Adblock Plus add-on for Mozilla Firefox: block ads. Installing and configuring Adblock Plus to block ads in Mozilla Firefox. Where to download Adblock for Yandex browser and how to install it

Are you tired of advertising in browsers? If you're tired of it, then you've come to exactly the right place. Nowadays, advertising occupies a large market, and it is beneficial for the companies developing search engines to have a lot of it. More advertising accordingly more money in the pocket. But advertising must be of high quality, and today we will figure out what is needed for ad blocking in modern browsers such as:

  • Google Chrome developed by Google;
  • Firefox developed by Mozilla;
  • Internet Explorer developed by Microsoft;
  • Safari developed by Apple;
  • Yandex Browser developed by Yandex;
  • Opera developed by Opera Software;

For these purposes we will use a fairly well-known extension (plugin) for browsers Adblock or Adblock Plus Maybe best blocker advertising .

Adblock (Adblock Plus)- this is what I already said extension () for browsers, which is necessary for blocking advertising: pop-up windows, advertising banners or annoying elements that interfere with the normal use of sites.

We will look at how to install and configure this extension for all of the above browsers. Therefore, I propose to highlight the main questions:

Let's move on to watching the Adblock Plus installation video:

Now let's look at all these questions in order. There is a lot of work, a lot of information, so read carefully.

Installing and configuring Adblock to block ads in Google Chrome.

First, open this browser, in the right top corner press “ Settings and Google management Chrome”, in the drop-down list click on the item “ Settings”.

Now you will be redirected to the page of the Google extensions online store. Here we enter Adblock in the search bar and click “ Enter" In the list that appears, select our application and press the “ For free" In the pop-up window, if press “ Add”.

After completing the steps, the extension will be installed in your browser and you will see the application icon at the top right.

Right-click on the icon and select “ Settings" On the “ General“don’t change anything, go to the tab “ Filter lists” and put a tick “ Defence from malware ”, leave the rest unchanged.

You can look at all the tabs and select settings that may suit you, I gave an example standard setting which I use myself.

Now the extension works and when advertising appears on the site pages, it will be blocked. The number of blocked ads can be seen next to the icon, a square with a number.

Adblock installation Plus is similar. Let's move on to setting up the next browser.

Installing and configuring Adblock Plus to block ads in Mozilla Firefox.

All steps are almost identical to those we described for Google Chrome. First, open the Mozilla Firefox browser, find the “ “ button in the left corner Open menu”, looking for the item “ Add-ons” and click on it.

Now on the page to which we were redirected in the search bar on the left, enter “ Adblock Plus" In the list that appears, select the extension we need and click the “ Install”.

After the browser installs the add-on, an icon will appear in the top left. Click on it and go to the item “ Settings» and make sure that all the boxes are ticked. If they are, then everything is fine and the addition works to its fullest.

Now you can work in Firefox without any problems. Adblock add-ons do not exist for this browser.

Installing and configuring Adblock to block ads in Opera.

And again we go to the browser, only now in Opera it will install the ad blocker Adblock.

To do this, click on the icon on the right and select “ Extensions”.

In the extension window, select the last item “ Add extensions” and we will be redirected to a page where we can download Adblock.

In the search bar, enter the name of the extension and after finding it, click on it.

On the next page click on green buttonAdd to Opera”.

After successful installation, an icon will appear in the left corner, right-click on it and select settings. See all settings as in Google Chrome. Installing the Adblock add-on is similar.

Installing and configuring Adblock Plus to block ads in Internet Explorer.

Here we click on the button “ Install for Internet Explorer” and follow all recommendations. After everything has been successfully installed, the browser will ask you to install the icon on the toolbar, click “ Yes" Now you can see the extension icon at the bottom right.

You can leave all settings as default, it will work fine.

Installing and configuring Adblock to block ads in Safari.

And as we have already done, open the browser again, but this time Safari from Apple and follow the link:

Click on the button “ Download” and download the add-on itself.

After downloading the add-on, install it. Installation is simple, click on the downloaded file and follow all the recommendations.

Now the extension is installed and you can see the icon at the top left. In order to configure it, click on it and select “Options”.

You will be transferred to Adblock parameters, tab “ Are common” leave unchanged, and on the “ tab Filter lists“put the last tick” EasyPrivacy (confidentiality)”.

Now everything is ready to block ads 100%.

Let's move on to the last browser for today.

Installing and configuring Adblock to block ads in Yandex Browser.

The browser is quite young, but still not very popular on the RuNet, so I’ll show you how to install this plugin for it.

and repeat all the steps as for installation on Google Chrome.

I don’t want to do the same writing, so go to .

