Disable the prohibition of data transfer to NKB MTS. Ways to disable the ban on MTS payments

Despite the fact that the era of instant messengers has long arrived, text messages are still afloat. Unfortunately, they are not always used for good, and very often become a real spam tool used to send advertisements. In addition, there are services such as content services that may charge additional fees to mobile operator subscribers. Today we will talk about how you can block such unwanted SMS messages, sending and receiving them.

Banning SMS content from MTS

Additional content from MTS is all those information services that offer the distribution of information that is interesting to subscribers. So, for example, today users can connect to mailing lists of interesting games and applications, sports and financial news, jokes and anecdotes, melodies and videos. All this, of course, may be of interest to a certain audience of modern subscribers, but when they remember or learn that such content services are offered for a fee, questions about their necessity immediately disappear.

Unfortunately, it is very easy to connect such services, and you can do it accidentally. This is why the ban on sending outgoing SMS to MTS short numbers is so relevant for clients of this operator.

In MTS, the ban on sending outgoing SMS to short numbers is activated using a USSD combination *984# , in your personal account on the operator’s website or in the application for smartphones and tablets “My MTS”. MTS subscribers can view current information about connected subscriptions and their costs using the USSD command *152# .

After this you can make a call to the number 0890 and disable those subscriptions that you do not need, or that you did not connect/connected by accident.

Returning to the use of additional content services is very simple - you need to re-enable them through the content offerings website moicontent.mts.ru .

Video instruction

Prohibition of receiving information messages

In addition to the content of services, attention should also be paid to advertising information messages, which often come from MTS and are more than intrusive. It is precisely because of such abundant spam that many subscribers do not notice important messages or messages about connecting content subscriptions - after all, the operator’s clients simply stop paying attention to advertising information that they do not need.

Fortunately, MTS specialists still have a conscience, which is why they are implementing an additional and completely free service, thanks to the connection of which you can completely prohibit the reception of information messages (both text and multimedia).

How to enable SMS ban on MTS

  • In the personal account system “My MTS”;
  • Using USSD request *111*374# .

However, it is possible that in the future you will again need to receive information messages, or you will not be satisfied with the condition under which the ability to receive messages sent from the operator’s website is limited. Fortunately, it is also possible to remove the ban on SMS from MTS.

All actions to connect and disconnect the SMS ban service are offered to subscribers completely free of charge.

You can remove the ban on MTS payments if you disable the blocking of content mailings. Read further in the article about what a ban on third-party messages from paid numbers is, what it can mean, as well as why and who may need to disable or activate the blocking service.

What is Content Ban on MTS, and why is it needed?

The option charges a daily fee of 1 ruble. Its connection is free of charge. The option applies to the territory of the Russian Federation and neighboring countries, within national and international roaming. The service will continue to work in countries such as Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, etc., however, its provision is not guaranteed for non-CIS countries.

Important! The user can independently disable the ban on subscriptions, but there are no short commands for this action, so this operation is not possible directly from a mobile phone.

In the same way as for connecting an option, you need to use additional tools:

  • contact the MTS office or showroom;
  • use the service for connecting and disconnecting services in the “Personal Account” on the company’s official website;
  • use the help of a virtual manager on the site;
  • send an application to connect or disconnect the service in free form - by fax to number 84957660058, or by email [email protected].

By canceling the service, the user avoids additional expenses for its implementation, but at the same time risks becoming a victim of fraud. As an alternative to this service, you can use the user’s “Personal Account”, which displays all subscriptions. They can be managed directly from your account by disabling all unnecessary mailings, but this does not protect the subscriber from messages from third-party providers.

You may or may not agree with me, but I personally consider the “Ban MTS Content” option one of the most beautiful and useful inventions of mankind. Why? It's simple.

I don’t know about you, but at one time I was literally tormented by additional services imposed by MTS (a good operator in general). Some mailings were constantly coming with an invitation to connect, try, and have a look. What was annoying was not just the intrusiveness, but the fact that the vast majority of them were paid. And many such things were launched and activated, as it seemed, on their own. Without my participation.

