Game joystick for world of tanks. Is it possible to play World of Tanks with a joystick. Razer Sabertooth Wired Gamepad for PC

Some players are wondering whether it is possible to play world of tanks with a joystick. Most gamers will answer no. However, in reality this is a misconception. The game doesn't see the joystick directly, so from a technical point of view it's really not possible. But there are programs that allow you to do this. They convert signals coming from the manipulator and the game perceives them as commands that come from a regular keyboard and mouse.

How to configure the manipulator? The most popular program that allows you to configure a gamepad is Xpadder. How to set it up?

You need to download the file, install the program in the specified path and run the installed Xpadder.

Choose a language. There are only two languages ​​to choose from: Russian and Chinese.

Select the path to save the settings files.

To the question of whether to associate or not, you need to answer associate.

In the settings window, select the desired configurations.

Click the “Open” button. You need to select images of the joystick that is most similar to your manipulator.

Now you can assign each button, stick, and d-pad to a corresponding keyboard or mouse.

Click “Accept”. The settings window should close.

After this, you can change the emulation speed and try out the settings.

Launch the game from the WorldOfTanks root folder. Otherwise, Xpadder may not work.

Which joystick is suitable for the game?

Gamepads can differ in several ways: Wired and Wireless.

Of course, both are suitable for gaming, but wireless ones will be more convenient. However, they have a number of disadvantages: high cost, the need to change batteries or accumulators. Manufacturers also differ: Nintendo, Sega, Microsoft, Xbox, Sony, Nvidia.

How to play WoT Blitz with a gamepad?

Well then. Let's start with the most important thing. The opinion that you can’t play WoT on a joystick is WRONG. Although from a technical point of view everything is correct. The game does not see joysticks, but there is one BUT! There are special programs for joystick calibration, among which there are those that pass off pressing buttons and rotating manipulators as pressing keys on the keyboard and rotating the mouse. One such program is called Xpadder.
Brief information about the program:
(For those who do not start, you need to set it)

Key features of Xpadder: - Support for 32 and 64 bit Windows operating systems. - Full emulation of all keyboard and mouse functions. - Supports up to 16 gamepads simultaneously. - Fine-tuning the pressing of any button. - Ability to create individual design styles for each gamepad. - Support for gaming wheels, dance mats, guitars and other specific manipulators. - The program runs in Portable mode and is not registered in the registry. - The program is small in size and will easily fit on Flash media.

Why is it needed at all? - You can play games where there is no gamepad support or it is poorly optimized. - We play on the joystick on the Internet or DOS games. - We use the gamepad as a remote control for audio-video players using hot keys. - Set up your gamepad profile for any win application.

Program settings:
1.Like all programs, Xpadder needs to be installed. (but in the link below it is installed in the archive)
2.Select the desired location and launch the program.
3.After launch, we skip windows (with a positive answer) until we find such a window:
Choose Russian (if you need to eat Chinese)
4.Then a window should appear asking where to save the configuration files
It's up to you to decide where to save it, but I chose My Documents.
5.Then they ask whether to associate or not. Choose
6.The settings window opens. (I won’t describe each button in detail, if you need to, search the Internet)
7.The following window appears
8. Click Open and in the folder with the program there are images of joysticks (select which one we want, this is for convenience)
9.Then Go to the stick tab and follow the instructions (turning on and off the right and left)
On the crosspiece we proceed in the same way. And in the buttons tab we press all the buttons one by one (analog and turbo don’t count)
When you add buttons to the screen, they appear visually. (you will understand when adding how) And they can be dragged with the mouse.
In the end you should end up with something like this
10. Close the window (click Accept).
11.Click on the desired button (with the mouse in the picture) and select the desired button on the keyboard:
12. Next... Since aiming with sticks is not very convenient, we will set different sticks to different sensitivity.
Click on under the stick and select Mouse normally. We do this in the same way with the second stick.
BUT! We need to reduce the sensitivity of one of the sticks for more convenient aiming. We also do: Click on the key, but select Mouse Settings.
We see a window.
I set it to 3. You can set it your way.
13. Everything is ready.