This is how easy it is for us to install add-ons on all browsers. I mainly use Chrome and Firefox, but since I also design websites in parallel with blogging, I use all browsers for testing.

After you install Adblock and Adblock Plus for ad blocking in your browser, it will become more convenient for you to work and you will not waste memory on downloading viral banners and advertising.

Starting with version 14.2, the Yandex.Browser program received a catalog of recommended add-ons, where you can find, download and install useful improvements. In particular, there are various ad blockers that allow you to block banners, pop-ups and other annoying elements.

Where to download Adblock for Yandex browser and how to install it?

In order to download and install an ad blocker in the Yandex browser, you must complete the following steps:

  • Open the browser and click on the settings menu icon. Select "Add-ons".
  • Select the “Add-ons” tab and go down. Here you need to click on the link “Catalog of add-ons for Yandex.Browser”.

  • Enter “Adblock” in the search bar.

  • IN pure form You may not find "Adblock". However, there is "Adblock Cash". This is the same ad blocker whose developers promise rewards for its use. In fact, you will not receive anything, and the add-on will block ads.
  • Installing Adblock Cash is quite simple. You need to click “Add to Yandex.Browser”.

  • Next, click “Install extension” again.

If you want to install an adblock similar in interface, then “Adblock Plus” is perfect for this purpose. To download and install it, follow these steps:

  • Follow the link to the product page.
  • Select your browser type (small icons under the button) and click “Install”.

  • Next, click “Install extension” again.

  • Restart the browser for the changes to take effect. The extension icon will be located in the upper right corner.

How to set up Adblock Plus in Yandex Browser?

A new tab will open. There will be 4 settings sections available here:

  • List of filters;
  • Personal filters;
  • List of extended domains;
  • General.

By default, the first section is marked “RuAdList+EasyList”. However, you need to put a second mark. The more filters are enabled, the less likely it is that a banner will be able to fit onto the page.

Also, if some unobtrusive advertising does not bother you, then you can leave it. To do this, you need to check the appropriate box.

In the “Personal Filters” tab, you can add your own filter. How to do it? Let's consider a simple example. The banner address will be https://site/ads/banner124.gif, where 124 is the banner number. However, every time the page is loaded, the banner number will change and it is impossible to use this address as a filter..gif, where * are all banners. This filter will block ads. But you should not enter other characters, since in addition to advertising, you can block the site materials themselves. Insert this filter into the line and click “Add filter”.

In the “List of allowed domains” (not sites) tab, you can add a specific resource using a special button by selecting the address bar and clicking on the Adblock icon.

In the “General” tab, we leave everything unchanged, since all marks are responsible for statistics and display of tools.

Disabling an ad blocker using Adblock Plus as an example

To disable any extension in Yandex Browser, just select “Add-ons” in the menu.

Then in the list of add-ons you need to find an ad blocker or other extension and check “Disable”.


Open Mozilla Firefox to add Adblock Plus. Enter in address bar link Next, click on the “Download Now” button. Wait for the plugin to load, then restart the browser.

Click on the "Add Filter" button to add a filter manually, or you can select a standard subscription, the choice is offered immediately after you install the extension. Click on the “Add another subscription” button, and in the dialog box that appears, click on the “View all known subscriptions” link.

Next, on the page that opens, select a Russian subscription to configure Adblock Plus. If most of the web pages you view are American, then choose an American subscription. Or select several. Select the one you want and click the Subscribe link. Next, in the next window, click on the “OK” button Initial setup Adblock Plus addon is complete.

Or right-click on the banner and select from the one that appears context menu“AdBlock Plus block image” command. It is also possible to block banners from one source. To do this, enter into the filter the address from which you mainly block banners, replacing the last characters with an asterisk.


Install a browser extension that will block banners. The Adblock project is considered one of the best options today. The development of this extension has been and is ongoing for programs such as Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome. There is also a similar tool for the Norwegian Opera browser - AdBlock.

Open your browser and go to any search engine page. Search for "Adblock Chrome extension" if you're using Google Chrome. Instead of Chrome, you can specify the name of your program for browsing the Internet, for example, Firefox or Opera.

Follow the link to the extension's page, for example, For Firefox and Opera, the download page link will be different. Click the "Install" button and wait for the application to finish downloading. In Firefox, the full name of this plugin looks like Adblock Plus, the installation procedure is no different. Restart your browser to start working with the anti-banner.

AdBlock (Adblock) is a free browser extension that blocks advertising banners on sites. It happens that it needs to be paused - content is not displayed on any of the pages, or materials cannot be downloaded with the plugin enabled.

Let's figure out where and how to disable the AdBlock extension in the browser (Chrome, Opera, etc.).

