What kind of program is Victoria? Instructions for recovering HDD using Victoria

T Here you can download the program and watch a video on how to use it.

A utility for diagnosing the surface of hard drives.

Launches and works under Windows 7, 8 and 10 - 32 and 64 bits.

Victoria 4.56b SSD x64 for Windows XP, 7, 8 and 10


preferably - Run as administrator(if you don’t know how, watch the video below)

the program is small, so a torrent client is not needed for downloading

just unpack from the archive into a folder and use

phrase for search engines: you can download it for free, but it has never been in Russian :)

the old version was searched using the phrase victoria hdd 4.47 rus download 64 bit

Video on using the program with an explanation of what is what (for now only for the old version.):

Explanation of some SMART diagnostic indicators:

01 (01) Raw Read Error Rate— The frequency of errors when reading data from a disk, the origin of which is determined by the hardware of the disk. For all Seagate and Samsung drives, this is the number of internal data corrections carried out before being output to the interface, therefore, you can react calmly to frighteningly huge numbers.

02 (02) Throughput Performance— Overall disk performance. If the attribute value decreases, then there is a high probability that there is a problem with the disk.

03 (03) Spin-Up Time— Time to spin up a package of disks from a resting state to operating speed. It grows with wear of the mechanics (increased friction in the bearing, etc.), and may also indicate poor-quality power supply (for example, a voltage drop when starting the disk).

04 (04) Start/Stop Count— The total number of spindle start-stop cycles. Drives from some manufacturers (for example, Seagate) have a power saving mode activation counter. The raw value field stores the total number of disk starts/stops.

05 (05) Reallocated Sectors Countimportant parameterNumber of sector remap operations. When the drive detects a read/write error, it marks the sector as “remapped” and transfers the data to a specially designated spare area. This is why bad blocks cannot be seen on modern hard drives - they are all hidden in remapped sectors. This process is called remapping, and the remapped sector is called remap. The higher the value, the worse the condition of the disk surface. The raw value field contains the total number of sectors remapped. An increase in the value of this attribute may indicate a deterioration in the condition of the disk plate surface.

06 (06) Read Channel Margin— Reading channel reserve. The purpose of this attribute is not documented. Not used in modern drives.

07 (07) Seek Error Rate— Frequency of errors when positioning the magnetic head unit. The more of them, the worse the condition of the mechanics and/or surface of the hard drive. Also, the value of the parameter can be affected by overheating and external vibrations (for example, from neighboring disks in the basket).

08 (08) See Time Performance— Average performance of magnetic head positioning operations. If the attribute value decreases (positioning slows down), then there is a high probability of problems with the mechanical part of the head drive.

09 (09) Power-On Hours (POH)— The number of hours (minutes, seconds - depending on the manufacturer) spent in the on state. The passport time between failures (MTBF - mean time between failure) is selected as a threshold value for it.

10 (0A) Spin-Up Retry Count— The number of repeated attempts to spin up disks to operating speed if the first attempt was unsuccessful. If the attribute value increases, then there is a high probability of problems with the mechanical part.

11 (0V) Recalibration Retries— The number of times recalibration requests can be repeated if the first attempt was unsuccessful. If the attribute value increases, then there is a high probability of problems with the mechanical part.

12 (0C) Device Power Cycle Count— The number of complete on-off cycles of the disk.

13 (0D) Soft Read Error Rate— The number of reading errors caused by the software that could not be corrected. All errors have not mechanical nature and only indicate incorrect layout/interaction with the disk of programs or the operating system.

180 (B4) Unused Reserved Block Count Total— number of reserve sectors available for remap.

183 (B7) SATA Downshift Error Count— contains the number of unsuccessful attempts to downgrade SATA mode. The bottom line is that a hard drive operating in SATA 3 Gbit/s or 6 Gbit/s modes (and whatever happens in the future), for some reason (for example, due to errors) may try to “negotiate” with the disk controller about a lower speed mode (for example, SATA 1.5 Gbit/s or 3 Gbit/s, respectively). If the controller “fails” to change the mode, the disk increases the attribute value (Western Digital and Samsung).

