Laptop screen - glossy or matte? Choosing a glossy or matte TV screen

Any user of modern technology will be delighted to purchase a brand new monitor or laptop. But often, already in the store, the question arises, which matte or glossy laptop screen is better? To answer this, you should analyze the pros and cons of both options. Moreover, it is better if you figure out this issue yourself, rather than follow the lead of sellers, who are often interested in selling certain models of equipment. In order not to leave the store without purchasing anything at all, prepare in advance and decide for yourself which monitor is better to buy. Actually, we will study and solve this issue in this article.

Features of glossy screens

  • The main features of glossy screens are considered to be brighter and more saturated shades, high color reproduction and significantly pronounced black color.
  • But when such displays are used, glare and reflections become more noticeable.
  • When choosing which monitor is better - matte or glossy, keep in mind that even when the device is turned off, fingerprints are visible on the screen.
  • If the sun's rays fall on it, the image deteriorates significantly. Because of this, it becomes completely impossible to work on it.

Important! The glossy surface puts a lot of strain on the eyes.

Features of matte monitors:

  • Matte “brothers” are distinguished by a special anti-reflective coating, which prevents reflection.
  • Matte displays are convenient to work at any time of the day and under any conditions.
  • They don't put as much strain on the eyes as glossy screens.

Important! The only caveat is that they do not convey colors well and look dull and faded.

Under what conditions should matte and glossy monitors be used?

If you are wondering which screen surface is better - matte or glossy for home use, then consider the following factors:

  • If the lighting in the room is not very bright, then a glossy display with the most saturated colors is ideal.
  • If you plan to work in a room with bright lighting or even outdoors, then a matte screen will be preferable. But remember that it will not protect you one hundred percent from glare. Be that as it may, you will have to hide all light sources located near the screen.
  • Many offices and workspaces use workplace lighting sources such as floor and wall lamps. Therefore, in such situations, the use of matte displays would be appropriate. Due to all their properties, they make the highlights not so sharp, in other words, they blur them.

Important! It is simply impossible to imagine a modern person without a computer. Some people purchase ready-made options, while others assemble it themselves. If you decide to assemble a personal computer with your own hands, the main thing is to take care of a high-quality power supply. In another of our articles, we have selected useful information about.

  • Glossy surfaces, when working with graphic images and objects, can artificially increase contrast, as a result they turn out more saturated and bright. But excessive contrast only visually creates a feeling of false beauty. Therefore, if you often come across such images in your work, then it is better to give preference to a matte monitor.
  • If you just intend to read news on the Internet or watch movies, play video games, or use a graphics editor for personal purposes, then gloss is the ideal option for you. Reflections are not so noticeable on it, and in films entertainment and color saturation are very important.
  • Please also note that glossy screens on laptops consume a minimum of energy, since with less power the picture looks brighter and more colorful.

Important! Naturally, it is impossible to foresee in advance under what conditions a brand new computer will be used in a month or even a few days, because situations vary. For example, you can buy a device with a glossy screen, but you will be sent to work outside, then you will need to buy an anti-glare film that will quickly solve this problem. But of course, it won’t be possible to completely convert the monitor to glossy.

Which monitor to choose for working with numbers or text?

If you are buying a computer to work with numbers and texts, then when deciding which screen coating is better - matte or glossy, keep in mind that it should be as comfortable as possible for the eyes and so that it can be used in a variety of conditions:

Important! If you are an active gamer and are looking for a laptop specifically for gaming, it is very important that it meets all the specifications such as processor power, memory capacity, screen extension, etc. Such gadgets are not cheap at all, so in order not to make a mistake, check out our other article about.

  • Experts advise in such cases to buy matte monitors, because, unlike their glossy counterparts, they are not so rich in colors and bright. But if the sun's rays hit them, they do not glare, and the text is readable.
  • If your first priority is the maximum need to convey the tint range of the image in a room with secondary lighting, then it is better to consider a glossy model.

Important! If you previously worked on a computer with a matte monitor and suddenly switched to a glossy one, then at first it will be difficult for you and you will feel discomfort in your work.