Disable AdBlock in the browser

IN different browsers It is deactivated, accordingly, in different ways. In one the required menu item is called “extensions”, in another “add-ons”, and in the third something else. Below I have compiled instructions for four of the most popular web browsers.

Yandex Browser

To disable Adblock in Yandex Browser, follow these steps:

Google Chrome

Second in line is Chrome Browser from Google. The process is similar to the previous one - after all, both browsers have the same source code.


Now let's look at how to disable AdBlock in Opera:

Mozilla Firefox

Overall, the process is intuitive for all browsers. But if you haven’t figured out how to disable Adblock and other add-ons, read the instructions for Mozilla:

Please note: in some of these programs, at the top, to the right of the search bar, there is a soft bar with frequently used plugins. If there is a red icon with a white palm, or the inscription “ABP” (the second option is the Plus version), click on it and select “Pause on all sites” - this will save a minute.

Now you know how to disable AdBlock when needed. As you can see, the process is not difficult.

Disable on a specific site

It also happens that you need to disable AdBlock not for everyone, but for a specific site. Now let's figure out how to do this.

For Y. Browser, Chrome, Opera and Mozilla in regular version plugin (not "Plus" with letters "ABP" on the logo) just follow these steps:

  1. Go to the desired site.
  2. Click on the icon we are already familiar with.
  3. From the menu that appears, select “Do not run on pages of this domain”.
  4. Select the pages for which you want to disable Adblock.

In the Plus version it will look like this:

Disable on Android

Now we’ll learn how to disable Adblock on smartphones running Android OS - although many people don’t even know about its existence for this type of device.


The Internet is teeming with various viruses, Trojans and miners that appear on the system after following malicious links, clicking on advertising banners with flashy inscriptions, etc. To protect themselves, users have to install the Adblock plugin, although it does not always help - cyber criminals are constantly coming up with ways to bypass security programs.

And when using it, it is important to remember that you are taking away bread from the site creator who makes money from this advertising. But here everyone decides for himself.

The main thing is to be vigilant and do not fall for the tricks of scammers, good luck using the Internet!

Adblock Plus is the most popular browser extension available for Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera and Android. Its primary purpose is to remove all intrusive advertisements from your browsing experience: YouTube video ads, Facebook ads, banners, pop-ups, pop-unders, background ads etc.

How does Adblock Plus work?

In order to block ads, Adblock Plus requires the so-called filters to "tell" it which requests to block. Out of the box, Adblock Plus comes without any filters, but, it will offer you to add a filter subscription on first start. With these filters enabled, it can block specific requests from websites, usually the requests to serve an ad. Blocked ads often leave blank spaces or "Advertising Tags" on webpages. Adblock Plus is still able to remove these with a functionality called "element-hiding": based on certain specific characteristics, Adblock Plus is able to hide certain elements from the webpage.

Installing Adblock Plus

For Firefox

If you use the Mozilla Firefox browser, click the install button on the Firefox installation page. Firefox will prompt you to allow Adblock Plus to install the add-on: Click on "Allow".

Firefox will start the installation of our ad block, and will ask you to confirm that you trust the author. Click on "Install Now" to add Adblock Plus to your Firefox browser.

You are now protected against all intrusive ads!

For Chrome

Google Chrome allows two ways to install our ad block software. The easiest way is through our website, the second way is through the Chrome Webstore.

Installation through our website in two steps

It is important to note that you should not add too many filterlists to Adblock Plus. This will slow down the adblocker, therefore, your browsing. As a rule of thumb, it is highly recommended to not use overlapping filterlists (e.g. choose either EasyList OR Fanboy"s List).

You can also use filterlists to protect yourself against tracking, malware, social media tracking etc. Read more about this.

How to add a filterlist

If you want to remove a filterlist again check out this tutorial.

In Firefox

In Firefox select "Firefox" >> "Add-ons" (for Mac OS X / Linux, select "Tools" from the menubar >> "Add-Ons"), this will open your Firefox Add-ons Manager.

On Windows:
On Mac OS X/Linux

In the Add-ons Manager under the "Extensions" tab, you will find Adblock Plus:

Please select "Preferences" to access the Adblock Plus profile, and click on "Filter Preferences":

This will open the Adblock Plus Filter Preferences menu:

Please click on "Add filter subscription", and open the drop-down menu for the filterlist subscriptions to add new/more filters. Select the list you want to subscribe to, Adblock Plus automatically enable these lists by default. This menu only shows the most popular and recommended filters. Please go for more filter lists.