184 (B8) End-to-End error- This attribute is part of HP SMART IV technology, which means that after transferring data buffers through the memory cache, the data parity between the host and the hard drive does not match.

185 (B9) Head Stability Head stability (Western Digital).

187 (BB) Reported UNC Errors— Errors that could not be recovered using hardware error recovery methods.

188 (BC) Command Timeout— contains the number of operations the execution of which was canceled due to exceeding the maximum permissible response waiting time. Such errors can occur due to poor quality cables, contacts, adapters, extensions used, etc., or incompatibility of the drive with a specific SATA/PATA controller on the motherboard, etc. Due to errors of this kind, BSODs are possible in Windows.
A non-zero attribute value indicates a potential disk disease.

189 (BD) High Fly Writes— contains the number of recorded cases of recording at a head “flight” altitude higher than calculated, most likely due to external influences, for example, vibration.
In order to say why such cases occur, you need to be able to analyze S.M.A.R.T. logs, which contain information specific to each manufacturer

190 (BE) Airflow Temperature (WDC)— Air temperature inside the hard drive case. For Seagate drives it is calculated using the formula (100 - HDA temperature). For disks Western Digital- (125 - HDA).

191 (BF) G-sense error rate— Number of errors resulting from shock loads. The attribute stores readings from the built-in accelerometer, which records all impacts, jolts, falls, and even careless installation of the disk into the computer case.
Relevant for mobile hard drives. On Samsung drives you can often ignore it, because... they can have a very sensitive sensor, which, figuratively speaking, almost reacts to the movement of air from the wings of a fly flying in the same room as the disk.
In general, the activation of the sensor is not a sign of an impact. It can even grow from positioning the BMG with the disk itself, especially if it is not secured. The main purpose of the sensor is to stop the recording operation when there is vibration to avoid errors.

In this article, we will step by step consider the process of completely erasing a hard drive (full wipe) from a Windows operating system using the Victoria test program. You can download the Victoria program from the official website or from our website, the latest version of Victoria v4.47, running on the Windows 7 64bit operating system.

Download the archive to your computer and unpack it into any folder, you can even into a folder on your Desktop.

Note: The program must be run under an account with administrator privileges. In Windows 7 or Windows 8, you must run the program using the context menu and the “Run as administrator” item.

Go to the folder with the already unpacked Victoria program and run the file vcr446f.exe or vcr447.exe.

After starting the program, the first thing we do is select a hard drive for testing (in our case, it is a 1.5 TB Seagate Barracuda 7200.11 drive).

First, let's look at his "health" indicators. Go to the SMART tab. Click the Get SMART button. If you don’t know what SMART is, I recommend studying it first.

Here it is important to pay attention to the following indicators, look at the value in the column Raw:

  • Health status (GOOD is good)
  • Reallocated sector count– number of operations to transfer bad sectors. If it is not zero, then there are bad sectors that the hard drive replaced with backup ones.
  • Current Pending Sector Count- Current number of unstable sectors. Shows the total number of sectors that the drive currently considers candidates for reassignment to the reserve area (remap). If in the future any of these sectors are read successfully, then it is excluded from the list of candidates. If reading the sector is accompanied by errors, the drive will try to recover the data and transfer it to the reserve area, and mark the sector itself as remapped.
  • Uncorrectable Sector Count- Counter of uncorrectable errors. These are errors that were not corrected by the drive's internal hardware correction tools. May be caused by a malfunction of individual elements or a lack of free sectors in the spare area of ​​the disk when the need for reassignment arose.

The remaining points are less significant; see their description in. On my disk there is a self-diagnosis and recovery system S.M.A.R.T. Already found 39 sectors, indicator Reallocated sector count, which are bad and they were replaced by the system itself from among the spare ones. The hard drive no longer uses them in operation; instead, it uses other, good, sectors.

