What is earnings in bitcoins? Other ways to earn bitcoins for free. — Independent short-term trading

Cryptocurrencies are a unique form of money that appeared about 9 years ago. At the same time, Bitcoins are the very first and most expensive cryptocurrency in the world. But people can not only store, but also earn on Bitcoins. And today we will figure out exactly how you can make money on Bitcoins in order to become a rich person in the future.

This is important because some experts believe that in the future, cryptocurrencies will become the main and only means of payment on earth. So you need to stock up on coins now. And since it is the most expensive, we will devote the main part of the text to the topic of earning it.

Let's start, perhaps, with an examination of the current situation on the cryptocurrency market. For example, why is serious investment in Bitcoin currently considered high-risk? This is a potentially highly profitable way of earning money, and affordable for many. This type of coin has enough features:

Now, knowing all the risks, we’ll still talk about how to earn Bitcoins, in simple words. For example, using mining, faucets, or choosing any other currently available method.

Proven ways to earn Bitcoins

We have already said that the topic of how you can earn Bitcoins is becoming more and more relevant. But when choosing an effective way to earn Bitcoins, you need to look not at the best one, but at the one most suitable for your situation. We have made a detailed selection of ways how people make money with Bitcoin today.

There are about 10 ways to earn Bitcoins. Let's look at them more carefully, because each of them is effective in its own way:

  1. Mining on PC
    . This is the first method of guaranteed coin mining that comes to mind when we talk about Bitcoins. The mining process itself is solving digital problems using the computing power of specialized equipment. Previously, it was possible to mine cryptocurrency using computers, but now Bitcoins cannot be obtained this way. The classic version of mining on a video card became ineffective around 2012. In 2018, you need to look for an alternative, because miners are responsible for very important work. They provide life to the Bitcoin system, reproducing new units of cryptocurrency. Without mining, the entire cryptocurrency system will collapse.
  2. Cloud mining. This is just a relatively affordable alternative for miners who want to mine Bitcoins through their computer. In this case, there is no need to buy special equipment, which costs serious money. But investments will still need to be made. You need to find a cloud mining service and pay for power in order to earn Bitcoins with its help.
  3. Mining pools. Here you already need equipment. For example, powerful modern video cards. Their power needs to be added to the pool, where there are already many other miners who have sacrificed the power of their computers to mine coins. And when a new block is formed by common efforts, the reward hidden in it will be distributed among the miners. Each person’s share depends on the power they invested.
  4. Mining farm. This is high-power equipment whose main task is to mine Bitcoins. Moreover, a farm is not one such tool, but thousands of machines that perform calculations 24/7. Such equipment costs a lot. You can assemble the farm yourself from video cards or buy a ready-made one. Only with the advent of ASICs, this method for bitcoins is no longer relevant.
  5. ASIC. This is special equipment designed for Bitcoin mining. Very expensive, but at the same time noticeably more efficient than farms. But even its power is becoming insufficient for efficient mining of the most expensive cryptocurrency in the world. Therefore, miners make farms using ASIC devices.
  6. Investment. , as practice has proven, is also a profitable way to make money on them. The price of cryptocurrency is growing every year. For example, at the beginning of 2017, Bitcoin was not even worth a thousand dollars, but by the end of the year its price exceeded 15 thousand dollars. And it doesn’t matter that a month later the price fell again. She is still growing gradually. Many experts are confident that in a couple of years the value of Bitcoin will be more than one hundred thousand dollars. This is an option on how to make money on Bitcoins for dummies - do nothing, just buy on time.
  7. Trading. Traders are people who trade on the stock exchange. Unlike the previous case, here you need to not only buy, but also sell cryptocurrency on time. And fluctuations in its price play into the hands of traders. But to make money this way, you need to understand the rules of the market. And not just read the step-by-step instructions, but delve into the laws of making money on Bitcoins.
  8. Freelancing. Recently, paying freelancers with Bitcoin has become a popular practice. This is convenient, since the anonymity of the transaction is maintained.
  9. Lotteries. The Internet is full of projects that provide the opportunity to win a prize in cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin.
  10. Cranes. This is exactly the option with which you can start mining Bitcoins. All you need is to install a program that will work with captchas, and the person will receive a small reward for this.

Seeing all this variety, choosing the best way to earn Bitcoins is not easy. Everyone chooses an option for themselves. But let’s take a closer look at a few of the most popular ones.

Using mining

Before you start earning Bitcoins, you need to understand what they are. Cryptocurrency is information money, the emergence of which is carried out thanks to the active work of certain algorithms. Solving these algorithms using the power of computers is called mining.

Mining allows you to take Bitcoins by creating a block and receiving a reward for it. Every miner dreams of earning a lot of Bitcoins. But the amount of cryptocurrency is limited. Even at the stage of creating the network, 21 million units were programmed, so it will not be possible to extract more than this emission.

Bitcoins are mined using numbers. For each block, a so-called hash is calculated. It is used to check the integrity of data, for example when downloading from the network. If the hash matches the given patterns, the network starts issuing a new unit of coin. This is the cryptocurrency mining algorithm.

But the mining pattern has a complication. It specifies the probability of a block being formed as planned. If we talk about Bitcoins, their production should be carried out approximately until 2033 (this is the information indicated in the plan). To invest in this plan, the mining difficulty is constantly adjusted. Today, the complexity is such that the formation of one block with cryptocurrency approximately occurs once every ten minutes.

In order to stay on schedule, mining will become more and more difficult over time. And the reward that the miner who formed the block receives will decrease exponentially. That is, every four years the number of coins in a block will become half as large. Therefore, we need to accumulate what we earn now, while it is still possible.

The likelihood of receiving a reward does not depend on luck, but on the computing power of the equipment used. The more powerful it is, the higher the chances of getting cryptocurrency.

