Earn money on your home server. How to start a server for online games and make money from it. Regular single-player multiplayer

I have long wanted to write an article like this because I often play on different servers with donations. For those who don’t know, donation is payment for various game items in games, various kinds of bonuses, gold, game currency, admin modes. If you are reading this article, then most likely you have already played on WOW, CS, Minecraft servers and bought game items.

I am a player myself with many years of experience. For me, it’s easier to buy anything in the game that will speed up leveling in the game or good gear than to waste time farming and knocking out.

A small part of players think about how much game server administrators earn. Most players always reproach the administration of game projects for greed and the desire to earn as much money as possible.

Many players do not like servers with donations, but without them they cannot pay for the maintenance of the server and the support of the game.

You already know roughly how to make money on a game server, but you have no idea how much you can earn and whether it’s worth getting involved. To do this, I will try to talk about gaming earnings and how much money players bring to the administrators of such projects.

Your own game server and earnings on it

In order to earn at least something you need to invest a little. For our server, we will need to rent servers from a hosting company. For almost any of the games WOW, CS, Minecraft, a server for 3,500 rubles per month is suitable. You can rent cheaper from 1500 to 3000. For a beginner server, this is just right, but it’s better to immediately rent a more powerful server, so that you don’t have to transfer everything to a more powerful server when your online presence grows.

A rented server is a powerful computer with a wide Internet channel. Minimum 100 m/bit sec. On such a computer, you download software remotely from your computer. That is, you download a server program for playing WOW, CS or Minecraft.

Users download the client and enter the IP address of your server, connect to it and can play. You will be given an IP address when renting a server. In other words, you rent a powerful computer with the Internet, which you can control from your computer and which is available 24 hours a day. Such servers host websites, including this one you are reading now.

Registration and payment for server rental occurs online from your home. You won't have to go anywhere. Everything is done via the Internet. This is how you start making money on your server. First, we rent a server, then download the server program for the games WOW, CS or Minecraft.

If you do not have skills in program settings, then I recommend buying a paid and customized version of the game server. Search through search engines. There are a lot of advertisements for the sale of customized game servers.

How to make money on Wow server

If you like playing World of Warcraft - WOW and you decide to create and make money on your own server, then I will tell you how and how much money you can earn from this.

For example, I’ll take the game server sirus.su with the game version World of Warcraft 3.3.5a, which is the most popular version. Of course, other versions are no less popular and you can create a server on them, but I will use this version as an example.

The sirus.su server employs a whole team that receives a monthly salary. This project started with one person who created it for fun. Donations from players - donations - have helped and are helping to develop this project, pay for the rental of a dedicated server, pay salaries to the programmer and moderators and, of course, earn the owner a lot of money.

Now on the Internet there are entire projects dedicated to WOW game servers. You can download a ready-made World of Warcraft 3.3.5a server along with the site.

In order for users to find your server, you will definitely need your own website, which will also be located on the game server. If you find it difficult to copy a finished server (program) to a rented server (computer), then you can hire a specialist. Such server programs for WOW can be downloaded completely free of charge, but if you buy them, they will help you set up everything and you will get a better product.

This is the best option when everything will be installed, copied and configured for you for a small fee. As a result, you will receive a working World of Warcraft 3.3.5a server with no one on it. You will have to attract players. To do this, you need to promote your server, order advertising, attract players with promotions and bonuses, and participate in server ratings.

At first glance, this seems difficult and such a variety of actions can be intimidating, but this is not the case. You don’t have to spend all your free time creating a game server and quit your job for it. First, practice. There are a lot of tips and descriptions on the Internet on how to set up servers and attract players.

So I created my own WOW server, how can I make money on it? This is the first question after setting up and installing your game server. Money doesn’t just appear out of thin air; it will be paid to you by players for in-game purchases. Below is a list of what can be sold in the Warcraft game.

