Why is there a small hole at the top of the phone? Receiving data via microphone. Small pocket on jeans

Due to the fact that a new generation mobile device is an expensive item, in the event of one or another breakdown, repairs must be entrusted to people who are specially trained this case. After all, if you do the repairs yourself, you may end up damaging the device rather than putting it in order. But you should also understand that there are times when you can do the repair of a particular part yourself, without spending any money. Quite knows how to clean the speaker on your phone a large number of of people. Let us consider this topic in this article further in detail. So, let's find out how to disassemble the phone.

Such a problem as poor sound when talking on the phone occurs due to the fact that the mobile device has been in use for quite a long time. As a rule, the sound creaks due to contamination of the speaker or the phone “swallows” a large number of words. Nothing can be better to solve this problem than cleaning the speakers on your phone. Our task is to disassemble the device and clean the speaker mesh from dust and dirt to improve the quality of the conversation.

Poor sound from speakers

The bad sound produced by the speakers makes its own adjustments to telephone conversations between people. This problem refers to those that can be solved independently. If you don't know how to do this, but want to try, this article will help you.

How to clean your phone speaker at home? Reason bad sound There may be contamination in the hole in the case, as well as contamination in the mesh itself, which is located under the body of your phone. Often such problems begin after 6 months from the date of purchase and start of use. telephone device. Below are all the details about the actual cleaning.

How to clean speakers

How to clean the speaker on a Nokia phone? It's quite simple. First of all you need to check outer shell dynamics. After all, the whole point may be in her. So, let's start working with this part. For this procedure you will need a toothbrush. Naturally, the brush must be old, because then, of course, you won’t be able to brush your teeth with it. You should use this same toothbrush to move along the speaker grid. It is worth noting that the movements must be circular. You need to try to make sure that the bristles get inside the mesh and clean it from dirt and dust. But you should also understand that you cannot press the brush too hard, because you can damage the mesh of the speaker itself, and then you will definitely need to carry the phone to the service center.

Speaker cleaning procedure

It takes a few minutes to carry out work of this nature. Next you need to blow out the speaker mesh. Very often people use in this procedure chewing gum, which has already been thoroughly chewed. They just put it on the speaker and it pulls out all the unwanted bits. This operation must be performed several times, and then simply wipe the phone with a clean napkin.

Once your device is dry, you can check the sound quality. It must be of high quality and clear. Now you know how to clean the speaker on your phone. But this is only one way.

It happens that such cleaning does not bring the desired results. Then you will need to use a different method. Let's look at how to clean the speaker on your phone in this case.

Second cleaning method

So, the second method for cleaning the speaker. The question of how to clean the speaker on your phone, in this case, includes two types of solutions. In the first option, you only need a needle and accuracy. But in the second, of course, knowledge of how to disassemble the phone and the same accuracy.

When you use a needle, you need to be very careful, because you may not clean the speaker mesh, but simply pierce it and completely tear it. In this case, you will have to turn to more trained people.

To clean the speaker, you need to carefully move it along the mesh, clearing it of excess deposits, and shake it out.

The second method is to disassemble the phone, or rather, one of its parts. You can remove the speaker of this device. In this case, its cleaning will be more efficient. You can also rinse your device with hydrogen peroxide, which will kill all accumulated bacteria, and your phone will continue to delight you with its clear sound.

Why do you need a hole in a pen cap, extra holes on sneakers, rivets on jeans and a notch in the bottom of a wine bottle? We are so accustomed to these little things that we don’t even think about why they were invented? After all, this is hardly just a whim of the developer or a tribute to some external beauty. It turns out that every such thing has a deep practical meaning.

1. Do you think a hole in the cap of a pen is needed to prevent it from drying out?

There is an opinion that the hole maintains the level of pressure so that the handle does not leak. Initially, this is protection against suffocation. Children love to chew on the caps, and in case the child swallows it, the hole will allow air to pass through the airway.

2. Ever noticed holes in portholes?

1 - these holes compensate for the atmospheric pressure between the two windows of the window. When the plane rises to altitude, the pressure in the cabin and outside is strikingly different. Thus, the hole is needed to stabilize the pressure difference.
2 - holes prevent glass from fogging.