To receive cryptocurrency automatically, you need to invest. Automatic earning of Bitcoin is possible only if you have special devices with colossal power. For example, GPU video cards that support a huge number of parallel pipelines do a good job. But one such card is not enough, but if you use several dozen at once, then the result will be noticeably better.

But for a novice miner in the field of solo mining, there is practically nothing to do here. To mine cryptocurrency, people join together in pools. A pool (translated from English as “pool”) is a service that brings together thousands of miners (more precisely, where the power of the miners’ equipment is dumped), ultimately receiving power sufficient to form new blocks in the Bitcoin Blockchain.

Of course, in pools the reward for a mined block is less, but it is stable. And the reward is divided in proportion to the power that the miner gave during the formation of the block. The higher the power, the greater the reward that can be monetized.

This type of mining can be carried out using the following tools:

The complexity of mining is increasing, so we can soon expect more and more new equipment to appear. It will begin to take into account new work circumstances in order to earn a lot of Bitcoins.

Invest in cloud mining

For a long time now, no one has been hosting websites on their computers using hosting services. It is much simpler, more convenient, more reliable and cheaper. Cloud mining works on a similar principle. So if you find the most convenient and affordable option for how to earn Bitcoins, you should definitely invest in it.

Earning cryptocurrency using your own hardware has long been out of date. In 2018, people choose equipment that does not clutter their home, but is installed in warehouses specially equipped for this purpose and is under the constant supervision of professionals. This is much more convenient than buying video cards or ASICs yourself, setting them up, installing them and monitoring their working condition. In addition, there is no need to be afraid that equipment costing several thousand dollars will break.

All a miner needs to do in a cloud service is to choose a reliable site, buy power there and use it, mining Bitcoins even from the deadliest laptop. This is why cloud mining services are so popular.

Professional companies buy iron sold in bulk at a low price. Its price is significantly lower than retail. Then it is installed in data centers (special premises). Locations for data centers are chosen to minimize costs for placement, cooling and monitoring of equipment. After everything is ready, part of the generated power is rented out for mining to users who pay for it.

In this case, everyone wins.

Another question of interest to users who are looking for where to earn Bitcoin cryptocurrency online is how to choose a service. Now there are a lot of hype, which, in fact, only deceive customers. Therefore, when choosing a cloud mining service, you first need to focus on user reviews.

You cannot use the services of centers that cannot prove that they actually have the equipment offered. Of course, you can make money on them, but the risk that the service will fail before you can withdraw money from it is much higher. Therefore, we will consider several reliable data centers that offer real equipment for mining, and not decoys.

Using these sites, you can earn a stable income in Bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies. You just need to pay the rent and don't worry about anything else.

Invest in cryptocurrency

You can earn electronic money by investing in it. This is one of the most popular ways to make money on Bitcoins. The basis of this type of enrichment is to work with changes in the cryptocurrency rate. Now this method is considered one of the most profitable. And there are no restrictions. You can earn both a thousand and tens of thousands of dollars in one day.

But the only nuance that needs to be taken into account before making quick money is that first you need to make an investment in BTC:

But before you make an investment, it is important to choose the right exchange. If you don’t know foreign languages, it’s better to look for exchanges that operate in Russian. This will make earning money on Bitcoin easier, since you will not need to translate all sections into your native language.

How to earn Bitcoins without investment

Everyone wants to know how to earn Bitcoins from scratch. Now these coins are very expensive, and in the future they may become even more expensive. Therefore, receiving free coins is the real dream of every person who has at least a little understanding of what digital money is. Let's look at some of the most popular ways to get free coins. But first of all, let’s look at the pros and cons of this method of obtaining crypt:

  • The main advantage is that this income does not require investments. The money goes directly to your wallet, and there is no need to sacrifice anything;
  • There are a lot of services that distribute income for free. You can choose any or use them all;
  • Users choose when it is convenient for them to receive coins. They can stop or start the launch at any time;
  • There are no restrictions on earnings. You can receive any amount.

But there are also disadvantages. Namely: money does not fall from the sky. Extracting even one dollar takes time, so it is not suitable for the role of the main income. Even knowing that you won’t be able to get much, you can consider the most popular methods of making money on Bitcoins from scratch.

But you should understand that no one will just give away cryptocurrency. Therefore, many projects of this kind are ordinary HYIPs, which regularly turn into scams and stop paying out money.

Earnings on Bitcoin faucets

As already mentioned, you can make money on Bitcoin without investments. And all thanks to special faucets that distribute Satoshi. Therefore, we will look at how to get this money. In addition, this is one of the easiest ways to earn Bitcoins from scratch.

But even income from faucets depends on user activity. Nobody just wants to pay like that. But for visiting you can get from 300 satoshi. True, to get a large amount, you need to spend a lot of time. There are rumors in professional circles that earning the first thousand satoshi is the hardest thing.

To earn this money from faucets, people can:

In the meantime, let's choose a good site that pays well for viewing sites.

Tap How much does it give?
Interval Where is the payment When is the payment Minto the conclusion
Wellclix 0.03–5 rub. 15 s Payer, Yandex, Qiwi On request 1 rub.
Fiload 0.03–0.06 rub. 20 s There are many options On request 1 rub.
SEO-click 0.03–0.06 rub. 10 s Payer or Webmoney On request 1 rub.
Seo-mix 0.03–5 rub. 20 s Payer or Webmoney On request 1 rub.


You can make money on Bitcoin without even investing a penny. But if you want to make real money, you still have to invest, since we are talking about the most expensive cryptocurrency in the world, and even with a limited number of coins.

The most effective way to earn money from Bitcoin is mining. But not ordinary, but cloudy. This is a modern solution that does not require anything from the miner other than timely payment of rent and proper distribution of power. For example, send purchased power to pools.

