What to do if Skype does not start. Three effective tips that can help if Skype does not work on xp

Hello, dear Skype users. We welcome new and regular visitors to our educational computer portal. You can often come across one common question on forums and social networks. Many users ask why Skype doesn't work? And what to do if Skype stopped working? The main thing is not to panic. Probably many of you know that the extremely popular Skype program has long overtaken the equally well-known service in terms of the number of users in the world. ICQ.

And how can you not overtake, if in addition to online chat, Skype can be used as a telephone and even a videophone. Unfortunately, after the sale of Skype to the company Microsoft, the program has become partially paid (calls to landlines and mobile phones). But the glitches and problems haven’t decreased much.

However, any program can refuse to work, the main thing is to find out the reason and fix the software problem. Of course, Skype is no exception - everything can be solved here too. If your version of Skype does not work, then do not despair. You are on the right track. This instruction is intended for untrained users and we will try to explain everything in an accessible and understandable language. In our article we will look at the most common and well-known cases of program failures and identify the most common bugs in Skype.

Why Skype doesn't work

Since all software problems are different from each other, it is worth dividing the reasons why Skype does not work into several types. And you yourself will understand what exactly happened to the program. We would like to note that we will not consider problems when the camera or microphone does not work in Skype. Since these two problems require program settings and we would rather write separate articles for them. Here we will talk about software failures. So, first, let's divide the problem into several subtypes:

  • Skype won't launch at all.
  • Skype starts, but a blank window appears.
  • Skype works, but then crashes with an error or

The first two cases are related and most likely your Internet Explorer browser has crashed. The third case stands out, since there may be several reasons for program failures. First, let's look at solving the problem when Skype won't start.

If Skype stops working after updating

Sometimes cleaning the program's service folder helps. This is done as follows.
  1. We leave Skype.
  2. Open the “Run” command (press the Win+R buttons or find the command line through the “Start” menu).
  3. Next, copy and paste the following text into the command line: %LOCALAPPDATA%\Skype\Apps\ or %APPDATA%\Skype(depending on version).
  4. Press Enter. A folder will open in which you need to find the folder with your Skype login (with your Skype user name), from which you need to delete everything. Better yet, move the folder to another location.
  5. Let's launch Skype again.

If you can't log into Skype

This problem appeared after the corporation began developing the program. Microsoft. Starting with version Skype 5.5, the developers introduced the program's binding to the Internet Explorer (IE) browser and the Windows Scripting Engine programming language. The thing is that upon authorization, Skype requires the execution of the ActiveX framework and access to JavaScript scripts that are located in Internet Explorer. Unfortunately, the settings of this browser can be changed, either by the users themselves or, for example, by viruses. An authorization problem appears and Skype does not work when some browser settings are changed. In addition, contacts may not be added to Skype. What to do in this situation?

If Skype does not work on XP or Vista Seven, then for starters, users Windows XP, Windows Vista And Windows 7, we recommend downloading a special fix from Microsoft, which is located on this page - http://support.microsoft.com/kb/949140. Unfortunately, this add-on is not suitable for Windows 8, but we have other solutions that we will talk about now. If this patch does not help, you can try updating the Internet Explorer browser or simply uninstalling IE by downloading the latest version from here. If you don’t want to delete or update, just try resetting your browser settings. To reset Internet Explorer settings, do it as follows:

  1. Close any Internet Explorer and Windows Explorer windows that are currently open.
  2. Open Internet Explorer again.
  3. Click the Tools button (the button looks like a gear, located in the upper left corner of the browser), and then select Internet options.
  4. Go to the Advanced tab and then click the Reset button.
  5. Check the box next to “Remove personal settings” (browsing history, provider search, home pages, tracking protection, and ActiveX Filtering data will be deleted after restarting the computer).
  6. In the Reset Internet Explorer Settings dialog box, click the Reset button.
  7. When Internet Explorer has finished applying the new settings, click the Close button, and then click OK.
  8. Close IE. The changes will take effect the next time you open Internet Explorer.

If after these manipulations Skype still does not work and refuses to start. Or it doesn’t save contacts, then you can do the following trick, which, unfortunately, can be called a crutch, a temporary solution. However, it works and has helped many people get Skype working.

