Refrigerated low temperature display case how to set 2 degrees. Setting up a refrigerated display case: adjusting the temperature. How to adjust refrigerated display cases

Today, the refrigerator is the main household appliance in most families. Without its proper functioning there will be neither delicious food nor family harmony. One of the most important factors in this sense is properly adjusted temperature. The more complex the technique, the more varied the settings and the greater the likelihood of making a mistake. How to avoid troubles and keep food fresh and healthy in the refrigerator?

If the temperature in the refrigerator is not set correctly

Most perishable foods stay fresh the longest at temperatures from +2 to +5. If the temperature regulator in the refrigerator is turned up too much, the food freezes, losing its beneficial properties. After defrosting, it quickly becomes unusable - you have to cook it in a hurry. If the refrigerator is too warm, bacteria begin to actively multiply in the food: fruits and vegetables rot, sausage and cheese become moldy, and juices begin to ferment.

High temperatures have an even more serious impact on frozen foods. A faulty temperature sensor in the freezer will turn fish or meat into a foul-smelling mass in a few hours.

Add to this the constant leakage of melted ice, as well as excess energy consumption, and it becomes clear why it is so important to properly regulate the temperature in the refrigerator. Unfortunately, not everyone even knows what the minimum and maximum operating temperatures are for the model in their kitchen. They turn the handle - it doesn’t freeze on the walls, it doesn’t drip into the pan - and thank God. How to do it right?

Optimal temperature in the refrigerator


Since the refrigerator compartment usually has a decent volume, heat is distributed unevenly throughout it. Much depends on where exactly the compressor is located and how the refrigeration unit is structurally designed. For some models, the cold zone is located closer to the top of the body, for others - in the middle part. The closer to the point of entry of cold air, the lower the temperature. To decide how to properly distribute food in the refrigerator compartment, let’s pay attention to the following facts:

At temperatures from +1 to +3 It is best to store meat, fish, chicken eggs, hard cheese, and mayonnaise in open packaging.

At temperatures from +2 to +4 Sausages and culinary products, soft cheeses are preserved longer.

At temperatures from +3 to +5 store soups, boiled vegetables, dairy products, bread.

For seafood, the most comfortable temperature is from +4 to +6 degrees. Fruits (with the exception of exotic ones - bananas, pineapples, etc., which are generally undesirable to store in the refrigerator) should be placed in the warmest place of the refrigerator, where the thermometer shows +6...+8 degrees.

Based on this, you can roughly estimate how the food set will be distributed according to your refrigerator model.

As for the freezer, don’t forget: frozen foods are stored equally at -18 degrees and at -25°C. Therefore, it is not at all necessary to chase the freezing power.

Adjusting the refrigerator temperature


Oddly enough, most people don’t even look at the instructions before turning on the refrigerator and adjust the temperature by randomly rotating the thermostat (in the case of electronic temperature control via an LCD display on expensive models, this procedure is still more correct). However, it is not always possible to make precise and correct adjustments. However, there are “folk” methods of control. Instead of trying to interpret arbitrary numbers on switches, it's better to check the air temperature with an outdoor thermometer. Place it in a glass of water, which you place in the center of the refrigerator. Check the temperature after a few hours. If it is higher than +4 degrees, feel free to turn the regulator towards cooling. If lower than 2-3 degrees, turn it in the opposite direction. Once you have stabilized the temperature within 3-4 degrees, place the thermometer between bags of frozen food in the freezer and wait a few hours. If the temperature is below -25°C, turn the temperature control up, if above -18°C, turn it down to lower the temperature.

How to regulate the temperature in different brands of refrigerators?


