Beeline home television personal account. "Home Internet" Beeline: login to "Personal Account"

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In modern life, it is no longer possible to imagine life without home Internet. For a long time, this segment of the service market was poorly optimized for the convenience of subscribers. To find out the account status, activate additional options or make payments, users were forced to personally visit the connection office. Now the situation has changed for the better. All you need to do is log in to your Beeline Home Internet Account and manage your tariff without leaving your home. It does not matter which connection method the subscriber chose: router, modem or wired access.

Home Beeline is available for connection in all regions of the Russian Federation. As of 2015, the company PJSC VimpelCom is one of the leaders in this area. The palm continues to be held by Rostelecom, which provides access to the Internet and TV through a home telephone. Beeline currently offers a modem, router and wired connection.

To ensure that the Internet at home can be used with maximum comfort, Beeline offers its subscribers to use the “Personal Account”. This is a kind of assistant that helps you set up a tariff and pay for services online.

Important! The personal account is available to every user after activating the SIM card for a mobile device or modem.

How to log into your personal account

How to log into your Beeline Home Internet account? Everything here is quite trivial and not particularly difficult.


Authorization in your personal account

To manage the Beeline TV service

Home TV Beeline - personal

You need to log into the account associated with connecting to this service. To do this, when logging in, you need to select the correct account orientation. In your Beeline personal account you have access to two accounts:

  • Mobile and all-in-one.
  • Home.

You can register for a mobile plan account if you are a Beeline subscriber. From this account you can manage mobile services and tariffs of this network, as well as pay your bill and track your expenses. You can also contact technical support for help. All this is done so that the user does not have to spend a lot of effort and money to set up the service. At any time convenient for you, you can change the tariff and additional options.

You can register for a home plan account from any number. This account is needed to manage services not related to the mobile network. Such as home TV, home telephone and Internet. To use Beeline TV services and settings from your personal account, you should choose to log in to your home account.

How to log into your Beeline TV personal account

To visit your Beeline personal account specifically for the home TV section, you need to select “login to your home account.” And you can do this on the official Beeline website or from the Beeline mobile application. If you have previously connected home services of this operator, then you will also have access to Beeline Internet and Telephone.

You can use these services without being a subscriber to the Beeline network. You just need to have any phone number and an Internet connection. If you forgot your password, it is also very easy to recover it using your phone number. You can recover your password from the website or mobile application.

Features of your Beeline TV personal account

After connecting to the Beeline home TV service, it becomes possible to manage this from your personal account. These features are useful and require almost no special effort, just access to the Internet, computer or telephone, Beeline home Internet service, phone number for authorization.

From the capabilities of the Beeline TV personal account:

  • Video rental of 3000 films and TV series.
  • Changing tariffs and choosing TV packages.
  • Monitor your account and balances on it.
  • Refill.

If you lose your password, it is not difficult to recover it. This is done very simply - by calling the phone number on the official website or from the mobile application.

Beeline personal account for managing your services. With it you can:

  • change tariff
  • view account history,
  • view traffic statistics,
  • use services on credit (trust payment),
  • connect and disconnect additional services.
  • your account is single if you use

To log into your personal account, use your login and password to access the Internet, it is usually indicated when connecting, in.

Also Beeline personal account available to you from the menu of your set-top box, through it you can:

  • control your account,
  • pay for services using a Beeline express payment card,
  • change channel package,
  • connect and disconnect additional channel packages Entrance to the office

Instructions for Beeline personal account

1. Click on this link Enter your login And password from the internet connection and press the button To come in.

Your login is indicated on the contract form that the installer gives you upon connection. If you have not changed your Internet password, the installer usually sets the password to 0123456789 or 123456789.

2. Are you in Personal Account! You can manage your account status, payments, services, etc. without leaving home. More details later in this section.

3. In the tab Contract information You can find out the current account status, end date of the billing period, tariff cost, etc.

4. For convenience, you can configure receiving notifications about your account status in the form of an SMS message to your mobile phone number, to do this, click on Setting up notifications, enter your mobile phone number and press the button Save. From now on, you will receive SMS reminders about the need to pay for services. Beeline with your personal account number a few days before the end of the billing period in order to always be on-line.

5. Trust payment- this is an opportunity to use home Internet and Beeline digital TV on credit (without overpayment) when it is not possible to pay for services before the end of the billing period. The service is available for activation 3 days before the end of the billing period and within 5 days after, provided that there have been no previous delays in paying the Trust Payment. After activating the service, you need to make payment to your personal account no later than the expiration date of the Trust Payment.

6. Change of tariff plan. In order to change the Beeline Internet tariff, you need to go to the tab Internet, left-click on the link Changing tariff plan, select the tariff plan you need and press the button Change tariff plan. After this, you need to disconnect the connection to the Internet, wait a minute and connect again; if you are using a wi-wi router, you just need to disconnect and reconnect the power of your router.

In order to see the result of these actions, I recommend using a service for measuring Internet connection speed, preferably before and after))

7. Changing login or password- it’s quite simple, for this you need to go to the tab in your Beeline Personal Account Contract information, then select Changing login and password, enter the values ​​you need in the appropriate fields and click the button Change login or Change password.

Note: If you use a WI-FI router, after changing your login or password, you will also need to enter new credentials into the router settings. Or if you are using a VPN connection, you also need to change the settings for Internet access.