Gold, crystals and any other game currency

Clothes, clothes, weapons and armor

Quick start, that is, level 80 right away

Fast upgrading of professions

Increase the player's characteristics by several percent 1, 3, 5 and so on

Berserker – increase damage by 800% (or any percentage)

Sale of game pets, vehicles

Selling hand-drawn items

In order for players to come to you, you need to take care of character transfer (transfer from other servers) and promotions for newcomers.

At first, you will have to regulate the entire game and set the prices yourself. As the online world grows and earnings on the game server increase, you can hire a programmer, moderators, and Game Masters.

To promote, be sure to create a group on Odnoklassniki and VKontakte. Keep feedback with the players and listen to their requests. The players themselves will tell you what they would like to see on the game server, and all you have to do is implement it.

Now I’ll give you the numbers, which are probably the most interesting.

The sirus.su server administrator earns from 10,000 to 50,000 rubles per day, and from 300,000 to 1,500,000 per month. The minimum amount of earnings in the WOW game is three hundred thousand rubles per month, isn’t that enough?

It is worth subtracting from this amount:

Server rental – 3000 rubles

Programmer’s work – 20,000 rubles

Work of 2 moderators and 2 game masters – 20,000 rubles

Total 300,000 – 43,000 = 257,000 rubles for nothing.

Don't believe me? Here is a screenshot of several donations from players, one bonus costs 10 rubles. As you can see in the picture, the player paid 600*10=6000 rubles for virtual services. I specifically watched for half a day how the donation table was changing. During the estimated half day, the players transferred 18,000 rubles. And this happens all the time. People pay more often during holidays, because... 20-30% discounts apply.

I think that with the average salary in Russia being 30,000 rubles, this type of income looks very promising.

To register your game server, you only need a scan of your passport, you don’t need to open an individual entrepreneur or LLC, and you don’t have to pay taxes.

Earning money on the Cs go server

Oh, this counter strike. Many players still play Cs go all the time. Unlike WOW games, in Counter Strike you don’t need to level up and you don’t need to gain levels. I immediately picked up the weapon and started playing.

I was even surprised how you can make money on a CS server? It turns out that you can make money playing counter strike and even make good money.

To start your server, you will need to download the server program, which can be done completely free of charge. It is advisable to create a website or download a ready-made one. Upload it all to a dedicated server and run it.

You can buy money on Counter Strike servers for top weapons and best armor. You can also sell privileged accounts with the ability to choose cards and kick cheaters.

Many players pay money for this monthly. Earnings on a CS game server depend on the number of players. The more interesting you make the game, the more players there will be. People love various competitions with prizes and cash payouts and are willing to invest more money than they can get out.

According to my experience and observation, the average gaming server brings in 40-60 thousand rubles monthly. We are talking about a young and unpromoted server. If you are an experienced player and want to try to make money, then go ahead

Earn money on minecraft server

So I reached my favorite game minecraft. Minecraft is played by many players from all over the world. You can download and install your own server with the game according to your own rules.

They make money in the game Minecraft by selling game items and various privileges. I noticed that many such projects do not live long and do not have their own websites. Often such servers are created by schoolchildren for fun. If you approach it wisely, you can make money on a minecraft game server. The game takes up very little space and is probably the easiest option for creating your own gaming business.

Ready-made sites and servers for Minecraft can be downloaded completely free of charge. If you don’t understand anything about such words as hosting, website, dedicated server, then on the Internet you can easily find specialists who will do everything for you for little money. To attract players, create VKontakte groups and participate in ratings.

You can earn more money on your Minecraft game server than in CS and WOW. Medium projects with low traffic allow you to earn about 100,000 rubles per month.

Your own game server with donation

Let me remind you once again that a donation is a player’s purchase of in-game currency, in-game items, and various privileges. The player pays real money for virtual pleasures.

It’s not difficult to create your own game server for the games WOW, CS or Minecraft; it’s also easy to hire a specialist who will install and configure everything himself. The difficult thing is to turn your project into a unique virtual world that players will like. The abundance of such game servers on the Internet does not make them high quality.

