What does "IMHO" mean? IMHO - what does this mean (detailed explanation)

Every minute a huge number of messages are published on the Internet, containing a lot of interesting colloquial Internet words, without decoding which an inexperienced user may often not understand what is being discussed in a particular discussion.

But for experienced users of the World Wide Web, it is already commonplace to use established expressions, the writing and pronunciation of which can leave a trace of bewilderment on the faces of inexperienced people who are just exploring the Internet. One of the most common expressions, boring on forums, blogs and social networks, is IMHO - an abbreviation of a stable phrase. Sooner or later, every person who wants to communicate with the Internet masses will certainly encounter this initially unclear combination of letters. However, it is necessary to know what IMHO is. Slang on the Internet is constantly progressing, and every self-respecting “user” of the global network should know it, because it is on such literacy that depends on how comfortable a new user will feel in an as yet unknown world.

History of the expression

If you turn to sources with a question about the history of IMHO, you can find out that this abbreviation was introduced by one of the participants in the forum of science fiction fans, after which it successfully spread across the Internet in various interpretations.

According to some other sources, the expression arose while a gamer father and his son were playing Scrabble. The child was unable to form a word, so instead he posted a combination of letters IMHO on the board, which the father subsequently introduced into circulation on one of the gaming forums. Nowadays, you can often hear this word in everyday conversation among young people.


Before studying what this simple word serves, it would be nice to understand what IMHO means and where it came from. In general, such a strange combination of letters in jargon is nothing more than a letter-by-letter translation from English of the word IMHO.

At first glance, the abbreviation IMHO looks completely absurd, but it turns out that it was formed from the phrase In my humble opinion, which literally translated looks like “In my humble opinion.” It would seem, why not take the first letters of the words from the translation? Then it would be an eloquent PMSM. Nevertheless, it is IMHO that has taken root in Runet, and the decoding of this word has many meanings due to the Russian mentality.

IMHO in Runet

When something new comes along, there will always be people who will find a use for it. Adopting the communication style of the global Internet community, users did not hesitate to borrow many colloquial virtual words. Most of them did not have a strict translation, but only carried a certain semantic load, which is why the mass of translations takes on a significantly distorted form. IMHO was no exception. The decoding from the sharp-tongued inhabitants of blogs, forums and social communities turned everything upside down.

If in the English-speaking area of ​​the Internet the meaning of the word IMHO took on, rather, an evaluative character, then in Runet it can safely be considered a stamp marking the speaker’s confidence in his rightness. As a rule, the first part of the statement is translated monotonously: “I have an opinion...”, but then different interpretations of this expression may arise. How it is translated further IMHO depends on the environment in which the communication takes place. If in the company of friends, then one can observe rougher translation variations, the main meaning of which is to show the author’s correctness and reluctance to give up his position in the conversation. On the contrary, if the discussion takes place on a forum or blog, then how it is deciphered IMHO depends on the author’s message itself. It can carry both the sense of persistently asserting one’s position with the subtext “You shouldn’t even start this argument,” or a careful introduction to the discussion using IMHO. The transcript may sound like “I have an opinion, I want to voice it” or “I have an opinion, albeit a mistaken one.”

Who uses IMHO?

Any Internet user has at least once used or wanted to use this word in his speech. The Internet is a territory with its own rules and laws, instead of praise there are “likes”, instead of stories among friends there are “reposts”. That is why absolutely anyone can use the word IMHO, regardless of their social status in real life. Virtual reality requires the user to express thoughts concisely and accurately, so as not to remain misunderstood and not to lag behind the general flow of affairs.

Almost every user of the World Wide Web knows how IMHO stands, which is why using this abbreviation will be a good way not only to briefly express an idea, but also to show your competence in the field of Internet slang. Of course, the use of this expression depends on the tastes and preferences of the user. Some, for the sake of their good manners and education, consider the use of such words unacceptable, preferring to write out the entire phrase.

How to have your own opinion

There are several options for syntactic placement IMHO in a sentence.

  1. The first, and most common, can be considered the use of the word at the beginning of a sentence: “IMHO,...” What does this mean? “I have an opinion, I want to voice it…”
  2. The next most popular is the use of the expression at the end, as a separate sentence: “... . IMHO." This can be deciphered as “… . Individual opinion of the owner of the answer.”

How does anyone feel about IMHO?

