Do-it-yourself IBM PC is very simple. IBM PC-compatible computers

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IBM-PC-compatible desktops are characterized by expandability - a variety of devices can be connected via expansion buses (ISA, PCI, AGP, etc.). The processor and RAM are almost always replaceable.


The original IBM PC had 20-bit memory addressing. With the advent of processors, addressing was expanded, which made it possible to use larger amounts of RAM.

The long-term collaboration between Microsoft and Intel, which led to their market dominance, gave rise to the word "Wintel", denoting a personal computer that uses an Intel processor and a Microsoft Windows operating system. However, this is not the only possible application of this architecture. For example, an IBM PC-compatible computer can run on processors from other manufacturers (primarily AMD) and be used with such

We should not forget that although IBM PC-compatible computers are the most popular, occupying the lion's share of the market, there are computers that do not have x86 processors and are rapidly developing. In particular, computers that are not compatible with the IBM PC - laptops and personal digital assistants (PDAs) with processors developed by Motorola and IBM, Playstation brand game consoles - have a completely different internal architecture and are assembled on chips that are developed specifically for them. Although externally, for example, it is almost impossible to distinguish a laptop with an Intel processor from a branded Apple laptop, which uses a Motorola processor.

In addition, mention should be made of the Playstation 3 game console, which appeared in mass quantities in the fall of 2007. Its design uses a 9-core Cell processor developed by IBM. With a modest price and dimensions, its ability to create a virtual world on a monitor or TV screen is much higher than that of the most sophisticated personal computers with x86 processors.

Microprocessor block diagram

The block diagram of the basic microprocessor model is shown in Fig. 1.

Rice. 1. Microprocessor block diagram

Conventionally, the microprocessor can be divided into two parts: the executive unit (Execution Unit - EU) and the interface device with the system bus (Bus Interface Unit - BIU).

The execution unit contains: an arithmetic unit and registers. The arithmetic block includes an arithmetic logic unit, auxiliary registers for storing operands, and a flag register.

Eight registers of the MP executive unit (AX, BX, CX, DX, SP, BP, SI, DI), having a length equal to the machine word, are divided into two groups. The first group consists of general-purpose registers: AX, BX, CX and DX, each of which is a register pair made up of two registers 0.5 machine words long.

The accumulator, or AX register, consists of the AN and AL registers. The Base Register BX consists of the VN and BL registers. Counter (Count Register) CX includes registers CH and CL. The Data Register DX contains the DH and DL registers. Each of the short registers can be used independently or as part of a register pair. Conventional names (accumulator, base register, counter, data register) do not limit the use of these registers - these names indicate their most frequent use or the peculiarity of using a particular register in a particular command.

The second group consists of address registers SP, BP, SI and DI (in older models the number of address registers is increased). These registers are actively used for functional purposes and are not recommended for use for other purposes. Their main purpose is to store numerical values ​​that are implemented when generating operand addresses.

The interface device with the system bus contains control registers, a command pipeline, ALU commands, a control device for the MP executive unit and a memory interface (connecting the internal MP bus with the computer system bus).

BIU control registers: CS (command segment pointer), DS data segment pointer), SS (stack segment pointer), ES (extra segment pointer), etc. are used to determine the physical addresses of OP operands and commands. The IP register (Instruction Pointer) is a pointer to the address of a command that will be selected into the command pipeline as the next command (in Russian literature such a device is called a program counter). The MP command pipeline stores several commands, which allows, when executing linear programs, to combine the preparation of the next command with the execution of the current one.

The MP control registers also include a flag register, each bit of which has a strictly defined purpose. Typically, the bits of the flag register are set in hardware when performing the next operation, depending on the result obtained in the ALU. At the same time, such properties of the resulting result as a zero result, a negative number, overflow of the ALU bit grid, etc. are recorded. But some bits of the flag register can be set by special commands. Some bits have a purely service purpose (for example, they store a bit that fell out of the ALU during a shift, or are reserve (i.e., not used).

Computer compatibility

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Article topic: Computer compatibility
Rubric (thematic category) Technologies

Classification of computers.

E generation (mid 40s - mid 50s).