Go to the testing section (Tests tab).

Here you set parameters for working with the hard disk surface, such as:

  • Start and end sector to work with - in order not to start from the beginning of the disk, you can specify the start sector (by default the entire disk surface is used) We leave the value of the start sector equal 0 .
  • Operating mode: verify (surface check), read (read only, this mode is described in another article) and write (write, in this case, all data will be erased forever!) We choose write, because we need to erase the disk.
  • Recording mode: DDD Enable (reinforced, triple erase of the surface), wr LBA num (writing to its address sector) We select DDD Enable- this will improve the quality of disk erasing; sometimes in this mode it is possible to erase even bad sectors of the disk.
  • Action when a bad sector (BAD) is detected: ignore (do nothing), erase (erase this area), remap (replace with a good sector) and restore (restore). These modes cannot be selected when the mode is selected write- erasing.
  • To the left are displayed the number of good (access time 4-40 ms), average (160-600 ms) and slow (600 or more ms) sectors.

So, the starting sector was installed in 0 , selected the mode write, installed DDD Enable and press the button START. A warning message may appear indicating that you are trying to write to the system disk. I recommend making sure that this is exactly the disk that is needed and confirming the start of the recording process. Will begin erasing disk, or rather its recording, the number of erased (recorded) sectors and the percentage of recording completion will be displayed.

Disk erase results.

After a complete erasing cycle, and the complete erasing process can take several hours, we will get the following picture. We will show the number of sectors of different quality states. Sectors marked orange– these are sectors that may soon become unreadable and unwritable, i.e. bad, if there are a lot of them, then it is advisable to think about replacing the disk.

Sectors marked in red or Err [x]– these are bad sectors, the computer cannot write their contents, i.e. the information recorded in them is lost. If there are not many of them, then you can limit them so that the computer does not try to write information to them, but this is the topic of the next article on HDD repair. If there are a lot of them, then it is better to replace the disk with another one, and disassemble this one into magnets :)

On my disk there are many sectors with a write time of 600 milliseconds or more. This is very bad, because... Information is written to these sectors with difficulty and the disk takes quite a long time to fill them with information. This will generally affect the operation of the computer in the future. A computer with such a disk will slow down at times, especially when writing information to the disk, and possibly when reading from it. Movies, music and other files may take longer to record and read than usual.

Bad sectors on the hard drive

What are bad sectors on a disk? First, let's briefly look at the organization of information storage on a hard drive.

A hard drive is actually made up of several magnetic disks. Magnetic reading heads move above the rotating disks. When recording, the heads magnetize certain areas of the disk, thereby recording zeros and ones - that is, information. Information is not written anywhere, but in strictly defined areas of the disk. The disk is divided into tracks, and they, in turn, into sectors. Information is recorded in these sectors.

In some cases, information from a sector on a disk cannot be read. This sector is called broken. The reason for the formation of bad sectors may be a sudden power outage during a hard disk write operation, a shock during operation, overheating, or physical wear and tear. Most often, bad sectors on a hard drive are formed as a result of the first two reasons.

Program for checking disk and recovering bad sectors Victoria

Victoria is a free program by Belarusian programmer Sergei Kazansky for restoring bad sectors and checking the hard drive. This program also has a Windows version.

The Victoria program allows you to view the SMART table of your hard drive, scan the disk surface for bad and hard-to-read sectors, restore bad sectors, and perform all sectors on the hard drive (low-level formatting). So, let's get down to business!

Checking the disk for bad sectors

Before you start checking and repairing bad sectors of your hard drive, you need to make preparations.

It is necessary to properly configure the hard drive controller in the BIOS so that the program can work correctly with the hard drive. It is necessary to set the SATA controller mode in the BIOS to IDE


In AHCI mode, Victoria will not be able to recognize the hard drive and will not be able to work with it.

