Facebook dating and serious communication. Is it possible to meet foreigners on Facebook? Browser version

To use network resources, you will need to indicate your name, age, gender and select your region of residence. To subsequently access the Topface page via Facebook, you must enter a valid email address and create a strong password. When completing registration, you should familiarize yourself with the rules of conduct and communication, as well as study the terms of confidentiality.

Getting to know the app

By agreeing to the terms, a new user of the Topface network confirms that he has provided accurate personal information.


  • use the site for commercial purposes;
  • make mass mailings;
  • use obscene language;
  • insult other users;
  • express extremist ideas;
  • call for illegal actions.

The resource administration does not take responsibility for users violating the rules of communication, but reserves the right to moderate, suspend or completely terminate the violator’s access to the resource.

Browser version

To use Topface in the browser, type “ Topface" and enter your username and password in the appropriate fields. Upload photos to the site and other users will be able to rate them, express their sympathy and invite you to dialogue. Each person can take the first step towards making friends by viewing other members' photos, liking and sending messages. To meet people from your region, choose profiles based on territorial proximity, but communication with people around the world is also possible.

Indicate the purpose of the acquaintance, it could be:

  • communication without obligations;
  • search for friends;
  • love and serious relationships.

Select the communication format you are interested in from the drop-down list. It can be changed later.

mobile version

The Facebook app is available for Android and iOS smartphones. Topface dating and communication" My page contains personal data and photographs of a user who previously registered on the site. If there is no page, you can create it directly in the application by filling out all the fields provided and uploading a photo.

Note!Profiles without photos are not shown in general searches, the chances of finding friends are minimal.

Topface is a shareware network that exists through advertising and paid services within the site. Each user has the right to choose a free account or pay for VIP. In order for people to experience the benefits of paid services, Topface opens up its capabilities to them free of charge for seven days. But VIP status alone is not enough; to send gifts you need to purchase internal currency - coins.

Deleting a page

At the bottom of the block there is an inconspicuous line - “ Deleting data" By using this button, the user is deprived of access to the service.

The social network Facebook in the modern world has become a place of communication not only for colleagues, acquaintances and friends, but also a platform for new acquaintances. The Topface app will certainly help you with this. The “mission” of this application is to expand your social circle or help you start a romantic relationship.

A fresh look at online dating

What to do if you forgot your Facebook password?

The Topface application was developed by Russian programmers. Initially, it existed only for the VKontakte network and from the very first days it aroused excessive interest among users.

A little later, Topface was introduced on Facebook, where its popularity became no less. Since 2012, the application has become official and full-fledged, moreover, now Topface is one of the most popular sites for communicating with people from different countries and nationalities.

The application works on this principle: the user uploads his personal data and photos, then other people rate the photo using “likes,” and new exciting acquaintances begin.

An attractive and simple interface will allow you to find new friends in a playful way, which makes the process much more interesting and informal.

Topface on Facebook

Since the social network Facebook is one of the most popular in the world, it is obvious that it attracts the attention of developers of various applications. Dmitry Filatov, the creator of Topface, having appreciated the popularity of his VKontakte application, decided to expand his service and modify it for the Facebook website.

Users from abroad appreciated Dmitry’s work and the service’s rating began to rise rapidly.

If you enter Topface in the search bar on the Facebook website, the server will immediately find the application page for the user. “TF - meeting is easy” is the name of the service on Facebook. A fairly simple and easy-to-understand interface will open before your eyes, which will not take you a long time to understand.

You will be offered photos of familiar and unfamiliar people, which you can rate using the “Like” button. To get to know a certain person more closely, you can write a message. Who knows, maybe this will be the beginning of a new romantic relationship?

You can upload personal photos to your profile either from albums on Facebook or from your computer. In the menu, you can observe the activity of other people on your page: profile views, new messages, or “likes” left on a photo.

5 tricks for men when dating on Facebook

  1. You should not declare yourself after you find yourself in the “friend zone”. There is no need to waste time thinking about friendship - create it either right away or never. Be guided by the principle of acting here and now.