Computer generations

The division of computer technology into generations is a very conditional, loose classification of computing systems according to the degree of development of hardware and software, as well as methods of communicating with a computer

The idea of ​​dividing machines into generations was brought to life by the fact that during the short history of its development, computer technology has undergone a great evolution both in terms of the elemental base ( lamps, transistors, microcircuits etc.), and in the sense of changing its structure, the emergence of new opportunities, expanding the scope of application and nature of use.

The development of computers has gone through several stages associated with generations of computers. Each generation of computers differs in their element base, architecture, scope of application, interfaces, and software tools for solving problems.

Element base - electronic tubes, resistors, capacitors; architecture is simple; application - scientific calculations; methods of communication - direct manual control of computer devices, programming in machine language.

1945-1950. The outstanding scientist J. von Neumann (USA) developed the concepts and design of the EDVAC computer. The basic principles of von Neumann's concept are still in use today.

1946 ᴦ. American engineers D. Eckert and D. Mauchly at the University of Pennsylvania built the first operating computer ENtAC.

1947-1950. A group of engineers led by academician S. A. Lebedeva develops and puts into operation the first small electronic calculating machine (MESM) in the USSR.

1948 ᴦ. A group of American physicists designed a transistor - the main element of a 2nd generation computer.

1949 ᴦ. In England, under the leadership of M. Wilkes, the first computer with a stored program, EDSAK, was created.

Early 50s. In several countries, serial production of 1st generation computers began, the main elemental base of which were vacuum tubes. RAM was built on mercury delay lines, CRTs and later on ferrite rings.

In the USSR, after MESM, the following were produced: in Moscow, a large electronic calculating machine BESM-1, BESM-2 (S.A. Lebedev) and the fastest computer in Europe at that time, M-10 (L. Lebedev and Yu. A. Bazilevsky), in Penza - Ural (V.I. Rameev), in Minsk - Minsk-1, Minsk-14 (V.V. Przhislovsky), in Kyiv - Kiev (V.M. Glushkov), in Yerevan - Rozdan (F.T. Sargsyan).

The introduction of the first computers could not take place without the rapid development of numerical methods for solving problems and the fundamentals of programming. This work in the USSR was led by academicians A.A. Markov, A.N. Kolmogorov, I.V. Kurchatov, M.A. Lavrentieva, A.A. Dorodnitsyn, M.V. Keldysh.

1942-1953. Soviet scientists A.A. Lyapunov and M.R. Shura-Pura proposed an operator programming method.

1943-1955. A group of mathematicians led by D. Backus (USA) developed the algorithmic language Fortran.

2nd generation (mid 50s to mid 60s): semiconductor transistors and diodes, resistors, capacitors; more complex architecture; solving scientific, technical and national economic problems; use of operating systems; creation of computer systems; collective use; development of algorithmic languages.

1954-1957. The first computer based on the NCR 304 transistor will be created in the USA.

Late 50s. At the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the algorithmic language LISP was developed, work on the problems of artificial intelligence in applied terms - for expert systems).

Early 60s. Serial production in the USSR of 2nd generation computers on transistors: M-220, BESM-3, BESG 4, Ural-11, Ural-14, Ural-16, Minsk-22, Minsk-32, Hrazdan-2ʼʼ, ʼʼHrazdan-3ʼʼ , ʼʼDnepr-1ʼʼ, ʼʼDnepr-3ʼʼ, etc.

1961 ᴦ. Intel (USA) released the first integrated circuits (ICs).

1966 ᴦ. The world's fastest (for that time) large EVG BESM-6 (S.A.Lsbsdsv) was put into operation in the USSR. The high performance of BESM-6 was due to the first use of a multi-program operating mode and a pipeline data processing procedure, which are used in almost all modern computers.

3rd generation (mid 60s - mid 70s) integrated circuits; architecture is associated with multi-processor, multi-machine and multi-channel systems; solving a wide range of problems of automation of management, design and planning; efficient operating systems, application programs and programming languages; emergence of the first computer networks.

1965 ᴦ. In the USA, the production of 3rd generation computers of the 360 ​​series based on integrated circuits has begun.

1966 ᴦ. The algorithmic language COBOL (USA) has been developed for processing commercial information.

1986 ᴦ. DEC (USA) has developed mini-computers of the PDP family with a wide range of applications: scientific research, process control, real-time processing of experimental data, automation of engineering, economic and managerial work, etc.