In modern units, it is possible to regulate the temperature of the freezer and refrigerator compartments separately, as well as of different compartments independently of each other. Let's look at the features of thermal regulation of models from leading manufacturers presented on the domestic market:

  • Gorenje— the temperature in the refrigerator is set by turning the regulator knob to a position between Max And Min. It is recommended to set the thermostat to position ECO. If the air temperature in the room where the refrigerator is installed is below 16 degrees, the manufacturer advises to unscrew the handle Max, and in the surrounding heat - vice versa.
  • Liebherr- electronic temperature control, in many models - separate regulation in the refrigerator and freezer compartments. There is a mode CoolPlus- a system that protects the refrigerator from temperature changes in the external environment. As soon as the air in the room becomes colder, the compressor of the device begins to work intermittently. SmartFreeze- a special cooling technology in which, due to active air circulation, it becomes possible to quickly freeze many kilograms of food at once. Super cooling and super fast freezing modes in the freezer.
  • Atlant— the temperature is regulated by turning the thermostat knob in both directions. There is a dial on it. The adjustment occurs on a seven-point scale: 0 - the compressor is turned off, 1 - the highest temperature, 7 - the lowest.
  • Samsung— the temperature is regulated using the control panel separately for the freezer and refrigerator compartments:
  1. cooling chamber: press the Fridge button to set the desired temperature in the range from +1 to +7 degrees. The default temperature is 3 degrees;
  2. freezer: a The temperature is set logically from -14 to -25 degrees. An accelerated freezing function is available, which is activated for 72 hours, after which the freezer returns to normal temperature conditions.
  • Bosch— the temperature is regulated similarly to the previous brand, there is also a super-cooling mode, available for 6 hours (the temperature quickly and evenly drops to +2 degrees, cooling the products just put in the refrigerator - as a result, those lying next to them do not have time to thaw).
  • Indesit— the temperature inside the refrigerator is automatically adjusted in accordance with the position of the thermostat knob: 1 - the warmest mode, 5 - the coldest mode.
  • LG- in many models, the temperature is controlled using the control panel separately for the freezer and refrigerator compartments.
  • Stinol— there are two independent regulators for a two-chamber unit. Five positions on both thermostats, super cooling mode available in the freezer.

How to identify incorrect temperature control in the refrigerator?

Most often, it manifests itself either in the form of a crust of snow and ice growing on the walls of the appliance (in addition to the unaesthetic appearance, “hypothermia” also increases the energy consumption of the refrigerator), or in the form of a puddle flowing into the pan, or even spilling onto the floor. Food begins to spoil faster than usual or loses moisture and dries out in one to two days. An unpleasant odor wafts through the refrigerator compartment. If you notice these symptoms, think about it: maybe it’s just that you didn’t take the time to read the instructions?
At the factory, the electronic unit of refrigerated display cases is set to the standard operating mode.

We adjust the electronic unit of the refrigerated display case in accordance with the climatic conditions and the goods stored in the display case. Gastronomy - sausages and cheeses. We will increase the duration and frequency of defrost time.

This is necessary to ensure that the evaporator does not become clogged with snow. We press and hold the SET button until the word CP lights up on it. We press the up arrow until dEF lights up. We press and hold the SET button again until diE lights up. Press the SET button - a number will appear, the default is 6. This is the defrosting frequency in hours. Use the down arrow to change the defrost frequency to 4 hours. Press the SET button. The display diE appears. Use the down arrow to find the dEE value. Press the SET button. The number 30 appears on the display, defrost time in minutes, factory default settings. Use the up arrow to increase this number to 40. Press the SET button and the fun button 2 times - the settings are saved and changed.

Refrigerated display cases, unlike classic refrigerators and chests, require adjustment of the temperature and operating mode. This is due to the fact that completely different products that require different temperatures can be stored in refrigerated display cases. To learn how to set up your refrigerated display case, read the instruction manual.

For meat and fish it is usually set to -2 degrees, for cakes and pastries +7, for vegetables and fruits +8 or more. Also, a lot depends on the humidity in the room and in the display case itself. Properly adjusted and configured, it allows products not to lose their presentation for several days, does not weather them, and does not itself become covered with drizzle and condensation.

Remember that refrigerated display cases are intended for temporary storage of products. This means that the goods in it should be changed regularly, and unsold ones should be sent to cabinets or chests for storage. Some devices, such as Cryspi freezer display cases, allow you to lower the temperature to -8 degrees during non-working hours, which significantly extends the shelf life of goods. But more often than not, such a function is the exception, not the rule.

