What is an iPad? Differences between iPod and iPad and which is better to choose

Apple has released so many devices that many are starting to get confused. Most often, people do not know the difference between an iPad and an iPod.

In principle, it is not surprising, because only one letter changes, but in essence, the devices are completely different and we will talk about them in detail today.

What are iPads and iPods?

iPad is a tablet that was developed by Apple and it is produced and updated to this day. At the moment, the best on the tablet market.

The first device was released in 2010 and the company managed to quickly win the hearts of customers. Build quality and speed of operation were the main advantages.

iPod is a series of multimedia devices whose main task is simply to reproduce high-quality music. Although some have the opportunity to play games, watch movies, etc.

The very first iPod appeared in 2001 and its main purpose was to play music. The sound quality was very high, so the market was conquered very quickly.

This is, if we talk about these two gadgets very, very briefly. But let's compare them a little and find out the main differences to make the overall picture clearer.

Difference between iPod and iPad

I think you already understand that the iPad and iPod are completely different devices. But for the sake of interest, you can compare the general facts about them a little. It will be very interesting.

Appearance. All the devices are very beautiful and usually the colors changed with the advent of new colors in the series of gadgets.

The sizes differ very radically, because the smallest iPod shuffle can fit in your hand and you can even close it, which cannot be said about huge tablets.

By purchasing any of the devices, you can get maximum pleasure from use. After all, Apple always does everything gracefully and to a minimum.

Screens. It's quite interesting here, because there are iPods that don't even have a screen, and the maximum size is 4 inches and it has the latest generation iPod touch.

All iPad models simply must have screens, because this is a completely different type of device. The minimum size is 7.9 and the maximum is 12.9 inches.

All displays have evolved as technology has advanced and are usually some of the coolest screens on the market. So to speak, at the top of the list.

Updateability and relevance. With the advent of such a device as the iPhone, everything began to change dramatically on the gadget market.

Everyone realized that it is much easier to buy one device and perform absolutely all tasks on it. Thanks to the large screen size, you can watch movies and read books, and music is played simply at its best.

The iPod has already begun to sag a long time ago and is bought only when necessary: ​​for training or for those who like to have a player and a phone separately. Updated very rarely.

With the iPad the situation is a little better and it is updated quite often, probably every model about a year. But nevertheless, the popularity is also not very top-notch.

People most often buy a tablet for home use. And then, in fact, you can do without it when you have an iPhone 6S PLUS or iPhone 7 PLUS.


Now you know the main differences between iPad and iPod in general. I did not compare their characteristics, because the categories of devices differ very much.

All gadgets are very cool, but before you buy, you should decide on the most important question: “Do you need it?” So that it doesn’t turn out that you just threw money away.

iPad (iPad, iPad) is a development by Apple and is a portable tablet with a touch screen.

iPad is a mobile tablet computer that provides access to the Global Network and is capable of performing many of the functions of a regular computer.

What does iPad mean?

The name “iPad” comes from the English word “pad” - “notepad”, with the addition of the “favorite” letter (prefix) of the American company Apple - the letter “i” at the beginning of the word. Other Apple names begin with the same letter:

  • - mobile operating system for smartphones, electronic tablets and some other devices,
  • (pronounced iPhone)
  • iPod - portable media player
  • iPad is a tablet.

iPad is pronounced in Russian - “Aiped” with emphasis on the second syllable. Quite often they say “iPad” in Russian, since in Russian it is quite difficult to emphasize the sound “e”; it doesn’t sound like ours, so we replace it with the sound “a”. The most accurate, from my point of view, meaning of the name

iPad is an Internet tablet manufactured by Apple Corporation.

Depending on the model, the iPad can use flash drives or more modern, high-speed ones as a data storage device.

This brand was first introduced in 2010 by Steve Jobs at a presentation in San Francisco. Literally a month later, about a million of these devices were sold, which indicates the high interest of consumers at that time, which was still a new product.

What can the iPad do?

This device (device) does not completely replace a computer or laptop, but has many of the functions of these devices. With its help, you can browse web pages and Internet sites, use all kinds of games, read e-books, play video and audio files, create photos and much more.

Many people believe that the iPad, unlike regular laptops and computers, is a computer for humanists. According to , the iPad implements technologies that are inseparable from the humanities. Humanists, as we know, must perceive and process a large amount of diverse information from many sources. For this, an iPad, an Internet tablet, may be useful to them.

iPad has similar functionality as Macbook (Apple laptops). But at the same time, in the iPad, unlike the Macbook, text is entered using a virtual keyboard. In addition, the iPad can also be equipped with an additional external keyboard (push-button, not virtual). With its help, you can type and edit texts, work with tables, formulas, and create drawings.

The best aspects of the iPad

First of all, thanks to its unique properties, iPad differs from conventional tablets from other manufacturers

  • longer battery life,
  • sensitive touch screen,
  • easy installation and removal of programs,
  • reliability of the operating system (without freezes, slowdowns and other “brakes”).

The solidity of the device, its light weight and dimensions give it mobility that can be compared with conventional cell phones.

