Guest mode Samsung. How to enable guest mode


To carry out all the steps described below, you will need administrator rights. In the “Control Panel”, double-click to expand the “Accounts...” icon and click on the guest “account”. In the new window, follow the link “Deactivate your account...”.

Right-click on the “My Computer” icon to open a drop-down menu. Check the "Manage" option and select the "Local Users" snap-in on the left side of the management console window.

In the right half of the window, open the “Users” folder and right-click on the “Guest” entry. In the drop-down menu, select “Properties” and check the “Disable account” checkbox. recording" Click OK for the ban to take effect. If you try to use the Delete command from the drop-down menu, the system will report that an error has occurred.

There is another way to open the management console window. In the “Control Panel”, double-click on the “Administrative Tools” node, then on the “Computer Management” icon.

Open the program launch window using the Win+R hotkey combination or select the “Run” option from the “Start” menu and enter the command lusrmgr.msc. In the management console window, expand the Users folder.

Expand Administrative Tools in Control Panel, then double-click the Local Security Policy icon. In the management console, select the Local Policies snap-in and expand the Security Settings folder.

In the list of policies, find the item “Accounts: Guest account status” and right-click on it. Check "Properties" and move the radio button to the "Disable" position.

To disable your account recording"Guest" in versions XP Home Edition, Vista Home Basic and Vista Home Premium, go into safe mode using the account recording y "Administrator". To do this, after turning on the computer, wait for the POST sound signal and press F8.

In the boot options menu, use the Up and Down navigation keys to select Safe Mode and press Enter. Answer “Yes” to the question about continuing to work in this mode. After the system boots, disable the account recording guest one of the methods suggested above.


  • How to log out of the Guest account and log in to yours, previously

The concept of “guest” on the Internet can be considered in different contexts. The Windows operating system is designed for multiple users, each of whom creates their own account. To delete a Guest account, you need to follow a number of specific steps. And to block access to unwanted “ guests"in any of the social networks, there is also its own algorithm.

You will need

  • Access to the Internet.


A guest account is created to provide temporary user access to the computer. A person logged in as a “Guest” does not have the right to install hardware or software, create a password, or change settings. Since the Guest account allows users to log in and surf the Internet, it is recommended that it be disabled (unless this option is used).

Go to “Control Panel” through the “Start” menu. Open the pages of the User Accounts service, which manages and configures the above settings in the Windows operating system. The window of this service displays all available operating system accounts.

Select the user account you want to disable. Click on its icon. Your account settings will open. To disable a user, you must click on the “Delete account” link.

The overwhelming number of users who spend time on the Internet and have a personal device based on the iOS, Android and Windows operating systems prefer to choose Google Chrome. And this is not surprising - given the fact that every year more and more customers prefer this particular browser.

Its main advantage is that importing bookmarks and other browser data across different platforms takes a matter of minutes. Viewed pages and downloaded files are not saved in the browsing history - this will be useful for those users who work in an Internet cafe or at work on someone else's computer.

If a previous user uses a phone or computer with Google Chrome installed, the latter will have access to all saved passwords. You can also change the settings using the application. You may want to make a couple of changes, as there are many options and plenty to choose from.

Before leaving the establishment, enable guest mode in Google Chrome - this will allow other users to use the application without having to reset the browser settings and set a new value according to personal preferences. To reset your browser settings, follow these steps:

  1. In the upper right corner of your browser window, click the Chrome menu icon.
  2. Click Settings.
  3. Select "Show advanced settings."
  4. Reset your browser settings by clicking on the corresponding button.
  5. Click "Reset" in the dialog box that will be available a couple of seconds after steps 1-5 are completed.
  6. The setup is complete. Now all themes and extensions will be disabled.

How to activate guest mode - read below.

Windows and Mac

Beginners will be able to figure out without any problems what actions need to be performed to activate guest mode. Follow these steps:

  1. Launch the Google Chrome app ( / MAC).
  2. Click on the current user button in the top right corner of the browser (your name, email address or icon).
  3. Select Change User.
  4. Click "Enter Guest Mode" in the lower left corner of the dialog box.

In incognito mode on your computer, cookies and browsing history are not saved. At the same time, the user has access to autofill data, passwords, bookmarks, browsing history and other settings. In guest mode on your computer, cookies and browsing history are not saved. Additionally, the guest cannot see the Chrome profile that belongs to the computer owner.


  1. Launch the application.
  2. Click on the menu button with the image of three vertical dots in the upper right corner.
  3. Select Settings.
  4. Select your Google account name and email address at the top of the screen.
  5. Select "Manage Accounts".
  6. Select "Use Chrome". The process of synchronizing Chrome data on iOS with your Google account will stop. Now you can delete bookmarks or any other browser data and quit.
  7. Once the other user is done, you can restore all your data and sign back into your Google account. To do this, follow steps 1-5, and then select your Google account or click “Add another account” and the “sign in” icon.


  1. Launch the application.
  2. Press the button? (vertical square icon).
  3. Select Settings.
  4. Select your Google account name and email address at the top of the screen.
  5. Click on the blue button to turn off synchronization. The process of synchronizing data with your Google account will be paused. Now you can start working from the very beginning, if necessary, using the Google Chrome program; all settings on other devices will be saved.
  6. To disable guest mode, just quickly enable synchronization by following steps 1-4. Then tap the button at the top of the screen to re-enable syncing.

Hello again everyone. Today we will talk about such a feature as guest mode. What it is? How to enable and disable it? How to enter it. And what is the difference between it and incognito mode.

