Files with the ASD extension: how and with what to open a document. asd File extension

You"re here because you have a file that has a file extension ending in .asd. Files with the file extension .asd can only be launched by certain applications. It"s possible that .asd files are data files rather than documents or media , which means they"re not meant to be viewed at all.

what is a .asd file?

The ASD file extension is a data format associated to Microsoft Word. ASD files and Microsoft Word were developed by Microsoft. These files contain a snapshot or backup copy of the currently opened Word document. These files are also known as AutoRecover files and would attempt to load the latest version of the document. AutoRecover is only effective for unplanned disruptions like as a power outage or a crash. These files can be located in the following directories: WindowsVista/7: \AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Word\ and Windows XP: \Application Data\Microsoft\Word\.To open an ASD file, choose File then Open, select "All Files (*.*)" in the File type list, and then choose the ASD file. When creating a document it is important to enable the autosave and autorecover options and specify the minute time required. The default AutoSave period is 10 minutes. Files in ASD format can be opened with Microsoft Word 2010 in Microsoft Windows based Systems.

how to open a .asd file?

Launch a .asd file, or any other file on your PC, by double-clicking it. If your file associations are set up correctly, the application that"s meant to open your .asd file will open it. It"s possible you may need to download or purchase the correct application. It"s also possible that you have the correct application on your PC, but .asd files aren"t yet associated with it. In this case, when you try to open a .asd file, you can tell Windows which application is the correct one for that file. From then on, opening a .asd file will open the correct application.

applications that open a .asd file

Microsoft Word

Microsoft Word is a word processor program that is packed in the Microsoft Office Suite. It is developed by Microsoft Corporation, generating a .doc file extension when the file is saved. A document file format (.doc) is a text or binary file format for saving documents on a storage media, mainly for computer use, like typing text, charts, tables, page formatting, graphs, images and other documents whose content is created and edited. Contents of these documents are printable in any sizes and are capable of opening in other devices provided that its operating system is able to read DOC files. This .doc file extension has become extensive de facto standard for office documents, but it is an owned format and is not always totally supported by other word processors. A variety of programs that is able to open this type of file, and different operating systems and have installed programs that can open a 1ST file are: Microsoft Word, Microsoft Notepad, Microsoft Word, IBM Lotus WordPro, and Corel WordPerfect.

Microsoft Word 2010

Microsoft Word 2010

Microsoft Word 2010 is a tool being used for word processing which is a part of the Microsoft office 2010 which was developed by Microsoft. It has improved features which aim to help its users in creating documents of skilled-quality and at the same time providing its user easier ways to access files. It was specifically designed with premium formatting tools which aid in the organization and writing of documents in an easier manner. Microsoft Word 2010 offers it users a wide variety of new and enhanced tools. It has customizable themes which aim to coordinate fonts, graphic formats as well as colors in a document. It has a wide variety of SmartArt graphics which includes several layouts in order to organize picture diagrams as well as charts. It offers an enhanced version of Find tools as well as Navigation Pane which makes it easier to search, reorganize and browse documents.

a word of warning

Be careful not to rename the extension on .asd files, or any other files. This will not change the file type. Only special conversion software can change a file from one file type to another.

Microsoft Word is the most widely used word processor in the world. Every person who had even the slightest connection to a computer used standard Office programs, including a text editor. A convenient and simple interface, accessible and understandable functions make Office indispensable for working with text files. Everyone knows that the .doc and .docx extensions are standard indicators of text documents. However, when looking at the ASD format, not every consumer will be able to answer what type it is, or say that it is a Word format.

What is a file with the ASD extension and how to open it.

Almost every computer user sooner or later faces the need to open a file in the ASD format. And this is not surprising, since the ASD file extension is an insurance or backup document that is automatically saved in the system if Microsoft Word shuts down incorrectly. Let's take a closer look at how you can restore incorrectly saved ASD files, where they are stored by default, and tell you about the features of restoring and opening texts.

Where are saved documents with the ASD extension located?

Not all computer users know that when installing the automatic saving function, in case of unforeseen situations, such as a power failure, technical problems with the computer, or incorrect shutdown due to consumer carelessness, the latest version of the Word document is saved in the system using special utility programs. The saved texts are in ASD format.

