Locking the computer. Locking the computer - prohibiting access to the system by strangers

Jul 4 2014

If you need to step away from your computer for a while, and you do not want someone to take advantage of your absence to view confidential information stored on it, you should lock your computer.

To lock your computer while you are away, just press the key combination with the Windows icon, which I wrote about earlier. You can view this article using the link above.

Or you can start blocking with the mouse from the shortcut by double-clicking on it. But to do this you need to create this shortcut.

Now I’ll tell you how: Right-click on an empty space on the “Desktop”, select “Create” and then “Shortcut” from the menu.

A window will open, in the field of which enter the line “rundll32.exe user32.dll,LockWorkStation”.

Enter carefully, exactly as it is written here, otherwise the shortcut will not work. After entering, click the “Next” button and give the shortcut a name that you like, for example “Lock”.

Click the “Finish” button and a shortcut will appear on your desktop.

You can spruce it up by choosing an icon for it. Right-click on the shortcut, select the “Properties” menu item, then click “Change Icon.” If a window with icons immediately opens, everything is fine, just select the appropriate one.

If not, click "Browse"

and find the entry “SHELL32.dll”, click “Open”.

An icon window will appear. Click OK, Apply, Ok. The shortcut will be with the icon you selected.

Double-click the shortcut to see if it works. Remember, to unlock you need to enter a password. Make sure you know him.

That's all the simple rules. Of course, there are much more advanced means of protection: encrypted partitions, secret disks, bio-identification, and so on, but you don’t have to keep state secrets, right? At home, a regular password is sufficient. Just don't give it to anyone. Even under torture.

One of the functions of any modern operating system is to ensure the safety of user data. The simplest method used in this case is to protect your account with a password. This approach is convenient when the user works with confidential data or when several people work on the same computer. But, for example, on a gaming machine, constantly having to enter a password can be annoying. We will tell you in this material how to unlock your computer and save yourself from having to constantly enter a password.

Windows screen lock

Most computer users in the world, like most of our readers, use the Windows operating system from Microsoft. There are several ways to lock a computer running this OS. For forced or instant locking, which will work as soon as you leave your workplace, keyboard shortcuts are usually used.

Windows allows you to use two such combinations. The traditional Ctrl + Alt + Del brings up a lock window, in which you must additionally confirm your desire by pressing the enter key. The second combination Win + L works without confirmation and leads to instant closing of the desktop from prying eyes.

Any windows user should know how to unlock a computer keyboard. To do this, use the famous three-finger combination, that is, simultaneously pressing the Ctrl + Alt + Del buttons. Thus, you wake up the monitor from the sleep state, if it was in it, or simply open the password entry window. This protection option is usually used for machines that are part of a domain or workgroup. A simpler locking option, which is usually used in home systems, opens a password entry window immediately after waking up the monitor, without using keyboard shortcuts.

Unlock Windows

Windows, starting with NT systems, uses a division of users into three categories:

  • administrators;
  • regular users;
  • guests.

In order to completely remove the lock from a Windows computer, you must have administrative access to it.

So, if your computer account is included in the “Administrators” group, we can get to work. First, we need to call up the “Run” menu. In order not to bother finding out the version of the windows used, we will use another keyboard shortcut. It works the same in all versions of Windows and performs the same function.

Press the Win + R keys to open the Run command window. In the only data entry field you will need to enter a command to access the extended user data management menu. You can choose any team at your discretion:

  • netplwiz;
  • control userpasswords 2.

The control window that opens contains a list of those registered on your computer. Once you select the one you want, uncheck the box next to “Require username and password.” In the same window, on the “Advanced” tab, you can immediately uncheck the Ctrl + Alt + Del combination, thus canceling its use in the system.

Windows 7 in a domain

The above method is ideal for a computer running on a simple home network or without Internet access at all. Let's take a more complex option with working on a domain network and see what to do in this case and how to unblock the computer. Windows 7, according to Microsoft tradition, uses the registry as a database for system settings.