Suppose your work colleague came to you and asked your permission to use the browser for a short time. But give access to your bookmarks, history, etc. You do not want. In such situations, guest mode will help you. The browser in this form hides all your data from prying eyes. At the same time, all the actions of your guest will also not leave any trace on your computer (neither, nor, nor).

How to enable or disable guest mode in Google Chrome

Enabling and disabling this mode is done in the browser settings. To do this, go to the main menu of the browser, then select the item “ Settings»

Then in the “Users” settings group, see if the “ Allow guest browsing" If it is, then you have Guest mode enabled. In order to disable it, you just need to uncheck this box.

How to enter and exit guest mode

If you set your browser to , then to the left of the close and minimize buttons your name or this icon will be displayed (if you are not synchronized)

Click on it or your name and select “ Guest»

A new browser window will immediately open, but in guest mode, in which your guest, friend or employee can perform the necessary actions on the Internet. However, it will not have access to your bookmarks, history and other Google Chrome settings.

To exit this mode, click on " Guest" and then to " Quit guest mode»

At first glance, guest mode is very similar to . In both cases, the browser does not store any traces of your Internet activity in your computer’s memory. However, they differ. In incognito mode, the user has access to all previously created bookmarks and autofills.

Attention. All these modes - guest and incognito - hide data only from us, ordinary users. In fact, all our actions on the Internet in these modes are available to the owners of the sites we visited, your Internet provider, and even your boss, provided that you use a browser at work.

That's all for today. We got acquainted with the guest mode, learned how to turn it on and off, how to log in and out of it. Have you ever used this function? Write about it in the comments. See you!

You cannot achieve absolute happiness without experiencing grief.

It often happens that you let someone use your smartphone for a while. But it is unknown what a person will do with your smartphone, which may well contain your personal data, passwords, correspondence on social networks, etc. In general, there is a lot of different information that I would not want other people to know. Of course, you can set a password for various applications, but starting with Android 5.0, developers have offered an elegant solution to the problem. Guest mode. What is it and why is it needed, read below.

Guest mode - what is it?

Guest mode allows you to configure a list of what the so-called “ guest" Let's say you allow your son to play only certain games, and access to other applications, contacts, and SMS are automatically blocked. For each guest, you can configure a specific list of applications that he can log into.

This way, you don't have to set passwords for each application and then enter them yourself every time. Switch to guest mode and give your smartphone to someone and no longer worry about the safety of your personal data!

How to enable guest mode?

This function is only available starting from version Android 5.0 Lolipop. If you have a smaller version, these instructions will not help you.

  1. Open the notification panel and double-tap your avatar in the top right corner;
  2. Afterwards you will see three icons: “ Your Google Account», « Add a guest" And " Add user" Click on the second button;
  3. Choose which guest will log into your phone: new or permanent. If you have selected a new guest, then when you exit it, all the data that was saved in it is deleted, but if it is permanent, it is not.
  4. Congratulations, you have switched to guest mode.

To exit guest mode, repeat step 1, and when completing the second step, click on the icon with your Google account.

Setting up guest mode

Each user can configure for a specific guest a list of applications or actions that he can do in guest mode.

For example, you can allow it to make calls or send SMS. To do this, go to " Settings» -> « Users", select an existing guest, click on his settings button and select " Allow calls and SMS sending».

There you can also configure other things that the guest can do.

Guest mode programmatically

If you have an Android version less than 5.0, then you can set up guest mode using a third-party program. The principle of the program is that you need to set a password or graphic key for any action, but the program is easily customizable and there is an option not to enter a password every time. In addition, you can set up a block not only for launching a program, but also for certain actions, for example, blocking the purchase of content in the Play Market. Well, it is possible to create profiles, thus for each profile you can configure your own list of allowed actions.

Hello friends! Today I decided to tell you about how to enable guest account in windows 7. Immediately after installing the seven, by default only one account is loaded, the computer administrator account. With which you can install programs and change operating system settings. Of course, if you want to limit access to your computer, then you can, or.

But what will your friends and relatives think about you, whom you don’t even allow to log into VKontakte? They will think that you are a redneck, maybe harshly, but that's how it is :). And then they will gossip that you have something very personal stored on your computer, since you deny them access to your computer.

Therefore, in order to prevent your computer from becoming too clogged and to avoid appearing evil and greedy, the easiest way is to create another account with limited parameters. More precisely, you don’t even need to create anything, such an account already exists in Windows 7 and it’s called "Guest". It is simply disabled and now I will tell you how to enable it. And you can set a password for your administrator account, as I have already written about how to do this, and the link to the article is above.

How to enable Guest account in Windows 7?

Open “Start” and click on the picture of your account.

A window will open in which you can manage user accounts. Choose “Manage another account”.

As you can see, the Guest account is disabled. Click on it, now let's activate it.

We get to a page where they ask us “Enable guest account?”. Click “Enable”.

That's it, now the guest account is enabled, and when you turn on the computer, you can choose which account to log in under, administrator or guest.

How do I disable a guest account?

If you suddenly need to disable a guest account, then log in as Administrator and select the guest account. Then click “Disable Guest Account”.

By logging in under a guest account, the user will not be able to access protected folders, and he will also not be able to make any settings, which is what needed to be achieved. You can create such a record, for example, for children, so that they are less likely to meddle in unnecessary places, otherwise they’ll set it up in such a way that you’ll end up holding your head :).

Good luck friends, I hope my advice is useful to you.

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Enable the Guest account in Windows 7 updated: January 12, 2015 by: admin