  • Exit Skype (to do this, you just need to find the Skype icon in the tray, right-click on it and select the “Exit” menu item). Next, open the device manager (key combination CTRL+ALT+DEL) and make sure that the skype.exe process is not in the list of running processes. If it's still hanging there, close it.
  • Open the “Program Files” folder. In Windows, this folder is usually located on the C drive. If you have a 64-bit version of the system, the folder will be called “Program Files (x86)”. For those who are interested, .
  • In the “Program Files” folder we find the “Skype” folder, go into it and open another “Phone” folder.
  • Right-click on the executable file skype.exe and select the “Send” menu item, and then select “Desktop (create shortcut)” from the drop-down menu.

  • After this, you need to find the created Skype shortcut on your desktop and right-click on it again. Select and go to “Properties”.
  • In the window that opens, you need to find the “Shortcut” tab.
  • The “Object” field will contain the path to the Skype executable file. At the very end of this path you need to add the parameter after the space “/legacylogin”.
  • Ultimately, you should get the following: "C:\Program Files\Skype\Phone\Skype.exe" /legacylogin- (including quotes). Or the following if you have a 64-bit system: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Skype\Phone\Skype.exe" /legacylogin
  • Next, simply save the shortcut with the “OK” button and launch Skype.

Many people are probably wondering what the /legacylogin parameter does. It's simple, it launches Skype without using Internet Explorer browser components. At the same time, Skype works with the old authorization window. Now let's consider the option when Skype does not work at all, that is, the program authorization window does not even appear.

If Skype refuses to work

Quite often, the Skype program crashes on its own with the message “Skype has stopped working.” It seems to work stably, but periodically closes. You have to open Skype again, which of course is annoying. What can be advised in such situations? Well, first of all, try reinstalling the program by downloading the latest version of the distribution from the developers' website. It won’t take much time, and it may help solve the problem. The main thing is not to download the distribution kit from third-party sites; the version there may not be up to date, and you might inadvertently catch a virus.

But the opposite situation also happens when Skype does not work after the update. This may be due to an unstable version released by the developers. In this case, you need to find an older, or better yet, a previous version of Skype, remove the newly installed one and install a stable program. Skype may be affected by a virus. We recommend. On our page you will find several effective antivirus programs.

If the program was working, and then Skype stopped working (Skype does not open at all), then restoring the system to a specific restore point may help. To use standard Windows recovery, you need to open the “Start” menu, open the “Accessories” folder, select the “System” subdirectory and launch “System Restore”. After startup, you will be offered a restore point to which you can return the system (remember that all changes made to the system after this point, including installed programs, will be lost).

Unfortunately, neither reinstalling Skype to a newer version, nor checking for viruses, nor restoring the system can help if a blue Windows screen appears after starting the program or while it is running. This usually indicates incompatibility of computer or laptop components (microphone, camera) with Skype software. In this case, try reinstalling the drivers for the camera and microphone.

Another common problem is that video on Skype does not work. Often the same drivers are to blame. They are needed. The same thing happens if the sound in Skype does not work. This could also be related to the audio card drivers. Reinstall the driver on the audio card and then reinstall Skype itself. May be needed.

If Skype does not work on Android (on an Android tablet or phone), then you need to delete the application, restart the phone or tablet and install a new version from Google Play. This completes our instructions. We hope it helped. If the problem persists and Skype is still not working. Ask a question in the comments, describing your specific problem, and we will try to solve it together.

Many Internet users use Skype for work. But very often you can encounter situations when Skype does not start or a white field pops up. Many people attribute this to the Skype “bug”. Our article will tell you how to get out of this situation.

Let's say right away that Skype is completely connected to the Internet Explorer browser. That is, it must be installed on your computer. In this case, Internet Explorer settings must be set as required. If Skype does not start for you, then refer to the methods for solving the problem, which will be described below.

First way

If this action does not help, then move on to the second method.

Second way

With this action you will be able to log into Skype. But this is a temporary solution - only for authorization.