Let's take advantage of this opportunity and use the already familiar “Run” command. We type regedit in the input field and find ourselves in the holy of holies of Windows - the registry editor. Here we need the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE branch. Following it, we will get to the SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon section. You will need to make changes to the following keys:

  • DefaultUserName;
  • DefaultPassword;
  • DefaultDomainName.

In each, you need to call up the context menu and, using the “Change” item, enter the user name, its password and the domain in which the computer is running. We complete our actions by replacing the value of the AutoAdminLogon parameter from 0 to 1.

Features of Windows 10

In the latest version of windows, the number of settings designed to lock the computer has increased. All the methods described above will work in the “top ten”, because this is nothing more than another beautiful candy wrapper on an old candy called Windows NT. Let's see where else you can find it and how to remove the lock from your computer.

Windows 10 has thoughtfully placed an additional security setting in the “All Settings” - “Accounts” - “Sign-in Options” section. Once you get to this point, when asked when Windows should require you to sign in again, select “Never” from the drop-down menu. This way you will rid your OS of the habit of asking for a password after you've gone out to pour another mug of coffee.

Lock MacOS

Apple's operating system is the second most widely used operating system in the world after Windows. Of course, the percentages showing user coverage for these OSes differ significantly. But that's a completely different story. Let's look at how user protection is organized in MacOS and how to remove the screen lock on a computer running it.

The Apple operating system is UNIX-like. Over the years of development, it has adopted and developed all the best, demonstrating stability and ease of use. Since UNIX initially contained tools for separating user rights into simple and administrative, all this was preserved in MacOS.

All settings here are convenient and collected in one place. To understand how to unlock your computer, just go to the “Protection and Security” section. On the first tab we will find parameters responsible for the safety of user data. Here we can change the password and set the time after which the system will request it after inactivity.

Unblocking in MacOS

You can also cancel the use of a password in the system on the settings tab described in the previous section. The OS will warn us about possible unwanted access to stored information and offer to erase all confidential data. Consenting to such an operation will delete all passwords and other data previously saved or transferred from other devices that were used to surf the Internet.

The result of our actions will be the ability to log into the system without a password. It will not be required when turning on or waking up the monitor after using the screen saver. The need to use it will only be to carry out administrative actions with the computer, for example, to install new software or update an already installed one.

Smart Security

Knowing how to unlock a computer, the user must nevertheless be aware that he is actually opening access to it for anyone. This action can be compared to hanging the keys to your apartment on a nail at the door.

By removing the lock from your computer, you unlimitedly trust your activities to everyone who will use it after you or together with you. A completely reasonable step in this case would be to use alternative information security measures. For example, you can work with an encrypted external drive or password protect folders with important or valuable data.


In our material, we talked about how to unlock a computer running the two most common operating systems in the world. Knowing how to do this and what consequences your actions may entail, we leave the choice to you. Convenience or safety - this is what the available alternative looks like.

Who likes invasion of privacy? Or, say, when they take other people’s things without asking? The questions are rhetorical. This directly applies to computer data, access to which should be limited. Otherwise, what security of confidential information can we talk about?

The solution is simple: just block access to booting the OS or computer. How to do this without wasting effort? We offer ways to block your computer from loading using improvised means, without resorting to third-party programs. The methods are universal in the sense that they do not depend on the operating system and computer configuration.

Warning. You make all changes at your own peril and risk. If you are an inexperienced user, then limit yourself to tip #1.

Method No. 1. Setting a password for logging into an operating system session (using Windows XP as an example)

Advantages: quick setup; the method is optimal for novice users

Flaws: the ability to access data from a session of another OS; password is easy to forget

The protection method is well known, since most users have encountered it. Still, it deserves mention.

Step 1. Select an account

Go to User Account Settings. To do this, open Start - Control Panel - User Accounts.