This previously ironclad rule has been broken. Today, thousands of people find their happiness online. How to meet people on VK, for example, is a whole science these days. Social networks, of course, are fraught with many nuances, but their existence still needs to be thanked: they have greatly increased the chances of those who find it difficult to find a soul mate to arrange their personal lives.

Two different in style and, perhaps, the most popular networks are VKontakte and Facebook. We will consider them as a dating tool. So, how does dating happen on VKontakte and Facebook?

Despite the noticeable difference in audience, the approach to searching and building relationships is the same.

1. Prepare your page. Let it not be sterile, but also not capable of causing fear or doubt. It is necessary to have a photo, otherwise your credibility will be undermined at the very beginning. When designing a page, be careful: you shouldn’t write everything down in detail, filling the “air” with hundreds of photos and all the books you love. However, little information is also not very good. And most importantly, when creating a page, be honest with yourself, don’t create an ideal image, this may come back to haunt you in the end.

2. The “first like” rule works with both girls and guys. You chose someone who interested you, read his posts or reposts, looked at the photo - and go ahead, give that cherished like. It is also important to take moderation: you should not like a photo buried deep on the page of the object of your choice, as such careful interest can scare away. Choose not the first picture you come across, but at least the third or fourth - this will be quite normal.

3. Liked? Wait a day. There is no reaction (which may well be the case - your object shouldn’t instantly respond to everything) - leave your comment under one of the posts or pictures. It’s better to integrate into the current discussion or discussion under something fresh, the same post, for example. It is quite possible that the correspondence will begin in this way.

4. Be friendly and at the same time restrained. No, you don’t need to be completely cold, but the distance should be slightly but felt. Be careful, even if you are eager to fight and are ready to run on a date right now. Communicate, get to know the person - if, of course, he shows interest in regular communication, if he is also interested in you. Liking your posts or photos, knocking on friends - this is a small, but success. Social networks, minus a number of subtleties and potential difficulties, are definitely a good opportunity to get to know each other in concentrated communication, in correspondence. Take advantage of this opportunity.

5. There is another option for how to meet people on VKontakte, and it applies primarily to this social network. If you haven’t found someone specifically you like, or have found one, but this object of yours is actively “grazing” in some public page, enter into active correspondence and discussion there. Not with him, but in general - within the framework of posts. So, by shining a light, you can arouse interest in yourself and attract someone or interest that same person - your potential hero.

And a couple more nuances. Monitor how often your target visits networks and take this into account. Because if he is there rarely, then you should not expect a quick response to your first like. But if, having started communicating with you, he increases the frequency of being online, you can write this down as an asset. Also, keep in mind from the very beginning that distances, of course, only intensify feelings, but also create serious problems. Therefore, if you live in Moscow, and the person you are interested in is on the other side of the country, think carefully about what this entails. Of course, you shouldn’t give up communication right away, but it is necessary to take this factor into account. So that later it won’t be “excruciatingly painful” from the inability to simply leave the house and go on that long-awaited date...

You can, of course, stubbornly argue that Facebook is not created for romantic dating, but you can just as easily give up on trying to meet a guy or girl in a bar, cafe, or disco. Do people only come to a bar for beer?

So, let's start from the fact that it is possible to make acquaintances on Facebook! You have a chance to make friends both with your “compatriots” and with foreigners (with proper knowledge of foreign languages).

Of course, in the matter of creating new married couples, Facebook is losing to dating sites for a number of reasons, the most important of which is that most men initially come to international dating sites not only with serious intentions, but are purposefully looking for a wife and are even ready to provide for her moving from another country with all the ensuing requirements.

On Facebook, it’s quite easy to make new friends, including among foreign men, and then... time will tell. Men with matrimonial intentions rarely come there; they can happily talk with you on various topics, maintain friendly relations, but practically not think about marriage...

The site advises using Facebook as an additional strategy to dating sites (where the intentions of all visitors are open), and not placing your main hopes on the social network. Although, as practice shows, dating on Facebook is quite often successful and leads to marriage. We'll provide links to relevant stories below.