Third way

  1. Exit the program completely (read how to do this above).
  2. Open " My computer», drive C, « Program Files", folder Skype and go to the folder " Phone».
  3. Click on Skype and then right click: Send to – desktop (create shortcut). A second shortcut will be created on the desktop.
  4. Click on the created shortcut, and then right-click on " Properties" In the window that appears, in the line “ C:\Program Files\Skype\Phone\Skype.exe", enter the following command separated by a space /legacylogin. After that, click on the button below “ Apply».
  5. Now you can log into Skype by launching the program through the newly created shortcut. Skype will launch in the old window (version of Skype), without requiring Internet Explorer settings.

If the above methods did not help, then download the Skype program from the official website of the program and install it again.

It is actively used by the majority of PC and Internet users, and for many it has become the main method of communication.

Therefore, failures in its operation can lead not only to inconvenience, but also to serious problems, for example, in professional activities.

In order to quickly fix the problem, you need to know why Skype is not working, and in this article we will try to look at the reasons.

Problem options

Depending on the reasons that caused the problem, it may manifest itself in one way or another.

Some such failures only partially prevent the program from being used, while others make it completely unusable.

Most often there are three problems associated with the functioning of this software:

  • The program does not start at all. That is, you launch Skype from a shortcut on the Desktop, but nothing happens. Or a small black window blinks, but immediately disappears and the program does not start, and it is also not displayed in the Task Manager and Processes;
  • The program opens and runs, but all it displays to the user is a blank window. Or it immediately stops responding and freezes for an unlimited time. In this case, the only way to turn it off is to uncheck this task in ;
  • Skype starts fine, but after a few minutes or hours of stable or not very stable operation, it “crashes” without an error message, freezes and/or stops responding to commands. Sometimes the program simply closes, or even this is accompanied by the appearance of a blue screen of death.

Each of the three characteristic errors can be caused by different reasons.

This makes finding the true problem quite difficult.

Although at some points it can still be obvious.


Very often the program stops working stably after the update has been installed.

Most often, this is a sign that it was installed incorrectly, so it must be uninstalled, and the files that installed it must be deleted.

This is done by clearing the program's system folder.

  • Close Skype;
  • Press the Win + R key combination on your keyboard;
  • The Run window will open with a text input field;
  • Type in the input field %LOCALAPPDATA%\Skype\Apps\;
  • If this combination option does not work, then try another one - %APPDATA%\Skype(only one of these combinations will work, and which one depends on the combination of the version of the program itself and the operating system build option, some PC hardware data);

  • Press Enter;
  • A folder will open containing many folders;
  • In it you need to find a folder that has the same name as your Skype login;
  • Open this folder and delete all contents from it;

  • After that, move the folder itself to another location;
  • Close all open folders;
  • Try it start Skype again.

If the problem now no longer occurs, then it was originally related to updates and may occur again if you install them again. In this case, it is recommended to disable the possibility of further automatic program updates.

This method does not always help.

Even if the problem is related to updates, fixing it is not always so easy.

Login problems

In some cases, a specific problem arises - difficulty with authorization in the program.

That is, you cannot log into your account, and therefore, use Skype.

This problem has been observed in all versions of the software, starting from 5.5, from the moment Microsoft took over the development of the program and tied it to the work of Internet Explorer.

And now, when changing some settings or features of the browser, problems began to arise. ActiveX su Real problems with Skype.

When logging in, the program requires access to software components and ActiveX, and specifically those that are built into the browser.

Therefore, certain changes and malfunctions in the operation of this browser may lead to the fact that authorization in Skype will become impossible; a related problem is that it will now be impossible to add new contacts to the program.

To fix the problem, it is recommended to run an antivirus, since it is viruses that most often block the operation of these components in this browser. Perform a deep or full system scan and remove any viruses found. If this does not fix the problem, then proceed to the methods described below.

On Windows XP, 7, Vista

The ways to fix this problem on these operating systems are much simpler.

Microsoft is aware of a specific problem with Skype that occurs more often on these partially outdated operating systems.

To do this, do the following:

  • Close your browser and windows Conductor;
  • Launch the browser whose settings you want to reset again;
  • In the upper left corner of the browser window, click on the gear image;
  • A drop-down menu will open in which you will need to go to the section Browser properties;
  • In the window that opens, find the Advanced tab at the top and expand it;

  • Scroll down the window that opens and find the Reset button;
  • Click on it;
  • In the settings window that opens, find the item Remove personal settings browser and check the box next to this section;
  • A dialog box will appear Reset settings... - click the Reset button;
  • The browser will apply the new settings for some time, then this process will complete and the Close button will appear in the dialog box - click on it;

  • After that, click OK;
  • Close Internet Explorer.