Now you can boot into DOS using a bootable USB flash drive and launch Victoria. First of all, you need to select the IDE channel with which we will work, that is, to which the hard drive being tested is connected. To do this, press the "P" (Latin) key.

In the menu that appears, select a channel and press Enter. If your drive is connected to a SATA port, then most likely you need to select

Ext. PCI ATA/SATA . If your drive has an IDE connector, then select the port to which it is connected. If there is a SATA controller correctly configured in the BIOS on the motherboard (in IDE mode), the program will display a list of channels. It is necessary to enter from the keyboard the number of the channel to which the drive being tested is connected. In our case it is "3".

Enter the number "3" and press Enter. After the channel has been selected, you need to initialize the hard drive in the program. To do this, press the key .

F2 Reallocated sector count . Service information of the hard drive (its model, capacity and other information) will appear on the screen. If this happens, then you did everything correctly and the program was able to connect to the disk. Now the first thing you should do is look at the SMART table of the hard drive. In many cases, the information from it can clarify the situation even without scanning the surface. To view a SMART disk in Victoria 3.52 you need to press the key F9

As you can see in the figure above, the number of recovered sectors on this disk is very large (767). This indicates that the disk most likely has some problems with the surface of the disk. In addition, SMART also shows the presence of suspicious sectors, which confirms the version of damage to the disk surface. Such a disk may be able to be recovered, but it should not be used in the future. Such a large number of bad sectors indicates that the disk is no longer reliable. It is better to replace such a disk with a new one and clone information from the defective disk to it. But first, in any case, you need to try to restore damaged sectors on your hard drive.

To return from SMART, press any key.

Recovering bad sectors of a hard drive

Now let's look at the question of how to recover bad sectors on a disk. Fixing bad sectors is actually not that difficult. To begin with, you can simply scan the disk for bad sectors, but we will immediately enable the recovery function.

Now we should say a little about the mechanism for restoring bad sectors or bad blocks. There are two types of unreadable sectors.

In the first case, the sector cannot be read due to a mismatch between the information written in it and the checksum at the end of the sector. This problem can happen if the power is suddenly turned off during the recording process. That is, when the information in the sector has managed to be recorded, but the checksum remains old. Such bad sectors are not inherently defective. They just contain conflicting information that the hard drive cannot recognize. Such bad sectors are treated by erasing the information in them and writing new correct checksums. After this, the sector becomes readable and writable.

In the second case, there is physical damage to the sector (demagnetization, scratch, etc.). Such a defect may occur, for example, due to a shock or overheating of the hard drive during operation. In this case, the process of fixing bad sectors is more complicated. Each disk has a spare unused area. That is, any disk actually has a slightly larger capacity than is actually used. This area is used to redirect unreadable sectors to it.

A new physical address in the spare area for the defective sector is entered into the disk table. The logical address remains the same. That is, the sector seems to remain the same, but in reality it is located in a different place (remap).

This approach, of course, reduces the read and write speed in the area of ​​the disk with the transferred sector, since the magnetic heads have to move to the end of the disk (to the spare area) when accessing the redirected sector. But this approach is justified when the number of forwarded sectors is small and the data processing speed is reduced slightly. Restoring bad sectors using the Victoria 3.52 program Now let's put the theory into practice. To open the disk check menu, press the key F4. In the dialog box that appears, move the cursor to the item for selecting actions with unreadable sectors and with the cursor on the keyboard, scrolling to the right or left, select the item

BB: Erase 256 sect

Even if the process of erasing sectors ends with an error, I recommend not stopping the scan, since the disk may have bad sectors of both the first and second options. And if a bad sector can be restored by erasing, then it is better to do so than to transfer it to the reserve area (which is quite limited).

If it was not possible to restore bad sectors by erasing, then you should try transferring unreadable sectors to the reserve area (remapping). Press the key Restoring bad sectors using the Victoria 3.52 program. This time use the arrows to select BB: Classic REMAP, as it shown on the picture. After that press Enter. The scanning process will begin again. But this time, when a bad sector is detected, the Victoria program will try to perform redirection and move the bad block to the backup area. On some drives, the spare area is very small, so if it runs out of space, the attempt will fail. In our case, everything went well (picture below).