Another disadvantage of Facebook dating is the following: Facebook does not have personalized search criteria (by height and weight, eye and hair color, age, presence of children, bad habits, etc.), which are widely used in the interface of dating sites.

Although active work is underway in this direction: Facebook announced the test implementation of a new search service, Graph Search. According to the developers, the graph search has impressive capabilities, for example, you can display a list of all the bachelors from Bavaria, or single guys near your location, or a list of single women who like dating sites.

Requests can be selected either from the proposed list or entered manually (in English). Impressive, right? Why not enter "Male friends of my friends who are single and like Star Trek"? Or “Single men from New York, New York residents and who like New York Yankees.” Quite an effective way to find a husband.

All pictures here and in the future are clickable.

Unfortunately, access to the service is currently limited; it is gradually being opened to all users.

In addition, there are a lot of private profiles on Facebook. There are, of course, partially or completely open ones, but many there communicate exclusively with real friends. This drawback, by the way, can easily be turned into a plus: open profiles are good because they can use personal information in the chronicle, photos on vacation, comments, etc. you can draw up an initial portrait even before the exchange of the first messages, understand, so to speak, whether there are common interests, views or not.

What are the ways to meet foreigners through Facebook?

The website offers you three options:

1. Inviting a handsome stranger to friend your account on your own

The capabilities of Facebook allow you to offer your friendship to any person you like. Send a request to be added as a friend, if they reciprocate, feel free to start communicating and practice the language. You can start a conversation by complimenting his photos, leaving a post on his wall, or leaving a review under his post.

The list of dating tools doesn’t stop there. There is also a Wink (Poke), which carries romantic and sexual overtones. You can flirt a little and wink at the handsome guy you like. This will check whether he is interested in you.

When sending friend requests left and right, you should remember that the rules of the social network clearly state: you need to send friend requests and messages to those you know personally. Otherwise, if a complaint is received, your account may simply be blocked.

We can offer a more sophisticated way of dating. Let’s say you like some foreign man with an open page, but you don’t want to be intrusive and invite him outright... Look at what online games he has installed (we’re talking about gaming applications for Facebook), choose the one that’s best for you and join on his Wednesday. After some time, you can start communicating like a good neighbor

2. Active participation in groups

This method works on any social network. Find groups and communities that you like, for example for English/German learners, fan groups of your favorite artists or Canon camera owners... whatever(!) and you start communicating with them. You can start your own topics, you can participate in others, you can like messages if you are embarrassed to immediately add them as friends.

Although don’t be afraid to take the initiative into your own hands, feel free to write first to anyone you like, saying that I want to practice my English. You yourself will not notice how you will have many new interesting acquaintances.

International social dating service, a product of Russian developers. It includes a website of the same name and applications for social networks VKontakte, Facebook, Odnoklassniki and devices based on Android and iOS, connected to a single database. Enjoys increased interest among foreign users. At the moment, the daily traffic of the resource is about 1.6 million visitors, the database has more than 90 million participants.

A search for the keyword “TopFace” on Facebook will only return the official page of the application, which is called “TF – meeting is easy”. You can install it using the link above.

The application has a user-friendly interface and navigation. Your data is integrated from your personal page, photos can be downloaded both from a PC and from Facebook albums. There is a menu displaying traffic to your profile: views, new messages, number of “likes”.

The system automatically suggests photos of people that you can rate by clicking the “Like” button. To contact the person you like, just write him a message.

AYI.com is an American dating platform that combines applications for Facebook, iPhone, Android and Web. It boasts more than 70 million installations of the application on Facebook, the active audience of the service is about 20 million users, and traffic is 2 million monthly.

There are 12 million people registered in the application on Facebook (total audience - 27 million), more than 1 million monthly users. The online dating app Zoosk is also available on Amazon Apps, Google Play and the AppStore.

According to the developers, a unique Behavioral Matchmaking technology is used to find a suitable match. You don't have to fill out long questionnaires; the search is based on your preferences and behavior.