Thus, the miner is freed from the need to care for the crypto farm, monitoring its working condition. This should be done by professionals, not amateurs. Therefore, now, in 2018, cloud mining of Bitcoins is considered one of the most promising areas for supporting the cryptocurrency network.

But at the same time, every crypto holder has the right to choose a convenient way to earn money. For example, they performed very well in this regard. Coins will likely continue to rise in value. If you buy them during a recession, in a year or two the invested capital will pay for itself tens or even hundreds of times.

It took Bitcoin a little less than a decade from its inception before it became one of the most popular means of virtual transfers. There are many reasons for this: no transaction fees, anonymity, well-coordinated work and no critical flaws. Many users were attracted by the logical question of how to earn bitcoins.

The increase in capitalization, which by the spring of 2018 reached more than $450 billion, only increases people’s interest in cryptocurrency. At the same time, a considerable proportion of users are interested in the possible and real prospects of Bitcoin as a means of earning money.

Purchase and storage

If you don’t know how to start earning bitcoins, 7 ways start with this. Many people are skeptical about the idea of ​​storing large amounts of cryptocurrency. For some, earning Bitcoin without investment quickly evokes associations with financial pyramids. Most users (especially at the beginning of the development of cryptocurrency) had similar thoughts for a reason. Often, bitcoin earnings turned into failure due to the fall in exchange rate. Others succeeded in joining the ranks of BTC owners in time and are now reaping the benefits. For them, making money on the Internet using Bitcoin has become a reality.

This method is not suitable for those who are interested in how to earn bitcoin without investment. In order to think about this method of self-sufficiency, it is enough to give a brief excursion into history. In 2009, the BTC rate was $1 per 1300 BTC. Currently (May 2018) the price of one military-technical vehicle is 8 thousand dollars. The growth of the exchange rate about two million times over 9 years demonstrates the unprecedented benefits of using a means of payment instead of deposits in banks. Here is the answer to the question of how to earn btc quickly without investments. And the question of how to get bitcoins does not arise so urgently. Hundreds of exchangers with a good reputation have been working with cryptocurrency for a long time.

Is the game worth the candle?

However, Bitcoin can sometimes lose its value. As often happens in a free market. Sometimes additional demand for shares, currency or any other asset arises due to existing demand. People want to buy something because they are already buying it - many want to earn bitcoins, quickly and a lot. This leads to a phenomenon that economists call "soap". The desire to take it significantly outstrips the real cost. And after some time, this leads to a sharp and sudden drop in price.

Something similar happened with Bitcoin:

  1. In 2011, having risen to $31 apiece, the currency fell sharply to $10. The reason was a series of wallet hacks, which undermined user confidence.
  2. In 2013, the price of Bitcoin fell from $266 to $109. The reason is the same “soap bubble”. Seeing the huge bitcoin earnings, users began to pour too much money into the cryptocurrency. The catalyst was the arrest of members of the Silk Road website, one of its largest consumers.
  3. In the same year, the cost of 1 military vehicle soared first to 700, and then to 1 thousand and, finally, to 1200 dollars. But in 2013, Bitcoin had bad luck, because in December the Chinese government banned its use by law. Given that a huge portion of the trading took place on Chinese exchanges, this brought the price down to $600. For some, their dreams of making money with Bitcoin have been dashed.

Now cryptocurrency is experiencing a peak: in a number of countries it has already been recognized as a legal means of payment and businessmen have been allowed to use it to pay for services. A number of critics speak in this vein: if the Bitcoin exchange rate has already fallen so much three times, it may fall again.

But for those who want to invest their funds long-term, there are a number of counterarguments:

  1. The platform has been around for a long time and all critical vulnerabilities have been fixed. Bitcoin virtual money: “how to make money?” and “how not to lose them?” – questions that no longer plague the Internet community.
  2. Most countries have already expressed their loyalty to cryptocurrency. This opens up new possibilities for how to quickly earn Bitcoin.
  3. Websites that were involved in illegal trade are mostly closed. This cleared the btc electronic money from its tarnished reputation. Both earning currency and selling it have become easier.
  4. occurs with an eye on previous drops in the price of military-technical cooperation. Most traders already clearly understand how to make money on Bitcoin.

How to invest in bitcoins and is it worth it?

Of course, there are many disadvantages to such an investment. For example, it will be quite difficult to predict the profitability of such an operation. And at the right moment for withdrawal, the Bitcoin rate may creep down and you won’t be able to earn Bitcoin quickly this way.

But it’s foolish to deny: in the long term, storing your savings in the Bitcoin cryptocurrency is incredibly profitable and safe. Now not a single means of payment has even a fraction of the prospects as much as the Internet currency btc has: both earning and selling it will be easier over time.

Decentralization means that even as a result of a major crisis, Bitcoin will not disappear. But a bank deposit can. And if you compare the average yield of a means of payment compared to the modest 10% per annum that is given on foreign currency deposits. It becomes clear why BTC capitalization is growing so quickly.

Exchange trading

There is an answer to how to earn bitcoins on the Internet, and for lovers of trading on Forex and binary options exchanges, cryptocurrencies will also be a discovery - completely similar tools for trading and opportunities to earn money are available here. The most popular are:

  • about three dozen with less turnover.

The easiest way to make money is to search for exchanges where information about the fall (growth) is updated the fastest. With a delay of one to one and a half minutes, the user has time to “predict” the rate and make a transaction. Only the Bitcoin exchange provides this opportunity. It has become possible to both earn and spend a substantial amount without knowledge of trading and economics. At the same time, the user does not need to think about where to earn bitcoin.

Doing Business with Bitcoin

How can you make money on Bitcoin? Another simple way to earn cryptocurrency is to create any traditional type of business accepting btc as payment. There are a huge number of options here:

  • work for bitcoins;
  • exchange of cryptocurrency for standard means of payment;
  • earnings on bitcoin from creating a store;
  • implementation of transaction security in quality.