Advantages and disadvantages of modern monitors

To decide whether to choose a matte or glossy laptop screen, you should definitely remember their pros and cons.

The advantages of glossy screens include the following:

  • Clearly defined black color.
  • Richer, brighter shades and excellent color rendering.
  • They are ideal for working with graphics, watching videos and processing images.

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The disadvantages of glossy surfaces are:

  • Negative effect on vision.
  • Glare appears when sunlight hits the monitor.
  • Development of fingerprints.

Advantages of matte screens:

  • Presence of anti-reflective coating.
  • Comfortable conditions when working with numbers and texts.
  • Minimal response in games.

Disadvantages of screens with matte finish:

  • Low level of color rendering.
  • Dull and faded colors.
  • The presence of grain in inexpensive models.

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The long-awaited day of buying a new monitor has arrived. And the first question in the store puzzles us: “What kind of monitor do you want? Matte or glossy? They begin to list all the advantages and disadvantages of both. As a result, we get lost and go home with nothing. To prevent this from happening, let’s first figure out which monitor is better: matte or glossy? What is their difference?
Both monitors have LCD panels. Glossy and matte monitors differ only in the coating applied to the screen. But if both displays use the same LCD panels, where does the matte versus glossy dichotomy come from?

Features of glossy monitor screens

Features of glossy screens are brighter, more saturated colors, high color rendering, and black color is much more pronounced. However, when using a glossy monitor, reflections and glare become more noticeable. Another downside is that when the computer is turned off, all fingerprints are visible. When sunlight hits the screen, the image becomes worse. As a result, it becomes impossible to work on it on a sunny day or outside. Another disadvantage of such a monitor is that they put a lot of strain on the eyes.

Matte screens differ from glossy screens by a special anti-reflective coating that prevents reflection. With a matte monitor, you can work in any conditions and reduce eye strain. The downside of this monitor is poor color reproduction, colors are faded and dull.

Operating conditions for glossy and matte monitors

If you need a monitor for your home computer, then you should think about the lighting in the room. If it is not too bright, then a glossy monitor with rich color reproduction will do. But if you plan to work outdoors or in a room (office) where there is bright lighting, then it is preferable to choose a matte screen. Although it is worth remembering that a matte screen does not protect 100 percent from glare.
In any case, light sources that are in direct visibility must be hidden. However, in most work spaces, so-called open light sources are used to illuminate the workplace, which include all kinds of chandeliers, office wall or floor lamps. In this case, the use of gadgets with matte screens gives a significant advantage over glossy ones: they make glare less harsh, as if blurring them.
It is impossible to foresee all the conditions in which you will work. Everything can change the very next day after purchase. For example, you bought a glossy monitor, and tomorrow you will work outside or in a place where there is a lot of light. Purchasing anti-reflective film will help solve this problem. However, it is no longer possible to turn a matte monitor into a glossy one.

When working with graphic objects and image processing, glossy screens artificially increase contrast. The picture turns out bright and saturated. However, excessive contrast only visually creates a false sense of beauty. For these purposes, it is better to use a matte monitor.
If you use a computer for watching movies, surfing the Internet, playing games, for video and graphic editors, then a glossy monitor is suitable. Reflections are not so noticeable. After all, games and films contain bright pictures, they need color saturation and entertainment. Another advantage of a glossy monitor, for example, in laptops, is lower battery consumption, since the picture looks more colorful when using a lower-power backlight. However, since modern gadgets, in our case a laptop, are a mobile and easily transportable device, it is easier to deal with excessive solar and household glare - the display screen can be easily moved to a convenient non-sunny place and rotated/tilted as desired. For this reason, glossy screen coating has found widespread use and has become especially popular on mobile devices.

Which monitor to choose for working with text and numbers?

At the same time, if you purchase equipment mainly for working with texts and numbers, then the most important criteria for choosing a monitor should be comfort for the eyes and the ability to use it in any conditions. In this case, it is recommended to buy a matte monitor. Unlike a glossy screen, images on a matte monitor will not be as bright and saturated, but bright sunlight hitting the monitor will not cause glare and the image will remain clearly readable.

