What is a level breakout setup? What is a setup

In the vocabulary of any speculator or investor who independently engages in trading, there is such a thing as a setup. It means that at the moment there is a certain situation in the market that makes it possible to conclude a profitable trade deal.

All setups are based on historical chart observations. Traders and analysts were able to calculate that the price reacts in the same way to some typical situations that arise in the market.

Today, there are many different types of setups. Therefore, they must be carefully checked before use. Let's look at the classic models, which are setups for level breakdown and are successfully used by traders all over the world.

Setup No. 1 - “Big Candle”

When using level breakout strategies, it is very convenient to use candlestick analysis, which allows you to correctly recognize market signals. For example, when the price approaches a strong level, its size can suggest further market intentions.

So, the first setup for a level breakdown will be called “Big Candle”.

Formation conditions:

  • We are waiting for a large candle to approach a strong level, which is one and a half to two times larger than the average size of the previous candle.
  • After this, you need to wait until the next candle closes above the horizontal level. However, it should be much smaller in size. There are no clear parameters here, but this combination should look harmonious.
  • As soon as this happens, we can say that a “Big Candle” setup has formed in the market and open a trade in the direction of the breakout.

The “Big Candle” setup during the passage of the “euro/dollar” currency pair through the psychological levels of 1.3500 and 1.3600.

Setup No. 2 - “Three candles”

This model is a setup for a breakout of a level, which is more powerful than the “Big Candle” formation, however, it is much less common.

Formation conditions:

  • We are waiting for a strong level to “break through” three successively increasing or decreasing candles that have approximately the same size.

“Three candles” setup during the passage of the “euro/dollar” currency pair through the psychological level of 1.3200.

Setup No. 3 - “Absorption”

If an “Absorption” setup is formed in front of a strong level barrier, this means that the market has accumulated the necessary strength and is ready to conquer new heights. Therefore, this formation cannot be left without attention.

Setup No. 3 - “Absorption” comes in two types: ascending and descending. It is formed from two candles, which look like this:

"Rising Takeover"

"Downward absorption"

Formation conditions:

  • We are waiting for a strong level to “break through” Setup No. 3 - “Absorption”.
  • After this, you need to wait until the next candle opens and enter the market in the direction of breaking through the level.

“Absorption” setup during the passage of the euro/dollar currency pair through psychological levels of 1.2900 and 1.3300.

There are a huge number of setups for level breakdown in the foreign exchange market. These examples are intended to tell a beginner that the market is not so mysterious. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully study the theory and support it with trading experience. Then success will certainly come!

Most users who are not particularly familiar with computers are interested in what Setup is and what its functions are. Sometimes the answer to this question is quite simple. However, in many cases, this component is associated with many problems on the computer.

Thus, you should understand what Setup is and understand what to do if problems arise with this file. It is worth noting that this is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

Language norms

First of all, you need to understand that this is a translation of the word. Quite often it is he who provides assistance to the user and makes it possible to understand the meaning of the operation. What is Setup? To get the answer to this question, you should consult an English dictionary. This word translated means “installation” (noun) or “install” (verb). In other words, something that installs on a computer. It is worth noting that without this component it is difficult to imagine the operation of the operating system. Is Setup really that important? This should be found out. Especially when the computer systematically produces various errors.

For computer What is Setup?

In addition to the main translation, there is also a computer interpretation of this application. It is most understandable for modern users. It is worth noting that “Setup” means a program designed to install something. Its main component is Setup.exe. In other words, it is an installation or executable file. What happens on the computer after startup. What characterizes Setup? For example, among the executable documents, you can select various applications, games (installing them), and launching settings. There is also Bios Setup. This is the name of the settings that make it possible to work with the computer. In other words, with the universally popular “Bios”.

It is impossible to imagine a computer without “Setup”. When these files are not present, the user will not be able to execute various commands. It will be impossible to install content and programs. Setup.exe is present in every application or game. It helps launch the installation program, which allows you to quickly install the required content into the operating system. To activate this feature, you need to double-click on the executable file.

Rules of circulation

It is worth noting that the Setup.exe file needs special handling. Especially when it comes to installing a game that was downloaded from the Internet. You need to figure out what helps in this difficult matter. First, you just need to close all third-party applications to avoid possible failures. Next, you can go to the folder containing the executable file. To start, you will need to double-click on “Setup.exe”. When the Windows 7 or higher operating system is installed, the computer will ask the user for permission to start the process. A window will pop up on the screen with basic information about the manufacturer-creator, as well as the location of the document. There you will need to answer “Yes” to launch, or “No” to cancel the installation of something.