With this program you can play any games on a joystick that do not support it. For example, I'm currently replaying Far Cry. If you have questions, write to me or in the comments under this guide. The article was taken and redone from the WoT forum.

In this article we will look at how you can connect a gamepad to your computer and play World of Tanks on it. Using the Dualshock 4 as an example, let's look at all the settings.

Instructions for perverts

Why for perverts? It's simple and there are three reasons for this:

1 - there is no special joystick for World of Tanks;
2 - I personally think that there is nothing more convenient than a keyboard and mouse for aiming;
3 - although the instructions are described in sufficient detail, some users do not understand them.

This experiment of connecting the Dualshock 4 to a computer and then playing WOT was done purely out of curiosity. The instructions are universal and will fit almost any controller!

How to play World of Tanks with a joystick?(using the example of a gamepad from Sony Playstation 4 - Dualshock 4)?

1) Connect the joystick to the computer via a USB cable. My Windows 7 detected it without any problems and installed the driver:

2) Now we need a program Xpadder. Open it, select the Russian language, the folder to save the settings, allow the installation of file associations and skip all other messages. As a result, you should see a window like this:

3) Click on the button indicated by the arrow, in the menu that appears, select " New". The following window appears:

In this window we need to customize the appearance of the controller, as well as press the buttons, but first things first.

4) Joystick appearance. If you are using Dualshock 4 like me, then simply copy the image below (right mouse button > Copy Image) and in the Xpadder window click " Insert":

If you use a different joystick, you can see what is in the folder controllerimages, which comes with the program - press the button " Open"That's why we're looking for the specified folder. If you didn't find anything there, you can search the program's official forum in a special section.

If you don’t find anything there, then simply select any controller image (the most similar one). Ultimately, this image has no effect on anything.!

It should look like this:

5) Finding sticks- select the appropriate menu (in the left column of the open program window), put a checkmark near the left stick " Included", a circle indicating the left stick will appear on the screen, along with instructions. We repeat on a gamepad, what is asked of us in the instructions! That is, we turn the stick in the indicated directions:

After several movements (I usually have two of them - left and up), we drag the circle indicating the stick with the mouse to its place on the photo of the joystick. Repeat the operation for the right stick.

If you did everything correctly, then when using the sticks the indicators will work:

6) We are looking for a cross- this is the next menu item. The same as with sticks after pressing the check mark " Turn on", press on the joystick D-pad buttons in the specified sequence!

7) Finding the rest of the buttons- just press them one by one on the gamepad and they will appear on the screen, and then drag them to the desired place with the mouse. Pressing the joystick button again will be accompanied by a blinking indicator in the program window.

To make it easier to understand, I recorded a video ( in which I forgot about the L2 and R2 buttons, but don’t forget!):

9) Press the button " Accept" in the lower right corner and we see the following window:

No buttons have been assigned yet, it's time to set the mappings.

10) Define the mouse. Near the sticks you can see small icons of keys (settings). Click on the right one and select - " Mouse is ok".

To adjust the sensitivity, do the following: again click on key > Settings...

A window appears in which we select Mouse settings... in the lower left corner:

In the window that appears, we adjust the sensitivity values ​​vertically and horizontally (marked with arrows). For convenience, you can check the box below " Move together" and then the sliders will move as one.

On the right side of the window you can conduct tests by controlling the stick.

11) Defining movement buttons. The left stick will replace the WSAD buttons - to do this, click on the key next to the stick and select the item " W, S, A, D (C, S, F, V)".

By now you should have something like this:

12) Defining the remaining buttons. To do this, click on the button you need on the image of the gamepad, and then press on a regular keyboard the button that the gamepad should emulate. In this case, the following window appears on the screen (in which the desired key can also be selected with the mouse):

If you want to cancel the current value of the button, click " NONE".

I recommend assigning buttons to your own taste and color. There cannot be any special instructions here, just do what is most convenient for you. It may not work the first time, for example, when I pressed the cross up, I did zoom in (analog = mouse wheel up), and the cross down - zoom out (analog = mouse wheel down), but this layout did not justify itself in battle, so I had to transfer these values ​​to the R2 and L2 buttons.