I'll tell you from my own experience. For example, I was looking for a WOW server with drawings to play. Well, I wanted to wear items that are not in the original version. I went and played on one server and there is no balance on it. Mages and priests kill everyone, so it’s not interesting to play. On another game server with donation, the situation is the opposite. Inflated haste (attack speed) makes melee characters too strong. Naturally, no one likes such projects, where, for example, only magicians play.

If you want to make serious money, you need to retain players longer. To do this, hold various events, competitions, prize drawings and lotteries. The server must live, and the administration must listen to the players. Often people come up with good ideas that competitors don't have.

Let me sum it up. If you have forgotten what the article is about, since it turned out to be very long, then I will briefly remind you.

To make money on your game server, you need to rent a dedicated server, install a server program for the game on it, install a website, set it all up and start inviting players. The more you have online, the more money you will earn.

Answers to the most frequently asked questions.

1 . I live in another country (Kazakhstan, Belarus, Ukraine, Germany, USA), can I earn money in this way? Sure you can. You can live anywhere. There are many players all over the world who speak different languages.

2. Can I order all this and have everything installed for me since I don’t understand anything about it? You can find freelancers on the Internet who will set everything up for you for a small fee.

3. Is it necessary to set up an individual entrepreneur, LLC and pay taxes? I think it's your personal responsibility. If you earn 100,000 rubles a month, then I think you should formalize your earnings and pay taxes.

4. Is it worth opening a game server and quitting your main job? It's better to start small. Start the project and devote time to it. As soon as you start earning more than at work, you can leave work for the sake of the server.

5. I am a school student, can I make money on a game server? Why not?

Views: 9538
Added: 04/19/2017

Hello everyone, dear readers of the blog site. My name is Denis Tumilovich and I am the author of the project about how to create a blog and make money on it. So far I’ve been describing topics mainly about creating a blog, but I’ve also heard something about making money. For example, today I decided to please you with a guide to making money. As you probably already guessed, today we will talk about how to make money on a game server - and more specifically on a CS server.

Is it possible to make money playing online games? Without a doubt! I think Yuri Vatsenko should already have an article revealing such opportunities for earning money specifically on online games.
Now let's look at how a server organizer makes money - let's talk about how to make money on a cs server - are you ready?

Where to start to understand how to make money on a game server?
I remember when I worked in a computer club (it was 6-8 years ago) one of the visitors asked me how to make money on the counter - and I answered him then that I only knew the possibility of making money from serious professional players. However, I was wrong.
But somehow I started from afar. Let's get down to business. And the first thing you need, as in any business, is a goal. You must initially know what you want to achieve. More precisely, how many players do you want to see on your server every second? It should be everyone (who wants it) or it should be only selected players, say, only with a CS license - the so-called Steam. What plugins should you have on the server to make it convenient for players? These are the kind of organizational issues you should already imagine at the very initial stage of development. This is called planning.

I will probably never stop repeating the same phrase: “Correct Pre-Planning Prevents Bad Performance” - this is what I tell all clients and employers who ask me “How do you manage to do everything?” But let's not get distracted.

So, where to start... Probably with hosting. More precisely, from renting a game server. The game server - like the website - must be located somewhere on the Internet. For a website, we rent hosting space; in the case of CS servers, we rent the server itself. The prices aren't that bad. But here it is important to choose the server that you like best. So that it doesn’t “lag”, so that it is fast and has no brakes.

It’s not convenient to play with brakes at all, you probably already know this. And of course, so that the server is protected from DDOS attacks. Yes, cs game servers are also susceptible to such attacks and, like websites, they often crash.

Here are some “offices” that offer more or less acceptable things:
serva4ok– My first experience was here. In principle, there are no complaints. It's quite suitable for you to start with.
For Belarusians, I offer the following:
mgi- This is exactly what I decided to host. In principle, I have no regrets. I'm happy with everything, from prices to service.

I won’t describe the registration process on the site - the only thing that needs to be described is the server registration process.