If, when choosing a monitor model, the first priority is the highest need to convey the color gamut of the image in a room with secondary lighting, use a laptop/monitor at one workplace without moving it, adjusting the environment to it (lighting, location of the workplace to the light source etc.), additional reflective device, then glossy models can be considered. It should also be said that if you worked with a matte screen and switched to a glossy one, you will feel discomfort while working for some time.
Before purchasing, you should carefully weigh the pros and cons of these monitors. In general, it is quite difficult to argue and gossip about the fact which screen covering is preferable, since each user chooses the most acceptable solution for himself. But to summarize all of the above, if you work in a room with dim lighting, a monitor with a glossy display will do. And if you use the monitor in brighter lighting, you should choose a display with a matte finish.

Let's summarize:

Pros of glossy monitors

  • brighter, more saturated colors and high color rendering;
  • black color is well defined;
  • best when working with graphic objects, image processing, and watching videos.

Disadvantages of glossy screen monitors

  • glare when sunlight hits the screen;
  • fingerprints are visible;
  • your eyes get tired faster.

Pros of matte monitors

  • special anti-reflective coating;
  • more comfortable working with texts and numbers;
  • generally less responsive in games.

Cons of monitors with a matte finish

  • poor color rendering;
  • colors are faded, dull;
  • some cheaper options show graininess.

If you look closely, each type of coating has its advantages and disadvantages, but in the end it all depends on how the monitor will be used: be it games, movies, or just work.

Many people, planning to buy a new netbook, laptop or monitor, are faced with the fact that the type of coating on the screens of these devices is matte or glossy. A number of questions immediately arise about the differences between a glossy screen and a matte one. In this material we will try to help you understand which screen is better in your particular case - glossy or matte.

Glossy screens: pros and cons

The question of whether a glossy or matte laptop screen is better will soon disappear by itself. Most manufacturers have been producing gadgets with glossy screens exclusively for several generations. But the opinion of manufacturers is most likely dictated not so much by user convenience as by the presentation of the device on the shelf. First of all, a laptop with a shiny, glossy screen has a better presentation than its counterparts with matte screens. The main advantage of screens of this type is the quality of the picture and color rendition in rooms where direct rays of light do not fall on them. Otherwise, a mirror effect is created, and the user will not be able to see anything other than his own reflection. The advantage of such screens is that the picture on them is much brighter and more contrast, and the black color is much more saturated. In conditions of diffuse lighting in a room, the viewing angle of the image on a glossy laptop screen or monitor will be much greater than on a matte analogue.

Matte screens: pros and cons

If you choose a device with a matte screen, then you need to be prepared for the fact that it will be inferior in color and brightness to its glossy counterparts. This feature of these devices is caused by applying a special anti-reflective layer to the surface of the screen. The picture will be not so “lively” and a little grainy, but where the monitor is exposed to light or direct sunlight, the image on a matte screen will be clearly visible, unlike a glossy one. You need to be careful with such screens; you should not touch them with greasy hands; if stains appear, it will be quite problematic to erase them.

Before purchasing, be sure to consider the conditions in which you will use the device most often. If there is a window behind your workplace, then it is better to give preference to a matte screen. Well, if you want to use the device in a room illuminated by diffuse light, and you are picky about image quality, then it is better to choose a glossy one.

When you buy a laptop or monitor, you are faced with a choice: matte or glossy? Which screen coating is better? The thing that turns into a “mirror” in the light of the Sun, or the one on which the colors seem faded?

We hope this article will help you decide.

Glossy vs matte

Where did this opposition come from? After all, both glossy and matte monitors use the same LCD panels.

However, manufacturers produce glossy and matte monitors, and buyers are faced with the agony of choice.

Let's look at the advantages and disadvantages of each coating.

Glossy displays are more “bright”. They have more saturated, intense and contrasting color rendering; especially deep black color. That's a plus.

However, they shine in the Sun. This is a minus. If you often work outdoors or your workspace is near a window, glare may bother you.

