What is RAM in a phone? RAM and ROM: purpose and device

In electronic devices, one of the most important elements that ensures the operation of the entire system is memory, which is divided into internal and external. Elements internal memory consider RAM, ROM and processor cache. External- these are all kinds of storage devices that are connected to the computer from outside - hard drives, flash drives, memory cards, etc.

Read-only memory (ROM) is used to store data that cannot be changed during operation, random access memory (RAM) is used to store information from processes currently occurring in the system in its cells, and cache memory is used for urgent signal processing by the microprocessor .

What is ROM

ROM or ROM (Read only memory) is a typical non-changeable information storage device included in almost every PC and phone component and required for startup and operation all elements of the system. The contents in ROM are written by the hardware manufacturer and contain directives for preliminary testing and startup of the device.

ROM properties are independence from power supply, the impossibility of rewriting and the ability to store information for long periods. The information contained in the ROM is entered by the developers once, and the hardware does not allow it to be erased and is stored until the end of the life of the computer or phone, or its breakdown. Structurally ROM protected from damage during voltage surges, therefore only mechanical damage can cause damage to the information contained.

By architecture they are divided into masked and programmable:

  • Wearing masks devices, information is entered using a typical template at the final stage of manufacturing. The contained data cannot be overwritten by the user. The separating components are typical PNP elements of transistors or diodes.
  • In programmable ROM, information is presented in the form of a two-dimensional matrix of conductive elements, between which there is a pn junction of a semiconductor element and a metal jumper. Programming such a memory involves eliminating or creating jumpers using a current of high amplitude and duration.

Main functions

ROM memory blocks contain information on managing the hardware of a given device. The ROM includes the following subroutines:

  • Directive start and control the operation of the microprocessor.
  • Checking program performance and integrity all the hardware contained in a computer or phone.
  • A program that starts the system and ends it.
  • Subroutines that control peripheral equipment and input/output modules.
  • Information about the address of the operating system on the physical drive.


Read-only storage devices are designed as two-dimensional array. The elements of the array are sets of conductors, some of which are not affected, while other cells are destroyed. Conducting elements are the simplest switches and form a matrix by connecting them alternately to rows and rows.

If the conductor is closed, it contains a logical zero; if it is open, it contains a logical one. Thus, data in binary code is entered into a two-dimensional array of physical elements, which is read by a microprocessor.


Depending on the manufacturing method of the device, ROM is divided into:

  • Ordinary, created in a factory way. The data in such a device does not change.
  • Programmable ROMs that allow the program to be changed once.
  • Erasable firmware, which allows you to clear data from elements and rewrite them, for example, using ultraviolet light.
  • Electrically cleanable rewritable elements that allow multiple change. This type is used in HDD, SSD, Flash and other drives. The BIOS on motherboards is written on the same chip.
  • Magnetic, in which information was stored in magnetized areas alternating with non-magnetized ones. It was possible to rewrite them.

Difference between RAM and ROM

The differences between the two types of hardware are its safety when the power is turned off, speed and ability to access data.

In random access memory (RAM), information is contained in sequentially located cells, each of which can be accessed using software interfaces. RAM contains data about currently running processes in the system, such as programs, games, contains variable values ​​and lists of data in stacks and queues. When you turn off your computer or phone, RAM memory completely cleared. Compared to ROM memory, it has higher access speed and energy consumption.

ROM memory works slower and consumes less energy to operate. The main difference is the inability to change the input data in ROM, while in RAM the information changes constantly.

All Android smartphones are equipped with various types of memory - RAM (RAM), ROM (ROM), Internal phone storage, they ensure the operation of internal processes or the safety of certain information.

Android smartphone memory RAM(Random Access Memory),or RAM(Random Writer) is the memory that powers running or running processes. This type of memory is like a buffer memory; it can be used by almost any application, both internal system and third-party (installed).

