Hong che vietnam. Bamboo island hon che. MerPerle Hon Tam Hotel with Private Beach

Overview of the islands of Vietnam

Vietnam, which recently opened up to the world as a tourist country, is gaining fame as one of the best resorts in the world. Having mastered the noisy and cheerful Nha Trang, tourists are now looking for solitude and silence. They explore the islands of Vietnam, generously scattered along the Vietnamese coast of the South China Sea. Not all of them are suitable for long-term holidays; some only accept excursions. But each of them is beautiful. Quiet secluded beaches, luxurious nature, rich flora and fauna attract tourists from all over the world. We will not make a rating, but will simply tell a little about each of them. And you will choose the one that suits your taste.

Let's start with Nha Trang. Within sight of the city are the so-called Southern Islands.

Hong Che (Vinpearl)

The island is better known as Vinpearl, which means “Vietnamese Pearl”. It is completely dedicated to the Vinpearl Resort & Spa hotel complex. The island is home to Vietnam's only huge world-class amusement park. Guests staying in hotels on the island have free use of all the park's entertainment and attractions. Anyone can get there.

There are two ways to get to the island: prosaic - by water on a speedboat or ferry. The second way is a cable car, and not a simple one, but the longest in the world, stretching over the sea for 3300 meters. The height of the funicular is 50 meters. Tickets to the park can be purchased at the hotel reception, at any travel agency or at the cable car ticket office. They cost the same everywhere – $25.

At the very beginning of the park there are attractions - carousels, slides and many others. Next is a huge indoor hall with slot machines for children and adults and a 5D cinema. Separately, it is worth mentioning the huge oceanarium, which is a glass tunnel of an aquarium through which a conveyor with visitors moves. Next to the aquarium there is a water park with a large number of slides and slopes for children and adults and swimming pools.

There is a beautiful beach with fine sand. The entrance to the sea is gentle, the water is azure, there are almost no waves.

Avoid visiting the island on weekends and holidays for the Vietnamese. At this time, they all flock to Vinpearl with their families, so there will simply be no crowd there.

Hong Mieu

This island is notable for its aquarium in the shape of a pirate ship. It owes its appearance to a simple fisherman named Le Kan, who built it with his own money. A special feature of the aquarium is that its inhabitants are kept directly in sea water, which freely penetrates the room.

So they live in a natural environment. The interior of the maritime museum evokes memories of sunken ships and treasures. The island has a restaurant and a wonderful little beach where you can relax and swim.

Another island in the vicinity of Nha Trang attracts the attention of tourists - Turtle Island. Small in size, it is all covered with greenery. This is a national reserve. Green turtles come here to lay their eggs. Once endangered, this species has now recovered its population. It is very funny to watch tiny turtles hatch from eggs and purposefully crawl towards the sea.

Here you can also see another sea creature - the dugong, whose human-like cry was once mistaken for the singing of mermaids.

Tourists will also be interested in the islands of Nha Phu Bay. It has three islands that deserve attention. These are Hon Heo (Orchid Island), Hon Thi and Hon Lao (Monkey Island). Both tourists and Vietnamese call them the Northern Islands.

It is a national nature reserve. The park leading from the pier gradually rises uphill. There is an eco-trail, a grove of golden bamboo, small zucchini plantations, pomelo trees, and many orchids.

One problem is that it is impossible to see them blooming at the same time, since each variety has its own period.

On the island you can shoot with automatic weapons, watch dog racing, take pictures with the wonderful elephant Elena, ride ostriches and feed sika deer. There are always circus performances with animals for children. Not far from the pier there is a small beach with a restaurant on the shore.

This is a small island where, during the Soviet-Vietnamese friendship, there was a laboratory in which our scientists studied monkeys. The laboratory closed long ago, but the macaque population remained. There is a beautiful well-kept park on the island where you can take a walk and go karting.

Here guests are also greeted by a funny circus. Small monkeys walk freely around the park, begging tourists for all sorts of delicacies. The main attraction is feeding the monkeys. The majority of them live in a fenced area in natural conditions.

This is the third island of Nha Phu Bay, where tourists are now almost never taken. It is notable for its pitahaya (dragon fruit) plantations, sika deer and ostriches. And, of course, very beautiful nature.

In the south of Vietnam you can relax on three islands - Phu Quoc, Phu Quy and Con Dao. These are all small archipelagos, where the largest and most populated islands are surrounded by a large number of small, often uninhabited ones.

Phu Quoc

It is the westernmost point of Vietnam and is located in the Gulf of Thailand. Suitable for beach holidays all year round. All the major hotels are concentrated on the western side near the main town of Duong Dong. They stretch along many kilometers of beach. There are also places to stay in other parts of Fukuoka, but there are virtually no restaurants, shops or travel agencies to keep you entertained.