Matte displays have an anti-reflective coating that reduces glare. Therefore, in rooms with bright artificial or natural lighting, it is more comfortable to work with such monitors.

The disadvantage of matte displays is their fading. The colors look a little duller on them.

The pros and cons of glossy and matte monitors are clearly demonstrated by the photo on the cover. On the left is matte Dell, and on the right is glossy Apple.

What to choose?

It all depends on your goals.

If you're looking for a desktop monitor and the room isn't very lit, you'll probably want a glossy finish with more vibrant colors.

If you are buying a laptop and plan to often work outdoors (on the terrace on a sunny day), then look for a matte display. Similarly, when buying a monitor for a desktop computer in very good lighting conditions (table by the window, powerful lamps). But remember: the AR coating on a matte display will not protect you 100% from glare, but it will be slightly less noticeable than on a glossy screen.

Of course, it is impossible to create ideal conditions for the entire life of the screen (especially if we are talking about a laptop). Today your desk is far from the window, and tomorrow you have been moved to an office filled with sunlight. Therefore, when choosing a glossy or matte display, you are making a compromise in any case.

(The photo shows not only laptops with a matte (left) and glossy (right) finish, but also different models from different generations. Please do not make direct comparisons.)

If it were possible to make a monitor where, at the click of your fingers, the matte finish would change to glossy (and vice versa), many would be happy. After all, this would allow you to “tune” the monitor to specific conditions. But this is impossible.

Therefore, the opposition “glossy vs matte” will probably continue to exist. After all, how many people there are, so many opinions.

Elya | December 9, 2012, 10:23 pm
Marina, first you need to decide where you will use the laptop.
If you have it in a bright room in daylight, especially against the light, then the reflectivity of a glossy monitor is very high. It is so large that you can apply makeup to your face, looking at the monitor as if in a mirror. You can, of course, move it back and forth from a dark room to a light one and thereby adjust the comfort of using the glossy laptop screen for its intended purpose. But even in a fairly darkened room, if there is a light source behind you, then, for example, watching a movie or other viewing-related activity will cause you slight eye strain. Imagine what will happen in daylight... Also, all the specks of dust, fingerprints and... splashes from the tangerine you just ate will be visible on the glossy screen.

Unlike a glossy screen, a matte screen has only advantages in terms of the parameters I cited above, namely: it is comfortable for the eyes everywhere and always - in the dark, in light (daylight and artificial) of different directions. Does not require frequent wiping to remove dust, stains and other obscenities. This does not mean that it will be cleaner than glossy, you just won’t see any of it.

If we consider the test subjects (glossy and matte) in terms of color rendering quality, contrast, etc. in a static and dynamic picture, then the glossy screen is undoubtedly ahead. In addition, when viewing the screen at an angle to the frontal plane of the eye, the image quality on a glossy monitor screen decreases very slightly. The same cannot be said about the matte screen.

So, to summarize: if eye comfort and ease of use in any conditions are important to you, then buy a laptop with a matte screen. If you need color rendering of images in a room with second light, using a laptop as a desktop computer (in one place), adjusting the environment to it (light, positioning yourself to the light, etc.), an additional mirror, then consider glossy models. My advice is thoughtful and supported by experience in using both.

Vladimir | December 9, 2012, 20:34
A glossy screen is very tiring for the eyes if there are any light or luminous objects behind it. This is especially bad when working with a laptop outdoors and during the day. Therefore, for long-term comfortable work with texts, it is recommended to use a matte screen.

Glossy has the advantage of higher contrast and improved color rendition. If these factors are important to you, then it’s worth looking at someone’s similar screen at work to understand whether you will be comfortable working with gloss?

Laptops have recently completely switched to a matte Samsung screen, and there are also Vostro laptops. In a store, on rows of shelves with laptops, the difference between a glossy and matte screen is clearly visible.

Crimson | December 8, 2012, 2:20 pm
Take matte ones - they reflect and glare less.

Eugene | 6 December 2012, 14:16
Whichever one you like best is better.