Memory of android smartphones RAM (Random Access Memory)

Information is recorded and erased very quickly without emulation. RAM RAMrequires a continuous power supply, in this case the information located in the memory blocks is valid, in the event of a power outage (smartphone shutdown) the contents of the RAM RAM is deleted. Modern Android OSes can manage RAM memory based on its size, deciding how many applications can be run simultaneously, or in what order to process resource-intensive applications. System information about the state of RAM RAM , can be viewed in the task manager (Task Managers), the processes currently running, the amount of memory allocated for them, as well as the free, unused memory of your device are displayed here. If, when working with Android devices (smartphone, tablet, laptop), you receive a message that there is not enough memory to run the application you are launching, then you need to disable the processes you do not need in the SETTINGS - APPLICATIONS - RUNNING APPLICATIONS menu. This will allow optimize RAM RAM.

Android smartphone memory ROM (Read Only Memory)

Next type Android device memory - ROM(Read Only Memory), in our opinion ROM(read only memory). The main difference between ROM memory and RAM memory is that it does not require a power source to operate, thus, this type of memory is permanent (not erasable) even when the smartphone or other device is turned off. Usually in android smartphones RO M-memory used to store the operating system itself.

Another important characteristic of ROM memory is the fact that it can be used only for reading, all the information stored by this type of memory cannot be changed under normal conditions. This mandatory condition protects information from accidental erasure. The ROM memory of Android smartphones is divided into several parts, one of which stores the Android OS itself, and access to its files is limited. To gain access, the user must obtain root rights (super-administrator), and only then can you change anything in this section. It is worth noting that when you obtain root rights, you lose the warranty on the performance of your device given by the manufacturer. Typically, users use root rights to flash the OS on their own.

Internal memory of android smartphones (Internal phone storage)

The third type of memory in an Android smartphone is internal memory (Internal phone storage). Simply put, this is the memory that is available to the user for storing his personal information (programs, applications, text information, etc.), this does not include SD card memory. This memory does not require a constant power source and allows you to repeatedly erase and write information in its sections. In order to see the memory status, quantity, name and size of applications installed in its sections, you need to go to the SETTINGS – APPLICATIONS – MEMORY USE menu. In the same menu you can delete unnecessary or unused Android applications to increase internal memory capacity. This menu also allows you to transfer data to an SD card, which also frees up space in the internal memory of your Android smartphone.

Memory of android smartphones MicroSD / SDHC

And last The type of memory available in an Android smartphone is MicroSD/SDHC, or flash memory cards. This type of memory can be used by the user in a wide range; any information can be written here, deleted or edited. You can transfer some applications from permanent internal memory to the memory card, which frees up its space for system programs. Currently, the amount of such memory can reach 64 GB, which is more than enough for Android devices such as a smartphone or tablet.

All smartphones have a certain amount of memory, and this is one of the key points that you should consider when buying a new phone. There are two types of memory: RAM (operational) And ROM (constant, internal). RAM memory, as a rule, has a smaller volume, and its purpose is to store information processed by the processor.

ROM memory is classified as non-volatile memory and can be used to install the entire operating system, as well as applications and various files.

So, let's take a closer look at these two types of memory.

To understand what RAM is, you need to know what the acronym stands for "RAM". Translated from English this means "Random access memory", or also "Random Access Memory"(RAM). In other words, information in such memory can be read and written at any time, without having to wait for a series of processes to complete.

This significantly speeds up the search for certain data, since, unlike ROM memory or microSD memory, you can quickly access the physical location where the data is stored.

Features of RAM memory

RAM is the place that any device uses to fill with any data, for example, the operating system, applications used for their intended purpose and those that run in the background. RAM is the storage from where the processor receives all the necessary information directly.

That's why the RAM and processor are located on a single platform module, which is soldered to the motherboard. In the image below you can see the Nexus 5X motherboard. This device has 2 gigabytes of RAM, a processor marked in red, and internal memory marked in orange.

The more RAM you have in your phone, the better the overall performance and speed of the device, although this also depends on the type of memory and build quality of the phone.

Important point: RAM only works when the device is turned on - that is, this type of memory is not capable of storing information after the device is turned off. That’s why there is a slight delay when turning on the smartphone, during which the RAM is prepared to work with the device’s OS.

Types of RAM

Today there are many types of RAM memory, which differ in read speed and power consumption. The earliest reports of RAM appeared in the 60s of the last century, and since then, each new generation of RAM has been characterized by greater capacity, speed and energy efficiency.

