Large font in the cs go console. How to make a normal font in the console

Unhappy with your console? Are you missing out on fragments while trying to make out small, illegible text? Then it's time for you to find out how to increase the font in the CS GO console? Waiting for the developers to do this is not an option; you have to do everything manually and be content with the result.

Disadvantages of Fine Print

The console is our work area, which should be convenient and meet our requirements, but what should we do if the text is small, illegible, and at the moment of rolling, its use threatens to be killed.

The problem has existed for a long time, but Valve has no plans to take any action yet, and users have to put up with it. This problem only exists in the Russian version, which is disappointing. What to do if you have poor eyesight or a low-quality monitor. How to solve a problem?

Why do you need to increase the font?

Who should follow our instructions and make changes first:

  • people with poor vision;
  • someone who frequently works with the console;
  • Write a video for your own channel where you demonstrate how to use the console.

In principle, increasing the console will benefit everyone, because comfort comes first.

How to make a normal font in the console

We will provide you with several ways to enlarge the font, and based on your reasoning, choose the one that is convenient for you.

The changes made will not affect CS GO in any way. It will work just as well as before your intervention.

There are several ways you can make the letters in the console larger. Each of them will require a little intervention in the game. Don't worry, this won't lead to consequences. As a result, we will have a full version.

Switch language

The easiest option is to change the layout. If you know any other language, then you can proceed. For example, English is very simple, many understand it and study it, that is, the basic skills are there.

Using his example, we will show how this is done:

  1. Login to your Steam account;
  2. Open the Library;
  3. Find CS GO, among all others;
  4. Open “Properties” by right-clicking;
  5. Section “Set launch options”;
  6. Insert - language english;
  7. Save.

Instead of English, you can put any other.

Among the available languages ​​there is also Ukrainian, which is very similar to Russian, you will definitely be able to grasp the essence. If you have the necessary knowledge, you can use German or French.

How to change the font and leave the Russian layout

If the first option does not suit you, then there is a way out of the situation, how to leave your native language. But it will take a little longer.

To enlarge the font, first of all, download Notepad++; without this program you will not be able to realize your plans. In any case, you must complete all the steps that we did before, but we will not finish here, but will do additional steps.

After installing the program, go C:\Steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\csgo\resource.

There is a file called csgo_russian, which must be opened using the program that we installed. Everything that is there needs to be copied, so as not to select everything manually, just use the key combination CTRL+A.

Open the following file, . And at the end of the list we paste what we copied. Save.

You can close all open files and csgo_english right-click to view Properties. About the new window, there is a line “Read only”, in front of which you need to check the box for the game to function normally. Save.

You can test the game without worrying about your eyesight.

When launching the console in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, the player may encounter the problem of excessively small font, sometimes making it impossible to instantly notice during a match (script) or enter a specific command. For those who wish increase font size in CS:GO console, there is a special algorithm that allows you to get rid of small font when entering English commands.

First, you need to launch the Steam client prematurely and go to the section Libraries and select Counter-Strike: Global Offensive directly from the list. Then click on the game name and open Properties.

In the window that opens, you need to select an available function "Set launch options..." and, when faced with a warning that these settings are intended only for advanced users, enter in the line -language english . This command is necessary to change the default version of the game to English, since the console in it implies a different, more convenient view.

After this you should call again Properties CS:GO in Library. This time you need to go to the section Local files and select a function "View local files". A folder will open with all the adjacent game files, where we need to sequentially go first to the folder csgo , and then in resource .

You can instantly go to your final destination by entering the following address into the address bar of the explorer:

C:\Steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\csgo\resource

Finding a text document like (.txt) csgo_russian , you need to copy the data and transfer it to a document of the same type csgo_english , placing the information strictly at the end of the file.

The next steps will be to open Properties document csgo_english by right-clicking on the corresponding file and checking the box "Only reading" V Attributes file at the bottom of the window that appears.

As a result, the font size of the English layout in the game console is noticeably larger. Some of the text in Russian (for example, player nicknames) will be printed in small font, but overall the console takes on a more visually friendly appearance.

If a number of files are changed, certain problems may arise, which can be resolved by checking the integrity of the cache through the corresponding function in the section Local files Properties Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.

After updating the game, the actions taken to increase the font may lose their effect. In this case, you need to repeat the simple algorithm and be content with a good sized font.

Many computer games are wonderful in themselves - excellent graphics, a powerful engine, a fascinating plot, and so on. However, this does not mean that you do not have the opportunity to improve such a game even further. Many projects offer opportunities for improvement, and this can be done in a variety of ways. For example, you can install modifications, download various addons and plugins, thereby making the project even more diverse than it was originally. The most popular team-based online shooter of today, CS GO, also has a huge variety of customization methods, among which you can find the one that suits you best. However, the most popular font is one that you can replace yourself with any one that will be available on the Internet. How to change the font in CS GO? This article will help you figure it out.


So, if you want to know how to change the font in CS GO, then you need to start by finding a suitable site where you can find the necessary data. The point is that you can't just take an operating system font and insert it into the game - if everything happened that way, there would be no problems with this issue in principle. But many people are interested in thematic forums about how to change fonts in this game. So the first thing you should do is search for a suitable resource from which you can download the desired font. Most often, there are no problems with this, since such sites immediately provide examples of the most popular fonts with screenshots of how these fonts will look in the game. Having selected the one you need, you will learn how to change the font in CS GO.

Downloading and unpacking

If you find the font you need, then you should definitely somehow get it on your computer. To do this, naturally, you will have to download it - this is the only way you can find out how to change the font in CS GO. Here you need to act carefully, since it is in archives that most viruses are spread via the Internet. Therefore, immediately after downloading, check the archive with your font for malware. If they are not found there, then you can safely unpack the archive and see what files are inside it. It’s unlikely that this will tell you anything, but it’s still nice to look at the results of your work. Moreover, you are one step closer to having a new font in your CS GO console.


When you already have ready-made files for the font you need, you will need to somehow integrate it into the game itself. And here it doesn’t matter what goal you set for yourself - how to increase the font in CS GO, how to make it colored, and so on. You need to find on your computer where exactly the Steam folder is located. There you should navigate to the folder that contains all the games you have installed on that platform. Among them, naturally, there will be CS GO - that’s exactly where you need to go. Inside you need to select the resource folder and then go to “flash”. This is where you will need to place the files that you downloaded. Just note that the folder may vary slightly depending on the bit size of your system. But in most cases, this differs only in that x86 is added to the Program Files folder - otherwise the path to the desired directory remains the same.


During the installation process, it may happen that the system will ask you about the need to replace files that already exist with new ones. You definitely need to answer the question in the affirmative, because if you want the new font to display in your game, you will need to completely replace the old one. Beforehand, you can make a backup copy of those files that you have to replace - if something goes wrong, then it is better for you to restore the original data in order to be able to play at all, and not completely ruin your game client. Only after this can you safely replace all files, enter the game and enjoy your new font.