Russian Post Hotline. Free 24/7 Russian Post hotline - help desk

Only the lazy in our country did not speak negatively about such an organization as Russian Post. Such reviews often lead to real complaints: almost 40% of all complaints sent to Roskomnadzor are related to this organization. Of course, in justification we can say that this is the largest postal network that we inherited from the Soviet past, but this statement can be countered - many simply do not know where to complain about Russian Post. We’ll talk about this in more detail in the article.

Method one - online complaint

For those who do not know where to complain about Russian Post, but actively use the Internet, we advise you to send an email.

In the “public reception” on the organization’s official website, it is possible to send a complaint, as they say, without leaving your computer. To do this, you will have to fill out a short form on the website, which will include the following information:

    Last name, first name, patronymic.

    Return email address.

  • Subject of the appeal.
  • The text itself, which contains the claims.

Before you write, we advise you to first weigh everything well, think it over, and then start writing a complaint. Under no circumstances should you write on emotions. When drawing up a complaint, you must be guided by the general rules for drawing up documents. The service also limits the number of characters - no more than 2000, so it is better to succinctly but convincingly state the essence of the problem without insults or threats. Otherwise, you may run into unpleasant legal proceedings.

Where else can you complain about Russian Post?

Hotline - method two

If you don’t have the Internet at hand, but want to solve problems peacefully, so to speak, pre-trial, you can call the hotline 8-800-2005-888. Calls within Russia are free from any type of device. Whenever possible, managers try to resolve the situation and find a way out of the current problem.

In addition, you can ask the employees themselves where to complain about Russian Post (we indicated the telephone number). We are sure that after such a question they will try to help you.

Method three - letter to the company's central office

Those who want to give their appeal more serious intentions can write an official complaint to the company’s central office: Moscow, Varshavskoe Shosse, 37. Postal code: 131000.

An official appeal to the main office will tell the company that it has serious intentions to move on if the problem is not resolved.

All three methods are attempts to bilaterally resolve a controversial situation. Next, we will look at the question of where to complain about Russian Post. Roskomnadzor, the prosecutor's office, Rospotrebnadzor - these are the possible options.

Complaint to Roskomnadzor

All postal organizations in Russia are controlled by Roskomnadzor. You can apply to this body through the official government services portal, if, of course, you are registered there.

If not, you can send an official letter to the central office at the address: Moscow, Kitaygorodsky proezd, 7, 2. Postal code: 109074.

Most likely, the appeal will go from there to the local branches of the region’s regulatory authority, but in any case, citizens are warned about this.

Thus, the main regulatory body where to complain about Russian Post when parcels hang is Roskomnadzor.

Complaint to the prosecutor's office

In case of various problems with Russian Post, you need to write when other regulatory authorities have not helped. Or rather, it is necessary to complain specifically against them for inaction and, in a separate paragraph, ask the prosecutor’s office to sort out the situation with Russian Post.

No special legal knowledge is required when writing an application to this regulatory body. It is enough to state the essence of the problem in a reasoned and detailed manner, attaching, if possible, the necessary evidence (receipts, checks, notifications, parcel track numbers, etc.).

Where to complain about Russian Post for rudeness

Unfortunately, there are often cases when Russian Post employees are rude to their clients. Of course, management claims that they are struggling with this problem, but the actions of employees do not reduce the number of dissatisfied citizens.

Of course, you can understand the people working there: very heavy workloads, grandmothers constantly ask questions, forms are spoiled due to the fault of clients, low wages - but all this does not give the right to be rude to clients.

To the question of where to complain about Russian Post, or rather, about a specific employee who was rude to you, we will answer:

  1. To Rospotrebnadzor. In this case, this is the competence of this particular regulatory body, since the person who comes to the post office is a consumer, a client, and his relations with employees are regulated by the Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”.
  2. To the prosecutor's office. But in cases of rudeness, we do not recommend contacting this government agency. As a rule, in this case, you can receive a reply with the wording “your application has been verified and is not required.” This means they read your application, but that's the end of it.
  3. To court. You can file a claim to compensate for moral damages from the incompetent actions of an employee who was rude to the client.

Types of compensation

Few people know, but there is a special law on postal services, as well as rules according to which you can receive compensation. They are of different nature:

  • Property - for violating the deadlines for sending postal items and money transfers. For this, compensation is provided in the amount of 3 percent of the service tariff for each day of delay.
  • Moral - for violation of the rules of service and rudeness on the part of employees of an organization called Russian Post. The amount is determined by the court, therefore, it is impossible to do without a qualified statement of claim.

