Dr.Web - Frequently asked questions. SpIDer Guard does not start in Dr.Web: solution to the problem

I just went on a call to a client to install a licensed Dr.Web Security Space. I arrive, there is a regular antivirus, and an exclamation mark is on, saying that the protection is not working. Well, I think I should demolish it anyway... I demolished it and started installing Security Space (by the way, on win7x64). During installation, I waited about 20 minutes at the “obtaining a trial license” stage, after which it turned out that another window opened behind the installation window, in which I had to click “continue.” How, tell me, HOW should I have guessed that it appeared there??? Well, okay, I had to wait another 20 minutes for it to update. By the way, Kaspersky updates faster on the same Internet... although, perhaps, the databases here were older...

But all this is lyrics, so, after installation, a problem was discovered: all components are included, except for the damn SpiderGuard. And, of course, there are no settings related to enabling, there is no “enable protection” button anywhere. The solution found is:

  1. We remove the antivirus using standard means (through the control panel - programs and components).
  2. Download the utility for removing traces of previous Dr.Web installations from the offsite.
  3. We launch the utility, enter the captcha hated by all users of the software from this company and press “delete”.
  4. Reboot the computer.
  5. Reinstall antivirus.

That's it, after these steps the spider should work as it should. I am sure that this thing will save you from many other problems that cannot be solved by a simple reinstallation. Enjoy it for your health!

Greetings, dear readers! Today I decided to write detailed instructions for working with Dr.Web LiveCD boot disk. I'll tell you what it is, where to download it, how to launch it, and what you can do with this very useful disk from Dr.Web.

I will try to describe everything in such a way that it would be understandable to the average user, because LiveCD from Dr.Web is a tool with which you can independently repair your computer from most system errors.

What is Dr.Web LiveCD?

Dr.Web, a company known to everyone for its anti-virus programs, has created a boot disk, and it’s completely free. The developers have placed many useful functions on this boot disk, but of course, if it was created by an antivirus company, then first of all it is valuable for the presence of an antivirus program that can be launched from a boot disk or flash drive. And scanning your computer without even loading the operating system is very good when fighting ransomware viruses that completely block access to the operating system. The disk also contains an equally useful file manager, the Mozilla Internet browser, a terminal and an email client. More details about everything later.

Where can I download Dr.Web LiveCD?

You can download the boot disk image on the product page from the official website. Go to and click on the link.
The license agreement will open, be sure to read it and click on the button, which means that it can be burned to a CD, so prepare the disc first.

How to burn a boot disk or flash drive from a LiveCD from Dr.Web?

When our disk image is downloaded to the computer, we will need to burn it to a CD or DVD, it doesn’t matter. I already wrote about that, I advise you to do it with a program Ultra ISO it can be downloaded on the Internet without any problems.

After installing it, it is integrated into the system, and when you double-click on the image we downloaded, it will immediately open in this program, all you have to do is click burn and in a couple of minutes, our LiveCD will be ready.

When our bootable LiveCD is ready, you can boot your computer from it. Most likely, your default BIOS is to boot from the hard drive first and then from the DVD drive and USB media. We need to fix this so that the computer boots from DVD or USB first.

To do this, you need to do everything as written in the article. Now you can insert our disk into the drive and restart the computer, if you did everything correctly, you will see this:

Here we select the first item (this is full graphic mode) and press “Enter”. If the disk does not want to start in this mode, then select the second item and try to start it. There are also two more points. Start Local HDD is a continuation of booting from the hard drive, and Testing Memory is a test of RAM for errors.

We wait a little until we see the fully loaded Dr.Web LiveCD desktop. A scanner window will immediately appear there, but I closed it to show what the desktop itself looks like.

As you can see, everything is very clear, but for convenience you need to change the language to Russian. We do this: click “Start” (green spider in the left corner) and click “Exit”. Select “Select Language” then click “Russian”.

And to return to the desktop, click “Graphic mode”. Everything is now our desktop in Russian. This completes the downloading of Dr.Web LiveCD, you can start working.

How to work with Dr.Web LiveCD?

As you can see, the boot disk from Dr.Web has a very simple and intuitive interface. But still, let's briefly look at each of the utilities.

Dr.Web Control Center

This is a built-in anti-virus scanner, with which you can scan your computer for viruses. Very often, this scanner even finds viruses that prevent the Windows operating system from loading, including ransomware viruses.

From here you can easily run a computer scan, view reports or quarantine.


This is a common utility that will allow you to work with the command line and perform the operations we need.

Mozilla browser

The built-in browser will help you find a solution to the problem. You can also, for example, visit the sites of anti-virus programs, VKontakte 🙂, etc.

Create a bootable USB flash drive

This utility will allow you to create a bootable USB flash drive with Dr.Web LiveCD, which may be useful to you in the future.