3. We've all seen that piece of fabric that comes with new clothes.

You probably thought it was for patches? Not at all! This piece of fabric is needed to test the effect of different washing powders on it.

4. And this small pocket on jeans - what is it for, finally?

The history of this pocket goes back to the cowboys of the Wild West, where jeans were invented - it was supposed to be used to carry a pocket watch on a chain.

5. And these rivets?

The first jeans that Levi Strauss invented were intended for workers and gold miners. They often broke, so Strauss added such rivets.

6. What are the holes in sneakers for?

The main and obvious reason is for ventilation. There is also a version that, since the first sneakers were intended for basketball players, laces could be threaded through the holes and tightened tighter.

7. Ever wondered why they made a hole at the end of a tape measure?

With its help, you can secure the tape measure to a nail so that it does not slip.

8. Why the jagged edge?

It is needed to mark the measured distance.

9. Even the hole in the handle of the ladle is multifunctional

Besides the fact that you can hang it from this hole, now you know where to put the spatula while cooking.

10. Did you know what that hole in the spaghetti spoon is for?

The main purpose of this hole is to drain the water from the pasta. But there is also a second thing - with its help you can measure a portion of spaghetti for one person.

11. And this arrow is near the fuel gauge?

This arrow indicates which side of the vehicle the fuel filler cap is on. This comes in handy when you rent a car.

12. Why does the bobby pin have a wavy side?

The wavy side of the bobby pin should face down - this will allow you to better fix the hair.

13. Have you noticed such a hole on the padlock?

If the lock is located outside, water flows out of it through this hole - this way it will not rust in the rain, and in winter it will not freeze. You can also use it to lubricate the lock with oil.

14. What about those things on the cables?

These are ferrite filters that protect the wire from high-frequency electromagnetic interference, preventing signal distortion. Have you heard the speakers hum when someone rings next to them? mobile phone? Thanks to ferrite filters, such interference does not occur near monitors, power supplies and other equipment.

15. Why are there stripes on a utility knife?

The tip of the blade of a stationery knife can always be broken off to create a new sharp blade. To do this, you need to remove the cap from the knife and break off a piece of the blade along the fault line.

16. What if someone didn’t know what the point on the tube cap was for?

The sharp protrusion on the lid can be pierced protective film in a sealed tube.

17. Why are there protrusions on the F and J keys?

IN ten-finger method sets F and J (A and O) are original keys which the index fingers touch. And with the help of the protrusions, you can quickly determine the position of your hands when you type touch-sensitively.

18. Why is there a hole in the ruler?

Everything is simple here - just to hang it.

19. What are those “wings” on an Apple battery?

These hooks are designed to make it easier to wind up the cable. The thick part is wrapped around the battery, and the remaining thin wire is twisted around the “wings”.

20. What is the tiny hole near the iPhone camera for?

This is a microphone that works when you use the rear camera.

21. Do you use a hole on the Tic-Tac?

You've probably noticed this protrusion from inside Tic Tac lids. It is not needed to make the lid close tighter. In fact, this is a pill dispenser.

22. Why is a thin disk needed under the cap of a plastic bottle?

If someone tried to pick this disc out of the cap, you probably noticed that the bottle closes just as tightly. So why him? The disc serves to hold water and gas in the bottle. Without it, the gases will quickly disappear from the carbonated drink.

23. That mysterious blue part on the eraser

We all know that the blue part of the eraser erases the ink. However, only on thick paper- it erases a much thicker layer, and the notebook page will be worn down to a hole.

24. Finally, what about the notch on wine bottles?

Do you think it is needed to make it more convenient for the sommelier to hold the bottle? But no. The recess in the bottom of the bottle compensates for the pressure that the contents are subjected to during the capping process.

The most weak spots bottles are sides and bottom, and the indentation distributes pressure evenly. Champagne bottles, by the way, have deeper grooves - due to carbon dioxide bubbles, the pressure in them is much higher.

Faktrum tells what these strange things are for on objects familiar to us all.

Hole in the cap of a ballpoint pen

Most believe that the permanent hole in the cap of a ballpoint pen protects it from drying out or to remove excess pressure, due to which the pen can leak at the most inopportune moment. In fact, everything is simpler: it is protection against suffocation. If a child accidentally swallows the cap, it will not block the trachea - there will be a hole in it, which, at a minimum, will allow the victim to hold out until the ambulance arrives.