What remains to be done in this case? Either resign yourself, swearing to yourself, or try to limit such operator activity. And this is where a service like this comes to our aid: MTS content ban

MTS content ban: what is it?

The option “Banning MTS Content” is precisely designed to completely restrict you, as a client of MTS, from accessing widespread and popular paid infotainment services. Which, unfortunately, can be dangerous for your financial account, or contain prohibited content.

Its main advantage is that by activating the content blocking service, you, as an MTS subscriber, will no longer be able to send SMS messages or make calls to short paid numbers.

This alone can sometimes significantly save money on your account. But this is also convenient in the case when your SIM card is used by a child, for whom various entertainment portals may contain 18+ information that is inappropriate for children.

Note! The ban on sending messages to a short number will not affect the usual sending of SMS and MMS to other users of the mobile network. That is, you will still be able to communicate with the outside world via text messages.

Also, the ban will not affect the operation of internal services of MTS, which ensure uninterrupted operation of the network and troubleshooting various problems with your phone. The restrictions also will not affect services for changing the settings of a subscriber’s personal account of the MTS operator, which are managed by sending requests or calling MTS short service numbers.

Simply put, you will still be able to send messages to MTS short numbers to activate the phone option or tariff plan you need.

Why and who needs the MTS Content Ban service?

In short: the content ban service helps you save your money.

Since 99% of entertainment content is paid, access to infotainment services can primarily negatively affect yours wallet as an MTS subscriber, when using the services of entertainment portals, money can be withdrawn from your account, sometimes quite a lot.

In case of children It is especially important to protect not only the account balance from unexpected expenses, but also to protect children from 18+ content.

At first glance, various additional services are safe for adults, but this is only at first glance.

Practice shows that quite often there are cases of financial fraud in which even an adult can completely accidentally transfer significant amounts of money to other people’s accounts.

Moreover, in essence, everything will be legal, you will simply pay for various services that you do not need at all. Therefore, unfortunately, even contacting the company’s service center or the police will not help you get your money back in this case.

For example, this is a common method of deception on the Internet: you are trying to download something on some site, and the site’s system requests a verification code in order to supposedly receive confirmation that you are a live user and not a robot.

To receive a verification code, you are offered to send an SMS from your number to a short number, and the emphasis is always on the fact that the SMS is free. But after sending an SMS to the specified number, a considerable amount is withdrawn from your account in favor of the scammers, but the file, if it is possible to download it, often turns out to be useless or empty.

MTS can protect you from this type of fraud when you activate the Content Ban service.

Another reason why it may be convenient for you to ban MTS paid content is preventing unwanted paid subscriptions. Often, sending only one SMS to a specific short number signifies a subscription to certain services of an entertainment portal. Such a subscription can very quickly automatically reset your account. Such subscriptions, in fact, are also a kind of fraud. And there’s nothing you can do about it - it’s like you activated them yourself. And no user will be able to return money for such subscriptions.

It is to prevent such situations that MTS will use the Content Ban. In other words, you have the additional function of protecting your money - this is what banning content on MTS means.

How to activate the MTS Content Ban service?

Let's now figure out how to enable MTS content ban.

Management of the MTS Content Ban service is possible only by the subscriber himself!

That is, there are no options for sending text requests to enable or disable Content Ban. This is a kind of protection of user data from intruders. Therefore, in order to activate the MTS content ban service, you need to:

— Personally contact the MTS office, where company employees will activate a service in a matter of minutes that will block access to third-party resources.

— If for some reason you don’t have the opportunity to come into the office, then you can try by calling 0890 . The operator, after identifying you by answering key questions, will easily activate any services on your number.

The MTS Content Ban service does not apply to MTS service numbers, so there will be no problems with the operation of the profile and settings in the MTS Personal Account!

Well, now that we’ve sorted out the question of how to enable MTS content ban, let’s see how to return everything to its original state.

How to disable the Content Ban service on MTS?

Sometimes the MTS Content Ban service needs to be disabled in order to open access to necessary functions - for example, paying bonus accounts on social networks, or confirming an order on some online store website.