Bad sectors on the hard drive have been successfully restored. Now you need to check the file system for errors (for example, through the ERD Commander utility chkdsk

or booting into Windows, if possible) or format the disk. After this, you can continue to use your hard drive without any problems.

Purpose of the program

The Victoria program is designed for testing various drives: HDD, flash, RAID arrays, and also allows you to hide HDD surface defects, if such a possibility is present. The author of the program is Sergey Kazansky, it is distributed free of charge, you can download it http://hdd-911.com/

Brief description of the program

On Vista and older systems, the program must be run as Administrator, even if your account has administrator rights.

The program window is divided into several tabs: Standard, SMART, Test, Advanced and Setup. The API and PIO switches change the mode of operation of the program with the disk under test. PIO mode requires support from the motherboard chipset. Modern systems younger than approximately 2011 do not support this mode of program operation, so we will not describe it. Here is a brief description of the control elements in the tabs. The window on the right shows a list of drives installed in the system. These are not only hard drives, but also USB flash drives, SD, CF and other memory card readers. They can also be tested. Selecting a device for testing is done by clicking on the desired item. Immediately on the left in the Drive ATA passport window, information about the selected device is displayed. Seek, Acoustic management & BAD"er runs the seek test, allows you to control AAM (if supported by the disk) and simulate on disk.

S.M.A.R.T. When you press the Get SMART button, the SMART is read. USB drives are not supported. The remaining buttons SMART ON, SMART OFF, Auto save attributes ON/OFF allow you to enable/disable SMART monitoring and save the read attributes.

Test. The main tab that we will work with in the future. The Start LBA/End LBA windows specify the beginning and end of the tested area. By default, the entire disk is tested. Pause – pauses the test, the value changes to Continue. Start – starts the selected test, changes the value to Stop – stops the test. Diamond with green arrows - moving forward or backward along the surface of the disk. Block size – the size of the block of sectors read at a time; you can leave it alone. Timeout – time after which, if there is no response from the drive, the program will move to the next sector. End of test – what to do at the end of the test: stop the disk, start the test over again, turn off the disk or turn off the computer. The color scale shows the number of blocks with the specified reading time. Switches Verify, Read, Write – test selection. Verify - check: the disk reads the sector, but does not transfer its contents to the computer. Read – reads a sector into the computer. Write – erases a sector - this test destroys user data. Switches Ignor, Remap, Restore, Erase – mode of working with bad blocks. Ignore - skip. Remap – attempt to perform the procedure of reassigning a sector from the reserve. Restore – attempts to read data and write it back (does not work on modern disks >80GB). Erase – an attempt to write to a damaged sector. It can correct it if an incorrect check sum (CRC) is written to the sector. > - test execution forward. ?|

Advanced. The main window shows the contents of the sector specified in the Sec field. The window below shows the contents of the partition table using the View part data button. The MBR ON/OFF buttons enable/disable the ability to recognize partitions in the operating system.

Example of working with the Victoria program For an example of testing a disk, let's take a faulty HDD WD2600BEVT, which has surface damage and bad attributes in SMART. We launch the program, select our disk and see the following: on the left we see the parameters of the selected disk.
Next, on the SMART tab, you can see the SMART of our disk. Here he is.

We see that the program interprets it as bad. Let's take a closer look.

Attribute 5 Reallocated sector count – number of reassigned sectors 1287 - the disk “crumbles”.

Attribute 197 Current pending sectors – the number of candidate sectors for reassignment; if the 5th attribute is full, it indicates that the disk is “crumbling”, the surface is quickly degrading.

This means that if you need data from a disk, you need to copy it immediately, and not try to repair such a disk. The actions that we will consider next can lead to the loss of information.

You can see errors like UNCR - these are bad, unreadable sectors - bad blocks.