The weather throughout the year is hot, the average temperature is about 3 0°C, the water is 26-28°C. The beaches on the east side have a gentle entrance to the sea. There are many secluded bays for a romantic getaway.

Dive clubs are concentrated on the northern and southern shores. Diving is the main entertainment on the island. There are clubs in the area of ​​large hotels, but there is no vibrant nightlife here. More suitable for a quiet family holiday. Phu Quoc is surrounded by many tiny islands with wonderful beaches. You can go on a sea cruise and soak up the white sand.

Among the attractions is the Coconut Prison, where the Americans kept captured Vietnamese soldiers. The excursion is not for the faint of heart. It is worth visiting the pearl farms and black pepper plantations. It is not recommended to go to Phu Quoc in October due to heavy rains.

Con Dao

Con Dao is the southernmost point of Vietnam. The island is located in the South China Sea. You can get there by sea from Vung Tau or by plane - the tiny airport accepts local flights. The climate here is monsoon, so not all seasons are suitable for recreation. From July to September the island is hit by sudden storms, followed by humid easterly winds until January. The best time to go to Con Dao is from March to June.

The main entertainment here is diving, but it is suitable for those who have diving experience. There are a lot of beaches here. The most equipped one is located in the village of Con Son, the rest are secluded, where there is almost no marine entertainment.

Con Dao is associated with the history of the liberation movement of Vietnam from the French colonialists. Here, too, the main historical attraction is the military prison where freedom fighters were kept. You can also visit the Phi Yen Temple. It was built in memory of the wife of Emperor Gia Long who died there. Con Dao National Park and Museum are worth visiting.


Another of the islands in the south of the country, which has long been inhabited by tourists. It is located 80 km from Mui Ne. Tourists vacationing in Mui Ne definitely come here on an excursion, although you can stay here for a vacation for a longer time. The climate, like Con Dao, is monsoonal, but storms and hurricanes visit this paradise much less often. The average temperature is about 30°C. There is only one beach here, without any special frills of civilization.

The islands of Central Vietnam are Cu Lao Cham National Park. It includes several islands: Ly Son, Thuan Tin and Lang Cu.

Nha Trang is one of the main resorts in central Vietnam. It perfectly combines a classic beach holiday with excursions to picturesque national parks. The city is located along a wide bay surrounded by green mountains. Not far from the coast of Nha Trang, small archipelagos are scattered in the South China Sea, where lovers of secluded recreation and divers flock.

The tourist area of ​​the city includes several streets where the main hotels, local restaurants, souvenir shops and numerous agencies are located, ready to organize excursions to anywhere in Vietnam (and if you have enough time, even to Laos and Cambodia). If you wish, you can stroll through the local colorful markets or visit the central neighborhoods where citizens live their normal lives.

The best hotels and inns at affordable prices.

from 500 rubles/day

What to see and where to go in Nha Trang?

The most interesting and beautiful places for walks. Photos and brief description.

In the 7th-12th centuries, the medieval principality of Champa (Chapma) existed on part of the territory of southern and central Vietnam. The Po Nagar towers on Mount Cu Lao were erected in the 10th century during the heyday of this state. Only four buildings have survived to this day. The Cham Towers are a Hindu religious complex. Until now, they are a cult place for some Vietnamese.

The cable car connects the coast of Nha Trang with Hon Tre Island, where the Vinpearl Land amusement park, popular among tourists, is located. The length of the road is more than 3 km. The design of the metal supports resembles the outline of the Eiffel Tower (due to the beautiful night illumination, an even greater resemblance to the Parisian landmark is achieved). The cable car ride lasts 10-15 minutes. During this time, the passenger has time to admire the coast and islands.

Located on Hon Che Island, Vinpearl can be called one of the most visited attractions in the city. Hundreds of tourists go to this “land of entertainment” every day. The vast territory includes a water park, an amusement park, an aquarium and an arcade. Visitors can relax on the beaches of the local five-star hotel, dine at one of the many restaurants, and watch a colorful fountain show in the evening.

The main Buddhist complex of Khanh Hoa province and at the same time a popular attraction in Nha Trang, where all guests of the city strive to get to. The architectural dominant of the pagoda is a 14-meter statue of white Buddha, to which a long staircase of 150 steps leads. This statue can be seen from almost anywhere in the city. Inside the pedestal on which the god sits there is a temple.

The pagoda is located outside the city on a hilltop. Getting there is not so easy, since the last public transport stop is an hour and a half walk from the temple. Moreover, tourists face a long climb up the mountain. But at the end of the journey, a surprise awaits all those who dare - breathtaking views of the rice fields, mountains and green surroundings of Nha Trang.