The following screenshot clearly shows the whole process in three steps.
1. Selecting the server type. Well, of course we need a cs 1.6 server.
2. Server registration. Select the number of slots and your personal data, for example, the email to which the notification will be sent.
3. Payment process.

A little educational information: SLOT is a gaming place. or in another way: one SLOT is one player.
It is immediately worth noting that this system only accepts Belarusians. And payment can only be made through the EasyPay system. No webmoney.
But, judging by Liveinternet statistics, which I look at often, most of my readers are Russians. Therefore, just for you, I decided to sketch out a small diagram of how to work with the serva4ok.ru service.

Please note that the price in Russian companies is slightly higher than the price of Belarusian services.
Price of a Belarusian hoster = 30,000 Bel.Rub. ~ 150 Russian Rub.
Price of a Russian hoster = 300 Russian Rubles ~ 60,000 Belarusian Rubles.

When registering a server, as you may have guessed, you need to specify not only the number of slots, but also the type (mod) of the server. They come in several types.
Public is a type (mod) of a server that provides access to everyone who wants to play. Server settings are standard for everyone.
Clanwar is a type (mod) of a server that has specialized settings; such servers are configured specifically for games between teams, for example, in tournaments. Often, the entrance to the server is password protected to prevent unnecessary players from entering.
We will select the Public server type and begin setting it up after payment.

Settings on the game cs server

Now you need to start setting up the server and its configuration. At the very beginning, you should not load the server with unnecessary plugins. The fact is that if a potential player does not have a plugin, he will have to download it. And this is the time. And our “clients” can be so impatient... it’s scary. We do everything to the minimum simply because at the very beginning of our journey, every client, every player is important to us. And at the same time, our task is to make the game as comfortable as possible for our players.
When the server is already somewhat promoted, when the server already has regular clients, regular players - only then can you “load” the server a little with additional plugins and “tricks”. For example, on New Year's Eve, on almost all servers, models of terrorists and counter-terrorists were running around in Santa Claus hats. It was just nice to see it. But at the start, we don’t need this excess. It's clear?
It should be mentioned that if you want to tinker with the settings, you need to do this in the server.cfg and amxx.cfg system files. To avoid creating a big mess of text, you shouldn’t go through all the possible settings and talk about each one, especially since you are unlikely to need them. Just know that this opportunity exists.

Promotion of a gaming cs server

So we set up our server, configured it, now we look and see that the server is empty... Hmm... well, this is not a problem. Of course, you don't have to run around on the map alone. All you need to do is promote your server and invite a few people. You can, of course, constantly tell and ask your friends to play on your server, but we won’t do that.

To promote your server you will need your own website. If you are not good at website building, it doesn’t matter, you can just create a group on some social network. It's absolutely free. And we will need this for further work.
Perhaps in the near future I will write a manual on creating and promoting groups on social networks. And now about promotion.

The fastest way to get visitors to your server is to register it in “Monitoring”.

All you need to get started is to register in these services and pay for paid promotion. What you can get with the help of payment is an increase in your server’s “TOP” rating. The higher the server is in the ranking, the more visitors there are on your server.
Prices range from $5 to $10 per rating upgrade. Of course, over time, the rating of your server falls and you have to raise it again specifically so that the server has constant traffic. Usually 2 rating concepts are enough per month.
At the same time, you can advertise your VKontakte group or your website, which you created specifically to attract your “Clients”. The more visitors you have in the group, the more people will participate in the life of the server. The more people will answer the questions you ask users and in every possible way suggest some new items that could be introduced on your server. Believe me, over time, your players will want to improve your server - there will be people.
Now let's talk about the urgent matter - monetization of your CS server.

How to make money on a cs game server?

So - the most interesting question that you have all been waiting for. You can make money... The question is only for you and your activity.
Question one: What ways of earning money are there on CS servers?
The most common way to monetize a CS server is to sell “Administrator”. What is admin? Roughly speaking, this is just “Status” with certain privileges.