Early 70s. In the USSR, together with specialists from the People's Republic of Belarus, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, and the German Democratic Republic, 3rd generation computers of the unified system (ES COMPUTER) were developed and produced in the required quantity. These computers, compatible with the IBM 360, served as the basis for the organization of shared computing centers and automated control systems in large organizations and enterprises.

1971 ᴦ. Intel (USA) has released a microprocessor based on IC technology.

1971 ᴦ. The US Department of Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency announced the launch of the first part of the global information and computing network ARPANET. In 1982. ARPANET was merged with other networks and this community of networks was called the Internet.

70s - early 80s. In the USA, England and the USSR, supercomputers come into operation: ILLIAC-IV, STATAN-100, Sgau-1 (2, 3, MX), Cyber-205, DAP, Phenix, Connection machine, “Elbrus”.

1973-1976 Specialists from the USSR, People's Republic of Belarus, Hungary, Poland, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Mongolia and Cuba have developed a series of minicomputers compatible with PDP (USA).

4th generation (mid 70s - 2000 ᴦ.): large integrated circuits; complex architecture; solving various problems in all areas of human activity; multitasking and multi-user operating systems; ʼʼpersonal type manipulators; speech input and output devices; multimedia tools; effective application programs and languages ​​that support artificial intelligence; development of computer network infrastructure.

1977 ᴦ. In the USA, young entrepreneurs S. Jobson and S. Wozniak organized a company to produce inexpensive PCs intended for a wide range of users. These PCs, called APPLE, served as the basis for the widespread use of PCs throughout the world.

1979-1980 Japanese specialists have developed and launched the first electronic dictionary-translators.

1981 ᴦ. A group of leading specialists from several electronic companies in Japan announced the creation of a 5th generation computer in the 90s ("Japanese challenge to the world").

1982 ᴦ. IBM (USA), which occupied a leading position in the production of large computers, began production of the IBM PC. Many companies around the world began producing IBM joint PCs.

Mid 80's. Groups of scientists led by K. Sagan (USA) and V.V. Aleksandrov (USSR) developed mathematical models of the consequences of “nuclear winter” and “nuclear night”. These conclusions played a huge role in shaping the policies of countries holding atomic weapons.

1988 ᴦ. The USSR began mass production of school PCs (Korvet, UKNTs, Nemiga, etc.) and household PCs (BK 0010, Partner, Vector, Byte, etc.).

Today, a large number of electronic companies in the world produce various classes of computers from household ones to supercomputers in stationary and portable versions. The current computer fleet in the world is approximately: PC 2.5 ‣‣‣ 10 8 pcs.; mini-computer-10 6 pcs.; manframes - 2 * 10 4 pcs. supercomputers - 100 pcs.

5th generation (early 21st century). Now it is difficult to predict what the 6th generation computers will look like, but we can indicate the general trends in the development of computer technologies and their impact on society.

Development is also on the way "intellectualization" computers, eliminating the barrier between man and computer. Computers will be able to perceive information from handwritten or printed text, from forms, from the human voice, recognize the user by voice, and translate from one language to another.

In sixth generation computers there will be a qualitative transition from processing data for processing knowledge.

Creation of a family of computers with fundamentally new capabilities that will provide:

efficient use of all available resources of the country: material, energy, human information;

improving performance in areas of low productivity;

inclusion of the country in international cooperation;

improving the use of the intellectual potential of society;

increasing the competitiveness of goods on the international market;

increasing the productivity of the population;

promoting a high level of education.

The computer element base assumes:

achieving the maximum packing density of elements in silicon-based VLSI circuits;

production of VLSI based on gallium arsenide;

use of cryogenic technology based on the Josephson effect.

Computer architectures are being improved in the following areas:

· creation of a computer system of varying power, balanced in architecture, which will allow the user to quickly, simply and effectively use the huge potential of such a system;

· development of single-processor PCs with command control, based on a new high-speed element base; These areas are being developed by those companies that want to maintain software compatibility of new PCs with existing ones;

· development of computers on several fast processors with command control, some of which are universal, and the other part are pipeline or parallel with a small number of processor elements;

· development of high-performance multiprocessor computers with pipeline, parallel or matrix information processing.