Once you restart your browser, the changes will take effect.

Thus, after this you will be able to launch Skype normally if the problem was indeed related to the Internet settings.

Today we will talk about another technical problem - Skype will not load, which any Skype user may encounter. Why Skype does not start on the computer, for what reason this happens, and what actions can be taken to solve this problem - let's figure it out.

Reasons and solution

  • The main reason that Skype does not launch on Windows XP is that the user installs a version of the program that is not suitable for this operating system. XP is an objectively outdated platform; working with it has its own peculiarities. In addition, the messenger can only be installed on XP SP3; the program no longer works with SP2.
  • If Skype does not load on Windows 10, the reason is most likely that at the same time the program is launched, the operating system is installing updates. By the way, the application itself can be updated, the picture will be the same - .
  • When Skype does not start on Windows 7, it is likely that the user has not installed the current version of the application. Windows 7 users can turn off notifications about the availability of program updates, and therefore are often not aware that a new version has been released. Check for updates and download the package if available. And then try opening the messenger again.

  • Why doesn't Skype start on my computer or laptop yet? Very often this happens simply because there is no Internet connection or the data transfer is insufficient. Check the connection, and if there are problems with it, fix them.
  • Why doesn't Skype start even though there is internet? It happens that. Very often this situation is encountered by users who have an antivirus or Firewall installed - these programs can block Skype. To avoid this, the messenger must be added to the list of allowed programs and applications.
  • Conversely, Skype does not load due to the fact that the computer or laptop has undergone a virus attack. Malware interferes with all processes on the device; to eliminate it, scan your PC with an antivirus.
  • It happens that the messenger does not load the software window due to the fact that a technical glitch occurred on the main Skype server. In this case, you need to wait until the technical support staff fixes the problems - this usually does not take much time. You can check the server status here - https://support.skype.com/en/status/

What should you do if you followed all our advice, checked data transfer, updates, etc., but Skype still won’t load on your laptop or computer? The following instructions will help:

    • Here's what to do if the messenger does not start: completely close the program and end the Skype process in the "Task Manager" (press CTRL+ALT+DELETE simultaneously to open it)

    • Open the command line using the WIN+R key combination and enter the command “%appdata%\skype”

    • Or follow the path on your device C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\skype

  • In the folder that opens, you need to find and delete the file called “shared.xml”, and then restart the application

This method works in most cases.
By the way, before taking any action, if technical problems arise, try restarting your computer or laptop - there are often cases when the problem is easily solved in just such a simple way.

Skype is one of the most popular instant messengers in the world. The program was developed by Microsoft and is distributed free of charge. Despite the large number of bugs and errors associated with the application, millions of people still use it. In this article you will learn all the most common reasons why Skype does not start and how to fix it.

Types of reasons

First of all, let's look at the main types of reasons that may cause problems with the performance of the described messenger. They can be divided into the following categories:

  • Software problem (crazy update, deleted files, software incompatibility, etc.).
  • Hardware problem.

If you just installed Skype on your computer and could not launch it, then first check the compatibility of your gadget according to the official system requirements. If the reason is related to hardware, then you will not be able to solve the launch problem using software changes - try using Skype on a mobile device or another PC.

PC requirements

Although the messenger is not too demanding on hardware, like modern games, for example, it is still recommended to check the system requirements. This may be one of the reasons why Skype does not start. For stable operation of the program you need:

  • Operating system Windows XP or later.
  • Processor with a frequency of 1 GHz or higher.
  • Minimum 512 MB of RAM.
  • DirectX 9.

If your computer meets the system requirements, but the messenger still does not work, then proceed to the following reasons.


First of all, try reinstalling. Sometimes it happens that a program may stop working due to incorrect installation or due to virus infection. This is the most common reason why Skype does not start on a computer.

First you need to remove the old version of the program. To do this, go to the "Control Panel" and go to the "Uninstall programs" section. Next in the list, find Skype and delete it.