You can simply click on the account icon in the Start menu.

Select an account and click the "Create Password" button.

All actions must be performed with administrator rights.

Step 2: Create a password

In the window that opens, you need to fill in three fields. Accordingly, enter the password, confirmation password and a phrase or word with a password hint. Tip: The hint should not be too obvious, as this will compromise security. Click the “Create password” button.

Note: For each user, a password to enter the session is assigned separately.

Method No. 2. Setting a BIOS password and modifying it

Advantages: completely blocking the computer from booting (not just the OS)

Flaws: Possibility of resetting by removing/inserting the motherboard battery

The second method can hardly be called convenient. However, its advantage is that it blocks access to the software component of the computer. After initializing the devices, the attacker (figuratively speaking) will not be able to boot from either the hard drive, the flash drive (see method No. 3), or the disk drive. At a minimum, you will have to reset the BIOS settings, and to do this you need to remove the computer cover and remove the battery from the motherboard.

Step 1: Disable boot devices

Through the BIOS, disable the devices from which the computer will boot, including the hard drive and floppy drive. To enter the BIOS, restart your computer and when booting, press F2, Del, or F8 to access settings. Most often, the section with a list of boot devices is called “Boot device priority”, “Boot Sequence”, or the like, depending on the BIOS version). In order, set “Disabled” for each cell.

Step 2. Set a password

We set a password on the BIOS so that no one can change it back.

Setting a password for AWARD BIOS

In the Advanced BIOS Features menu, select the Password Check line.

Then, after pressing the Enter key, in the window that appears, select either Setup or System.

Setting a password for AMI BIOS

To set a password, you must select the Security tab, where Set Supervisor Password and Set User Password are available.

Step 3: Reboot

At the final stage, save the settings (most often the F10 key is responsible for this) and restart the computer (Ctrl + Alt + Delete).

To boot again, you need to restore the BIOS settings. Inconvenient - therefore this method is justified in rare cases. For example, if you leave the computer unattended for a long time and are sure that an “intruder” (who, however, may be hiding a preschool child without “malicious intent”) will not penetrate the system unit.

Method No. 3 Loading from a flash keychain

Advantages: high degree of protection; The size of the flash drive does not matter

Flaws: the method is not for beginners; To work, you must have a special flash drive at hand

This method of data protection does not claim to be original, but it is one of the most original. The “trick” is that without a USB drive in the slot, the computer will not boot. It’s easy to carry a flash keychain with you (in your pocket, or in a bag, or as a keychain) or hide it from prying eyes.

Warning. Follow the procedure carefully, otherwise you may damage your computer. Once again, we warn you that only experienced users can rely on their skills. If you have a vague understanding of what BIOS is, leave booting from a flash drive until better times.

Step 1: Formatting

First, you need to format the flash drive. To do this, right-click in Explorer on the item labeled your USB device and select “Format.”

There is no need to mark any additional options.

Step 2: Copy system files

We need to make hidden files visible through Explorer, since we will be working with them. Open Explorer (Start - My Computer) and in the top menu bar, select Tools - Folder Options.

Go to the View tab. Check the box next to “Show hidden files and folders” and uncheck the box next to “Hide protected system files.”

Open the partition of the disk where Windows is located (most often “C:\”) and copy the system files boot.ini, NTLDR and ntdetect.com to the USB flash drive.

A little clarification: the boot.ini file tells the computer where, on what partition, the operating system is located. NTLDR is the actual operating system loader. ntdetect.com detects the basic devices needed to boot your computer.

Step 3. BIOS settings

Next in the BIOS we must select the flash drive as the boot device. Settings are made in the section described in step No. 1 of method No. 2: “Boot device priority” or “Boot Sequence”. The 1st Boot Device cell must contain a USB device, i.e. a flash drive. There should be nothing in the remaining cells (Disabled). Save the settings and restart your computer.