It’s worth noting right away: Bitcoin has not yet been accepted as a means of payment in the territory. In other CIS and European countries, the electronic currency bitcoin has been fully legalized. You can both earn and spend it in unlimited quantities. At the same time, exchanging btc for another currency in foreign exchangers, and only then for the ruble, is allowed and not punished - good advice for those interested in how to make money on bitcoin without investments.

Nowadays programmers most often use btc as payment. The minimal commission for transfers from anywhere in the world made the currency very interesting for them. Yes, you won’t be able to simply earn bitcoins without investments automatically from scratch - now the currency is already self-sufficient. And also in Europe, cafes gradually began to open that accept electronic currency - this is where you can earn bitcoins without investment and become a pioneer.

Bitcoin faucets

Bitcoin faucets are another quick way to earn bitcoins, which is an advertising platform with banners. The owner creates a simple game to make users stay on his site longer and generate more income. The resources themselves are divided into two main types:

  • actually, ;
  • rotators (sites that contain several links to faucets).

In addition to the reward and income itself, you can invite friends for performing simple actions and receive Bitcoin for it. Most sites of this type have a well-thought-out referral program. Only the use of bots and macros, as well as the use of ad blockers, is not allowed on them - earning bitcoin without investments is impossible on the machine. How is the answer to the question “?” It’s not good for making money, but faucets are a good way to top up your wallet for the first time.

There are also disadvantages: the withdrawal threshold is too high, earnings on the Internet of bitcoins without investments are returned no more than once a week (usually, there are also faucets with instant payout - moonbit). And the ratio of income to time spent is very low.

Entering captcha

To earn bitcoin without investments, you will need to enter the characters from the picture in a short time. A referral program is also supported - you can invite friends and acquaintances interested in earning coins. Any such site will ask you for a simple set of registration data before starting: email, password and wallet address.

Now this area is also experiencing stagnation: the amount of remuneration has fallen with the increase in the exchange rate, which does not allow you to earn enough money. Nevertheless, as a hobby, making money on Bitcoin without investing on a machine is not so bad.

Sweepstakes and poker rooms

It will not be a secret to many that similar services based on working with cryptocurrency have existed for a long time. Many players from traditional poker rooms have already switched to Bitcoin. In a number of countries, this type of earnings is officially prohibited and transfers to and from the accounts of such companies are blocked, which is impossible to do when using bitcoin. You can earn and spend the amount as you wish. With certain gaming skills, master the still unoccupied and empty market, where the average level of players is much lower.

There are also disadvantages: given the youth of most of these projects. Clients of poker rooms may not be sufficiently developed. It is also worth noting that administrators do not hesitate to increase the commission for withdrawing Bitcoin to really serious (10–15% of the amount) values.


When talking about how to earn bitcoins, it is impossible not to mention. At its core, this process is renting out the computing power of your computer in exchange for free coins and a way to earn bitcoins quickly and a lot without investing on the machine (2018).

But at the moment, the complexity of creating new blocks has become so high that specialized chips for calculating hashes worth hundreds of dollars do not even cover the cost of electricity. Most miners have long switched to young cryptocurrencies (like ). It is no longer possible to earn btc on the same platform. Now it's either or.

How to earn bitcoins (video)


The concept of a decentralized currency that works with accounts around the globe creates a huge number of new opportunities to make money. At the same time, traditional types of business available to the average person also function if the legislation allows the use of Bitcoin in your country. Another advantage of the platform: in Eastern Europe and Asia there are a large number of empty niches that have not yet been occupied by young entrepreneurs and companies. This is where you can make money.

Not so long ago, in my next weekly report on my investments, I talked about it as a new promising investment instrument. In just the first week of trading Bitcoin, I earned more than $200 with a deposit of $800, i.e. 25% per week. For the sake of fairness, I note that I was a little lucky, because... I bought Bitcoin coins during a strong upward price trend (the price rose above $1000). After the publication of the report, questions like:

  • What is Bitcoin?
  • Is it too late to invest in Bitcoin?
  • how to make money on bitcoins?
  • where to get\buy bitcoins?
  • how to buy bitcoins on and?

I promised to answer these and other questions in a detailed review, which you are now reading. So let's start with what exactly are bitcoins? This question was the most common among readers.

Bitcoin - what is it?

I've been running this blog for over 6 years. All this time I regularly publish reports on the results of my investments. Now the public investment portfolio is more than 1,000,000 rubles.

Especially for readers, I developed the Lazy Investor Course, in which I showed step by step how to put your personal finances in order and effectively invest your savings in dozens of assets. I recommend that every reader complete at least the first week of training (it's free).

Literally, bitcoin is a “bit” unit of information, a “coin” coin. Essentially, Bitcoin (official abbreviation BTC) is an electronic payment system (currency) that does not have a single information center, so the system does not have a single owner. We can say that the cue balls belong to those who use them. By the way, most often in the bitcoin network they call it cue balls.

The electronic cryptocurrency Bitcoin was created in 2009 (development began in 2007), by a programmer or team of programmers with the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto (apparently a Japanese name). In 2009, Satoshi published the source code of the system and this event can be called the beginning of the electronic payment system.

At the moment, there are more than 10 electronic currencies with a similar operating mechanism, they are also called forks (answer). I will list the most promising forks in terms of earnings and investments:

  • LiteCoin (currently the LTC rate fluctuates in the range of $25-40);
  • Namecoin (now the NMC rate fluctuates in the range of $5-10);
  • PPcoinn (currently the PPC rate fluctuates in the range of $3-5).

The cost and stability of rates of all existing cryptocurrencies directly depends on bitcoins, so in this article I will only talk about bitcoins.