Built-in Zoosk Messenger allows you to see users who are on the Zoosk network (Facebook itself only shows your online friends), communicate with them via video chat and text messages.

The application of the same name is the famous dating site Badoo.com, created 8-9 years ago by Russian entrepreneur Andrey Andreev. There are more than 235 million users from different countries on the network, and the Facebook application is actively used by more than 10 million users every month.

In addition to Facebook, a desktop application has been written, as well as for mobile devices (version for iOS, Android, Windows Phone).

There are other less popular Facebook dating apps, for example, SpeedDate, Dating-IL, Incontra gente, ClickAndFlirt, Hook Up Friends, Best Match, Who thinks of you.

Not long ago, the social network Facebook expanded its portfolio of assets through the purchase of the Glancee mobile application. According to the developers, the program, using information from your account and the location function, displays a list of suitable new acquaintances with whom you have common acquaintances or similar interests.

Try it, find yours and may luck smile on you!


Having studied all the methods available to the common man to find and meet foreigners on Facebook, the conclusion arises that finding a husband on Facebook, although difficult, is possible with due diligence! As they say, Fate will find you everywhere!

Tatyana, especially for the site

November 25, 2015

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12 comments to “ Is it possible to meet foreigners on Facebook?

  1. Natalia:

    they met me on Facebook... the same song... a widower with a child... on the third day, ardent declarations of love, conversations about a meeting, asking for a phone number, they didn’t call. One asked for data and a photo of a foreign passport. Then, really, everyone disappears somewhere suddenly. As a result, my psyche began to unravel. It’s just a nightmare. Mostly these are men from the USA. Now I pay attention when registered, photos from different years, if this is not there, then ignore

  2. lori:

    I like the idea of ​​online dating! The only question is the honesty of the intentions of the people themselves! Some write out of boredom at work, others just because they have nothing to do and practice English, others to get this or that information, and others are simply scammers and deceivers! And many of the virgin ladies writing here also do not hesitate to create 2-3, 15-20 profiles and check out this or that MACHO with passion! Well, in general, everything would be fine if they made ONE CHIP for connection and registration on any site with authentic data and photos! And then, believe me, all the scammers would immediately disappear and everything would fall into place! And YOUR headaches and heart and nerves were ALL in perfect order! Personally, I think everything would be clean and transparent! I am for the purity of relationships on social networks!!! Respect yourself and other people’s time!

    The new function of the social network will help you find a company for joint events, work and business colleagues, and even a couple for a romantic relationship. ...The section is called Discover People and is located on the navigation panel in the same list with the tabs Friends, Events, Groups and others. Here users can post several photos and write briefly about themselves, and then find new acquaintances with similar interests to organize a friendly or romantic meeting. It is known that the “Discover People” section will work separately from the social network. In the fall of 2016, it launched with users from New Zealand and Australia, now the company has confirmed a gradual launch worldwide, TJournal reports with reference to Techcrunch. The “Find People” function is located in the navigation, where nearby friends, events and groups are also displayed. After clicking on the section, you need to introduce yourself: write a short message about who and why you are looking for, and upload a current photo. Closest acquaintances, other people looking for company, as well as past and future events are displayed below.

    Facebook has added a section for finding dating

    The popular social network Facebook has a new feature that allows you to search for new acquaintances. Now, using the new “Find People” section, you can find people you know to expand your business connections, go on vacation, or just go on a date.

    Using the new “Discover People” feature of mobile

    Thanks to this service, the user will be able to find out who else is going to the nearest concert, establish connections with a business colleague, and even find a partner to invite him on a date. ..."Ukrzaliznytsia" has launched a special mobile application based on the Android operating system for purchasing train tickets online.

    The new app allows you to find a business partner or invite a stranger on a date. ...Unlike standard search, in the add-on you can search for users specifically under headings like “business”, “love”, “parties” and so on.

    The new function is in no way connected with the user account and does not synchronize personal data from the “dating” section to the page. ...The function was previously tested in New Zealand and Australia.