Deadlines for responding to written requests from citizens

We hope it has become clear where to complain about Russian Post.

Now let’s look at such an important topic as the timing of responses to written requests (complaints) from citizens. As for the official complaint to the Russian Post organization itself, upon receipt of it, the company has 15 days, during which they must conduct an internal audit and/or punish those responsible or refuse to consider it, citing a specific reason. In exceptional cases, this period may be extended by another 15 days, but the applicant must be notified of such a decision, as well as its reasons. This is the first stage of pre-trial proceedings.

As for written appeals to government bodies: the prosecutor's office, Rospotrebnadzor, Roskomnadzor, they all fall under the Federal Law “On Written Appeals from Citizens”.

According to the law, the supervisory authority must review, verify and make a decision on the official application within 30 days.

Within the first 10 days, an official explanation must come from the government agency about whether the complaint will be checked or whether it will be left without action. During this time, regulatory authorities request the basic necessary documents and contact the other side of the conflict.

After 30 days from the moment of registration of the citizen’s application, government agencies must finally understand the situation and send a response. In exceptional cases, this period may be extended by another 30 days. In this case, the applicant is notified of the decision and the reasons therefor.

When collaborating with any bank and any financial institution, regardless of the purpose for which the client goes there, be it obtaining a loan, opening a deposit account or creating a bank card, most consumers systematically have certain questions. They may relate to the use of services, or may arise due to the emergence of any problems, but, of course, these issues must be resolved directly by the banks and financial institutions whose clients are the interested parties. For this purpose, most companies create contact centers and support services, where employees of the organization are ready to provide answers to their clients to any questions.

This trend has not bypassed a fairly new participant in the Russian banking industry, PJSC Pochta Bank. And today we want to talk about the operators of Pochta Bank, about how to “reach out” to them to receive high-quality and detailed advice.

How to contact the Pochta Bank operator by phone

Perhaps the most comfortable way to communicate with the operator of the Pochta Bank contact center is a direct phone call. With this approach, you can most accurately pose the question, describe the problem and receive a concise, accessible answer. It is for this purpose that PJSC organized a specialized contact center where all bank clients can receive advice. It is important to emphasize that all calls to the bank’s contact center are offered to customers of all cellular and landline telephone operators absolutely free of charge.

You can call the Pochta Bank contact center at .

The call is free throughout the country. As for the call center's operating hours, it operates from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. local time.

"Pochta Bank" - operator number for calling abroad

In addition to clients staying on the territory of the Russian Federation, Russian Post Bank also made sure that clients located abroad had the opportunity to clarify the required questions or solve possible problems using the bank’s services in the contact center. For this purpose, a separate operator number for foreign subscribers was launched.

You can reach the contact center by phone +74955321300.

The use of "+7" is mandatory.

Contact the Pochta Bank operator through the form on the website

If your question that you want to put to a bank support service employee is not urgent, and you do not want to waste time waiting for an available operator, the organization offers its clients the opportunity to ask a question through the feedback form on the website. To do this, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Visit the bank's official website at
  2. In the main menu, click on the “Help” button.
  3. Scroll down the page that opens to the bottom and find the feedback form.
  4. In the form, please indicate your full name, contact phone number, email address, and actual residential address.
  5. From the drop-down list, select the most appropriate topic for your message.
  6. Describe the essence of the request in the “Message text” field.
  7. Click on the “Submit” button, which will become active after entering all the required data.

After reviewing your application, the relevant Pochta Bank specialists will contact you to provide advice.

Contact the Pochta Bank operator via a call back from the website

Another excellent communication option for those clients who do not want to wait in line to call a call center operator is to use the feedback order form. It is also available on the Pochta Bank website and to initiate the procedure for ordering a call, you should follow these steps:

  1. Visit the official website of Russian Post Bank.
  2. On the home page, find the “Contact Us” hyperlink. It is marked in red and is located at the top right of the page.
  3. Hover over the hyperlink or click on it if you are using a touch screen gadget.
  4. Click on the “Order a call back” button in the window that appears.
  5. On the next page, enter the following information:
  • Subject of appeal;
  • E-mail address;
  • Client's full name;
  • Contact phone number.
  1. Using a special slider, select the range of the most convenient time to contact the contact center operator. For example, from 10:00 to 17:00.
  2. Click on the “Order a call” button. It will become active if all fields are filled out correctly.