Of course, the emergence of something new and unusual always causes heated discussion in the community. There are dozens of topics on forums dedicated to this unusual word. IMHO - what does this mean? Everyone answers this question in their own way. For some, this is a convenient jargon that allows them to reduce the time they spend typing their message; for others, it is a blind adherence to fashion without understanding its use. Still others argue that this word is a killer of the Russian language and should be eradicated from the Internet masses as quickly as possible. Despite all this, many continue to use IMHO not only on the Internet, but also in everyday communication.

Where is it appropriate to use IMHO?

The vastness of the global web is replete with a huge number of diverse communities united under the auspices of certain events or common interests. Of course, this cannot be done without communication, and the word IMHO can safely be considered a permanent inhabitant of these corners of the Internet universe. Many inexperienced users, finding themselves in a general discussion environment, may wonder what IMHO is on forums. Indeed, this expression is found, if not in every, then in most topics, because people are actively discussing the problem.

Wanting to demonstrate his ability to competently conduct a dialogue using Internet slang, the speaker will certainly resort to this means of convincing his interlocutor that he is right. The use of jargon can serve as proof that the author of the statement is not new to the environment of Internet communication, which can serve as a decisive factor in determining the winner of a discussion on a particular issue. The expression will be more than appropriate to use in discussions on blogs, forums, in comments on social networks - in any place where two points of view may collide. Every Internet user must know what IMHO means, because this will allow one to understand what is being discussed in this or that discussion. Nevertheless, the use of this word is unacceptable in business, even online correspondence with a person. This should be well remembered for the reason that slang is a colloquial style, and official language is the style of the absolute majority. In other words, the interlocutor may remain perplexed after seeing an unusual combination of letters in the message.

IMHO on the Internet

Such a popular expression as IMHO could not help but find application as original names as one of the most famous and popular expressions on the global network.

For example, on social networks there are a considerable number of public pages with this name. However, the specificity of the groups is not to discuss any Internet news; funny pictures and various memes are posted here.


An Internet project called “Imhonet” deserves special attention as one of the most striking examples of the spread of a common expression not only in the colloquial speech of bloggers. The specificity of the project is that its users independently form an opinion on any subject, be it a physical or cultural object, during the discussion.

They express their opinions directly, which is a direct application of the expression IMHO. This is where the name of the project comes from, which enjoys considerable popularity in the vastness of the Runet.

Russian interpretations IMHO

Ardent lovers of the Russian language, not wanting to see Americanisms even in Internet slang, have found a good alternative to the English expression. Often on forums you can find such a word form as KMK, which is deciphered similarly by the first letters and means “as it seems to me,” as well as the expression PMSM, which can be interpreted as a translation of IMHO - “in my humble opinion.”


Internet communities are teeming with expressions in Russian and English, the meaning of which is difficult for new users who have not mastered the environment of virtual communication. They often ask a question, pointing out a strange combination of letters IMHO: “What does this mean?”

In the era of modern mobile communication and the spread of spoken Internet language, as well as its rapid development, there is nothing unusual in the appearance of expressions that often confuse people ignorant of these issues. Of course, many educated users can say with full confidence that the use of such words is unacceptable, but by doing so they are simply expressing their IMHO. What does it mean? The Internet environment is a separate world with its own names and designations for familiar things, expressed in a language that is unusual in many respects. Its peculiarity lies, first of all, in the merging of several linguistic layers into one, during the transformation of which from one to another the meanings can be distorted and confused. A striking example is the expression IMHO. A taken English phrase, an abbreviation created from it and a translation into Russian with a change in meaning in the opposite direction.

The question of what this means, IMHO, has been settled. Now we can say with confidence that being literate means having your own opinion.

IMHO - what does this mean? How to use it on the Internet? What is the history of the appearance of this expression, so often used on the Internet, especially in chat rooms and forums.

Surely, in addition to the word IMHO, you have often come across others in blogs, chats and forums: CEP, LOL, Offtopic, Flood, Flame and so on.

From this article you will learn about the original meaning expressions “IMHO” and the meaning in which now it has become common to use it.

There are two versions of the origin of this letter combination. According to the first, the abbreviation IMHO was first used by one of the participants in the forum of science fiction fans.

IMHO, as it looks in the original, is an abbreviation for the stable phrase “In My Humble Opinion,” which translates as “In my humble opinion.”

The Internet dictates its own rules and for the sake of speed, the combination of 4 words has been reduced to 4 letters. And this is understandable, because four characters can be typed faster than seventeen.

The second version of the origin IMHO: a certain father played a game of letters “Scrabble” with his child. The child could not form the word and replaced it with a combination of letters IMHO.

IMHO - what does this mean?

Based on the translation, which contains the word “modest,” it can be assumed that when people expressed their opinions, they did not pretend to be the truth. But they voiced it softly and correctly.