The Catholic Church of St. Mary, which Vietnam inherited from the French colonists. The cathedral houses the residence of the Bishop of Nha Trang. The building was erected in the 1930s in the Gothic style. Its facade is decorated with pointed arches, the windows are decorated with multi-colored stained glass, and the roof is crowned with a church tower with a clock dial. Around the cathedral there is a small courtyard where statues of the Virgin Mary and Jesus are installed.

A lotus-shaped structure decorating the city embankment. The real name of the building is the Tower of Incense. Previously, on its site there was a memorial in honor of the fallen defenders of Khanh Hoa province. In 2008, partly with funds from the Vinpearl Land hotel complex, an exhibition complex was built, reminiscent in shape of a well-known flower. Its premises are used for holding various exhibitions.

The museum is located in the wing of the research institute, which was founded by A. Yersin in 1891. This scientist is highly revered in Vietnam. Many streets and educational institutions are named after him. He devoted his life to the study of bacteria - the causative agents of plague and other diseases. The museum exhibition reproduces the atmosphere of A. Yersin’s study. The collection consists of books, personal items and tools.

Long Tan is a famous Vietnamese photographer who has devoted his entire life to the art of black and white photography. In his house there is a small gallery containing a collection of photographs depicting the daily life of the Vietnamese. The master has filmed various subjects since the mid-20th century. His works are distinguished by their diversity, originality and expressiveness. You can buy the photo you like.

An entertainment complex located in the southern part of the city. The museum's exposition is located on the territory of a traditional Vietnamese house. The collection consists of 3D paintings and optical illusion rooms where you can take fun photos. The museum will be of interest to visitors with children, as the excursion is somewhat reminiscent of a fun game, during which you can immerse yourself in a magical “through the looking glass”.

A scientific institution engaged in deep sea exploration since the 1920s. The institute has an aquarium where you can see the inhabitants of the Pacific Ocean. Stingrays, moray eels, turtles and exotic fish swim in the aquariums. On the second floor there are stuffed sea creatures. Part of the exhibition is located in aquariums inside the building, the other part is in tanks outside.

The aquarium is located on one of the islands off the coast of Nha Trang. The original building of the aquarium is made in the shape of a pirate ship. Local residents nicknamed it "Neptune's Palace". Chi Nguyen was founded by a simple fisherman Le Can, who was remembered by his contemporaries for his love of nature and his country. In 1971, using his own funds, he dug a pond where he began breeding representatives of marine fauna. Over time, his collection grew into a large maritime museum.

The fortress is located about 10 km from Nha Trang. Presumably, it was built in the 18th century during the reign of one of the last emperors of independent Vietnam. Brick and marble were used in the construction of the citadel. Only part of the buildings has survived to this day, since Dien Khanh was severely damaged during the French invasion. The surviving gates and part of the walls are in a fairly neglected state.

The reserve is located on the mountain of the same name, several tens of kilometers from Nha Trang. This is a real kingdom of impenetrable green forests and misty horizons. Most of the park's territory is located at an altitude of 1600 meters above sea level, so the local climate is very different from the coastal and lowland. In the middle of the reserve on the top of the mountain stands the house-museum of Alexandre Yersin.

A visit to Yang Bay Nature Park is included in many excursion routes. It is located about an hour's drive from Nha Trang. Here tourists can admire the Yang Kan, Yang Bay and HoCho waterfalls, feed crocodiles, ride an ostrich and watch a musical performance by the local Raglai tribe. Visitors are also offered entertainment such as pig races and cockfights.

Ba Ho is a group of three waterfalls located in the vicinity of Zoklet Beach. To get to this natural attraction, you need to overcome a rather difficult road that passes through mountainous terrain. Most tourists limit themselves to visiting the first of the three waterfalls; only a few reach the last one, since only physically resilient people can overcome the path to it.

During the period of Soviet-Vietnamese friendship, monkeys were bred on this island to be sent to the USSR. Then the supplies were stopped and the animals overran the entire area. Now Monkey Island is a protected area, a real “kingdom of monkeys”, where, according to various estimates, more than 1,500 individuals live. For tourists, there are entertainment shows, cafes and restaurants, and a beach.

Almost the entire territory of Hon Mun Island is classified as a protected area and is under the auspices of the World Wildlife Fund. People come here not only to relax on the snow-white beaches. The coastal waters of Hon Mun are inhabited by amazing marine life, so all tourists who want to scuba dive and enjoy the beauty of the underwater world flock to the island.

Large spa center near the Po Nagar temple complex. It is located in a picturesque area surrounded by eucalyptus groves and flowering gardens. In Thap Ba you can spend the whole day taking healing hot baths, swimming in pools and enjoying healing treatments. Local healing mud helps with many ailments. After visiting the resort, tourists can purchase jars of this substance as a souvenir.