Please note that return calls are made by the bank’s contact center from 8 am to 10 pm Moscow time.

Contact the Pochta Bank operator via a call from the website

The last, but no less convenient way to contact Russian Post Bank support is to call directly from the official website. You can reach the contact center by following these steps:

  1. Visit the bank's official website.
  2. Hover over the “Contact Us” hyperlink.
  3. Click on the “Call from website” button.
  4. If the system asks you for permission to access the microphone, grant it all necessary permissions.
  5. Wait for the connection and ask all your questions to the operator.

These were all available methods of communication with the Pochta Bank operator.

The official operator of the Russian postal network is the state company Russian Post. With its help, more than half of postal items, parcels, and letters are delivered.

Problems arising in connection with contacting the company are resolved by contacting the Russian Post hotline.

Russian Post hotline phone number

The Russian Post hotline number is 8-800-200-58-88.

Free hotline of Russian Post

The free Russian hotline operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week and seven days a week.

By calling 8-800-200-58-88, the operator will offer the client to use the following functions by dialing numbers in tone mode:

  1. The queue at the post office is more than 5 people long. After entering the post office number, the system notifies the head of the post office about the complaint.
  2. Obtaining information about the movement of mail. After entering the track, the system tracks the location of the parcel, letter, parcel.
  3. Information about the work schedule of the post office.
  4. Information on money transfers.
  5. Other consultations.

The indicated number is the number of the Cooll-center, so consultation will be provided quickly and fully.

Hotline for monitoring the quality of service and leaving complaints

You can file a complaint through the company’s website through the “Public Reception” menu. To do this, fill out a small form for the applicant, a return email address to which a response will be sent, the subject of the complaint and the text of the appeal. You can send a complaint to an email address.

Additionally, you can file a complaint through an online consultant via a mobile application by writing to the company’s email [email protected]

Postal Tracing Line

Checking of missing mail items is carried out through the company's website. First of all, the status of the shipment is checked by the track number:

If this is not possible, then you must submit an application to search for the shipment through the company’s website in the “Electronic Messages” section.

The “Electronic Messages” function allows you to request reference information, formulate claims to search for postal items in Russia and abroad, and evaluate the work of post offices and their employees.

Receiving Electronic Registered Letters will free the user from notifications from government agencies on paper. This function currently only works in a few regions of the Russian Federation.

What can you find out over the phone?

Users of postal services use the hotline to resolve the following issues:

  • Compliance with delivery deadlines for letters and parcels.
  • Maintaining the safety of postal items.
  • Non-delivery of parcels to the addressee.
  • Appeals to improve the quality of service, filing complaints.
  • Clarification of the delivery status of a parcel or registered letter.
  • Obtaining reference information.

In what cases will support not be able to help?

Operators cannot always provide the necessary full consultation to the client. If the notification of delivery of a registered letter is lost, it is impossible to duplicate it, since it contains the signature of the recipient.

If the requirements for package packaging are not met, the operator will not help with reimbursement if the contents of the package are lost.

Other methods of communication

In addition to calling by phone, the company offers additional communication methods:

Mobile app

For convenient and effective interaction with customers, the company has developed a mobile application for Russian Post.

It has the following functions:

  • Tracking of shipments and delivery of notifications about the status of shipments.
  • Arranging for delivery of a parcel or package to your home.
  • Information about the amount of cash on delivery and other fees.
  • Storing and adding sent messages, letters, parcels, parcels. Adding is possible using a barcode.
  • Contains information about all post offices, addresses, telephone numbers, and work schedules.
  • Communication with operators using online chat.
  • Search index by address.

You can download the application from Google Play, App Store.

Chat on the Russian Post website

The user can also start his own topic in the chat on the site. Using the electronic assistant, you can track your mail, find out the office hours, and get answers to your questions.


A convenient way to contact the company is to send a request to the email address [email protected]. The answer will be sent to the user's email.

Operator competence

The communication provided through the official website with users of postal services is designed to increase the qualitative and quantitative efficiency of the company. The gradual reorientation of the organization from a public service to a commercial company allows us to improve the quality of customer service and provide a high level of user support.

The operator will provide advice on working with your personal account, ways to track tracks, and provide information about all post offices.

If, after consultation with the operator, the client does not receive comprehensive information, he can file a complaint through the company’s website.