You can uncheck the Grid checkbox, then a disk reading graph will be displayed. In places where there are bad spots, speed dips are visible, marked in red.

At the end of the test, you can try to hide the bad sectors by selecting the Remap mode. This can help if there are bads, but SMART does not yet have BAD status. It looks like this:

The result of the remap can be viewed by reading the smart disk. Here he is:

The value of the 5th attribute increased and became 1291. During normal operation, disks, in the absence of access to them, launch their own procedures for checking and reassigning sectors in the background, and the number of candidates for remap, numbering in the hundreds, indicates that the disk can no longer maintain condition condition and must be replaced. And the SMART status does not always adequately describe the condition of the disk - it can be severely damaged, and the SMART status is displayed as GOOD.

Victoria program(Victoria) is designed to check the computer’s hard drive for any problems using a large list of parameters. It includes functionality that provides the ability to search for various errors and contains software tools for checking the performance of the hard drive.

This test is not informative; for a more detailed analysis, you need to run a test to detect and restore bad sectors. Go to the “Test” item and click the “Start” button.

Performs hard drive testing. Upon completion of the work, displays a detailed report.

Sector status information

If errors were found, highlight them on the grid and click “Restore”. If restoration does not help, then click on the “Clear” button.

Victoria HDD will detect all malfunctions in hard drives and, by eliminating them, will increase the performance of your PC.

The Victoria hdd utility was created to solve problems and check various types of hard drives with the ability to use different parameters. The software has advanced functionality that allows you to solve various hard drive problems that arise under current circumstances.

Utility features

This utility can be downloaded from

Download the archive, unpack it and run the executive file vcr446f.exe

The utility interface opens.

This free software has a logical and simple interface, where there are various additional software modules for examining hard drives. Even an ordinary inexperienced user can understand the program, because all the points are written in clear language, and you can understand the basic and most important functions even at the first launch.
The Victoria hdd utility will help the user perform a thorough check of the hard drive; as a result, information about the status of the hard drive will be provided. In addition, you can perform self-diagnosis in the “S.M.A.R.T.” mode. which allows you to determine the service life of the disk.

Victoria hdd software has a function to check the surface of the hdd disk for possible damage and other problems. The utility can perform a full scan of the hard drive for defective sectors; after the analysis, information about the state of the media as a whole is provided. If Victoria hdd finds bad sectors, they will be reassigned so that you can use the drive in the future without losing data.
The Victoria disk utility can be used by both professional repairmen and ordinary users. Depending on dexterity and skills, the user can configure the Victoria hdd software to suit his needs, which will change the hard drive analysis algorithm.

What is included in the functionality of the Victoria utility:
The utility is able to give a detailed report on the operation of the hard drive and its technical characteristics;
Allows you to identify connected media via a sata/ide channel;
Has the ability to detect flaws on the surface of the hard drive;
Capable of eliminating hard drive shortcomings caused during operation, such as encryption of a bad sector and others;
Equipped with a practical and comfortable smart monitor that clearly displays important vital signs of the disc;
Has an integrated explorer for working with the file system;
Detailed help system for using and configuring the Victoria hdd utility;
The Victoria utility is absolutely free;

The Victoria hdd utility was created to conduct various tests of hard drives; it is more suitable for people with an above-average level of computer use. If you are running the Victoria hdd utility for the first time, it is better not to change the preset settings if you have no idea about their purpose.
In general, the Victoria utility is very useful and relevant for tracking hard drive problems and successfully eliminating most failures. This software has already been able to restore more than one practically “dead” hard drive, and if you are faced with a problem related to a hard drive, the Victoria hdd utility will be very useful.

Checking the hard drive

We open the program, and on the “Standard” tab we see the disk passport, which is listed on the right.

Go to the “Tests” tab. Select the “Ignore” check mode. In this mode, the program will make requests to sectors of the hard drive and if they are faulty or faulty, it will skip them.