Another “mud bath” of Nha Trang, which is a worthy competitor to the Thap Ba springs. Visitors have access to service packages that include various procedures. A visit to I-Resort is an excellent alternative to a beach holiday, especially on a cloudy day (the water in the center’s pools is always warm). The main pool of the complex is stylized as a sea beach with white sand.

A new spa resort that opened in 2012. The complex occupies an area of ​​23 hectares. Here, in addition to swimming pools and hot springs, there is a botanical garden, a zoo, an impromptu ethnic village, a temple and observation decks with magnificent views. The name "100 Eggs" is associated with the legend of the love of a dragon and a magical bird. One hundred nationalities of Vietnam subsequently hatched from the eggs laid by the bird.

Hon Chong is located in the backend of Nha Trang. The cape is strewn with stones of all possible sizes and shapes. Sometimes the blocks gather into bizarre shapes, against which spectacular photographs are obtained. At the local souvenir shop you can buy a picture made from stones as a souvenir. The cape offers breathtaking views of the vast South China Sea, especially during sunrise and sunset.

Industrial salt mining is carried out in the fields of Khon Khoi. They are located about 50 km from Nha Trang near Zoklet Beach. The plantations are flooded with sea water, which evaporates within a few days and leaves snow-white crystals. After this, the salt is collected and sent for processing. The work is carried out in the morning, since salt collected in the hottest weather is considered unsuitable for consumption.

Zoklet is considered one of the best beaches in Nha Trang and the surrounding area. It is located 50 km north of the city. You can get there by taxi, bike or public transport. Tourists value this place for the beauty of the scenery, the clear sea and the opportunity to be in relative solitude, since there are usually few people here. Zoklet is ideal for families with children due to its gentle slope and shallow sea depth.

The city beach stretches for several kilometers along the sea line. It is free, but you will have to pay to rent hotel-owned sun loungers and umbrellas. Along the beach there is a stone-paved embankment with public gardens and equipped recreation areas. The ideal time for swimming is the first half of the day, as after lunch the waves rise and the water becomes cloudy.

Part of the family of Nha Trang's Southern Islands and proudly bearing the name "Silk Island", Hon Tam attracts tourists with its cleanliness, picturesque landscapes and close proximity to Nha Trang. To escape here, into the bosom of nature, means to get away from the noise of Nha Trang and relax in silence and comfort. A tempting prospect, you must agree! We couldn’t resist and followed in the footsteps of thousands of other tourists and travelers to this glorious place.

This paradise is located just 10 km from Nha Trang, boats sail here regularly, excursion groups come here, so it’s simply hard to call the island sparsely populated. Most people who travel to Hon Tam on their own leave early in the morning. But we honestly slept through our early rise, and therefore boarded the boat going to Hon Tam at 10 am. It is worth saying that there were few people willing to cover 10 km by sea; everyone settled comfortably and set off with the breeze to the snow-white beaches and soft sea. The journey will take 15 minutes.

General information about Hon Tam

Hon Tam is an island designed to satisfy its visitors in every possible way. Here everyone will find something to suit their taste: someone will swim in the crystal water, someone will happily lie on a sun lounger, someone will prefer active recreation. But now we are approaching the Hon Tam pier and, leaving our things in the storage room, we go to the vaunted beach. By the way, the territory is very well-groomed, with landscape design inserts, benches, gazebos, and small fountains.

The beach is a pleasant surprise: you might even think that you are at a high-quality European resort. Everything is clean, there are a lot of free sun loungers with umbrellas, there are swings, there are bars with soft drinks, snacks and ice cream. The infrastructure is really very nice, and everything looks something like this:

You can leave things in the storage room, however, we were afraid to leave our phones and wallet, after all, the locks were weak. Luggage storage is free.

Hon Tam Beach

The main beach, 1 km long, boasts a convenient, gentle entrance to the water and the absence of waves, which is a big plus, because in Nha Trang itself it is almost impossible to swim without waves. The water pleased me with its turquoise hue. The beach has a richly developed infrastructure. Changing cabins, luggage storage, toilets, all kinds of entertainment.

Activities on Hon Tama Beach

There are plenty of opportunities for active recreation. Those interested can:

  • climb mountains;
  • fly on a parachute - about 20 dollars (400 thousand VND);
  • go fishing - equipment rental from 5 dollars and departure with a boat at sea from 20 dollars;
  • water skiing or motorcycling - from $10;
  • kayak - free;
  • jump on an inflatable trampoline. Payment is 100 thousand dong (4.5 dollars) for an adult and half that (2 dollars or 50 thousand dong) for children - and an unlimited number of approaches.