Smartphones these days use a special type of RAM called LPDDR. Such memory consumes very little energy, on the one hand, but on the other, it is not cheap. The most common types of RAM are: LPDDR2, LPDDR3 and LPDDR4 - these are the last three generations of RAM for mobile devices. The main difference between them is that each subsequent generation sees a doubling of data transfer speeds.

What is ROM?

If RAM is read-write memory, then ROM is memory designed only for storing information. The abbreviation “ROM” is translated into Russian as “Read-Only Memory” (the domestic version is “Read Only Memory” (ROM). The data stored in such memory cannot be changed - at least not so easily or quickly.

In newer generations of ROM, such as EPROM or Flash EEPROM (flash memory), the contents can be deleted and rewritten a large number of times, but such memory is still considered "read-only". The main reason for this is that the erase and write process is relatively slow, and it can only be used for areas that have undergone the formatting process.

Today, ROM memory in smartphones is much faster than the hard drives of conventional PCs, and modules with this type of memory are also mounted directly on the motherboard. This type of memory stores a special bootloader program that starts the device and loads the operating system, as well as the OS itself, all applications and user data.

As a rule, modified versions of the operating system also refer to ROM memory (such versions are also called “custom OS firmware”). A quick search online will tell you that there are many custom firmware options out there. Such firmware is called “ROM” because each of them represents a system image similar to the one recorded in ROM memory by the manufacturer.

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The memory full problem, which can be identified by the message issued by the Android operating system “Memory Full,” is quite common. Moreover, there are no universal solutions for it, but there are many tips. In this material we will try to systematize all, or at least most, of the available information on this issue.

Types of memory in Android devices

RAM, Random Access Memory or RAM - random access memory or random access memory. Software (including the operating system and installed applications) writes the data they need during operation into this memory and can quickly read it. RAM requires constant power - when you turn off or restart the device, it is completely cleared. The more RAM, the correspondingly more different processes and services can be launched simultaneously. The “Phone memory is full” error may occur if the entire amount of RAM is completely exhausted, and there is not enough free space for the application being launched.

ROM, Read Only Memory or ROM - read-only memory. The information stored in it cannot be changed and is recorded when the phone is manufactured, or when the operating system is reinstalled - that is, during the flashing process. ROM is often divided into several sections to perform internal functions.

Interal Storage (Interal Phone Storage) – internal storage of a smartphone (or other device). This memory section is designed to store user data, installed applications, and so on. This is something like an analogue of a hard drive in a personal computer. Naturally, in the process of writing data to the internal memory of an Android device, the free space here becomes less. The total storage capacity and the amount of free space can be viewed in the device settings.

External Storage – or, essentially, a microSD/microSDHC memory card. The user can expand this type of memory at will, if, of course, the device supports memory cards and there is a corresponding slot for this. It is something like an external hard drive for a personal computer. The total and occupied volumes of this type of memory, as well as the free space on the card, can be checked in the settings of the Android gadget. You can store multimedia data such as music, movies, pictures on a memory card. Starting with Android 2.2, it became possible to transfer installed applications to a memory card if the application itself supports it, thus saving space on the internal storage. Before replacing a memory card, it is strongly recommended that you first unmount it rather than simply removing it from the device.

Why does memory run out?

Usually, after some time of relatively “quiet” use of a device on Android, users begin a period when they want to modify this very device in every possible way programmatically. The endless installation of applications, scripts, and so on begins. And sooner or later the message “Phone memory is full” appears, especially if the model is not one of the “top” ones, and there is not that much memory. It is logical to assume that the problem is in RAM - yes, this is partly true. But cleaning it up is much easier; this can be done both through the settings and using various downloadable utilities. So, a message about a lack of memory in the device appears when the internal storage is full. Of course, you can constantly clean this very drive, remove unnecessary applications, and so on, but over time it will be seen that the notorious “Phone memory is full” will appear more and more often. What is this connected with?

  • The Android operating system installs applications to internal memory by default;
  • Not every application can be transferred to a memory card;
  • Vital programs like Google Maps and Google Play built into your device are periodically updated, taking up additional internal memory cells;
  • Some manufacturers load up the smartphone or tablet you buy with pre-installed games and other software called bloatware.