Bitcoin for dummies

In order to fully understand what bitcoin is, I will list the main differences between bitcoins and conventional money:

  • Bitcoins are not backed by anything

BTC are not debt obligations (like traditional money) and, in fact, are not backed by anything material. The price of bitcoins directly depends on supply and demand, i.e. How much do people need currency? A parallel can be drawn with gold, the price of which directly depends on demand. If at some point no one needs gold, then the price for it will collapse, although the price will not fall to complete zero, because It’s still metal and you can make something out of it. If there is no demand, nothing can be made from Bitcoin, so its price could theoretically fall to zero.

  • There is no single center

As I said above, all payment system data is stored in open code on the media of system users. There is no system regulator (such as the central bank) who could influence the price of the currency, the quantity of new units issued, and other factors.

  • Limited amount of currency

The source code of the system is programmed in such a way that the maximum number of coins in the system is initially known (21 million coins). Not only the maximum quantity is programmed, but also the dynamics of the issue (the release of new coins), which is now 25 coins every 10 minutes. The coins are distributed among the so-called miners, which I will talk about a little later. Every 4 years, emissions are halved.

Thus, the payment system has a deflationary structure, which contributes to a constant increase in the price of the cue ball. This is what the Bitcoin emission growth chart looks like, according to which the emission will end in 2033, although it seems to me that this moment will come earlier.

If we assume that the governments of large countries will not ban Bitcoin, then based on the deflationary model, the rate will only increase. When the total number of coins reaches 21,000,000, coins can technically be divided to the eighth decimal place, so the end of the issue does not mean the end of the development of the payment system.

  • No transaction fees

Since the system has no owner, there is no one to pay the commission for transfers between wallets. The system allows you to pay a voluntary commission to speed up transactions.

  • Complete anonymity of bitcoins

Despite the fact that the system is open source and anyone can trace any transaction with btc, the wallet system is completely anonymous. Any user of the system can have an unlimited number of wallets on his computer, and they will have completely different numbers. You can only find out who the owner of a particular wallet is from the owner himself.

The wallet number is a long string of about 34 characters (letters and numbers). The wallet itself can be stored on a computer, portable storage device or in an online service.

The main disadvantages of bitcoins

  • There is no single regulator

Since there is no single center, there is no way to cancel a transaction with bitcoins.

  • Difficulty to use

For most people who are far from Internet technologies, the electronic system of bitcoins is too complex and confusing, this slows down the spread of bitcoins to the masses.

  • Risk of becoming a banned currency

Now that all governments are striving for total control over their citizens, any anonymous money is doomed to be banned. Sooner or later, this will happen to Bitcoin as well. There is already a reason for closure; there are several stores on the Internet that openly sell weapons and drugs for bitcoins. After the ban on cue balls, the exchange rate will most likely drop significantly, but the development of the system will not stop there, the cue balls will simply go underground, where they will also be popular among users who value complete anonymity.

There are only two ways to make money on bitcoins:

  • Earning money from bitcoin mining

Mining ( mining- mining) - extraction of the virtual currency Bitcoin using the computing power of a computer. This process is necessary to ensure the functioning of the network; it is the miners (virtual currency miners) who ensure the anonymity, security and efficiency of transactions in the bitcoin system. Earnings for miners are new coins in the system (25 coins every 10 minutes), which are distributed among the miners. Currently, calculations in the bitcoin system are so complex that using a regular computer for mining will only bring losses (electricity, depreciation, etc.). In order to combine computing power, miners are united into pools, the profits of which are divided in proportion to the volume of calculations made.

Nowadays, for mining, it is most profitable to use special ASIC devices, which were created specifically for mining and cannot do anything other than that. As a person far from the anatomy of computer configurations, I will not go into details of this method of making money on bitcoins. Perhaps later I’ll write an article on mining.

  • Making money trading bitcoins

This method can be divided into two: passive investing in bitcoins and active speculation on the exchange rate. The first method is to simply buy bitcoins and preserve them under the mattress, in the hope that in a couple of years they will cost tens of times more than now. By the way, I recently read an article by a leading analyst at Bank of Amerika, who conducted a study and claims that the price of bitcoin will only increase to at least $300 (currently the price for 1 BTC=$2500).

The second way to make money trading bitcoin involves active trading/speculating on the bitcoin exchange rate. For these purposes, you can use the eToro () service. The service has an intuitive interface; you can set stop loss and take profit, and copy successful managers trading cryptocurrencies. It is possible to try trading on a demo account without investments.

This option is very similar to trading currencies on Forex; by the way, you can even trade on the BTC-E.nz exchange using the MetaTrader 4 trading platform. Namely, earnings from trading Bitcoins are the most profitable for private investors, because does not require large investments. You can start investing with $100. Now let's figure out where you can get/buy bitcoins.

Where can I get bitcoins?

The answer to the question - Where to get bitcoins depends on which option for making money from trading you choose. For lazy investors who want to safely invest money in bitcoins for a long time, the option with exchangers is suitable. First, you will need to create a wallet. Lately, I have been constantly hearing about bitcoin wallets being hacked, so I recommend storing your wallet only on an independent storage device, so you can protect your bitcoins as much as possible.

In order to create a wallet, you need to download the MultiBit client program to your computer from. Next, launch the MultiBit program and create a new wallet. You can buy bitcoins like regular money at exchangers. I recommend using only trusted exchangers, such as.

If you have experience in Forex trading and have free time, you can try trading bitcoins on the btc-e.com exchange. I would like to warn you in advance about the potential possibility of an exchange scam. Legally, the activity of the exchange is not formalized in any way; in the contacts section there is no information at all, you can only send a request. So, I don’t recommend keeping a large amount of money on the stock exchange. And although the exchange is the largest in the Russian-speaking segment, it is better to withdraw your profit and buy real bitcoins with it in exchangers. In principle, you can withdraw bitcoins to your wallet from the exchange itself, but this cannot always be done, because The exchange's reserve of bitcoins is significantly limited.