How to adjust the temperature in a refrigerated display case

Refrigeration equipment is a complex system that must be set up and maintained by a professional. General information on setting the temperature mode is in the operating instructions. Be sure to read it before you begin. If something is unclear to you, it is better to contact a specialist - this will help avoid further expensive repairs.

Temperature setting and display programming occurs via the control unit. It is usually located at the bottom of the display case on the seller's side. Most modern models are configured via a remote control - from it you can set the operating temperature and operating modes. Setting up via the block requires qualification. Determine what temperature should be in your display case and set it from the remote control. The display case has its own thermometer, which shows the current temperature - the software and physical ones must match.

There are often cases when the actual and programmed temperatures differ from each other. This situation occurs due to contamination of the heat exchanger: it becomes covered with ice, dust, various debris and grease. It is necessary to monitor its cleanliness and do “general cleaning” of the display case at least once a month. Ariada freezer display cases have an automatic defrosting system - you need to connect a special drainage to them for proper operation. Other display cases simply need to be unplugged and washed with warm water and soda.

How to set the temperature in a refrigerated display case

The initial temperature adjustment will be carried out by a specially trained person after installation of the display case. Consult him about this process - usually there is nothing complicated about it. Raising and lowering the temperature from the remote control is generally done using one button (like the volume on a TV). Setting the temperature through the block is more difficult, since any error can lead to the program being reset. Also, the settings may be lost if there is a power outage while you are changing the program. In such cases, you will have to call a professional who will completely reprogram the device.

How to lower the temperature in a refrigerated display case

Sometimes situations arise when the temperature in the display case does not drop to the required level. Why is this happening? There can be many reasons - a damaged compressor, low pressure or refrigerant leak, the heat exchanger becoming clogged with ice or dirt, curtains that are not tightly closed. If the temperature does not drop to the required level, then defrost the display case, wash the heat exchanger thoroughly, remove dust from the external compressor, and clean the grooves along which the curtains run. If this does not help, then reduce the temperature via the remote control by a few degrees and see if it decreases in the display case. If yes, then just leave it as is. If not, call a specialist.

Setting up a refrigerated display case allows you to set the necessary temperature and humidity characteristics and adapt the equipment for storing certain food products with a limited shelf life. Errors in the operation of display cases can lead to malfunctions, additional financial costs, product damage and losses. Effective operation of a display refrigerator is the key to maintaining the freshness of goods. Temperature settings are necessary during the initial installation of equipment, after repairs, in the event of a power outage and program failure.

Installation and adjustment of the refrigeration unit

When installing a refrigerated display case, it is important to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations, setup instructions, take into account the climatic operating conditions, the degree of loading of the chamber, and design features. It is wiser to entrust the first setup of the equipment to the experienced specialists of the Avangard Service company, who are familiar with all the technical features and have experience in eliminating errors and malfunctions, installing and servicing units from different manufacturers. When installing a refrigerator, it is important to pay special attention to temperature control. How to set up a refrigerated display case?

How to choose a temperature mode?

Different foods require specific storage temperatures. To learn how to configure the equipment for individual operating conditions, it is recommended that you read the manufacturer's instructions. Refrigerated display cases are a complex installation, the adjustment of which is best left to professionals. If something is not clear to you, it is better to contact experienced technicians to avoid equipment breakdown, since any errors can reset the set program.

To store meat and fish products, a temperature of minus 2 degrees is required, for confectionery products - +7, for vegetables and fruits - +8. The correct temperature and humidity conditions protect food from chapping, condensation, ice, loss of freshness and original appearance.

How can I adjust the temperature in my display refrigerator to ensure it runs efficiently and smoothly? To set the parameters, you must use the control unit, which is usually located at the bottom of the refrigerator. It is this element that is responsible for regulating the temperature inside the sealed chamber.

If the electronic control unit fails, the unit's on and off cycles are disrupted, which can ultimately lead to food spoilage.

