of a camera - click on it.
  1. After this, the image from the camera and the following buttons will be displayed on the screen of your phone or tablet:

pointer to the right – return to profile (exit);

lightning icon – turn the flash on or off;

gear – settings;

two circular arrows – camera change;

a large button at the bottom center - take a photo or start recording a video;

at the very bottom you can switch between different modes - “Live”, “History”, “Video story” (duration up to 15 seconds), “Ping-pong”;

miniature image of a photo – opens the “Gallery” of the device.

  1. Clicking on the gear will open the Settings window.

Here you can make sure that all the Stories that you add to VKontakte are saved on your phone or tablet. If the switch is in the left position, then all photos and videos on the device will not be saved, and when it is deleted from the VKontakte page, you will no longer be able to view the pictures.

Just below, in the “General” section, you can save the broadcast for 24 hours, publish it on the wall and enable animated stickers.

  1. I took a photo and pressed the big button in the center. Then the following buttons appeared on the screen:

cross – close;

buttons at the top right - photo editing. You can add text, sticker and more;

arrow at the bottom right - instant publication;

arrow in the circle in the middle – selection of recipients.

I click on the arrow in the middle to select the desired users.

  1. Check the box so that the Story is published on your profile and is available for 24 hours. If necessary, tag your friends to whom it will be sent as a private message. Then click "Submit".
  1. The selected photo or video will be added to the History on your page. It will appear in the “News” and in the “Photos” block.

How to add a photo to History

If you created a Story using the method described above, and now want to post not one, but several photos or videos, then do the following.

  1. Click on the “Camera” button again, which is displayed in the News. Or you can click on the round button with a plus sign.
  1. Take a photo or record a video. We figured out the photo in the first point, now I’ll tell you about the video. Select the desired section below - “Video story”. Next, press the button in the center and start shooting.
  1. If you complete it in less than 15 seconds, press the button again to stop recording. You can use the time to the maximum and after 15 seconds the recording will end automatically.
  1. Next, a window like this will appear. It will play the recording you made.

At the top right there is a picture of a speaker. If it is like in the screenshot, then the video will be added with sound, and if you click on it, it will be crossed out and the video will be added without sound. There are also buttons for editing at the top.

Below are the usual buttons for saving and publishing. We examined them in the previous paragraph.

  1. If desired, tag a friend to whom you want to send the video you took as a personal message, and click the “Send” button.
  1. Now in News, click on your Story.
  1. At the top, the bar will be divided into parts: how many photos or videos were added - so many parts there will be.

At the bottom left there is an image of an eye - this is the number of views by other people.

This way, you can add more photos or videos to your Story throughout the day. Add 5 photos - the strip at the top will be divided into 5 parts. In general, as much as you add, the strip at the top will be divided by that amount.

How to delete VKontakte History

  1. Click on your Story.

  1. You need to delete photos and videos separately. That is, you won’t be able to delete the entire History at once.

I have 2 added entries: the first is a photo, the second is a video. I'll delete the video. To do this, you need to wait until it starts playing on the screen. Then click on the three vertical dots in the lower right corner.

  1. In the window that appears, select “Delete history.”

  1. After this, there will be one less bar at the top. I had two of them, now she has one.

I'll delete the last photo too. Click on the three dots at the bottom right.

That is, in order to delete a VKontakte History you have made, you need to separately delete all photos and videos from it.

How to view a friend's Story

If you want to see the Stories of your friends, then open the VKontakte news section.

When at least one friend adds this feature, it will appear in the block at the top of “Friend Stories”. Click on it to watch.

By the way, you can view the Stories of friends or other users not only from your phone or tablet, but also from your computer or laptop.

It is also displayed on the user’s main page in the block with photos.

If you are interested in seeing your VKontakte History, then, while on your page, open the “News” section. In the “Friends Stories” block it will be signed “You”.

History in VK from a computer

If you want to be able to create a VKontakte History, or add a photo to it, from a computer or laptop, then you need to install a special program called BlueStacks.

BlueStacks is an Android emulator. After installing the program, you can use it to download the VKontakte application to your computer. Then create Stories as described in the previous paragraphs. You will also be able to add or remove a photo from History.

You can read more about where to download and how to install BlueStacks in the article:.

Create similar things on VKontakte and share your emotions and impressions of the last day with other users of this social network.

Materials used

The short lifespan allocated to this type of publication requires the use of only relevant materials. In other words, the history may include photos and videos created by the user himself over the past 24 hours. You cannot post a video shot last year or photos from childhood. Music is also not included in the category of permitted materials.