Having swum to our hearts, freshened up from the road and fortified ourselves with cocktails at the nearest bar on the beach (the cocktails are delicious, made from good ingredients, without a ton of ice and cost from 3 dollars or 60 thousand dong), we spent the rest of the day on the beach, and continued exploring the island of Hon Tam after lunch. By the way, beer at the bar costs 1.5 dollars (30 thousand dong).

Food on Hon Tam Island

The main restaurant of Hon Tam (where both independent travelers and friends who come with excursion groups eat) has a buffet format. If you come separately from the group, the additional payment for lunch will be 220 thousand VND ($10) per person. The most delicious things are quickly sold out, and therefore it is better to come at the very beginning of lunch; it starts at 12.30, if my memory serves me correctly. In general, the lunch is very average, and in Nha Trang you can eat much better for 10 dollars.

However, there are several cafes on the island whose menu consists of authentic Vietnamese cuisine, various exotic delicacies and the most popular dishes of European cuisine. In a nutshell: you won't go hungry. Prices are slightly higher than in Nha Trang; for 20 dollars you can eat for two (without alcohol).

Hon Tam serves grilled seafood, but the prices are quite steep. We haven't tried it, although it looks appetizing.

The price for 100 grams of product is from 2.5 dollars (45 thousand dong) to 5 dollars (100 thousand dong) depending on the animal you choose.

Exploring the island

After lunch it was time to walk and explore the island. At first glance, it is obvious that the island is being closely monitored. Here and there, there are benches, gazebos, flower beds. Everything is green, beautiful and pleasing to the eye.

By the way, the island has a tennis court and a golf course! And the best part is that you can try your hand at the first 10 balls for free! The field is empty, although it is clear that a completely different fate was planned for it: it was built on a grand scale! Next, you need to pay for the services of the golf course: 100 balls for an adult cost approximately 6 dollars (130 thousand dong) and 5 dollars for children (100 thousand dong).

If you want to rent a tennis court for 1 hour, then from 7 am to 5 pm pay 6 dollars (120 thousand dong), from 5 pm to 8 pm - 7.5 dollars or 150 thousand dong.

Remnants of history

For fans of everything authentic and ancient, several houses in ethnic style have been preserved. Not a remake, not a stylization, but in fact the preserved remains of an ancient village. You can imagine the life of previous generations and try to immerse yourself in their atmosphere.

It can be seen that tourists actively “use” the exhibits, take pictures with them, or simply twirl them in their hands. However, there really weren’t any “do not touch” signs in any of the languages.

Those who want to go fishing should come to the local fishing club. Here you can rent fishing rods and other equipment, order a boat and go fishing on the open sea. Well, the walk is over, we can go back to the beach.

Pools of Hon Tama Island

What awaited us here was not the most pleasant surprise: although the sand remained clean, garbage was already floating in the sea. Either the vacationers tried hard, or the comrades on jet skis brought in the garbage in waves, but the fact remains: the desire to swim has disappeared. Luckily, Hon Tam Island is famous for its swimming pools. Many come here specifically for them, because in Nha Trang swimming pools are a rarity even in “above average” hotels.

It is worth giving credit: the pools are what you need. Multi-level, ennobled, they beckon you to jump into their coolness. Each has its own depth, there is a “splash pool” with slides and entertainment for the youngest guests of Hon Tam, and there are relaxation areas for adults: with fountains and a jacuzzi.

The area around the pool is good: it is very spacious, and there are enough sun loungers and free space for everyone. You can feel like a guest of an elite hotel. Around the pools there are changing rooms, showers, and restrooms. Everything is free.

Accommodation on Hon Tam Island

If you like the glamorous Hon Tam so much that you want to stay, then you can choose one of the overnight options. The most pretentious (but why not treat yourself) is to stay at Hon Tam Resort, the price for a bungalow per night starts from $150. For an additional cost you can use the services of a spa center and fitness room.

Among the obvious advantages: its own territory with a bounty-type beach, to which strangers are not allowed, clean water, luxury design of the rooms.

For more modest guys, there is the opportunity to rent a tent for the night and taste all the charm of unity with nature. When we visited, the overnight rental for two was $50, which included breakfast. Maybe the conditions in the tent are spartan, but such an overnight stay definitely has its own romance.

Moreover, you can team up with other vacationers and, after building a fire, sing to the guitar. Everyone living in the tent is provided with a bicycle, which is convenient for moving around the island.

Disadvantages of living in a tent: the paucity of interior decoration (sleeping bags and that’s it) and the influx of tourists (the tents are located in close proximity to the public beach).