In addition to well-known methods of information processing, computers are focused on pattern recognition and processing of structured knowledge and making intelligent decisions.

Improving smart interfaces:

technical and software means of input/output of various types of information;

communication in problem-oriented natural spoken language;

use of text documents, both printed and handwritten, and images;

full development of known and new algorithmic programming languages;

use of artificial intelligence languages: Lisp Prolog, PS, FRL, VALID, OCCAM, etc.

The implementation of programs to create 5th generation computers will make it possible to build the so-called information society in a number of countries.

There are various classifications of computer equipment:

by stages of development (by generations);

in architecture;

by productivity;

according to operating conditions;

by number of processors;

according to consumer properties, etc.

There are no clear boundaries between computer classes. As structures and production technologies improve, new classes of computers appear, and the boundaries of existing classes change significantly.

According to operating conditions, computers are divided into two types:

office (universal);


Office ones are designed to solve a wide class of problems under normal operating conditions.

Special computers are used to solve a narrower class of problems or even one task that requires multiple solutions, and operate under special operating conditions.

The machine resources of dedicated computers are often limited. Moreover, their narrow orientation makes it possible to implement a given class of tasks most effectively.

Special computers control technological installations, work in operating rooms or ambulances, on rockets, airplanes and helicopters, near high-voltage transmission lines or in the range of radars, radio transmitters, in unheated rooms, under water at depth, in conditions of dust, dirt, vibrations, explosive gases, etc. There are many models of such computers. Let's get acquainted with one of them.

Computer Ergotouch

The Ergotouch computer is housed in a cast aluminum, fully sealed case that is easy to open for maintenance.

The walls of the computer absorb almost all electromagnetic radiation, both from the inside and outside. The machine is equipped with a touch-sensitive screen.

The computer can be washed with a hose, disinfected, decontaminated, and degreased without turning it off.

The highest reliability allows it to be used as a means of managing and monitoring technological processes in real time. The computer is easily included in the local network of the enterprise.

An important direction in the creation of industrial computers is the development "operator interface"- control panels, displays, keyboards and pointing devices in all possible designs. The comfort and productivity of operators directly depends on these products.

Based on performance and nature of use, computers can be divided into:

microcomputers, incl. - personal computers;


mainframes (general purpose computers);


Microcomputers are computers that have a central processing unit in the form of a microprocessor.

Advanced models of microcomputers have several microprocessors. Computer performance is determined not only by the characteristics of the microprocessor used, but also by the capacity of RAM, types of peripheral devices, quality of design solutions, etc.

Microcomputers provide tools for solving a variety of complex problems. Their microprocessors are increasing in power every year, and their peripherals are increasing in efficiency. Performance is about 1 - 10 million operations per second.

A type of microcomputer is a microcontroller.
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This is a microprocessor-based specialized device that is built into a control system or process line.

Modern computer technology can be classified as follows:

· Personal computers;

· Corporate computers;

· Supercomputers.

Personal computers (PCs) are general-purpose microcomputers designed for one user and controlled by one person.

The class of personal computers includes various machines - from cheap home and gaming machines with small RAM, with program memory on a cassette tape and an ordinary TV as a display, to highly complex machines with a powerful processor, a hard drive with a capacity of tens of gigabytes, with high-definition color graphics, multimedia and other additional devices.

Personal computers are computer systems, all the resources of which are completely aimed at supporting the activities of one employee.

The most famous are the IBM PC and Macintosh family of computers. These are two different directions of PC development, incompatible with each other in hardware and software. It just so happens that the Macintosh family of computers are very easy to use, have extensive graphic capabilities and are widely used among professional artists, designers, in publishing and in education.

In the family of IBM-compatible PCs, one can also distinguish several types of computers, which differ significantly from each other in their characteristics and appearance, and, nevertheless, they are all personal computers. These are, first of all, desktop and portable PCs, which, despite significant external differences, have approximately the same characteristics and capabilities.

Laptop PCs– expensive products, but they are compact and transportable. PDAs are significantly different from desktop and portable ones - so-called organizers, or “portable secretaries”. These PC notepads have neither peripheral devices nor a keyboard; commands are selected directly on the miniature screen using a stylus.

Laptop computers Usually needed by business leaders, managers, scientists, journalists who have to work outside the office - at home, at presentations or during business trips.