Now that we know what goes into a story, let's set up our own. The interface of VK mobile applications for Android and iOS differs in many ways, but in this case it is almost identical.

  1. On the news page, in the upper left corner there is a stylized camera icon. It is designed to create this type of plot.

  1. Having launched the program, we see an interface that is in many ways similar to camera control. The icon in the lower left corner provides access to the latest photos and videos. To create a story, you can use them or use the camera in real time. Expanding it using the indicated button, we select shooting ourselves or surrounding objects. A single click will add a photo. While holding the center button, we record a video, and the ring around it will be filled with color. The average video length will be 15 seconds. You can turn off the sound when recording videos.

  1. The second section regulates the ability to discuss the posted story. You can't attach a poll to it or send it to the community, but the comment settings are quite flexible. You can select a specific group of friends or make the discussion available to all Contact users.

After reviewing the general settings and selecting publishing options, let's move on to the next step.


Posted materials can be pre-processed before being sent to the network. Let's look at what capabilities the built-in editor has.

  1. We take the first photo with our phone. We have new controls, using which you can give it an emotional coloring or immediately put it on the page.

  1. Let's use the tools located in the left corner of the screen. By adding text, a picture and a sticker, you can create an attractive and memorable image. To publish it, click on the arrow button.

  1. When adding a selfie as the next element of the story, you can use a mask. Some of them transform the user beyond recognition and can cheer up your friends.

  1. A blue circle around the outline of the photo indicates that the publication contains new materials that have not yet been viewed.

Within 24 hours from the moment of posting, the publication created in this way will be located at the top of the news feed.


The peculiarity of the story is that you cannot publish pictures or videos in a whole series. Having placed the first photo, you can add the next one to it, again performing the full cycle of the operations described above.

  1. You can save the piece you like to your iPhone, and delete the unsuccessful materials. You cannot erase a story if there are too many elements in it or you change your mind about posting it in one motion. This function is not provided. You will have to use the method described above to delete each fragment. With the latter, you will completely erase the post and it will disappear from the feed.

  1. As we know, you can only create a publication in a mobile application, but viewing and editing functions are available on a PC. When you open your page on your laptop, you will see the story at the top of the news feed.

  1. The control interface is completely similar to the mobile application. It is possible to send in a private message or edit.

  1. A warning window will appear when deleting. Despite the menacing content about the irreversibility of actions, in the desktop version it is also impossible to delete the story with one click. Only the element currently displayed on the monitor will be erased.

If desired, you can introduce a “division of labor.” Create a publication in the mobile application and edit it on your PC.


With these instructions, you'll be up and running with this feature in no time, and you'll be able to use it to spice up your interactions with friends.

Video instruction

If you still have questions regarding publishing stories on VK, watch the video below. The entire process described is shown clearly, and perhaps you will find the answer you need there.

VK stories are a relatively new way to attract attention to yourself or the company you are promoting. If the function appeared on Instagram and Snapchat a long time ago, absolutely everyone uses it and considers it an integral part of the application, on VKontakte it is only gaining popularity. Despite this, out of 95 million users, 40 million on average used “disappearing” photos and videos per month.

This material is more suitable for beginners to study. To get serious about working on the most popular social network, , , , write a greeting/ and start working full-time.

Stories in VK - how it all began

And for mobile app users, like this:

The application was launched at the end of 2016. In the first month of its existence, only 15 million decided to use Stories by looking at friends’ posts or posting their own photos and videos. From January to May 2017, growth continued: the number of people who took advantage of the innovation increased from 23 to 40 million. The sharp growth occurred in the spring, because it was then that the company began development and promotion: users could receive unique stickers for completing tasks and publishing materials.

How to view Stories on VK

If you want to see your friends' stories, you need to go to the "News" section. Before the news, you will see small circles with avatars of your friends or communities. If the circle is surrounded by a blue frame, the publication has not been viewed by you; if it is not circled, you have viewed it.

To view a publication, click on one of them. You will see a small picture or photo posted by the user. Publications change quickly, if you want to look at a photo, double-click on it with the left mouse button and hold. If you click once, one publication will change to another.

Important!The materials are arranged in a row depending on the time of publication: the earlier it was published, the closer the story will be to the beginning.