In general, experiment. After you make the changes, do not forget to save the profile in the Xpadder program by clicking on the same button with which we started, selecting "New" (at the very beginning of the article there is a screenshot), just to save you need to click " Save as...".

List of World of Tanks control buttons

When I set up the joystick, such a list was not at hand, so I had to assign the gamepad buttons from memory.

Show control buttons in World of Tanks

Naturally, a gamepad will not be enough for all the buttons, so decide on the basic necessary functions that you want to assign to the joystick.

Video instruction

This video was not recorded by me, but by an author unknown to me. It demonstrates the joystick setup from the XBOX 360, but nevertheless goes through all the same steps described in this article, which once again confirms its versatility.

On my own behalf, I’ll add that controlling World of Tanks with a joystick is of course unusual (aiming on a Dualshock 4 is difficult, but you can learn). But this is a matter of taste. Perhaps thanks to this article it will be possible to attract console players to the game, who will now be able to play World of Tanks using their favorite controller.

Have you ever played tanks like this?

) are not quite conveniently specified? And that it would be very nice to have the ability to reassign keys in the settings? But alas, such an opportunity is so far promised only in Tanki Online 2.0, which has not yet been released (at the time of writing). You can solve the problem of inconvenient control of the game from the keyboard in the most radical way - by connecting a gamepad to your computer! Who said that controlling Tanks Online with a gamepad is impossible? Not at all, gamepads are easy to set up for Tanki Online!

It would seem that the gamepad was literally created specifically for tank battles! However, there is always room for a fly or two in the ointment: yes, my dear readers, a gamepad as a game controller specifically for Tanks Online has many pitfalls and features that it is advisable to know before purchasing. So as not to experience bitter disappointment after purchasing a game controller that is not always cheap.

What is a gamepad?

Let's start with the fact that a gamepad is a game controller used mainly on consoles like XBOX and PS3. Gamepads somehow didn’t catch on on personal computers. Modern gamepads for personal computers are available with a universal USB connection interface and provide both wired and wireless connections. In addition, gamepads can have a vibration mode, which is used in modern computer games with built-in support for gamepads.

So manufacturers, as a rule, produce three models within the same model range (sometimes, within the same model range you can also choose a color): a wired gamepad “without everything”, a wired gamepad with vibration, and a wireless gamepad with vibration.

All modern gamepads have an X-D (XInput - DirectInput) operating mode switch.

The XInput mode allows you to use a gamepad in games that have built-in gamepad support (in this case, “X” is an abbreviation for XBOX, i.e. a gamepad connected to a computer, regardless of manufacturer, is defined as a gamepad for the XBOX console).

In DirectInput mode, games that have built-in gamepad support no longer see it. But the gamepad can be manually configured to work with any most exotic game that does not directly support it (for example, a browser-based arcade game like Tanki Online). To do this, you can use either the software that comes with the gamepad, or use a third-party program (if you bought some inexpensive gamepad created by an unknown master from mainland China).

The gamepad has both digital buttons (regular push buttons like on/off) and analog switches.

Thus, triggers and sticks are analog switches that allow the game to track the amount of travel of these same switches (i.e., the travel of the trigger and the angle of the stick). Everything else is just regular number buttons.

The advantage of this layout is the ability to use gamepads to control any modern 3D games, including classic FPS, racing and arcade games. It is a misconception that a PC player with a keyboard and mouse will definitely outperform a console player with a gamepad.

This is how they play on XBOX with a gamepad! Can you control it with your mouse?

The outcome of any confrontation is usually decided by experience and direct hands, and not by the game manipulator. In addition, the modern gaming industry over the last decade has been geared towards consoles. Moreover, many developers, including games in the FPS and RPG genres, force their testers to play only with gamepads, so in terms of ease of control, a gamepad can easily compete with the keyboard and mouse familiar to PC players. Although, sitting down to play this miracle of engineering for the first time, the player will definitely experience a real shock - everything here is so unusual!

