What you need to install an automatic washing machine. If the machine is new. Choosing a location for the washing machine

Tsugunov Anton Valerievich

Reading time: 4 minutes

An automatic washing machine has long become a common thing in almost every apartment. The device can be connected by technicians from the store where it was purchased, or by invited specialists. But many people prefer to install the washing machine themselves, especially since the process is not so complicated. If you got this household appliance from relatives or friends, or you simply don’t want to spend money on the services of specialists, then you can do all the work yourself. So how to install a washing machine correctly? For the normal functioning of the machine, you need to comply with all the requirements for its installation, correctly connect to the necessary communications, and also figure out how to ground the washing machine and why it is needed.

How to choose the right place for a washing machine?

The selection of a place to connect the washing machine must be made even before choosing its model. This is explained simply: it is much easier to choose a unit with the required dimensions than to rack your brains over where to put an already purchased device.

The washing machine will have to be connected to the sewer and water supply. It would be wiser to choose a place for installation near them. There are several options.


The simplest solution is to install an automatic washing machine in the bathroom. Very often washing machines are placed in it. The advantages are obvious: all communications are close, the drain hose can simply be directed to the bathroom. But there are also plenty of disadvantages to such placement.

  1. Due to high humidity, a regular outlet cannot be installed in the bathroom; it must only be moisture-proof.
  2. All parts and assemblies of the automatic machine will have to work in conditions of excess humidity, which will not extend their service life.
  3. Most bathrooms in apartment buildings have more than modest dimensions. You will have to sacrifice something to put a washing machine there. Sometimes in such cases the sink is removed, which does not add convenience.


Here communications are also nearby, and there is more free space. In this case, the automatic machine is installed under the countertop, and for this it is not even necessary to select a built-in model. Please note that a washing machine installed under a countertop must be placed on the floor, and not on the base of the furniture, and the back of the box in which it will be located must be absent.

Corridor or storage room

If the width is sufficient, you can install the washing machine in the hallway. But it’s better if there is a small storage room next to the bathroom. It is ideal: it is easy to make a hole in the partition for laying communications, and comfortable conditions will ensure a long service life for all units and mechanisms.

HELPFUL INFORMATION: How to choose doors to the bathroom and toilet

During operation, the washing machine is subject to strong vibrations, so it is advisable to install it on a rigid base - concrete or ceramic tiles. How to install a washing machine on a wooden floor, which increases vibration? You can use special rubber stands that dampen not only vibrations, but also noise. You can buy them at the same store that sells washing machines.

Preparing the washing machine for installation

How to install a washing machine so that it does not jump or shake? If the car is new and just delivered from the store, then the first thing you need to do is rid it of the box and fasteners that protect the product during transportation. These can be bars and staples.

When transporting the washing machine, the rotating parts are firmly fixed with bolts. They should be unscrewed and the holes should be closed with the plastic plugs supplied. The drum should hang on the springs. Once you turn on a machine that has not had these bolts removed first, it will likely result in costly repairs.

When delivering from a store, all these manipulations should be completed before signing the receipt documents. It is necessary to carefully check the washing machine for external damage and scratches. If you rock it a little, there should be no knocks or other extraneous sounds. Without such a check, it is quite possible to receive a unit with a defect, and it will be almost impossible to prove that the device was not damaged by you.

The washing machine is installed on a pedestal and leveled using a level. Twist-out feet are used for adjustment. The slightest misalignment is fraught with increased vibration and noise during washing.

Connecting the washing machine to the water supply

The process of supplying water to the washing machine is simple. We will tell you how to install and connect the washing machine. Connection diagrams may be different, but the general requirements must always be met:

  • The pipeline branch supplying water to the washing machine must be equipped with shut-off valves. It is recommended to use ball valves. Then, if a leak occurs, you can quickly shut off the water supply to the machine.
  • The pressure in the pipes should not be less than one atmosphere. If the pressure is insufficient, you will have to install a special pump.
  • Clogged water can quickly damage the washing machine mechanism. As a rule, most of their models are equipped with standard mechanical cleaning filters. If water of increased hardness enters the apartment, it is recommended to additionally install a polyphosphate filter. It is a flask filled with an active substance that prevents the appearance of scale. The filter media can be easily changed as you use it.

HELPFUL INFORMATION: Examples of bathroom design with shower and bathtub

It is important to remember that water passed through a polyphosphate cartridge is only suitable for technical needs and cannot be used for food purposes.