Note. It is important to ensure that the device is bootable. It should be recognized as a boot device in the BIOS. However, this also depends on the capabilities of the motherboard.

How to restore the bootloader if damaged? Don't despair, this is a matter of five minutes. You will need a disk with the operating system distribution. When booting from disk, select recovery mode (press R when prompted). In the console that opens, you need to type the command “bootcfg/rebuild” (without quotes). Follow the wizard's further instructions.

The Microsoft Windows operating system provides the ability to protect data and restrict access to information contained on the computer. Before each boot, the system requests a password, and a person who does not know it will not be able to use the computer. To set a password, you need to follow several steps.


  • First, come up with a password that you yourself will not forget in the future.

    If necessary, write it down on a piece of paper, but then do not keep your notes in close proximity to the computer, otherwise setting a password will not make any sense.

  • Open Control Panel from the Start menu. In the “User Accounts” category, either select the “Change Account” task or click on the “User Accounts” icon. A new window will open.
  • In the new window, select the “Computer Administrator” account by left-clicking on the corresponding icon. A new window with the question “What do you want to change in your account?” select the “Create a password” task.
  • In the first field “Enter a new password”, enter the password that you will use when logging into the system. In the second field, “Enter your password to confirm,” enter the password you just entered again. Please note that in this case case is taken into account (capital and uppercase letters).
  • The third field is optional. However, if you're not sure you can remember your password quickly, use this field to create a hint. Please note that the prompt will be visible to all users who try to log in.
  • Click on the “Create Password” button. You will be prompted to make your files and folders private. Read the explanation explaining why this is necessary and choose one of the options: either “Yes, make them private” or “No”.
  • This will complete the password creation. The next time you log in, enter your password in the appropriate field and click the “Login” button. If you use a screen saver, you can enhance your computer's security.
  • Call the “Screen” component and on the “Screen saver” tab, set the marker in the “Password protection” field. After this, the password that you use when logging in will also be requested when it is necessary to return the computer to active mode after the splash screen appears.
  • Tip added on March 21, 2011 Tip 2: How to lock a computer If your computer is located in a place where access to it is possible from unwanted people, and the rhythm of your work does not allow you to turn it on and off every time, then you should learn how to lock the computer when leaving work place. Fortunately, it's not difficult at all.


  • Every time you get up from your desk, simply press the combination of the WIN keys on your keyboard (this is the key with the windows symbol drawn on it, which launches the Start menu when pressed) and L. After this, the computer will be locked and access to it will be possible only after entering the user password.
  • If you want the computer to be locked automatically, then open the screen properties, go to the “screen saver” tab and check the “Password protection” checkbox. Now, after some time of inactivity, when the system turns on the screensaver, you can continue working again, again, only after entering the password.
  • How to block a computer - printable version

    The latest versions of the Windows operating system allow several people to use one computer using different accounts, while it is possible to customize the interface, install the necessary programs, and create maximum operating convenience for each individual user. This is a kind of insurance so that someone else does not spoil the results of the work, does not read personal or official information, because... Each personal computer account can be blocked during the owner's absence. This is relevant not only in enterprises where many strangers have physical access to the computer, but also at home.

    Open Edit Accounts in the Control Panel folder. Click on the “Create your account password” button:

    • create a password and enter it twice in the appropriate lines, uppercase and lowercase letters count;
    • add a password hint that will be available to anyone who tries to log in;
    • click “Create password”;
    • To mark folders and files as private data, click “Yes, make them private”, otherwise click “No”.

    An excellent option for limiting a child’s possible actions is the “Parental Control” function. To activate it, go to the Start menu, in the Control Panel folder, select User Accounts and Family Safety, create a new account for your child by clicking on the appropriate button. Open the newly created account and click the “Enable, use current settings” button. The system offers several options for restrictions:

    • time restrictions: you can create a weekly access schedule;
    • access to selected gaming applications;
    • blocking individual programs.