Features of using a gamepad with Tanks Online

Of course, everything I wrote above was written for a reason. The fact is that to control Tanki Online, a simply huge number of keys are used (after all, we have a magic tower that needs to be actively rotated, as well as a camera), and at the same time, all of our keys are exclusively digital.

That is, while playing Tanki Online we will constantly press the digital buttons (which have a very short stroke) and analog switches (which have a huge stroke, especially the sticks). After a short period of adaptation, this moment will cause the greatest inconvenience.

Gamepad configuration for Tanks Online

After much experimentation, the following configuration was chosen:

  • The left analog and digital triggers control the movement of the tank forward and backward, respectively. This is much more convenient than if you hang the movement entirely on a stick or on a POV HAT.
  • The right analog and digital triggers are set to fire and first aid kit, respectively. This method allows you to quickly open a pharmacy in drug battles without being distracted from shooting and controlling the tank.
  • XYAB buttons are configured to enable consumables. Y (upper orange button) is configured to simultaneously turn on YES, DD and NITRA. The ability to turn on all consumables at once by pressing one button is very convenient in drug battles. The XBA buttons are configured, respectively, to enable YES, DD and NITRA separately.
  • I configured pressing the left stick from above to MINE. It’s not very convenient, but I rarely use mines anyway.
  • Pressing the right stick at the top corresponds to pressing the TAB key and allows you to view the score.
  • The Y coordinate of the left stick (moving the stick left-right) is configured to rotate the tank left-right.
  • The Y coordinate of the right stick is configured to rotate the tower left and right.
  • The X coordinate of both sticks (up and down) is configured to control the camera. Unfortunately, the sticks are analog switches, so moving the stick left and right often accidentally activates the X-coordinate.

    At the same time, while driving, it is convenient to correct the movement of the tank using the left stick, and control the camera using the right one. And vice versa - when aiming and turning the turret using the right stick, it is convenient to raise and lower the camera with the left stick.

    How quickly do you get used to controlling a gamepad?

    On the first day of playing Tanki Online with a gamepad, nothing worked at all. I had to create a closed battle and hone control of the tank without opponents (in addition, it was necessary to select the appropriate configuration and assign buttons). Then - several hours in the sandbox on the newly created cartoon. In general, at the stage of getting used to the gamepad, I recommend spending more time playing in Deathmatch mode with Smokey, especially on the Sandbox map, where you don’t need to use the camera much.

    On the second day I switched to the configuration described above. Created a closed battle on Fort Knox 2 in CTF mode and carried flags on an M3 Hornet, learning how to control a tank at high speed + camera control. After several hours of riding (yes, I took the process of playing with a gamepad very seriously!), I went to Ferretfreeze on the Plateau to collect crystals, and won back 60 frags behind the Brigadier with Vikogrom M3, coming out in first place. At the same time I learned a lot about myself.

    On the third day I sat down at the controls of the Wild Rail, and as a result, when playing with warrants on Kungur, I managed to get the most frags. However, the experience of playing with players of senior ranks and on other maps showed that three days to master the gamepad is clearly not enough. So I continue to train.

    As a result, if you do not consider yourself an outstanding Tanki Online player, you can safely take a gamepad - playing with a gamepad is very interesting. I won’t advise Tank Online masters to buy a gamepad - a week has already passed, and my game on the gamepad is still very far from perfect. However, if you like to overcome difficulties and want at least some variety in the game, try it!

    Which gamepad should you choose?

    Personally, I am a fan of Logitech, a leading manufacturer of personal computer peripherals. Logitech has three excellent models: F310, F510 and F710 (budget, vibration and wireless respectively). Reliable and high-quality gamepads.

    Thrustmaster is a major player in the market of gaming controllers for personal computers and consoles.

    Saitek is primarily known as a manufacturer of game controllers for aviation simulators. It also produces gamepads.