Once confirmed, a window will appear with easy navigation. First, the system will greet the user and notify that it will be installed. Then you need to follow all the instructions in the “Installer” and complete the process. After this, the specific application will be installed. It is very important to never move Setup.exe from the root content folder. It is also not recommended to uninstall it or uninstall it even after installation on your computer. This may cause applications to stop working. It is worth noting that “Setup” is also an application that is required not only to install something, but also to launch it. All shortcuts contained on the desktop that are involved in activating programs end up with an address with the “exe” extension.


Among the executing processes you can sometimes find “Setup”. It is worth noting that some users are wary of this. Setup works and monitors running and running processes. Thus, it acts as a kind of filter. If you disable it, the operation of the operating system becomes uncontrollable. In other words, it is impossible to install and run applications and games normally. Therefore, there is no need to try to engage in this amateur activity. Sometimes this process takes a lot of computer resources.


Let’s say a previously safe “Setup” can become a real virus. In this case, it may be located somewhere in the operating system and encrypted as an ordinary executable file. Such computer infections often attach themselves to applications that are most needed. The virus is activated continuously after the required program is launched. It is worth noting that an antivirus is not always able to cope with the problem. Initially, detecting a virus that is disguised as “Setup.exe” is quite difficult. If you suspect that your computer is infected, you will have to close all applications and scan the system for the presence of infection. In this situation, an antivirus will come to the rescue. The following programs work well with Setup:


If the scan confirms your concerns, there is no need to rush to remove the threat. It must be remembered that after this you will not be able to launch the application that contained the virus. To carry out effective and proper treatment of your computer, you need to seek help from service center specialists. They will find and neutralize the threat without causing harm to the user’s files and documents.


There is another fairly common scenario. We are talking about the presence of a special spy on the computer. It is capable of encryption in processes such as Setup. This infection is designed to detect and steal user personal data. For example, addresses and emails, bank card numbers, logins and passwords for pages, etc. It is worth noting that it is not particularly pleasant to identify a spy on a computer, especially when it is encrypted under Setup.exe.

Using an antivirus in this case is not always effective. You will need to additionally download and install a special antispyware program. For example, SpyHunter. It is freely available and easy to use. You need to launch the application, and then start checking. When the results are obtained, you can safely remove the threats. Don’t forget to visit the task manager and then end the Setup.exe process. Next, you should restart your computer. The “Setup” will again appear in the dispatcher, but you shouldn’t be afraid of it either.

Thus, the article addressed the question of what Setup is. As you can see, this is a very important file. Sometimes it can bring a lot of problems. To avoid trouble, you should simply watch what is installed on your computer and downloaded. It is recommended to always run only processes that are trustworthy.

Some novice users want to know what “setup” is and what functions it performs. You need to understand this issue, understand how this software component operates and what malfunctions there may be in its operation.

What is Setup

First, you need to understand the concept of “setup” and what it provides. Let's turn to the English dictionary. Setup literally means install, therefore on a personal computer this file executes installation operations software. Thus, this is an executable file with the extension “EXE”.

The setup is a classic installer for the Windows operating system. He used by developers software for unpacking software components onto a PC hard drive.

In addition to the standard name “Setup”, there may be following names for this file:

  • “swsetup” – this type of element is most often found on laptops from HP. On gadgets from this company, swsetup writes copies of drivers before updating;
  • "ezsetup" - found on laptops and netbooks from Asus. It is an executable file of the “ASUS EZSetup Utility” utility;
  • "gu5setup" - belongs to the utility " GlaryUtilitiesPro", which is a set of software for system optimization;
  • uransetup - executable element of the Internet browser " URAN» from uCoz company;
  • crt setup – software from Chinese companiesBaidu. This is unwanted software and is recommended for removal;
  • device setup – standard tool equipment installation for operating systems Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and 10. This process is responsible for installing drivers. Most often observed when connecting new equipment.

How to use it correctly

Using the installer does not require special skills; most likely, the user has to handle this file quite often, for example, when installing games or other applications.

Installation process as follows:

After installation, the Setup element should not be moved or deleted anywhere. If the user has completed one of the actions, then the application may stop starting, since this item can be automatically copied to the application folder and can be used for recovery in case of failure.

It is worth noting that “User Account Control” or “UAC” warns not only about the credibility of the publisher, but also danger of infection viruses. Some malicious applications disguise themselves as standard OS installation tools.

Setup process

If you open the “Task Manager”, in the “Processes” tab you can sometimes see several processes named “Setup.exe”. Some people mistakenly believe that these are malware. Actually this one the process is activated only if you install any software or update system components. If force close process, the installation will fail, which will lead to a malfunction of the OS.

Virus Setup

If an executable file hangs in the task manager constantly and consumes quite a lot of system resources, there is a reason to be wary and check for the presence of malicious code.

