Gmail won't sync on android. How to enable Google account synchronization on Android

Synchronizing your Google account on your Android smartphone is a very convenient feature. Thanks to it, some of the important information from the smartphone is stored on Google servers, and if you switch to a new smartphone, this information can be quickly restored.

For example, a list of contacts. If you use account synchronization, then after switching to a new smartphone, your contact list will appear on it in just a minute and you will not have to manually re-enter all phone numbers.

In this material you will learn how to enable and configure Google account synchronization on your Android smartphone or tablet.

After you have selected a Google account, you will see synchronization settings for this account. Here you can enable or disable synchronization for many services, including the Chrome web browser, Gmail, Google Keep notes and much more. To enable synchronization, move the switches opposite the desired services to the “Enabled” position.

If you want account synchronization to begin immediately, you can click on the button in the upper right corner of the screen and select the “Synchronize” option in the menu that opens.

This will start synchronizing all selected services with your Google account. If synchronization still does not work, then you need to check your Internet access.

If you do not enable Google account synchronization on Android, then you can forget about such a convenient feature as accessing contacts from any device with Internet access or creating a backup copy of data.

This article is suitable for all brands that produce phones on Android 9/8/7/6: Samsung, HTC, Lenovo, LG, Sony, ZTE, Huawei, Meizu, Fly, Alcatel, Xiaomi, Nokia and others. We are not responsible for your actions.

Reasons why Google and Android synchronization fails

Enable Google synchronization with Android

To understand the synchronization settings, you first need to know where to enable this feature.

  1. Go to "Settings".
  2. Open the “Accounts” section (“Personal data”, “Accounts”).
  3. If you don't have a Google account inside, you need to add one. You can create a new account or add data from an existing Google profile - login and password.
  4. Click on the added account to open its settings.
  5. To enable synchronization, move the switches next to the necessary services - contacts, Google Play Music, Google Fit, Google Photos, etc.
  6. To start synchronization right now, call up the additional menu and select “Synchronize” in it.


By default, app data, calendar, and contacts are synced. If you want to automatically synchronize photos with the Google server, you will have to install the Google Photos application. In its settings there is an item “Startup and synchronization”, after activation of which the photos will be sent to cloud storage.

Automatic photo syncing will continue to work even after you delete Google Photos. To disable it, you need to go to the application settings and move the “Startup and synchronization” switch to the inactive position.


Additional manipulations will also be needed to synchronize mail from the Gmail application. In order for data to be sent to the server, you need to check the “Gmail synchronization” checkbox in the client settings. If mail synchronization does not work, clearing the phone's internal memory of unnecessary files (if the storage is full) or deleting Gmail data will help.

I'll start in order. After this suspicious guy in Dolcabar picked up my phone, my whole life went awry.

The guy asked if I could live without my phone for 10 minutes and started updating the system.
After some time, I noticed that my gmail stopped updating.
I deleted my gmail account in settings and logged in again. But the launch of the Gmail application is forever stuck in this phase:

In Settings-Accounts-Gmail you can see that synchronization is not working. Messages are issued periodically:
An error occurred in the application.
An error occurred in the Google Calendar Sync app.
An error occurred in the Google Play Services application.
And a few more.

God bless him, with gmail, in a pinch I can run it in the browser, but without it Google Play does not seem to work, which prevents me from downloading and updating applications.
Even though I'm logged into Google, I get the following message:

Does anyone have any ideas on how to solve the problem without going through a factory reset?

I’m not banned from Google, I’ve read about 10 instructions. I’ve turned the checkboxes on and off in the settings, stopped applications, cleared the memory and cache, rebooted 10 times. Nothing helped, I’m taking help from the audience.

Like most other operating systems, Android is not perfect. It may experience various glitches from time to time. Such failures can especially occur when installing applications not taken from PlayMarket. Problems may also arise when installing unofficial firmware. Account synchronization error is one of the most common. Let's try to find out how to get rid of this error.