Checking free space

Via dispatcher

Button - call the dispatcher

On Samsung devices, press and hold the Home button for about a second, then go to the memory icon.

The data here is displayed in the format "Occupied/Total", so you will need to remember a little arithmetic lessons.

Through settings

Everything is simpler here: Settings > Options > Memory . And you don’t need to count anything.

How to clean - overview of options

Operational measures

For a quick, although not very long-term, solution to the situation, clearing temporary files will help. They have the extension .rm and are stored in the folder datalocal mp. You can delete temporary files with Root access, for example, using Root Explorer.

Also, in the above folder data you can find many files that have the extension .log and contain “error” in the name - these are log files of errors from various applications that take up quite a lot of space. We delete them and forget about “Phone memory is full” for a while.

Removing dex files

Now let's look at a more thorough method of cleaning space on the internal drive. Each program on a smartphone or tablet, or any other Android device, when installed, creates a file with the extension .dex in the directory datadalvik-cache. But sometimes, on some system applications these files are missing, and the following picture is visible:

It's really strange that the program takes up 0 bytes. As it turns out, the reason lies in the fact that along with these files, the firmware contains files of the same name, but with the .odex extension. These files can be created, and then there is no need to leave the .dex files. For example, LuckyPatcher can “oddex” applications. So, first, look in the application properties to see how much space it takes up:

In this case it is 1.68 MB, so the corresponding .dex file is in datadalvik-cache takes up the same amount of space, and the created .odex file will weigh the same. We launch the mentioned LuckyPatcher, select the desired application in the list, press on it (not just “tap” once, but press and hold), we see the context menu:

We select the first or second item, and it does not matter that the application may not need to remove license verification or remove advertising at all. After this, the program will create the .odex files we need. You can now remove .dex files from datadalvik-cache. And now we see that the application already takes 0 bytes, but it works fine. This method is suitable for system applications.

For custom applications, everything is a little different. We select the application we need and go to its folder on the memory card, look at the free memory of this application. In this example, 1.56 MB is reserved for the program folder, while the .dex file occupies 1.68 MB.

There are several ways to solve this problem: either move the selected application to the system directory and carry out the manipulations described above, or forget about this idea specifically with this application and take on some other program. By the way, if you move the application to user memory and then create .odex, you can delete .dex, and the program will work normally. But when you move it to a flash drive, the .odex file will be deleted and the application will refuse to work. In this case, there are only two options left: reinstall the program again or do a complete clear of dalvik-cache. So not every application can work without .dex - the method will only work with applications that have more free memory than .dex.

Hard reboot

You can solve the problem radically by using Hard reset - a hard reboot of the communicator. This is a good step, returning the device to its original factory settings. The speed of operation increases, the smartphone instantly responds to all input and literally begins to “fly”. But, on the other hand, such an action can cause inconvenience for the user, because this is the deletion of data, files, applications that he will be forced to install again.

An effective but harsh way to solve the problem

Removing unnecessary applications, their updates and cache

To get rid of unused apps, go to Settings > Options > Application Manager.

Finding it in the Application Manager menu is not so difficult

Once in the “Downloaded” tab, call up the menu and sort the files by size. Next, select the applications you abandoned and click “Delete”.

You can only remove updates from applications that you installed yourself - a similar trick won’t work with built-in ones.

Select the application, click on “Uninstall updates”, and then click on “Disable”.

If you have root, then you can even get rid of system software. But be careful - one awkward move and your smartphone will fall asleep.

To clear the application cache, go to: Settings > Options > Memory.

Wait a few seconds until the amount of occupied space is determined, then select “Cached Data” and tap “OK”.

Using CCleaner utility

CCleaner is perhaps the best of the utilities

I can’t say that this method is super-effective, given that some utilities themselves take up a lot of space and even display advertising. Therefore, if you decide to resort to it, then choose the proven CCleaner.

After the utility has done its job, you can safely delete it - until the next need.

Video: How to free up memory on Android

“Phone memory is full” is certainly one of the most unpleasant and annoying messages for Android device owners. We hope that thanks to our advice, she will not bother you for a long time.