In Google Chrome

To add a filter subscription to Google Chrome, please select "Settings" from the menu in the top right corner. This menu can be found under the small icon with three horizontal bars:

In the drop-down menu, select "Settings". Next, go to the tab "Extensions" on the left side of the screen. This will open the extension window of Google Chrome, where you will find Adblock Plus.

Under the description, you can find the "Options" hyperlink. Please click on this link to open our adblock for Chrome"s menu:

In the Adblock Plus Options menu, you can see an overview of the installed and enabled filter lists. To add a new subscription for our adblocker, select "Add filter subscription".

This will open a drop-down menu with the recommended and most popular filterlists. Please select the filterlist you want to enable, and click "Add". If your desired filter is not showing amongst these pre-selected filters, please go .

In Opera

To add a new filterlist in Opera, please go to "Menu" button (for Mac OS X / Linux, "Tools"), select "Extensions" >> "Manage Extensions" . This will open your currently installed extensions, including Adblock Plus:

To access the filter preferences menu, please click on the small tool-icon on the right side. This will open your "Adblock Plus Options" menu, where you can add your subscriptions.

Click on "Add filter subscription" to access the drop-down menu with the recommended and most popular filterlists.

Here you can select your desired filter, and click "Add".

On Android

For Android, it is not possible to select multiple filterlists. In order to change your filterlist subscription, please open the Adblock Plus application, and select"Filter Subscription". This will open the menu where you can change your subscription.

Disabling Adblock Plus on frequently used sites

Many web sites depend on advertising income, and if you visit a web site frequently you might want to allow their advertising - provided that this advertising isn't too annoying. To do that, navigate to that site and click the arrow symbol next to the Adblock Plus icon in toolbar. From the menu you can choose "Disable on..." (you can undo that choice in the same way by unchecking this menu line).

Uninstalling Adblock Plus

In Firefox

To uninstall Adblock Plus in Mozilla Firefox, please access your "Add-ons Manager" by going to "Firefox" >> "Add-ons" (for Mac OS X / Linux, select "Tools" from the menubar >> "Add- Ons"). Here you will find an overview of your currently installed add-ons. Find Adblock Plus here, and simply click on "Remove". For more detailed information on how to remove add-ons, please visit Firefox" page.

It is important to note that Adblock Plus saves your preferences settings, so if you would reinstall ABP in a later stage, you do not have to reconfigure your settings. If you want a clean start with Adblock Plus you should remove the directory "adblockplus" in your user profile (). Also, you should go to about:config and reset all preferences starting with "extensions.adblockplus" (to reset right-click a preference and choose Reset from the context menu).

In Google Chrome

To uninstall our Chrome adblock version, please go to "Settings" in the menu in the top right corner. Then, select "Extensions" on the left side. Please find Adblock Plus here, and select the small trashcan icon on the right side. Adblock Plus for Chrome will be completely removed from your browser.

In Opera

To uninstall Adblock Plus for Opera, please go to the "Menu" button (for Mac OS X / Linux, "Tools" in the menubar), select "Extensions" >> "Manage Extensions". This will open your Extensions menu. Find Adblock Plus here, select "Uninstall", and confirm this.

On Android

Uninstalling Adblock Plus for Android is similar to any other app you have downloaded:

  1. Navigate to Menu > Settings > Applications > Manage applications (on devices running Android 4.x, Settings > Apps).
  2. Scroll through the list of apps to find the one you"d like to uninstall.
  3. Tap on the app you"d like to uninstall.
  4. Tap "Uninstall".

Solving problems

What if Adblock Plus blocks too much?

It might happen that Adblock Plus prevents some site from functioning correctly.

Usually, this is not a bug in Adblock Plus but a problem with the filters (or filter subscription) you are using, these filters tell Adblock Plus to block something that shouldn't be blocked. You verify this by temporarily disabling Adblock Plus , if this "fixes" the problem you are dealing with a bad filter. Please report bad filters by using "Report issue on this webpage" feature that will automatically collect important data of the current web page:

When asked about issue type, please choose "Adblock Plus is blocking too much":

What if Adblock Plus doesn't block an advertisement?

If you found an advertisement that Adblock Plus doesn't block, please check first whether you are using . For example, expecting a French filter subscription to block advertisements on a Bulgarian website is unrealistic - you should add a Bulgarian filter subscription for that job. If the filter subscription is right, then the subscription maintainer is probably simply unaware of the problem and you should tell him by using "Report issue on this webpage" feature that will automatically collect important data of the current web page:

When asked about issue type, please choose "Adblock Plus doesn"t block an advertisement": Your report will be automatically sent to the maintainers of the filter list that you use. Please have understanding that filter maintainers don"t reply to or act upon each of the many