To download the new version and install it, you must follow these steps:

  • Go to the official Skype website.
  • On the main page, click the "Download Skype" button.
  • Select the Computer tab and click Download.
  • Wait until the installation file is downloaded.
  • Run the file and follow the instructions that appear.

Now try to launch the program again through “Start” or “Desktop”. Log in to your account and check its functionality.

Rolling back updates

Developers often release new versions of updates that are extremely unstable on PCs. Over time, patches appear that correct all errors. Until a stable version of the messenger is released, you can roll back to the previous one. To do this, you need to find the archive with the previous update and install it on your PC. On software sites you can find almost any Skype update of different years and versions. The main thing is to download the Skype that is compatible with the architecture of your operating system, so that there are no problems with launch and operation.

Another option that can solve the problem is a portable version of the messenger. Portable doesn't need to be installed - you download the exe file and just run it. Next, open the file and log in with your account.

Virus check

If the methods described above did not help you, then be sure to scan your computer for viruses. You can do this using standard Windows Defender if you use eight or ten. To do this, go to “Settings” and click on the “Update and Security” section. Open the Windows Defender tab and then click the Scan Now button.

If you use Windows XP or Vista, you will have to use third-party antivirus software. On the Internet you can find a number of free antiviruses to choose from.

Now let's look at the reasons why Skype does not start, which are associated with individual generations of the Windows operating system.

For Windows XP, Vista and 7

The developers have released a special patch that you can download to your computer. If this option does not help to start the program, then you need to update or uninstall Internet Explorer.

The fact is that in version 5.5, Skype is tied to the IE browser in the Windows XP and 7 operating systems. When launched, the messenger accesses scripts that are located in IE. Since the user can make changes to the browser settings (viruses can also do this), a problem arises in launching and authorizing the messenger. We figured out why Skype won't launch on Windows XP. Now we need to fix this problem.

To resolve the issue, follow these steps:

  • Close all programs and browser.
  • Now restart IE.
  • Using the "Service" button (like a gear in the upper corner of the window) open the menu.
  • Select "Internet Options" from the menu.
  • In properties, go to "Advanced" and click on "Reset".
  • In the menu that opens, select the "Delete personal settings" option.
  • Close your browser and restart. The next time you turn on the browser, the settings will be restored.

Now try launching Skype again and check if it works. If this method does not help, then follow these steps:

  • open "Task Manager" and close the running skype.exe process;
  • go to the system partition of the hard drive and open the Program Files folder;
  • in this directory, find the Skype folder;
  • right-click on the skype.exe file and click “Create a shortcut on the desktop”;
  • now go to the shortcut properties via RMB;
  • go to the “Shortcut” tab;
  • in the “Object” field, add the command /legacylogin to the written line;
  • save the changes and launch the Skype shortcut.

Why doesn't Skype launch on Windows 7?

On the Windows 7 operating system, problems often arise with the performance of Skype after downloading updates. To fix this problem, you need to do the following:

  • Open the Run window via the Start menu or the Win+R key combination.
  • Copy the command %LOCALAPPDATA%\Skype\Apps\ into the line and press Enter.
  • In the folder that opens, find the directory with the name of your login and delete all the files in it.
  • Now launch Skype again.

Why doesn't Skype launch on Windows 10?

The Windows 10 operating system comes with a new version of Skype that runs by default. Many users respond negatively to this experiment, preferring the classic version. Go to the messenger website and click the "Download" button. On the page that opens, you will see a note stating that you already have a new Skype. Scroll down the page and select the “Download” button where it offers to install the classic version of the program.

Web version

If none of the methods described in the article helped, but you urgently need to go to the messenger and start communicating, then use the online version of the service. Log in to your account using your login, email or phone number. After entering the data, click the “Login” button. The only disadvantage of this version is that you will have to keep your browser open all the time. On weak computers, this solution can be a problem.

Bottom line

We have considered all troubleshooting options that are suitable for all operating systems and the main OS separately. If you are unable to resolve the problem, please contact support. You can find the form to fill out on the official Microsoft website. The company's employees will try to sort out this issue as quickly as possible and give you practical advice on launching Skype.