Holes in airplane windows

Ever notice the microscopic holes drilled into airplane windows? Next time pay attention to them! We will explain to those who know about their existence and are perplexed why they are needed. These holes have two purposes. Firstly, they compensate for the difference in pressure. When an airplane flies at high altitude, the difference between the pressure inside and outside the machine is very high, and small holes in inner glass help the outer glass cope with this difference. In addition, these holes help prevent the window from fogging up.

Extra piece of fabric on clothing

This piece of fabric with a button is almost always included with a new item. Why is it needed? Is it really for patches? No! It is needed so that you can check how the fabric reacts to different types detergents and cleaners without endangering the item itself.

Small pocket on jeans

For modern people its existence is a mystery. But if some cowboy or gold miner from the 19th century were reading us, he would be surprised where such a question even arose. At the time when jeans were invented, everyone understood perfectly well that this pocket was intended for a pocket watch. And then fashion designers simply did not want to change the classic style.

Rivets on jeans

Rivets on jeans are not at all decorative elements, made to please metalheads. They are like hello from the past. The work of miners and gold miners, the main consumers of denim pants, was so physically demanding that the fabric could not stand up and tore at the seams. The rivets held the seams tightly.

Holes on sneakers

Expensive and cheap, for a stylish party and for school lessons physical education - all sneakers are decorated with these strange holes. And for good reason. The first reason is clear: ventilation. But there is one more. The first shoes were made for basketball players, and before the game they threaded the laces through these extra holes to make the shoe fit more tightly to the foot.

Hole at the end of the tape measure

A true jack of all trades will certainly guess why a tape measure always has a hole at the end of the tape. Let us explain to the rest: you can put it on a nail and calmly measure required distance, without fear that the tape measure will slip and your measurements will be incorrect.

Teeth on the end of a tape measure

Probably, not everyone paid attention to the fact that on the very metal end of the tape measure with the hole there are also jagged edges. Do you know why they are needed? So that the master can, having measured the required distance, mark it directly on the plaster with a scratch and not reach for a pencil when his hands are busy with the measuring tool.

Hole in bucket handle

Strange, at first glance, holes in the handles of frying pans and ladles also have a practical meaning. Firstly, they can be used to hang the ladle on a hook on the wall, creating a picturesque look in the kitchen. If you prefer to store dishes in the cabinet, these holes will still be useful to you. Next time, after stirring the dish you are preparing, do not place the dirty spoon on the table, but stick the handle into the hole: the table will remain clean and the handle of the spoon will not heat up.

Hole in spoon for pasta

The hole in the center of the pasta spoon is, of course, to allow the water to drain while holding the cooked pasta. But she also has one more goal - and she will force you to immediately conduct an experiment! The fact is that the size of this hole corresponds to the diameter of a portion of dry spaghetti, enough for one. Try checking it out!

Arrow on the fuel level indicator

Pay attention to the arrow next to the gas pump on the fuel gauge. Do you think it's just a picture? But no! This arrow shows which side of the car the gas tank neck is on - and, accordingly, which side you need to approach the pump. You will fully appreciate this convenience while driving a rented car!

Zigzags on "invisible"

These zigzags help the bobby pin better hold the hair - but only if it is turned towards the head, and not outward. Remember this when doing your hair!

Do you know exactly how to use a paper cutter?

Do you know why these thin lines are marked on the blade of a parcel opener or paper cutter? So know! When the knife becomes dull, you can break it off along this line, and the edge of the blade will again become as sharp as new. To do this, it is best to use another part of the knife, the purpose of which is a mystery to many - the removable sleeve on the back side. Take out the bushing, pull out the blade, use the same bushing to break it off along the line and put everything back together. A practically new paper knife is at your service!

Hole at the bottom of the lock

If you are padlocking, for example, a gate or shed in your country house, pay attention to small hole in its lower part, next to the larva. Why is it needed? Firstly, the water flowing into the lock is poured through it. If it did not pour out, the lock would rust in rainy weather so much that it would be impossible to open it, and in winter the frozen ice would completely warp it. In addition, it is through this hole that it is best to lubricate the mechanism - drop some oil there and the lock will not jam.