How to make and add a story on VKontakte

You cannot post a Story on VK from a computer. You can find various methods on the Internet, including the use of scripts and programs. But adding your own code may lead to account blocking. Third-party scripts whose purpose is to circumvent the rules for using a social network are prohibited.

If you want to create a “disappearing” publication from your smartphone, you must follow these steps.

Open the mobile application, menu and go to the “News” section. The stories of your friends will be located above the new entries. You can click on one of them to view. The principle is the same as on a personal computer: if the user’s avatar is circled in blue, you did not have time to view the publication; if it is not circled, it has already been viewed. There will be a small circle in front of friends and communities that says “History.” Click on it.

If you want to take a photo, click on the gray circle in the middle. It is possible to publish existing files from the gallery: click on the button on the right, select an image (photos and pictures saved on your phone no later than 24 hours ago) and click on the arrow.

To record a video, you need to press and hold the gray button. It can last a maximum of 12 seconds. All functions are available, as when adding a photo, you can additionally turn off the sound. To publish, just click on the corresponding arrow.

What are the possibilities?

When adding Stories, the user can take advantage of additional features:

  • Drawing. You can draw anything in three different ways. The user has access to 8 primary colors in order to make the material brighter or draw attention to a specific fragment.
  • Add a caption. You can use three different fonts to create your lettering.

Before adding the image, you can save it to your gallery or send it to friends.

How to find out who watched a story

To do this, just click on it. In the lower left corner there is an icon - a small eye, and next to it is a number - the number of users who viewed the publication. After clicking on it, you will find out who exactly saw the Stories.

Can stories be added by communities?

After the success of self-destructing messages from users, the developers decided to provide this opportunity to communities. In the spring of 2017, large partners, such as Match TV and Podslushano, were the first to post their stories. Now most communities actively use this function for promotion.

Important!The function is available only to verified groups. Additionally, they can use the action button, but adding third-party advertising is prohibited.

How to use Stories for promotion

“Disappearing” photos and videos can be used to promote a group or your page. Recently, indirect advertising has been gaining popularity: a photograph of your website, online store, product, article or photo in History.

Stories can also be used for:

  • Promotion to official communities and public pages. To avoid cluttering the feed, owners can talk about their work. By showing the system from the inside, some working moments, you will add humanity to the page. Increasing user trust will lead to an increase in the number of subscribers who can eventually become regular customers.
  • Promotion of a personal brand. Stories are ideal by deleting photos and videos 24 hours after publication. You can publish reviews from satisfied customers, give advice, or talk about a specific service. This will help you become closer to your subscribers, they will begin to trust you and share your page with friends. This way you can promote your services.
  • For storytelling. It is one of the methods of conveying information to the audience through storytelling. You can come up with a story, take a lot of photos and gradually post them in Stories. You can invite viewers to guess or invent a continuation. to strengthen authority, improve mutual understanding with the audience, and begin to influence their subconscious.


VK stories are an ideal way to find out the opinions of friends and subscribers, interest them, and draw attention to the release of a new product or blog article. They can be supplemented with various stickers and inscriptions to further attract people. At the moment, the functionality is developed at a minimal level when compared with Stories on other social networks.

The entire VKontakte service is aimed at making the use of social networks by each user as convenient and interesting as possible.

What is history?

Following Instagram and Facebook, stories appeared on the social network Vkontakte. This is a new and unique way to tell friends about your life, using any photographic materials and short videos (no more than 12 seconds). On top of each of the materials you can insert text, stickers and emoticons. It is also possible to change its appearance using a graphic editor.

History widget

Stories are displayed at the top of the news feed as a circle with the user's avatar and a blue outline. After full viewing, the blue outline will disappear.

You can add several entries to your history per day. Each user who viewed the story can add a comment. You can review it an unlimited number of times.

This feature is currently available only on Android, IOS and Windows Phone platforms. On computers, only viewing is available.

Making a story

To add, you need to open the news feed in the VKontakte application and find the icon for adding at the very top left of the stories available for viewing - a white camera with a plus sign on a blue background. A menu will appear to create new photos or videos that the user would like to add. Once created, you can edit and add decorative elements.

Of course, the user can post any materials on his wall, which is an unchanging and mandatory attribute of many social networks. However, stories allow you to tell all your friends about what is happening to a person at the moment, and not return to this news.

In the same way, you can add a second and subsequent stories. At the same time, several stories will be available to subscribers.

Update: Since December 2017, VKontakte allows you to publish subscribers’ responses to stories.

There are privacy settings that can be used to limit who can post responses.