“Admin” status gives you the opportunity to change the maps that users play on, kick and ban all sorts of bad people, such as cheaters. Nobody likes such people, simply because they can’t play normally.

So, the admin panel is not that expensive. I've met cs game servers that sell admin panels for 60-80 rubles per month. BUT I also met servers that sell admin panels for 200 and even 250 rubles per month. You choose the golden mean for yourself. I chose 150 rubles or ~30,000 Belarusian rubles.

The second method I want to tell you about is server monetization through advertising. During the game, users may receive various types of advertising messages. Your task is to understand who can become your advertiser and offer this kind of advertising on the server, having previously familiarized your advertiser with the statistics of server visits. After all, no one will advertise on an empty server - that’s understandable. But this point is only in theory... I saw this method of advertising on servers, but I couldn’t find an advertiser on my own and I don’t even know how much such advertising costs. But nothing.

Question two: how to accept payments while making money on CS gaming servers?
You can specify payment options yourself in messages on the server that are constantly shown to your players. It could be webmoney or Yandex Money, whatever you like, even PayPal. The main thing is to indicate the cost and your contacts (contacts of the main administrator) on the server itself.
Let’s now calculate how much you need to invest and how much you can realistically “raise” from this type of business. In general, how much can you earn on a cs server with what investments?
I give approximate numbers, simply because I simply don’t remember the exact numbers. + I translate the totals into all currencies to make it clearer for everyone.

Month #1:
Server rental = 30,000
Server promotion (VIP) = 400,000
Month #2:
Server rental = 30,000

Income from the sale of “admin panels” = 120,000 (4 admin panels)
Month #3:
Server rental = 30,000
Server promotion (VIP) = 300,000
Income from the sale of “admin panels” = 180,000 (6 admin panels)
Month #4:
Server rental = 30,000
Server promotion (VIP) = 250,000
Income from the sale of “admin panels” = 270,000 (9 admin panels)
Month #5:
Server rental = 30,000

Income from the sale of “admin panels” = 360,000 (12 admin panels)
Month #6:
Server rental = 30,000
Server promotion (VIP) = 200,000
Income from the sale of “admin panels” = 540,000 (18 admin panels)
Month #7:
Server rental = 30,000
Server promotion (VIP) = 200,000
Income from the sale of “admin panels” = 720,000 (24 admin panels)
Expenses: 2,060,000 BLR. ~ 250$ ~ 8000 RUR.
Income: 2,190,000 BLR. ~ 270$ ~ 8550 RUR.

So, based on the above facts, we can conclude that the payback for this business is ~7 months. This is how you can make money on cs servers - your main desire.
Some will ask: “Why is the number of admin panels sold increasing all the time?” It's simple really. A person buys an admin panel for a month and plays constantly on the server. And he sees that the server is constantly developing, that at any given time, be it day or night, there are heaps of players and there is someone to play with, and he extends the admin period for another month, and within a month they simply found a couple more willing ones, and so on...
If a person did not want to renew the admin for some reason, that is his right, new players will come and buy. This is statistics.

We summarize the earnings on the CS server

Of course it's time. Of course, you can’t feed your family for this money, but no one is stopping you from making two, and then four servers.
But I will tell you this - if you are young, ambitious, you have a lot of free time, for example, you are a student, or even better - a schoolboy - you can easily earn money on cs game servers - good pocket money.
By the way, in Belarus we have a minimum salary of ~ 2,000,000 BLR, this income can be earned from the game server after a year of promotion.

And I know a couple of examples where school-age boys earn more than their parents on this and similar types of earnings. Remember - everything is in your hands. There will be times when you will have specific lows - there will definitely be them. The main thing here is not to stop. Stopped - consider everything you did before was done in vain and you need to start over.
It’s a pity, of course, that I didn’t have a step-by-step manual, I was just afraid that many would get confused in the terminology and I wanted to tell everything in a general way.