    If there is no special account on the computer for the child, then press the “L” and “Windows” keys at the same time, or use the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl”, “Alt” and “Del”, and then “Lock the computer”. You will be logged out of your account, saving all running processes. To log in and continue working, click on the account icon and enter your password. If in the Start menu you click on the arrow next to the Shutdown button and select Lock, you will also be logged out of the system, but all processes will be terminated.

    To block the button that turns off the computer, in the Toolbox folder, set the view mode to Large Icons and select Power Options. In the left menu, click on “Power button actions”. Set "No action required" in the line "When the power button is pressed", click "Apply". From now on, you can shut down Windows only through the Start menu.

    The proposed options for blocking a computer can be used in combination or separately, depending on the situation.


    Locking your PC

    If you don't want other people to be able to access the Windows PC you're using, this information will be helpful. You can lock your computer in different ways. It is possible to implement several degrees of protection.

    Instructions on how to block a computer

    1. Firstly, the BIOS password and further loading of the system. To install it, you need to go into the BIOS, before that you can update the BIOS. When loading, press your combination to enter (most often the “Delete”, “F2”, “F3” keys) and find the “Security” menu item. Set a boot password (Set User Password) and a BIOS password (Set Supervisor Password). Turn the Password on Boot menu item to Enabled. The disadvantage of this locking method is that the password can be easily reset by short-circuiting the contacts. This can be partially compensated for by a PC case that can be locked.
    2. ATAPI/IDE hard drives have the ability to set a password at the factory. To do this, run the MHDD utility from the Hiren’s Boot CD distribution. If your hard drive model does not provide bypass loopholes, then you can reset such a password only with a specialized software and hardware complex, which is most often impossible.
    3. You can set a password for a Windows user account using the command (from the command line “Start” > “Run” > “cmd”) net user user_name new_password, or “User Accounts” (go to the user and specify the “Change Password” item) . In the future, you can press the “Win” + “L” combination at any time, and the system will go into a locked state (you will see a window for entering your login and password). Don't forget to also change the password for the Administrator account. A common situation is when the password for this account is set to “blank”, and anyone can access the files if they enter this username and press enter.
    4. All these degrees of protection will allow you to rest assured about safety. Here's an additional convenient way to protect against unauthorized access - using a flash drive. It can be used as an addition to all of the above. To do this, prepare a clean flash drive and download the Predator program. It will allow you to lock your PC when you need to go away. It is enough to remove the magic flash drive from the USB connector, and those around you will observe a black screen. The keyboard and mouse are blocked.
    5. To fully protect your computer, I advise you to read the article about the types of antivirus programs here.

    To get started, install Predator and use the menu to set the keys. One copy of them will be stored in an external drive, and the other in a PC. When a flash drive is connected by the Predator resident module, the keys will be compared, and if the key is correct, the system will start working. If for some reason the flash drive suddenly becomes damaged, you can use the backup password, which you must set when installing Predator. Just hold down any key for a while and a window will appear in which you will need to specify a password.

    Thus, there are many ways to protect information on a PC. The main thing is to use them wisely. Well, if you want to recover your password on Windows 7, then here are detailed instructions on how to do it.


    How to lock a computer from a child

    In the modern world, many users are trying to completely or partially protect their children from computers. The developers of the Windows operating system have provided several different options for setting restrictions for children using the standard Parental Controls application. You can also limit children's ability to use the computer using other standard system functions. To set restrictions on computer use, you will need:



    Video: Parental controls!


    Why and how to block a computer. How to protect your work on the computer!

    Why and how to block a computer if you are not working on it or have moved away, it is better to block it. We'll look at how to do this in today's post. There is nothing complicated about this.

    Why do you need to block your computer? Let's look at an example, let's say you are working at a computer, and your children are running around you and maybe crawling =). Then suddenly you urgently need to leave, but you are afraid that your children will press different buttons, which will ultimately lead to disastrous consequences.