Click the “Start” button. Scanning has started.

I stopped the utility (it takes a long time to check), but the results (not the entire disk) can already be assessed.


We put the utility into recovery mode and click “Start”

Victoria hdd video:

Bad sectors on a hard drive What are bad sectors on a disk? First, let's briefly look at the organization of information storage on a hard drive.

Bad sectors on a hard drive What are bad sectors on a disk? First, let's briefly look at the organization of information storage on a hard drive.

A hard drive actually consists of...

Victoria hdd is a program for extensive analysis of the hard drive of a computer, laptop, or external hard drive. This program is used by both beginners and professionals, as it has a very user-friendly interface with many tips, and at the same time, the program provides a large number of opportunities for setting up a hard drive and repairing it.

  • Features of the Victoria hdd program
  • Works directly with Windows OS.
  • View complete technical information of the hard drive.
  • View SMART information.
  • Scanning the surface of the hard drive and searching for bad sectors.
  • Perform normal formatting.

Recovering or reassigning damaged (Bad) blocks of the hard disk surface.

How to download and run the program

You can download the program from the official website http://victoria4.ru/

Once you have downloaded the program, you can simply unpack it and immediately start working without installation.

For the program to work correctly, it must be run as Administrator.

After launching the program, we will see an interface where it is necessary, first of all, to select the hard drive with which we are going to work. To do this, simply select the disk we need with one click.

After selecting a disk, the hard drive's nameplate information will be displayed in the left window:

Hard drive SMART information

In order to view information about the status of the SMART hard drive, you need to select the hard drive you need and go to the SMART tab.

On the SMART tab, click the “Get SMART” button and wait while the program scans the hard drive information.

After the scanning is completed, we can see the general condition of the disk by the signal in the upper right part of the screen near the “Get SMART” button, in my case the condition of the hard disk is good, so the program displays the “GOOD” signal if the disk is in a critical state then in this place there will be an inscription “BAD”.

On the left side we see detailed SMART information.

To determine the status of the hard drive, you need to analyze the following points:

  • Reallocated sector count – number of bad (BAD) sectors that were reassigned. If this number exceeds 10, then you should think about transferring information from this drive
  • HAD Temperature – average operating temperature of the hard drive. This parameter should not exceed 40°C if the temperature is higher. Then you should think about cooling your hard drive.
  • Seek error rate - the frequency of errors during the operation of the heads, this value should also be equal to zero; if the number is higher, then it is worth diagnosing the hard drive for the presence of overheating or vibrations.

Scanning your hard drive for bad sectors (BAD)

In order to scan the surface of the hard drive for bad (BAD) sectors, you need to go to the “Test” tab.

Consider the interface of this tab. The first thing you should pay attention to is the large gray field, in which the scanning process and the surface of the hard drive will be graphically displayed.

On the right we can see a field that will display the number of sectors with different response times.

Learn more about the field that displays the number of sectors with different response times.

The first 3 types of blocks are allowed on the surface of the hard drive; they display the number of sectors with an acceptable response time that will allow you to use the hard drive without problems.

Green sectors are also acceptable and may be present, but a large number of them will significantly reduce the writing and reading speed of the hard drive. Such sectors may be present in large numbers on old drives, or on hard drives that are in constant, uninterrupted use.

All other sectors (orange, red, Err) can cause the system to freeze or severely slow down the hard drive.

Scan options and what they mean:

Restore - this option is used to restore damaged sectors if they can be recovered, but this option is only available in the paid version of the program.

If you have decided on the scanning parameter, then select it and press the “Start” button. We are waiting for the scanning to complete; while the program is running, we can monitor the found and successfully corrected bad (BAD) sectors in the status field, which is located at the bottom of the program window.


The Victoria HDD program is a good tool for viewing information about the hard drive, or SMART status, you can view complete passport information and SMART status, which cannot be done in most similar programs, or you can, but the information will not be complete. If you don’t know much about restoring and minor repairs of hard drives, but want to diagnose and return the drive to good condition on your own, then this program is just for you. But if you need to carry out more accurate and high-quality work with a hard drive, then I recommend using the program, it is a more professional tool for working with hard drives and has more functions.