Main types of laptop computers:

Laptop (knee pad, from lap- knee and top- on top). It is close in size to a regular briefcase. In terms of basic characteristics (performance, memory) it is approximately the same as a desktop PC. Now computers of this type are giving way to even smaller ones.

Notebook (notepad, notebook). It is closer in size to a large format book. It weighs about 3 kᴦ. Fits in a briefcase. It is important to note that for communication with the office it is usually equipped with modem. Laptops often provide CD-ROM drives.

Many modern laptops include interchangeable blocks with standard connectors. Such modules are designed for very different functions. You can insert a CD drive, a magnetic disk drive, a spare battery, or a removable hard drive into the same slot as needed.
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Laptop resistant to power failures. Even if it receives energy from a regular power grid, in case of any failure it instantly switches to battery power.

Personal digital assistant

Palmtop (handheld) is the smallest modern personal computer. Fits in the palm of your hand. Magnetic disks are replaced by non-volatile electronic memory. There are no disk drives either - the exchange of information with ordinary computers goes through communication lines. If Palmtop is supplemented with a set of business programs recorded in its permanent memory, it will turn out personal digital assistant (Personal Digital Assistant).

Corporate computers(sometimes called a mini-computer or main frame) are computing systems that ensure the joint activities of many workers within one organization, one project, one area of ​​information activity using the same information and computing resources. These are multi-user systems that have a central unit with large computing power and significant information resources, to which is attached a large number of workstations with minimal equipment (video terminal, keyboard, positioning device such as a mouse and, possibly, a printing device). In principle, personal computers can also be used as workstations connected to the central unit of a corporate computer. The scope of application of corporate computers is the implementation of information technologies to support management activities in large financial and industrial organizations, government agencies, the creation of information systems that serve a large number of users within one function (exchange and banking systems, booking and selling tickets, etc. ).

Features of corporate computers:

Exceptional reliability;

High performance;

High I/O throughput.

The cost of such computers is millions of dollars. Demand is high.

Advantages - centralized data storage and processing is cheaper than maintaining distributed data processing systems consisting of hundreds and thousands of PCs.

Supercomputers are computing systems with extreme characteristics of computing power and information resources. Οʜᴎ are used in the military and space fields, in fundamental scientific research, global weather forecasting, military industry, geology, etc. For example, weather forecasting or modeling a nuclear explosion.

Supercomputer architecture is based on ideas parallelism And pipelining of calculations.

In these machines, many similar operations are performed in parallel, that is, simultaneously (this is usually called multiprocessing). Τᴀᴋᴎᴍ ᴏϬᴩᴀᴈᴏᴍ, ultra-high performance is ensured not for all tasks, but only for tasks, amenable to parallelization.

A distinctive feature of supercomputers are vector processors equipped with equipment for parallel execution of operations with multidimensional digital objects - vectors and matrices. They have built-in vector registers and a parallel pipelined processing mechanism. If on a conventional processor the programmer performs operations on each vector component in turn, then on a vector processor he issues vector commands at once.

Vector hardware is very expensive, in particular because it requires a lot of ultra-high-speed memory for vector registers.

The most common supercomputers are massively parallel computer systems. They have tens of thousands of processors interacting through a complex, hierarchically organized memory system.

As an example, consider the characteristics multi-purpose massively parallel mid-class supercomputer Intel Pentium Pro 200. This computer contains 9200 Pentium Pro processors at 200 MHz, for a total of (theoretically) performance 1.34 Teraflop(1 Teraflop is equal to 10 12 floating point operations per second), has 537 GB of memory and disks with a capacity of 2.25 Terabytes. The system weighs 44 tons (air conditioners for it weigh as much as 300 tons) and consumes power of 850 kW.

Supercomputers are used to solve complex and large scientific problems (meteorology, hydrodynamics, etc.), in management, intelligence, as centralized information repositories, etc.

The element base is microcircuits with an ultra-high degree of integration.

The cost is tens of millions of dollars.

Purpose – solving those tasks for which PC performance is not enough;

Providing centralized storage and processing of data.

Features: the ability to connect tens and hundreds of terminals or PCs for user work; the presence of special hardware for three-dimensional modeling and animation; therefore, a large number of films are created on them.