Well, that’s probably all you need to know in order to start making money on bitcoins. If I missed something, ask in the comments. In the meantime, to consolidate the material, I recommend watching a rather interesting seminar on the bitcoin system.

Profit to everyone!

With the growing popularity of mining as one of the options for making a profit (not the most reliable, but promising), many ways to earn bitcoins on iOS and Android phones without investment have appeared. The presence of modern smartphones, comparable in power to desktop PCs, allows you to receive a small amount of cryptocurrency at almost any time and throughout the day. Before you earn bitcoins on your phone, you should start and choose the appropriate method - using games, or completing tasks.

Ways to earn money

The principles of earning cryptocurrency on a phone differ from the methods used by ordinary miners. And, even if it is possible to mine using video cards by installing suitable software and practically not taking part in it, the owner of the smartphone will have to spend more time.

Among the options that allow you to earn bitcoins without investing on your phone, it is worth noting:

  • installation of a special bitcoin application;
  • registration on sites with so-called “faucets”, so named because of the dosed receipt of currency (money seems to drip);
  • performing various paid tasks for which satoshis (or other units) are awarded;
  • Online Games, in which withdrawal of earned funds is allowed.

Ways to get Bitcoin on an Android or iOS phone include using referral programs. But such a source of income can only be considered additional - you should not expect serious profits from it. Although the basic methods will not make you noticeably richer - compared to the usual the profit will be tens of times less.

Instructions for a beginner miner

Having figured out how to earn bitcoins at home using an Android, the smartphone owner performs the following steps:

  1. Selects a cryptocurrency (Bitcoin is quite suitable for mining).
  2. Registers a crypto wallet.
  3. Reads reviews of applications and sites with which you plan to make a profit.
  4. Downloads and installs a Bitcoin application for Android or registers on a service (including a gaming one).

Once you complete the preparation, you can earn coins. The complexity of the process depends on the option chosen. Sometimes applications for earning Satoshi require constant visiting, and in some cases they even allow you to enjoy the process.

Phone Mining Applications

In 2018, MinerGate is considered one of the most popular Bitcoin applications for iPhone and Android. The program is designed to receive Bitcoin on your phone and a number of other cryptocurrencies, from XMR to FCN. During the work process, the user receives statistics on the income received, which directly depends on the performance of the smartphone.

The list of programs is constantly updated. The most popular versions can be found on Google Play and the AppStore by searching for “Bitcoin app”. You can verify reliability and profitability using user reviews.

The disadvantage of any cryptocurrency application that works in automatic mode is the weak power to make serious profits. Therefore, they are rarely used, preferring taps. Income from the automatic program does not exceed a few rubles monthly.

Bitcoin faucets

A popular way to earn bitcoins on your Android involves using faucets - sites to receive funds on which you will have to enter a captcha or open the downloaded application. The main influence on how much bitcoins you can earn without investments is the frequency of logins to the program.

Some faucets require you to enter a certain amount into your account to start working. In most cases this is a scam. A list of popular faucets on the Internet will help you understand the possibilities of this method of earning money and not only not lose, but also earn money.

  • Freebitco.in is one of the best resources that provides earnings of several thousand satoshi;
  • Free Play – in it you can earn bitcoins on both iOS and Android phones by entering a captcha;
  • Multiply BTC is a roulette faucet where you can get satoshi by guessing the interval of the number generated by the application;
  • Freedoge.co.in is a way to earn Dogecoin cryptocurrency;
  • Moonbit.co.in – a resource with the ability to withdraw 45–50 satoshi every few minutes;
  • Btcclicks is one of the best sites for earning bitcoins on an iPhone (without investments), which requires viewing ads;
  • Greenbitco.in – a faucet with viewing various information;
  • Faucet.Bitcoinzebra – you can earn bitcoins on a phone running IOS and Android, which requires entering a captcha and provides a chance to receive a bonus (one-time doubling of profits);
  • Bitvisitor – faucet for viewing sites;
  • LandOfBitcoin is an application for earning bitcoins that provides earnings every 30-40 minutes.

The list changes periodically. The reasons for being included in the rating of the best are good conditions for receiving cryptocurrency and quick withdrawals. Faucets that stop paying out funds and reduce the amount of one-time income are removed from the top.

Online Games

Miners who want to earn bitcoins on an Android phone should try gaming apps. The profit from them is small, but the process is more interesting than using faucets. You can get Bitcoin on Android by playing simulators, logic and arcade games:

  • Bitcoin Crush – to earn money you need to solve puzzles;
  • Bitcoin Flapper is a game similar in principle to the previous one;
  • Blockchain Game – speed gameplay with a good prize;
  • Sarutobi is a game where the amount of time spent in it is important.

Each game requires you to reach a minimum amount to withdraw your earnings. The speed of receiving Bitcoin on a smartphone in this case depends on the player’s activity and the conditions of the application.

Other options

To receive bitcoins on iOS and Android, you can watch videos, visit websites, or write comments. For all actions you are awarded a small amount of coins. The amount of income depends on the complexity of the tasks.

By choosing such methods as how to earn bitcoins on your phone, you get a little. But there is less chance of encountering fraud compared to faucets and games.


When starting to earn bitcoins on Android or iOS, you should be aware of the impossibility of making serious profits and the risks of encountering scammers. However, this option allows you to save on investments using a regular smartphone. And do mining anywhere. Minuses– quickly draining battery and strong heating of the smartphone.

Do you think it is possible to earn cryptocurrency on a phone, and even without investments? Or is it not worth wasting your time?