File manager

Special thanks to the developers for this utility. The manager, although simple, will not prevent you, for example, from saving files from drive C and transferring them to other local drives, for example, when reinstalling Windows. He looks like this:


And finally, a simple program for working with mail. I don’t know, of course, whether it will be useful to you, but it is there.

This completes the main components of Dr.Web LiveCD; there is also a notepad. But the most useful thing, in my opinion, is the anti-virus scanner and file manager.

To exit the LiveCD, press or “Safe Shutdown”.


Thanks to the user named Mikos, who is very actively helping me with answers to your questions, mainly on, I learned that now the boot disk from Dr.Web is called Dr.Web LiveDisk. And there are some changes in it.

A built-in utility has appeared , which very often refuses to start under Windows. There are also visual differences. But, thanks to the presence of the Russian interface language, it will not be difficult to understand the boot disk.

You can still download Dr.Web LiveDisk from the Dr.Web website, using the link above in the article. There are two versions, the first for creating a bootable disk, the second for creating a bootable USB flash drive.

I advise you to create this disk for yourself and let you have it, just in case. Because you can really do a lot with it. I always have it at hand and have helped me out more than once, especially in destroying ransomware viruses. If you have questions, I’m waiting for them in the comments. Good luck friends!

Also on the site:

Dr.Web LiveCD – detailed instructions updated: August 24, 2014 by: admin

Modern antiviruses work in a complex way, blocking not only obviously malicious code, but also potentially dangerous files. This means that Doctor Web will block even those programs whose behavior it just looks dangerous.

Why do you need to disable your antivirus?

The dr.Web network firewall is much less tolerant of files and processes than the Windows firewall. As a result, the protection works much more often than security actually requires.

Doctor Web can block the following actions:

  • Access to potentially dangerous websites, where only one or a few pages on the resource can potentially cause harm;
  • The work of bootloaders, installers, programs for changing operating system settings and other software whose behavior resembles some viruses;
  • Operation of applications with key generators and any hacked software (including any programs downloaded from torrents and other dubious sources).

When actively working with files on the Internet, such restrictions greatly interfere. To solve the problem, you can temporarily pause the protection or completely disable the antivirus for the desired period.

How to temporarily disable dr.Web

Temporary suspension of work a great way to get rid of the annoying protection of the dr.Web firewall, but without stopping the system completely. If necessary, it is enough to resume the program, instead of waiting for the system to start and check again.

Important: Security settings can only be changed in administrative mode. Switching between administrative and user modes is only possible if the PC user has administrator rights. The switch is made in the SpIDer Agent context menu (antivirus icon), which appears when you right-click on it.

To disable protection for a while you need to:

From this moment on, the antivirus will not work, although it will continue to be running. To resume work, you need to switch the sliders to the reverse position.

Which protection components can be disabled?

Dr.Web allows you to enable or disable individual protection components:

  • Mail antivirus;
  • Firewall;
  • Parental control;
  • Protection of mail, files, preventive PC protection and more.

For example, there is no need to enable parental controls if the computer or laptop is used by one adult. To be fair, most protection components actually do a good job, and disabling the antivirus for a long time jeopardizes the security of your computer.

Disabling the antivirus self-defense system

All latest versions of Dr.Web (10, 11 and later) have the ability to disable the self-defense system. The need for this may arise in case of conflicts with other antiviruses and other software.

To disable the system you need:

  1. Open Doctor Web, go to the settings section (click on the gear icon).
  2. In the new window that opens, select “Main” from the left menu.
  3. In the list that appears, you need to find the “Self-Defense” item and move the slider to the “Disabled” position.

From this point on, all self-defense components will stop working until the slider returns to its original position. The exception is when you restart the computer: in this case, the program will apply the default security settings. Both partial and complete disabling of protection will have to be done again.

How to completely disable Dr.Web via msconfig

If temporary measures do not help and the antivirus continues to block access to sites and interfere with life in other ways, you can disable it completely. To completely disable Dr.Web protection you will need to do several steps:

The described sequence of actions allows you to completely disable the antivirus without uninstalling it, including preventing it from starting when you restart the computer. But you should understand that any interference with the operation of the msconfig task system may be fraught with disruption of the antivirus and operating system if something is done wrong. If an antivirus blocks a site, it is better to use the provided functionality to disable protection for a while.



The installation wizard, having detected a previous version of the antivirus, will offer to remove it. Click Delete.

If errors occur during the removal of the previous version and the antivirus cannot be removed, use the utility for emergency removal of “residues” from incorrect/damaged Dr.Web installations, which can be downloaded from the link: https://download.geo.drweb.com/pub /drweb/tools/drw_remover.exe

During the process of uninstalling the previous version, you must answer the system's question about clearing the quarantine contents. Click Yes to remove data from quarantine, or No to save them.

If you are upgrading from version 7.0, you must respond to the request to delete antivirus settings. Click Yes to delete settings, or No to save them.

Disable Self-Defense.