Lumps on cables

Many power cables - for example, computer cables - have these strange cylindrical thickenings. What are they needed for? These are so-called ferrite cores, or inductive elements. They are made of magnetic iron oxide and are needed to suppress high-frequency electromagnetic interference. Are these the same rustling and creaking noises that you hear in the receiver instead of the voice of your interlocutor when you bring your mobile phone too close to the microphone? The ferrite core prevents this from happening to your monitors, batteries and other equipment.

Sharp protrusion on the cap of a tube of medicine

Why do we need a small spike, which can sometimes be seen on the caps of tubes with medicines? As a rule, medications in such tubes are protected, in addition to the lid, by a layer of foil. Thanks to this spike, you don't have to pick off the foil with your nails - just unscrew the lid, turn it over and pierce the foil with it. That's it, access to the medicine is open!

Dashes on the keys

Please note that on the central keys of the middle row of the keyboard there are barely noticeable lines under the letters. On the Russian keyboard they fall on “A” and “O”, on the English keyboard they fall on ‘F’ and ‘J’. Professional typists know why they are needed: in the ten-finger touch typing method, these keys are the basic ones, the ones on which the index fingers rest. Based on these lines, the typist blindly, without tilting his head, recognizes that the fingers are in the right place.

Hole in the ruler

Nothing complicated: you can use this hole to hang the ruler on a hook above the table.

"Wings" on cables

Why do Apple batteries have wing hooks? To make it easier to wind the cable. The thick part is wrapped around the battery, and the remaining thin tail curls perfectly around these wings. A small clip next to the “wings” perfectly secures the end. Apple once again confirms that its technology is user-friendly!

Point near the iPhone camera

What is this dot near the camera? This is a microphone. It works when you use the rear camera.

Notch on Tic-Tac lid

If you love Tic-Tac jelly beans, you've probably noticed the little indented lip on the inside of the lid. You, like many others, probably thought that it simply helps the lid close tighter? No. It's actually a dispenser that will dispense one pill at a time if you want.

Thin disc under the cap of soda bottles

Sometimes it is made of clear plastic, sometimes it is made of rubber. If you ever tried to pick it out of the cap as a child, you were surprised to notice that the bottle closed just as tightly as before, and water did not flow out of it. So why is it needed?
It’s very simple: this disk holds not only liquid, but also gas dissolved in water - the same one that turns ordinary water into carbonated water. If it weren’t for it, any soda would become ordinary sweet water by the time it hits the counter.

Second color on eraser

Give a two-color eraser a good feel and you'll find that part of one color is much softer than the other. This coarser half of the eraser works much more efficiently and can even erase ink, but it only works on thick paper. It removes a much thicker layer, so this part of the eraser will instantly rub a hole through a thin notebook page.

Recess in the bottom of a wine bottle

This recess is not needed to make it more convenient for the waiter to hold the bottle while pouring wine into glasses, as is often thought. It is necessary to compensate for the excess pressure that the contents of the bottle experience during capping. The weakest points of the bottle are the sides and bottom, and the depressed bottom helps distribute pressure evenly in all directions. This is why this recess is much deeper in champagne bottles - because due to the carbon dioxide bubbles, the pressure in the champagne bottle is much higher.

You saw them every day, used them, laughing because you thought their existence was complete nonsense. But now you will finally know why they are needed!

Hole in the cap of a ballpoint pen

Most believe that the permanent hole in the cap of a ballpoint pen protects it from drying out or to remove excess pressure, due to which the pen can leak at the most inopportune moment. In fact, everything is simpler: it is protection against suffocation. If a child accidentally swallows the cap, it will not block the trachea - there will be a hole in it, which, at a minimum, will allow the victim to hold out until the ambulance arrives.

Holes in airplane windows

Ever notice the microscopic holes drilled into airplane windows? Next time pay attention to them! We will explain to those who know about their existence and are perplexed why they are needed. These holes have two purposes. Firstly, they compensate for the difference in pressure. When an airplane flies at high altitude, the difference between the pressure inside the plane and outside is quite high, and small holes in the inner glass help the outer glass cope with this difference. In addition, these holes help prevent the window from fogging up.