Most common viruses that use a modified element:

  • “setup wizard” – often found when installing an application downloaded from unofficial source. The virus is an adware and displays intrusive banners on websites, interfering with the operation of the browser. Often changes the home page to a phishing page, provoking PC infections with new viruses;
  • “extsetup.exe” – operates on the same principle as “wizard”. Is adware malware, is built into the browser and displays intrusive advertising. Penetrates onto the PC along with downloaded files from dubious resources;
  • Setupsk is a program that downloads software to a PC. without user consent. Embeds in the browser and displays intrusive banners;
  • “BATATA SETUP” is another of the most common viruses masquerading as a standard OS installer. Embedded in browser executables and changes the properties of their shortcuts, thus, when opening the browser, the user is greeted with advertising content and a changed home page;
  • “AAAZZZ SETUP” - changes the properties of browser shortcuts and redirects the user to malicious pages.

To remove unwanted software, you need use antivirus. It is necessary to perform a full system scan because the modified installer file is embedded in numerous OS processes.

Most optimal antivirus software are the following:

  • Dr.Web. For quick treatment, it is best to use the Cureit utility. There is no need to install it, just download and start checking;
  • Nod32;
  • Avast;
  • Avira.

Spy program

In addition to ad viruses, there is a spy that can modify the Setup. This type of malware embeds itself in processes and changes the source code of a component. In most cases, the spy is intended to track activities committed by the user on a PC. With it, attackers can steal information: passwords for websites, mailboxes and credit cards. To remove a virus, you will need to use special software, for example the SpyHunter utility.

Or Conexant Universal Device Install/Uninstall (x86 Application version) or Setup MFC Application or Yandex or Sdiwjiq Ynkvtgg Atxymh or Download Manager

  • If Setup.exe is located in a subfolder of "C:\Program Files", then the reliability rating 33% danger. File size 316,712 bytes (4% of all cases), 1,261,568 bytes and . This is not a Windows file. The process has no visible window. A digital signature has been provided. Setup.exe is capable of monitoring applications, recording input, and manipulating other programs.
  • If Setup.exe is located in a subfolder of "C:\Users\USERNAME", then the reliability rating 36% danger. File size 104.792 bytes (15% of all cases), 130.584 bytes and . This is not a Windows system process. Certified by a reliable company. This is a file signed by Verisign. The application is not visible to users. Setup.exe is capable of monitoring applications, recording input, and manipulating other programs.
  • If Setup.exe is located in a subfolder of C:\Windows, then the reliability rating 45% danger. File size 997,704 bytes (12% of all cases), 1,245,848 bytes and .
  • If Setup.exe is located in subfolders of the C:\ drive, then the reliability rating 35% danger. File size 79.112 bytes (15% of all cases), 78.936 bytes and .
  • If Setup.exe is located in the Windows folder for storing temporary files, then the reliability rating 54% danger. File size 185,856 bytes (40% of all cases), 122,880 bytes, 140,288 bytes, or 4,001,416 bytes.
  • If Setup.exe is located in a subfolder of "C:\Program Files\Common Files", then the reliability rating 12% danger. File size 439,160 bytes (50% of all cases), 1,100,664 bytes or 1,100,152 bytes.
  • If Setup.exe is located on the C:\ drive, then the reliability rating 33% danger. File size 3,330,560 bytes (25% of all cases), 1,725,448 bytes, 13,179,660 bytes or 4,843,055 bytes.
  • If Setup.exe is located in the C:\Windows\System32 folder, then the reliability rating 9% danger. File size 23,040 bytes.
  • If Setup.exe is located in the "My Files" subfolders, then the reliability rating 2% danger. File size 809,840 bytes.
  • If Setup.exe is located in no folders, then the reliability rating 2% danger. File size 130,584 bytes.

Important: Some malware uses the same file name Setup.exe, for example Trojan.Generic.KDV.151955(detected by BitDefender antivirus), and Win32:Malware-gen(detected by Avast antivirus). Therefore, you should check the Setup.exe file on your PC to see if it is a threat. We recommend checking the security of your computer.

Total: Average rating from site users about the Setup.exe file: - based on 23 votes with 17 reviews.

35 users asked about this file. 9 users did not give a rating (“I don’t know”). 2 users rated it as not dangerous. 4 users rated it as harmless. 5 users rated it as neutral. 4 users rated it as dangerous. 8 users rated it as dangerous.

Many users who have just seen a computer are interested in Setup - what it is and why it is needed. Sometimes the answer is very easy and simple. But only in most cases, a lot of problems on the computer are associated with this component. Let's try to figure out what Setup is, and also understand what to do if problems occur with this file. In fact, it is not as difficult as it might seem.