The same applies to cases of confirming operations that you launch on various services yourself (having carefully studied the site data in advance and decided how much you need it). So how to remove the content ban on MTS? Any of these three ways:

  • To disable MTS Content Ban, you will need to contact the operator at 0890 to unblock Internet content.
  • You can also disable the MTS content ban using the Internet Assistant on the MTS website.
  • And, of course, you can pay a visit to the nearest MTS office, where consultants can easily disable this service for you at your request.

Yes, here's another thing. When a user switches to the “Corporate” tariff plan, the Content Ban service should be disabled automatically!

Well, that’s it, now you know how to disable the content ban on MTS. Let's move on to money then.

How much does the content ban service on MTS cost?

Not at all. Banning MTS Content is a completely free service from MTS, which will significantly save money on your account. Turn on and enjoy the silence! Or, if you want, turn it off again and “return to the world.” Everything is free!

The media intensively disseminate advertising information with the imposition of paid subscriptions. This is the so-called content. A person unknowingly presses OK in response to a pop-up text message on the phone display and a certain amount is debited from his account every day for subscribing to music files, weather forecasts, horoscopes, dating, jokes and much more. To prevent this from happening regularly, mobile subscribers set a ban on content both with the help of the operator and independently through their personal account.

Personal account and its capabilities

The mobile operator provides customers with the opportunity to create and manage services using it. Through it, it is possible to perform various communications connection operations. As a result of the ban, sending text messages and dialing to short numbers that distribute paid subscriptions of various contents is limited. This restriction does not apply to internal services of the mobile operator. Also, using your personal account, you can connect and easily from MTS or any other.

Ways to disable content bans

If a subscriber decides that expensive subscriptions are important to him, he thinks about how to disable content ban on MTS. It should be noted that this can be done for free using several methods.

First option how to disable the content ban service on MTS– make a call to the service support number 8 800 250 8 250 or 0890. Calls to these numbers from landlines and mobile phones are not charged in all regions of Russia. By contacting the operator, you will tell him the essence of the issue, and he will deactivate the service. You can also remove the restriction by visiting the support center. The service specialist will fulfill your request.

The second option provides a way to disable the content ban on MTS yourself. This is done by executing the USSD command *985#. It is also possible in your personal account by selecting the desired function.

In addition, you can perform the following actions on your smartphone: find it through a search engine and download the “My MTS” application, open it. Under the request for permission to send notifications to your number, which may contain reminders, sounds, badge stickers, etc., click “Allow.” This will be enough for advertising and information texts to appear in your field of vision again.

When you switch to a corporate tariff plan, the ban will be lifted automatically. You yourself will then decide how and which of them to react to, positively or vice versa.

The “Content Ban” function from MTS is a convenient and sometimes extremely necessary solution to the problem of intrusive services. The fact is that mobile operators sometimes go overboard with the desire to “do well for the client and make it even better for themselves.”

Among the thousands of paid services, there are also those that you personally do not need at all, and you may not know about their existence at all or have a very vague idea. And yet, they exist and are slowly draining you of your hard-earned money. In addition, there are various kinds of scammers who, hiding behind the user’s inattention, can hook him up with some service, often of dubious content, and, in a short time, siphon off all the available money from the number. These situations are unpleasant and, what can we say, they hit your wallet and pride. Fortunately, there is a feature that allows you to quickly neutralize potential threats.

Content ban – what is it?

After activating this option, your mobile number will no longer be able to send text messages or make outgoing calls to paid numbers for entertainment or information purposes.

Who needs it?

How to activate the “Content Ban” service?

There are two ways:

  1. Call the MTS Contact Center at 0890 and talk to them in person. The lines are often busy, so be prepared to wait immediately.
  2. If for some reason you are not satisfied with a telephone call, you can drive up to any nearest office of the company and activate the required service in a couple of minutes. Don't forget to bring photo identification with you!

How to disable the option?

By calling the number 0890 or using To do this, from the official website you need to go to your Personal Account and there, follow the simple prompts, deactivate the “Content Ban”.

This option is absolutely free and, very importantly, does not apply to short numbers of internal services - all of them will continue to function as before. Unfortunately, the service does not work on corporate numbers.

Banning content from MTS is a convenient and simple solution to intrusive paid services!