    It will be useful for those who want to make new acquaintances based on interests or for closer relationships. ...In addition, there is a chance to find a person for personal acquaintance and invite him on a date.

    As Gazeta.ru reports with reference to TechCrunch, the new section performs several social functions. With this innovation, you can find out who else is going to the nearest concert, establish connections with a business colleague, and find a partner for a date.

    The social network Facebook has expanded its list of opportunities to search for like-minded people. Now, using the new “Discover” section, each user can find a new acquaintance to expand work connections, quickly gather a group for a trip to a concert, or simply find a couple to invite on a date.

    It is located at the bottom of the navigation bar: When going to it, the user will be asked to introduce themselves and update their profile information, if necessary. ...It will also be possible to search for interesting people among users living nearby or working in the same company.

    The social network Facebook is launching a new section in the mobile version, with the help of which users will have the opportunity to search for new acquaintances in addition to people already added as friends, Techcrunch reports. By going to the section under. With the name “Discover People” the user will be able to see people who attend the same events or live in the same city or work in the same company.

    Facebook has added a Discover People option to its mobile application, which allows you to search for strangers by city, place of work, interests and other parameters. This feature is currently only available on mobile for iOS and Android in New Zealand and Australia.

    The Find People tab is in the More menu bar in the lower right corner of the window. There you can see open meetings and lists of those intending to attend them.

    As Gazeta.Ru reports with reference to TechCrunch, thanks to the service, the user will be able to find out who else is going to the nearest concert, establish connections with a business colleague, and even find a partner to invite him on a date. ...In particular, Oculus was found guilty of violating the agreement, but the court did not find it guilty of stealing the technology used to create virtual reality glasses.

    Today, the social network Facebook, or rather the application for iPhone and Android, has a new functionality called “Discover People,” which makes it easy to find new people based on your own and other people’s interests when searching. ...At the moment, no other social network can boast of supporting special functionality designed for meeting people who also want to find new friends or their soulmate.

    Here users can post several photos and write briefly about themselves, and then find new acquaintances with similar interests to organize a friendly or romantic meeting. It is known that the “Discover People” section will work separately from the social network.

    A new feature that makes it easier to find friends has appeared on the social network Facebook. ...At the end of last year, the function was introduced as an experiment for users from Australia and New Zealand, and now it is becoming available to the entire Facebook audience.

    The social network Facebook has launched the Discover People feature, which allows users to establish connections with people for business or personal interests, writes TechCrunch. ...To make this easier, we've launched Discover People to help you get to know the people you have in common with,” a Facebook spokesperson said.

    The new function of the social network will help you find a company for joint events, work and business colleagues, and even a couple for a romantic relationship. ...The section is called Discover People and is located on the navigation panel in the same list with the tabs Friends, Events, Groups and others.

    The social network Facebook has launched a new Discover People section in its mobile application to find new acquaintances and company to attend an event. ...For now, the function is available only to some Android and iOS smartphone users.

    The mobile version of the social network Facebook will feature a new section, Discover People, which will perform several functions. Thus, this service will allow you to establish a connection with a business colleague and even find a partner to invite him on a date. Also in the section you can find out people who live in the user’s city or work with him in the same company. For now, the function is launched on Android and iOS and is not available to all Facebook users, Gazeta.ru reports. Earlier, Realnoe Vremya wrote, that according to the results of the last fiscal quarter, which ended on December 31, Facebook’s revenue growth was 50.8%, reaching $8.81 billion.

    According to the developers, it should help make new acquaintances and get to know your closest acquaintances better, allow you to select a company for any event, and find a couple for a date. Since the fall, the service has been running in test mode in New Zealand and Australia, and in the near future it will gradually become available throughout the world.

    We are talking about the Discover People section, which is designed to search for people by interests. ...Using the Discover People section, which operates separately from Facebook, clients of the social network can organize friendly, business and romantic meetings with people of interest to them.

    It should help users find new friends, establish connections with colleagues, and so on. ...In the fall, the section became available to users in New Zealand and Australia, and now the launch has begun on an international scale.