I hope you're not offended. Believe in your strength and everything will work out for you. Now write in the comments about whether you have had experience in making money like this, maybe you have friends who make money this way? What do you think about this kind of income? Let's discuss.

That's all for me, thank you very much Denis for such a super article, I'm waiting for your comments, gentlemen.

Sincerely, Yuri Vatsenko!

To start making money on a game server, you first need to understand the finest details of this, since the material requires special understanding, it is recommended to read the article from beginning to end. Probably everyone has played various games online, so-called multiplayers like C.S.(Counter Strike) Minecraft, GTA SAMP(GTA San Andreas Multi Player), COD 4(call of duty 4) and many others. If you have not played, then you are recommended to look at what these games are and how people play them before you start making money on your game server. And let's start with the most basic thing - with the types of multiplayer games, we will analyze everything down to the finest details.

Regular single-player multiplayer

As a rule, regular multiplayer was not widely focused on making money by playing with each other. The main line of such games is the sale of copies of discs for single games. Often such multiplayer games have simple modes, at least:

  • Deathmatch— the players entered the game and began to fight among themselves.
  • Team Deathmatch— a team of players fights with another team of players.

These are not all of the modes listed; the developers are also creating some modes for multiplayer players. But let's consider the scale of this type of multiplayer. Due to the ability to create their own modifications for games, third-party developers who are well versed in developing modifications most often develop: new scenarios for game modes, new maps, new models, and thereby arouse interest among players. Therefore, through various modifications, they open their own servers, for example on CS, COD4, Minecraft and GTA. Also, it should be noted “GTA SA” and “GTA VC” - the official developers did not initially include multiplayer for these games. Multiplayer games for GTA were developed by third-party enthusiastic developers, the so-called modding enthusiasts. Thanks to this, the players’ dream comes true, and every day more and more new game servers with different scenarios are launched. It would seem that whatever, we play a little, then we’ll get bored, but this is a misconception, because new modifications from third-party developers are constantly being released, and the player is interested in playing something new. Now let's find out in detail how to make money on this type of multiplayer game.

Usually, those who launch their servers with this type of game attach their own website for the game server, where the traffic of the players of this game goes; usually the players are informed in advance that there is an official website for the game server. The site makes money by displaying advertisements for topics, this is the usual classic way of making money.

The second way is to recruit players to the VKontakte group, you get your subscribers - your own certain audience. Then, when the group gains enormous popularity, you can make money by placing links, posts, and other things. We will talk about making money on our VKontakte group separately, but for now we will list the main areas of making money on game servers of this type.

The third type is the so-called redirect to another server, when the advertiser pays a certain amount for the fact that you will redirect players to his server. This type of income is not particularly popular, but it is also relevant.

The fourth type is donations from players, for example, for the development of a server; players simply donate money to yours, but this type of income may not be profitable at all, since not all players are loyal in this regard.

The fifth way is to open access to the admin panel. In practice, this is how it works: a player orders a service for a certain fee per month, but after payment he can scam other players, usually cheaters, and receive some privileges that are not available to other players.

The sixth method is direct advertising during the game, for example in a chat or somewhere else they inform about some sites and other resources, usually this advertising is thematic - about the same type of game, but with new scenarios. This method is difficult to implement to make money, since thematic advertisers are not easy to find. But you can publish all the services on your official website and that may help.

The seventh method may not be suitable for every game and not included in every modification, but it is in GTA SAMP. This method is taken from online games and is called donation. Donation- this is the purchase of valuable game items that are rare and valuable among players, usually in RPG genres, where the player is drawn into the game for a long time. But this type of earnings is rarely included in this type of game. So, you can make money on a game server in this type in different ways, it all depends on your imagination, it is highly recommended to be able to understand a specific game. It should be noted that if you yourself can develop unique modifications, this can bring huge success, and the players themselves will come to you.

