What to do if the control panel is on top. How to move the taskbar down in different ways

Sometimes users encounter that taskbar disappeared. You can’t go to the Start menu, you can’t look at running programs... In general, it’s a complete inconvenience. How to return the taskbar to its place?

If the taskbar disappears, do not rush to panic and roll back the system or reinstall the OS: perhaps not everything is as bad as it seems. If only the taskbar is missing on the desktop, but all shortcuts and gadgets are in place, most likely the taskbar is just hidden.

To show the taskbar again, you need to move the mouse cursor to the place where it was (the standard location is at the bottom of the screen). If the taskbar is not showing, move your cursor to the top of the screen and to the sides: the taskbar may have simply been moved. The cursor must be moved to the very edge of the screen.

How to make the taskbar no longer disappear? For this you need disable hiding taskbar. To do this, go to the Control Panel (Start - Control Panel) and select "Taskbar and Start Menu". Alternatively, you can right-click on the taskbar and select “Properties”. In the window that opens, uncheck the box next to “Automatically hide the taskbar” and click OK.

If the taskbar disappears when you start Windows XP, this may be due to corruption of user account settings. The “symptoms” of this problem are the taskbar not being displayed when logging in and the inability to open the Start menu using the Ctrl+Escape key combination. Moreover, if you log into Windows in , the taskbar is displayed.

Eat several ways to solve this problem:

  • Start Windows in a “clean” boot mode with a minimum set of drivers - perhaps a driver loaded by a certain program is the reason why the taskbar has disappeared (this problem is usually caused by video adapter drivers). If this is the case, you just need to remove the problematic drivers.
  • Log in as an administrator and create a new user account to replace the damaged one.
  • If the previous methods did not help, perform a system restore. In this case, all damaged Windows files will be replaced with normal ones, and your personal files and installed programs will remain intact.

If your taskbar not only disappears, but your desktop (icons, gadgets, etc.) does not load, this means that The explorer.exe process could not execute. We have already described ways to solve this problem in the article “”, but just in case, we will repeat the main points.

To start launch task manager using the key combination Ctrl+Alt+Delete or Ctrl+Shift+Escape. In the "File" menu, select "New task (Run...)", enter explorer.exe, click OK. The desktop should return to its place along with the taskbar.

After this it is necessary scan the system for viruses, and also check the registry for keys HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\explorer.exe And HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\iexplorer.exe. If these keys are present, remove them.

So, if your taskbar has disappeared, you should be suspicious three main reasons:

  • someone turned on automatic hiding of the taskbar;
  • the user account in Windows XP has been corrupted;
  • The explorer.exe process did not execute, most likely due to a virus.

If “soft” methods of dealing with the problem do not help (creating a new account, removing defective drivers, cleaning the system from viruses), you still should not rush to reinstall the system. Better try to restore the system by rolling back to one of the created ones, then you will not have to reinstall all programs.

In the age of computer progress, almost every apartment already has such a necessary thing as a desktop computer, and many have more than one copy. Every PC owner loves that the software he uses is installed in a way that is convenient for him. But sometimes, an unpleasant situation can happen with the desktop settings: when you boot your computer, you notice that the location of some desktop elements is suddenly not in the place you are accustomed to, or is missing altogether.

Very often this happens with the working panel in programs of the Windows family, and this article will help you figure out how to return it to its place if it suddenly moves to an unnecessary area or disappears completely.

The most efficient way

Switch to the desktop, hover your mouse over the free space in your taskbar, it should be free from various icons, tabs, and other elements located in your panel, then right-click the mouse and in the open list see if you have there is a bird next to the “Lock panel” column; if there is one, then you need to remove the checkbox, then hold down the right mouse button on a clean area of ​​the panel, and with a simple movement move it to the bottom sector of the screen. To prevent the panel from moving around the desktop in the future, check the box next to the “Pin taskbar” item.