Extra piece of fabric on clothing

This piece of fabric with a button is almost always included with a new item. Why is it needed? Is it really for patches? No! It is needed so that you can test how the fabric reacts to different types of detergents and cleaning products without endangering the item itself.

Small pocket on jeans

For modern people, its existence is a mystery. But if some cowboy or gold miner from the 19th century were reading us, he would be surprised where such a question even arose. At the time when jeans were invented, everyone understood perfectly well that this pocket was intended for a pocket watch. And then fashion designers simply did not want to change the classic style.

Rivets on jeans

Rivets on jeans are by no means decorative elements made to please metalheads. They are like hello from the past. The work of miners and gold miners, the main consumers of denim pants, was so physically demanding that the fabric could not stand up and tore at the seams. The rivets held the seams tightly.

Holes on sneakers

Expensive and cheap, for a stylish party and for school physical education lessons - all sneakers are decorated with these strange holes. And for good reason. The first reason is clear: ventilation. But there is one more. The first shoes were made for basketball players, and before the game they threaded the laces through these extra holes to make the shoe fit more tightly to the foot.

Hole at the end of the tape measure

A true jack of all trades will certainly guess why a tape measure always has a hole at the end of the tape. Let us explain to the rest: you can put it on a nail and calmly measure the required distance, without fear that the tape measure will slip and your measurements will be incorrect.

Teeth on the end of a tape measure

Probably, not everyone paid attention to the fact that on the very metal end of the tape measure with the hole there are also jagged edges. Do you know why they are needed? So that the master can, having measured the required distance, mark it directly on the plaster with a scratch and not reach for a pencil when his hands are busy with the measuring tool.

Hole in bucket handle

Strange, at first glance, holes in the handles of frying pans and ladles also have a practical meaning. Firstly, they can be used to hang the ladle on a hook on the wall, creating a picturesque look in the kitchen. If you prefer to store dishes in the cabinet, these holes will still be useful to you. Next time, after stirring the dish you are preparing, do not place the dirty spoon on the table, but stick the handle into the hole: the table will remain clean and the handle of the spoon will not heat up.

Hole in spoon for pasta

The hole in the center of the pasta spoon is, of course, to allow the water to drain while holding the cooked pasta. But she also has one more goal - and she will force you to immediately conduct an experiment! The fact is that the size of this hole corresponds to the diameter of a portion of dry spaghetti, enough for one. Try checking it out!

Arrow on the fuel level indicator

Pay attention to the arrow next to the gas pump on the fuel gauge. Do you think it's just a picture? But no! This arrow shows which side of the car the gas tank neck is on - and, accordingly, which side you need to approach the pump. You will fully appreciate this convenience while driving a rented car!

Zigzags on "invisible"

These zigzags help the bobby pin better hold the hair - but only if it is turned towards the head, and not outward. Remember this when doing your hair!

Do you know exactly how to use a paper cutter?

Do you know why these thin lines are marked on the blade of a parcel opener or paper cutter? So know! When the knife becomes dull, you can break it off along this line, and the edge of the blade will again become as sharp as new. To do this, it is best to use another part of the knife, the purpose of which is a mystery to many - the removable sleeve on the back side. Take out the bushing, pull out the blade, use the same bushing to break it off along the line and put everything back together. A practically new paper knife is at your service!

Hole at the bottom of the lock

If you are using a padlock to lock, for example, a gate or shed in your country house, pay attention to the small hole in its lower part, next to the cylinder. Why is it needed? Firstly, the water flowing into the lock is poured through it. If it did not pour out, the lock would rust in rainy weather so that it would be impossible to open it, and in winter the frozen ice would completely warp it. In addition, it is through this hole that it is best to lubricate the mechanism - drop some oil there and the lock will not jam.

Lumps on cables

Many power cables - for example, computer cables - have these strange cylindrical thickenings. What are they needed for? These are so-called ferrite cores, or inductive elements. They are made of magnetic iron oxide and are needed to suppress high-frequency electromagnetic interference. Are these the same rustling and creaking noises that you hear in the receiver instead of the voice of your interlocutor when you bring your mobile phone too close to the microphone? The ferrite core prevents this from happening to your monitors, batteries and other equipment.