Russian Post Hotline

One of the oldest enterprises in Russia is the post office. Throughout its history, it has served more than millions of people. Post offices can be found in every corner of the country, both in a large metropolis and in a small village. It should be noted that previously postal services were very long and tedious. After sending a parcel or letter, you often had to wait a long time. Now everything has changed! The use of electronic devices and the introduction of the latest technologies allows us to provide all services very quickly and efficiently. For example, you can send an email. And this is due to the fact that almost every post office in Russia is equipped with a computer that has Internet access. Moreover, starting in 2006, the Russian Post Office began operating a “Hotline”. For what purpose was it created?

Hotline – a helper or a useless function?

The main goal of creating a hotline was to increase the quality of services in dealing with citizens' requests. At the same time, as stated by officials, the Russian Post hotline should not just provide answers to questions from citizens of the country, but improve the activities of the postal service and at the same time eliminate the causes of claims regarding emerging conflicts. As a result, the Russian Post hotline must promptly respond to user requests in the field of postal services. Years later, this service began to operate in all branches of Russia. So, by calling the Russian Post hotline, you can expect from the service operator that he will be able to resolve any issue, namely:

  • If the deadlines for delivery or passage of parcels, letters, etc. were not met.
  • If the mail has violated security or damaged the parcel/letter.
  • If shortages or theft are detected.
  • If you need to search for a postal item.
  • If you would like to submit an application or appeal to improve the quality of service.
  • The hotline will provide you with information on the postal codes of any Russian post office.
  • Find out the delivery status if the letter was sent first class.
  • Find out the opening hours of a particular branch.
  • Find out/clarify the delivery status at the cost of a parcel or parcel.

So, as can be seen from all of the above, through the Russian Post hotline function you can solve a wide range of issues and problems. You can file a complaint without feeling vulnerable. The hotline will allow you to restore justice, especially if you know and are confident that you are right.

Search of postal items and quality control

Thanks to the development of technology, today you have the opportunity to find your mail and carry out quality control without any problems. How? For example, you can use the services of a hotline or the official website of the Russian Post. It has a tab “types of quality control”. The measures by which full control of the quality of postal services is carried out are fully listed here. Moreover, on the official website of the post office you will find out where to go and what exactly to do if the shipment is delayed, if harm or damage was caused or if the delivery was not carried out at all. You can partially resolve some issues using the hotline, but you will have to come directly to the branch you specified.

The post office is still in demand!

Although today more and more people give preference to new types of possible deliveries, thanks to the development of digital technologies and communications, Russian post is in great demand. This is mainly due to the fact that the post office itself strives to improve the quality of the services provided. Using it, you can send things or other items to your friends and relatives. To do this, you need to fill out a simple application form at any Russian post office. In this case, the dimensions and weight of the item being sent do not play any role. And you can do this without much worry, because cases of lost parcels are a thing of the past. Now through the official website of the Russian Post you can track the path of your parcel. Moreover, if necessary, you have the opportunity to contact the hotline, where the operator will provide you with only reliable and accurate information. So, on what principle does the modern Russian postal service work?

At the time of registration of your parcel, with which its value is necessarily informed, an identifier or unique number is assigned. After delivery and registration of the cargo, the client receives a check. This individual number is indicated on it. As a result, using this code you can control the work of Russian Post, namely the dispatch and delivery times. And if you notice non-compliance with the contract services, then you have a reason to contact the hotline operator. Moreover, you can control the delivery process at any time of the day. This code or item identification number consists of fourteen digits. And to see exactly where your parcel is located, you just need to enter these numbers in the appropriate section on the official website of the Russian Post, which is known as “Post tracking”. Here you will also receive the necessary information on international shipments of your parcel. But the information will be available to you only if your cargo has not yet left the territory of Russia. To track cargo abroad, an international identifier is used, which consists of thirteen digits, of which nine are numbers and four letters. As for tariffs, delivery times and money transfers, you can find out both on the official website of the Russian Post and from the hotline operator.

Thanks to the created function - hotline - each user has equal opportunities to receive quality service. Contact the hotline operator, who is ready to provide completely objective and reliable information on all questions you may have.

In addition to Internet access and a free hotline at the post office, you can subscribe to periodicals, receive a postal order, send a parcel and buy holiday cards. Not long ago, Russian Post introduced the service of sending letters “First Class” to improve the quality of services.

Free hotline number of Russian Post

By hotline number you can find out the index of Russian Post branches, the delivery status of first class letters, and check opening hours. Contact the operators to clarify the delivery status of parcels and valuable parcels. We advise you to write down this support line number, you will definitely need it!

The most popular hotline numbers!