Account synchronization error: typical failures

First of all, it is worth noting that when such problems occur, if the user is not always able to use some OS capabilities, you should not immediately blame everything on the device or operating system itself. Most often, users encounter such a message when some kind of failure occurs, the exact cause of which is not fully understood. However, it is worth noting that errors of this kind are usually associated with incorrect login settings, as well as with the actions of the user himself. In this review, we will not consider gadgets with unofficial firmware. In this case, the device itself may harm the operating system. The unofficial firmware will have to be removed and the device returned to its original state.

What should I do if an account synchronization error occurs?

In a situation where a Google Android account synchronization error occurs on a tablet or phone, the most unpleasant moment is “stuck synchronization”. As practice shows, in this case the entire system hangs. A simple reboot of the device can help fix the problem. This helps in most cases. Suffice it to remember how, when you reboot, frozen programs in Windows start working again.

How to fix the error?

Probably, an error synchronizing your Google Android account on a smartphone or tablet can be caused by incorrectly entering your password and login. Here you just need to correctly enter the data received during registration. The G-mail email address is used as a login. You can also try to recover your password.

How to check synchronization settings

In some cases, an error with account synchronization in Google Android may be due to incorrect settings of the system itself. You can try to return the device to factory settings, but in most cases such drastic measures are not required. You just need to go to the settings and check the enabled services. Synchronization should generally be turned on for all accounts. First, you need to uncheck all services that require authentication, and then reboot the device. Next, when you turn on the device again, you need to go to the accounts section again and check the boxes next to the corresponding services, including browser, data transfer, and the like. In some cases, it is mandatory to disable two-level authentication in your account security settings. In this case, it is necessary to enable automatic synchronization and transfer of information in the background.

Deleting an account

If all the methods described above do not help and the error associated with account synchronization appears again, you will have to take extreme measures, namely, deleting the existing account. To do this you need to use the settings menu. Here you need to select the accounts section. You should pay attention to your Google account. Log in, enter your Gmail address and confirm deletion using the menu command or button below. Now you need to reboot your devices. After this action, if there is an Internet connection, the system will prompt you to either create a new account or use existing registration data. You must enter your username and password and confirm your choice. If this method does not help resolve the problem, you will have to create a new account. At the same time, you can forget about restoring your contact list and previously installed applications.


Errors related to Google account synchronization are quite common. You can fight them with the simplest means and methods; just use the mobile gadget itself. No connection to a personal computer with access to the installed control program is required. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that this article did not address the problem of failures that may occur on devices with unofficial firmware. The thing is that when installing unofficial updates, a rather serious problem may arise related to their safe removal. This issue requires special attention and maximum caution. Otherwise, the system can be rendered inoperable.

If you don’t yet know how to synchronize contacts with Google on Android, then this material will be useful for you. The instructions described below will be relevant for Samsung, Xiaomi, Meizu and other devices based on the Android operating system. To synchronize and manage, you must have an Android phone, tablet or smartphone, regardless of the OS version (4.4, 5.1, 6.0, etc.), as well as a Google account (Gmail).

Technology does not stand still and gadgets with more modern functions, improved characteristics and nice design are regularly released. Purchasing a new phone or tablet is a good thing, but there is one caveat. How to transfer a list of hundreds of numbers in the phone book to a new device and at the same time save your nerves? With a large number of records, manual saving is inconvenient, but a wonderful function comes to the rescue - synchronization. With its help, you can import and export a database of telephone numbers, regardless of their number, in a few minutes.

An equally difficult situation is the loss or breakdown of a gadget. Many numbers will have to be transferred or downloaded again, but a considerable part of the data is lost forever. Timely backup allows you to save contacts and transfer them to a new device. Auto-sync with Google is also possible. If there is Internet access, the system will automatically add new numbers to the general database in your account, where they will be stored. Even if you forget to make a backup copy, the data will not be lost and, if necessary, it can be viewed and restored.

Adding a Google account

If you do not yet have a Gmail account or you simply have not authorized it on your device, then follow the instructions below.

  1. Go to the Settings menu in the main menu of your device.

  1. Scroll the menu that opens to the “Accounts” section and click on the “Other accounts” column.

  1. A list with already connected accounts appears in front of you. If your Google account has not been added previously, it will not be on this list. To add a Gmail account where data will be saved in the future, click on the corresponding button at the bottom of the page.