    There are many ways to lock your computer. But we will make a simple shortcut on the desktop, which, when you click on it, will block our system.

    That is, we will simplify the task for ourselves and make this function quickly available.

    Hello my dear friends!

    In this small but useful post, we will create a shortcut for automatic computer blocker according to your requirement.

    Let's get to work.

    To do this, on an empty space on the desktop, press the right mouse button, find the “create” item, the “Shortcut” sub-item.

    A window appears in front of us where we must enter this line (command):

    You can enter absolutely any name, the main thing is to remember what it is for. I'll call this file PC lock.

    Click the done button

    You can also lock your computer using hot keys. To do this, press the “windows” key, plus “L”. (WIN+L)

    That's it, we can safely block the computer from children. That's all, as always, I suggest you take a break from the lesson and watch a video about what the windows key is.

    Don't forget to comment and ask questions in the comments.

    Sincerely, Gennady Nikulin.


    Child locking your computer is easy and simple

    Good afternoon friends, today we will talk about the topic: - “Blocking the computer from children.” It happens in life that the computer needs to be locked, i.e. It is necessary to block your PC from children and unwanted employees of your department if you are at a workplace in a company or office. Pets are also a danger to your computer.

    One of my friends’ cats loved to play with computers. He looked intently at the power button, which was blinking, and hit this button with his paw, playing with the computer in this way. By the way, children love to do the same, especially at an early age.

    All this could end very badly for your beloved computer. There are various blockers for these purposes. This does not apply to when the computer is blocked by a virus. This is a completely different conversation.

    I wrote on a similar topic in the article “Antivirus – what is it and how does it work.” True, the talk there was about antiviruses, and not about the viruses themselves. We will talk about viruses in separate articles (For example, in the article “Types of computer viruses”).

    But let's stay on topic and continue the conversation. So, do we need a child lock on our computer? Children from an early age begin to be interested in computers. You turned away a little, and the child was already playing on the computer, and in addition to some kind of bloody game.

    Or another example, you left some important documents on the desktop, your favorite guy came up and accidentally pressed the Backspace button or something similar. And now, your annual report is finished.

    That's why you need a child lock on your computer.

    In many cases, locking is a much more convenient option than simply turning off the computer.

    For these purposes, there are quite simple and reliable programs specifically for child locking, which I am going to present to you. But first, let's lock the PC using a shortcut on the desktop.

    Locking a computer via desktop

    So, to lock the computer, we will create a shortcut on the desktop. To do this, right-click on an empty space on the desktop. Let's enter the context menu, select “Create”, then “Shortcut”.

    A new window will open with an input line. In this line you must enter the following inscription:

    Rundll32.exe user32.dll, LockWorkStation

    Click next, then we have an input line where we need to enter the name of our shortcut. For example, I will call the shortcut “computer blocking”. You can enter any name. Now, to block the PC, we just need to click on this shortcut. You can also use the hotkey combination WIN + L to lock your computer.

    To unlock, we need authorization in the system. If you entered a password into your account, enter it. If you haven’t entered it, you just need to press “Enter” or click on the accounting entry. But, friends, this command is suitable for protection from small children. If the kids are older or we need to block the computer from adults, there are special programs. Let's see which ones.

    Computer child lock program BLOCK

    With this program, the blocking occurs on many components of the computer: the mouse, keyboard, drive, and even the switch button are blocked.

    You can download the program on the manufacturer’s website using the Block link. After unzipping, you need to install this program. After installation, a lock-shaped label appears. When we launch the program we will see the window:

    I think everything is clear to you from these inscriptions. Let me just explain that by blocking and turning off the monitor, we not only block the entire computer, but also turn off the monitor. In this way, you can block access to data not only for children, but also for adults.

    If you block without turning off the screen, you can play a cartoon for your child and block the PC. The child will watch the cartoon and not press where he shouldn’t. As for automatic shutdown, I think you already understand. This is a timer, set according to a schedule.