    Users are asked to find people with similar interests in order to organize a friendly or romantic meeting. ...The section was tested at the end of last year in Australia or New Zealand.

    Now users will be able to meet people from a common city, find friends or invite someone on a date. This functionality is located in the “Find Friends” section, near the “More” panel.

    The new feature is currently only available for mobile users, but the developers promise that making new acquaintances will soon be possible for everyone. ...Against the backdrop of the growing popularity of dating sites, Facebook developers decided not to waste time and offer their users a more extensive service.

    Thanks to this service, the user will be able to find out who else is going to the nearest concert, establish connections with a business colleague, and even find a partner to invite him on a date. ...Earlier it became known that Facebook lost in court in the case of theft of VR technologies.

    This section allows you to choose a company to go to any event, as well as arrange a date or meeting with colleagues. ...There are no friends on the social network in the list, since the function involves making new acquaintances.

    In the Facebook mobile application, it is now possible to find people with similar interests in order to organize a business, friendly or even romantic meeting, writes Life.ru. ...The new feature does not affect the main Facebook profile: participants will only be seen by other users of the dating section.

    The Facebook mobile application now offers the opportunity to find people with similar interests in order to organize a business, friendly or even romantic meeting. ...The new feature does not affect the main Facebook profile: participants will only be seen by other users of the dating section.

    The most popular social network, Facebook, has opened a new feature for everyone, with which you can make new acquaintances and connections. ...All those who access the social network from mobile applications of the social network Facebook for Android and IOS will be able to use the application.

    The function was available only in Australia and New Zealand, but now the opportunity is gradually being rolled out to all countries of the world. ...The company decided to create a similar feature because Tinder and Bumble have developed dating apps not only for romantic purposes, but also for friendship and spending time together.

    Facebook has introduced a new feature that will make it easier to find new acquaintances. ...As the company explains, the new feature will help you find a company to go to events together, establish business contacts or start a romantic relationship.

    The social network Facebook has been replenished with a new option that allows you to find new acquaintances for communication, work or romantic relationships. After testing among a user segment from Australia and New Zealand, a corresponding section called Discover People has appeared in the public domain and is intended to compete with such popular applications as Tinder and Bumble.

    Now, through Facebook, you can try to find a soul mate, new friends, a company to hang out with, and even establish business connections. ... Those interested can briefly tell about themselves, indicate their interests, and add a few photos.

    It can be used to find a company to go to a movie or exhibition together, establish business connections or even personal relationships, reports Hi-Tech.Vesti. A new Discover People tab is located in the More menu bar in the lower right corner of the window.

    In the fall of 2016, it launched with users from New Zealand and Australia, now the company has confirmed a gradual launch worldwide, TJournal reports with reference to Techcrunch. The “Find People” function is located in the navigation, where nearby friends, events and groups are also displayed. After clicking on the section, you need to introduce yourself: write a short message about who and why you are looking for, and upload a current photo. Closest acquaintances, other people looking for company, as well as past and future events are displayed below.

    The Facebook mobile app for iOS and Android now has the “Discover People” feature, which allows you to find a company for an upcoming event, collaborate with work colleagues, or find a couple for a date. In the fall of 2016, it launched for users in New Zealand and Australia, and now the company has confirmed a gradual launch worldwide.

    Facebook management has implemented a new feature for finding dating on the social network. ...Now Facebook users can find a company to relax with, establish business contacts, or invite someone on a date.

    Facebook has added a feature to the social network that makes it easier to find new acquaintances. …Clicking on the Discover People button, located in the More panel in the lower right corner, will allow you to see open meetings and a list of people who want to attend them, find colleagues, people living nearby, and so on.

    The most popular social network Facebook has opened a new feature for everyone, with which you can make new acquaintances and connections. The Discover People section is open in the mobile version, and you can use it as you wish, organize meetings, find people with similar interests and colleagues.

    Facebook has implemented a feature that makes it easier to find new acquaintances. It is available only in the mobile application of the social network and can be used for any purpose - finding a company to go to events together, establishing business connections or personal relationships.