Initially, this was the case... until RuNet distorted the meaning of IMHO to mean exactly the opposite. The Internet has mercilessly turned a correct Internet abbreviation into a “secateur” for a dispute or discussion. If you are having a “small” conversation in a chat or blog and receive an IMHO response, this can be interpreted as follows: “This is my personal opinion, and I do not intend to discuss this issue, even if it is not correct.”

It is difficult to say why the meaning of the phrase was so distorted. Perhaps our mentality is to blame. If on the English-language Internet IMHO is used to denote a modest opinion that claims to be the ultimate truth, then with the help of IMHO we put an end to the dispute. Or maybe this expression is more often used by overly self-confident people who are not accustomed to taking other people’s opinions into account.

So, IMHO is a word that means: in my opinion, or I think so. Using it significantly saves time and simplifies life. Wikipedia confirms that synonyms IMHO:

  • In my opinion;
  • In my opinion.

How to use it correctly IMHO?

If you communicate with the English-speaking public, then IMHO you should use it this way.

  • Option 1. When you want to explain to your interlocutor that you are simply expressing your opinion and do not pretend to be recognized by others, put IMHO at the end of the statement.
  • Option 2. You can use IMHO to express respect for your online interlocutor.
  • Option 3. You can use IMHO to emphasize the right to personal opinion and freedom of speech.

If you communicate with your compatriots, then use IMHO this way.

If you got involved in an online discussion, expressed everything you think, saw the reaction and opinion of your interlocutor, then Then you can proceed like this:

  • Option 1: put IMHO at the beginning of the sentence and then write reasons and arguments. This arrangement is interpreted as: “Hmm-hmm, actually, this is my point of view, and it has a right to exist”;
  • Option 2: you place your reasons and arguments at the beginning, IMHO you put them at the end. And then this is a separate bold dot, meaning: “I think so and you will not be able to convince me.”

I wish everyone interesting interlocutors and useful inspiring communication, many new, bold ideas!

0 Even before the advent of the Internet, there was a network Fido-net, it was in it that the first jargon and concepts arose, which then began to be used on the World Wide Web, for example, what is Shmot, how to understand the term Highground, who is called Teammater, what does Tim mean, etc. One of these terms became “IMHO” . What does IMHO mean?? IMHO, what does this mean?
IMHO is not actually a word, it is more of an abbreviation. It comes from the English acronym " Imho", which can be deciphered as " In my humble opinion", which translated into Russian means "In my humble opinion". What is the meaning of the origin IMHO? Why do people use it instead of the words they are familiar with?

IMHO(IMHO) - means "In my humble opinion." This acronym is now used by many players in online games, for example Dota 2. It is considered a kind of Internet


Despite your Imhos, girls, I have my own Imhos.

I think that my IMHO is the best IMHO in the world!

You've already bothered everyone with your IMHO, bro!

The thing is that typing the acronym “IMHO” on your keyboard is much faster and easier than “this is my opinion,” “I think so,” “I think so.” This is precisely the secret of the enormous popularity of the IMHO abbreviation. Some people have a question, how to write IMHO correctly, in capital letters or in capital letters?
And so, and so it will be correct, it’s not important at all. This abbreviation can be successfully used both in friendly communication and in harsh criticism.

Since this one appeared abbreviation a lot of time has passed. Now she doesn’t have that slight shade of shyness as in the original version - " In my humble opinion". Now IMHO - carries a more neutral meaning - “I believe”, “I believe”, “in my opinion”. Other similar acronyms like IHHO (In him humble opinion) are not perceived at all and are used in quite rare cases.
IMHO implies that his statement is not considered a generally accepted fact, but is only the personal opinion of the author. Moreover, abbreviation makes it clear that the person expressing any thought is not completely sure of the correctness of his thought.

After the acronym IMHO became commonly used, there were many people who began to decipher it in their own way:

I have an Opinion - you can't argue with it.

I have an Opinion - Fuck I'll refuse.

I have an Opinion - I want to voice it.

True Opinion - You can't challenge it!

I have an Opinion - Even if it’s wrong!

There is another fun option:

Individual Opinion of the Owner of the Answer.

After reading this short article, you have finally figured out what is IMHO on the Internet, and now you won’t get there

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today we will look at another term that is found everywhere in RuNet (in comments on forums, blogs and even in personal correspondence), and sometimes appears in colloquial speech. This is the word IMHO.