Restoring using Panel Properties

You can return the socket to its rightful place thanks to the “properties” menu, the function is located directly in the taskbar itself, to find it you need to go to the desktop, point the arrow at a blank area in your panel, then right-click and click in the proposed menu to the “Properties” element. A menu with various taskbar settings will pop up on your display, find in the window an item called “taskbar position”, click on the left button, and select the position from the bottom. It is worth noting that in this column you can also adjust the position on the top, left or right, depending on your personal preferences. Don’t forget to check the “Fix taskbar” box to prevent further movement of the location of your panel. In addition, the Properties menu allows you to customize various other elements of your panel.

Moving the panel using the Start menu

You can change the position of the panel through the tools of the “Start” button; to do this, click on the “Start” icon with the manipulator, find the search bar in the menu, and type the phrase “taskbar” from the keyboard. The computer should display a list of settings. In the drop-down list, select “taskbar settings”. A menu with work panel settings will pop up on the display, find the “location of the taskbar on the display” column and select the “bottom position” setting.

Using main control

This option requires you to log into the control panel. Click on the start icon, in the drop-down list select the “control panel” item, you can also use the search bar by typing “control panel” on the keyboard, look for the required item and press the left key of the manipulator, in the window that appears, find the “view” properties and put a check mark in the “small icons” item, a large list of settings will open, look for “taskbar settings” in the list that appears, click on it. A menu will open with taskbar settings functions, select the submenu position at the bottom and do not forget to put the “pin the taskbar” checkbox.

What to do if the panel suddenly disappears

There are incidents when, when loading Windows, you suddenly cannot find the taskbar on the desktop, all the icons seem to be there, but the panel is nowhere to be found. Don’t panic, most likely you have the “always hide the taskbar” checkbox activated. Move the manipulator to the sector of the display where the panel was located. When you hover over an area, a panel should appear. You can also use a special button on the keyboard, the key is located between the Ctrl and Alt commands on the right and left sides of the keyboard, and has the windows brand name. When pressed, the panel will appear on the screen, so that it does not disappear again, you need to remove the automatic hiding of the panel, to do this, go to the panel properties and in the submenu that appears and remove the “always hide the taskbar” checkbox.

In case of emergency

If suddenly all the described methods do not bring results and the panel does not want to move to the position you need or it is missing altogether, then loading windows in safety mode can help (when booting the computer, select the “Safe Mode”), run an antivirus and scan the system for infectious programs , system restore can also help, you can find it using the search tool, there is a line in the start panel. Enable system restore and follow the instructions in the recovery wizard.

Imagine the situation. All family members use your computer. You turn on your computer one day and see how the taskbar appears at the top of the screen or even on the side. Most likely, one of your household members moved the taskbar simply because it is more convenient for him. A reasonable question: how to move it back down?

Don't worry, putting the panel back in place is a matter of minutes.

First way

I'll start with the simplest method.

Everything is very simple here. Let's say that the panel is at the top of the screen. Hover the mouse arrow over it and click on the right mouse button so that a menu appears. In the menu, click “Pin the taskbar” so that the checkmark next to this item disappears.

Please note that if there is no checkmark, you do not need to do anything.

So, you have unpinned the taskbar. Now click on it and, without releasing your finger from the mouse button, move the panel to the part of the screen where you want. For example, down. After that, click on the taskbar, right-click in the menu and select “Pin the taskbar” - so that no one can accidentally move it.

This option works in Windows 7, Windows 8 and, according to unverified data, even in Windows 10.

Second way

If for some reason you cannot move the taskbar using the above method, I suggest using the second option.

Right-click on the taskbar again, only now select “Properties”.

A small window will open in front of you. It has a subsection “Position of the taskbar on the screen”. Click on the button, select the desired position, and then click “Apply”.

Yes, don’t forget to check the “Pin the taskbar” checkbox so that you can’t accidentally move it again.

Oct 26 2017

Perhaps you are faced with the problem of how to move the taskbar to the bottom of the screen, to the side or to the top. Let's say you or someone else accidentally moved the toolbar to the left, right, or up.

I and many users are used to having the taskbar at the bottom of the screen, but there are also those who are used to seeing it in other places. This article will help you move your toolbar to the desired location on your desktop.