    Do not underestimate Microsoft, which has always been famous for its peripherals, including game controllers. The original XBOX gamepads for personal computers have one interesting feature - the POV HAT and left stick are swapped. There is an opinion that it is more convenient to play first-person shooters this way.

    Beware of buying “cheap” game controllers in general and gamepads in particular, especially “Russian” brands. Yes, all game controllers are made in China. But large companies like Logitech spend a lot of money on their development and quality control of their products. Unlike. So if a gaming controller is sold under a certain “brand” at half the price of Logitech or Thrustmaster, this is a serious reason to think about the feasibility of such a purchase.

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    Don't you think that the control keys in the Tanki Online game are not very convenient? And that it would be very nice to have the ability to reassign keys in the settings? You can solve the problem of inconvenient control of the game from the keyboard in the most radical way - by connecting a gamepad to the computer! Who said that controlling Tanks Online with a gamepad is impossible? Not at all, gamepads are easy to set up for Tanki Online!

    Greetings, friends! Today we will discuss with you the topic of playing tanks online on a gamepad. If you have thought about this and did not know how to make it a reality, then this article is just for you!

    Using a keyboard to play tanks online, especially if you spend several hours a day playing the game, can lead to failure of the keyboard (buttons get stuck very often), so what, I’ll throw it away and buy a new one, many people think. How much does it cost to repair a laptop keyboard?

    This is a saying, a fairy tale will come, namely the use of a gamepad (please do not confuse the concepts of a gamepad and a joystick, these are different things.) in the game Tanks online.

    Help - a game console (gamepad) is a type of game controller, it is a remote control that is held with two hands, etc.

    Using a gamepad has several advantages: your hands don’t get tired for quite a long time, the buttons (sticks, D-pad) are located geometrically closer than on the keyboard, allows you to lie down on the sofa and immerse yourself in the game as much as possible without endangering your posture, versatility (can be used in console games), significant reduction phantom clicks.

    The average keystroke lifespan on a keyboard is 5 million keystrokes, the gamepad has a resource of 50 million. 1ms data transfers over both 2.4GHz wireless and USB are up to eight times faster than standard keyboards. Everyone has their own level of comfort, but I would like to note that the controller is designed specifically for gaming, taking into account the anatomy of the hands, draw your own conclusions.

    A short review of market leading gamepads

    Razer Sabertooth Wired Gamepad for PC

    A new innovative product from the Razer developers, every advanced gamer knows this manufacturer of gaming devices; at the moment there is no analogue on the market comparable in technical characteristics and quality. Most suitable for eSports, a wired connection has the advantage of significantly reducing lag, which is critical for pro gamers.

    The controller has a Soft-Touch coating, it is very pleasant to hold in your hands, the ultra-sensitive backlit buttons work literally instantly. A distinctive feature is the D-pad (crosspad) device, which is most suitable for controlling a tank; the separation of the buttons made it possible to reduce the number of false diagonal clicks.

    There is a disconnect function - this is a safety feature that reduces the risk of the PC falling when the cable is pulled. This device ensures that you will never encounter a situation where the action lags behind the command.

    I use this controller myself and have no complaints. One of the disadvantages is the high price. If you are not short of money, then you can buy this controller to play tanks online without thinking, you won’t go wrong.

    Logitech Wireless wireless Gamepad F710

    An almost ideal controller, the quality of Logitech is beyond doubt, I have tested this gamepad and can recommend it as reliable with a stable signal (feedback from the PC), there is a less expensive wired version. It is necessary to pay attention to the very hard triggers, your hands get tired quickly, I do not recommend them for teenagers.

    Another, but very good wireless gamepad Microsoft Xbox 360 Wireless Controller for Windows

    everything seems to be fine and the name says that it can be used for Windows, but, alas, there is a small fly in the ointment; there will be no receiver included, you need to buy it additionally. There are many difficulties associated with purchasing a receiver; I don’t want to dwell on this issue in detail.

    Microsoft Xbox 360 Controller for Windows wired gamepad for PC

    Stylized version

    This model with a USB connection, a very reliable design, is suitable for fans of e-sports in tanks online. The cable also has a special fuse that will prevent you from dropping your computer on the floor or damaging the USB connector if you accidentally snag the cable.