The vast majority of Internet users have heard about the Bitcoin cryptocurrency (abbreviated as BTC) or mining. If you don’t yet know what Bitcoin is and where to get it, then we suggest you read this article to the end. We will tell you about BTC, the most popular methods of its production, as well as where and how you can buy or sell it.

What is cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency is a digital currency that has quite a lot of similarities with fiat money (euros, rubles, dollars) and at the same time is very different from them. Having cryptocurrency, you can spend it on purchases, for example, in an online store, or even pay for dinner in a Chinese restaurant. You can also transfer it to another person or exchange it for fiat money using the services of Bitcoin exchangers. All this makes cryptocurrency, including BTC, very similar to the usual money on a debit card.

The main distinctive feature of cryptocurrency is the decentralization of digital money, which makes it possible to carry out transactions without the participation of third parties. If you create a transaction using, for example, a credit card from any bank, your money first goes to the control node. At this point, the banking system analyzes the request, after which it may decide to confirm the transfer or return the money to the sender’s account. In addition to the fact that such operations take up precious time, the bank charges you a commission. In the case of cryptocurrency, there are no such control nodes, and money changes hands.

What is Bitcoin in simple words

VTS is the very first cryptocurrency that appeared in 2009. For the first time, one could get acquainted with the principle of operation of the peer-to-peer Bitcoin network, on which a certain Satoshi Nakamoto worked, two years before the advent of digital currency. Despite the fact that Nakamoto managed to attract the attention of thousands of programmers to his project, no one ever believed in its success. The first transaction using Bitcoin was carried out by the American Hanecz Laszlo, who offered 10,000 BTC to anyone who would bring two Italian pizzas to his house. It is difficult to imagine what emotions Laszlo experienced at the moment when Bitcoin began to rapidly rise in price.

Today, there are hundreds of millions of transactions using cryptocurrency. Therefore, we will answer the question “what is Bitcoin” in simple words - money that has its own exchange rate in relation to another currency, but does not have a physical form.

How new coins of VTS and other cryptocurrencies appear

Unlike government banknotes, cryptocurrency cannot be printed. However, this does not mean that virtual coins appear out of nowhere. Cryptocurrency is a digital object that contains a colossal amount of information that has a cryptographic code. Simply put, this is a kind of virtual memory card that has a digital record.

In order to generate a new record, it is necessary to find the only correct solution to a complex mathematical algorithm. Since even the smartest person is not able to cope with such a task, the computing power of a computer is used for these purposes.

Each cryptocurrency differs from each other not only in the uniqueness of the given algorithm, but also in the complexity of the problem, as well as the total number of possible solutions, which are subsequently turned into coins. It follows that:

  • the total number of coins of any cryptocurrency is limited (BTC - 21 million coins);
  • programmers know in advance when the last coin will be mined (BTS - in 2140);
  • it is impossible to make any changes to the algorithm;
  • coins must be obtained by solving problems;
  • The fewer coins remain in the system, the more difficult the mining process becomes.

How to earn bitcoins

Today, the interest in cryptocurrency is so great that inventive people have come up with many ways to get the coveted BTC. As an example, here are the most effective and popular methods:

  • cloud mining;
  • VTS cranes;
  • buying bitcoins.

Let's look at each method in more detail.


This method of how to earn bitcoins was not only the very first, but also the most effective. The “pioneers” who started mining were exclusively mathematicians and programmers, who watched with interest the project that Satoshi Nakamoto was working on. However, the growing popularity of cryptocurrency has led to the fact that at the moment almost anyone can mine it.

A few years ago, the question of where to get bitcoins was not as pressing as it is today. They could be mined on a regular desktop computer. But since the process becomes more complicated day by day, to mine cryptocurrency you need to have impressive computing power, which the so-called farms have.

A farm is a productive computer that uses the power of several modern video cards to mine bitcoins. We will definitely tell you which devices are suitable for mining digital currencies.

Which video card should you choose?

This is the first question that arises in the minds of people who learn that they can squeeze bitcoins out of their video card. However, before you begin the process of assembling your own farm, you need to pay attention to the cost of video adapters from the new lines presented by such giants as AMD Radeon and Nvidia. Their price varies between $300-600, which is undoubtedly expensive for the average citizen. It should also be taken into account that at least 4 such graphic adapters will be required.

Without a video card, creating a farm is impossible, since they are the ones involved in the computing process, for which rewards in the form of bitcoins or satoshis (one hundred millionth of a bitcoin) will be sent to your BTC wallet.

There is an ongoing debate on forums about which chips are the most effective in cryptocurrency mining. Some people like AMD more, while others consider Nvidia to be the absolute leader. There is no definite answer, since in the process of mining a particular currency, chips demonstrate completely different results. But overall they are approximately equal. There is a significant difference in the cooling system. The quietest and coolest are video adapters from Nvidia.

The main thing you need to pay attention to when buying video cards is the declared memory and core frequency. The higher these indicators are, the more calculations per second the video adapter will do.

The cooling system is also an important factor on which not only the stability of your farm’s operation, but also its durability will depend. Overheated equipment will not allow the chip to turn on at full power, and a constantly high temperature will lead to physical destruction of the board.

If you are comfortable with technology, take a video card that has the potential for so-called overclocking. With proper settings, you will be able to increase computing power by up to 40%, which will significantly reduce the time it takes to mine your first bitcoin.

The video cards shown in the table are the most suitable for mining in 2017.


When choosing a motherboard, you need to pay attention to the number of PCIe slots. In order for you to assemble an effective farm, the board must have at least 4 such slots. The ASRock H81 PRO BTC model is considered the most suitable for mining.

power unit

Before you buy a power supply, you will need to calculate how much energy the future farm will consume. Each device has a mark in its characteristics that indicates its energy consumption. Experienced people who know where to get bitcoins and have been successfully mining them for years recommend buying power supplies that have received an 80 Plus Bronze certificate. They are more reliable.