How to get to Hon Tam

Hon Tam is one of the most popular destinations from Nha Trang, and therefore the road there is well-established and simple. For those who want to go independently:

  • Arrive at the pier (located next to the pier to Vinpearl). You can get here by taxi by simply telling the driver “Hon Tam” and paying about 40 thousand dong (2 dollars). You can also get to the southern port by regular bus No. 4 (7 thousand VND fare and 20-30 minutes on the road from the center of Nha Trang). You are unlikely to miss the desired stop, because it is the final one.
  • Once at the pier, go to the ticket office and buy a return ticket. The first boat leaves for Hon Tam at 8 am, and the last one from the island to the mainland leaves at 16.20. If you are late, you will have to spend the night on the island. On the way to Hon Tam you will have to spend 15 minutes, with waves - 20.
  • The ticket costs $10 (220 thousand VND) per person, which includes round-trip travel and entry to the island. If you get to the island in some other way (for example, negotiate with a private owner or sail on a boat, enjoying the surface of the sea), then a separate entrance to Hon Tam costs 120 thousand dong (about 5 dollars).

Naturally and certainly, there are excursions to Hon Tam. The cost of travel to Hon Tam, as far as we understand, varies depending on the season. The price range is from 20 to 30 dollars. One of the Vietnamese agencies offered the following travel options:

  • maximum package for 19 dollars (420 thousand VND) for children and 27 dollars (600 thousand VND) for adults. This includes: transfer, meeting at Hon Tam with a cold drink, all the amenities of the island (from the beach to beach football and volleyball, golf and swimming pools - as for all visitors to Hon Tam), lunch and grilled seafood (before lunch) , free access to inflatable trampolines, fresh fruit before and after lunch, animator for children, dance program.
  • There is also a package without lunch on Hon Tam, which includes all of the above from the maximum package, except lunch and seafood. The cost for an adult is 17 dollars (370 thousand VND) for an adult and 11.5 dollars (255 thousand VND) for children.


Hon Tam is a well-groomed and picturesque island where it’s nice to spend a free day, relieve stress and switch to a lazy holiday. If you have already taken a comprehensive excursion to the Southern Islands of Nha Trang, it is not worth visiting it separately. Some views of Hon Tam may well qualify for the filming of a film like “James Bond”, but in the meantime, satisfied vacationers are photographing here.

Don't forget to bring hats, sunscreen and a camera. You'll definitely find something to do on Nha Trang's Hon Tam Island and maybe come back for another day!

Vietnam has recently gained a reputation as a popular and fashionable destination. And the magic words - island, Nha Trang, Vietnam - have become a symbol of a successful vacation. Judge for yourself - beach season all year round, magnificent bays, hotels and restaurants for every taste and budget, and most importantly - the picturesque islands near Nha Trang, scattered near the coast.

Southern Islands of Nha Trang and their description

Coming to the beach capital and not seeing the southern islands of Nha Trang means depriving yourself of vivid impressions. Any local resident will tell you which islands to go to and how to get to them. You will be offered a choice of cable car, ferry or boat.

It’s easier and 2 times cheaper to visit Vinpearl on your own, but it’s more profitable to visit the rest of the southern islands with a tour. You can purchase a tour at the Russian Information Center, or at travel agency"Uncle Ivan ".

Vinpearl - return to childhood

© abdulazizalfuraydi / flickr.com / CC BY 2.0

The city beach offers a wonderful view of Vinpearl. Almost its entire territory is occupied by the most famous and fun park in Vietnam. You can visit it by booking a tour or on your own.

Hon Tam - ecological reserve

© nevnguyen / flickr.com / CC BY 2.0

A beach island near Nha Trang attracts lovers of silence and solitude. There are no large waves here, but there are wonderful white sand beaches, comfortable for families with children.

You can stay in a five-star hotel on the island. But if you are not satisfied with the prices or permanent residence seems boring, a one-day trip is at your service. Excursions are organized to Hon Tam Island from Nha Trang. Depending on the package you choose, you will be offered:

  • round trip transfer by boat;
  • sun loungers, beach umbrellas, towels;
  • large fresh water swimming pool;
  • games on water and sand;
  • children's club;
  • buffet lunch;
  • dance show;
  • golf course;
  • excursion to a local village where you can buy wine, hats, and handicraft pottery.

How to get there by yourself? Is it possible to visit the paradise island on your own? The easiest way is to rent a boat or motorboat. Feedback from your predecessors will help you navigate and make a choice.

Hong Mun - a diving paradise

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The pride of Vietnam is islands for relaxation away from the bustle of big cities. The southernmost island from Nha Trang is famous for its clear, clean water. Diving enthusiasts, plunging into the sea, have a unique opportunity to admire the beauty of the underwater world and its inhabitants.

You can get to the island on your own by renting a boat, speedboat or longboat. The trip will not be cheap, so it makes sense to team up with other tourists and sail in a group.

Be prepared for a local employee to approach you on shore and ask you to pay a service fee.