First game server

You can launch the first game server on your computer and test it with your friends, but to do this you need to have a white IP - that is, an external one, so that your friends can see your server. Please discuss this with your Internet provider. Also, you can buy a game server using the following services:

In these lists you can purchase so-called slots. Slot- this is a place for a player, that is, if we order 100 slots, then a maximum of 100 players will be able to play on our server. Also take into account the regions, this is especially important, since from other regions players will have a lower ping, and therefore more lags.

It should be noted that this method of making money on the Internet requires investment and a lot of time. But if it doesn’t suit you or you don’t have the finances for it, then you shouldn’t take it. In addition, there are cases when the server organizer did not think through something, as a result of which he did not receive a decent profit, so before you take it, think it over carefully, test everything well with friends, evaluate your server: will it really be played? there are a lot of players, the main thing is to make everything interesting. So, to develop your game server you will need finance, labor and interesting ideas. Also try to make your server lag less, to do this, experiment with various services and order a server for the region of players you need. Don't forget that you still have to deal with cheating, cheaters are those players who disrupt the game balance by playing unfairly, for example, seeing through walls, turning on bot shooting, which literally hits players en masse in a split second. This shouldn’t happen, keep order on the server, and finally make a game for really smart people.

Special online game

Above we talked about regular multiplayer, but now let's talk about online play. This type of game is specially designed for many players. The initial goal of this development is to immerse the player for many months and years, and accordingly receive income from him. Initially, programmers develop all the features necessary for monetization in the game, so everything is more flexibly tailored to payment systems. Monetization in such games can be quite profitable:

  • 1 way— visitors to the official website and forum;
  • Method 2— recruitment of participants to the VK group;
  • 3 way— Donation, sale of valuable items and introduction of game currency;
  • 4 way— Premium accounts, this introduces total stability into the game;

These are the main methods, and the online game includes both free players and donations (which constantly pour finances into the game). For such an online game to be profitable, it is necessary to generate sufficient interest among players. Usually they make quite long genres in games such as: RGP, Strategies, Action, and Simulators. These games can also be browser-based, they usually feature some kind of turn-based strategy, which captures the attention of office workers. And many are able to consistently pay for premium services in the game, from which developers soon achieve the highest monthly profits.

To make good money on a game server in the future, you need to rent a fairly powerful server with high-speed Internet. In such games, some loss of income is possible. How does this happen? When smart players begin to make money on online games themselves by reselling things to other players. Developers also need to take care that cheating does not occur on their server, otherwise there may be large losses of income. This is the very weak point that many players may not approve of. The game should also be very well protected from account theft and other black hacks. You will constantly have to identify bugs and fix them in the form of a so-called update. This way of earning money is only suitable for professional programmers who will bring the project to release with their own efforts. Here you need to work as a team, and in the future share the income from the project.

Evgeny Smirnov


# Online business

The best solutions for making money

The amount of earnings on servers is limited only by your capital, knowledge and ability to work. But there are options that do not require investment or skills. Details in the article.

Article navigation

  • Earning money on your VPS server
  • How to make money on a server in Minecraft
  • Alternative ways to make money online

The value of traditional stationary work among the modern population is decreasing every day. Many people think about alternative sources of additional or main income. This article is about where you can additionally earn real money. We will discuss one of the options for making a profit through the Internet through servers, and how to organize this business.

Earning money on your VPS server

Becoming the owner of your own server is a very expensive undertaking, but renting space for it is a much more realistic task.

In order to get a place, you need to contact a company that allows you to place your equipment in their data centers. There are many types of hosting that have their own advantages and disadvantages. Virtual VPS servers are especially popular. You can rent on the sites:

  • 1gb.ru;
  • planetahost.ru;
  • ruvds.com ;
  • rusonyx.ru;
  • firstvds.ru;

Hosting on VPS/VDS servers has the following technical advantages:

  • high speed;
  • the ability to set personal settings to improve work;
  • reliable backup – users can easily restore their data if information is lost;
  • trial access – users have the opportunity to test the operation of servers for free.

After organizing the work of the server, the algorithm of actions aimed at making a profit may be different.