To connect the washing machine, flexible hoses with a diameter of ¾ inches are usually used. The hot water supply is used very rarely, so one hose for supplying cold water is sufficient.

  • If the apartment has metal pipes, then the easiest way is to make the connection yourself using a crimp coupling. Its two halves are bolted to the pipe, securely fixing the sealing gasket. After this, a hole in a pipe with a diameter of 10 mm is drilled directly through the threaded outlet for the tap. A ball valve is installed, and a flexible hose leading to the machine is connected to it. The joints are sealed with rubber cuffs.
  • A tee is installed on metal-plastic pipes. After the tap is made in the right place and the fitting is installed, the tap and flexible hose are installed. You can connect the washing machine to the water supply.
  • Sometimes a method is used to supply water to the machine through a tee on the outlet of the water supply for the mixer or flush tank. But before each wash, you will have to unscrew the flexible hose leading to the mixer. Therefore, this method can only be considered as a temporary option.

Connecting the washing machine to the sewer

In addition to supplying water to the washing machine, it is also necessary to resolve the issue of draining waste liquid. Simply put, you need to connect the household appliance to the sewer. The easiest way is to attach the drain pipe to the hook that comes with each machine, on the edge of the bathtub or sink. But this method is also the most unreliable: you cannot use a bathtub or sink at the same time, in addition, the drain hose can simply be accidentally touched, which will lead to flooding of your neighbors. Therefore, it is safer to make a permanent connection to the washing machine.

There may be several options:

  • Through the sewer lines of the sink, for which you need to purchase a special siphon with a drain for washing machines. It should be located above the siphon knee. In this case, the unit must be installed nearby, since the drain hose cannot be extended.
  • Insert the machine hose into the plastic sewer pipe. It is easy to make a hole in it with a hacksaw, after which a tee and a section with a pipe are inserted into it. All connections are reliably sealed, and the drain hose is inserted into a separate siphon.

HELPFUL INFORMATION: Selecting screens for the bathroom: description and installation features

Often, the drain design of many washing machines has a check valve that prevents water from being sucked in from the sewer. If it is not there, then the drain hose must have an S-shaped bend and be positioned as written in the instructions. That is, the connection to the sewer must be below the level of the washing machine tank.

How to properly connect the washing machine to the power supply?

Modern models of washing machines have quite a solid power, which averages about 2.5 kW. Despite the presence of double insulation, these devices are sources of increased danger. Therefore, their connection must be made through a separate circuit breaker with an RCD (residual current device), and grounding is required.

It is important to note that many companies do not install washing machines if there is no grounded outlet. The warranty for these expensive household appliances is not valid if it turns out that they were operated without grounding.

In old houses, where sockets do not have a grounding wire, grounding is organized through a panel from which electricity goes to the apartment. If you do the grounding yourself, then remember that you should not connect the washing machine body to pipes or heating radiators. This can lead to damage to expensive equipment, and the possibility of electric shock to people in neighboring rooms cannot be ruled out.

After reading this article, you will learn how to install and connect a washing machine yourself. But before we get down to business, it's worth mentioning an important detail. Before you begin installing the machine, you need to find out whether the manufacturer of your model of household appliances prohibits independent installation and connection.

In some cases, the warranty may be void. Therefore, be sure to find out more about this from the manufacturer or seller.

Most often, people prefer to order washing machines with home delivery. In this case, you must carefully review the purchase before confirming its receipt by signing the documents. Be sure to unpack the box or ask the delivery staff to do so. You need to carefully inspect the body of the washing machine for damage and scratches.

Some careless employees may hit the machine when transporting or lifting it to the floor. If you find dents, peeling paint or other traces of unfair transportation of household appliances, you can safely ask for a replacement. You paid for a new item. Accordingly, you should receive a new and undamaged one.

But most often purchases are delivered in good condition. And if everything is in order with you, then you can calmly sign and release the delivery people. If something suddenly happens, then you should have the phone number of the store where you purchased your machine. By calling this number, you will solve your problems.

The first stage of installing a washing machine

And so, we have already released the delivery workers, now we move on to the next part of our work. Namely, removing the transport bolts. They are located on the back of the washing machine body.

These bolts are necessary to secure the tank. And they are used so that during transportation the tank does not dangle inside and does not damage anything inside the machine. Until they are removed, the tank of the machine will not be able to spin. And even moreover, turning it on in this state can lead to damage!