Sometimes there are cases when the recipient receives a document in a similar format by email. The most interesting thing in this situation is that the sender could initially send an archive of the correct encryption. Such format conversion can also occur due to system errors or incorrect submission of material. Nobody knows for sure why such situations occur, except, probably, software developers, however, there is a problem, which means we need to look for ways to solve it.

ATTENTION. Automatically Microsoft Word, regardless of its year of release, 2007 or 2010, automatically saves the text the user is working with every ten minutes. The backup copy is deleted automatically by the system after the user has completed the work correctly and saved the work material.

Sometimes, when you turn on the computer again and try to open an incorrectly closed file, the system itself offers to restore the latest version of the text, and then there is no need to search for it. However, this does not always happen. If Word 2007 or 2010 does not offer automatic recovery, and the information is important for the consumer, a lot of effort and time was spent on writing it, then you need to find and restore the archive yourself.

You can find it on your computer in directory C. To search, go to Documents and Settings/User/Application Data/Microsoft Word.asd. Sometimes the text may be located in some other folder in the system, therefore, if there is a need to restore a Microsoft Word 2007 document after an incorrect shutdown, and the user cannot find it, for this purpose, you can enter the query *.asd in a search engine and press Enter. The system itself will search, display all materials with this extension and show in which folder they are stored. Among the files found will be the text the consumer is looking for.

However, you should not rush to rejoice, since it is impossible to open it using the standard method. When a standard attempt is made to open text with an asd extension, using the standard offered Word programs, there is a high probability that the user will receive a message on the screen “Word error when opening the file. Try the following steps..."

The found text cannot be opened in the standard way; it cannot be edited or re-save. It is also not possible to change the format to the standard .doc or .docx extension.

Document opening technology

In order to open the recovered material, you will need to open any document in Word format, select the Office menu or file, depending on the Office, in the upper left corner of the screen.

After this, you must select the “Open” option from the list. At the bottom of the window, in the “File name” column, you need to indicate the path to the required document. We emphasize that you only need to indicate the path, not its name. After this, in the “File type” line, the drop-down list should display all available texts with a similar extension that are located inside the backup folder. You need to select the name of the text that interests the consumer and click the “Open” button.

After such procedures, the text of interest opens without problems, the user can save it again in the required format, edit and work with it as usual.

Most often, after such a one-time procedure, in the future, if non-standard situations arise with saving in a backup format, reopening is not accompanied by such difficulties. As practice shows, then materials with the asd extension are opened as regular documents. However, even if a similar situation arises again, the consumer already knows how to deal with it, how to solve the problem that has arisen.

Let's sum it up

Using the recommendations described above, now the consumer will not only be able to open a document with the asd extension, but will also be aware of how to restore the file and where to find it if, due to an unforeseen situation, the Microsoft document was not saved.

Qualitatively study the special features of installed programs on your personal computer, and your work will become much easier. The user's knowledge and skills will help to avoid many problems and unpleasant situations with software.

Senior Technology Writer

Someone emailed you an ASD file and you don't know how to open it? Maybe you found an ASD file on your computer and were wondering what it was? Windows may tell you that you cannot open it, or in the worst case, you may encounter a corresponding error message associated with the ASD file.

Before you can open an ASD file, you need to find out what type of file the ASD file extension is.

Tip: Incorrect ASD file association errors can be a symptom of other underlying issues within your Windows operating system. These invalid entries can also produce associated symptoms such as slow Windows startups, computer freezes, and other PC performance issues. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you scan your Windows registry for invalid file associations and other issues related to a fragmented registry.


ASD files have Audio files, which are primarily associated with Word Automatic Backup (Microsoft Corporation).

ASD files are also associated with Astound Presentation, Alphacam Stone Drawing (Planit), Lotus Screen Driver (IBM), Origins Embroidery Design (Origins Software Technologies Inc.), Advanced Streaming Format Description (Microsoft Corporation), Live Audio Analysis File (Ableton AG) , ASD Archiver Compressed Archive and FileViewPro.

Additional types of files may also be using the ASD file extension. If you are aware of any other file formats that use the ASD file extension, please contact us so we can update our information accordingly.

How to open your ASD file:

The fastest and easiest way to open your ASD file is to double-click on it. In this case, the Windows system itself will select the necessary program to open your ASD file.

In case your ASD file does not open, it is very likely that you do not have the necessary application program installed on your PC to view or edit files with ASD extensions.