Of course, it is not literary and belongs to youth slang. In the modern Internet community, for the sake of brevity, concepts are often used that replace entire expressions. Moreover, words that came to Russian from foreign languages ​​are often used. In this case, the primary source is the English abbreviation IMHO.

What is IMHO and how does this word stand for?

This abbreviation encodes an expression consisting of four words, which means “In My Humble Opinion” and is translated from English as "in my humble opinion". In the Russian-speaking environment, the set of Latin letters IMHO was simply replaced with the Cyrillic alphabet (IMHO).

Such a term helps you express your attitude on this or that matter, but at the same time do it politely, emphasizing that your opinion is subjective and is far from being the ultimate truth. After all, we are all human, and we tend to make mistakes.

Of course, in most cases this short word (both in the Cyrillic and Latin versions) is given exactly this meaning, but the Russians, due to their mentality and natural originality, even here managed to distort its original meaning.

Therefore, sometimes when using IMHO what is meant is the expression “I have an opinion, if you want, challenge it”. And sometimes among young people this word is not used as an abbreviation, but simply means something categorical, something like: “I have my own opinion and don’t even try to convince me otherwise.” In this version it has the opposite semantic connotation. Modesty is replaced by arrogance and disregard for others.

So it turns out that when corresponding with a person who has used the word IMHO, ambiguity often appears. After all, it is not known for certain what meaning he put into it (when communicating on the Internet, it is difficult to catch intonation, which could explain a lot). In this case, IMHO, the style of communication of the interlocutor and the content of what he said will help the correct perception.

A little about grammar when using this word. Since this term is used much less frequently in colloquial speech, it is difficult to say which syllable should be stressed. Intuitively it seems that it is the second, although it is possible that some may have objections to this.

In addition, youth slang does not provide for strict adherence to the rules in the use of derivatives of certain words or phrases. For this reason, some users often experiment using adjectives or nouns derived from the word IMHO: imkhoshny (own, personal), imkhoshnik (stubborn person, not inclined to change his point of view). Although, in my opinion, this is clearly overkill. IMHO.

When reading texts and posts on the Internet, we often ask ourselves many questions. For example, what does IMHO mean in messages on social networks and forums. In fact, this phrase means “In my humble opinion” and in English it sounds like “In My Humble Opinion”. But this simple turn of phrase hides many secrets. It's not as simple as it seems.

What is IMHO? True meaning

IMHO is often used by experts and gurus. They thereby show sarcasm, saying that their opinion is modest. Although, of course, this is not true.

Therefore, this abbreviation is deciphered by Russian bloggers as “I have an Opinion You can’t dispute it.”

This word is used in:

  • The vastness of social networks;
  • In the forums;
  • On information sites;
  • In blogs;
  • In online media.

At first, it appeared as a joke and a frivolous, semi-abusive expression. But then, IMHO, it quickly found its supporters.

It is important to note that such a word can be written in small letters, caps or capital letters. This freedom of action greatly attracts many users.

Why is it so popular IMHO?

It's simple, all over the world people will experience a lack of time. And writing a long sentence that has no obvious informative meaning is a great luxury. It is much better to replace it with a simple abbreviation.

It influences IMHO the popularity and employment of people. Often, we want to chat on the forum, but at the same time we need to do other things. Therefore, we have to combine business with pleasure through various shortcuts.

The birthplace of this abbreviation is the FIDO forum. It is used by programming specialists to communicate. They began to use such a word so as not to waste words. After all, computer scientists are not verbose people.

Many people decipher IMHO in different ways. Some call their opinion unmodest, erroneous, indisputable, etc. And some write these letters just like that. Because this is a real global network meme.

How did IMHO become a meme?

A meme is a memorable object or word that has high recognition and popularity. Chats, forums, comments, blogs, etc. helped make these letters popular. Today IMHO is equated with such legendary words as:

  1. Spam;
  2. Burns;
  3. Accordion;
  4. Tin;
  5. Avatar;
  6. Moderator, etc.

It is important to answer that this opinion also has analogues. For example, the Russian KMK = As It seems to me is used in many forums. The same can be said about PMSM - in my humble opinion. But the popularity of such expressions is much more modest. Only some advanced forum users know them.

Unusual transcripts

Russian imagination is very rich. Therefore, IMHO, some craftsmen decipher it as:

  • Individual Opinion of the Answer Owner;
  • I have an opinion, I'll refuse;
  • I have an opinion, I want to voice it;
  • I have an opinion, I want to note.

Thus, IMHO in the message means the personal opinion of a particular person. It replaces an entire sentence. It was created from English words. But it has taken root well in the Russian segment of the global network.