A hard drive actually consists of...

Victoria hdd is a program for extensive analysis of the hard drive of a computer, laptop, or external hard drive. This program is used by both beginners and professionals, as it has a very user-friendly interface with many tips, and at the same time, the program provides a large number of opportunities for setting up a hard drive and repairing it.

  • Features of the Victoria hdd program
  • Works directly with Windows OS.
  • View complete technical information of the hard drive.
  • View SMART information.
  • Scanning the surface of the hard drive and searching for bad sectors.
  • Perform normal formatting.

Recovering or reassigning damaged (Bad) blocks of the hard disk surface.

How to download and run the program

You can download the program from the official website http://victoria4.ru/

Once you have downloaded the program, you can simply unpack it and immediately start working without installation.

For the program to work correctly, it must be run as Administrator.

After launching the program, we will see an interface where it is necessary, first of all, to select the hard drive with which we are going to work. To do this, simply select the disk we need with one click.

After selecting a disk, the hard drive's nameplate information will be displayed in the left window:

Hard drive SMART information

In order to view information about the status of the SMART hard drive, you need to select the hard drive you need and go to the SMART tab.

On the SMART tab, click the “Get SMART” button and wait while the program scans the hard drive information.

After the scanning is completed, we can see the general condition of the disk by the signal in the upper right part of the screen near the “Get SMART” button, in my case the condition of the hard disk is good, so the program displays the “GOOD” signal if the disk is in a critical state then in this place there will be an inscription “BAD”.

On the left side we see detailed SMART information.

To determine the status of the hard drive, you need to analyze the following points:

  • Reallocated sector count – number of bad (BAD) sectors that were reassigned. If this number exceeds 10, then you should think about transferring information from this drive
  • HAD Temperature – average operating temperature of the hard drive. This parameter should not exceed 40°C if the temperature is higher. Then you should think about cooling your hard drive.
  • Seek error rate - the frequency of errors during the operation of the heads, this value should also be equal to zero; if the number is higher, then it is worth diagnosing the hard drive for the presence of overheating or vibrations.

Scanning your hard drive for bad sectors (BAD)

In order to scan the surface of the hard drive for bad (BAD) sectors, you need to go to the “Test” tab.

Consider the interface of this tab. The first thing you should pay attention to is the large gray field, in which the scanning process and the surface of the hard drive will be graphically displayed.

On the right we can see a field that will display the number of sectors with different response times.

Learn more about the field that displays the number of sectors with different response times.

The first 3 types of blocks are allowed on the surface of the hard drive; they display the number of sectors with an acceptable response time that will allow you to use the hard drive without problems.

Green sectors are also acceptable and may be present, but a large number of them will significantly reduce the writing and reading speed of the hard drive. Such sectors may be present in large numbers on old drives, or on hard drives that are in constant, uninterrupted use.

All other sectors (orange, red, Err) can cause the system to freeze or severely slow down the hard drive.

Scan options and what they mean:

Restore - this option is used to restore damaged sectors if they can be recovered, but this option is only available in the paid version of the program.

If you have decided on the scanning parameter, then select it and press the “Start” button. We are waiting for the scanning to complete; while the program is running, we can monitor the found and successfully corrected bad (BAD) sectors in the status field, which is located at the bottom of the program window.


The Victoria HDD program is a good tool for viewing information about the hard drive, or SMART status, you can view complete passport information and SMART status, which cannot be done in most similar programs, or you can, but the information will not be complete. If you don’t know much about restoring and minor repairs of hard drives, but want to diagnose and return the drive to good condition on your own, then this program is just for you. But if you need to carry out more accurate and high-quality work with a hard drive, then I recommend using the program, it is a more professional tool for working with hard drives and has more functions.