Language norms

The first thing to understand is the translation of the word. After all, it is often he who is able to help the user understand the meaning of an operation or application. Setup - what is it? Let's turn to the English dictionary for the answer.

If you translate this word, it turns out that setup is (noun) or “install” (verb). That is, something that installs on a computer. To be honest, without this component it is impossible to imagine the operation of the operating system. But why does this happen? Why is the Setup program so important? It is necessary to find out. Especially if the computer begins to produce systematically various errors.

For computer

Setup - what is it? In addition to the main translation, there is also a computer interpretation of this application. It is more understandable to modern users. After all, “Setup” is a program that is used to install something, and Setup.exe is its main component, so to speak, or, in other words, executable. What is executed on the computer after startup.

What can characterize Setup? What it is? For example, among all the executable documents on the computer, you can select various applications, games (installing them), and launching settings. In addition, there is Bios Setup. This is the name of the settings that allow you to work with your computer. More precisely, with the well-known “Bios”.

It is impossible to imagine a computer without “Setup”. If these files are missing, then you will not be able to execute various commands in any way. And, of course, install content and programs. Setup.exe is present in every application or game. It launches the familiar installation program that helps you quickly install the desired content into the operating system. To activate this function, you must double-click on the executable file.

Rules of circulation

The Setup.exe file requires special handling. Especially when it comes to installing a game downloaded from the Internet. Let's try to figure out what can help us in this difficult matter.

To begin with, if you do not want to experience crashes while working, simply close all third-party applications. Now you can go to the folder with the executable file. As already mentioned, to start you need to double-click on “Setup.exe”.

If you have Windows 7 or higher installed, the operating system may ask you for permission to start the process. A window will appear on the monitor with basic information about the creator, as well as the location of the document. And in it you will be asked to answer “Yes” to run or “No” to cancel the installation of something.

After confirmation, a window with easy navigation will appear. To begin with, the system will greet you and notify you that you will be installing. Next, following all the instructions in the “Installer” (that’s the name of the installation program), complete the process. When it ends, you will have one or another application installed.

Important: Do not under any circumstances move Setup.exe from the root folder of your content, and you should not delete it either, even after installing it on your computer. This may cause applications to stop working. By the way, “Setup” is also an application that is needed not only to install something, but also directly to launch it. All desktop shortcuts that you use to activate programs end up with an "exe" extension.


Also, among the executing processes you can occasionally find “Setup”. And this worries some users. Setup - what is it if this file is found in the task manager in the "Processes" section?

In general, initially this is a kind of installer. It works and monitors all processes running and running on the computer, something like a filter. Once you disable it, the operating system will spin out of control. More precisely, you will not be able to install and run applications and games normally. So try not to engage in such amateur activities.

But sometimes this process takes a lot of computer resources. in this case? It is impossible to answer unequivocally. After all, there are several quite frequent and widespread cases regarding this situation. And now you and I have to deal with them.


For example, a previously safe “Setup” may turn out to be a real virus. In this case, it can live somewhere in the operating system and be encrypted under the most common executable file. In addition, such computer infection very often attaches itself to the most necessary applications. And the virus is activated every time after the program we need is launched. However, the antivirus cannot detect the problem.

Initially, it is quite difficult to find a virus disguised as “Setup.exe”. And if you suspect that your computer is infected, then it’s time to close all applications and check the system for infection. An antivirus will help with this. Avast, Nod32 or Dr.Web do a great job with the “Setup”.

If scanning confirms your concerns, do not rush to remove the threat. After all, in this case, you will not be able to run the application in which the virus has settled. To properly treat your computer, you should contact a service center. There they will help you find and neutralize the threat without harming your files and documents.


Another very common scenario is the presence of a special spy on the computer. It is also encrypted in processes as Setup. This infection is used to detect and steal your personal data. For example, addresses, as well as email, bank card numbers, passwords and logins for pages, and so on. To be honest, it’s not particularly pleasant to discover a spy on your computer, especially when it is encrypted under Setup.exe.

Antivirus will not help in this case. You will have to additionally download and install a special anti-spyware program. For example, SpyHunter. It is freely available and easy to use. Launch the application and then start checking. After receiving the results, you can safely remove all threats. Don't forget to also visit the task manager and end the Setup.exe process there. Now restart your computer. “Setup” will appear in the dispatcher again, but you should no longer be afraid of it.


Today we figured out what Setup is. As you can see, this is a very necessary file. But sometimes it can bring a lot of problems.

To avoid running into trouble, you just need to watch what you install on your computer and download. Always run only processes you trust. It is especially important that the manufacturer is also well-known. Otherwise, you should think about the presence of a virus in the file.