Every day in search engines there are only growing queries about what RAM is on a smartphone, how it can be changed, measured, and increased.

How to increase RAM on your phone is the most popular request, of course. But the fact is that over time, your smartphone begins to work slower and become glitchy, and it’s all about that same RAM.

In general, RAM is a special type of memory that is present on a modern phone. And in order to answer the questions, you will have to explain what types of memory there are, and how they differ from each other.

1. What kind of memory is there on the phone?

Modern phones include three types of memory:
1. RAM, aka random access memory, in English RAM. This type of memory stores information about those processes on the device that are currently running. It is very energy-dependent and processes only the information that is working right now. If the phone loses “power” and turns off, then the RAM data disappears.
2. ROM, ROM– a read-only storage device, or non-volatile memory, which is used specifically for storing data on the phone. This memory is not deleted and does not require a power source. This memory stores information about the processes that have ever been launched on the phone. To simplify, such memory can also be called a cache, because it stores all the required files for applications and their operation. They will not be deleted until the user wants it.
3. Internal storage or Inner memory. This is the type of memory that stores all user data: photos, music, videos. It can also be expanded via microSD cards.

Apparently, only the number of simultaneous applications running depends on the RAM. It turns out that the more RAM, the more processes the smartphone can perform.

RAM constantly changes information, while information in ROM does not change.

About internal memory - its changes directly depend on the smartphone user. The internal memory is used for movies, music and other files.

RAM can only be changed by the system. But the ROM can be changed by the user if he has Root rights, that is, administrator rights.

To obtain such rights, you will need to do some additional steps to “hack” the phone.

2. How to find out the amount of memory on your device

The answer to this question will be provided gradually. To view the amount of RAM on your smartphone, you need to do the following:
- For Android devices - download CPU-Z tester, or Antutu Benchmark to check RAM.

- For iOS devices - download Antutu Benchmark, or another well-known tester.
- For Windows Phone devices - go to the phone settings and view the data in the “Advanced” item.

On the OS, like BlackBerry, where there is no option to download the tester, you just need to go to the manufacturer’s official website and view the characteristics of your phone.

In order to find out how much time the ROM is currently in use, you need to do the following:
- For Android– download task manager, like Clean Master and see the amount of memory used.

- For iOS– task manager, “System from the inside”;
- Symbian– task manager “Acces APPS” or others.
You should also look for task managers on other platforms.
As far as I know, there is only one such manager specifically for Windows Phone, and this is “Device Diagnostics HUB”.

As for the total amount of shared memory, you can view it through Antutu.

3. How to free up RAM

This is very easy to do, you just need to disable those applications that take up “RAM”.

Of course, you won’t be able to disable everything, because many are needed for the system to function. But you can disable unnecessary ones using the application “ Advanced Task Manager"- the application is available on both iOS, Android and Windows Phone.

The application is able to “kill” processes and free up RAM. At first, the program will show running processes and the amount of memory they occupy. To close any of them, place the stick and click on " Boost».

The same process can be performed using standard OS tools, but not all.

For example, Android has its own “ application manager”, but it is limited and does not provide information on how much a particular application is using.
Depending on the running applications, it can be removed, stopped or turned off. All these options will free up memory from this application.

To view the Application Manager, go to " Settings", after " Applications", and then select one of the applications and there you will see the buttons that were discussed.

4. How to increase RAM on your phone

It's very simple - remove all unused programs. Of course, there are no software methods for increasing RAM, and it is impossible to increase its volume. This volume can only be released.

Especially for cleaning RAM, there are “cleaner” applications that remove “cache”, temporary files, ad junk and other files. This garbage significantly slows down the system. The downloaded application will automatically analyze the phone's system and delete unnecessary files with the user's consent.

- Cleaners for Android: Power Clean; Avira Android Optimizer; CCleaner.
- Cleaners for iOS: Clean Doctor; PhoneClean; PhoneExpander.
- Cleaners for Windows Phone: Storage Cleaner; RAM Master Pro; RAM Optimizer by Kovlag.
- There is only one cleaner on Symbian: Mobile Cleaner.