Returning the taskbar to its original location on the screen

Plan for today's review:

  • Mouse to the rescue
  • Toolbar Options
  • How to access the taskbar
  • Setting up the panel

I suggest watching a video tutorial on the topic of our article.

The mouse is our assistant

First of all, I suggest using the mouse and trying to move the toolbar. This method will work if the toolbar is not docked on the desktop.

Right-click on the free space of the toolbar and see if the checkbox next to pin the taskbar is checked or not.

If the checkbox is checked, you can easily remove it, just click on pin the taskbar once with the left mouse button.

Once the checkbox is removed, find an empty space on the toolbar, press and hold the left mouse button, moving the panel to the desired location on your screen.

This is how you can move the panel.

Changing taskbar settings

Go to the toolbar, right-click on an empty space on the panel and open the taskbar settings with the gear.

We find the option for the location of the toolbar on your screen and select the desired one from four options: left, right, bottom or top.

How to get to the toolbar

The second way to open the panel. Right-click on a free space on the desktop. In the pop-up context menu, go to personalization.

In personalization, open the lower left tab of the taskbar.

Start menu

The third way to open is through the start menu. Go to the start menu -> settings.

In Windows settings we find the second tab - personalization: background, lock screen, colors.

Let's go to the panel and configure it.

The Start menu can be used in other ways. Right-click on the start menu -> settings -> personalization -> toolbar.

Control Panel

Open the control panel icon - change settings and configure the functionality of this computer.

Let's move on to design and personalization - we change the appearance of desktop elements, apply design themes, screen savers, and the taskbar.

Open the toolbar and navigation, or navigation properties - customize the panel, change the list of displayed elements and appearance.

Search in Windows

The fifth method is to use Windows search. Click on the magnifying glass next to the start menu and type the text - taskbar.

Go to the toolbar options.

Execute window

The sixth method is to launch the taskbar through the Run window.

Open it by pressing two buttons on the keyboard, “Win ​​+ R”.

Enter the command without quotes: “control /name Microsoft.TaskbarAndStartMenu” and click OK.

We make our own settings.

Customizing the toolbar

The panel can be customized to suit your needs, there are extensive settings here:

  • Dock the taskbar
  • Automatically hide panel in desktop mode
  • Automatically hide the panel in tablet mode
  • Use small buttons on the panel
  • Show desktop when hovering over "Collapse all windows" button
  • Show logos on panel buttons
  • Location
  • Grouping buttons
  • Notification area
  • Multiple displays
  • Show people's contacts

If you work as a designer or architect and a panel interferes with your work, you can remove it and move the slider to hide the panel.

You can also make the taskbar icons smaller by dragging the slider to use the small toolbar buttons.


Today we learned how to move the taskbar to the bottom of the screen and anywhere on the desktop. We learned six ways to open the toolbar and customized it for yourself.

You may have questions about how to move the taskbar to the bottom of the screen. You can ask about this below in the comments to this article or use the form with me.

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How to get the taskbar back? The most important tool in Windows is the Taskbar. Without it, many Windows functions will simply be impossible. Knowing the keyboard key combinations, you can do without it, but not everyone is capable of this. If the Taskbar is not pinned, then you won’t even notice how it may appear at the top or side of the Desktop. Some people absolutely don’t care where it is, while others are simply infuriated by it. If the monitor screen is large enough, then moving the taskbar in this way is sometimes even convenient, but if it covers some necessary buttons or links, then it is better to return it to its place. This is what we will do now.

Initially, the Taskbar is located at the very bottom of the Desktop. It can be fixed or floating. It all depends on how you set it up. I like the floating panel better. It only appears when I move the mouse cursor to the very bottom of the screen, and the rest of the time it is not visible.

If you have the taskbar at the top, right or left, then check whether it is fixed in a new place. To do this, right-click on an empty space on the Taskbar and in the drop-down menu, uncheck the entry Pin the taskbar.

Now left-click on an empty space in this Panel, and without releasing the button, move the cursor to the very bottom of the desktop. Now you can release the mouse button, and your panel is again in its rightful place.

To ensure that the Taskbar no longer disappears or moves without your knowledge, again right-click on the free space and check the box in the drop-down menu Pin the taskbar.