When choosing RAM, the main criterion is its speed. The best option for a farm is one 8 GB stick (1600 MHz). For stable operation, a hard drive with 60 GB of memory is enough. You need to buy a high-frequency processor that is supported by the motherboard.


Raisers are extension cords that are not used when assembling desktop computers. They are needed in order to simultaneously connect all graphics adapters to the motherboard. There are two types of risers:

  • on trains;
  • USB 3.0.

The best ones are those that connect via USB. They are more stable during the mining process.


Having purchased the equipment and secured it in a special frame that you can make yourself, you need to download and install the operating system. Then register a BTC wallet. You will be assigned a unique address to which bitcoins will be withdrawn.

From the BTS wallet, money can be withdrawn to any other payment system, for example, WebMoney. Recently, WM has a new title sign - WMX (webmoney-bitcoin). This event caused a huge amount of controversy in various forums where issues related to mining are discussed. This reaction is explained by the fact that before WebMoney, Bitcoin did not have support from the largest providers of electronic payment systems.

After installing the wallet, download and install a special mining program that will allow your farm to start working. However, it should be remembered that independent Bitcoin mining is a rather complex process that requires enormous power. In order to speed up problem solving, most amateur miners gather in groups called pools.

Cloud mining

If you don’t have time to assemble a farm or don’t have enough budget, rent part of someone else’s power and mine military hardware! This is exactly the kind of earning scheme offered by cloud mining services. Such sites are usually owned by large companies that purchase professional equipment in large quantities, ensuring uninterrupted power supply and constant access to the Internet.

On the site provided for cloud mining, there is a huge list of pools in which people combine rented power to process information and solve problems more efficiently.

Also, some resources offer a referral system for passive income or a one-time bonus upon registration. The most resourceful users use the “donated” funds as a startup, thus receiving free bitcoins.

Among the many projects that rent out their own capacity, Telcominer can be highlighted. This is a very young resource that appeared in the spring of 2017. It boasts a rather nice design and rich functionality. After registration, a bonus will be available in the form of 15 GHs of power, which is provided for a month.

VTS cranes

Bitcoin faucet is a site where you can get free bitcoins, or rather part of them (Satoshi) after certain periods of time. In this case, you will have to perform some simple action, for example, enter a captcha. Such resources exist due to advertising, which is placed in videos or banners located on the main page of the site. Some BTS faucets have internal sweepstakes (lottery) and draw additional satoshi among all active users.

  1. freebitco. You can “open” the faucet every hour and receive from 45 to 45,000 satoshi.
  2. ADBTC. You can withdraw satoshi every 30 seconds. Bonus - fixed (69 satoshi).
  3. BonusBictoin. Once every ten minutes you can perform a certain action, for which you will be awarded 50 satoshi.

Now you know where to get Bitcoin without having powerful equipment or funds for investment.

Cryptocurrency exchanges

Most likely, every person who has thought about making money on the Internet at least once in their life has heard about stock exchanges. Many sales and purchase transactions are regularly carried out on these trading platforms, and people who know how to correctly forecast the exchange rate of a particular currency are able to earn a fortune. After digital currency caused a real stir in society, cryptocurrency exchanges began to appear, offering to buy or sell bitcoins on their platform.

Money protected by a cryptographic signature is a fairly profitable asset. Selling bitcoins or converting them into other currencies is a small matter, because the demand for them is incredibly high. But the most interesting thing is that the cryptocurrency rate is very volatile. It can plummet and then skyrocket in just a few hours. If you find the right moment, you can buy Bitcoin profitably.

Where to trade is everyone's business. However, when choosing a trading platform, you should pay attention to the following nuances:

  • Analytical tools. In order to make money on the difference in Bitcoin exchange rates, you need to learn how to analyze the state of the market. Without the help of auxiliary tools, such as charts, Japanese candles, glass, etc., this will be impossible to do. When choosing an exchange, first of all evaluate its functionality.
  • Daily turnover. This information can tell you a lot about the exchange that interests you. The greater the turnover of banknotes on the trading platform, the more promising it is for making money.
  • Total amount of cryptocurrency offered. On a proven exchange, which creates ideal conditions for making transactions on its own platform, there are always many traders and those who decided to sell their BTC. This is where you will have more tools to make a profit, which will directly depend on how much you are willing to invest.
  • Support. You should not waste time working with a service whose support team does not communicate with customers or resolves issues very slowly. It’s better to save your nerves and money, because there are many sites where you can buy Bitcoin quickly and without all sorts of pitfalls.

How to get “real” money for mined cryptocurrency

We looked at the main ways you can earn bitcoins, the rate of which is constantly growing. Today the cost of 1 military vehicle varies between $2300-2500. But how to hold honestly earned money in your hands? To do this, we will need to use the services of Bitcoin exchangers.

In order to exchange cryptocurrency for fiat money, you need to have a debit card from any bank or an electronic wallet registered with one of the payment systems. Then we go in search of the Bitcoin exchange itself, of which there are a lot today. Before converting bitcoins to another currency, analyze the resource you like, study all the conditions for making transactions, read reviews of people who have used the services of this site. Also pay attention to the rate and commission so as not to sell yourself short. Let's look at the most popular resources among users that work with payment systems such as Yandex.Money, PayPal, QIWI, WebMoney:

  • X-PAY;
  • 60SEC;
  • EXMO;
  • BLUE;

All these services have been providing their platforms for currency exchange for more than one year and are the most reliable. They also have a very user-friendly interface, which even a beginner who doesn’t know how to cash out bitcoins can quickly figure out.

Cryptocurrency can be sold without involving third parties who charge a commission for their services. However, in this case, no one will give you any guarantee that the transaction will be safe. Despite the fact that Bitcoin is the most secure currency, sometimes it is better to play it safe.