A tour is a more profitable option. For 15-20 dollars you will be included in a group of 20-40 people with a Vietnamese guide. The cost of the trip includes:

  • transfer from the hotel to the port, and then delivery to one of two points on the island;
  • dinner;
  • fins, masks, scuba gear;
  • several hours of snorkeling and swimming;
  • delivery back to the hotel around 15:00.

There is another option for an excursion with a Russian-speaking guide, a speed boat for 5-10 people. A higher level of service will cost 45-55 dollars per person. You will be offered high-quality equipment, diving, and a delicious lunch including alcoholic drinks. There is no need to rush; you will have enough time to swim and dive in the clearest water. In the evening you will be transferred back to your hotel.

The diving center organizes scuba diving trips to Hon Mun from Nha Trang. There are two dives, each lasting 40 minutes. The entire excursion with lunch, equipment and an English-speaking instructor costs $50 per person. If you prefer a Russian instructor, you will have to shell out at least $90.

Khon Mot - an island with surprises

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Another nice place for those who like to plunge into the depths of the sea. How to get to paradise island? You can also book an excursion here or sail on a rented boat yourself. The islands near Nha Trang provide an opportunity to enjoy peace and quiet away from noisy parties.

The water area is chosen not only by extreme tourists. Among the picturesque corals there are rare species of fish, shellfish and even sea snakes.

Hong Mieu

© suraark / flickr.com / CC BY 2.0

The small island of Hon Mieu, which is located near Nha Trang, is not suitable for swimming. The shore is strewn with large cobblestones, but against the backdrop of the seascape you will get unique photographs.

Visitors can enjoy walks in a quiet park and an aquarium, stylized as a pirate ship. From here it is very convenient to observe marine inhabitants: sharks and moray eels, giant turtles and bright tropical fish. At certain hours you are allowed to feed them.

Mieu is an island for those who love solitude.

Northern Islands of Nha Trang

You can also visit the Northern Islands of Nha Trang on your own or as part of an excursion. I advise you to use the services of the travel agency "Uncle Vanya"

Monkey Island

© mr_dinh / flickr.com / CC BY 2.0

Want to get into the jungle? Find Nha Phu Bay on the map and head to the most popular attractions in Vietnam. These are the Northern Nha Trang Islands.

One of them is Monkey Island. There was once a nursery and a vaccine production laboratory here. Animals were raised for laboratory experiments and sold to other countries, including the Soviet Union. For economic reasons the program was closed. A small part of the monkeys were taken out, the rest fled into the jungle, adapted perfectly and have now become the real masters of the island to the delight of visitors. Today, more than 1 thousand primates live in the natural environment.

Organized excursions provide the opportunity to:

  • personally feed the monkeys by hand;
  • race on a go-kart track;
  • watch greyhound racing and place bets;
  • watch a circus show;
  • take a walk in the park with fancy sculptures.

On the island you can have a snack, buy soft drinks and animal food.

How to get there yourself, ask your hotel.

A boat runs along the route Monkey Island - Nha Trang, carrying both private passengers and entire excursions.

Island of Elephants and Orchids

© malingering / flickr.com / CC BY 2.0

The beautiful name speaks for itself. Numerous reviews don't lie. Beautiful flowers, a shady park with a waterfall, and a clean beach with sun loungers and gazebos are pleasing to the eye. Well-groomed deer, ostriches, trained dogs and bear cubs come up to you and take food straight from your hands. Wonderful photos with a caption will remain as a keepsake - Orchid Island, Nha Trang.

The Vietnamese islands attract lovers of a quiet holiday, they have a romantic atmosphere, and life here proceeds much more slowly and calmly than on the mainland. Tourists have quite a large choice; the most interesting islands to visit are discussed in more detail below.

All prices are quoted in local currency (Vietnamese Dong). To make it easier to navigate, here is an approximate course at the time of writing:

1 RUBLE = 381 DONG. In Dollars: 1$ = 22,683 DONGS.

Monkey Island

Previously, a large monkey nursery was located on its territory, animals from which were sent to the USSR and other countries to conduct scientific experiments.

You can get to Monkey Island by motor boats from the Nha Trang ship pier:

  1. A ticket to the island costs 50,000-70,000 dong, travel time is no more than 10-15 minutes.
  2. A daily tour, including a visit to Monkey Island and several other nearby islands, will cost 350,000 dong.

Most of the island's territory is occupied by impenetrable jungle; only a small area is landscaped for tourists, where a monkey park is located. You can get around it on foot or order a carriage, the ride on which costs 100,000 dong.

When calculating your budget, you should take into account the following expenses:

  1. Payment for entrance to the park, ticket price is 140,000 VND.
  2. Purchasing food for monkeys, if you plan to feed them, 20,000 dong.
  3. It is possible to rent a bike, the price is 100,000 dong.