If your PC opens the ASD file, but it's the wrong application, you'll need to change your Windows registry file association settings. In other words, Windows associates ASD file extensions with the wrong program.

Install optional products - FileViewPro (Solvusoft) | | | |

ASD File Analysis Tool™

Not sure what type of ASD file is? Do you want to get precise information about a file, its creator and how it can be opened?

Now you can instantly get all the necessary information about the ASD file!

The revolutionary ASD File Analysis Tool™ scans, analyzes and reports detailed information about the ASD file. Our patent-pending algorithm quickly analyzes the file and provides detailed information within seconds in a clear, easy-to-read format.†

In just a few seconds, you'll know exactly what type of ASD file you have, the application associated with the file, the name of the user who created the file, the file's protection status, and other useful information.

To begin your free file analysis, simply drag and drop your ASD file inside the dotted line below, or click "Browse My Computer" and select your file. The ASD file analysis report will be shown below, right in the browser window.

Drag and drop your ASD file here to start analysis

View my computer »

Please also check my file for viruses

Your file is being analyzed... please wait.

Autosave document files are used in the Microsoft Office and LibreOffice office suites. In the event of a sudden power failure or crash, this file will restore the contents of the document, and if the document is successfully saved, then asd is automatically destroyed. ASD is not saved in the document directory, but in a separate folder \AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Word\. However, despite the fact that Word or LibreOffice automatically create such files, it would be a good idea to reduce the interval between auto-saving documents in order to avoid losing important data. Asd opens in any word processor, be it word or LibreOffice Writer.

What free programs can open an ASD file?

  1. – a free program for creating, creating, viewing and editing text documents, the closest analogue and competitor to MS Word. It supports a large number of formats, has many functions, the interface is similar to MS Office Word 2003. The developers took care of the functionality; you can insert graphics, tables, graphs into the document. In this case, they need to be opened through the “Open” dialog menu, go to \AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Word\, then select the asd file in the context menu, select open and restore.
  2. – The best package of applications for viewing, creating and editing electronic documents, slideshows, tables, graphics, formulas, while the application is open source. The interface is available in all languages, including Russian, and due to optimization it will work perfectly on any computer. It saves documents in international formats, so documents created in OpenOffice can be opened with any other office suite. It is absolutely free and can be used for any purpose.

Restoring a .doc/.docx document from autosave or how to open an .asd file

As a result of a failure of one of the Office Suite applications MicroSoftOffice You can lose a very important document that you could have been working on all day. Everyone, as a rule, forgets about the need to save. Let's consider options for recovering a lost file after an emergency close, for example, MS Word 2007/2010.

By default, the MS Office settings in all applications are set to " Autosave every 10 minutes.»

What does it mean?

Let's create a new document Word and save it (for example, in the folder My Documents) With name test.docx. Next, we type the text in the document, be sure to NOT SAVE and leave it for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, a file with extension.asd.

In file " Autocopy test.asd» all changes that we made to the document in 10 minutes were saved. If you save the document manually and close Word, the file " Autocopy test.asd" will be deleted automatically. And if MS Word closes due to a system failure, the file will remain, i.e. our situation.
By default, the folder for storing autosave files for MS Office 2007/2010 in Windows 7 is located:


Therefore, if a force majeure situation occurs and you lose a file due to a Word failure, then we study this folder and look for it there.

How to open a file with the .asd extension

File with extension .asd we have, but the following question arises: “ How to open a file with the .asd extension?" It is logical to assume that an autosaved Word document needs to be opened in MS Word. But when we try to open it we get the message: “ Microsoft Word cannot open this file because this file type is not supported

The assumption was correct, but the wrong method was chosen. File with extension .asd opens MS Word, but in a certain way.

  1. Launch MS Word 2007/2010 –> File –> Options –> Saving. Copy the path to the folder specified in the line “ Data directory for autorecovery»
  2. Open this folder in Explorer, there should be a file with the extension .asd
  3. Word –> File –> Open. In the window " Opening a document" in line " File name"enter the path that you copied in step 2.
  4. A list of files in this folder should appear. If not, then delete the last slash (\) and type it again. Select a file with the extension from the list .asd and press the button Open.

Word will open a file with the extension .asd

  1. Now you can save the opened file with the .docx extension with any arbitrary name on disk.

Now let's look at an easier option (in my opinion).