Sharp protrusion on the cap of a tube of medicine

Why do we need a small spike, which can sometimes be seen on the caps of tubes with medicines? As a rule, medications in such tubes are protected, in addition to the lid, by a layer of foil. Thanks to this spike, you don't have to pick off the foil with your nails - just unscrew the lid, turn it over and pierce the foil with it. That's it, access to the medicine is open!

Dashes on the keys

Please note that on the central keys of the middle row of the keyboard there are barely noticeable lines under the letters. On the Russian keyboard they fall on "A" and "O", on the English keyboard - on "F" and "J". Professional typists know why they are needed: in the ten-finger touch typing method, these keys are the basic ones, the ones on which the index fingers rest. Based on these lines, the typist blindly, without tilting his head, recognizes that the fingers are in the right place.

Hole in the ruler

Nothing complicated: you can use this hole to hang the ruler on a hook above the table.

"Wings" on cables

Why do Apple batteries have wing hooks? To make it easier to wind the cable. The thick part is wrapped around the battery, and the remaining thin tail curls perfectly around these wings. The small clip next to the “wings” secures the end perfectly. Apple once again confirms that its technology is user-friendly!

Point near the iPhone camera

What is this dot near the camera? This is a microphone. It works when you use the rear camera.

Notch on Tic-Tac lid

If you love Tic-Tac jelly beans, you've probably noticed the little indented lip on the inside of the lid. You, like many others, probably believed that it simply helps the lid close tighter? No. It's actually a dispenser that will dispense one pill at a time if you want.

Thin disc under the cap of soda bottles

Sometimes it is made of clear plastic, sometimes it is made of rubber. If you ever tried to pick it out of the cap as a child, you were surprised to notice that the bottle closed just as tightly as before, and water did not flow out of it. So why is it needed?
It’s very simple: this disk holds not only liquid, but also gas dissolved in water - the same one that turns ordinary water into carbonated water. If it weren’t for it, any soda would become ordinary sweet water by the time it hits the counter.

Second color on eraser

Give a two-color eraser a good feel and you'll find that part of one color is much softer than the other. This coarser half of the eraser works much more efficiently and can even erase ink, but it only works on thick paper. It removes a much thicker layer, so this part of the eraser will instantly rub a hole through a thin notebook page.

Recess in the bottom of a wine bottle

This recess is not needed to make it more convenient for the waiter to hold the bottle while pouring wine into glasses, as is often thought. It is necessary to compensate for the excess pressure that the contents of the bottle experience during capping. The weakest points of the bottle are the sides and bottom, and the depressed bottom helps distribute pressure evenly in all directions. This is why this recess is much deeper in champagne bottles - because due to the carbon dioxide bubbles, the pressure in the champagne bottle is much higher.

If the speaker grid is clogged with particles of dust and dirt, then the first thing to do is clean it. To do this, you can take your mobile phone to a specialized service center, where specialists will quickly and efficiently perform this work.

But you can do a pretty good job of cleaning the speaker yourself. To do this, you don’t even need to disassemble the mobile device.

To clean the mesh, you only need an old toothbrush and a little time.

Use the brush in circular motions along the mesh. It is important to try to ensure that the bristles of the brush fall into the mesh and remove dirt and dust from it. However, you should not overdo it here so as not to damage the speaker mesh.

Cleaning with a brush takes a few minutes, then the mesh needs to be blown out. You can apply chewed chewing gum to the mesh to remove all remaining particles of dirt and dust deposits. Repeat the operation several times, and then wipe the mobile device with a clean cloth.

Now you can check the sound quality: after cleaning, everything should be good and clearly audible.

If cleaning the speaker mesh does not help (the sound is still quiet), you can use a needle to pierce the mesh no more than half a millimeter.

The steps must be performed very carefully so as not to pierce the mesh and harm the functioning of the speaker.

If this method does not bring results, then you should think about changing the part. Although you can still try to fix it. To do this, you need to disassemble the structure, take out the speaker and clean it using a needle. You can also wash the speaker with hydrogen peroxide.

Cleaning the speaker grill is very simple. The main thing is to do everything carefully, trying not to damage this unit. mobile device. If cleaning the speaker does not lead to a positive result, then it is better to take the phone to a service center, where experienced technicians will carry out a high-quality replacement.