Mainframes are designed to solve a wide class of scientific and technical problems and are complex and expensive machines. It is advisable to use them in large systems with at least 200 - 300 workstations.

Centralized data processing on a mainframe is approximately 5-6 times cheaper than distributed processing using a client-server approach.

Famous mainframe S/390 IBM is usually equipped with at least three processors. The maximum amount of operational storage reaches 342 Terabytes.

The performance of its processors, channel throughput, and the amount of RAM storage allow you to increase the number of workstations in the range from 20 to 200,000 by simply adding processor boards, RAM modules and disk drives.

Dozens of mainframes can work together running a single operating system to perform a single task.

This classification is quite arbitrary, since the intensive development of technologies for the production of electronic components, significant progress in improving computers and their most important components lead to a blurring of the boundaries between these classes of computer equipment.

At the same time, the above classification takes into account only the autonomous use of computer technology. Today, the prevailing trend is to combine them into computer networks, which makes it possible to integrate information and computing resources for the most effective implementation of information technologies.

IBM PC - compatible computers - about 90% of all modern computers.

Compatibility is:

Software compatibility - all IBM PC programs will run on all IBM PC compatible computers.

Hardware compatibility - most devices (except those five or ten years old) for IBM PC computers and newer versions of IBM PC XT, IBM RS AT and others are suitable for IBM PC-compatible computers.

Advantages of IBM PC-compatible computers:

1) full compatibility has led to the emergence of hundreds of thousands of programs for all areas of human activity;

2) the openness of the market for IBM PC-compatible computers has caused intense competition among manufacturers of computers and their components, which has ensured high reliability, relatively low prices and the fastest possible introduction of technical innovations;

3) modular design and integration of IBM PC components - compatible computers that provide compactness, high reliability, ease of repair, the possibility of easy modernization and increasing the power of the computer (more powerful processor or more capacious hard drive).

The wide capabilities of IBM PC-compatible computers allow them to be used in various industries and to solve various problems.

Questions for self-control

1. By what criteria can computers be divided into classes and types?

7. How has the elemental base of computers evolved from generation to generation?

8. When did microcomputers become available for widespread home use?

9. Can you connect the concepts “apple”, “garage” and “computer”?

10. On the basis of what technical elements were the first generation computers created?

11. What is the main problem faced by developers and users from the experience of operating first-generation computers?

12. What element base is typical for the second generation of computers?

13. What function does the operating system perform during computer operation?

14. On what element base are third generation machines constructed?

15. Which generations of computers are characterized by widespread use of integrated circuits?

16. What speed is typical for fourth generation machines?

17. What is meant by the “intelligence” of computers?

18. What problem should the “intelligent interface” solve in fifth-generation machines?

19. What features should industrial computers have?

20. What is an operator computer interface?

21. By what main features can mainframes be distinguished from other modern computers?

22. How many users are mainframes designed for?

23. What ideas underlie the architecture of supercomputers?

24. On what types of tasks are the capabilities of supercomputers realized to the maximum?


1. PC architecture

2. PC structure

3. PC functional characteristics

Computer compatibility - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Computer Compatibility" 2017, 2018.

Key unit of system performance. The choice of model determines the speed of calculations, performance, choice of tasks, and more. At your choice, both inexpensive, productive 2-4 core solutions for the home, and the most powerful 6-12 core processors for rendering and modeling

The motherboard is the base of any computer and the basis for other components. This is what the system is built on. A multilayer printed circuit board with an abundance of connectors and expansion slots integrates components such as a processor, video card, RAM and disks.

An inexpensive, but very important element of a PC, on which the stability of the processor, which is prone to overheating under intense loads, depends. Regular CPU cooling will protect you from artifacts and computer breakdowns. Key characteristics of the cooler - noise level, rotation speed and bearing type

The graphics core is a key node for processing data related to the rendering of 3D objects. This is an indispensable component of any gaming computer or graphics station. Powerful video cards are demanding on the quality of the power supply, as they can consume up to 300W of energy.

A mechanical drive that is a permanent storage of all information on a computer. Its characteristics are determined by the spindle speed (5400/7200rpm) and capacity. The latter figure can range from 500 GB to 10 TB. You yourself determine the tasks assigned to the HDD.