Therefore, we can remove them without any problems using a wrench or pliers. We plug the holes that appear with plastic plugs. They are included in the kit along with instructions and other things. The bolts can be saved. They may be needed if you decide to move or transport your washing machine somewhere. In this case, you will screw them back in and protect the machine from possible damage during transportation.

Before turning on the washing machine for the first time, we strongly recommend that you carefully study the instructions supplied with it. This will help you avoid possible damage due to negligence. And it will allow you to prolong the operation of this household appliance.

Choosing a suitable place

Whether you install the washing machine yourself or call a professional, you will need to prepare the area. The machine must correspond to the selected position in volume. Simply put, she has to fit in there. In some cases, it is worth choosing a washing machine based on the amount of free space you have. If there is not enough free space, then it is necessary to measure in advance all the dimensions of the prepared space and build on them. If you have a lot of free space, then you don’t have to worry and buy any model you like.

Connecting the washing machine to the network

This issue must be approached very responsibly. For safety reasons, you must have a separate outlet for your washing machine. The socket must have special protection against water. In addition, it must be grounded. Modern models of household appliances, as a rule, have current protection and grounding. But it's still better to be safe. The length of the machine wire is usually about one and a half meters. Therefore, the outlet should be quite close. Of course, you can get by with a special extension cord with a waterproof joint. But it is considered to be less secure than a power outlet.

Some models can output a small voltage to the body of the machine (if it is not grounded). Most often, light electric shocks are not dangerous. But, nevertheless, very unpleasant. Therefore, we recommend that you protect yourself and use grounding.

Do I need to connect hot water or will cold water suffice?

If the model allows, then you can connect hot water. But experts say that there are not many advantages from its use. After all, every automatic machine has a heating element that can easily raise the water temperature to the required level. But there are disadvantages to using hot water:

  • Firstly, in many cities hot water is more contaminated than cold water. This means that you will need to clean the filter yourself more often or call a professional.
  • Secondly, due to the increased hardness of this water, it will be necessary to spend more washing powder. Otherwise, things won’t wash.

If your washing machine does not have the ability to connect to hot water, then you don’t have to think about this issue.

Connect to water

The simplest option for connecting a washing machine is to connect it to the old place. That is, if you already had a machine, but you replaced it with a newer one. In this case, you already have a ready-made tap into the pipe with the ability to shut off the water. We simply screw the hose to it, which is already included in the kit, and set the tap to the open position. In this way, we will check the quality of our connection and prepare the machine for washing.

If there are no ready-made pipe bends, then it will be a little more difficult. You will first have to make the necessary insertion, install the outlet, and only then screw on the inlet hose. By the way, if your inlet hose turns out to be short, then don’t worry, you can easily find a longer one in plumbing stores. And it is quite inexpensive.

Connecting the washing machine to the sewer

To connect the washing machine to the sewer, you need to buy a siphon. And after installing the siphon, we will attach our drain hose to it. The hose must be securely fastened to prevent water leakage.

You can also connect the drain to a cast iron pipe. You can see how to do this in the photo below.

There is also an option with draining water into the bathroom. See photo:

After you have connected your washing machine to all the necessary communications, it needs to be leveled. To do this you will need a level.

The whole process is quite simple. Place a level on the machine, look in which direction the skew is and remove it. In order to change the tilt of the body in one direction or another, you need to increase or decrease the height of the legs. To do this, you just need to twist them in one direction or another.

After our machine was installed, it was time for a dry test wash. That is, without things. Add some washing powder and start washing. When the cycle is finished, you can safely throw in your dirty laundry and enjoy the fruits of your new washing machine.

Below you can watch the whole process in video format. Happy installation!

When purchasing a washing machine, buyers are immediately interested in the possibility of installing it and are willing to pay a technician for this service. But they don’t even think that they can correctly connect an automatic washing machine to the water supply on their own, and it won’t take much time and effort.

Installing a washing machine: preparation for the process

Before buying a washing machine, you need to think about options for its location. This could be installing a washing machine in the bathroom or kitchen, and there are different types of installation. In the kitchen, the washing machine can be installed under the countertop, and it will fit perfectly as a piece of furniture. In the bathroom - under the sink, but you need to know all the nuances.