Step 3. Install the new version


The installation wizard window will open. Check the box and press Further. You can read the text of the license agreement by clicking on the appropriate link.

Install Dr.Web Firewall and press Further.

and press Further.

Review Further.

Install Installation options.

Updating Dr.Web antivirus from version 8 to version 9.0

The update is free for users of earlier versions of Dr.Web

Step 1. Download and run the installer

Download the antivirus distribution kit from the Doctor Web website using the link https://download.drweb.ru.

Run the downloaded file. If you are installing on Windows Vista or later, you will be prompted by User Account Control (UAC), click Yes.

Step 2: Detect the previous version and remove it

The installation wizard, having detected a previous version of the antivirus, will offer to update it. Click Update.

During the upgrade process, the installation wizard will remove the previous version. If errors occur during the removal of the previous version and the antivirus cannot be removed, use the utility for emergency removal of “residues” from incorrect/damaged Dr.Web installations, which can be downloaded from the link: https://download.geo.drweb.com/pub /drweb/tools/drw_remover.exe . Or contact technical support at .

When uninstalling the previous version, you must answer the system's question about clearing the quarantine contents and deleting the settings of the old version of Dr.Web Security Space. Select the checkboxes for the item you want to remove and click Further.

To continue removal, the antivirus will need to disable self-defense. To do this, enter the confirmation code shown in the picture in the provided line and press Remove a program.

After uninstalling the previous version of the antivirus, you will be prompted to restart your computer. Click Reboot now.

Step 3. Install the new version

After restarting the PC, the antivirus installation should start automatically. If this does not happen, then find the installation file you downloaded earlier and run it.

If the installation is performed on Windows Vista or later, the User Account Control (UAC) prompt will appear again. You also need to click Yes.

The installation wizard window will open. Check the box I accept the terms of the license agreement and press Further. You can read the text of the license agreement by clicking on the appropriate link.

If you need to install the Dr.Web firewall, in the next window, check the box Install Dr.Web Firewall and press Further.

If you need to connect to Dr.Web cloud services, check the box I want to connect to services (recommended) and press Further.

When upgrading to version 9.0 from earlier versions, the antivirus automatically finds the key file during installation. If the file is not found, click Review and specify the path to the existing key file (which was used by the old version). Then click Further.

To complete the antivirus installation, click Install. To view the settings, click on the link Installation options.

After completing all the necessary steps, the installation wizard will ask you for permission to reboot. Save all necessary data and restart your PC.

Of the paid antiviruses, I have long preferred Dr.WEB. It always worked quickly, and there were a minimum of false positives. Since I myself have never been burned with this product, I recommended it to all my friends without a second thought. Everything was good, but the 9th version of the spider-savior, frankly speaking, was disappointing. A friend changed his office computer and asked to install Windows and an antivirus for him. All products had licenses, so I immediately went to the Dr.Web website and downloaded the latest version (9th) of the anti-virus package.

The installation went quickly and the installer didn’t ask any stupid questions. Everything is as usual - select the necessary components and wait a couple of minutes. The joy ended after the suggestion to reboot. I restart the computer and see that for some reason Dr.WEB does not start Dr. Web Guard. Without thinking twice, I switch to administrative mode and try to force Guard on. The system thought for a couple of seconds and Guard started. “Minor glitch,” I thought and decided to open Google Chrome. This is where the fun began.

Neither Google Chrome nor any other application wanted to start. Processes of launched applications appeared in the process manager and immediately ended. The thoughts that Dr.WEB might conflict with someone disappeared immediately, because... the system was clean and there was nothing except the installed browser with office.

I had to reboot again and again see the warning icon of agent Dr. Web. Guard again did not start and I no longer dared to try to start it manually. Instead, I launched the browser and started Googling a solution to the problem that had arisen. It turned out that users had similar difficulties with a carriage and a small cart.

I tried various solutions, but none of them could help me. In the end, I decided to experiment on my own.

Error starting Dr. WEB Guard solved

Having tried different methods of scientific poking, I decided to focus on the license manager. I selected the file with the license key during the installation process and in theory it should have been picked up normally. In reality, everything turned out differently. The file seemed to be picked up (information about the license key was in the corresponding window), but for some reason the same scanner did not see it.

The key also did not want to be imported again, and one of these attempts completely knocked out the agent Dr.WEB out of a rut - the process ended with an error. I didn’t have any special ideas, so I tried to take advantage of the opportunity to order a demo key. Oh Miracle! The demo key connected normally and Dr. WEB Guard started automatically. Moreover, when selecting the purchased key (in the license window), the error no longer appeared.

Thus, the migration to version 9 did take place, but I had to spend time and rack my brains. Yes, I understand that there are errors in any program, but it seems to me that such serious brands should minimize such blatant failures. Messages on the official forum speak for themselves - there are many problems in the 9th version of Dr.WEB and it is better to think twice than to migrate right now.