8. Voluntary account blocking. Convenient when you go to the country or somewhere else for a long time. This service allows you to save money. You don't have to pay for the Internet if you don't use it. In my opinion this is very reasonable) The service is provided for a period from 1 to 90 days. So, to Temporarily block your account, you will need to go to the tab Internet, Further Service management and click on the link Temporary voluntary blocking of the Internet Beeline.
Read the terms of service carefully, check the box and click the button Further
Read this text and click Enable blocking.

Now you can turn off the computer and go pack your things =)) Upon return, you need to go to your Beeline Personal Account in Saratov and unblock it. (you don't need to connect to the Internet for this)

p.s. Still have questions on this topic?! - ask them in the comments.

The Beeline operator offers a home account service, which is managed through your Personal Account. Tariffs are suitable for all users because they have a wide price range.

How to connect home Internet

It’s quite easy to get unlimited Internet traffic at high speed. You just need to fill out the application form on the website. It indicates the name, region, for example, Yaroslavl or Saratov, exact address and telephone number for contact. After this, the operator calls back to the number you left and clarifies the details. In particular, a convenient date for the master’s visit.

On the appointed day and time, the specialist extends the cable from the nearest Beeline switch to the customer’s apartment, and then to the specified location inside the apartment. All necessary computer parameters are also configured. But that is not all. The user is given a brief briefing and taught how to use the Beeline Personal Account.

After this, the new client needs to log into his personal account and make an advance payment using the contract number given to him by the installation team. After payment, the master activates the service and signs an agreement for communication services. The Internet is connected and ready to go. In the future, you just need to pay it on time.

Benefits of Home Internet

By connecting to home Internet from Beeline, the user has the opportunity to receive absolutely any amount of information at high speed within a month. For Moscow, the cost of the service will be as follows:

But this is not the only advantage. It is also worth connecting your home Internet for the following reasons:

  • connection is free;
  • no additional equipment needs to be purchased;
  • 24/7 technical support;
  • free provision of a Wi-Fi router upon connection;
  • the ability to block the service during absence to save money;
  • many payment methods, including through your Personal Account;
  • favorable package rates for Internet and television.

Personal account and its capabilities

The most convenient way to manage Beeline services, including home Internet and digital TV, is your Personal Account. For those who have recently become subscribers of the company and have not yet had time to evaluate the capabilities of this service, it is necessary to familiarize themselves with it as quickly as possible. Well, when you connect to the Internet, a specialist will help you complete all the necessary procedures.

To log into your account you will need a contract number and password. They are specified in the service agreement. The combination of characters is entered into a special input field. In the future, the password that allows access to your Personal Account can be changed.

What does a personal account provide? Firstly, it provides quick access to all connected services and management of their connection or disconnection. In this case, all the information necessary to make a decision will be available for review.

Secondly, the personal account reflects complete statistics of expenses: funds, call minutes, messages, mobile Internet traffic, funds in the account, etc. In short, a complete report on all the subscriber’s actions.

Thirdly, it is most convenient to pay for the provision of Internet traffic for the next month through your personal account. You can do this in several ways to choose from.

How to pay for Internet and TV in your Personal Account

After logging into your Personal Account, you should first of all inquire about the status of your personal account. If there are not enough funds on it to pay for the next month, then you must deposit the missing funds. Otherwise, the provision of communication services will be stopped. Sometimes this happens unexpectedly and becomes an unpleasant surprise.

There are several ways to deposit funds. You need to choose the one that is most convenient at the moment.

Payment card

It can be purchased at a Beeline store for the amount indicated on the card itself. You can top up your account from it only in full for the entire designated denomination. To do this, select the item in the personal account "Top up balance", and then "Card activation" in the menu that opens. Then follow the link that appears and enter the code indicated on the card. Funds will be credited within 10-15 minutes.

The advantage of this method is the ability to have a reserve of funds and deposit them at any necessary time. The downside is the need for a special purchase of the card and the impossibility of writing off only part of the funds from it.

Bank card

To pay from a bank card, you can use both your Personal Account and Internet banking. In your personal account you select the method of replenishing the balance "From a bank card". The necessary details are entered into the fields of a special form. Payment is made almost instantly.

The advantages of this method are the ability to top up for any amount and at any time. Disadvantages – the card must have the necessary funds.

Electronic money

Having chosen one of the payment methods with electronic money: Webmoney, Yandex.Money or QIWI wallet, you must follow the instructions given. Deposits, as in the case of a bank card, are received almost instantly. Apart from the fact that card details are not required for payment, the advantages and disadvantages of these two methods are the same.

Trust payment

In the case when there is no money in the subscriber’s account, as well as on a bank card or in electronic wallets, you can ask for a loan directly from the Beeline company.

To do this, you need to log into your Personal Account and select as a method of replenishing your balance "Trust payment". But then, within a week, these funds will need to be deposited into your personal account.

Terminals and communication salons

If for some reason access to your personal account is currently impossible, then there is always a way to pay for the Internet differently. In the case of Beeline - through payment terminals or the elephant communication operator.

To deposit money you will need a Beeline subscriber's personal account number. A significant disadvantage of this method is the duration of the payment. Often funds arrive only the next day.