After delivery and unpacking of the washing machine, it is very important to remove the four transport bolts that hold the drum, otherwise this will lead to its failure; more details can be found in the instructions.

Unscrew the shipping bolts before installation. There may be 3 or 4 of them.

It is best to install the machine on a concrete floor, on a flat surface. For more slippery surfaces, it is recommended to place a rubber mat under the device.

From this video you will learn how to connect a washing machine with your own hands to the sewer and water supply.

What do we need to connect the washing machine?

To connect the washing machine with your own hands to the sewer and water supply, we will need an adjustable wrench and a gas wrench. You also need to stock up on auxiliary parts:

  • Ball valve – 1 piece
  • threaded adapter – 4 pcs
  • cast iron tee – 1 piece
  • Tape for sealing threaded connections
  • Sewer pipe with a diameter of 32mm – as needed
  • Sewer outlet Ø110x90

How to install a washing machine?

The installation process is performed in the following sequence:

  1. Connection to sewerage.
  2. Connecting the washing machine to the water supply.
  3. Electrical connection.
  4. Leveling the machine

Draining water from the washing machine

There are three types of connecting a washing machine to the sewer:

  1. Flushing water into the toilet or bathtub.
  2. Draining water into the siphon.
  3. Connection to sewerage

The easiest way is to drain the water into the bathtub or sink (if the washing machine is installed in the bathroom). To do this, you need a hose through which all dirty water will drain. It must be secured so that the top is 60 cm higher than the washing machine; be sure to secure the hose using special fasteners or a rope, since under the pressure of water it can fall to the floor.

This is what a siphon looks like under the drain of a washing machine

In order not to bother with hoses, you can drain through a siphon. A siphon with a special outlet for washing machines can be bought at any specialized store or market. The outlet must be located above the siphon so that dirty water from the sewer does not enter the device. This drainage method is considered the most reliable, since water cannot spill onto the floor.

When connecting the washing machine to the sewer, you can buy an additional siphon. The drain hose is connected to the device on one side at a height of 80 cm, and on the other side it is inserted into the sewer pipe through a siphon. It is very important that the hose is straightened, otherwise draining will not occur.

Connecting an automatic washing machine to the water supply

When supplying water to the device yourself, it is important to take into account the water pressure in the pipes and the level of its contamination. Filters are installed to purify water; they will increase the service life of your equipment. The filter fits into the water pipe using a tee.

To supply water to the washing machine, you can use ready-made outlets to the drain tank or mixer, or connect it through a tee.

There are the following options for connecting a washing machine to a water supply:

  • Insertion into the pipeline using a crimp coupling. This requires a ¾ inch hose. One part of the hose is connected to the machine, and the second to the valve, which we cut into the water pipe ourselves using a coupling. The coupling parts are shown in the figure. It is attached to the pipe using bolts; a hole is made in the pipe for water flow. A tap is inserted into the threaded hole, which turns on and off after each wash.
  • You can connect the washing machine to the water supply in a simpler way using a tee. A flexible hose is connected to the faucet or to the water supply to the drain tank. Using a tee, the hose is connected to the mixer. This connection option is temporary, since the mixer hose must be unscrewed when washing.
  • If your house has metal-plastic pipes, then a tee fitting is used to connect to the water supply. Having cut out a piece of pipe in the right place, a tee is inserted, to which a ball valve is attached.

To prevent water from leaking through the tee, seals are used. A tee, coupling, fitting, adapter, ball valve can be purchased in special stores.

You can connect the washing machine not only to cold, but also to hot water.

Connecting to hot water: how effective is it?

Sometimes, when making the connection to the water supply themselves, many people connect the machine to hot water. For this, they also use a tee for ordinary pipes, and a tee-fitting for metal-plastic ones.
When connecting to hot water, you can save energy, but at the same time you need to consider the methods of supplying hot water:

  1. centralized delivery of hot water;
  2. heating by local water heaters.

With a centralized supply of hot water, its temperature is +50…+70 degrees. At the initial stage of washing, the device can assume such a temperature as an emergency and stop the entire process. Therefore, if utility organizations comply with all hot water supply standards, then in this case only cold water supply is possible.

When heated by local heaters, connection to hot water is possible only if the temperature on the water heater constantly changes. When soaking laundry, the water temperature should not exceed 40 degrees; at the time of washing, select the temperature based on the degree of soiling of the laundry; rinse at the lowest temperature.