The first option is hosting services. That is, you, as the owner, provide space on your own server for a fee to host websites. To popularize your service, you must first create a website that will provide detailed information about tariffs and services.

The second option is clicking on advertising. You can create a clickbot and offer these services to customers. The way this program works is that it imitates the behavior of real website visitors by clicking on advertisements. The target audience of this service is website owners who make money from their monetization. To provide such a service on your server, you must have proxy servers and an address that is constantly changing.

When choosing hosting, you need to focus on companies with a high reputation and experience that provide high-quality 24-hour technical support services. The rule in this matter is that the more expensive the hosting, the wider the range of services provided and the higher their quality.

The third way is passive income on Google servers. You can make a profit on the Google server using mining. Detailed instructions are described in our article at this link.

How to make money on a server in Minecraft

The next popular source of profit is making money on game servers. The relevance of this method is due to the fact that computer games involve a huge number of people; avid gamers are willing to pay money for new sensations. There are many popular computer games; let’s look at the example of the Minecraft server.

Minecraft is a computer game that has remained popular for many years and is played by millions of people. But at the moment, we are not interested in it as a tool for gaming, but as a source of income.

You can actually make good money on Minecraft servers. To do this, you need to create your own server, which will at the same time be a continuation of the Minecraft concept, but at the same time have interesting interpretations. The bottom line is that entry into the game should be free, but the right to have special, useful features and privileges for the game is already a paid service.

In order for gamers to be interested in buying gaming items, the offers must be original and the gameplay must be exciting. It is better to develop several options for admin panels with different packages of offers, and, accordingly, price levels. This way, you will be able to reach a larger segment of players. Gamers will pay money for the right to have useful features that will really help them reach new levels and win.

As a result, you can make great money by renting out a server. Minecraft is one of the gaming projects that support the withdrawal of earnings to Qiwi, Webmoney and other payment systems. Next, money can be transferred from the electronic wallet to a bank card or cashed out at the exchanger bestchange.ru.

So, in order to create a competitive server, you need to choose a suitable platform. To create it, you need special knowledge and skills; if you do not have them, then be prepared to pay a professional developer.

Alternative ways to make money online

Making money by selling the services of your own server is far from the only option for making a profit on the Internet.

A catalog of proven sites for making money is in our section. When choosing a resource that is best suited for you, you need to focus on individual skills and abilities. And how much you can earn on the Internet depends on determination and hard work.

A reasonable question arises: who gets this money? The creators of the game? No, this money goes into the pockets of the server administrators where all these games actually take place. That is, weapons and other paraphernalia are purchased from server administrators for real money. Today in Russia there are a huge number of servers for various online games, but the demand for this business is constantly growing, and by opening your own server for online games today you can earn very good money.

Let's consider the issue of investment in this business. First you need a powerful computer, a server itself. Without going into technical details, I will say that the cost of such a computer varies from one hundred to one hundred and fifty thousand rubles. The second necessary thing is a good channel for accessing the Internet, let’s take, for example, a channel with a capacity of one hundred megabytes per second, such a channel will be enough for the first time. The cost of installing equipment and laying optical fiber will cost approximately fifty to one hundred thousand rubles, depending on the provider. Such a channel cannot be installed everywhere, but in a city with a population of more than a million people, there is one hundred percent of a provider providing such channels. So, the technical equipment of the server will cost approximately one hundred and fifty to two hundred and fifty thousand rubles.

If you want your server to have high traffic and, therefore, generate high income, you should create a “highlight” that distinguishes your server from others. For example, if the game is not made in Russia, you need to translate all missions and quests into Russian. Here you are limited only by your imagination, come up with something for your server that others don’t have, and users will come to play on your server.

Now a little about income. In the first half of the year, all your expenses will be recouped, and the server will begin to generate increasing income, of course, if you do not abandon the server. In Yekaterinburg, for example, there is now a server that brings in about fifty thousand dollars a month. So if you have the financial opportunity to create such a business, then go for it.