In addition, this Internet tablet stands out for its attractive appearance and workmanship. It has a stylish, durable and beautiful aluminum body.

The worst aspects of the iPad

The disadvantages of this device include:

  • closedness (although in some cases this factor can be considered positive, especially to protect the system from users who like to “rummage” through files and folders),
  • lack of familiar USB ports, including micro-USB (you have to use only less familiar and less common wireless technologies for connecting external devices) and
  • lack of support for flash technology (the usual Flash Player) when watching videos in browsers, which is partially compensated by other Apple software).

Also, some of the disadvantages of the iPad include the length of time it takes to charge the battery (although this is later compensated by the long battery life), as well as the impossibility of upgrading (that is, updating by replacing components).

Connecting iPad to the Internet

When the iPad first appeared on the Russian market, its sales were hampered by the fact that it had limited options for connecting to the Internet. The most common and widely used option is a Wi-Fi connection. At that moment, it was not possible to find Wi-Fi everywhere outside the home or office, and Wi-Fi was not yet widespread at home or in the office.

Nowadays, of course, there are much more Wi-Fi options, which in turn contributes to the widespread use of the iPad.

In addition, some iPad models can accommodate micro-SIM cards. This opportunity did not appear immediately, and Russian mobile operators also did not immediately begin selling micro-SIM cards. But now this has ceased to be a problem.

So, if an iPad user wants to connect to the Internet through a mobile cellular operator, then he needs to select the appropriate iPad model (with a micro-SIM card), and purchase this card from the cellular operator. In other cases, the iPad allows you to connect to the Internet via Wi-Fi - this is its classic standard version.

If you insert a SIM card, then the iPad can distribute Wi-Fi in the same way as you can do with.

Since the start of sales of various models of this device, there have been long queues of people wanting to purchase them. At the moment, we can say that the iPad is popular, especially among amateurs and an established group of fans of Apple products.

From personal experience

When I finally had the opportunity to try working with the iPad, I was pleasantly surprised and not so pleasantly surprised by some aspects.

Charging and first use

Firstly, the iPad really takes quite a long time to charge from 220V, several hours. It already seemed that we couldn’t wait for the battery to be 100% charged. But after charging, the iPad battery “holds its charge” for a very long time, several days of fairly intensive work with the Internet and video. I have not seen similar results on other Steve Jobs devices (iPhone, ), nor on laptops, tablets and tablet PCs running Windows, nor on gadgets running Android OS.

After turning it on for the first time, the iPad booted up very quickly, even faster than the iPhone. I quickly downloaded data from the iPhone (for which I “asked” at the first start to bring the iPhone as close to the iPad as possible), and then downloaded updates to version 12 of MacOS, and just as quickly installed these updates.

Any similar operation on iPhone can take hours. Here, on the iPad, everything happened in a matter of minutes, or 10-15 minutes, no more. The device copies its data to iCloud just as quickly, many times faster than the iPhone, which even seemed strange to me.

Quality of displayed information

Pictures (Internet pages, videos, etc.) on the iPad turn out very smooth. There are no “jerks” inherent in small but noticeable delays in data processing on other gadgets and laptops. Everything looks very nice and nice.

About turning on and off

Another convenient thing about using the iPad is that it practically does not need to be downloaded before use. Once loaded, the iPad continues to work like an iPhone. If the gadget is left unattended for a long time (depending on the screen settings), then the screen automatically turns off. Or you can turn off the screen using the iPad's power off button with one click. This is how the iPad turns off, no actual shutdown is required.

Turning a constantly running iPad back on is done by pressing the same on/off button, or by pressing the main button. However, if a password is configured, then this password must be entered next. The picture that was on the screen when the screen was turned off will be immediately restored, and you can continue working from where you left off, as if nothing had happened.

No one has been spared by the increased progress of computer technology. Few people are limited to a regular phone with a built-in MP3 player or a desktop computer. Not only young people, but also older people are trying to have the latest computer gadgets to work anywhere or play while commuting.

In the last two years, the world has begun to forget about traditional laptops and netbooks, preferring newfangled iPads. This fashion was introduced by the world famous American company Apple. Yes, yes, the same one that once infected everyone with iPhones and iPods.

Having an iPad is prestigious and fashionable, but is it profitable? Let's consider its functionality in order to find out the answer to the question posed. So, an iPad is a computer tablet of small size and thickness. It has its own RAM and additional memory, a built-in graphics editor, a touch screen and two cameras. There are currently several types of iPads on sale, which differ in the amount of memory on hard chips. Tablets allow their owners to use the built-in Wi-Fi module anywhere and at any time. In addition to accessing the Internet, you can also read e-books, watch high-definition movies (well, not Blu-Ray, of course), play various games, chat on Skype, take photographs and hang out on social networks.

What makes the iPad different from other tablets from other manufacturers is that only Apple bothered to cover the screen with a protective layer that completely repels moisture and grease. Although some fingerprint marks remain on the screen, they are quite easy to wipe off with a special cloth. Also, these tablets have a fairly long battery life without the need to connect to the mains - 11 hours. This is explained by the large rechargeable battery that the manufacturer has built into the device.