Therefore, when connecting to hot water, weigh the pros and cons.

How to properly connect a washing machine to the power supply?

Since we are talking about constant contact of the device with water, it is best to call a specialist for this purpose. But if you are confident in your abilities, you can do it yourself.

In this case, the following conditions must be taken into account:

  • The washing machine should be installed near a three-wire electrical outlet.
  • A grounding bus must be installed in the panel, and the wire must be reliably insulated.
  • If necessary, use only a grounded extension cord.
  • For the grounding cable, use a wire with a cross-section of more than 3 mm.

As you can see, knowing all the steps and rules, installing a washing machine is a simple process.

Installing an automatic washing machine by level

In order for a new washing machine to work for a long time and flawlessly, it must be installed strictly at level. First, we install the automatic washing machine in the prepared place, then take a small level and achieve the ideal location of the washing machine in the horizon line. There are support legs underneath the washing machine. By slowly twisting them you can achieve the required horizontality. In modern automatic washing machines, such legs are only available at the front, the rear legs are not adjustable, so the entire leveling process occurs only due to the front legs.

It is not recommended to place pieces of linoleum or blocks under the washing machine - this can lead to excessive vibration. A concrete floor is ideal for installing the washing machine. It is important to fix the adjusted support legs in the required position - for this, each support leg is equipped with a lock nut. If you do not fix the locknut, then with each wash the legs will unscrew, as a result of which the level of the washing machine will be lost, and you will need to reinstall the washing machine yourself.

Installing a washing machine under the sink and countertop

In more modern room design, installing a washing machine under the bathroom sink has become widespread. This not only looks beautiful, but also saves space.

To arrange a bath like this you need:

  • choose a special machine for a water lily sink with dimensions of 60 x 30 cm;
  • choose a sink measuring 60 x 60 cm;
  • install the sink so that it protrudes slightly above the machine, so water will not spill on the equipment;
  • The drain pipe from the sink should run behind the machine, not above it.

To save money, you can buy a machine and a sink as a set.

In the kitchen, the washing machine can be hidden under the countertop or placed in a closet where it will not be visible at all. If there is very little space in the kitchen, then top-loading machines are installed, because its width is only 40 cm.

If there is enough free space, then machines with horizontal loading of laundry are installed under the tabletop.
By following all the instructions and adhering to the tips, you will know how to connect the washing machine yourself without any problems.

To start using the washing machine, you must first connect it correctly to the water supply, sewerage, and electrical network structures. A master can be called for this purpose, but if he is not nearby, then there is nothing left to do except install the washing machine with your own hands.

Correct connection and installation of the washing machine will ensure its safe and comfortable use. There are certain requirements which must be strictly observed.

Preparing for installation and choosing a location

During transportation, special transportation bolts are installed in the equipment to provide rigidity to the moving elements. Therefore, it is important not to forget about them, and if they are screwed in, they should be removed. Depending on the model, their number can range from three to six pieces.

The main requirement when choosing an installation location will be the presence of all necessary communications nearby. The washing machine itself is a stationary device. Move the machine with at least two people. It is better to connect to a water supply or sewer system with a rigid connection, although the use of flexible elements will expand the options for installation locations. Places such as bathrooms and sanitary rooms, corridors, and kitchens are popular. When located in the kitchen, it should not be placed equipment near the oven or gas stove. Direct sunlight is also undesirable.

Do not install the device in an open area to avoid exposure to rain and thunderstorms. It is not advisable to use carriers to connect the device to an industrial network, so it is recommended to choose a place near an outlet with the appropriate power or lay a separate line from the distribution panel. It is necessary to ensure free access to the device plug. When choosing an installation location, you should not forget about the noise that will appear during washing or spinning, as well as vibration.

The requirements for flooring and flooring are that they provide sufficient strength and shock absorption. Better, so that the base is monolithic, non-slip. A perfect coating is not required, but it is desirable that the floor be made exactly in a horizontal plane, without noticeable recesses or differences in height. A good option is to install directly on a concrete base.

To ensure that the washing device is in a strict horizontal plane, adjustable support legs are available. The height of the legs is adjusted using a level located on the cover of the device and a wrench.

To supply water to the washing machine A cold water supply line is used. It is not recommended to use a hot centralized system, since the quality of purification of such water is worse. To prevent large particles from entering the water supply system, coarse filters are installed, which are a set of meshes.