Setting the temperature regime of display refrigerators

Manufacturers initially set the refrigerator at the factory to standard operating mode. If you need to adjust the temperature inside the display case in accordance with the products stored in it, it is recommended to use the instructions with which the equipment is supplied to consumers. Setting up the refrigerator should begin by checking the voltage.

Most modern modifications are configured via a remote control, which allows you to set the optimal operating mode. Check with the built-in thermometer whether the actual and programmed temperatures match. If you observe discrepancies in the readings, this indicates contamination of the heat exchanger. This situation may arise due to the formation of ice, condensation, dust and debris. Maintaining cleanliness, maintenance and monthly general cleaning will extend the life of the equipment, avoid distortion of temperature readings and product spoilage.

Refrigerated display cases Ariada and a number of other models have an automatic defrosting system and drainage, which facilitates the operation of refrigeration equipment. To service other modifications, you will need to disconnect them from the power supply and carry out wet cleaning using soda.

If the compressor does not start, the refrigerator works but does not freeze, the chamber sweats, then this indicates a malfunction of the cooling display case, for which it is recommended to contact experienced technicians.

Controller programming

Setting up equipment through the control unit requires certain qualifications and knowledge. To program the controller on a refrigerated display case, you should use the help of professionals.

This element is responsible for the following parameters:

    frequency of defrosting;

    fan stop temperature;

    defrost duration;

    operating temperature and humidity conditions;

    temperature for defrosting and other nuances.

If the temperature of the display case does not drop to the required level, this may indicate a malfunction of the compressor, a refrigerant leak, icing of the heat exchanger, poor insulation, or low pressure. If the temperature does not drop, it is recommended to disconnect the equipment from the power supply to defrost and clean it.

The refrigerated display case Polyus Eco is suitable for indoor use in the temperature range from +12 to +25 degrees and humidity no more than 60 percent. Installation and configuration of this type of equipment is carried out only by qualified specialists.

Experienced specialists of the Avangard Service company will provide qualified assistance in professionally setting up equipment for any type of food products in accordance with the needs of your enterprise and environmental conditions, which will extend the life of the equipment and ensure optimal storage conditions for products.

A refrigeration unit is a system that requires monthly inspection, adjustment, and serious maintenance. After all, one single mistake can cost more than just calling a technician.

Features of the refrigeration unit

Each refrigeration unit has its own characteristics, mode and equipment. But if you have no other choice, and you decide to install the unit yourself, you will definitely need:

  • professional consultation;
  • instructions;
  • Control block.

Refrigerated display cases have specific design features that are significantly influenced by various factors: dirt, debris and dust. Therefore, the space near the display case between the ribs after some time becomes clogged with dust and dirt, which causes the device to fail.

To prevent this from happening, you must strictly follow the instructions for this device. There are instructions for use, as well as for setting up refrigeration chambers. Experts recommend following them carefully: all points of the instructions must be completed in the correct order, according to the document. It is better to carry out the first setup with a professional or under his clear guidance. Read the instructions carefully and make notes for yourself.

Refrigeration electronics

The electronics unit of a refrigeration unit is very important, because its smooth operation depends on it. The block is located under the bottom (on the left) of the installation. Maintaining the temperature in the refrigerated display case depends on it, turning off and turning on the refrigeration unit in a timely manner. Now they can be controlled and configured using a remote control, which is usually included with the kit. Without a remote control, adjust the refrigerator compartment by adjusting the block.

The electronic unit of the refrigerated display case is configured at the factory. Standard modes are installed there. Self-adjustment is necessary when it is important to set the temperature of the refrigerated display case in accordance with the conditions for storing goods and the climate. If the refrigerated display case is intended for storing cheeses and sausages, you need to increase the frequency and duration of defrosting. This way the evaporator will not become clogged with snow.

Remember, when starting the setup, check the voltage in the network, because its fluctuations can ruin all your efforts - then you will no longer be able to do without a specialist.

Setting up a refrigerated display case yourself is a very responsible and painstaking job that requires high professionalism, clarity and increased attention in the work.

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