The iPad is an interesting new product, but not very useful. Many bought it only because of the prestige of such an acquisition. After playing, they did not find practical and permanent use for this toy. Since the cost of a tablet is quite high, for the same money you can easily buy a powerful laptop with a much larger amount of memory on the hard drive and a better video card.

The tablet is suitable for those who like to read, travel, and communicate with friends on social networks. It is convenient to view photo albums and films. But as for doing some work on an iPad, it will be more difficult, especially with office documents. Not everyone will be able to fully and without anger type voluminous text using touch keys. The tablet can be used to check your email or send any files to websites.

Apple never ceases to pleasantly surprise its fans, thereby controlling a considerable part of the computer and mobile market. All their products are distinguished by high quality, innovative technologies, pleasant design and fashionable textures.

iPad is a brand new device released by Apple, which is also known as Apple Tablet. This device is considered a hybrid of an Apple laptop, so you can increasingly hear the question of how an iPad differs from an iPod. The company describes the product as "magical and revolutionary." This device can be used to browse the web and read e-books. It supports almost 140,000 applications. The target audience for the iPad is consumers of previous Itouches and iPhones who are familiar with touchscreen technology.

The iPod, on the other hand, is a player from Apple used primarily for playing and storing music, videos, photos, available in four different models - Shuffle, Nano, Classic and iPod Touch. The latest model is also an excellent pocket PC and can be used for emailing, web surfing and gaming. So, Touch and other models?

Size and weight

The iPad measures 242.8mm high, 189.7mm wide and 13.4mm thick. Moreover, it weighs 0.68-0.73 kg. The Classic iPod, in turn, is 103.5 mm high, 61.8 mm wide and 10.5 mm wide, and weighs 140 grams. Other devices, such as the Nano, are even lighter. The iPod Touch is slightly taller but lighter than the Classic.

iPad and iPod - differences in storage devices

The iPad has storage capacities of 16GB, 32GB or 64GB, while the classic iPod can hold up to 160GB of data. Differences in specific models range from 2-4 GB. At the same time, other modifications, including Nano and Touch, have capacities ranging from 8 to 64 GB.

Input and output

iPad has a 30-pin dock connector, a headphone jack, a built-in speaker, a microphone, and a SIM card slot in some models. Speaking about the difference between an iPad and an iPod, it should be noted that the classic model only has docking and headphone connectors.


The iPad has a 9.7-inch LED-backlit, glossy widescreen Multi-Touch screen, while the iPod has a simpler LED-backlit color LCD display. In turn, the iPod Touch has a 3.5-inch widescreen Multi-Touch display.

Our century is characterized by simply crazy speeds of technology development. Before we even had time to get used to one new product, the next one appears, and then another... This was the case with smartphones, iPhones and iPads. As soon as iPhones were understood and accepted, smartphones appeared. And a few months later, the media is already full of reports about a new gadget - the iPad. Let’s take a closer look at what an iPad is. You need to know what we are talking about and what it is.

What is an iPad

iPad is a tablet computer or, as they also say, a tablet. This is a cross between a laptop and a smartphone. It is a large screen in an aluminum case. There is only one button and it performs the same functions as on the iPhone. All other communication between the user and the gadget occurs through the touch screen, which supports the multi-touch function (recognizes touch at several points on the screen at once, i.e., you can simultaneously type text with several fingers, work with the menu, etc.).

iPad specifications

The iPad has the size of a standard A4 sheet (24x19 cm), its thickness is 13.4 mm, and it weighs from 600 to 700 grams. And such a baby has a whole range of capabilities. It can be used for the following operations:

The iPad also has two built-in cameras, which make it possible to both take photos and use them when communicating on Skype or other networks.

What is iPad2

But the iPad is not the latest innovation. There are already iPad2 and 3. These are new modifications of the device that is gradually conquering the world. And this despite the fairly high price of the gadget. Today, iPads are used not only by young people, but also by older people. Moreover, the characteristics of the ipad2 are even more impressive, and the functionality is even wider: the ability to work on the Internet via a 3G data network has been added, the list of supported languages ​​has been significantly expanded, a slot for a Micro-SIM card has appeared, and built-in GPS. If you are interested,

where to buy ipad 2 - in any specialized store or online store. The choice of models is already quite wide.

Advantages and disadvantages of ipad

The main advantage of the iPad is its small size and weight combined with fairly wide functionality. If you need to have a gadget with Internet access, this device clearly wins when compared with the same laptop. But you just need to have nerves of steel to process or create a decent-sized document on a touch screen. Reading it is quite comfortable, like pages from the Internet, but editing or typing is below average pleasure. It’s also convenient to view photos or movies: the viewing angle is simply excellent. From almost anywhere, the picture looks bright and contrasty. This is a necessary thing for those who often travel a lot: the battery is designed for 11 hours of operation without recharging, but you must have either a PC or a laptop at home, otherwise processing large files will become a problem. We hope you now understand what an iPad is and what it is needed for.