Solid State Drives (SSDs) are devices for storing data with incredible speeds for reading and writing information, which are significantly faster than a conventional HDD. They are also distinguished by their quietness and the absence of mechanical components that can fail.

A metal case in which all the elements of the system unit are collected. The choice of model will determine the compactness of the PC, the quality of cooling, the amount of space for installing components and the free space for further upgrades. Some cases come with pre-installed power supplies.

The most important element of a computer, powering all key components of the computer (processor, video card, disks, cooling systems). High-quality power supplies additionally protect the PC from short circuits, power surges and static.

Software and operating system are key components of the system that connect all the components of the PC together, making them work correctly. Install only licensed software to protect yourself in the future by receiving official support from the manufacturer.


Additional options

PCI/PCI-E controllers LPT, COM, 1394 FireWire, SATA, USB 3.0. Devices for connecting any memory cards. Bluetooth adapters. Fan rotation controls, classic and with touch control. Additional USB controllers on the front panel 3.5”; 5.25“

A sound card is a great alternative to the analogue built into the motherboard. The discrete board will fully reveal the potential of speaker systems, add modern interfaces for connecting speakers and allow you to get the effect of complete immersion in a movie or game.

Periphery equipment

The monitor is your window to the world of information. TN, PLS, IPS matrices with LED backlighting, a delay of 1 ms and the ability to display images on a screen with a diagonal of 22, 24, 27, 30 or more inches. Want to get more experience from your favorite game? Take a closer look at gaming models with refresh rates of 120, 144 and even 240 Hz.

An input device and a faithful companion in most modern games. We offer office models with minimal functionality, multimedia models with additional keys, and gaming options. Mechanical or membrane switches, with or without backlight. Find an option you like.

An optical or laser mouse is an indispensable PC component with which you will open folders, move documents, surf the Internet, and interact with programs and games. Wired or wireless models. Strict office ones, or gaming ones with additional keys. Choose a model to suit your palm.

The speaker system is a sound signal output device and an excellent companion when watching multimedia content, as well as playing your favorite 3D games. Organize a home theater by connecting a speaker system to a sound card and enjoy movies and music. Gain an advantage in games by hearing your opponent's footsteps from afar.

A convenient tool for communicating on the Internet and silently listening to music. An indispensable attribute for video calls, conferences, group voice chats. Headphones will allow you to watch movies or enjoy your favorite performers in crowded places, without distracting others from their daily activities.

Power protection is extremely important in areas with regular power outages. An uninterruptible power supply will allow the PC to operate stably without unexpected shutdowns. A characteristic sound signal will make it clear that it is time to end the session and save changes to the documentation so that the work is not in vain.

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Select components? What could be simpler

The range of components offered on the market is growing and expanding every month. On the one hand, deciding on the choice of hardware becomes problematic. On the other hand, you have an excellent opportunity to find exactly the component that best suits the tasks assigned to the future system. Assembling a computer using an online PC configurator is the easiest and most affordable way to generate an individual model that fully meets specific requirements. Our service will allow you to find the optimal hardware without overpaying for unnecessary functionality and unclaimed options. At the same time, he will tell you how to avoid unnecessary expenses when choosing a motherboard or video card for a specific processor. If you want to purchase a gaming computer in a top-end configuration without overpaying, try replacing some components (GPU model, cooling system, case, disks) to avoid brand markup. Today there are no bad manufacturers, but there are extremely undervalued ones.

Discover the makings of a system administrator in yourself

Assembling a PC yourself will teach you to understand the components and their characteristics, which will greatly facilitate the task of subsequent upgrades. You will be able to filter out components that do not match your socket and chipset, find current product models, and build a springboard for further PC upgrades. Our compatibility-checked PC configurator will automatically remove unsuitable parts if you want to build a computer from scratch, but do not have enough experience for this purpose. Remember that each system requires a special approach: Home (multimedia) - a good video card, a large amount of memory, high-quality acoustic components;

Office – fast processor for quick data processing, capacious HDD;

Gaming – a powerful graphics subsystem, an overclockable CPU (and a corresponding motherboard for it), a large amount of RAM, a fast SSD.

Workstation for graphics processing - everything is identical to a gaming PC, but with an even larger amount of RAM and impressive data storage (Raid array of several HDDs).

Advantages of the online configurator of the online store “ZHELEZA.NET”