    A wired connection has a number of advantages: you can connect the headset via a gamepad, there is no dependence on rechargeable batteries, which are discharged at the most inopportune moment, lighter than wireless versions.

    Pleasant, non-slip plastic, the buttons are responsive and quiet, nothing creaks or rattles. If the wires get in the way and this is critical for you, then wireless is of course better. I tested this device and had only positive impressions.

    Choosing a gamepad for PC

    When purchasing a device, you need to pay attention to the compatibility of the gamepad with a personal computer (PC). They are very often used with set-top boxes and some versions are not suitable for use on a computer (be careful).

    When purchasing this device, do not rely on the help of sales consultants; very often you can meet amateurs who, out of holy innocence, do not give accurate information, but their assumptions.

    But maybe you have a different karma and you are lucky and your sales consultant will be okay, I strongly recommend that you study the problems yourself before you go shopping.

    How to make the gamepad work in the game tanks online

    Well, my dear reader, we got to the fairy tale, we bought, installed drivers, but it doesn’t work, what is it, what to do, where to run, who to blame? Take your time, everything will work out, you just need to install the JoyToKey program, which simulates the operation of the keyboard using a gamepad.

    There are a lot of emulator programs, but of the free versions presented, I prefer JoyToKey. I want to warn you that the widely used “Xpadder” program does not work on Windows 8, no matter how hard it was, it couldn’t be launched.

    The JoyToKey 5.0.1 program can be found freely available on the vast expanses of the Internet, here is what it looks like.

    The program is intuitive, we press any key on the gamepad and the settings line is highlighted in yellow, then we click on the line and see the following.

    In the window, highlighted in yellow (indicated by a red arrow), we set the value of the button, simply press the desired button on the keyboard and in the window we see the display of the specified value. We repeat this operation to configure each button of the gamepad.

    For each button you can configure up to 4 functions, for example, assign the activation of the “bunk” with one button, in the corresponding windows we set the value (1,2,3,4) and confirm the settings by pressing the “Yes” button, now you can turn it on with one button.

    Pay attention to the auto-repeat settings, in this way you can configure the Twins gun according to the “lay a brick on a space” principle. In the auto-repeat and switching application, check the boxes: auto-repeat, switch between On and Off, start auto-repeat after a delay, confirm the settings, click the “Yes” button, now you can press the configured button and shooting will be carried out without holding the button.

    We configure the “Options” tab according to the sample, be sure to set the value of stick No. 2 to 10% for the Microsoft Xbox 360 controller. The program has a large number of settings, we only briefly touched on the main ones, at random, and using the “Help” tab you can study the program in more detail.

    The diagram for setting up the buttons is the simplest, the settings options are simply enormous, please pay attention to the photo, you can’t see both triggers on which to set the tank’s movement. The photo of the gamepad at the beginning of the article clearly shows the location of the triggers.

    A small subtlety, not all users know that you can customize the action for pressing the stick from above (there are two lower levers in the photo), but you and I know and will definitely configure it.

    Learning to play tanks online with a gamepad

    The next step in playing with a gamepad is training. If you have previously played on a keyboard, you will have to spend time mastering this device. Starting something new is always difficult, but the time spent will pay off in terms of convenience in the game.

    The main thing is, don’t make hasty conclusions if something doesn’t work out, remember the proverb “ patience and a little effort" Our world is full of confrontations, everyone has their own, it’s true that everyone proves to someone that they are better, a similar situation arises in the matter of playing on the keyboard and gamepad.

    Despite periodic outbursts of aggression from conservative PC players who foam at the mouth to defend the advantages of playing on a keyboard, more and more players are using a gamepad in games, progress cannot be stopped. All that remains is to wish everyone to play and win!


    I hope that in the future, online tank developers will provide the ability to play on a gamepad without the need to use emulator programs. If you purchased a gamepad and have difficulties with installation and settings, then I’m always ready to help, look for me in the game tanks online, my nickname is StormPetrel.