The connection to the centralized water supply system is carried out using a tee. A branch is made from this tee, onto which a shut-off valve must be installed. It is convenient to use an American type valve. If necessary, screw an adapter fitting onto it for use with a ¾-inch diameter hose coming out of the washing machine.

If it is impossible to install a tee, the outlet can be made with an overhead insert. To do this, the pipe is thoroughly cleaned, and a clamp with a rubber gasket is attached to the intended insertion site. To allow water to flow in, a hole is drilled in the pipe directly through the coupling. Next, the internal thread is cut and the valve is screwed in.

Another way to collect water is to screw the washing machine hoses into the shower mixer system. For this, a number of adapters and fittings of appropriate sizes are used. The hose going to the shower head is unscrewed from the mixer, and a multi-way tap is installed in its place. Depending on its position, the water is shut off, flows to the machine inlet or to the shower head . If suddenly the water supply hose is not long enough to the connection point, it can always be extended using a fitting.

The reverse side of the hose is connected to a special hole in the washing machine through a threaded connection. Often, before connecting the hoses, a leakage protection system is installed. This is a complex electronic-mechanical device that can shut off the water supply in the event of a leak.

Organization of water drainage

The next important step will be organizing the drain point. This can be done in different ways.

The easiest way is to use a special device called a “hook”. It is usually made of plastic and hooks quite easily onto the side of the bathtub or toilet. The main thing is to avoid sharp bends and ensure that the hoses are raised to a height of 60-70 cm. This rule applies to any type of drainage organization, otherwise the water from the machine will simply drain into the sewer without washing.

There is a second option for using a special siphon that has an entrance under the hose from the machine. According to requirements, the outlet is installed above the knee to prevent dirty water from entering the washing device system, which will lead to the formation of odor.

The next method is to use a sewer tee. Such a device is installed in the socket of a sink or bathtub drain, a plumbing device is connected to the vertical inlet through a sealing rubber band, and the drain of the machine is connected to the outlet at an angle of 60 degrees through a sealing collar.

If the hose is not long enough, you can lengthen it by connecting it to another hose of the same diameter. Do not use used hoses. The maximum length of the additional hose should not exceed 150 cm.

Connection to industrial current network

Here are the basic requirements for organizing the connection of the device to the electrical network system:

If it is impossible to use a three-wire line, it is recommended to use a residual current device (RCD).

After the installed washing machine is connected to all communications, you should check it. To do this, run the minimum according to the time program and observations are carried out. The following will inform us that the connection is correct:

If the washing machine has gone through all the cycles and finished washing, nothing drips anywhere and the wiring does not heat up, then the connection is considered correct and the device is ready for further use.

On how to install a washing machine yourself, a video can convey recommendations better than text.

The correct operation of the washing machine largely depends on how it is installed. It is important to position it not only comfortably, but also without slopes or distortions. In this article we will look in detail at how to install a washing machine smoothly yourself, without calling a technician. First of all, you need to choose a place where the SM will stand. In order not to make a mistake in the correct location, you should analyze all possible options.

  • All communications of the washing machine must be located next to each other.
  • The machine must be installed on a perfectly flat floor.

Even after selecting a location, you cannot be sure that the machine will not jump or vibrate. Therefore, you need to proceed to the next step - adjusting the legs. Read on for tips on how to level your washing machine.

Vibrations are a serious problem that can cause irreparable harm: they lead to damage to screws, bolts and other fasteners in the machine. Vibrations also cause frequent breakdowns of the plastic tank - if it bursts, water will flow. To prevent all these problems from happening, you need to tighten the legs on the washing machine.

Incorrect installation can not only damage the washing machine, but also damage surrounding objects. The machine may move due to strong vibrations.

Smooth and correct installation is ensured by special adjusting feet provided by SMA manufacturers.

To increase or decrease the height, screw the leg into or out of the body. These steps will help you level the machine without much effort.

Important points when adjusting the feet

When figuring out how to adjust the washing machine, you can tighten or unscrew the legs, setting it in a level position. To check the slope of the MCA, you will need to adjust the washing machine to the level. With its help you can measure deviations.

There are a lot of videos on the Internet on how to properly adjust the legs. To cope with this task, use one of these:

Step-by-step installation of the machine

By correctly installing and connecting the washing machine, you will ensure quiet operation of the washing machine. By following the instructions, anyone can cope with the installation of the SM.