Phu Quoc

Phu Quoc Island is one of the most famous and popular resorts in Vietnam; its territory has a mountainous and wooded terrain, there are a large number of white sand beaches and fishing villages. The infrastructure is much better developed than on Monkey Island; You can get here by direct flight from Moscow, which became possible thanks to the construction of a new international airport.

The main attraction of Fukuoka is its unique nature; a significant part of the island is occupied by a protected national park. There is a dirt road through the jungle, so you can make an independent trip by first renting a motorcycle: the cost is in the range of 200,000-250,000 dong.

Beach holidays are most developed in the southern part of the city, but if you want privacy and peace, it is recommended to visit Bai Thom Beach, located on the east coast. A large diving center has also been built on the island; these places are popular among scuba diving enthusiasts due to the absence of sharks in local waters. This island is considered the most interesting in Vietnam. Here's video proof:

Hon Che Island or Vinpearl

Vinpearl is the largest island that can be reached from Nha Trang, this can be done in the following ways:

  1. Buy a ferry ticket departing to Vinpearl every half hour, cost 150,000-160,000 dong.
  2. To use a speedboat, the cost increases to 200,000-250,000 VND.
  3. Taking the longest cable car in the world will be a unique and unforgettable experience. Hotels and travel agencies in Nha Trang sell tickets to the Vinpearla amusement park, their price includes the cable car; cost from 500,000 dong.

The Winpearl Land amusement park includes:

  1. A five-star hotel that houses the largest Vietnamese spa center.
  2. The beach is 700 meters long, covered with white fine-grained sand.
  3. An amusement park that is available to vacationers even without registering at the hotel.
  4. An oceanarium where you can see more than 300 species of exotic fish and ocean predators.
  5. A water park with a wide variety of slides.

Orchid Island

You can go to Orchid Island from Nha Trang from the same port as to Monkey Island; ticket price is 140,000 dong.

The attractions and places you can visit here are discussed below:

  1. Daily shows featuring bears and elephants; they start at 11:00 and 14:00 if there are enough people who want to watch them. Any Vietnamese can show you the way from the beach to the desired location; a photo with bears costs 20,000 dong, and a ride on an elephant costs 140,000 dong. You can see spotted deer, boa constrictors, various parrots and ostriches, which you can also ride.
  2. There are waterfalls a 20-minute walk from the performance site; visiting them is free, but climbing the stone steps can be difficult for unprepared travelers.
    In the remaining time, it is recommended to stroll along the beaches and enjoy the beautiful scenery of the Orchid Island; It makes no sense to spend more than one day visiting and examining him.

You can get to Hon Tam Island from Nha Trang Pier; the cost of a round-trip ticket varies from 350,000 to 600,000 dong and depends on the season: in winter it is always higher. Boat traffic from the mainland ends at 16:00, and to the mainland from the island at 16:20.
All local beaches are narrow but clean; the sand here has a yellowish tint, and the sea water is slightly cloudy.

The coastline is equipped with sun loungers to increase the comfort of vacationers, but many tourists note that only the beach is clean, and a large amount of garbage often floats in the water. For this reason, a much more rational solution would be to enjoy the local scenery by just walking to the end of the beach and crossing onto the wooden bridges. You can use them to get to the entrance to the cave, as well as examine the statues encountered during the ascent.

It will not be possible to climb to the very top, nor will it be possible to visit other nearby beaches, since they are an area accessible only to vacationers of the local medical and health complex; Tourists who have purchased a ticket to the island are not allowed to enter.

Other types of recreation are available on Hon Tam Island:

  • Swimming in local pools.
  • Golfing, entry to the course is included in the ticket price to the island.
  • Visit to an ethnic village, which is actually several houses and souvenir shops, where you can see and try to play Vietnamese national musical instruments.

Hon Mun Island

Hon Mun Island will be of interest to diving enthusiasts, since there are a large number of underwater caves and coral reefs near it, near which you can observe the life and natural behavior of many underwater inhabitants. To do this, you will need to dive to a depth of 10-15 meters; exploring shallower areas will allow you to see more than 1,500 different exotic fish.

Below are approximate rates applicable on Hon Mun Island:

  1. Tourists who have never gone diving before can visit a local school. One lesson accompanied by a qualified instructor will cost 1,000,000-1,500,000 VND.
  2. You can get to Hon Mun from Nha Trang, tickets are sold in all tourist centers, the cost is 450,000 dong. This price includes meals on the island, equipment rental, transfer to the hotel and return travel.
  3. Tours run from 8:00 to 15:00. For 1,000,000 VND, you can book an individual excursion accompanied by a Russian-speaking guide, while lunch will include serving alcoholic drinks, and a more modern boat and high-quality equipment will be provided for the trip.
  4. - don’t forget to look at the calendar of low prices for neighboring dates. You can order a transfer from the airport to the hotel using an international service.

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