  1. We select the name of the account that we want to add to a Samsung smartphone or another similar one. In this case, click on the Google graph.

  1. Next, you will be asked to create a new account or log into an existing one. To log into the created account, you need to enter in the first line the phone number or email address you used to register. Then follow the instructions on your mobile device.

Ready. The account has been created and you can start synchronizing with your Google account.

Enable synchronization

In order for contact synchronization to start working, it must be enabled and configured correctly. Also, in case of any malfunctions, check the settings in the corresponding section of your smartphone. To copy numbers from a gadget, follow these instructions:

  1. Go to the list of available accounts (how to do this is described above) and click on the “Google” button.

  1. We select the account we need, where information and necessary reference books will be uploaded in the future.

  1. We check that there is a checkmark next to the inscription “Contacts”. It is needed to indicate the necessary sections for subsequent synchronization. Two or more checkboxes are possible if synchronization is carried out not only from the internal SIM memory, but also from instant messengers or social networks, for example: VKontakte, Skype, Viber, etc. After everything has been checked, click on the “More” button in bottom of the screen.

  1. Click “Synchronize”. In the same menu, you can delete your existing Google account. The deleted account can be re-authorized later.

  1. We wait for the system to complete the process. This is evidenced by icons in the form of spinning arrows next to the names of sections.

Ready. You have successfully activated number synchronization on your phone and can transfer the database to your account.

Enable display of contacts

There are situations when synchronized numbers are not displayed in the general list. The problem is that the function for displaying the address book from your Google account is disabled. To enable it, follow the following instructions:

  1. Click on the “Contacts” icon on your desktop and go to the context menu. You can get it by clicking the corresponding icon in the upper right corner.
  2. Click on the "Show contacts" section.

  1. All available sources for copying the phone book will appear in a new window.

After completing these steps, your phone book will be updated with the necessary contact numbers from your Google account.

How to make corrections to Google Contacts

If you need to remove duplicate numbers or add any information, you can do this in Google contacts.

  1. From your PC, go to your Gmail mailbox and go to the “Contacts” section by clicking on the corresponding button in the upper left corner of the site.

  1. To edit data, click on the pencil icon to the right of the contact name.

  1. In the window that appears, you can change your username, phone number, add an e-mail, change your header photo, etc. After you have changed all the necessary information, click “Save” in the lower right corner of the dialog box.

  1. To remove a number from the database, click on the context menu to the right of the note, as shown in the screenshot below. Next, click the “Delete” button.

These steps will not take you much time, and mastering them is intuitive. To store and edit data you only need to make a couple of clicks.

Saving the contact database is possible in all used formats, including vCard (relevant for Apple).

Why are my contacts not syncing?

If synchronization, as well as export and import of data are not carried out, then there are 3 main ways to solve this problem.

  1. Manual mode. To do this, you need to go to your Google account settings, check the “Contacts” box and click on synchronization.
  2. Restarting your account. You need to manually disable your Google account and then authorize it again. This will force synchronization of contact information.
  3. Clear cache and temporary system files. First of all, we create a backup copy of the phone book in VCF format. Next, go to “Storage” or “Explorer” (this application can be located in different places depending on the firmware and version of Android) and find the “Cache Data” column. We erase all temporary files and import contacts that were previously copied to the media.

These methods will help you earn synchronization, and you will be able to copy data to your Google account.


To summarize, we can say that data synchronization is a very useful and practical feature. No one is immune from sudden loss of information or something similar. Having a backup copy in the cloud or in your computer's memory can save the situation and help restore lost information.

Above are several detailed instructions for creating a Google account for Samsung, Lenovo, Sony and many others, as well as synchronizing and subsequently editing data from the phone book. Some errors associated with synchronization difficulties are also discussed, and several solutions to this problem are proposed.


Below is a video, after watching which you can remove contacts from the device and synchronize the information database with your Google account. Watching this video will help you better understand the issue and solve it faster.